比特币矿机显卡能用电脑吗知乎 比特币矿机显卡能用电脑吗

『壹』 笔记本的显卡系列能拿去挖矿吗


绝大部分的虚拟货币都采用是采用了一种称为“工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)”的机制进行奖励分配,其核心过程就是进行哈希值运算。因此普通的电脑也能进行挖矿。






不过如果普通电脑进行稍微专业一些的挖矿,需要挑选专为挖矿而生的主板,比方说有10 个PCIE x1接口的主板,带有PCI转USB扩展板等等硬件,同时修改显卡bios,以此达到更强大的算力,间接提高收入。

『贰』 普通的笔电和台式电脑可以挖矿吗真正的矿机家用电路hold得住吗


『叁』 家用电脑24小时不停地挖比特币,能挖到比特币吗
















『肆』 比特币矿机可以当普通电脑用吗









『伍』 能不能让独显进行比特币挖矿,核显用来显示


『陆』 电脑挖矿对电脑有什么要求吗怎么挖的快

复制钱包地址到挖矿软件 开始挖矿
挖到的币 拿到交易市场可以卖掉

『柒』 我电脑还算高配 如何用电脑挖比特币


一、下载安装GPU360 Miner,勾选桌面快捷方式(可选);

『捌』 电脑显卡挖矿什么意思


『玖』 入门科普:我可以用电脑挖矿吗

以比特币为例,挖矿就是将一段时间内比特币系统中发生的交易进行确认,并记录在区块链上形成新区块的过程。早在 入门科普04: 比特币挖矿 这一篇文章中,我们就已经向大家详细地介绍了什么是挖矿,有点遗忘的同学可以点蓝字,去重新回顾一下。




在比特币的系统里,每一次记账权的获得,都需要解出与之对应的难题。 这道题就像是一把需要解开的密码锁,而解锁的钥匙是一个随机的数字。第一个找到正确数字的人,就将获得这次记账的权利以及相应的比特币奖励。

所以 比特币的“挖矿”过程其实就是寻找这把“钥匙”,也就是寻找随机数字的过程。





要知道比特币刚问世那会儿,也并没有什么专业的矿机。 大部分比特币都是通过普通电脑挖出来的。 比如那位用1万枚比特币购买了两块披萨的程序员。

所以 准确来讲,没有人规定挖矿必须是专业矿机。那么我们的普通家用电脑,自然也可以拿来进行挖矿。




与之相比,家用电脑只有一块普通芯片、一块普通显卡而已。 而一台专业的矿机,芯片是专门为挖矿优化过的,还集成了好几块高端显卡,所以其挖矿的算力不是普通电脑所能相提并论的。





其实比特币挖矿本身就是一个 超级费电、超级摧残GPU 的技术活。所以现在用个人电脑挖矿的人是极少数的存在了。

拿普通家用电脑来挖币的话, 不仅效率十分低下,且与之相对应的能源消耗也会非常高。 而且从另一方面讲,家用电脑挖矿,消耗的电力按照市价计费。而专业挖矿的矿工,专门挑选电费便宜的地区,建立大型的矿场,降低电费成本。


『One』 Can the graphics card series of notebooks be used for mining?

Can notebooks be used for mining?

Most virtual currencies use a mechanism called "Proof of Work (PoW)" for reward distribution, the core process of which is hash value calculation. Therefore, ordinary computers can also mine.

Ordinary computers can be used to mine Bitcoin, because mining itself is just calculation. Professional mining machines can mine well, mine quickly, and earn more. Ordinary home computers mine slowly and make little money.

For example, when mining relatively old virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, there are already mature professional mining machines for mining.

(1) Can the graphics card of Bitcoin mining machine be used on a computer? Extended reading

Since professional mining machines adhere to the principles of server construction, the entire mining machine Miniaturized, using specially designed mining chips, it was born to optimize the Bitcoin/Litecoin algorithm, with a single computing power of TH/s level. However, in order to ensure stable operation, the chips are covered with aluminum heat dissipation fins, which are blown through by violent fans at the front and rear. However, the noise is high, and factories are usually rented to place them.

In addition, this kind of professional mining machine is expensive and uses customized chips. If it is not used for mining, it can no longer be used again. Simply put, it cannot do anything except mining.

However, if you use an ordinary computer for slightly more professional mining, you need to choose a motherboard specifically designed for mining, such as a motherboard with 10 PCIE x1 interfaces, a PCI to USB expansion board, etc. hardware, and at the same time modify the graphics card bios to achieve more powerful computing power and indirectly increase income.

『二』Can ordinary laptops and desktop computers be used for mining? Can real mining machines with home circuits hold up?

Young people, be realistic, mining is unrealistic. Yes, you use your home computer to mine, but you don’t need the machine? !

『三』 Can you mine Bitcoin if you use a home computer to mine Bitcoin 24 hours a day?

You can definitely mine it, but given that Bitcoin has experienced several reductions in production, After half the time, if you use your home computer to mine Bitcoin, you will probably lose money and the price/performance ratio is not very high.

In the field of digital currency mining, no one has used home computers to mine for a long time. Most of them use relatively cost-effective mining machines for mining. It is more cost-effective for them to build their own mining farms and mine in areas with cheaper electricity.

At present, the CPU frequency of home computers is between 2.5GHz and 3.5GHz, which is a drop in the bucket in terms of the computing power of mining machines. Therefore, it is possible to mine Bitcoin through a home computer, but the costs are not proportional to the benefits.

In addition, if you want to use your home computer to mine Bitcoin, you must first create an account in someone else’s mining pool. Accounts are generally registered for free. After registration, you will receive one Bitcoin.The address of the coin (wallet address), the Bitcoins we mine will be stored in this address.

After registering the dedicated mining software, you can directly download the software and follow its tutorial to mine Bitcoin. The operation is not very difficult. Currently popular is GPU mining, that is, graphics card mining. During the setup process, be careful not to mine at full load, otherwise it will easily burn out the graphics card.

The mining software address is not provided. You will definitely lose money if you use your home computer to mine Bitcoin. If you want to try it, just find the link yourself.

Yes, others have calculated that it would take more than 500 years to mine one of the current desktop computers with a configuration of 5,000 yuan and current computing power

It seems like mining Bitcoin I need to buy machines, thousands of excavators each!

It was easy at first, but Bitcoin is limited, and it should be basically gone now.

Nowadays, the cost of mining is mainly electricity, and the main force of mining is professional chip mining machines. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to mine Bitcoin using a home computer, but the probability of mining is extremely low. To help you understand it easier, let me give you an analogy. If you go to the battlefield with a matchlock gun and kill someone, the answer is yes, but the probability is very low, because the other party is equipped with automatic weapons and body armor, but you still can The chance of killing the opponent with a matchlock gun is very slim.

In the past, the most important thing for mining was the graphics card, but now it has been converted to chip machines. However, many people still want to try it. How long will it take to mine 24 hours a day with a home computer? Can one be dug out? The answer is that none can be found.

At present, the main frequency of household CPUs is between 2.5GHz and 3.5GHz. Such computing speed is a drop in the bucket in terms of chips, and you can’t get even one because you can’t afford the electricity bill.

In fact, mining is quite simple, not that complicated. If you don’t understand, you can ask me

You can mine it, but it’s not expensive enough. The biggest consumption is the electricity bill. If you can get a dime for electricity, go ahead and dig it.

It’s not your fault, it can be done in 2009

『四』Can Bitcoin mining machines be used as ordinary computers

The main mining machines currently on the market It is divided into two categories, one is PC-structured mining machines, and the other is professional mining machines based on ASIC chips.

General PC-based mining machines can be used as home computers, but the CPU performance is weak and the power consumption is high. Professional mining machines based on ASIC chips do not have graphics cards and do not support mainstream desktop operating systems, so they cannot be used as ordinary computers.

(4) Can Bitcoin mining machine graphics cards be used on computers? Extended reading:

Mining machines are one of the ways to obtain them. (Bitcoin) is aAn online virtual currency generated by open source P2P software. It does not rely on the issuance of a specific currency institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations using specific algorithms. The economy uses a decentralized database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency values ​​cannot be artificially manipulated through mass production.

Any computer can become a mining machine, but the income will be relatively low, and you may not be able to mine one in ten years. Many companies have developed professional mining machines, which are equipped with special mining wafers and are dozens or hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary computers.

Mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. A mining machine composed of many graphics cards, even if it is just a junk card like HD6770, the computing power after "grouping" can still surpass most of the user's single graphics card.

And this is not the scariest thing. Some mining machines are composed of more such graphics card arrays. There are dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards together. The graphics card itself also costs money, including the hardware. In terms of various costs such as price, mining involves considerable expenses.

In addition to machines that burn graphics cards, some ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) professional mining machines are also entering the battlefield. ASICs are specially designed for Hash operations. Although their performance may not necessarily kill graphics cards, they have already. Quite powerful, and because their power consumption is much lower than that of graphics cards, they are easier to scale and have lower electricity bills. It is difficult for a single independent graphics card to compete with these mining machines. And this kind of machine will be more expensive.

『五』Can the independent graphics be used for Bitcoin mining, and the nuclear graphics are used for display?

It cannot be used in this way currently. Mining is possible, but the nuclear graphics cannot be used. There is no separate display for the display, because the desktop computer will automatically block the core display as long as the independent graphics card is plugged in, and the independent graphics card is always used.

『Lu』 Are there any computer requirements for computer mining? How to mine quickly

Download Easy Miner
Register Ethereum Wallet
Copy the wallet address to the mining software to start mining
The mined coins can be sold in the trading market
It’s that simple

『撒』 My computer is pretty high-end. How to use my computer to mine Bitcoin

Specific steps:

1. Download and install GPU360 Miner, check the desktop shortcut (optional);

『八』What does computer graphics card mining mean?

Computer graphics card mining: refers to using a computer A problem-solving process using a graphics card to mine Bitcoin.
Graphic card mining is when the dealer first creates a formula with many answers. The user uses a personal computer to download a decoder and then runs a specific algorithm to decode it. After communicating with the remote server, the corresponding bitcoins can be obtained. The stronger the graphics card, the faster the decoding speed, and the faster Bitcoins can be mined. This is also called mining.
(8) Can the Bitcoin mining machine graphics card be used on a computer?Extended reading:
1. Introduction to Bitcoin mining machines:
Bitcoin mining machines are computers used to earn Bitcoins. Such computers generally have professional mining chips and mostly use burning The graphics card works in a way that consumes a lot of power.
2. How to use the Bitcoin mining machine:
Download the dedicated Bitcoin computing tool, then register on various cooperative websites, fill in the registered username and password into the calculation program, and then click Calculate It officially begins.
Reference source: Network-Mining Machine

『玖』Introductory science: Can I use a computer to mine?

Taking Bitcoin as an example, mining is to Transactions that occur in the Bitcoin system over a period of time are confirmed and recorded in the process of forming new blocks on the blockchain. As early as in the article "Introductory Science 04: Bitcoin Mining", we have introduced to you in detail what mining is. Students who have forgotten it can click on the blue text to review it again.

Now that we know what mining is and the benefits of mining, some people may ask, can I use my own computer to mine? Let’s talk about it today.


The principle of Bitcoin “mining”

In the Bitcoin system, every time you obtain the accounting rights, you need to solve the problem. Come up with corresponding problems. This question is like a combination lock that needs to be unlocked, and the key to unlock it is a random number. The first person to find the correct number will get the right to record this time and the corresponding Bitcoin reward.

Therefore, the "mining" process of Bitcoin is actually the process of finding this "key", that is, the process of finding random numbers.


Can a home computer be used for mining?

The Bitcoin system will ask everyone to solve a mathematical problem. Whoever solves it first will have the block recorded by him recognized, and the reward will belong to him. The speed of solving the problem depends on whose speed it is. Computer performance is higher.

This is true, so now everyone is enhancing the computing performance of their computers and mining machines to improve the speed of problem solving. Whoever has higher computing power has a higher chance of mining. , the more money you make.

You must know that when Bitcoin first came out, there were no professional mining machines. Most Bitcoins are mined using regular computers. For example, the programmer who bought two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoins.

So to be precise, no one stipulates that mining must be a professional mining machine. Then our ordinary home computers can naturally be used for mining.


Mining machine mining

Mining coins is indeed more reliable than speculating on coins, so in order to mine Bitcoin more efficiently and at low cost, some people have developed a mining machine specifically designed to mine Bitcoin.

In contrast, a home computer only has an ordinary chip and an ordinary graphics card. As for a professional mining machine, the chip is specially optimized for mining, and it also integrates several high-end graphics cards, so its mining computing power is not comparable to that of ordinary computers.


Mining machine mining

The answer is of course not cost-effective.

There was a news before that two principals installed 7 high-power computers in the school for mining, which caused constant noise in the school, paralyzed the network, doubled the electricity bill, and almost caught fire.

In fact, Bitcoin mining itself is a technical activity that consumes a lot of power and damages the GPU. So now there are very few people who use personal computers to mine.

If you use an ordinary home computer to mine coins, not only will the efficiency be very low, but the corresponding energy consumption will also be very high. And on the other hand, the electricity consumed by home computers for mining is billed according to market prices. Professional mining miners specifically select areas with cheap electricity bills to build large mines to reduce electricity costs.

Therefore, if you use an ordinary home computer to mine Bitcoin, although it is possible to mine it, it is basically impossible to mine it. So the final result is that you may not even be able to earn back the electricity bill.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 别克GL6,为何就动不了途安的蛋糕ASIC矿机制造商琅琊榜第一名:比特大陆(Bitmain)http://shop.bitmain.com/proct/main比特大陆(Bitmain),来自中