pi币挖矿挖不了是怎么回事 pi币挖不了了

㈠ 8张显卡,就一张显卡不挖矿,什么原因


㈡ Pi挖矿教程




































㈢ pi币怎么挖矿,挖矿有什么规律

操作环境:Pi APP更新到1.27.2(40)版本(如果没有更新到最新版本,可以上pi 官网下载更新)


⑧会弹出KYC认证申请对话框,点击:apply for KYC进行申请;




2019年3月14日 Pinetwork在美国加州旧金山市成立,APP正式上线。
2019年5月22日 用户量突破1万,第一次挖矿速度减半。
2019年7月10日 用户量突破10万,第二次挖矿速度减半。
2019年8月3日 APP升级,并首次发布中文通告。
2019年8月7日 中国交易所aacoin正式上线交易期御仔货Pi,价格12.-1.5元之间
2019年10月25日 用户达100万,官方清除10万违规账户。

㈣ PI矿机崩盘了吗

您好,现在人们的防诈骗意识很高,Pi币项目并没有造成大量资产流失,所以目前并没有跑路。PI币作为2019年启动的零投项目,打着区块链的幌子发行所谓的PI币,通过大蛋糕、拉人头来推广用户。项目方通过几千万PI元用户看广告赚了很多钱,所以一直不愿意去主网。现在,看到它的丑闻不断被曝光,它已经迫不及待地宣布上主网的时间了。作为一个手机挖矿项目,PI本身就存在逻辑问题。 PI币本身是一种没有价值的空气币。现在有人鼓吹夸大其价值。毫无疑问,项目方是别有用心的刻意节奏。
3、虽然 Pi 为零,但它最终会诱使您投资。毕竟,如果你想把数字变成真金白银,就得自掏腰包。让我们来预演一下PI币项目方未来可能如何收割韭菜(假设崩盘没有外部干预)。首先是某一天宣布关闭,然后主网上线。这时候可以吸引韭菜进入。二是做token映射,发布比例。主网币将上交易所,给韭菜发财的希望。最后确定主网币总量并进行稀释。上线后,做一些生态应用,吸引韭菜锁仓,进而提升币价。发售后,宣布社区自由,完成完美收割!正如币圈老大李某来所说,PI币是个无聊的骗局!币圈的大部分应用,只能靠海外ID在手机应用市场下载。借用别人的身份证可能会上传自己手机中的文件。

㈤ pi币挖矿是什么东西pi币挖矿的方法

Pi币挖矿注册教程 pi network手机挖矿最新中文图解

pi币全球活跃矿工突破200万,离2020年3月14日上主网越来越近,真正意义全球手机挖矿最牛的项目。关键还是免费挖矿的。pi network项目团队成员均来自美国斯坦福大学如今处于挖矿第一阶段,整体项目前景还是不错的。此类挖矿不用花费流量不浪费电池,只需24小时循环后收取收益继续挖矿即可。不需充值,没有乌七八糟的多级营销,只要一层分享!想注册的赶紧去看看下面的Pi币最新免费挖矿中文版新手教程。
第一步、Pi币挖矿注册pi network APP下载:
1、APP安装好后打开,选择Continue with phone number 注册 ,国毁脊家选China(+86)。
3、依次填写 First name(名,拼音全拼)、Last name(姓,拼音全拼)、Username(用户名就是自已设置的邀请码,尽量小写+数字,方便记忆)。
4、invitation code填:Guhun 【感谢填写我的邀请码】 提示:注册时的姓名要用真实姓名,因为未来上主网需要严格的KYC,如果是虚假姓名,挖的币会被作废。已用别名注册的小伙伴不用担心,主网上线之前团队会给一次修改姓名的机会,请各位留意!
pi network手机挖矿温馨重要提示:
Pi Network币绿色闪电图标,每隔24时点击一次开始挖矿。没其他事了
关于交易:Pi Network币官方给的解释,到12月底之前KYC后开通内部交易,2020年3月14日上交易所,安全靠谱!反正也是免费的!所以不要花钱购买,谨防成为韭菜,我们只薅羊毛,只负责挖pi币!傻傻的屯币!

㈥ pi币是什么币,可以挖出来吗

π币又叫pi币是一种虚拟数字货币。 说pi币是否合法,其实还为时尚早。因为pi币是免费挖矿,不需要你付出金钱,人人都可以挖,而且没有主网,也没开始交易。大家都没拿出钱来,也基本没有人因为这个被骗。但是大家应该明白,只要开始交易了,涉及金钱了,肯定会有人因为这个被骗,被收割,到那时候是否合法,就值得商榷了。根据中国人民银行等部门发布的通知、公告,虚拟货币不是货币当局发行,不具有法偿性和强制性等货币属性,并不是真正意义上的货币,不具有与货币等同的法律地位,不能且不应作为世晌货币在市场上流通使用,公民投资和交易虚拟货币不受法森返绝律保护。
看到朋此姿友圈的鼓吹文案异常多, 什么样的饼都画了起来因为要拉人头
不拉人就不能增加本身的挖矿速度, 不能吸引更多小白入坑
如区块律动BlockBeats所讲解的, PI币的挖矿速度有几个部分组成:根基速度 + Contributor(B个平安连接)+ Ambassador(N个邀请人活泼数量)B最年夜为5, 而N最年夜为无限.每日挖矿的速度由三部分组成。第一部分,Pioneer 是根基速度,所有人都一样。第二部分, 资金盘网站,Contributor 必要挖矿三天后解锁,速度加成的盘算公式为:平安连接数 x 根基速度 x 20%,平安连接数上限为 5 个。第一次注册填入邀请码,即可得到一个平安连接,剩余的必要通过邀请新朋友加入来得到。第三部分,Ambassador,代表邀请嘉奖,邀请的人越多获得的速度加成越高(被邀请的人需正常介入挖矿才可提升速度加成,即图中显示的 active,代表有若干人是活泼状态)。盘算公式是:邀请活泼数量 x 25% x(第一部分速度 + 第二部分速度)。同样,注册时填入邀请码,即可得到 1 个邀请活泼数量(前提是你的邀请人是活泼状态),想要增加邀请活泼数量,则必要通过本身的邀请码赓续邀请新朋友加入。第二部分限制人数为5个,
第三部分拉人越多收益越高, 便是异常明显的拉人头性质了! 比特币可没有这个规则哦. 现在的币圈项目, 资金盘骗局不运用好传销性质,
正是由于这传销机制, 才会呈现PI币在朋友圈猖狂鼓吹的现象。

㈦ pi币是什么

一、 PI币注册不受地区限制。你只需要通过推荐人的邀请码完成注册即可。注册成功后,即可开始挖掘。整个开采过程不耗电,甚至不需要启动。你只需要每24小时点击一次屏幕右侧的挖矿按钮,即可将你的PI币量与服务器同步,继续挖矿。
二、 PI币的矿业收益会随着矿业人的增加而减少,直至消失。如果网络上的总人数不上升,PI币将无限期发行。但是一旦总人数达到标准,开采奖励就会减少,PI币的流通就会被放气,很难获得PI币。
三、 这种设计使得每一个用户和持有者的理性选择都是不断开发新用户,直到挖掘回报归零,这将大大有利于未来主网上线后整个网络的安全和治理的去中心化。
四、 PI币的经济模型已经用比特币、莱特币等上一代的共识机制进行了升级。第一,PI币通过大家的闲置资源手机进行挖矿。截至2018年底,全球智能手机用户数为36.66亿,全球手机用户数超过电脑,电脑用户数超过加密钱包。
一、 Pi币,在币圈里很有名,大腕们都看不起这个币,但也不妨碍它拥有众多的粉丝,有人觉得只要手机就可以挖矿,每日签到就可以赚钱,是个纯粹的项目;有人认为, pi币背后的团队是斯坦福大学的精英。
二、 pi币=纯零撸?
说“零撸”也不完全错, pi币设计的初衷的确是想用零撸的方式吸引流量,而单从“挖矿”的行为上看,就是“挖矿”的行为也不完全错。但是“零撸”并不代表不会割韭菜
三、 据说 Pi币的背后是一个传销头子张鹏主导的项目,这个项目的初衷是要在2020年初用零撸的方式割一波韭菜,不过后来有广告公司找了张鹏, PI币的粉丝群才发现张鹏这个项目。
四、 所以综上所述,虚拟电子货币pi币的主要信息已经明了了,值得注意的是投资需谨慎,要量力而行,结合自身实力情况选择对自己最有利的选项,只有这样才可以立于不败之地,保存自身实力。

㈧ 为什么我挖不了矿了怎样才能挖矿

1) 30级以上玩家完成每完成一个收集环任务奖励活跃值1点。
2) 幻想保卫战活跃值奖励规则:
30~40级普通模式15点,困难模式20点,难以置信模式 25点。
40~60级普通模式25点,困难模式30点,难以置信模式 35点。
60~80级普通模式35点,困难模式40点,难以置信模式 45点。
30~40级普通模式8点,困难模式10点,难以置信模式 12点。
40~60级普通模式12点,困难模式15点,难以置信模式 17点。
60~80级普通模式17点,困难模式20点,难以置信模式 22点。
3) 取消试炼和羽族悬赏任务的活跃值奖励。
4) 每挖矿1个消耗活跃值1点。
5) 活跃值“每周日清空”的规则取消。玩家可在比翼城NPC悬赏任务发布官处查看自己的活跃值。

㈠ There are 8 graphics cards, but only one graphics card does not mine. What is the reason?

The reason is insufficient power supply.
1. Insufficient power supply will cause the mining board to be unable to recognize all the graphics cards, and there will be a situation where only one of the eight graphics cards will not mine.
2. Right-click the computer, select Manage, and enter the Device Manager.
3. Select the system device folding item, find the PCIbus option, right-click and select Uninstall driver.
4. Then follow the prompts and keep pressing Yes until the uninstallation is completed and you are prompted to restart.
5. Restart the computer, and then you will find that a lot of system hardware has been discovered and re-identified. Do not move at this time until all hardware devices are fully identified.
6. You can find the shadow of the independent graphics card under the display device folding item in the device manager.
7. Restart the computer, then install the independent graphics driver, then install the integrated graphics driver, and finally restart to solve the problem.

㈡ Pi Mining Tutorial

1. Registration Mining Tutorial


< br /> 3.




< br /> 8.



11. So far, your mobile Pi coin mining machine has been operating normally and started mining. Next, you need to verify your mobile phone. Only the Pi coins mined by your mobile phone that pass the SMS verification are valid; < br />




16. < br />

2. Tutorial on adding a safety circle

After 3 days of mining, you can start editing your safety circle. The safety circle is you A list of trusted people. Once your wallet private key is lost after going to the mainnet, it can be recalled through the security circle, so remember to add your most trusted people to the security circle;


2. After entering, as shown below, you can add a safety circle in two ways, one is to add from the people you invite, the other is to add from your address book;

3. Add from the invited people as shown below,

4. Add from the address book as shown below. You can only add people who are already Pi users to your address book. There will be a green "π" behind these people. logo, you click on it;


3. WalletSetup Tutorial

In the above process, we have only completed the mining process. Mining will stop after Pi is on the main network. The Pi coins we mine will be mapped into the wallet, so we need to set up a wallet for ourselves;









㈢ How to mine pi coins and what are the rules of mining< /p>

Operating environment: Pi APP is updated to version 1.27.2 (40) (if it has not been updated to the latest version, you can download the update from the pi official website)

The operation steps are as follows:

①Click on the menu bar (the three horizontal lines) to bring up the menu;
②A third-party application introduced by the Pi team to specifically respond to the coronavirus epidemic will appear. Click directly to proceed to the next step;
③Click "ALLOW" ”, allowing third parties to call your username for use;
④Report your physical condition, asymptomatic, check next step;
⑤Check asymptomatic, and then you can get a gift from the company Your 0.001π;
⑥Donation button;
⑦Fill in the number in the box, how many Pi coins you want to donate to this company to respond to the epidemic, the amount is arbitrary;
⑧The KYC certification application dialog box will pop up. Click: apply for KYC to apply;
⑨ Fill in the content, fill in the nationality according to your actual situation, whether you have a passport, identity certificate, etc.;
⑩After filling in, just click submit. At this point, your application has been sent and is waiting for internal transfer to be activated.

Expansion: What is Pi Coin

Pi Coin (pi coin, π coin) is a new type of cryptocurrency developed for ordinary people. You can "mine" through your mobile phone ( or earned). Cryptocurrency is a newA form of digital currency that is maintained and protected by a community group rather than a government or bank. Today, you can mine (or earn) PiCoins by helping to maintain the security of the PiCoin network and increasing PiCoin's trusted network. While most cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are extremely difficult to use and obtain for the general public, Pi puts the power of cryptocurrencies in the palm of your hand.

Review of development history:

On March 14, 2019, Pinetwork was established in San Francisco, California, USA, and the APP was officially launched.
On May 22, 2019, the number of users exceeded 10,000, and the mining speed was halved for the first time.
On July 10, 2019, the number of users exceeded 100,000, and the mining speed was halved for the second time.
On August 3, 2019, the APP was upgraded and a Chinese announcement was released for the first time.
On August 7, 2019, the Chinese exchange aacoin officially launched the trading period Yuzaihuo Pi, with a price between 12.0 and 1.5 yuan.
On October 25, 2019, the number of users reached 1 million, and 100,000 illegal accounts were officially cleared. .
On October 31, 2019, pi announced that the number of users had officially reached 1 million, and the mining computing power was halved for the third time.
On November 14, 2019, Pi officially announced that the number of users reached 1.25 million. When the number of users reaches 10 million, it will be halved again or new users will stop mining.

Has the PI mining machine crashed?

Hello, people are now very aware of fraud prevention. The Pi coin project has not caused a large loss of assets, so it is not running away at the moment. As a zero-investment project launched in 2019, PI Coin issues so-called PI Coins under the guise of blockchain, and promotes users by making big cakes and attracting people. The project team has made a lot of money through tens of millions of PI yuan users watching advertisements, so it has been reluctant to go to the main network. Now, seeing its scandals continue to be exposed, it can’t wait to announce the time to go to the mainnet. As a mobile mining project, PI itself has logical problems. PI coin itself is an air coin with no value. Now there are those who advocate exaggerating its value. There is no doubt that the project team has deliberate rhythms with ulterior motives.
Extended information:
1. PI coins are basically worthless. Even if you go to the exchange, the price will rush all the way to the street. Just throw it away when the time comes! On September 4, 2017, seven national ministries and commissions issued an announcement on "Preventing Token Issuance and Financing Risks": Article 2 stipulates that no organization or individual may illegally engage in token issuance and financing activities! The content is clear. All types of token issuance and financing activities will be stopped immediately from the date of this announcement.
2. Organizations and individuals that have completed token issuance and financing should make repayment arrangements, reasonably protect the rights and interests of investors, and properly handle risks. Relevant departments will seriously investigate and deal with illegal activities that refuse to stop in token issuance and financing activities and completed token issuance and financing projects in accordance with the law. August 28, 2018On July 1, the China Internet Financial Reporting Information Platform added the reporting content of "Token Issuance and Financing" to the "Internet Financial Reporting Scope". The essence of various types of token issuance and financing is an unapproved illegal public financing behavior, which is suspected of illegal sales of token tickets, illegal issuance of securities, illegal fund-raising, financial fraud, pyramid schemes and other illegal and criminal activities.
3. Although Pi is zero, it will eventually induce you to invest. After all, if you want to turn your numbers into real money, you have to pay out of pocket. Let us preview how the PI coin project team may harvest leeks in the future (assuming there is no external intervention in the crash). First, it is announced to be shut down on a certain day, and then the mainnet is launched. At this time, leeks can be attracted to enter. The second is to do token mapping and release ratio. The mainnet currency will be listed on the exchange, giving Liake hope to make a fortune. Finally, the total amount of mainnet coins is determined and diluted. After going online, make some ecological applications to attract Leeks to lock up, thereby increasing the currency price. After the release, the community was declared free and the perfect harvest was completed! As Li Moulai, the boss of the currency circle, said, PI coin is a boring scam! Most applications in the currency circle can only be downloaded from the mobile application market with overseas IDs. Borrowing someone else's ID card may upload files from your own phone.
4. These virtual currency applications may also upload user private information during use, allowing user privacy to be exposed in the online world. Investors are reminded that some scams disguised as blockchain will set very low entry thresholds for users in the early stage, including low operating thresholds and free capital thresholds, and use attracting reward models and massive publicity. At this stage, it is essentially building a multi-level distribution system. In the second stage, the project party begins to announce that virtual currency can be transferred or traded, and there is the possibility of capital circulation. This will provide the project party with opportunities to sell tokens, and the risk is greatly increased. Some projects collect user privacy information in the name of the blockchain. , or profit from reselling personal data.

㈤ What is pi coin mining? The method of pi coin mining

Pi coin mining registration tutorial pi network mobile mining latest Chinese illustrations
< br />The number of global active miners of Pi Coin has exceeded 2 million, and it is getting closer and closer to being launched on the mainnet on March 14, 2020. It is truly the most powerful mobile mining project in the world. The key is to mine for free. The pi network project team members are all from Stanford University in the United States. Now they are in the first stage of mining, and the overall project prospects are still good. This type of mining does not consume traffic and does not waste batteries. You only need to collect profits after a 24-hour cycle and continue mining. No recharge is required, no messy multi-level marketing, just one level of sharing! If you want to register, hurry up and check out the latest free mining Chinese version of Pi Coin for beginners below.
The first step, Pi coin mining registration pi network APP download:
1. Open the Android mobile mining website:
https://www.lanzous.com/i624o0b download, register and install.
The Pi Project app has built-in chat rooms from 43 countries. It has just entered the country and is a rare opportunity. The more you dig, the less the output will be. It will be halved in the future. Don’t ask how much pi coins will be worth in the future. Bitcoin has just come out, who knows how much it can be sold for. Who can value GEC when it comes out? It is a new thing, free mining at zero cost, a new hot spot. It's always right to ambush, free mining, the earlier the better.
The second step, the correct process for Pi coin mining registration with Chinese pictures and texts:
1. After the APP is installed, open it, select Continue with phone number to register, and choose China (+86).
2. The password setting requires more than 8 characters and must be composed of numbers and upper and lower case letters.
3. Fill in the First name (first name, in full Pinyin), Last name (surname, in full Pinyin), and Username (the username is the invitation code you set, try to use lowercase letters + numbers to facilitate memory).
4. Fill in the invitation code: Guhun [Thank you for filling in my invitation code] Tip: The name when registering must be your real name, because strict KYC is required to access the mainnet in the future. If it is a false name, the coins mined will be void. Friends who have registered with an alias do not need to worry. The team will give you an opportunity to change your name before the mainnet is launched. Please pay attention!
After the registration is completed, an interface will appear and follow its instructions. Click the small lightning logo to start mining, and then click it every 24 hours, otherwise it will be in the "inactive" state of the zombie.
Many people register and don’t pay attention to it. They just accept it every day when they think about it, and ignore it when they can’t remember it. Of course, just like Bitcoin, when Bitcoin was not valuable, many people didn’t pay attention to it either. I have hundreds of Bitcoins (now tens of thousands of dollars each) and I can’t remember where to put them. What a tragedy. Therefore, we must not only mine this PI coin carefully, but also keep it well.
Pi network mobile mining warm and important tips:
Pi Network currency green lightning icon, click once every 24 hours to start mining. Nothing else to do
Every time you invite a friend, you must increase the computing power by 0.05 when mining at the same time, no subordinates, no fission, fair, reasonable and equal!
One person, one machine, one account, don’t use the trumpet, the system If detected, the account will be cleared immediately! Keep mining!
Be sure to confirm it with your mobile phone! Otherwise, you will mine in vain!
And remember to go up and click [Green Lightning] every 24 hours to collect minerals !Stop mining if you don’t collect the ore.
The APP has built-in project party chat rooms and 43 country chat rooms, of course there are Chinese ones, you can choose Simplified Chinese!
About the transaction: Pi Network coin official explanation, it will be opened after KYC before the end of December Internal trading, listed on the exchange on March 14, 2020, safe and reliable! AntiIt is also free! So don’t spend money to buy it, be careful not to become a leek, we only collect wool, and we are only responsible for mining pi coins! Stupid coins!
The current mining base speed is 0.25, plus your invitation 0.05 people means 0.25*24*30=180 people. The current highest futures price on the exchange has reached 21 yuan/coin (reference price). One person can mine 3780 yuan worth of Ye Yulu in a month without being invited. For pi coins, minus the impossible tens of clicks of lightning mining time, there is basically no problem with more than 3,000. Digital currencies are focused on future potential. Someone once calculated that PI coins can rise to 100-300 based on models. It is not impossible for US dollar/coin to reach US$1,000. The future of Pi coin is promising! Let us witness it together!

㈥ What is pi coin and can it be mined?

Pi coin, also called pi coin, is a virtual digital currency. It is actually too early to say whether pi coins are legal. Because pi coins are free to mine, you don’t need to pay money, everyone can mine them, and there is no mainnet and no trading. No one came up with any money, and almost no one was deceived because of this. But everyone should understand that as soon as transactions start and money is involved, someone will definitely be deceived and harvested because of this. At that time, whether it is legal or not is worth discussing. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not currency in the true sense, does not have the same legal status as currency, and cannot be It should not be used as a currency in the market, and citizens’ investment and trading of virtual currencies are not protected by the Law of Exclusion.
The design principle of PI coin cannot circumvent the pyramid scheme nature of pulling people’s heads
Seeing that there are so many promotional copywriting in Peng Zizi’s circle of friends, all kinds of cakes are drawn because they want to pull people’s heads
Don’t pull people You can't increase your own mining speed and attract more novices to join
As explained by BlockBeats, the mining speed of PI coins consists of several parts: basic speed + Contributor (B safe connections) ) + Ambassador (the active number of N inviters) B is at most 5, and N is at most infinite. The daily mining speed is composed of three parts. The first part, Pioneer is base speed, the same for everyone. The second part, the capital disk website, Contributor needs to be mined for three days to unlock. The calculation formula of the speed bonus is: number of safe connections x basic speed x 20%, and the upper limit of the number of safe connections is 5. When you register for the first time and fill in the invitation code, you can get a safe connection. The rest can be obtained by inviting new friends to join. The third part, Ambassador, represents the invitation reward. The more people you invite, the higher the speed bonus you will get (the invited people need to participate in mining normally to increase the speed bonus, that is, active shown in the picture, represents how many people there are is a lively state). The calculation formula is: number of active invitations x 25% x (first part speed + second part speed). Similarly, if you fill in the invitation code when registering, you can get 1 active invitation number (provided that your inviter is active). If you want to increase the number of active invitations, you need to continue to invite new friends to join through your own invitation code. In the second part, the number of people is limited to 5. In the third part, the more people you attract, the higher the income. This is an extremely obvious nature of attracting people! Bitcoin does not have this rule. The current currency circle project is a fund scam. If the nature of MLM is not used properly,
it is precisely because of this MLM mechanism that the phenomenon of PI coins being wildly promoted in the circle of friends will occur.

㈦ What is pi coin?

Pi coin is a virtual digital currency. It is similar to Bitcoin and Litecoin and is obtained through mining. Users can download the pi coin mining software and register. Registration is not restricted by region. All you need to do is enter the referral code. After successful registration, you can start mining. Pi coin mining software has just been launched in China. The software has built-in 43 countries. The pi coins mined will have cash value on the exchange.
1. PI coin registration is not restricted by region. You only need to complete the registration through the referral code. After successful registration, you can start mining. The entire mining process consumes no electricity and does not even need to be started. You only need to click the mining button on the right side of the screen every 24 hours to synchronize your PI currency amount with the server and continue mining.
2. The mining income of PI coins will decrease with the increase of miners until it disappears. If the total number of people on the network does not rise, PI coins will be issued indefinitely. But once the total number of people reaches the standard, the mining rewards will be reduced, the circulation of PI coins will be deflated, and it will be difficult to obtain PI coins.
3. This design makes the rational choice of every user and holder to continue to develop new users until the mining returns return to zero. This will greatly benefit the security and governance of the entire network after the mainnet goes online in the future. Centralization.
4. The economic model of PI coin has been upgraded with the consensus mechanism of the previous generation such as Bitcoin and Litecoin. First, PI coins are mined through everyone’s idle resource mobile phones. As of the end of 2018, the number of global smartphone users was 3.666 billion. The number of mobile phone users worldwide exceeded that of computers, and the number of computer users exceeded encrypted wallets.
Extended information:
1. Pi coin is very famous in the currency circle. Big names look down on this coin, but this does not prevent it from having many fans. Some people think that you can mine with a mobile phone and sign in every day. It is a pure project that can make money; some people think that the team behind pi coin is the elite of Stanford University.
2. pi coin = pure zero?
It is not entirely wrong to say "zero Lu". The original intention of pi coin design is to use zero Lu to attract traffic, but from the perspective of the behavior of "mining" alone, even the behavior of "mining" is not Totally wrong. But "zero cutting" does not mean that you can't cut leeks
3, It is said that behind Pi Coin is a project led by Zhang Peng, the leader of MLM. The original intention of this project was to cut a wave of leeks at the beginning of 2020, but later an advertising company approached Zhang Peng. The fan base of PI Coin Only then did I discover Zhang Peng’s project.
4. So in summary, the main information of the virtual electronic currency pi coin has been made clear. It is worth noting that investment needs to be cautious, act according to one's ability, and choose the option that is most beneficial to you based on your own strength. This is the only way. Only then can we remain invincible and preserve our own strength.

㈧Why can’t I mine? How can I mine?

Ore output adjustment
In order to prevent cheats from hanging up without cost, the system will compare mining with ordinary Players' daily behaviors are linked to distinguish plug-ins from ordinary players. Only by consuming activity points can they collect ores. Ordinary players can obtain activity points by participating in other game systems, and then use the activity points to collect ores.
In order to avoid cheating to increase activity points, at this stage, only participating in fantasy defense battles and collection ring tasks can obtain activity points. In the future, we will add more game content to generate activity points. After the reduction of ore production, in order to stabilize the ore price in the market, all ore commodities will be sold at a 20% discount on the shelves.
Activity value reward rules are as follows:
1) Players above level 30 will be rewarded with 1 activity value point for each collection ring task they complete.
2) Fantasy Defense Battle active point reward rules:
Rewards for completing the Defense Battle:
Level 30~40: 15 points in normal mode, 20 points in difficult mode, and 25 points in incredible mode.
Levels 40 to 60 are 25 points in normal mode, 30 points in hard mode, and 35 points in incredible mode.
Levels 60 to 80 are 35 points in normal mode, 40 points in hard mode, and 45 points in incredible mode.
Reward for failed defense mission:
8 points for level 30-40 in normal mode, 10 points in hard mode, and 12 points in incredible mode.
Levels 40 to 60 are 12 points in normal mode, 15 points in hard mode, and 17 points in incredible mode.
Levels 60 to 80 are 17 points in normal mode, 20 points in hard mode, and 22 points in incredible mode.
3) Cancel the activity points rewards for trials and Yu clan bounties.
4) Each mining consumes 1 activity point.
5) The rule of "clear every Sunday" for active values ​​is cancelled. Players can check their activity level at the NPC Bounty Mission Release Office in Biz City.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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