区块链中的nft nfd 区块链

『壹』 元宇宙是什么,开发元宇宙需要储备什么技术


『贰』 元宇宙概念币是什么意思

元宇宙的世界有自己独立的身份和经济系统,在元宇宙的世界要有自己独立的适合元宇宙的货币,而这些东西都只能基于区块链技术去解决。AXS币就是元宇宙概念龙头币。AXS币(Axie Infinity)相对于Axie Infinity宇宙而言相对较新-于2020年11月发布。AXS持有者将能够使用代币进行抵押和投票和玩游戏。这些奖励来自社区财宝,其中包括游戏内购买的物品。

The Sandbox是一个虚拟游戏世界,通过基于以太坊的功能型代币SAND,玩家可以创建和拥有不同的游戏体验,并从中获得收益。游戏玩家可以通过The Sandbox Game Maker,来创建数字资产(非同质化代币,也称NFT),将其上传到商店,并通过简单的拖拉方式来创建游戏体验。The Sandbox已经与包括ATARI,Crypto Kitties加密猫,Shaun the Sheep等50多个合作伙伴建立了合作关系,来建立由玩家创作和拥有的“边玩边赚”的创意游戏平台。 The Sandbox旨在通过区块链技术所带来的真正的所有权、数字稀缺性、盈利能力和互操作性的优势,来吸引更多的加密和非加密游戏爱好者,将区块链带入主流游戏世界。
《My Neighbor Alice》是一款多人合作的农场游戏。玩家在游戏中建造自己的虚拟土地,与邻居互动,进行刺激的日常活动,并获得奖励。任何人都可以通过购买一块土地加入这个世界,并参与各种活动,如种植、钓鱼、捉虫和养蜂。活动、共享任务和比赛带来宝贵的奖励,提升玩家在游戏中的地位。受《动物森友会》(Animal Crossing)等成功游戏的启发,该游戏为想要享受游戏体验的普通玩家提供了有趣的情节,也为想要收集和交易非同质化代币(NFT)的玩家提供生态系统。
TLM是Alien Worlds项目代币,Alien Worlds是NFT DeFi的元宇宙,可以模拟玩家之间的经济竞争与合作。 通过激励玩家获取Trilium(TLM),用户可以控制自治组织(Planet DAO)并获得更多游戏玩法。
在Alien Worlds 的宇宙中,玩家可以获取NFT(数字游戏物品)来挖掘TLM,进行战斗并完成游戏中的任务。 根据他们的策略,玩家可以购买和组装最适合其游戏玩法的NFT。 此外,玩家可以通过选举六个Planet DAO的委员来参与管理,从而影响游戏的方向。
SLP(Small Love Potion)是一种可以在以太坊区块链上使用的ERC-20代币。Axie Infinity是一款在以太坊区块链上运行的游戏(dapp),用户可以在这里收集、饲养、繁殖和战斗名为axies的虚拟生物。Axies和现实生活中的宠物非常相似,每一个都有自己独特的特征和外表。

『叁』 元宇宙概念是谁提出来的



『肆』 周杰伦也入局元宇宙,40分钟1万张NFT被卖空,背后有何风险




『伍』 什么是“元宇宙”,“元宇宙”真的是个骗局吗


“元宇宙”是非常热门的话题,许多商业巨头纷纷加入相关的领域,纷纷开始加入 “元宇宙”的行业。这么一个看似虚幻的世界,只要假以时日,相信在不久的将来会实现“元宇宙”场景出现。





『陆』 元宇宙产权交易平台是什么

元宇宙产权交易平台的名字是open sky,是2021年刚刚成立的一家公司,以元宇宙概念为基础而诞生,注册地在中国香港。全名叫做香港元宇宙产权交易平台,有着极其先进的区块链开发技术。
作为一家刚刚成立的公司,open sky已经与海内外的几十家优秀的元宇宙相关产业达成意向合作。同时open sky还创新了三票互通机制,也就是SR,PR以及ER,结合了区块链证券资产化以及传统金融资产证券化,这一切的基础是其强大的区块链技术优势。

『柒』 元宇宙和区块链有什么关系

8、分析到最后,国内最符合元宇宙特质的公司是腾讯。之所以会说腾讯,主要是以为腾讯涵盖了社交、游戏、娱乐等诸多与元宇宙相关的产业。 尽管元宇宙的应用的确与娱乐、游戏、社交等行业有着很大的联系,但是,如果仅仅只是将这个原因看成是互联网巨头们投身到元宇宙的洪流里的根本原因,并且以此来断定谁才是真正意义上的元宇宙公司的话,未免有些太过简单和武断了。
9、我认为,之所以会腾讯会对元宇宙如此热衷。其中一个很重要的原因在于,元宇宙真正让腾讯看到了实现全真互联网的方式和方法。 全真互联网是早年马化腾提出的一个概念。之所以会提出这样一个概念,主要是因为以线上平台为主打的经典意义上的互联网模式走到了尽头,而阿里巴巴提出的则是产业互联网的概念,由此来呼应新零售、新制造、新金融、新物流等产业新模式。
10、无论是全真互联网,还是产业互联网,其实它们的内在逻辑是相通的,即,他们都是要打破传统互联网模式的局限,实现的是虚拟与实体的有机融合,从而让互联网行业更好地反哺实体经济,从而实现虚拟经济与实体经济的良性发展。 尽管全真互联网和产业互联网的概念提出已久,但是,迟迟无法取得突破。我认为,之所以无法取得突破,其中一个很重要的原因在于,技术的发展并未真正发展到能够落地和实践的阶段,最终所导致的结果便是全真互联网和产业互联网的无法深度破局。

『捌』 爆款NFT游戏Axie,以太坊区块链的元宇宙探索,为何深受大众的喜爱

据最新消息报道,爆款NFT游戏Axie,深受大家的喜爱。它是一种以太坊区块链的元宇宙探索,所以大家会非常的愿意去探索它,当然类似的模式也有很多,但是像这样受欢迎的却并不多,那么为何他会如此深受大众的喜爱呢?其实之所以有这样的结果,主要还是因为他可以让玩家获得一定的收入,所以他们愿意去探索,也愿意去体验。通过游戏赚钱,对于大多数游戏爱好者来说,这都是一个梦想,现如今这个梦想能够实现, 那么自然大家会非常乐意去追求他。也就给他带来了很大的市场,当然要长久保持下去也是需要一定难度的,那么到底有什么困难呢?下面我们一起来简单了解一下。


『玖』 NFT到底是什么为什么NFT的价值如此高

NFT的全称是Non-Fungible Tokens,中文常翻译为“不可同质化代币/不可替代代币”。NFT因为其具有唯一性,同时也是互联网作品的身份证所以造成了其价值很高。简单来说 NFT是区块链的一个条目,而区块链是类似于比特币等加密货币的去中心化数字账本技术。 你拥有了这个NFT,别人可以使用,但是它永远属于你。NFT提供了一种标记原生数字资产所有权的方法。众所周知,在互联网世界中,因为数字化产品很容易被拷贝、传播,这样当然是有好处的,也是互联网分享的基础,但是也会面临一个 版权无法解决的问题。就比如你设计了一个电子图像,别人可以很容易的将其复制、传播,到最后可能你自己都没有办法证明这个东西是属于你的,而NFT的出现,正好解决了这个问题,下面就以个人观点来说一说NFT到底是什么?为什么会有这么高的价值:




『拾』 元宇宙和区块链有什么联系







『一』What is the metaverse and what technologies are needed to develop the metaverse

The metaverse
is the unchanged original universe and the original gaseous element form in the space

『二』What does the Metaverse Concept Coin mean?

The world of the Metaverse has its own independent identity and economic system. In the world of the Metaverse, there must be its own independent currency suitable for the Metaverse. currency, and these things can only be solved based on blockchain technology. AXS coin is the conceptual leading coin of the Metaverse. AXS Coin (Axie Infinity) is relatively new to the Axie Infinity universe - released in November 2020. AXS holders will be able to use the tokens to stake and vote and play games. These rewards come from community treasure, which includes in-game purchases.

Metaverse Virtual Currency
Decentraland is a virtual world platform based on blockchain, aiming to earn an intermediate platform for decentralized open source project solution platform providers The issue of profit, so as to achieve a low-price payment model between content creators and game players; the project uses blockchain technology to acquire and transfer virtual property rights, and allows users to permanently hold these virtual property rights and even operate them. Get profits for your own content creation; there are no intermediary fees, which is the biggest feature of Decentraland.
The Sandbox is a virtual game world. Through SAND, a functional token based on Ethereum, players can create and own different game experiences and earn profits from them. Gamers can use The Sandbox Game Maker to create digital assets (non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs), upload them to the store, and create gaming experiences with a simple drag and drop method. The Sandbox has established partnerships with more than 50 partners, including ATARI, Crypto Kitties, Shaun the Sheep, etc., to build a "play and earn" creative gaming platform created and owned by players. The Sandbox aims to bring blockchain into the mainstream by attracting more crypto and non-crypto gaming enthusiasts through the benefits of true ownership, digital scarcity, profitability and interoperability that blockchain technology brings. game world.
The Illuvium (ILV coin) exchange is an online market managed by IlluviumDAO for players to buy and sell all in-game NFTs. The main component of IlluvIDEX is the trading of Illuvials, but all NFTs found in the game can be traded there. Illuvium is a decentralized NFT collection and automatic battle game built on the Ethereum network, and a second-layer solution for ultra-large-scale Immutable-Xcase integration. Illuvium offers players and investors a very unique opportunity to collect, trade, battle and acquire rare and valuable assets. Illuvium’s marketing strategy is a dual-stream approach, covering the two main audience segments that make up our mixed target market of crypto gamers: Defi and Mainstream.
"My Neighbor Alice" is a multiplayer cooperative farming game. Players build their own virtual land in the game, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities, and receive rewards. Anyone can join this world by purchasing a piece of land and participate in various activities such as planting, fishing, catching bugs, and beekeeping. Events, shared missions, and competitions bring valuable rewards and increase players' status in the game. Inspired by successful games such as Animal Crossing, the game offers an interesting plot for ordinary players who want to enjoy the gaming experience, as well as for those who want to collect and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Players provide the ecosystem.
TLM is the Alien Worlds project token. Alien Worlds is the metaverse of NFT DeFi, which can simulate economic competition and cooperation between players. By incentivizing players to acquire Trilium (TLM), users can control autonomous organizations (Planet DAOs) and gain access to more gameplay.
In the universe of Alien Worlds, players can obtain NFTs (digital game items) to mine TLM, fight and complete in-game tasks. Depending on their strategy, players can purchase and assemble NFTs that best suit their gameplay. In addition, players can participate in management by electing six Planet DAO committee members to influence the direction of the game.
SLP (Small Love Potion) is an ERC-20 token that can be used on the Ethereum blockchain. Axie Infinity is a game (dapp) running on the Ethereum blockchain where users can collect, raise, breed and battle virtual creatures called axies. Axies are very similar to real-life pets, each with their own unique characteristics and appearance.
Starlink is a 100% community-owned decentralized virtual space metaverse + nft project on the Ethereum chain. Starl is the only governance token of the Starchain Metaverse ecosystem. Virtual space games, NFT auctions, trading virtual satellites and spacecrafts, purchasing satellite land, trading daily necessities in space, and exploring the entire universe through social interaction. Explore the future and set sail now.
GHST was launched as a DAICO (DAO-Governed Token Sale), which means that the funds raised are managed by the community. GHST is described as DeFi-enabled cryptoCollectibles project that allows users to collect, compete and combine their Aavegotchis for a gamified DeFi experience.
MyDeFiPet is a virtual pet game that combines DeFi, collectibles and player personality. MyDeFi Pets runs on supported networks including Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain. DPET tokens are the main currency in the game and are used for trading, exchanging, and improving pets and their special qualities. They are mainly circulated in the first phase.

『三』 Who proposed the concept of the metaverse

Born in the science fiction novel "Snow Crash" in 1992
Metaverse is the use of technological means A virtual world that links and creates, maps and interacts with the real world, and a digital living space with a new social system. [12]

The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires extensive transformation of content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" 2021 Hot Words; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Words in 2021". On December 8, he was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenzhizizi"

『四』 Jay Chou also entered the Metaverse. 10,000 NFTs were short-sold in 40 minutes. What are the risks behind it

What exactly is the explosive NFT?

The nft concept is too advanced, resulting in very backward supervision. Coupled with various marketing and hype techniques, this concept has become vulnerable.

With the continuous development of technology, NFT-related industries will become more and more standardized in the future. If you can become an investor by then, it will be a very good thing to enter this industry. I hope everyone can consume wisely and not follow the trend too much.

『五』What is "Yuanyu", "Yuanyu"Is "Universe" really a scam?

"Metaverse" is not a scam. It refers to a virtual space that is parallel to the real world and is an independent one at the same time. In other words, it is a real digital space. Virtual world.

"Metaverse" is a very hot topic. Many business giants have joined related fields and have begun to join the "Metaverse" industry. Such a seemingly illusory world, as long as time passes, I believe that the "Metaverse" scene will appear in the near future.

1. What exactly is the "Metaverse"? It is a virtual space

The "Metaverse" is a combination of many new technologies A new type of cyberspace and social form, using the mirror of the real world generated by digital technology, using blockchain technology to create an economic system, combining illusion and reality, and allowing all users to edit its content. "Metaverse" The word first appeared in Stephenson's science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel describes another digital world parallel to the current world. Every person in the real world has another virtual world in this digital world. yourself.


The "Metaverse" is not only not a scam, but also promotes the development of the Internet, allowing people to truly feel the wonder of the digital age through virtual reality devices. As long as people wear The device can enter the virtual space to socialize with colleagues, and can even use the "metaverse" to create a virtual world. From then on, humans will become "amphibians" between the real and virtual worlds.

『 Lu』 What is the Metaverse Property Rights Trading Platform?

The Metaverse is a virtual world that is independent of the real world, but highly connected with the real world. In this virtual world, there is a complete set of order, including Huge economic civilization. And all this is realized through blockchain technology and NFT. NFT is translated as non-fungible token. It can be regarded as a token used for encryption. Everything can be NF. After NFT The existence of NFT is unique and cannot be copied or split. Or it can also be understood that through the existence of NFT, it has its unique digital asset ownership. The Metaverse property rights trading platform is based on the Metaverse It was established based on the ownership of digital assets.
The name of the Yuanverse property rights trading platform is open sky. It is a company just established in 2021. It was born based on the concept of the Yuanverse and is registered in Hong Kong, China. The full name is Hong Kong Yuanshi property rights trading platform has extremely advanced blockchain development technology.
The trading model is divided into three stages. In the initial stage, the equity share of the platform is open, and qualified shareholders are eligible for lifetime dividends. , the second stage is to open up the equity share of the platform to the outside world in stages according to the actual situation. The third stage is to launch the NFT game ecology, etc.
As a newly established company, open sky has already cooperated with dozens of companies at home and abroad. Excellent Metaverse-related industries have reached an intention to cooperate.At the same time, open sky also innovated the three-invoice interoperability mechanism, namely SR, PR and ER, which combines the assetization of blockchain securities and the securitization of traditional financial assets. The basis of all this is its powerful blockchain technology advantages.

『撒』What is the relationship between the Metaverse and the blockchain?

1. When it comes to the Metaverse, many people will first associate it with the blockchain, and some even Simply think of the Metaverse as a branch of the blockchain. Under the influence of this kind of thinking, what we see is that more and more blockchain practitioners are beginning to join the metaverse industry.
2. For those blockchain players who like the concept of hype, they really need a concept like the Metaverse to continue their past development methods, because when the blockchain industry is regulated, especially when it is After blockchain-based coin issuance or ICO was explicitly banned, their dream of using blockchain to achieve explosive wealth was completely shattered. At this time, they can use the metaverse to continue their unfinished dream of getting rich in the blockchain.
3. The crazy influx of blockchain practitioners has allowed us to see more and more blockchain projects begin to package and promote under the guise of the concept of the metaverse, and regard the blockchain as the only one in the metaverse. . If the metaverse is an extension of the blockchain, then we do not need to go to great lengths to conduct in-depth research and discussion on the metaverse. We only need to copy the blockchain set.
4. However, the Metaverse is not an extension of the blockchain. Because blockchain has not escaped the tether of virtuality, when we talk about blockchain and everything related to blockchain, we usually regard it as the existence of the virtual world or the existence of the digital world. However, the Metaverse is an existence that connects the virtual and the physical world. It aims to break through the boundaries between the virtual world and the physical world.
5. Simply treating the Metaverse as an extension of the blockchain exposes the true nature of the players, that is, they are just players who have failed in the blockchain industry. They just want to continue their dream under the guise of the concept of the metaverse. Simply deeply connecting the blockchain with the metaverse, or even treating the blockchain as the metaverse, will not only fail to promote the development of the metaverse, but will even lead the metaverse into a development dead end.
5. It can be seen that the Metaverse is not a life-saving straw for the blockchain, but those blockchain players regard it as a life-saving straw. In fact, rather than seeing the Metaverse as the life-saving straw of the blockchain, I would rather see it as the antidote to the blockchain. Only by taking the antidote of the Metaverse can the blockchain get rid of the development model dominated by currency issuance or ICO and enter a truly benign and healthy development stage.
7. In addition to blockchain practitioners, what we see is the attention and favor of the metaverse from the leading technology giants. In my opinion, these players pay more attention to the Metaverse because the Metaverse provides them with a way to break through the existing development model and break the existing discovery model.Ways and means to develop bottlenecks.
8. At the end of the analysis, the domestic company that best fits the characteristics of the Yuanverse is Tencent. The reason why I say Tencent is mainly because I think Tencent covers many industries related to the Metaverse such as social networking, games, and entertainment. Although the applications of the Metaverse are indeed closely related to entertainment, games, social networking and other industries, if we only regard this reason as the fundamental reason why Internet giants have plunged into the torrent of the Metaverse, and conclude based on this As for who is the real Metaverse Company, it is a bit too simple and arbitrary.
9. I think that is why Tencent is so enthusiastic about the Metaverse. One of the very important reasons is that the Metaverse has really allowed Tencent to see the ways and means of realizing a fully real Internet. Quanzhen Internet is a concept proposed by Ma Huateng in his early years. The reason why such a concept is proposed is mainly because the classic Internet model focused on online platforms has come to an end, and Alibaba proposes the concept of industrial Internet, thus echoing new retail, new manufacturing, New financial, new logistics and other new industrial models.
10. Whether it is the Quanzhen Internet or the Industrial Internet, their internal logic is actually the same, that is, they all want to break the limitations of the traditional Internet model and achieve the organic integration of virtual and physical, so as to make the Internet The industry can better feed back the real economy, thereby achieving healthy development of the virtual economy and the real economy. Although the concepts of Quanzhen Internet and Industrial Internet have been proposed for a long time, they have been unable to achieve breakthroughs. I believe that one of the important reasons why breakthroughs cannot be made is that the development of technology has not really developed to the stage where it can be implemented and practiced. The final result is that the Quanzhen Internet and the Industrial Internet cannot be deeply disrupted.

『八』The popular NFT game Axie, an exploration of the metaverse of the Ethereum blockchain, why it is so popular among the public

According to the latest news, the popular NFT The game Axie is loved by everyone. It is an exploration of the metaverse of the Ethereum blockchain, so everyone is very willing to explore it. Of course, there are many similar models, but not many are as popular as this. So why is it so popular with the public? What about your love? In fact, the main reason for this result is that it allows players to earn a certain amount of income, so they are willing to explore and experience it. Making money through games is a dream for most game lovers. Now that this dream can be realized, naturally everyone will be very happy to pursue it. This has brought him a huge market. Of course, it will be difficult to maintain it for a long time. So what are the difficulties? Let’s take a brief look at it together.

Of course, in addition to these problems, there are many other problems. Only if they fully solve these problems can their own development be more beneficial, so I hope that game developers can truly understand this truth and be willing to work hard to improve these problems. In this caseOnly in this way can we ensure that this game can operate better and create greater value.

『九』What exactly is NFT and why is the value of NFT so high?

The full name of NFT is Non-Fungible Tokens, which is often translated in Chinese as "Non-Fungible Tokens/Irreplaceable Token". NFT has high value because of its uniqueness and the identity card of Internet works. Simply put, an NFT is an entry in a blockchain, which is a decentralized digital ledger technology similar to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. If you own this NFT, others can use it, but it will always belong to you. NFTs provide a way to mark ownership of native digital assets. As we all know, in the Internet world, because digital products are easy to copy and spread, this is of course beneficial and is the basis for Internet sharing, but it also faces a problem that copyright cannot solve. For example, if you design an electronic image, others can easily copy and spread it. In the end, you may not be able to prove that this thing belongs to you. The emergence of NFT just solves this problem. The following is From a personal point of view, what exactly is NFT? Why is it of such high value:

1. Identity Authentication

Because NFT has unique authentication, the works certified by NFT are unique in the world and only belong to the person who is certified, so People who want to have their own identity-certified works on the Internet will buy NFT, and some celebrities who join in the fun will follow suit, which attracts more people to buy NFT works. So the price gradually increases.

Do you know what NFT is? Do you know why the value of NFT is so high? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

『Shi』What is the connection between the Metaverse and the blockchain?

Blockchain can solve the problems of Identity and Economy; VR can solve the problem of immersion 5G and cloud computing can solve the problems of Anywhere and Low Friction; the open UCG content production and game mode provide a way to solve the problems of Variety, Civilization and Friends. The problem-solving ideas together form a complete metaverse solution.

The value of blockchain in the metaverse is embodied in:

1. Payment and clearing system

Basic features based on blockchain include: Not easy to tamper, open and transparent, P2P payment, etc. In the Metaverse, the economic system will become the key to achieving large-scale and durable operation, and blockchain technology will provide the Metaverse with payments that seamlessly fit into the online virtual space due to its natural "decentralized value transfer" characteristics. and liquidationsystem.

2. Smart contract deployment

Due to the open and transparent nature of the blockchain network itself, smart contracts have outstanding features such as automation, programmability, openness, transparency, and verifiability. This enables trusted interactions on the chain without the need for a third-party verification platform. If the financial system in the metaverse is built on the blockchain, then the characteristics of smart contracts can be used to decentralize the contract in a programmed, non-custodial, verifiable, traceable, and trustworthy manner, thus significantly Reduce harmful behaviors such as rent-seeking, corruption and black-box operations that may exist in the financial system, and can be widely used in finance, social networking, games and other fields.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 踏星主角的身份是什么陆隐的身份是曾经的树之星空主宰者,陆家的嫡系传人。在陆家被放逐后因未知原因被封印并且根骨重塑,掉落到第五大陆宇宙海,被四霸之一雷恩大战团捡到。他经历无数险情,地位水涨船高。第六