元宇宙展览 元宇宙发布会

㈠ 罗永浩曝下一个创业项目“元宇宙公司”,其创业项目是哪个科技领域



㈡ 当梦想反哺现实 元宇宙真能让汽车行业乘风破浪




㈢ 元宇宙概念是什么意思,创新直播观看体验好不好


今年3月,腾讯投资元宇宙概念股罗布乐思(Roblox);4月,字节跳动花费1亿元投资元宇宙相关游戏厂商代码乾坤;5月,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚纳德拉表示公司正在努力打造一个“企业元宇宙”。10月末,脸书(Facebook)创始人马克·扎克伯格宣布公司正式更名为Meta。他希望在未来十年内,元宇宙 (Metaverse)会拥有10亿用户和数千亿美元规模的数字商务业务。
























㈣ 声势浩大的元宇宙,它到底是个什么






㈤ EDG夺冠添把火,元宇宙游戏板块会继续疯狂吗





㈥ 元宇宙虚拟会议怎么开


㈦ 元宇宙世界大会什么时候开

网络Create AI开发者大会将于2021年12月与开发者和网民见面。今年的Create大会将在“元宇宙”里举办,把开发者装进这个虚拟的空间。

网络Create AI开发者大会是网络自2017年起推出的科技顶会,也是全球首个专注于AI开发者的大会。第一届AI开发者大会上,网络公布了完整的AI生态开放战略;在随后的两届大会上,网络均推出多种AI技术,轰动国内外。





㈧ 元宇宙市场前景怎么样

行业主要上市公司:腾讯控股(00700)、Meta Platforms(FB)、网络(BIDU)等。




for Microsoft


















㈨ 百度AI开发者大会,将持续探索元宇宙,智能交通将会迎来怎样的重大变革



㈩ 北京今天开什么会


㈠ Luo Yonghao revealed his next entrepreneurial project "Yuanshi Company", which technology field his entrepreneurial project is in?

As an Internet celebrity entrepreneur on the Internet, Luo Yonghao has had brilliant times and has also Falling into underestimation, he has experienced many entrepreneurial failures, but this still has not defeated him. As the concept of the Yuan Universe explodes, our teacher Luo Yonghao also announced online that his next startup company will also be the "Yuan Universe Company". You know, the concept of the metaverse was previously proposed by Zuckerberg. Not long ago, Luo Yonghao also started his own metaverse plan. Does this mean that Luo Yonghao already has a new job?

The most important thing is that the concept of the metaverse was first proposed by Zuckerberg. As a latecomer, you can’t say that other people’s concepts are immature, right?

㈡ When dreams feed back reality, the Metaverse can really help the automotive industry ride the waves

In addition, smart cockpits are also a key development direction for future cars. The Metaverse combines science fiction and The color that integrates intelligence is highly consistent with the direction of car companies to create intelligence.

Therefore, the concept of the metaverse and the automotive field still have a lot in common, and if combined properly, it can indeed bring more opportunities to the automotive industry, greatly expand the current thinking barriers, and enhance imagination. Space, in the era of interaction between virtual and real, the automobile industry will shuttle back and forth between virtual and real.

In addition to the vehicle itself, the Metaverse can also bring about many changes in marketing, aftermarket and other aspects in the future. Of course, this needs to be discussed more in the future, but for Metaverse + cars, we There are undoubtedly more expectations.

㈢What does the concept of the metaverse mean, and is the innovative live broadcast viewing experience good?

Recently, the concept of the metaverse has become popular. The stock prices of Metaverse concept stocks continue to rise. The entire sector index rose more than 4% last Friday. The popularity of the stock market is closely related to the rush of capital to seize the "Metaverse".

In March this year, Tencent invested in the Metaverse concept stock Roblox; in April, ByteDance spent 100 million yuan to invest in Metaverse-related game manufacturer Code Qiankun; in May, Microsoft CEO CEO Satya Nadella said the company is working hard to create an "enterprise metaverse." At the end of October, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company would officially change its name to Meta. He hopes that within the next ten years, the Metaverse will have 1 billion users and a digital commerce business of hundreds of billions of dollars.

The name change of Facebook brought the Metaverse into the spotlight, and the content posted by Luo Yonghao on Weibo on November 5 put the Metaverse at the forefront of heated discussions. Luo Yonghao, who relies on live streaming to pay off debts, said, "Our next entrepreneurial project is a so-called "Metaverse Company".

Although technology giants are not optimistic about the development prospects of the Metaverse,Very optimistic, but most people have no idea about the Metaverse.


Technology shines into reality

What is the Metaverse?

As the hottest concept in 2021, the metaverse continues to appear on major content platforms. For a time, various definitions and interpretations of the metaverse appeared.

So, what exactly is the Metaverse?

Although there is no generally accepted definition yet, we can roughly understand it as: under the influence of the traditional Internet, with the advancement of various technologies, more and more relationships in reality are Scenes, interactions, and identities are projected into a virtual world. The Metaverse is the ultimate ideal state of technological development, covering multiple sectors such as VR, AR, games, and blockchain. The metaverse is another space higher than the three-dimensional space. It is a new world created by human beings through scientific and technological means.


Liu Yexi’s appearance in the industry

Driving metaverse marketing?

Is the future of the Metaverse really possible?

Before Douyin account Liu Yexi came out of the circle, the Metaverse was just a vague concept. Liu Yexi quickly became famous with labels such as "Yuanverse", "Virtual Idol", "National Style", and "Beauty Makeup", which also allowed Yuanshi to truly enter the lives of the public.

Liu Yexi’s success is indispensable to the Metaverse, but virtual idols or live broadcasts are not the end of the Metaverse. Liu Yexi and other virtual idols bringing goods are just one application of the concept of the metaverse. The reason why Liu Yexi is deeply bound to the Yuanverse is just for marketing purposes and to gain more traffic and attention.

It is undeniable that Liu Yexi has provided new ideas for live broadcast marketing. The ideas of metaverse marketing can be used to do business, but the replicability is extremely poor. Most businesses cannot imitate.

First, this kind of delivery method based on virtual idols requires strong technology and high costs, which are simply unaffordable for small and medium-sized enterprises. Givenchy, Huaxizi, LV, etc. are among the few brands on the market that use virtual anchors to bring goods;

Secondly, the concept of the metaverse virtual world has a more game-like feel. When business relies too much on virtual world and cannot bring benefits to real life, the country will inevitably restrict its development and maintain the good order of social business;

Thirdly, during live broadcasts, virtual idols will not have their personalities collapsed trouble, but there are other potential dangers. Take many virtual beauty bloggers as an example. The delivery of beauty products requires personal experience to express their feelings after using them, but virtual beauty bloggers cannot do this. Users will think that virtual anchors like Liu Yexi are purely tools used by marketing companies to bring goods. In the long run, consumers' trust in virtual idols will inevitably be greatly reduced.


In addition to chasing new concepts

How else can you play live broadcast marketing?

At this stage, the metaverse can only be a concept, which is far less useful than actual technologies such as VR and AR. Live broadcast marketing has reached a bottleneck, and it is not wrong for businesses to seek new breakthroughs. It is also unwise to blindly keep pace with the times and chase new trends. The only way to do business is to recognize the situation clearly and choose a method that is more suitable for the enterprise.

In the era of live broadcast marketing 1.0, expert anchors are the core. In the era of live broadcast 2.0, brand self-broadcasting has become mainstream. Compared with the concepts of the Yuan Universe and virtual anchors, operating accounts, training anchors, and building private domains are the most important things for enterprises to do.

㈣ What is the huge metaverse?

The most popular topic on the Internet recently is the metaverse. So what is this huge metaverse?

Not only are some technology companies setting out in the Metaverse, Barbados has also become the first country in the Metaverse to have an embassy.

The current direction of the metaverse is very strong, but at this stage it is like a cake, and major technology companies are trying to get a piece of it. For ordinary people, the metaverse will not have any impact on our lives, nor will it have any impact on our lives.

In the end

Some people think of the Yuan Universe as a cake, some people think that the Yuan Universe is evil, but for ordinary people, it is like being carefully cut with leeks. No matter how this era develops or becomes, we are all part of it.

5 EDG’s victory adds fuel to the fire, will the Metaverse game sector continue to be crazy?

There is a joke circulating in the circle of friends: What is the generation gap? Middle-aged people are posting about snow, and young people are posting about EDG. For some stock investors, they have already passed the daily limit in the digital universe and gaming sectors over the weekend.

Some investors said in the stock bar, "The Metaverse was already at a climax, but EDG added fuel to the fire. The fire of the Metaverse may burn into the game, and the breadth of themes has increased. No matter what In this way, it will definitely be a mainstream hot spot next week." Some investors said, "EDG won the championship and it has become the first hot search, and the Metaverse game sector is going crazy."

Zhongyuan Securities It is also believed that after entering the third and fourth quarters, the game products promoted in the early stage began to enter the recycling cycle, the product ROI rebounded, and the performance is expected to achieve significant improvement quarter-on-quarter. In view of the low proportion of minors in the industry, it is necessary to strengthen anti-addiction restrictions. The implementation of regulatory policies will have a small impact on the flow of game products and may have a small impact on the number of active users. But more importantly, it will gradually guide public opinion away from the gaming field and eliminate regulatory and public opinion concerns.

Sinolink Securities stated that the game sector has long-term investment value and now is a better time to invest. Games are one of the important entrances to the Metaverse, and the accelerated development of the Metaverse may boost the valuation of the overall gaming sector.

㈥ How to hold a Metaverse virtual conference

The "Global Metaverse Conference" will be held in Shanghai soon. The conference is co-sponsored by the Shanghai Municipal Government and the China Mobile Communications Federation. The conference will consist of a Metaverse themed report, an industry leaders forum, an industrial hard technology forum, and an industrial investment forum. The "Metaverse World Declaration" will also be released at the conference. V1.0" and "Universe Industry Plan V1.0".

㈦ When will the Metaverse World Conference be held?

The Network Create AI Developer Conference will be held in December 2021 with developers meet netizens. This year's Create conference will be held in the "Metaverse", bringing developers into this virtual space.

The Network Create AI Developer Conference is the top technology conference launched by the Network since 2017. It is also the world's first conference focused on AI developers. At the first AI Developers Conference, the Internet announced a complete AI ecological opening strategy; at the following two conferences, the Internet launched a variety of AI technologies, which caused a sensation at home and abroad.

Closed in 2020 due to the epidemic. In 2021, the Network Create Conference will meet the public in the "Metaverse" space, ushering in the highlight moment of network AI technology.

The Internet and the "Metaverse":

In fact, the Internet has already explored the "Metaverse". In mid-August, the Internet World Conference co-sponsored by the Internet and CCTV can be watched simultaneously at the Internet VR World branch venue.

At the main venue of CCTV, through XR technology, the newly released "car robot" can meet the hosts Sa Beining and Robin Li "through time and space", using AR, VR, MR and other visual interaction technologies to integrate , achieving an "immersive" experience of seamless switching between the virtual world and the real world.

What is the market prospect of Metaverse?

Major listed companies in the industry: Tencent Holdings (00700), Meta Platforms (FB), Internet (BIDU), etc.

Core data of this article: company stock price, sector transaction size, etc.

"Metaverse", a company name that Facebook founder Zuckerberg said will be Facebook An emerging concept noun that was "exploded" after being changed to Meta. The scientific and technological world is in a sensation because of it, the capital world is "crazy" because of it, and everyone in the literary and art circles may have a lot of expectations after understanding the concept of the metaverse - the world in the novel may be realized.

A sensation from the technology world: Zuckerberg pushed it to the top

In March 2021, the sandbox game company Roblox, known as the "first stock in the Metaverse", went public. The stock price rose 54.4% on the first day, and the market value exceeded 40 billion. In July 2021, Facebook founder Zuckerberg, who started out as a social network, stated that he would build Facebook into a "metaverse" company within five years. 202In October 2019, Facebook changed its name to "Meta", completely pushing the concept of the "Metaverse" to its peak. In November 2021, Microsoft announced at the Ignite conference that it would launch a new Mesh
for Microsoft
Teams software. After the platform is launched, people in different geographical locations can get a collaborative and shared holographic experience, allowing them to join Meet virtually, send to chat, collaborate on shared documents, and more.

"Crazy" from the capital world: The sector as a whole has risen significantly, and individual stocks have made obvious profits

——The overall concept sector: trading activities are very active

From Judging from the investment layout of Internet giants, Tencent is prominently included in the list of Roblox investors. In April 2021, Epic
Games, an American company in which Tencent has a stake, received US$1 billion in financing with the support of the "Metaverse" concept. In the same month, the "Yuanverse" game development company Code Qiankun also received a strategic investment of 100 million yuan from ByteDance.

Judging from the performance of the secondary market, as of November 19, 2021, the Metaverse concept sector included a total of 69 related companies, among which the top ten "Metaverse" companies all had higher gains on the day. 5%. On November 19, the total transaction volume of the "Metaverse" concept sector reached 51.386 billion yuan, with 3843.47 lots traded. Judging from the transaction volume data, the Metaverse concept sector was very active on November 19.

Judging from the stock price changes, when the Yen Universe concept was born on September 2, 2021, its lowest price was 989.58, and now the stock price has risen to nearly 1,500.

——Typical company stock prices: The average increase in stock prices during the birth period of the Metaverse concept is over 40%

According to the current stock prices and revenue of companies with higher growth among Metaverse concept stocks, The benefits brought by the proposal of the Yuan Universe concept to these five representative companies are very obvious. Since the outbreak of the Yuan Universe concept on September 2, 2021, the lowest increase in the stock prices of the five companies has been more than 15%. The highest share prices of Gongda Electronics and Tianxiaxiu increased by more than 66%.

Note: As of the close of trading on November 19, 2021.

Expectations from the literary and art circles: It has been circulating for a long time

At present, no one has a detailed definition of the "Metaverse". According to Wikipedia, the Metaverse (English: Metaverse), It is also called metaverse, metaphysical universe, metaverse, super-sensible space, and virtual space. It is used to describe a future persistent and decentralized online three-dimensional virtual environment. This kind of virtual reality space has been "circulated" in the literary and art circles. Long".

"Metaverse" first appeared in Neal Stephenson's science fiction novel "Snow
Crash". In this book, the Metaverse is a virtual urban environment along a 100-meter-wide road development, covering a featureless,The entire 65,536 km circumference of the black, perfectly spherical planet. Land in this virtual world can be purchased and buildings developed on it. Users of the Metaverse can enter through high-quality personal VR glasses, or through low-quality public VR glasses, and interact with each other or software clients.

Since then, there have been endless literary and artistic creations about the "Metaverse", including the movies "The Matrix" series, "Ready Player One", "Avatar", and the latest serialized American drama "Uploaded to Rebirth" launched in 2020. 》 both show the metaverse of virtual reality on the screen. In the field of literature, there are more imaginations about the metaverse. According to Douban Reading's list, the virtual worlds constructed in literary works such as "Between Us and Not", "Superreality", "Klein Pot", and "Ready Player One" are all related to The concept of the Metaverse is similar.

A brief discussion of the Metaverse: Technological innovation is the way to eternal development

The Metaverse world has been around for a long time, but at that time, the Metaverse was more regarded as a part of "science fiction" a way of expression. In literary works, artists use reasonable imagination to construct a virtual interconnected world that transcends this world. People enter a certain home or group through a certain device medium (game cabin or virtual reality helmet, etc.) A virtual world built by major manufacturers, in which people’s lives are no different from real life.

With the development of modern science and technology, we seem to be getting closer to the science fiction world constructed in novels. Dazzling innovative technologies such as holographic projection, AR/VR technology innovation, cloud ecological construction, etc. have made the novel The virtual reality world in the Internet seems to be close at hand, so the proposal of the "Metaverse" seems to be logical.

At the same time, there are still many technical difficulties in the construction of the "Metaverse" at this stage, and its future development may also bring about a series of social problems and normative issues at the legal and regulatory level. Judging from the current stage of technological development, we have only solved the part of the media leading to the metaverse. How to truly build a virtual world is the real difficulty. Therefore, concept hype needs to be cautious, and technological innovation is the eternal key to survival and development. road. Our journey is to the stars and the sea, but the road to the stars and the sea should be based on the present of continuous technological innovation!

The above data refers to the "China Virtual Reality (VR) Industry Market Demand and Investment" by the Forward-looking Industry Research Institute Planning Analysis Report"

㈨ Baidu AI Developer Conference will continue to explore the metaverse and what major changes will come to intelligent transportation

The Network AI Developer Conference will continue to explore What major changes will intelligent transportation usher in in the Metaverse? Let's discuss this issue below, hoping that this content can help friends in need.

Previously, research by CITIC Securities pointed out that driverless driving is expected to become a trillion-yuan market and is expected to solve the problem of rising human capital costs and traffic safety. , driver shortage and many other problems, inAmong them, the industry market space in the city's opening-up scenario is larger. With the continuous improvement of relevant laws and regulations, the continuous technological development of autonomous driving companies themselves, the gradual improvement of the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain, and the close cooperation between midstream and downstream OEMs and scenario parties, the rate of autonomous driving is likely to accelerate. .

㈩ What meeting will be held in Beijing today

Dear Internet users:
The APEC meeting will be held in Beijing from November 5th to November 12th. At that time, all public institutions will be on holiday. Traffic will be operated by odd and even numbers, please be informed!
I am very happy to help you. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me! If you are satisfied, please accept it. Thank you~

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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