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内容预览:神王作者:饭太咸级别划分更新时间2012-5-18 11:20:25 字数:211不懂的朋友们可以来这里参考下灵魔师:灵魔学徒–灵魔士–灵魔师,大灵师–灵真–灵天–灵王–灵仙–灵神炼金师:炼金学徒–炼金士–炼金师–大炼金师––药真–药天–药王-药仙-灵神龙师:龙徒–龙士–龙师–大龙师–真龙–龙天–龙王–龙仙–龙神精灵族:弓徒–弓士–弓师–大弓师–真弓–弓天–弓王–弓仙–弓神元力:初元境–入元境–同元境-人元境-真元境–地元境-天元境–仙元境–神元境有一点值得注意的是元力的六级是‘地元境’,天元是七级资料1更新时间2012-6-10 2:07:33 字数:14073奇门遁甲,就是由“奇”,“门”,“遁甲”三部分组成。“奇”就是咒,符,印三奇;“门”就是休,生,伤,杜,景,死,惊,开八门;“遁”是隐藏的意思,“遁甲”就是九遁,九遁包括:天遁,地遁。人遁,风遁,云遁,龙遁,虎遁,神遁,鬼遁奇门遁甲》是中华民族的精典著作,也是奇门、六壬、太乙三大秘宝中的第一大秘术,是易经最高层次的预测学,号称帝王之学,又为夺天地造化之学,也是论天体、人和地球运动规律的科学巨著,而地球的磁场就隐藏在奇门遁甲之中,进而使其揭示宇宙间事物发展变化的自然规律也最为深奥,最为精确实用。另有同名小说,同名电影详细介绍奇门遁甲,是中国古老的一种术数,……

⑶ 在深夜,听到一种奇怪的声音,这种声音似在眼前,又似在很远的地方,这是什么现象

由最高源头中央大日发出的初元光音 OM(嗡)波频,将逐渐并持续振荡整个宇宙,为宇宙带来扬升之宏观能量。这一波 OM(嗡)巨浪将在近期影响到地球层面,为地球上所有准备好的人类的扬升提供能量上的终极支持。届时,OM(嗡)波将无处不在,在这次能量周期内,唯有与之共振,才能有效地将剥离旧宇宙的能量所产生的不适降至最低。

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⑸ 霍金 的 《宇宙之始》 请详细解答

第二章初元是这样创生一切的呢?首先从它创生正、负能量开始。它创生正、负能量的过程,起源于初元的振动。由于初元具有不稳定性,它无缘无故的发生了振动,产生了三个东西,振、动及振和动之间的膜。振形成了正能量,动形成了负能量。正能量和负能量都不是纯粹的,正能量中隐藏着等量的负能量,负能量中隐藏着等量的正能量。只是在正能量中,正能量呈显性,负能量呈隐性,因而称为正能量。在负能量中,负能量呈显性,正能量呈隐性,因而称为负能量。 随着振动的加剧,产生的正能量和负能量越来越多。正能量转化成了空间,负能量转化成了暗物质。
第五章随着暗物质不断的进入空间,暗物质与空间之间、暗物质与暗物质之间所具有的吸引性和空间与空间之间所具有的排斥性,相互发生了作用。结果,空间开始收缩,暗物质开始聚集。在这个过程中,由于暗物质和空间之间的相互振动,产生了温度 。当空间收缩到一定程度时,奇点形成了。

⑹ 本体论和宇宙论有什么区别

初元是这样创生一切的呢?首先,从它创生正、负能量开始。它创生正、负能量的过程,起源于初元的振动。由于初元具有不稳定性,它无缘无故的发生了振动,产生了三个东西,振、动及振和动之间的膜。振形成了正能量,动形成了负能量。正能量和负能量都不是纯粹的,正能量中隐藏着等量的负能量,负能量中隐藏着等量的正能量。只是在正能量中,正能量呈显性,负能量呈隐性,因而称为正能量。在负能量中,负能量呈显性,正能量呈隐性,因而称为负能量。 随着振动的加剧,产生的正能量和负能量越来越多。正能量转化成了空间,负能量转化成了暗物质。
随着暗物质和空间,通过膜逐渐的合在一起。暗物质与空间之间、暗物质与暗物质之间所具有的吸引性,和空间与暗物质、空间与空间之间所具有的排斥性,相互发生作用。结果,空间开始收缩,暗物质开始聚集。因为,在这个过程中,暗物质与暗物质、空间与空间、暗物质与空间、空间与暗物质之间,发生了碰撞,所以,产生了温度 。当空间收缩到一定程度时,奇点形成了。

物质的合成阶段:大爆炸之后,空间和暗物质得到了充分混合,形成一个椭圆体的混沌状态。在这种混沌状态中,存在着两种基本粒子:空间粒子和暗物质粒子。 这时,由于宇宙的体积非常小,温度却非常高,空间粒子和暗物质粒子碰撞的几率和强度即高又大。因而,暗物质粒子和空间粒子合成物质的速度就大于物质分解成暗物质粒子和空间粒子的速度。所以宇宙表现为物质增多。
纵观宇宙的膨胀阶段,各个物理量的变化总趋势是:空间是从小到大。物质是从无到有,由少到多,再由多到少,由少到无。温度是从高到低。黑洞是从无到有,由少到多,由小到大。空间粒子的密度是从大到小。 宇宙膨胀的速度是由小到大,再由大到小,最终为零。膨胀的加速度是由大到小,由正到负。空间粒子和暗物质粒子的总量,始终不变。宇宙就是一个舞台,空间粒子和暗物质就是演员,各个物理量就是不同的角色,它们共同的在表演着宇宙演化的这场大戏。
宇宙的收缩阶段:当宇宙的温度降低到极限,体积也膨胀到极限,暗物质也几乎全部聚集成黑洞时。宇宙演化到收缩阶段,在宇宙的收缩阶段,由于暗物质和空间之间和暗物质与暗物质之间具有吸引性,所以宇宙空间开始收缩,所有黑洞开始向一起聚集。 在这个过程中,由于空间粒子之间发生了相互碰撞,所以宇宙的温度开始升高。当所有的黑洞聚集成一点,并向大爆炸奇点的位置移动时,宇宙的形状也由椭圆形逐渐转化成了圆形。就在黑洞与大爆炸奇点完全吻合的那一刻,黑洞和空间完全转化成了奇点。接着就又发生了大爆炸,从此进入宇宙的下一轮的演化。 ontology
本体论:Ontology(本体论)一词是由17世纪的德国经院学者郭克兰纽(Goclenius,1547-1628)首先使用的。此词由ont(όντ)加上表示“学问”、“学说”的词缀——ology构成,即是关于ont的学问。ont源出希腊文,是on(όν)的变式,相当于英文的being;也就是巴门尼德的“存在”。“本体”的研究,在希腊哲学史上有其渊源。从米利都学派开始,希腊早期哲学家就致力于探索组成万有的最基本元素——“本原”(希腊文arche,旧译为“始基”)。对此“本原”的研究即成为本体论的先声,而且逐步逼近于对being 的探讨。之后的巴门尼德深刻地提出,“是以外便无非是,存在之为存在者必一,这就不会有不存在者存在”。并且认为存在永存不变,仅有思维与之同一,亦仅有思维可以获致此真理;而从感觉得来者仅为意见,从意见的观点看,则有存在和非存在,存在既非一从而有变灭。巴门尼德对being(是,存在)的探讨, 建立了本体论研究的基本方向:对于被“是者”所分有的“是”,仅只能由思维向超验之域探寻,而不能由感觉从经验之中获取;此在超验之域中寻得之“是”,因其绝对的普遍性和本原性,必然只能是一。不过,这一点只有苏格拉底和柏拉图才能真有领会,与他同时的希腊哲人或多或少地有所忽略。因而,如原子论者虽然也区分了真理认识和暗昧认识,认识到思维与感觉的不同;但其探寻的“本原”可否由经验获致却极模糊,因而实际上并未能区分超验和经验。而在苏格拉底那些没有最终结论的对话中,已破除了经验归纳方法获取真理的可能性;在柏拉图的理念论中,则鲜明地以超验世界的“理念”为真理之根本。

⑺ 阴阳鬼师的txt全集下载地址

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内容预览:阴阳鬼师作者:陆家陸少作品相关更新时间2012-7-9 16:00:23 字数:3158实力等阶划分:筑基(十层)炼精化气天地二桥,沟通天地元化结丹成婴化虚还神羽化上界实力划分地仙人仙天仙金仙入神化圣圣人创世黄帝曰:阴阳者,天地之道也,万物之纲纪,变化之父母,生杀之本始,神明之府也,治病必求于本.故积阳为天,积阴为地。阴静阳躁,阳生阴长,阳杀阴藏。阳化气,阴成形。寒极生热,热极生寒;寒气生浊,热气生清;清气在下,则生飧泄;浊气在上,则生从胀,此阴阳反作,病之逆从也。(《素问·阴阳应象大论》)阴阳是自然界事物运动变化的基本规律和普遍法则,是认识万物之纲领,是事物发生、发展和衰退、消亡的根本。“阴阳者,天地之道也”“道”,在哲学上用来说明世界的本原、本体、规律或原理。道有体用,从道体看,它是宇宙的本原,又是万物发展变化的生机与动力;从道用看,它是宇宙的秩序和法则,又是无为无形的宇宙本初的自然节律.古人认为气是构成宇宙万物的原初物质,阴阳乃是一气之消息,宇宙万物是由阴阳二气的交互作用所生成,由此决定了宇宙万物无不包含着阴阳的对立统一。或者说,宇宙万物中所包含的具体阴阳,犹如万川之月,均是宇宙生成之初元阴阳的投影。所以,阴阳既是宇宙万物之本原及其发展变化的动力,又是自然……别忘了采纳哟

⑻ 盘古开天神话对中国文化的影响








⑼ 宇宙和搓澡巾有什么关系


⑴ What is the identity of the protagonist of "Treading the Star"

Lu Yin's identity is the former ruler of the Starry Sky and a direct descendant of the Lu family. After the Lu family was exiled, he was sealed for unknown reasons and his bones were reshaped. He fell into the fifth continent's cosmic sea and was picked up by one of the four hegemons, the Rennes Group. He experienced countless dangers and his status rose with time.

The Sixth Continent invaded, and Lu Yin unified the outer universe in the name of the Hall of Glory. A few years later, he won the Supreme Competition, went to the Starry Sky of Trees to find an opportunity to overcome three levels, and returned successfully.

Related as follows

The ancient burial garden is opened, and the Seven Gods enter the burial garden in an attempt to destroy mankind from the oldest era. The inheritance was defeated by the tombkeeper's trick. However, the secret ancestor of the Sixth Continent, Yiren, betrayed humanity and used the power of the ancestral realm to attack the cemetery. Xia Shang took action and broke the secret ancestor's sky, but his sword was also broken by Hei Wushen.

When the four half-ancestors Ni Huang, Wang Si, Bai Laogui, and Xia De came to the Fifth Continent, the remaining five half-ancestors from the Fifth Continent appeared. The Eternals took advantage of Zen Lao to leave the Hall of Glory and descended from the starry sky of the tree, disrupting the Hall of Glory and severely injuring Judge Qingping. Qingping was forced to break the bubble, and the Star Source Universe was absorbed, triggering the Eternals' all-out attack on the Fifth Continent in advance.

The ancient humans were revealed from the original treasure, which greatly changed the situation while helping humans. Lu Yin was brought into the long river of time by the Ancestral Sword. When fighting for the Ancestral Sword with Chu Yuan, he was penetrated through the heart. He traveled to twenty years later, but as a blessing in disguise, he had his own power, which resembled the inner world.

Become the only Taoist in this era. Relying on the power of the stars in the sky left by Ancestor Chen, the danger of the invasion of the Eternals on the fifth continent is temporarily relieved. Afterwards, Tianshang Sect was rebuilt, and to a certain extent, he could command all other practitioners, including the half-ancestor, and truly walk on behalf of Heaven.

⑵ Free download of the complete txt collection of the God King novel

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Content preview: God Wang Author: Fan Taixian Level division update time 2012-5-18 11:20:25 Word count: 211 Friends who don’t understand can come here for reference: Spirit Demon Apprentice – Spirit Demon Master – Spirit Magic Master, big Spirit Master – Ling Zhen – Spirit Heaven – Spirit King – Spirit Immortal – Spirit God Alchemist: Alchemist Apprentice – Alchemist – Alchemist – Great Alchemist – Yaozhen – Medicine Heaven – Medicine King – Medicine Immortal – Spirit God Dragon Master: Dragon Disciple – Dragon Master – Dragon Master – Great Dragon Master – True Dragon – Long Tian – Dragon King – Dragon Immortal – Dragon God Elf Tribe: Bow Disciple – Archer – Arch Master – Great Bow Master – True Bow – Gong Tian – Bow King – Gong Xian – Gong Shen Yuan Power: Chu Yuan Realm – Entering Yuan Realm – Tong Yuan Realm – Ren Yuan Realm – True Yuan Realm – Earth Yuan Realm – Tian Yuan Realm – Immortal Yuan Realm – Shen Yuan Realm. One thing worth noting is the Yuan Li. The sixth level is the 'Diyuan Realm', and the Tianyuan is the seventh level. Information 1 Updated on 2012-6-10 2:07:33 Word Count: 14073 Qimen Dunjia is composed of three parts: "Qi", "Men" and "Dunjia". "Qi" refers to the three strange things of curse, talisman and seal; "door" refers to Xiu, Sheng,Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, open the eight gates; "Dun" means hiding, "Dunjia" is Jiudun, and Jiudun includes: Heaven Escape, Earth Escape. "Human Escape, Wind Escape, Cloud Escape, Dragon Escape, Tiger Escape, Divine Escape, Ghost Escape" is a classic work of the Chinese nation, and it is also the first secret technique among the three secret treasures of Qimen, Liuren and Taiyi. , is the highest level of prediction in the Book of Changes. It is known as the study of emperors and the study of creation. It is also a scientific masterpiece on the laws of motion of celestial bodies, people and the earth. The magnetic field of the earth is hidden in Qimen Dunjia, and thus It makes it the most profound, accurate and practical way to reveal the natural laws of the development and changes of things in the universe. There is also a novel of the same name, and a movie of the same name details Qi Men Dun Jia, an ancient Chinese magic...

⑶ Late at night, I heard a strange sound, which seemed to be in front of me. It also seems to be in a very far place, what is this phenomenon?

Hello may be the sound of "om",
The OM (Om) wave frequency of the primary light sound emitted by the central sun, the highest source , will gradually and continuously oscillate the entire universe, bringing ascending macroscopic energy to the universe. This huge wave of OM (Om) will affect the earth level in the near future, providing the ultimate energetic support for the ascension of all prepared humans on earth. By then, OM (Om) waves will be everywhere. During this energy cycle, only by resonating with them can we effectively minimize the discomfort caused by stripping away the energy of the old universe.

⑷ Free download of the complete txt novel "The Story Under the Banyan Tree"

The attachment of the complete txt novel "The Story Under the Banyan Tree" has been uploaded to the network disk, click to download for free:

Content preview: The prehistoric universe was originally just a state where the heaven and earth were not opened, and chaos was not divided into yin and yang. Many people think that Pangu was the one who created the world. In fact, they are wrong. The so-called Pangu is just an artifact used to create the world. So who is in charge of the Pangu artifact? Please allow me to keep it a secret for now. What is the Hunyuan Realm? Literally explained, Hun means the energy of chaos. Yuan, the body of the original Yuan. World refers to a living space. The Hunyuan Realm is the most primitive, oldest, and closest to the mystery of the universe that was formed when the universe was first created. The people who live here are called Hongyu Controllers, the animals that can survive here are called prehistoric beasts, and the flowers and plants that live here are the fairy things that cultivators dream of. The way of heaven, the way of heaven, what is the way? Many people's understanding is wrong. Tao is not just Taoism. Similar to Buddhism, demonic cultivation, martial arts, magic, and science and technology, they are actually just a kind of Tao. There are thousands of Taoisms, they may seem different, but they are actually the same. Because people in the world are closed to themselves, it is difficult to find the right solution, they fall into the wrong path and kill each other. This leads to the control and control of one's own destiny by irrelevant heaven. The never-ending cultivation process is a bet between the controllers of the Hunyuan Realm, and the bet is the Pangu Divine Ax used to support the world. It is conceivable...

⑸ Hawking's "The Beginning of the Universe" Please answer in detail

What is the first element? It is nothing. If you say it is nothing, in fact it also exists. If you say it exists, it actually exists.There is only 0, which seems to be something and nothing, like a dream. If we use philosophical language to describe it, it is a stable state without contradiction, but unstable. It is said to be a stable state without contradiction because it is always 0. It is said to be unstable because it creates everything. Positive and negative energy, space, dark matter, etc.
Chapter 2: How did the First Yuan create everything? Start by creating positive and negative energy. The process of creating positive and negative energy originates from the vibration of the primary element. Because the primary element is unstable, it vibrates for no reason, producing three things: vibration, motion, and the membrane between vibration and motion. Vibration forms positive energy, and motion forms negative energy. Neither positive energy nor negative energy is pure. There is an equal amount of negative energy hidden in positive energy, and an equal amount of positive energy hidden in negative energy. It’s just that among positive energy, positive energy is dominant and negative energy is recessive, so it is called positive energy. Among negative energy, negative energy is dominant and positive energy is recessive, so it is called negative energy. As the vibration intensifies, more and more positive and negative energy are generated. Positive energy is converted into space, and negative energy is converted into dark matter.
Chapter 3 Space and dark matter are not pure. Dark matter is hidden in space, and space is hidden in dark matter. It’s just that in space, space is dominant and dark matter is recessive, so it is called space. In dark matter, dark matter is dominant and space is recessive, so it is called dark matter. When the space converted from positive energy and the dark matter converted from negative energy reached their limits, the vibrations stopped.
Chapter 4 There is attraction between dark matter and space, dark matter and dark matter, and repulsion between space and space. Neither attraction nor repulsion is pure. There is repulsion in attraction, and there is attraction in repulsion. It's just that in attraction, attraction is dominant and repulsion is recessive, so it's called attraction. In repulsion, repulsion is dominant and attraction is recessive, so it is called repulsion. Due to the attraction between dark matter and space, dark matter comes together through the membrane and space. Dark matter is packaged by the membrane as it passes through it. Therefore, although space and dark matter coexist in the same room, they do not communicate with each other. Because they have opposite properties, they influence each other.
Chapter 5 As dark matter continues to enter space, the attraction between dark matter and space, between dark matter and dark matter, and the repulsion between space and space interact with each other. As a result, space begins to shrink and dark matter begins to accumulate. In this process, temperature is generated due to the mutual vibration between dark matter and space. When space shrinks to a certain extent, a singularity is formed.
Chapter 6 At the moment when the singularity is formed, the explicit and implicit transformation of space and dark matter suddenly occurs, an explosion immediately occurs, and the temperature reaches the limit in an instant. This explosion is the Big Bang known as the origin of the universe

⑹ What is the difference between ontology and cosmology

Cosmology [Part 1] From the Prime to the Big Bang
Chapter 1
What is Chuyuan? People usually call it ‘nothing’, but it is not nothing in the true sense. Say it has nothing, but it does. Say it does, but it only has 0. It seems to be something, something like nothing, like a dream or an illusion. If we use philosophical language to describe it, it is a state of existence in which there is contradiction but the contradiction is zero. Because there is a contradiction, it is unstable, and because the contradiction is 0, people usually call it ‘nothing’. Everything in the universe and outside the universe is it and is created by it.
Chapter 2
Is this how Chu Yuan created everything? First, start with it creating positive and negative energy. The process of creating positive and negative energy originates from the vibration of the primary element. Because the primary element is unstable, it vibrates for no reason, producing three things: vibration, motion, and the membrane between vibration and motion. Vibration forms positive energy, and motion forms negative energy. Neither positive energy nor negative energy is pure. There is an equal amount of negative energy hidden in positive energy, and an equal amount of positive energy hidden in negative energy. It’s just that among positive energy, positive energy is dominant and negative energy is recessive, so it is called positive energy. Among negative energy, negative energy is dominant and positive energy is recessive, so it is called negative energy. As the vibration intensifies, more and more positive and negative energy is generated. Positive energy is converted into space, and negative energy is converted into dark matter.
Chapter 3
Space and dark matter are not pure. Dark matter is hidden in space, and space is hidden in dark matter. It’s just that in space, space is dominant and dark matter is recessive, so it is called space. In dark matter, dark matter is dominant and space is recessive, so it is called dark matter. When the space converted from positive energy and the dark matter converted from negative energy reached their limits, the vibrations stopped.
Chapter 4
There is attraction between dark matter and space, between dark matter and dark matter, and there is repulsion between space and dark matter, and between space and space. Neither attraction nor repulsion is pure. There is repulsion in attraction, and there is attraction in repulsion. It's just that in attraction, attraction is dominant and repulsion is recessive, so it's called attraction. In repulsion, repulsion is dominant and attraction is recessive, so it is called repulsion. Due to the attraction between dark matter and space, dark matter and space are brought together again through the membrane. As they pass through the membrane, they are individually packaged by the membrane. Therefore, space and dark matter, although opposite in nature, cannot cancel each other out.
Chapter 5
As dark matter and space gradually come together through the membrane. The attraction between dark matter and space, between dark matter and dark matter, and the repulsion between space and dark matter, space and space interact with each other. As a result, space begins to shrink and dark matter begins to accumulate. Because, in this process, there is a collision between dark matter and dark matter, space and space, dark matter and space, space and dark matter, so temperature is generated. When space shrinks to a certain extent, a singularity is formed.
Chapter 6
At the moment when the singularity is formed, the explicitness and implicitness of space and dark mattersudden reversal. The singularity transformed into two singularities, one showing recessiveness and the other showing hiddenness. They exploded almost at the same time, and the effects of the explosion were both the same and different. There are differences among the same, and there are similarities among the differences. The temperature reaches the extreme limit at the moment of explosion. This explosion is known as the Big Bang at the origin of the universe. [End of Part 1]

Cosmology [Part 2] The cyclical evolution of the universe
Chapter 7
The cyclical evolution of the universe is divided into expansion and contraction stages. The expansion stage is divided into an accelerated expansion stage and a decelerated expansion stage. The accelerated expansion stage is divided into a material synthesis stage and a material decomposition stage.
Chapter 8
Synthesis stage and decomposition stage of matter: The synthesis and decomposition of matter are not absolute. In the synthesis stage of matter, there is decomposition of matter, and in the decomposition stage of matter, there is synthesis of matter. In the synthesis stage of matter, the synthesis rate of matter is greater than the decomposition rate of matter, so it is called the synthesis stage. In the decomposition stage of matter, the decomposition rate of matter is greater than the synthesis rate of matter. So it is called the decomposition stage.
Chapter 9
The synthesis stage of matter: After the big bang, space and dark matter were fully mixed, forming an ellipsoidal chaotic state. In this chaotic state, there are two basic particles: space particles and dark matter particles. At this time, because the size of the universe is very small and the temperature is very high, the probability and intensity of collisions between space particles and dark matter particles are both high and high. Therefore, the speed at which dark matter particles and space particles synthesize matter is greater than the speed at which matter decomposes into dark matter particles and space particles. Therefore, the universe appears as an increase in matter.
Because the formation of matter stores energy, the temperature of the universe is getting lower and lower. Because space particles are repulsive to each other, the volume of space will increase. Therefore, the density of space particles and dark matter will become smaller and smaller. When the density of space particles is greater than a certain value, the expansion of space appears as acceleration; when it is equal to a certain value, the expansion of space appears as a uniform speed; when it is less than a certain value, the expansion of space appears as deceleration. At the same time, due to the attraction between dark matter and dark matter. So dark matter starts to accumulate. And gradually formed a black hole
Chapter 10
The decomposition stage of matter: When the matter formed in the universe reaches its limit, the universe enters the decomposition stage of matter. At this time, many galaxies with black holes as the center have been formed in the universe, and the universe has become a total galaxy cluster with the center of gravity of the universe as the center. These black holes in the universe continue to break down matter into space particles and dark matter particles. How does a black hole break down matter into space particles and dark matter particles? After the black hole swallows matter, due to the repulsion between space and dark matter and the attraction between dark matter and dark matter, the black hole will absorb dark matter particles and expel space particles. At this time, because the volume of the universe has become larger and the temperature has dropped, the probability and intensity of collisions between dark matter particles and space particles are both low and small. Therefore, the speed at which dark matter particles and space particles synthesize matter is slower than the speed at which black holes decompose matter into dark matter.The speed of matter particles and space particles. So the universe appears as less matter.
Chapter 11
When the matter in the universe reduces to zero, the universe enters the decelerating expansion stage. When the expansion rate of the universe is equal to 0, the volume of the universe reaches its maximum and the temperature drops to its minimum.
Chapter 12
How do space particles and dark matter particles form matter molecules? First, a space particle and a dark matter particle combine to form a neutrino; two space particles and a dark matter particle combine to form an up quark; two dark matter particles and a space particle combine to form a down quark: one up quark and two down quarks. Quarks combine to form a neutron; a neutron loses an electron and an antineutrino and is converted into a proton; a proton forms the nucleus of a hydrogen atom; electrons rotate around the nucleus to form a hydrogen atom; two hydrogen atoms combine to form A hydrogen molecule. In the same way, all other elements and substances can be formed. Of course, the formation process may be more complicated than this, but the principle will not change. That is, molecules of matter are gradually formed layer by layer from small to large. This process will not change.
Chapter 13
How did the molecules of matter form the universe? When molecules of various substances are gradually formed and combined together, small material particles are formed; small material particles are combined together to form large material particles; large material particles are combined together to form planets; many planets are formed Galaxies; several galaxies form the universe.
Chapter 14
Throughout the expansion stage of the universe, the general trend of changes in various physical quantities is: space increases from small to large. Matter comes from nothing, from less to more, from more to less, and from less to nothing. Temperature is from high to low. Black holes come from nothing, from few to many, from small to large. The density of space particles is from large to small. The expansion rate of the universe increases from small to large, then from large to small, and finally reaches zero. The acceleration of expansion is from large to small, from positive to negative. The total amount of space particles and dark matter particles remains unchanged. The universe is a stage, space particles and dark matter are actors, and various physical quantities are different roles. Together, they are performing the drama of universe evolution.
Chapter 15
The contraction stage of the universe: When the temperature of the universe drops to the limit, the volume also expands to the limit, and almost all dark matter gathers into a black hole. The universe evolved to the contraction stage. In the contraction stage of the universe, due to the attraction between dark matter and space and between dark matter and dark matter, the universe began to shrink, and all black holes began to gather together. During this process, the temperature of the universe began to increase due to collisions between space particles. When all the black holes gather into one point and move toward the Big Bang singularity, the shape of the universe gradually changes from an ellipse to a circle. At the moment when the black hole completely coincides with the singularity of the Big Bang, the black hole and space are completely transformed into a singularity. Then there was another big bang, and from then on we entered the next round of evolution of the universe. ontology
Ontology: The term ontology was first used by Goclenius (1547-1628), a German scholastic scholar in the 17th century. This word is composed of ont (όντ) plus the affix -ology which means "knowledge" and "doctrine", which is the knowledge about ont. Ont originates from Greek and is a variant of on (όν), which is equivalent to being in English; that is, Parmenides' "being". The study of "ontology" has its origins in the history of Greek philosophy. Beginning from the School of Miletus, early Greek philosophers were committed to exploring the most basic element that makes up all things - "origin" (Greek arche, formerly translated as "original foundation"). The study of this "origin" has become the forerunner of ontology, and is gradually approaching the discussion of being. Later, Parmenides profoundly put forward, "There is nothing other than yes, and existence must be one for existence, so there will be no non-existence." He also believes that existence is eternal and unchanging, and only thinking is identical with it, and only thinking can obtain this truth; and what can be obtained from feeling is only opinion. From the perspective of opinion, there is existence and non-existence, and existence is neither one nor the other. Thereby there is change and annihilation. Parmenides' discussion of being (being, existence) established the basic direction of ontological research: for the "is" shared by the "is", we can only explore the transcendental realm through thinking, but cannot Obtained from experience through feeling; the "is" found in the transcendent realm of Dasein must be only one because of its absolute universality and originality. However, only Socrates and Plato could truly understand this point, and the Greek philosophers at the same time as him more or less ignored it. Therefore, although atomists also distinguish between truth knowledge and obscure knowledge, and recognize the difference between thinking and feeling, it is extremely unclear whether the "origin" they explore can be obtained through experience, and therefore they are actually unable to distinguish between transcendence and transcendence. experience. In Socrates' dialogues without final conclusions, the possibility of obtaining truth through empirical induction has been eliminated; in Plato's Theory of Ideas, the "idea" of the transcendent world is clearly regarded as the root of truth.

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Content preview : Yin Yang Ghost Master Author: Lu Jia Lu Shao’s work related update time 2012-7-9 16:00:23 Word count: 3158 Strength level division: Foundation building (tenth level) Refining Qi and the Second Bridge of Heaven and Earth, communicating the essence of heaven and earth and forming pills Becoming an infant, turning into a void, returning to the gods, emerging into the upper realm, divided into powerful beings, earthly immortals, celestial beings, golden immortals, becoming deified, becoming saints, creating the world. Yellow Emperor said: Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth, the order of all things, the parents of change, the origin of life and death, and the foundation of gods. In the government, the cure must be based on the foundation. Therefore, accumulating yang is the sky, and accumulating yin is the earth. Yin is quiet and yang is impetuous, yang produces yin and grows, yang kills and yin hides. Yang transforms Qi and Yin takes shape. Extreme cold generates heat, extreme heat generates cold; cold Qi generates turbidity, hot Qi generates clearness; when clear Qi is at the bottom, diarrhea will occur; when turbid Qi is above, distension will occur. This isThe yin and yang work in reverse, and the disease is rebellious. ("Suwen·Yin and Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun") Yin and Yang are the basic laws and universal laws of the movement and change of things in nature, the program for understanding all things, and the basis for the occurrence, development, decline and demise of things. "Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth." "Tao" is used in philosophy to explain the origin, ontology, laws or principles of the world. From the perspective of the Tao body, it is the origin of the universe, and it is the vitality and driving force for the development and change of all things; from the perspective of the Tao function, it is the order and law of the universe, and it is the original nature of the intangible universe. Rhythm. The ancients believed that Qi is the original substance that constitutes everything in the universe. Yin and Yang are the messages of one Qi. Everything in the universe is generated by the interaction of Yin and Yang. This determines that everything in the universe contains the unity of opposites of Yin and Yang. In other words, the specific yin and yang contained in all things in the universe, like the moon of thousands of rivers, are all projections of the yin and yang at the beginning of the creation of the universe. Therefore, Yin and Yang are not only the origin of all things in the universe and the driving force for their development and change, but also nature... Don’t forget to adopt it

⑻ The influence of Pangu’s myth of the creation of the sky on Chinese culture

This is the belief of a nation in primitive society, marking the development of a nation into a civilized society. Its romantic or serious colors represent the cultural color of a nation, and are the macroscopic reflection of the humanity and character of this nation.

The myth of Pangu’s creation of the sky is partly about Pangu creating heaven and earth from the underworld with an axe, and partly about Pangu using an ax and chisel to cut off the connection between heaven and earth.

The first part of the myth is the primitive ancestors' imagination of the original state of the universe and a memory description of their sudden perception of the universe. In the second part of the myth, as the sky slowly descended, Pangu used an ax and a chisel to split the connection between the sky and the earth.

Looking at the entire Chinese mythology, there are also "Heaven tilts to the northwest", "Heaven is weak" and "Nuwa mends the sky", etc. Their content is only similar to the second part of Pangu's myth of the creation of the sky. Therefore, the Pangu myth can be said to be a typical representative of China’s pioneering myths.

(8) Extended Reading of Chuyuan Universe Novels

After Pangu’s death, people built a building for him in the South China Sea in order to commemorate the ancestor who created the world. The tomb of the Pangu family is located in a radius of more than 300 miles. Legend has it that the soul of the Pangu family lives in the tomb. Today, there is still a Pangu Temple in Guilin, Guangxi, and many people go to the temple to worship every year.

The story of Pangu's founding of the world is obviously the deification of the ancestors of mankind by the ancients. He embodies the great spirit of the Chinese nation's yearning for light and selfless dedication for the benefit of human society. Who created human society is the working people themselves. Workers continue to evolve in their labor. They use the wisdom of the group to not only create rich history and culture, but also leave many beautiful legends for future generations.

⑼ What is the relationship between the universe and the towel?

One day the towel fell ill
The universe came to see him
brought him melatonin< br />The bath towel was very angry
“See the patient and send Chu Yuan!”
The universe also became ill later
/>Bring Chu Yuan to see him with a bath towel
The universe was also very angry
"Send golden wine to the elders"
Then one day
You were sick
I brought a bath towel to see you
. . .

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㈠ 什么是元宇宙准确地说,元宇宙不是一个新的概念,它更像是一个经典概念的重生。1992年,美国著名科幻大师尼尔·斯蒂芬森在其小说《雪崩》中这样描述元宇宙:“戴上耳机和目镜,找到连接终端,就能够以虚拟分