bottos币 币圈社群打造

① 什么是社群


② 很多人说社区才是区块链技术当中最重要的部分,真的吗




③ 币圈等其他圈子收入不菲,那么你知道圈子的本质吗










圈子相当于就是个人品牌,是需要精准定位的,这样才会吸引来志同道合的朋友。首先,要对自身有一个清晰的认知,切合自身实际,如果要在一窍不通的领域做圈子,这样的圈子肯定是做不起来的。其次,定位不能太过于广泛,也不能太过于狭窄。例如网络指数,如果指数为 0 的领域,就不要做了,受众太小。





④ 社群是什么




第二次世界大战后,古尔维奇的集团论及帕森斯的观点,即 AG-IL理论,作为集团论的两种方向,博得较高评价。教育社会学注重研究学校组织中群体及群体间的互动关系,如教师群体、学生群体、师生互动等。

参考资料:社群分类 网络

① What is a community

A community is composed of people with common interests. Anyone can join an open-access community, while membership in a restricted community is limited to specific groups. You can also start a public community with managed access, which lets you control membership and manage access to community resources.

② Many people say that the community is the most important part of blockchain technology. Is that true?

The Bitcoin we are talking about today was born from the community. I heard from friends that blockchain will be a new blue ocean, so I personally studied it a little bit.

In fact, as a community, it can bring people with the same hobbies together and allow ideas to collide. Blockchain technology is an emerging technology, so it requires more communication and discussion. In this way, we can exchange some experiences with each other and get better ideas for practice. However, the current blockchain community is relatively small, and the supervision of blockchain is also uncertain.

In fact, the most important thing is not to mention it. The most important thing about blockchain technology is to continue to carry out experimental applications, so as to gain more experience and implement blockchain applications. Only when more blockchain applications are implemented, blockchain technology will attract more people's attention.

③ The currency circle and other circles earn a lot of money, so do you know the nature of the circle?

There are many other circles such as the currency circle, the mining circle, etc. where the monthly income can be easily earned. There are endless claims of over ten thousand, over one million or even more, so do you really know the inside story in these circles? How many people were tricked into selling off their assets? At this time, you need to understand the nature of the circle, rather than just follow the wind.

So what is a circle?

Circles, often referred to as communities, are a way for people to socialize. In large circles, there are forums, Weibo, Tieba, etc., and in smaller circles, there are WeChat group chats, QQ group chats, etc.

The essence of a circle is to bring together a group of like-minded people to learn together, communicate with each other, reasonably connect resources, and work together, which is the fastest way to learn and grow.

People have social attributes, and social interaction is a skill that must be mastered. If a person does not have a circle, relatively speaking, this person seems to be relatively self-isolated and will choose to stay in his own world. Without contact and communication with society and people, information will become increasingly scarce, and people will gradually become disconnected from society, resulting in loss of self-confidence and lack of security.

At the same time, the quality of a circle will not only affect a person's vision and the height he can reach, but will also affect learning and help improve efficiency. especially inIn today's era of extreme explosion of big data and information, the information on the Internet can be said to be a mixed bag, which is dizzying. It is difficult to distinguish which is good and which is bad; which is new and which is old; and which is useful. , which ones are useless. You can only rely on yourself to be blind and touch the elephant, hit by mistake, and learn with such efficiency. In the end, you will lose motivation because of little effect, and finally choose to give up.

Whether you join or have your own high-value circle, you will receive considerable help and improvement in study, career, and even life.

For novices who want to learn new knowledge quickly, the best way is to join relevant circles and ask the talented people in the circles to learn from them. This method is far better than trying to figure it out on your own. . However, while reaping the rewards, one must not forget to share and contribute. For any group, a person who only takes things without knowing how to give will eventually be rejected and isolated by everyone.

For those who have achieved something, it is better to have a high-value circle of their own than to join other people's circles and make wedding dresses for others. In your own circle, you are the core of the circle. As the core of the circle, you are often the person in the circle who benefits the most. You will get more cooperation opportunities, gain more friends, study more efficiently, have a smoother career, gain both fame and fortune, and life will become more interesting.

A circle is equivalent to a personal brand, which needs to be accurately positioned so that it can attract like-minded friends. First of all, you must have a clear understanding of yourself and be consistent with your own reality. If you want to form a circle in a field that you know nothing about, such a circle will definitely not be possible. Secondly, the positioning cannot be too broad or too narrow. For example, if the network index is 0, don’t do it because the audience is too small.

As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules. If you want to make a good circle, you must formulate relevant rules. For example, there needs to be a threshold to enter the circle. If there is no threshold, then all kinds of people will enter the circle, and it will be difficult to manage and operate the circle. The circle needs to have a sharing mechanism. If there is no sharing mechanism, everyone will have a mentality of taking without giving, and the circle will not be effective and reasonable, and will gradually lose value.

Circles need to be based on platforms to communicate effectively. For example, establish an online communication platform such as a WeChat group or QQ group. However, such group chat platforms also have some disadvantages, that is, they cannot accumulate content and are more difficult to manage. Here we recommend Small Action, a tool dedicated to efficient organizational learning, focusing on the combination of learning and practice, and interactive learning.

If a circle lacks communication, the circle will soon die. Communication can be exchange or sharing. Communication ensures whether a circle is full of vitality; sharing determines whether a circleDoes the circle have value? Therefore, it is necessary to constantly encourage and support members to communicate with each other, share and cooperate.

After all, the Internet is a virtual social environment. No matter how familiar the members of the circle are, they are just the most familiar strangers. Offline activities can build a real sense of trust and promote friendly relationships among members. On the basis of online communication, when conducting offline activities, there will be a greater probability of reaching cooperation.

④ What is a community?

A community is simply a group, but a community needs to have some forms of expression of its own. For example, we can see that a community must have a chain of social relationships. It is not just a group but brings everyone together based on one point, needs and hobbies. It has a stable group structure and a relatively consistent group consciousness; members have a consistent behavioral norms and continuous interactive relationships; division of labor and collaboration among members, and the ability to act in unison.

(4) What does the bots currency community do? Extended reading:

Basically it can be divided into two categories: one is the classification of the group itself. Such as Sumner's ingroup and outgroup, my group and other group, Mayo's formal group and informal group, Mead's reference group and member group, etc.; the second is the classification of groups and social organizations outside the group, For example, Cooley and others divided them into primary groups and secondary groups according to the nature of membership relationships. The Japanese Sociological Society divided them into basic groups and functional groups. Soviet sociologist Andreeva divided them into large groups. with small groups, etc. Other influential classifications include Sorokin's vertical groups and horizontal groups, Parker et al.'s "territorial" and "non-territorial" groups, etc. According to the historical process of the emergence of groups, some people also divide them into blood groups, geographical groups, professional groups, interesting groups and aspirational groups.

After World War II, Gurwitch's group theory and Parsons' views, that is, AG-IL theory, won high praise as two directions of group theory. Educational sociology focuses on the study of groups and the interactive relationships between groups in school organizations, such as teacher groups, student groups, teacher-student interactions, etc.

Reference materials: Community classification network

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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