莱特币矿池里的币可以分出吗为什么 莱特币矿池里的币可以分出吗有毒吗

1. 别克GL6,为何就动不了途安的蛋糕











BitFury 2011年创立于俄罗斯,总部设在比利时,在旧金山和阿姆斯特丹设有管理部门,在冰岛和格鲁吉亚共和国设有数据中心。早期是一个ASIC比特币矿机芯片研发团队,现在转型做区块链基础数据服务和交易处理服务。

2. 区块链是怎么挖矿赚钱的


最开始比特币可以用显卡挖出,但在 13 年时,已经无法用显卡通用计算程序挖出比特币 BTC,比特币现在全部都是用 ASIC 矿机进行"挖矿"。

类似地,14 年莱特币 ASIC 矿机上市也终结了显卡挖莱特币的挖矿历史。目前显卡能够"挖矿"的数字货币是以太坊 ETH、以太经典 ETC、Zcash 零币 ZEC。



以比特币为例,假如现在比特币全网每 10 分钟产生一个区块,这个区块包含 25 个比特币。假设全球有 1W 人参与挖矿,那么在这 10 分钟内,只有 1 个幸运儿拿走了这 25 个比特币。






因为赢家通吃,导致中小散户矿工要联合起来组成"矿池",以 Shares 记录累积工作量,联合算力越高,矿池联合体先找到数字货币的概率就越大,增大找到新发数字货币的概率,瓜分挖到的数字货币。这就叫 PoW 工作量证明机制。

3. 莱特币是骗局吗


4. 莱特币是什么




5. 鱼池矿池怎么了


6. 怎么理解LTC莱特币


7. 莱特币是什么

莱特币受到了比特币(BTC)的启发,并且在技术上具有相同的实现原理,莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理。莱特币旨在改进比特币,与其相比,莱特币具有三种显著差异。第一,莱特币网络每2.5分钟(而不是10分钟)就可以处理一个块,因此可以提供更快的交易确认。第二,莱特币网络预期产出8400万个莱特币,是比特币网络发行货币量的四倍之多。第三,莱特币在其工作量证明算法中使用了由Colin Percival首次提出的scrypt加密算法,这使得相比于比特币,在普通计算机上进行莱特币挖掘更为容易。每一个莱特币被分成100,000,000个更小的单位,通过八位小数来界定。

8. 莱特币的矿池

目前比较出名的矿池包括:BTCC(原比特币中国)矿池、 waltc.net 鱼池(F2POOL)、WeMineLTC、Coinotron、SilverFish、LiteGuardian、LitecoinPool.org等。但目前收益最高的是F2POOL,近期推出莱特币理论收益+矿池补贴 10%=您的实际收益,受到很多矿工和业内的关注。
全球主要活跃数字货币兑换利率 货币 符号 发行时间 作者 活跃 官网 市值 比特币基础 备注 比特币 BTC 2009 SatoshiNakamoto 是 bitcoin/org ~$243亿美元 是 SHA-256 莱特币 LTC 2011 Coblee 是 litecoin/org ~$36亿美元 是 Scrypt

1. Buick GL6, why can’t it touch Touran’s cake?

ASIC mining machine manufacturer Langya list

First place: Bitmain



Bitmain, a mining equipment manufacturer from China, is currently the world's largest mining equipment manufacturer. According to co-founder Wu Jihan, Bitmain already owns more than 70% of the market share of Bitcoin mining machines, selling hundreds of thousands of AntMiner machines every year, and mining machines are the company's main source of income.

Bitmain’s Antminer, Antpool, and cloud computing power HashNest all rank first in the global market. Antminer now has almost no rivals. Antminer S9 has become the most popular ASIC Bitcoin-specific mining machine in the world. Antminer S9 is the first mining machine to use 16nm process chips. It was released in June 2016. It is equipped with the BM1387 chip independently developed by Bitmain, with a single chip computing power of 74GH/s. According to the difference in chip frequency, its S9 series includes products from 9.5T to 14T, mainly in terms of core frequency and power consumption. It is still the mining machine with the highest return rate since its release, and it is also the mining machine with the largest computing power.

Second place: Canaan-creative

Canaan-creative was founded in 2013. It is a manufacturing and regional company of supercomputing chips and digital blockchain computing equipment. A provider of overall blockchain computing solutions, it is also the first company in the world to develop SHA256 dedicated computing equipment.

The representative mining machine is AvalonMiner741, which uses Avalon’s self-developed A321288 chips, 16nm process, and has a computing power of 7.3TH/s. In addition, in order to reduce product costs, Avalon is one of the few manufacturers that does not include control circuits in its top products, and the basic threshold is relatively high. It requires an additional controller or Raspberry Pi, and an AUC3 converter and AUC3 data cable to work.

Third place: BitFury

BitFury’s current main product is 16nm ASIC dedicated mining chips. Bitfury does not sell mining machines directly to consumers, but mainly sells complete data center equipment to enterprise users.

BitFury was founded in Russia in 2011 and is headquartered in Belgium, with management offices in San Francisco and Amsterdam, and data centers in Iceland and the Republic of Georgia. In the early days, it was an ASIC Bitcoin mining machine chip research and development team, and now it has transformed into blockchain basic data services and transaction processing services.

2. How does blockchain mining make money

The principle of making money by mining: PoW and mining.

At first, Bitcoin could be mined using a graphics card, but in 2013, it was no longer possible to mine Bitcoin BTC using a graphics card’s general computing program. All Bitcoins are now “mined” using ASIC mining machines.

Similarly, the launch of Litecoin ASIC mining machines in 2014 also ended the history of Litecoin mining using graphics cards. The current digital currencies that graphics cards can "mine" are Ethereum ETH, Ethereum Classic ETC, and Zcash Zerocoin ZEC.

Graphics card "mining" is not a profitable business. In fact, the earlier you start, the higher the income will be, and the income will decrease as more miners and graphics cards are added.

To put it bluntly, buying a high-priced graphics card to enter "mining" will definitely kill you. Purchasing a professional mining machine is a more cost-effective choice. Nowadays, the essential tool for personal mining is a mining pool. The function of a mining pool is to gather a large number of mining machine computing power to increase your chances of mining coins. At the same time, the coins you can mine in the future are evenly distributed to your account in advance.

Take Bitcoin as an example. If the entire Bitcoin network now generates a block every 10 minutes, this block contains 25 Bitcoins. Assuming that there are 10,000 people in the world participating in mining, then within these 10 minutes, only one lucky person will take away the 25 Bitcoins.

Others have nothing to gain. The principle of the mining pool is that everyone forms a team to mine and allocate according to the agreed distribution method, so that the miners' mining returns tend to be stable and the miners' risks are reduced.

In order to enhance the cost performance, you can also purchase some practical mining machines like Wanke Cloud, which can be used as ordinary hardware products and can also be used for mining, killing two birds with one stone.

(2) Can the coins in the Litecoin mining pool be separated? Further reading

There are several core operations of blockchain transactions and digital currencies:

The transaction network connected by decentralized databases is called the blockchain. All our clients (including mining machines) keep accounts together and confirm transfer transactions; a certain amount of digital currency is issued according to time. .

Because the winner takes all, small and medium-sized retail miners have to unite to form a "mining pool" and record the cumulative workload in Shares. The higher the joint computing power, the greater the probability that the mining pool consortium will find the digital currency first. Large, increase the probability of finding newly issued digital currencies, and divide the mined digital currencies. This is called the PoW workload proof mechanism.

3. Is Litecoin a scam?

Litecoin itself is not a scam, but there are many people who use the guise of Litecoin to carry out pyramid schemes and scams. Litecoin's current popularity and recognition is second only to Bitcoin, and its recognition in the country is higher. In addition to Litecoin, there are also excellent currencies such as Ritecoin, Vitality Coin, Dogecoin, and Ethereum.

4. What is Litecoin

Litecoin is the largest altcoin. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol, but unlike Bitcoin, it can be "mined" efficiently with consumer-grade hardware. Litecoin gives you faster transaction confirmations (2.5 minutes on average), uses hard memory and a mining proof-of-work algorithm based on scrypt (an encryption algorithm).

The production principle of Litecoin is the same as that of Bitcoin, both are obtained through mining. To put it simply, mining is to use your mining equipment to solve the mathematical problems of the scrypt algorithm, confirm Litecoin network transactions, and ensure the security of the entire Litecoin network. The total number of Litecoins is 84 million.

At present, Litecoin mining has entered the era of ASIC arms race, and many Litecoin mining machine manufacturers in the world have joined the Litecoin mining machine industry. Avalon, the world's leading ASIC mining machine supplier, also recently stated that it will conduct research and development of Litecoin chips. The chips developed will adopt the world's 28nm process technology. The Avalon project team's participation in the mining machine industry will definitely have a positive impact on the entire Litecoin mining machine market. Tremendous influence.

5. What happened to the Yuchi Mining Pool?

The Yuchi Mining Pool is unstable and may be shut down.
1. Fishpool, established in Beijing in April 2013, is the world's leading and China's earliest Bitcoin mining farm; Fishpool has developed into the world's largest comprehensive digital currency mining pool for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Zcash. ; Mining pool technology continues to maintain its leadership, its earnings are open and transparent, and it adopts an original architecture to effectively prevent DDoS attacks. As the computing level of the entire Bitcoin network increases exponentially, a single device or a small amount of computing power cannot obtain the block rewards provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network.
2. After the computing power of the entire network increases to a certain level, the low probability of obtaining rewards prompted some "Bitcoin" geeks to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operations. Websites set up in this way are called "pools".
Extended information:
1) The mining pool is the entire network of Bitcoin mining, collectively referred to as the mining pool. The entire mining pool is divided into many mining pools, and Fishpool is one of them. After F2Pool accesses the mining pool by purchasing physical mining machines, everyone mines together through computing power. After the coins are mined, they will be distributed to everyone. How much computing power is required to get the corresponding number of coins;
The existence of mining pools reduces the difficulty of mining virtual digital currencies such as Bitcoin and lowers the mining threshold. Really 2) mining pools allow everyone to participate Bitcoin mining concept. But its disadvantages are also very obvious, because the computing power is connected to the mining pool. As a mining pool, it will control extremely large computing power resources. In the world of Bitcoin, computing power represents accounting rights, and computing power is everything. If the computing power of a single mining pool reaches more than 50%, it will be easy to launch a 51% attack on Bitcoin and other similar virtual digital currencies, and the consequences will be dire.
3) Mining pools can invalidate the mining pool with the remaining 49% of the computing power, and instantly withdraw from the competition and go bankrupt. The computing power of the mining pool exceeds50%. If a 51% attack is launched, it can easily occupy all the effective computing power of the entire network. Behaviors such as monopolizing accounting rights and double payments can be carried out through 51% attacks, and a sum of money can be used multiple times, which will directly destroy the credit system of Bitcoin and make its credit disappear. Monopoly distribution rights, because a single mining pool (or a multi-mining pool alliance) occupies the entire network's computing power through a 51% attack, it can quickly crowd out the remaining mining pools and cause them to go bankrupt. Since there is no competition, mining pools can allocate their own revenue and charge miners high fees and other high taxes.

6. How to understand LTC Litecoin

Introduction: A currency based on the Bitcoin protocol, but it does not require extremely high computing power, and ordinary computers can also be used Do some digging. Litecoin's algorithm is derived from the algorithm designed by DrColinPercival for the Tarsnap secure online backup service (for Linux and other open source operating system backup).
Release time: Litecoin was released through the open source client on Github on October 7, 2011.
Maximum supply: 84,000,000LTC
Current total circulation: 55,152,208LTC
Market value: $8,882,916,638

7. What is Litecoin?

Litecoin (Chinese translation: Litecoin, abbreviation: LTC, currency symbol: Ł) is an online currency based on "peer-to-peer" technology and is also licensed under the MIT/X11 An open source software project. It helps users make instant payments to anyone in the world.
Litecoin is inspired by Bitcoin (BTC) and technically has the same implementation principle. The creation and transfer of Litecoin are based on an open source encryption protocol and are not managed by any central authority. Litecoin aims to improve Bitcoin and has three significant differences compared to it. First, the Litecoin network can process a block every 2.5 minutes (instead of 10 minutes), thus providing faster transaction confirmations. Second, the Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million Litecoins, which is four times the amount of currency issued by the Bitcoin network. Third, Litecoin uses the scrypt encryption algorithm first proposed by Colin Percival in its proof-of-work algorithm, which makes Litecoin mining easier on ordinary computers than Bitcoin. Each Litecoin is divided into 100,000,000 smaller units, defined by eight decimal places.
It is based on the Bitcoin protocol, but unlike Bitcoin, it can be "mined" efficiently with consumer-grade hardware. Litecoin provides you with faster transaction confirmations (average 2.5 minutes), it uses hard memory and a mining proof-of-work algorithm based on scrypt (an encryption algorithm), and is suitable for ordinary computers and graphics processors used by most people (GPU). The Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million currency units.
One of the design goals of Litecoin is to provide a mining algorithm that can be run simultaneously on the machines that mine Bitcoin. While application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) designed for mining Bitcoin are gradually emerging, Litecoin is also following the technological evolution. But until Litecoin currency is widely used, it is unlikely that an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will be developed specifically for Litecoin.
Litecoin is a free software project released under the MIT/X11 license, which allows you to run, modify and copy the software according to your needs. If you wish, you may also distribute modified versions of the software. [5]
The software is released in a completely transparent form, and users can independently verify the binary version and the corresponding source code.

8. Litecoin mining pool

Litecoin needs to be generated through "mining by miners". Mining is done by hashing the computer graphics card. If the "explosion" is calculated If the value of the mine is "mine", the system will reward 50 Litecoins at one time. At present, the computing power of Litecoin is growing rapidly. Miners can no longer mine the mines through several computers, so they need to join the mining pool. The mining pool gathers all the computing power of everyone. Power, it is estimated that the probability of calculating the "explosion" value is greater.
The more famous mining pools currently include: BTCC (formerly Bitcoin China) mining pool, waltc.net fish pool (F2POOL), WeMineLTC, Coinotron, SilverFish, LiteGuardian, LitecoinPool.org, etc. But currently the one with the highest income is F2POOL, which recently launched Litecoin theoretical income + mining pool subsidy 10% = your actual income, which has attracted the attention of many miners and the industry.
The world's major active digital currency exchange rate currency symbol release time author active official website market value Bitcoin basic remarks Bitcoin BTC 2009 SatoshiNakamoto is bitcoin/org ~$24.3 billion is SHA-256 Litecoin LTC 2011 Coblee is litecoin/org ~ $3.6 billion is Scrypt

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 8张显卡,就一张显卡不挖矿,什么原因原因是供电不足。1、供电不足会导致矿板识别不到全部显卡,出现8张显卡就一张显卡不挖矿的情况。2、右键点击计算机,选择管理,进入设备管理器。3、选择系统设备折叠项