异地合约没到期怎么注销手机号 异地合约没到期怎么注销账号

『壹』 我有一张异地的实名手机卡,还未到合约期,但我现在不想用了,该如何销户


『贰』 您好!办理了一张异地联通卡,2年合约,结束如果需要销卡,需要怎么操作


『叁』 移动卡合约未到期怎么销号





1、 后付费客户办理销户时,应提供有效身份证件(委托他人办理的,代办人应同时提交委托人及本人有效身份证件原件;单位客户办理的,须持单位有效证件及本人有效证件)。

2、 不可办理异地用户销户。如果本人无法办理,可以委托他人代为办理,但需要带齐委托人和被委托人的身份证原件。如果不办理销户而导致号码欠费后停机,号码持有人则被拉入归属地营业厅的黑名单。

3、 协议期内的用户,原则上不可办理销户业务。

4、 用户需结清同一客户下所有用户号码的逾期欠费、当期欠费以及办理业务号码的本月实时话费后才可办理销户业务。

『肆』 联通合约卡解约注销可以异地办理吗


『伍』 电信合约卡未到期怎么销户,实在是想销户,要交违约金吗


『陆』 针对有未到期靓号协议、终端合约计划、融合产品号码可以办理销户/异地销户吗


『柒』 异地联通卡不想用了,但合约没到期怎么办,怎么销户


『捌』 合约电话卡在异地怎么取消







『玖』 手机卡合约没到期,想异地销号

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『拾』 合约没到期但不想用了怎么办


『一』 I have a real-name mobile phone card from a different place that has not yet expired, but I don’t want to use it now. How do I cancel the account?

It is not possible to cancel the account during the contract discount period. , transfer, account cancellation and other business, it is recommended that you can handle the relevant business after the contract expires.
Users who are not within the agreement period and have paid off their arrears can cancel their accounts in the following ways:
[1] If you are a prepaid user and do not recharge, our company will automatically recover your number after the expiration date. (Currently, prepaid users in Guangdong, Heilongjiang, Xinjiang and other provinces must provide valid ID documents to the business hall where the number belongs to cancel their account. In other provinces, please refer to local policies);
[2] If you are using post-paid For a package, if you want to cancel your account, you need to pay the arrears and bring your valid documents to the business hall in your home place to handle it. You cannot cancel your account in another place.
Business policies vary from city to city, and local policies shall prevail for specific circumstances.

『二』 Hello! I applied for a remote China Unicom card with a 2-year contract. If I need to cancel the card at the end, what should I do?

Hello! To cancel the card, you need to bring your ID card to the business office. As for whether card cancellation is supported in other places, you can go to the local business office for consultation. There seems to be no online account cancellation business at the moment.

『三』 How to cancel the mobile card account before the contract expires

You cannot cancel the account before the mobile card contract expires.

China Mobile users cannot cancel their accounts during the contract period. During the contract period (usually one year), users cannot directly discard the mobile phone card. Otherwise, your credit will be affected and you will be unable to apply for a China Mobile mobile phone card in the future.

Phone users who fail to register with their real names will be suspended or their accounts will be cancelled. From the date of shutdown, the mobile phone card will be canceled after 90 days, which is three months. Therefore, mobile phone users within the contract period need to always use the mobile phone card.

Rules for account cancellation:

1. When postpaid customers cancel their accounts , a valid identity document should be provided (if the agent is entrusted to handle the application, the agent should submit the original valid identity documents of the client and himself/herself at the same time; if the application is handled by an institutional client, the valid identity certificate of the organization and the person must be presented).

2. Account cancellation for users from other places is not allowed. If you are unable to handle it yourself, you can entrust someone else to handle it on your behalf, but you need to bring the original ID cards of both the entruster and the entrusted person. If the account is not canceled and the number is in arrears and then shut down, the number holder will be blacklisted by the local business office.

3. In principle, users within the agreement period are not allowed to cancel their accounts.

4. Users must settle the overdue arrears, current arrears of all user numbers under the same customer, and the real-time phone bills of this month for the business number before they can handle the account cancellation business.

『四』 Can the cancellation and cancellation of China Unicom contract card be processed in another place?

Hello! 1. Contract activities can currently only be terminated at the place of ownership.There is a business hall to handle it, but it does not support handling in other places; 2. Account cancellation China Unicom APP has supported the process: Home Page - Service - Processing - Account Cancellation. You can handle account cancellation online in other places. Warm reminder: Business policies vary from city to city, and the actual situation is subject to local policies.

『五』How to cancel the account before the telecom contract card expires? If I really want to cancel the account, do I have to pay liquidated damages?

The contract cannot be canceled before the contract expires. You need to cancel the account before the contract expires. It can only be canceled after the cancellation. If you must cancel, you will need to pay liquidated damages.
How to cancel a mobile phone card:
Step one: Prepare personal information and account opening credentials. If you really can’t find it, bring your ID card.
Step 2: The number you want to cancel is best not to be in arrears. If you cancel the number in arrears, you need to pay the outstanding amount. Therefore, some mobile phones have high credit limits, so it is best not to use too much force. If you overdraft too much and want to cancel it, you still have to make up the balance. If you don't make up the balance, you will be blacklisted, which will affect your personal credit record.
Step 3: If you want to cancel your mobile phone card, you must find a mobile phone account opening point to cancel it.
Step 4: Bring your personal information and account opening voucher to the designated business hall and directly ask customer service for help with the cancellation business.

『Lu』 Can I cancel my account/cancel my account in another place if I have an unexpired account agreement, terminal contract plan, or integrated product number?

Answer: Hello, this is possible , but your number has an unexpired contract, and you will need to pay a certain amount of liquidated damages due to early termination of the contract. You can go to China Unicom's own business hall with the valid ID of the phone owner. Liquidated damages are subject to system calculation results!
(Remote account cancellation: 1. Currently, only China Unicom’s own business halls are open to handle out-of-region account cancellation. China Unicom agents do not have the authority to handle it. 2. The owner must handle the out-of-region account cancellation himself and cannot entrust others to handle it. 3 , Our company can provide off-site account cancellation services throughout the month, but in order to avoid the problem of new expenses caused by untimely processing of work orders at the end of the month and the beginning of the month, it is recommended that users try to avoid the end of the month and the beginning of the month, and handle off-site cancellation on the 5th to the 25th of each month Cancel the account;

『撒』 What should I do if I don’t want to use the remote China Unicom card, but the contract has not expired? How to cancel the account?

You bought a phone with a contract, and there is an increase in fees. There is no other way, you have to use it, because when you buy it, you don’t buy a mobile phone, but a mobile phone card. The mobile phone is just given to you when you buy the card and save the phone bill. You signed the contract when you bought it, you don’t have to be It's a breach of contract.

『8』How to cancel the contract phone card in another place

Hello, if you need to cancel your mobile phone number, you need to go to China Unicom's own business hall where the number belongs. , the required information is as follows:

(1) Individual user: The owner of the machine must present his original valid ID card;

(2) To cancel the account, the user is not within the agreement period, You need to go back to China Unicom's own business hall where the number belongs to apply. Application through online channels is currently not supported;

(3) To handle the account cancellation business, the arrears must be paid in full. After the account is officially closed, the pre-deposited phone charges can be refunded, but the advance payment, grants and one-card recharge charges cannot be refunded, unless there are special instructions in the place of ownership. The actual processing situation at the place of residence shall prevail.

2. In order to protect the security and rights of your personal information, it is recommended that you cancel the registration and binding of your mobile phone number on third-party platforms such as Tencent, Taobao, Alipay, banks, securities, etc. before canceling your account, otherwise you may Causes damage to your privacy and personal property.

Warm reminder: Business policies vary from city to city. The actual situation is subject to the latest policies of the place of origin. You can also call the customer service number of the place of origin 01010010 for consultation details.

『玖』The mobile phone card contract has not expired and I want to cancel the account in another place

The contract period must be followed. The contract period cannot be canceled in advance. The contract will automatically expire after expiration. During the contract discount period, you cannot handle shutdown, transfer, account cancellation and other services. It is recommended that you handle related services after the contract expires. If you need to cancel your account after the contract ends, postpaid users generally need to bring valid documents to China Unicom's own business hall where the number belongs. Currently, China Unicom does not support account cancellation in other places. For details, we recommend that you contact 10010 customer service in the place where the number belongs. learn.
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『Shi』What should I do if the contract has not expired but I don’t want to use it?

If the contract has not expired, you generally have to continue to use it until the end of the contract. , if it is not used forcibly, liquidated damages will be required.
How to cancel a mobile phone card:
Step one: Prepare personal information and account opening credentials. If you really can’t find it, bring your ID card.
Step 2: The number you want to cancel is best not to be in arrears. If you cancel the number in arrears, you need to pay the outstanding amount. Therefore, some mobile phones have high credit limits, so it is best not to use too much force. If you overdraft too much and want to cancel it, you still have to make up the balance. If you don't make up the balance, you will be blacklisted, which will affect your personal credit record.
Step 3: If you want to cancel your mobile phone card, you must find a mobile phone account opening point to cancel it.
Step 4: Bring your personal information and account opening voucher to the designated business hall and directly ask customer service for help with the cancellation business.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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