币圈宝典 币圈钱包怎么玩

『壹』 【必看】币圈庄家操盘全揭秘!








      同样的,我会边托边砸,这样一来我就会得到更多价格更低的筹码。当 跌到很低位时,基本上就没人和我抢筹码了,因为在这个下跌途中,我通过不断的高抛低吸,不断的大幅度振荡,将大部分抄底的,抢反弹的都套在下跌途中,或者 将他们亏损怠尽,使其不敢在来涉足这个币种,这时候我的目的就达到了。散户恐惧惊慌,高位筹码就会不断的掉落,我就可 以在底部横盘当中不断的高抛低吸来收集筹码,这个可能需要较长时间,关键看顶部筹码掉落程度而定, 如果高位筹码长时间的不松动,那我就不会去拉这只币种。





      第一: 是法律上面,目前虚拟货币这一块还没有一个具体的法律法规来约束,所以大资金炒币,应该没有什么大问题。

      第二: 要考虑资本的问题,如果我们拉的时候,他们看到利润可观,结果大量抛出筹码,那我们就惨了,必然会亏本出局,在做之前就必需先和他们沟通好,而且还要了解他们手上的流通盘是多少,抛售意向如何,这就是大小非问题。

      第三: 要考虑的是老庄,如果这个币没有被老庄放弃,那我是尽量不会去碰的,因为一但被老庄反做,那你死得就惨了,就像中国联通套游资一样,那死得是非常惨的,所以,选币非常重要。

       第四: 就是大盘状况, 跟风的多不多,社会上的存量资金足不足,就像现在这样,大部分散户或者大户都被大宰一刀,这时候就不适宜做币,人心溃散,大盘多次腰斩,完全是熊市,你拉,别人出货,就把自己套在里面。那现在 最适宜的就是砸币子。一般人都有个心态,20元买的币,跌到15元不卖,跌到10元不卖,跌到5元仍然没多少会人卖,但是你要跌到2元再拉回4元,不少人 一看翻倍基本上都会割肉的,特别是长时间的向下或者横盘。

如果这些问题都解决了,砸盘就要开始。砸多少为适宜?根据大盘状况,每天操盘必需跟着大盘走,当大盘大跌时,你必需深砸下去,这时候成本很低,只要用少量筹 码将关键点位砸开即可,会有止损盘帮你接着砸下去。但是尾盘必需进一些筹码,防止第二天大盘走低或者走高,有一定量筹码就好灵活掌握,也就是说,要在操盘 时盯着龙头币种(比特币就是龙头)。


关键就在于成本,随着大盘波动,你的成本最低,比特币跌时,你也跌,所用砸盘筹码量最少,因为没有多少人敢买,可以深砸。当大盘涨时你去拉,同样无须买多 少,只要将关键点位的筹码买掉即可,有人会将股价推上去,到一定高点,你还可以将低位进的筹码出掉一些,这样可以腾出一点资金做一点差价。







技术派一般短线较多,喜欢做波段,这里的人有自认为技术高明的,什么KDJ金叉、死叉,什么MACD、CR、量价关系,什么费波纳奇黄金分割位,什么艾略特 的波浪理论,还有江恩曲线等等,等等,但我做币子一般不看这个,我一般只盯着今天我下多少单, 在某些价位进来多少单,大一些的户头在什么价位进出。这个对 我来说非常关键,因为这决定了第二天该如何操作,有时候需要对他们安抚,让他们帮忙将币子在手上多留几天,以使活动筹码减少。








      第一是:是逐步拉升,这时候技术指标就开始走好,技术派的人一看技术指标,一般都容易被诱惑进来,这中间我就边拉边卖,需要控制的就是在顶背离之前将筹码交他 们手中,使他们看上去技术指标仍然没有到顶,币价还可以涨得更高,这时候第二天来个冲高回落,然后第三天猛然下跌,他们基本上就开始交枪了,不用我来,币价就下去了,这中间自然我设定好价位来捡果实,对游资更是这样,上半段我来拉,游资一看币价看涨,立即蜂拥而来,那下半段我就将部分筹码交给他们,第二天 我来个低开低走,游资一看势头不对,立即出逃,这时候我就要看出逃数量,并计算自己的成果,如果出逃数量足够多,那我下午就拉起,因为大部分短线客都走 了,我就不需要支付多少利润出去,很容易将币价拉起来,而我在这两天来回的差价最少是赚交易额的3%左右。







      那么,应该如何应对风险,这就是,第一注意比特币的动向,因为坐庄的人对大盘指数动向非常敏感,当比特币向上,而一些主力控制的次要币却滞涨,或者有掉头迹 象,那我就要先于比特币下跌之前想办法将手里的筹码尽量的都交到散户手里去,尽量的腾出现金,只要手上有充足现金,是涨是跌我都不怕。涨了,我手上剩余的筹 码完全可以将其打下来;要是跌了,那就可以购买更多的筹码。



      现在不少人都在关心大盘跌到什么位置才是底,13000、11000、8000?说老实话,我不知道,我不但不知道大盘会跌到什么点位为底,我会连自己坐庄的币种能跌到什么价格为底都不知道,怎么能测算大盘。有人说,20元跌到5元行不行?到底了吗?我说不行,也许跌到1—2元,也许会到8元就算到底了,在币市 里没什么顶和底之说,真正起作用的就是供求关系,当跌到供求平衡时,底自然就到了。





      不少人有时候不理解,庄家的成本是20元,他将股价打到10元或者15元,他不也亏了吗?这真是傻庄,其实散户是不明白的,庄家赚钱的手段很多时候是和散户 不同的。当买但低于卖单时,庄家手里拿的是币,只有变成钱了,才是真金白银,他不跌下来自己出货,难道等散户出货,这也是最近很多币子一个腰斩,再来一个,之后还来一个,目前大多数币子跌了80%,1万成了2000块了!


采用了猛砸跌停的办法,市场的目光就会集中到那上面来,当跌到一半时,有庄家开始巨量吃单,因为在这几天的跌停中市场的关注度非常高,而出现巨 单吃货了,这说明这时的股价应该反弹了,技术上超卖出现,币价腰斩,怎么着都要反弹个百分之十几到二十,所以散户、大户一哄而上,庄家卖单被哄抢。


再举个股 票上的的例子, 南车:上市价超过发行价60%以上,5个机构席位齐刷刷的排在购买的前5名,这些机构傻了吗?非要溢价60%来接盘,特别在熊市中,还怕买 不到筹码?如果等几天再买,也许到发行价都有可能。其实,机构们一点不傻,这不过是机构之间穿连裆裤的表演,那些获得60%以上溢价的会给这些接盘的机构 分配一定利润的,而且这些机构买入的也并不多,更多的筹码是溢价交给了其他人,包括大量散户手中了。对接入大部分高溢价筹码的这部分人,那些获利者就不用 考虑什么了。


      举个例子,在20元到18元区间,我出掉了手中的20%币,在18到16区间我又出掉18%的币,后面我就要回补,因为在这种下跌的情况下,不少止损盘 开始涌现,还有些人要补仓,这时候我就要根据筹码情况做反弹,为什么要做反弹呢?主要是吸引抄底盘进来,当然,如果抄底盘巨多,第二天我就再反手做空。



      那我为什么希望我坐庄的币价尽量低?你想想,你如果开个商场,你是希望你经营的货物便宜还是贵?自然是便宜的好,因为这样一来所用资金量就少。10元加1 元,人家就嫌贵了;如果1元加1角,不显山露水的,没人和你计较,而和10元和1元所赚比例却是一样的。股票也一样,1元股票涨到1。5元,没多少人感觉 什么;但10元涨到15元呢?


『贰』 小白怎么入门币圈


『叁』 【必看2】币圈庄家操盘全揭秘!






前言: - 写文章















每一轮反弹,后面伴随着更深的下跌,不断的被反复,几年如此,你会的到一个什么思维方式?先是不敢,最后就是大胆的高抛低吸。对,主力要的就是这个结果,当 最后一个高抛了,你还在耐心的等待低吸时,价格已经高升,但你吓破了胆,不敢再去追了,这时候,你已经被熊市思维的惯性给控制了。


一般人在被套初期总有这样的想法,我就相当于存银行了,我不卖,就是不卖,打死我也不卖,这个币很不错,各种应用还可以,凭什么让我卖?过几年肯定会涨回来 的。这时候被套10%,20%,40%,但到了最后70%或者80%以上时反而说了声:“庄爷爷,偶怕你了,给你行了吧。”喀嚓一刀,割个干净。

这种现象很奇怪,为什么在套得少的时候不卖,结果到账上所剩无几时反而能痛下决心割干净呢?其实这就是市场主力的诱惑,因为几年的牛市思维惯性,使你坚决相 信牛市还存在,跌20%咱补仓,摊低成本,等它反弹到我不亏时我就出局。但情况却不如你料想的,散户大部分表现为两种:一是到其成本位就不太愿意出了,还 想再赚一点;还有一种可能就是股价到不了他的成本位就又下去了,散户的补仓不但没有减少成本反而扩大了亏损。






     调仓换币错了吗?不错,不过你很难买到那些反弹中很快翻倍的币,为什么?一个它是逆市而行,大部分人因为害怕把筹码早早的就抛了; 第二是仙币,那筹码都在主力手上,做多少都是给你看的。第三是你买到了,并获得了利润。不过,这是你撞大运了,在这个市场里比例极低。




不过翻翻历史,我到是感觉很奇怪,当时美国经济相当繁荣,完全可以支持美股继续高涨,拿现在的时髦话,基本面支持股价上升,市盈率并不高,那它在牛市7年后 为什么突然改变方向?终于我发现了一点,美联储在1929年3月份开始收紧流动性,在后面几个月里有人在大量做空,当年它的一季度,二季度的指数平均值要 高于三季度,这说明了一个问题,说明市场主力在大量出货,而10月19日的那一天不过是个临界点被击穿罢了。

当时美国总统胡佛发表谈话,要求美国人民要有信心,美国的基本面仍然健康,不过后来好象没有多大作用,救市也不了了之。再后来就更有意思了,美国普通人的财 富大量缩水,政府的财力却直线上升,罗斯福在经济学家凯恩斯的建议下实行新政,将美国的大量资源投入了基础设施建设,国内市场重整,武器军工方面等,终于 赢得了二战的胜利,使美国从一个普通国家成为世界上的超级大国。




再回到我们国内,93年走熊,到96年,国内经济是大增长。同样的.2001到2005,股市熊,经济走牛,国内基础设施脱胎换骨。但我们国家股市走牛年份 呢,往往都是问题丛生的年份,先是90年代初的市场疲软,96到97年后的亚洲金融危机,99年使馆被炸到2000年在国际上奋力搏击的年代。这次走牛还 没两年,国内通货膨胀加上国际经济走软。这些问题后面都要拿很多钱去应付,特别是奥运后的一地鸡毛,打扫起来那是要费一番周折的。


一个老板想到一个镇上去开一个赌场,他需要怎样做才能吸引人进来?添置必要的设备,例如吃角子老虎、轮盘赌、明星九七、21点等等。为了吸引人进来,先把这 些装置调到1赔2,意思就是你放一元进去,它就吐两元出来。因为刚开始,人家都还不熟悉,所以尽管老板一赔二,玩的人由于不多,老板也不用拿出多少钱来。


这时候小镇上就开始沸腾了,那个赌场进去的90%以上都赚钱,我不进去还等何时?大家都把钱向里面送。因为人更多,等于人气被激发起来了,赌场老板也要赢利 了,就把赌*具的赔率调到1赔0.8,老板开始赚0.2。这里可能有人有疑问,人气已经激发起来了,那个老板为什么不把赔率调更高一些,这样赚得不更快一 些吗?




经过一段时间,小镇上的人大部分的钱都装进了老板的腰包,没有多少钱再去赌了,但不少人还不死心,就在赌场里死不走,要求救救赌场,说如果不救,那赌场就完 了。其实,这时候的老板心如明镜,你们口袋里都没钱了,我救赌场就是我要拿钱出来给你们继续玩,这对我有什么好处?   (来自大咖小密圈id99218718)  你们继续在这儿玩,口袋里又没几个钱, 我还要找服务人员,还要茶水、电费和机器损耗的倒贴,发神经了我啊?不但不调高赔率,干脆将其调到1赔零。但老板也不想得罪小镇上的人,因为还想人们挣钱 后下次继续来,就说,你看看,我又添置了不少新机子,而且到镇上到处号召人家来赌,都尽了最大努力了,人家不愿来啊。





      那么散户呢?大部分都是过客。什么意思?就是看到这个店生意好了,立即在这个店买点货就在店门口摆着卖起来,所希望的就是店铺能将经销的货物提高价格,自己 也能卖上个好价格。这在生意繁荣时无所谓,因为足够的生意,店铺提价仍然可以卖出去,你批的货自然可以沾点光,赚点差价。但到生意疲软时就会怎样?自然会 赔掉老本。










      在币圈上也一样,往往有些币价拉得很高,这个高位其实不是成交价,是给你看的,就像卖羊毛衫的老板,他真正想要卖给你的价格也许是这个价位的30%— 50%。这就是不少人抄底被套的原因,你看到了原来的价,发现跌了不少,就以为它还会上涨,所以被套了。如果你没有看原来的价格,你会在那个价位去买吗? 同样不会的。


      在底部同样有个给你看价格的问题,就是主力如果想在4—5元一带收集筹码,他必然要把它打到2元左右,这个2元不是成交价格,而是给你看的价格。关于这个问 题,  网络上有一篇很好的帖子,说的是一个庙里的主持,看中了外面一个店铺里经销的佛像,但又不愿意按店铺老板的价格支付,就命和尚们轮流去还价,和尚们去 了,一个比一个价格出的低,经过较长时间,使那个老板每一次都悔恨不已:要是早卖了就好了。





      在这里还是以股市来打比方:在 90—93年中国股市有一波牛市,当时的市场环境怎样?国际制裁、市场疲软,许多工厂走下坡路,摇摇欲坠。但股市却涨疯了,为什么会那么涨?因为市场的疲 软,造成企业的萧条,这时候银行存款却大幅度飙升。银行因为企业效益不好,根本就不敢向外放款,这些款一但贷出去,大部分都是肉包子打狗,有去无回。为了 找到放款渠道,‘老板’就默许银行资金进入股市,所以股市就疯起来的,当然,到后面国内经济开始好转,企业同样需要资金,‘老板’就勒令银行资金回流企业,股市就开始走下坡路。


      这里就说,05年国内经济是处于一种什么局面?高增长低通胀。但问题来了,随着经济收入的增加,银行聚集了大量个人储蓄,赶都赶不出来,这些资金吃着利息, 一旦国内通货膨胀再起,那就严重的威胁着国内经济安全,成了笼中虎。所以,银行利息一降再降,利息税一增再增,尽量将这个存款逼进市场去消费,但结果令人 失望,存款只增不减。





『肆』 币圈怎么加池子

所谓池子,指的是资金池,也叫做池子。就是在Justswap、Uniswap等去中心化交易平台注入资金池,即添加流动性 。

『伍』 请问火币网的这个深度图怎么看


『陆』 刚进入币圈的小白,特别想知道币圈是怎么玩的


『柒』 刚进入币圈的小白,特别想知道币圈是怎么玩的


『捌』 《K线实战攻略》开启币市宝藏的钥匙

















我们先来认识一下单根K 线,单根K 线通常有以下几种,

阳线、 阴线、 十字星


阳线和阴线都是由实体 和上下影线所组成,那根十字交叉线代表十字星,


每一根K线都有4个基本要素:开盘价、  收盘价 、 最高价 和最低价

       根据级别的不同所代表的意义不同,如30分钟图, 每根 K线就代表30分钟, 代表30分钟内成交价格的变化,日线图, 每根 K线就代表1日, 代表当日成交价格的变化 。





我们再来看 阴线






我们需要特别关注的是   长腿十字星








接下来给大家分享一下比较常见的 K线组合形态图 ,



        当你学会了这些  K线组合形态图 ,以后在做交易的时候,就能做到心中有底了,买进卖出一目了然,


我们先来看:  三连阳












     出水芙蓉是指K线开始站在多头均线排列(MA 5-10-30-60)之上,出水芙蓉是底部见底的信号,出水芙蓉作为一个开始上涨的信号,其底部成交量不能太低,在此处可以看着是买点。









操盘 攻略:








操盘攻略 :








操盘攻略 :







操盘攻略 :




操盘攻略 :












下节课海哥与你分享 《五 日线战法 》

      5日线战法则是玩短线和玩波段的必备技能之一,也是最简单最实用的短线战法, 学会五日线战法, 从此 炒币不用愁 。







『一』 [Must-see] All the secrets of currency dealer trading are revealed!

‖Dry information‖Shadow's story‖Scam‖Revealed‖

True, objective, no rumors, no evil

Personal experience, revealing the gray around you and me Insider

People are in the financial market, one stroke is a story

Tomorrow will become a reality, and the commentary will spread to the world

The law of the currency market and the stock market is The same, one win, two draws and seven losses, which means that more than 70% of people will lose money, so how can retail investors stand among the 10% of people who make profits? I think that in order to make money from retail investors, institutions are constantly studying the psychology and behavior of retail investors. We retail investors might as well turn around and regard ourselves as institutional investors, and also study the psychology and behavior of institutions, so that we can survive in this world full of traps. Invincible in the market of fraud, deception and rumors.

1. If I were a banker, what would I do?

Similarly, I will hold and smash at the same time, so that I will get more chips with lower prices. When it fell to a very low level, basically no one competed with me for chips, because during this decline, I continued to sell high and buy low, and continued to oscillate greatly, trapping most of the bottom-buyers and rebounders. On the way down, or I will exhaust their losses so that they will not dare to get involved in this currency again. At this time, my goal has been achieved. Retail investors are afraid and panic, and the high chips will continue to fall. I can continue to sell high and buy low in the bottom sideways to collect chips. This may take a long time. The key depends on the degree of the top chips falling. If the high If the chips don't loosen for a long time, then I won't buy this currency.

When I have collected enough chips, because when I was collecting chips, the technical team made some good news and coordinated with the overall market situation, it was effortless for me to pull it off and it didn’t cost much. When other people in this market see this currency rising for several days in a row, they will definitely follow suit, so I will gradually reduce my position.

What are the benefits of this technology for the team to cooperate with us? It is actually very simple. If I pull the currency to a high level, the coins they hold can also be sold at a good price; when it is at a low level, They can also purchaseYou can also earn reputation with your own coins, so the income will be considerable, so why not?

Of course, this must be the same as the trend of the market. In the meantime, retail investors should know what to do.

Of course, if I am a banker, I must also consider many issues:

First: From a legal perspective, there is currently no specific law or regulation governing virtual currency. , so there shouldn’t be any big problem with large-scale currency speculation.

Second: We must consider the issue of capital. If they see considerable profits when we pull, and end up selling a large number of chips, then we will be miserable and will inevitably lose money. We must do it before we do it. You must first communicate with them, and you also need to understand how much circulation they have and what their selling intentions are. This is a matter of size.

Third: The thing to consider is Lao and Zhuang. If this coin has not been abandoned by Lao and Zhuang, then I will try not to touch it, because if Lao and Zhuang do it against you, you will die. It's miserable, just like China Unicom's arbitrage of hot money, which will lead to a very miserable death. Therefore, currency selection is very important.

Fourth: It is the status of the broader market. In currency trading, people's hearts are shattered, and the market has been cut in half many times. It is completely a bear market. If you pull in, others will ship, and you will be trapped in it. Then the most appropriate thing now is to throw coins. Most people have a mentality that if a coin bought for 20 yuan falls to 15 yuan, it will not be sold, and if it falls to 10 yuan, it will not be sold. If it falls to 5 yuan, there will still be few people selling it, but you have to pull it back to 4 yuan if it falls to 2 yuan. Many people will basically cut their flesh when they see a doubling, especially if it goes down or sideways for a long time.

If these problems are solved, the selling will begin. How much is appropriate? According to the situation of the market, traders must follow the market every day. When the market falls sharply, you must plunge deeply. At this time, the cost is very low. You only need to use a small amount of chips to open the key points, and there will be a stop loss order to help. You go ahead and smash it down. However, some chips must be added in the late trading to prevent the market from going lower or higher the next day. A certain amount of chips can be flexibly controlled. In other words, you must keep an eye on the leading currency (Bitcoin is the leading currency) when trading.

Why keep an eye on leading coins?Do it?

The key lies in cost. As the market fluctuates, your cost is the lowest. When Bitcoin falls, you also fall, and the amount of chips used to sell is the least, because not many people dare to buy and can go deep. When the market goes up, you don't need to buy much. You just need to buy the chips at key points. Someone will push the stock price up. When it reaches a certain high point, you can also sell some of the chips you bought at low positions. This can free up some funds to make a small difference.

Therefore, the situation we see in the currency circle is that if it goes up, everyone will go up together, and if it goes down, everyone will go down.

There are several types of people in the currency circle: trend investors, those who get stuck and ignore it, technical people, fundamentalists, long-term investors, short-term speculators, etc.

I want to be the banker in this currency. I have to face these people and try my best to let them make less money or cut them off in the currency I control. At this time, I will There are many ways to deal with it, because if they make more money, it means I make less money. If they don’t cut their flesh, I won’t make any money.

For trend investors, I have no good solution except to regard them as lock-ups; but for others, I rely on them for my daily life, food, drinks and entertainment.

I generally like people who are stuck and ignore them. After these people hand over the money to me, they help me lock in most of the chips, so that I have sufficient funds to run freely at the bottom.

The fundamentalists are also my second favorite, because they basically took over after I raised the price of the currency. As soon as the good news came out, they took over. After they finished taking over, they started In any meeting, they would return the chips to me at a low position.

Technical people generally tend to be more short-term and like to do swings. Some people here think they are very skilled, such as KDJ golden cross and dead cross, MACD, CR, volume-price relationship, and Fibonacci. The golden section, Elliott's wave theory, the Gann curve, etc., etc., but I generally don't look at this when doing currency trading. I usually just focus on how many orders I placed today and how many came in at certain prices. For single orders, at what price can larger accounts be entered and exited. This is very critical to me, because it determines how to operate the next day. Sometimes I need to appease them and ask them to help keep the coins in their hands for a few more days to reduce the active chips.

But sometimes they have to be eliminated, especially short-term customers. When today we find that a lot of short-term hot money has come in, we must eliminate them no matter what the next day, even if they move against the market.

Looking back, haha, it’s so funny, the K-line is really in line with the characteristics of certain technical indicators. It's inevitable, it's inevitable.

Here I explain why I want to kill hot money.

In fact, this is about their short -term returns, because the short -term passenger and the money of traveling money is best to make, and the short time they hold chips can make me profitable in a very short time.

For example, in the case of a lockup, you can only make a profit once, and then it stops moving, and you have nothing to do with it. This period sometimes lasts for several years. I have to eat and drink during the year; I don’t make much profit from the local pies, because I have to share their profits equally with the company.

But short-term investors and hot money are different. I can make huge profits in one band.

So how to do it?

The first is: it is gradually pulling up. At this time, the technical indicators begin to go well. When technical people look at the technical indicators, they are generally easily tempted to come in. During this period, I will pull in and sell at the same time. , what needs to be controlled is to put the chips in their hands before the top divergence, so that they can see that the technical indicators have not reached the top yet, and the currency price can rise even higher. At this time, there will be a surge and fall on the second day, and then on the third day After a sudden drop, they basically started to take action. Without me, the price of the currency went down. Naturally, I set the price to pick up the fruits. This is especially true for hot money. I will pull it in the first half, and I will take a look at the hot money. The currency price was bullish, and they immediately swarmed in. In the second half, I gave them some chips. The next day, I opened low and moved low. When the hot money saw that the momentum was not right, they immediately fled. At this time, I had to see the amount of money fleeing. , and calculate my own results. If the number of escapes is large enough, I will pull it up in the afternoon. Because most of the short-term customers have left, I don’t need to pay much profit to go out. It is easy to pull up the currency price, and I am here The price difference between the two days is at least about 3% of the transaction amount.

But when I found that I didn’t go far, I continued going down.

This is what many retail investors wonder, why does it go up when I sell and go down when I buy? Because your behavior is consistent with that of most people, haha.

2. What are the risks of being a banker?

First, I am not the only banker who operates this currency. Usually, several people are invited to join forces. Just like hunting dogs on the prairie, it is easier to achieve success by using group tactics. If you are alone, firstly, you may not necessarily have this strength. Secondly, you will be easily caught by others. You may not be able to defeat the fox and you will get into trouble. Therefore, you can definitely invite friends to cooperate. Whoever is in charge will take second place. problem.

  Since it is cooperation, the risks are also obvious. When the market fluctuates, one of your friends will immediately give up. At this time, you will be in trouble, and all the hard work for a long time will be in vain.

Another problem is that when the market trend is downward, you don’t notice it because you still have the chips in your hands, so you just want to hold on. At this time, you will also be finished. The previous bull markets have ended. Later, many dealers fell down on this.

So, how to deal with risks, that is, first pay attention to the trend of Bitcoin, because the market makers are very sensitive to the trend of the market index. When Bitcoin goes up, some minor currencies controlled by the main force will But if the price is stagflation, or there are signs of a U-turn, then I will find a way to hand over as many chips as possible to retail investors before Bitcoin falls, and try to free up cash as much as possible. As long as there is sufficient cash on hand, I'm not afraid whether it goes up or down. If it goes up, I can buy it down with the remaining chips in my hand; if it goes down, I can buy more chips.

When the market is about to reverse at the end, the signs will also be obvious.

3. Let’s talk about the issue of top and bottom

Now many people are concerned about where the market will fall to the bottom, 13000, 11000, 8000? To be honest, I don’t know. Not only do I not know what point the market will fall to as the bottom, but I don’t even know what price the currency I own as a banker will fall to. How can I predict the market? Some people say, can it be reduced from 20 yuan to 5 yuan? Is it the end? I said no, maybe it would drop to 1-2 yuan, maybe it would drop to 8 yuan. There is no such thing as a top or a bottom in the currency market. What really matters is the relationship between supply and demand. When the supply and demand are balanced, the bottom will naturally be arrive.

For example, my currency, I let it fluctuate every day, up and down, but one day I found that the currency I sold could not be bought back with the money for more or the same amount. There are too many coins. At this time, it is impossible for me to move downwards. This should be its bottom. Maybe it's at 5 yuan, maybe it's not even at 1 yuan. Who knows where the balance can be achieved? We can only keep testing.

The same goes for the top. I pulled up, but there was no follower. So to whom can I distribute the stocks I bought at a high price? Of course, it's one thing if I pull up the price to show you the price, and the same goes for the bottom.

In the index, the same is true. If the incoming and outgoing funds can reach a balance, the index will reach the bottom; if not, it will continue to fall until the balance is reached.

4. VillageHow do families make money during a downturn?

Many people sometimes don’t understand that the banker’s cost is 20 yuan. If he raises the stock price to 10 yuan or 15 yuan, doesn’t he also lose money? This is really a stupid banker. In fact, retail investors don’t understand that the banker’s method of making money is often different from that of retail investors. When the buy price is lower than the sell order, the banker is holding coins. Only when they turn into money can they be real gold and silver. If he does not drop the price, he will ship the goods himself. How can he wait for retail investors to ship the goods? This is also the reason why many coins have been cut in half recently. , another one, and then another one. At present, most coins have fallen by 80%, and 10,000 yuan has become 2,000 yuan!

In fact, this is not the case. If the order is not smashed and shipped, retail investors will follow suit. However, with limited orders, institutions cannot sell out. If the price drops slowly, the losses of institutions will be even worse. And because the price is unattractive and you can't find an opponent, it becomes a blunt knife to cut your flesh, and you only know the pain.

Using the method of hitting the limit, the market's attention will be focused on it. When it drops to half, some bookmakers will start to take huge orders, because in the past few days, the market has dropped to the limit. Attention is very high, and there are huge orders, which means that the stock price should rebound at this time. Technically it is oversold and the currency price has halved. No matter what, it will rebound by more than ten to twenty percent, so retail investors, The big players rushed in, and the dealer's selling orders were robbed.

But the reality is not what retail investors and large investors imagine. In a bear market, those who place huge amounts of money are often shipping goods. It looks like they are sweeping up goods with large orders, but it is actually a trap set by the dealers. Benefit sharing.

Let’s take another stock example: CSR: The listing price exceeded the issue price by more than 60%, and 5 institutional seats were all ranked in the top 5 for purchase. Are these institutions stupid? You have to pay a 60% premium to take over the order, especially in a bear market, are you afraid that you won’t be able to buy chips? If you wait a few days before buying, it may reach the issue price. In fact, the institutions are not stupid at all. This is just a performance between institutions. Those who get more than 60% of the premium will allocate a certain profit to the institutions that take over the orders, and these institutions do not buy much. More chips are handed over to others, including a large number of retail investors, at a premium. For those who have access to most of the high-premium chips, those who make profits don’t have to think about anything.

Therefore, I hope that the currency I operate will fall, as low as possible.

For example, in the range of 20 yuan to 18 yuan, I sold 20% of the coins in my hand, and in the range of 18 to 16, I sold 18% of the coins, and I will make up for it later. , because in this case of decline, many stop-loss orders began to appear, and some people wanted to cover their positions.At this time, I have to rebound based on the chip situation. Why should I rebound? The main purpose is to attract people who are copying the market. Of course, if there are too many people copying the market, I will go short again the next day.

Under normal circumstances, not many people buy the bottom of the rebound on the first day. As long as it lasts for two days, retail investors will see how the currency is rising every day, especially the meat-cutting and cover-up orders. They will usually chase it. Come in, and the high position has been bullish for a few days. Forget it if you don't sell. You may still make some money after waiting a few days. At this time, I went short with my backhand and trapped them.

How much do I earn during this period? Because profits are distributed during the pull, a certain amount of profit can be maintained for each period of decline.

Then why do I want the currency price of my banker to be as low as possible? Think about it, if you open a shopping mall, do you want the goods you sell to be cheap or expensive? Naturally, it is better to be cheap, because then the amount of funds used is small. If you add 1 yuan to 10 yuan, people will think it is expensive; if you add 1 dime to 1 yuan, no one will care about you if you are not showing off, but the ratio of earning from 10 yuan to 1 yuan is the same. The same goes for stocks. Not many people feel anything if a stock of 1 yuan rises to 1.5 yuan; but what if a stock of 10 yuan rises to 15 yuan?

This is the fundamental reason why the currency market is bullish and bearish. Few bankers hope that the stock price will be high to increase their own costs.

『二』How to get started in the currency circle for beginners

Be careful of MLM scams. Many virtual currencies are pyramid schemes and fraud organizations. It is best to first understand whether the virtual currency you want to invest in is a pyramid scheme.

『三』 [Must-see 2] The secrets of the currency market makers are revealed!

‖Dry information‖Shadow's story‖Scam‖Revealed‖

True, objective, no rumors, no evil

Personal experience, revealing the gray around you and me Inside story

People are in the financial market, one story at a time

Commentary on tomorrow’s success and spreading it to the world

Foreword: - Writing an article

5. Let’s talk about the positioning of retail investors and bankers

In a prairie, small retail investors are the sheep, and the bankers are the wolves. You may not have any objections to my positioning this way. Whether it is the stock market or the currency circle, 70% of people lose money. This is basically true. Just like playing mahjong, if four people play, three people will lose. The money of these three people naturally flowed into that one person's pocket. In other words, the trillions lost by investors and currency speculators did not disappear or evaporate, but were transferred to the pockets of a few people. . This is the story of the wolf eating the sheep.

  In the grassland, sheep will run away when they see wolves. Why? I'm afraid it will eat me. But it is different in the stock market. When buying stocks, most people like to buy stocks with strong market makers. They say that stocks with strong market makers are fierce and will rise quickly. It is best to be a strong market maker. What do sheep eat on the grassland? Eat grass. Will it choose a place with wolves? And this wolf is very tough. Absolutely not.

This is the mistake in the self-positioning of investors. You are originally a sheep, just eat grass. This grass is to find a famous currency, such as Litecoin, Little Ether, Bitcoin, etc., in Buy it at the right price, and then look for opportunities to trade. Or believe it for a long time, but most people who speculate in currencies are not like this. They always want to follow the wolf and eat some scraps. Is there any reason not to lose money?

6. How does the main force educate and indoctrinate retail investors?

Many people may find this topic new to me. They have never heard of such a thing. How can the main force educate me? Is it to maintain stability or protect people's property income? I said no. In fact, if you don't feel it, that is the success of the main force. The main force does not need you to feel anything, as long as you follow his instructions.

Does the main force have such ability? Then if he asks me to cut the flesh, I will cut the flesh, and if he asks me to stand on the top, I will stand on the top. Then won’t all my money be made by the main force? Yes, that's the case.

So what do the main players instill in retail investors? Very simple, bear market thinking and bull market thinking. As long as you accept one of these two kinds of thinking, you will basically lose money when you come to the stock market and become a side dish for the main force to drink with.

Is it so powerful? Let me talk about brainwashing in MLM.

Nowadays, MLM is still carried out secretly in some places, with a large number of people. But among the general public, it has become a smelly piece of shit, and people avoid it. However, MLM still exists, which shows that it is different from common sense. In fact, it is forced brainwashing.

When people first join their group, they may not be willing to participate in pyramid schemes, because most of them are deceived, but they have a way to make you obey, and finally you will voluntarily join them and become them a member of.

How did they do it? It is a class where you are in this group and talk about the same topics every day. Many people come forward and give their own opinions. After a few months, you have basically accepted it. After a while, you lose yourself and become a person. Manipulated puppets.

In the currency circle, the main players are actually doing the same thing, that is, using K lines to continuously, repeatedly, and for a long time instill bear market or bull market thinking in you. Do you feel that it is a mess lately? There are more and more currency speculation WeChat groups, and every day they discuss either this coin or which coin, whether this coin has increased 10 times, or which coin has increased 20 times.

In fact, once a person’s thinking is formed, the inertia will last for a long time. Why are so many people speculating in currencies now trapped, or deeply trapped? I believe the bull market is still there. And this time both new and old Filipinos are trapped, but the old Filipinos are definitely making most of the money

Every round of rebound is followed by a deeper decline, which is repeated again and again. This has been true for several years, you What kind of thinking do you have? First he didn't dare, and finally he boldly sold high and bought low. Yes, what the main force wants is this result. When the last one sells high and you are still waiting patiently to buy low, the price has risen high, but you are scared out of your wits and dare not chase it anymore. At this time, you have been The inertia of bear market thinking has taken control.

7. How do the main market forces allow retail investors to cut their losses?

Most people always have this idea in the early days of quilting. I am like depositing money in the bank. I won’t sell it, even if I kill it, I won’t sell it. This coin is very good, and it has various applications. Okay, why should I sell it? It will definitely rise back in a few years. At this time, the quilt was 10%, 20%, and 40%, but when it reached the last 70% or more than 80%, he said: "Grandpa Zhuang, I'm afraid of you, I'll give it to you." With a click of the knife, he cut it clean.

This phenomenon is very strange. Why don’t you sell when there is little left, but when you have very little left in your account, you can decide to cut it all? In fact, this is the temptation of the market main force, because the inertia of bull market thinking for several years makes you firmly believe that the bull market still exists. If it falls by 20%, I will cover my position and spread the cost. When it rebounds to a point where I don’t lose money, I will be out. But the situation is not as you expected. Most retail investors behave in two ways: one is that they are reluctant to sell out when their cost level is reached, and want to make a little more; the other possibility is that the stock price will fall again if it cannot reach their cost level. Well, retail investors' covering up positions not only failed to reduce costs, but instead expanded losses.

So how did I get to this point as the banker? It's too simple. When the number of followers decreases and the selling pressure increases, I immediately do the opposite. I am ahead of most people.

The amplitude after such a rebound will become smaller and smaller, and eventually it will simply go sideways. In the final stage, it will fall by one or two points a day, and the range is only a few points. If you want to do T, it is impossible. It's possible, because I have calculated the cost of doing T, and the difference between the purchase and sale price is not enough for the handling fee, let's talk about it. Because of the constant decline, once you sell it, you basically have no interest in buying it back.

Some people may have doubts, since it’s like that, it’s okay if I don’t sell it.

In fact, when the loss reaches 70-80% or more, no one is willing to cut off the meat, but why cut off again? This is the temptation of the main market forces. During the rebound, they constantly arrange for some coins to double their prices. The money you hold keeps falling and shows no improvement for a very long time. However, many stocks quickly double as soon as they rebound, and the performance is worse day by day. How do you feel?

From patience, doubt to despair, and finally made the decision to adjust positions and exchange coins. When most people in the market do this, the main force has succeeded.

Is it wrong to adjust positions and exchange coins? Yes, but it’s hard to buy coins that quickly double during the rally. Why? One is going against the market, and most people throw away their chips early because they are afraid; the second is fairy coins, the chips are all in the hands of the main force, and it is up to you to see how much they do. The third is that you bought it and made a profit. However, this is your lucky chance, and the proportion is extremely low in this market.

8. Who are the main players in the market?

To illustrate this problem, let’s take an example from the stock market: Let’s start with the most famous 1929 crash of the Dow Jones in the United States.

In October 1929, the most famous crash in the history of Dow Jones occurred. Up to now, various scholars still have different opinions. One of them is that the bubble burst, causing Dow Jones to enter a bear market, and It caused great damage to the American economy and caused capitalist countries to enter depression.

However, looking back at history, I feel very strange. At that time, the U.S. economy was quite prosperous, which could fully support the continued rise of U.S. stocks. According to current fashion, fundamentals support the rise of stock prices, and the price-to-earnings ratio is not high. So why did it suddenly change direction after 7 years of bull market? Finally I discovered something. The Federal Reserve began to tighten liquidity in March 1929. In the following months, some people were selling a lot of shorts. The average index in the first and second quarters of that year was higher than that in the third quarter. This shows that A question shows that the main force in the market is shipping in large quantities, and the day of October 19th was just a critical point that was broken down.

At that time, US President Hoover made a speech, asking the American people to have confidence that the fundamentals of the United States were still healthy. However, it seemed that it had little effect and the bailout failed. It gets even more interesting later. The wealth of ordinary Americans has shrunk significantly, but the government’s financial resources have continued to decline.With the economy rising, Roosevelt implemented the New Deal under the advice of economist Keynes and invested a large amount of American resources in infrastructure construction, domestic market restructuring, weapons and military industry, etc., and finally won the victory of World War II, turning the United States from an ordinary country into a The world's superpower.

Of course, in 1987, the U.S. stock market was in a bearish state, and within two years the Soviet Union collapsed under U.S. pressure. At that time, the energy exports on which the Soviet Union relied for survival suffered a total loss, and international crude oil dropped to US$9. A bucket. To know how much financial support is needed to push international crude oil to US$9, it is all about buying high and selling low. There were several bad times between 2029 and 1987, but I won’t go into details due to space limitations.

This shows that in a country like the United States, there is a negative correlation between a bearish stock market and the financial strength of the government. The richer the government is, the more bearish the stock market will be; the less money the government has, the more bullish the stock market will be!

Some people may have questions, what about the 1990 bear market in the Japanese stock market, and what about Taiwan and Southeast Asia? However, one thing is certain. After the bear market in these countries and regions, the United States has experienced rapid development, exceeding any period in its history. It seems that the United States has inexhaustible financial resources. Where does the money come from?

Returning to our country, the economy was in a bearish state in 1993, but by 1996, the domestic economy was growing rapidly. Similarly, from 2001 to 2005, the stock market was bearish, the economy was bullish, and domestic infrastructure was completely transformed. But the years when our country’s stock market is booming are often years full of problems, first the market weakness in the early 1990s, the Asian financial crisis after 1996 and 1997, the bombing of the embassy in 1999, and the era of struggling internationally in 2000. . This bullish trend has only been two years old, with domestic inflation coupled with a weakening international economy. These problems will cost a lot of money to deal with later, especially after the Olympic Games, it will take a lot of effort to clean up the chicken feathers everywhere.

9. Let’s talk about casinos and see if there is any trace of them in the currency circle?

A boss wants to open a casino in a town. What does he need to do to attract people to come in? Purchase necessary equipment, such as slot machines, roulette, jackpot, blackjack, etc. In order to attract people to come in, first adjust these devices to 1 to 2, which means that if you put one dollar in, it will spit out two dollars. Because at the beginning, no one was familiar with it, so even though the boss paid two for one, since there weren’t many people playing, the boss didn’t have to spend much money.

Due to the money-making effect of this casino, it attracted the attention of many people in the town, and some people began to come in and try to gamble. At this time, the boss saw that there were more people coming, so he adjusted the device to compensate 1.5 for 1. Why adjust it like this? Because more people come in, the boss sticks a little bit more, and everyone wins a little bit more from each other, the money-making effect is still strong.

At this time, the town began to boil., more than 90% of people who go into that casino make money. If I don’t go in, how long will it take? Everyone sent money inside. Because there are more people, it means that the popularity is stimulated, and the casino owner wants to make a profit, so he adjusts the odds of gambling equipment to 0.8 to 1, and the owner starts to earn 0.2. Some people here may have questions. The popularity has been aroused. Why doesn’t the boss increase the odds to make money faster?

Naturally, the boss has considered this issue. There are still many people who have not spent all their money. If the tone is too high in a short period of time, it will scare people away. It’s not like the boss can’t make much money. . Finally, the casino was buzzing with people, and everyone came to gamble with all their money, stimulated by the money-making effect.

At this time, the boss quietly changed the odds of gambling equipment to 0.2 to 1. Of course, in order to stabilize people's hearts, he left a few machines unchanged. After a few days, many gamblers have questions, why don't these machines spit out points? I fed it a lot and it went in. It turns out that's not the case. I started vomiting after feeding a little. Did I feed it too little? Want to continue feeding?

At this time, there are always several machines in the lobby that throw out one yuan and spit out several yuan, making a crisp sound. Because many people had questions, the boss pointed to the machines that spit out points and said: "It's not that my casino doesn't make money, it's mainly because you didn't choose the machines well. Look, didn't those people make money?"< br />
After a period of time, most of the money of the people in the town was put into the pockets of the boss, and there was not much money left to gamble. However, many people still refused to give up and refused to leave in the casino. , asking to save the casino, saying that if it is not saved, the casino will be doomed. In fact, the boss at this time is like a mirror. You all have no money in your pockets. The only way I can save the casino is to take out the money for you to continue playing. What good does this do to me? (From Dafa Xiaomiquan id99218718) You continue to play here, and you don’t have much money in your pocket. I still have to find the service staff, and I also want to pay for tea, electricity bills and machine damage. Are you getting crazy? Instead of raising the odds, simply adjust them to 0 to 1. But the boss didn't want to offend the people in the town, because he wanted people to make money and come again next time, so he said, "Look, I have bought a lot of new machines, and I went around the town to invite people to gamble. I tried my best, but people didn’t want to come.

What does the boss actually want most now? I hope that people in the town will leave the casino and go outside to make money. If you don’t go out to make money and spend all day in the casino, who will the boss make next time?

However, some people in the town just didn’t understand and suggested to the boss whether the casino’s lack of prosperity was related to the lack of new gameplay? For example, add some lion cat, pai gow, stud and so on. The boss naturally nodded in agreement, said he would consider it later, and turned his back to his stomach.But he scolded: A bunch of idiots, that thing costs more money, are there any people in this small town? This performance is on Jubi this year. From May to June, there is always a coin taking off at 12 o'clock every night. Do you feel like betting? If you bet correctly, it will double several times, but it will start in mid-June. , many fly once at 12 o'clock and can no longer fly, and most of them are trapped!

10. Why don’t most retail investors make money in the currency circle?

Actually, this question is very simple. Netizens asked me what my motto is, and my answer is "do it slowly". When a banker chooses a coin to enter, it is like a businessman choosing a shop. After renting or buying it, it becomes part of his life. Buying and selling coins means purchasing and shipping goods. Generally speaking, it takes a long time to operate, several years or more.

What about retail investors? Most are passers-by. What's the meaning? When I see that this store is doing well, I immediately buy some goods from this store and sell them in front of the store. What I hope is that the store can raise the price of the goods it distributes, and I can also sell them at a good price. This doesn't matter when business is booming, because if there is enough business, the store can still sell the goods by raising the price, and the goods you batch can naturally get some profit and make some profit from the price difference. But what happens when business slows down? Naturally, you will lose your capital.

The key here is the store’s pricing power. Your goods were first approved in this store, which means that your cost, quantity, price and other commercial data are not confidential. The store owner naturally knows everything. When business is slow, the boss will let you know. Do you sell to customers you might be selling to? Absolutely not.

What will he do? Sell ​​to others at a lower price than you do. Because you know nothing about the boss's cost and quantity, you can only sell at a lower price than the boss in the end, and you may not even know who the people who may buy your product are.

In other words, the shop owner’s activities are behind the scenes, but your activities are under the eyes of the shop owner. Which one is better? It’s clear at a glance.

There is another more important point, the time concept of passers-by and shop owners. The store owner is a long-term business owner. He can operate the business one by one or sideways for several months because he has a fixed location and fixed goods. And what about the passers-by? If the incoming goods are not disposed of in time, food and clothing will soon be in jeopardy. The asymmetry in status makes it difficult for retail investors to make money from the banker. However, the banker has pricing power, making it relatively easier for retail investors to make money.

11. Let’s talk about the purpose of “showing you the price”

Because this knowledge is a common sense issue, I didn’t talk about it earlier. I will take it out and talk about it separately today. It’s mainly about me. I have a guess. Many people may not understand how they are trapped.

On the streets, we often encounter this situation. Some shops have "clearance sale, original price of wool sweater is 98, current price is 56" written on the door of some shops. Many passers-by take a look and realize that it is indeed a lot cheaper. , then buy one. Of course, there are still there now, but maybe a few less, but originally there were quite a lot.

So, did the boss lose money? The original price is 98, and the current price is 56. The boss seems to have reduced it a lot. In fact, this is not the case at all. If the boss doesn't bid for 98, the current price of 56 cannot be sold. The 98 is for you to see, not the transaction price. If 98 can be sold, why should the boss sell it for 56? Just sell it for 98.

This is the beauty of showing you the price. If you didn’t see 98, would you buy it for 56? Won't.

The same is true in the currency circle. Often the price of some currencies is very high. This high price is not actually the transaction price, it is for you to see. Just like the boss selling woolen sweaters, what he really wants The price sold to you may be 30%-50% of this price. This is the reason why many people are trapped by buying the bottom. When you see the original price and find that it has dropped a lot, you think it will still rise, so you are trapped. If you hadn't looked at the original price, would you have bought it at that price? Neither will.

It is estimated that everyone is aware of the above issue now, so I will turn around and talk about how the main force makes you sell.

There is also a problem of showing you the price at the bottom, that is, if the main force wants to collect chips in the area of ​​4-5 yuan, he must hit it to about 2 yuan. This 2 yuan is not the transaction price. , but show you the price. Regarding this issue, there is a very good post on the Internet. It talks about a temple abbot who took a fancy to the Buddha statues sold in a shop outside, but was unwilling to pay the price of the shop owner, so he ordered the monks to take turns. The monks went to counter-offer, each offering a lower price than the last. After a long period of time, the boss regretted every time: It would have been better if he had sold earlier.

  Finally, the host came forward and offered a price that was twice as high as the last monk's. The transaction was completed immediately, and the boss was very grateful.

This story is what the main force does at the bottom. I will show you the lowest possible position.

12. Why should currency speculators listen to what they say?

In the currency circle, many retail investors cannot clearly see the general trend of the currency. Of course, this includes some institutions and large investors. They do not know what is the top and what is the bottom. As a result, the currency does not leave the market prematurely. Or maybe you are stuck. Today I will talk about the top and bottom issues.

Let’s use the stock market as an analogy here: From 1990 to 1993, there was a bull market in China’s stock market. What was the market environment like at that time? Due to international sanctions and weak markets, many factories are in decline and on the verge of collapse. But the stock market has gone crazy. Why is it so high? Because of the weakness of the market, which caused the depression of enterprises, bank deposits surged sharply at this time. Banks simply don't dare to lend out loans because of poor business performance. Once these loans are loaned out, most of them are just meat buns beating dogs, and they never get back. In order to find lending channels, the 'boss' acquiesced in allowing bank funds to flow into the stock market, so the stock market went crazy. Of course, later on, when the domestic economy began to improve and companies also needed funds, the 'boss' ordered bank funds to flow back to the companies, and the stock market began to go crazy. Downhill.

The same was true when the bull market started in 2005. Shareholders of major companies increased their holdings of their own stocks, which later triggered this round of bull market. Some people say it is the result of the shareholding reform, and that may be true, but there is no huge amount of funds to consume the rich stocks, even if the shareholding reform is blown into a flower, it will be useless.

Let me tell you here, what is the situation of the domestic economy in 2005? High growth and low inflation. But here comes the problem. With the increase in economic income, banks have accumulated a large amount of personal savings, which they cannot get out. These funds are eating interest. Once domestic inflation resumes, it will seriously threaten the domestic economic security and become a cage. Zhonghu. Therefore, bank interest rates have fallen again and again, and interest taxes have increased again and again. We have tried our best to force these deposits into the market for consumption, but the results have been disappointing. The deposits have only increased but not decreased.

Later, the ‘boss’ took advantage of the share reform and lent the money to the company to increase its holdings, finally completing a round of reductions in deposits.

This is what people often say in the stock market, you must listen to what you say when trading in the stock market.

But I think being obedient is one thing. What’s more important is to see what the ‘boss’ does. If the ‘boss’ takes practical actions and gives you money, then it’s the bottom of the stock market, so you’re welcome. And be afraid, cover your stocks, and wait patiently. If it's the other way around, it's a jackpot, so throw it out quickly.

Many people have been discussing the bottom issue these days. There are many great gods in the bull market, but there are not many great gods in the bear market. I want to exclude mainstream coins, such as some altcoins, through Let’s analyze these two articles. If you are a banker, do you dare to start the market now? I believe that the banker must have been slowly collecting funds to prepare for the market year ago, so I don’t know what the bottom is. Some people say that it can now You cannot build a position. I think the price on this basis must at least double before you can spend 10% of your capital to slowly build a position. If the dealer still cannot attract the goods during this process, it may If you want to smash it one step further, you must smash out your deep-set chips...

『四』How to add a pool in the currency circle

To add a pool in the currency circle, just go to the center Inject capital into the trading platform into the capital pool.
The so-called pool refers to a pool of funds, also called a pool. It is to inject capital pools into decentralized trading platforms such as Justswap and Uniswap, that is, to add liquidity.
Generally speaking, setting up a pool is equivalent to setting a price for a certain token to facilitate player transactions. For example, if a project puts 10,000 TRX and 1,000 tokens in the Justswap pool, players can exchange their TRX for tokens in the pool, or exchange tokens for TRX in the pool.

『武』 What do you think of this depth chart on Huobi.com

Huobi.com is run by scammers, and only scammers can understand this depth chart!

『Lu』 I am a newbie who has just entered the currency circle. I especially want to know how the currency circle works.

The currency circle is similar to the stock market. If you dare to think and act, sell at a high price and sell at a low price. Price income, there are many projects in the currency circle now, and the risks are also very high. I hope you can think about it carefully

『撒』 I am a newbie who has just entered the currency circle, and I especially want to know how the currency circle works

Just don’t chase the rise and kill the fall. I prefer to buy the bottom, so when Bitcoin plummets, I will go to bitz to add positions, and run if there is a profit

『Eight』 "K-line Practical Strategy" Open Coin The key to the city’s treasure

Hello, dear friend, hello:

I am Brother Hai, a senior practical player in the currency circle, focusing on contract trading, trend analysis, and good at Ambush Doubling Coins,

Hai Ge’s mission is to help every investor who knows Hai Ge learn technical analysis and trend judgment, and teach you to form your own investment system and trading system. From then on No more being cut off by Gouzhuang...…

I believe many friends in the currency circle have had this experience. Once you buy, it goes down, and when you sell, it goes up. It’s as if the banker is staring at the tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket.

In fact, it is not the case. The reason why you do n’t rise after buying, and even fall after buying it, because you did n’t buy it on one buying point, and it rose as soon as it was sold. It's because you didn't sell at the selling point.

Many partners have no general understanding of the market trend when speculating in currencies, and they have no idea about the various signals displayed by the K-line and other indicators. I buy and sell coins entirely based on my feelings.

Buy when you feel it is going up. Sell when you feel it is going down. If you feel it is going up or down, or I think it is going up or down, rely on this. I feel that trading is a big taboo for currency speculation.

As the saying goes, there are signals for buying and selling. The reason why the buying point can become the buying point is that it must go up after buying it, and there is a high probability that it will go up. Yes, you know?

The reason why a selling point can become a selling point is that it will fall after selling, at least with a high probability of falling. So...

How to grasp these buying and selling points?

In fact, these buying and selling points will be immediately displayed through the K-line. The K-line is a special language and a super password. The K-line can reflect a certain currency in advance. Future prices and trends, and there are patterns to be found. So...

What we have to do is to understand this language, to decipher this set of codes, and at the same time to discover their operating rules, and operate based on these rules,

Some typical K lines or K line combinations will appear repeatedly, expressing a language to give you tips in advance.

If you master these rules, your trading winning rate will be greatly improved. When the bottom K-line combination appears, it tells you that the currency price will rise soon, and you must quickly build a position; the top When the K-line combination appears, it tells you that the risk is high and you need to escape from the top in time.

  Next, Brother Hai will take you to understand the codes expressed by various K-lines.

K-line chart, also known as candle chart, originated from the Tokugawa Shogunate era in Japan (1603 ~1867), it was used by Japanese rice merchants at that time to record the market conditions and price fluctuations of the rice market, and use it to analyze and predict the rise and fall of rice prices in the market. This graph was the original prototype of the K-line.

Let’s first get to know a single K-line. A single K-line usually has the following types,

Yang line, Yin line, Doji

For everyone’s understanding, Brother Hai will post a picture

The Yang line and the Yin line are composed of entities and upper and lower shadow lines. The cross line represents the cross star,

In the currency market, generally speaking, the green line represents the positive line, and the red line represents the negative line, which is exactly the opposite of the stock market. Of course, some small exchanges are the opposite of this. You can just change it,

Each K line has 4 basic elements: opening price, closing price, highest price and lowest price

The meanings represented are different depending on the level, such as the 30-minute chart, each K line The line represents 30 minutes and represents the change in transaction price within 30 minutes. On the daily chart, each K line represents 1 day and represents the change in transaction price on that day.

Let’s look at the Yang line first

What is the Yang line?

The Yang line is when the opening price is less than the closing price, indicating that it has risen on that day. This is also the line we all like to see the most

The lower edge of the entity is the opening price. The upper edge of the entity is the closing price, the bottom of the lower shadow represents the lowest price, and the top of the upper shadow represents the highest price.

Let’s look at the negative line

The negative line That is, the opening price is greater than the closing price, which means it fell on that day

The Yin line and the Yang line are just opposite

Cross star

The cross star is the opening price = closing price

When trading sideways The appearance of a Doji has no special significance

What we need to pay special attention to is the long-legged Doji

The long-legged Doji has a long upper shadow and a long lower shadow. The shadow line indicates that the market is very divergent at this time

If a long-legged cross star appears during a continued upward trend, it may be a signal of peaking, indicating that the next decline will occur.

Brother Hai will give you a screenshot of the real offer. Take a look:

But if a long-legged cross star appears during the downward trend, it may be a low. The signal indicates that it will rise next.

       Of course, the appearance of the long-legged cross star alone cannot be used to judge whether it will rise or fall next. We need to combine it with other technical indicators. Judgment, I will explain these in detail in "Hai Ge Coin Market According to Gold Three Axes". Friends who have not learned "Hai Ge Coin Market According to Gold Three Axes" can get it with Hai Ge's assistant QQ: 794400988, password: "Hai Ge Coin Market Three Axes" The currency market of Colombia is based on the golden three-axe".


The appearance of the long-legged Doji is an important warning signal to us, especially when the long-legged Doji appears at high and low levels. And when it is accompanied by a large trading volume, we must pay special attention at this time, as it may be a signal of peaking or bottoming.

Next, I will share with you the more common K-line combination pattern,

  Pattern analysis is an analysis method that directly identifies price movement trends from historical price charts. Form analysis is the basis of the technical analysis system. Other technical analysis also includes various graphic analyses.
Selling point,

 > Brother Hai first talks about the rising pattern

Let’s take a look at: Three consecutive Yangs

Three consecutive Yangs are also called Green Three Soldiers

It consists of 3 roots It is composed of Yang lines. Its characteristic is that the closing price of each subsequent Yang line is higher than the closing price of the previous one.

If it has been in a downward trend in the early stage, and three consecutive Yang lines appear at the low level, it indicates that the market will be bullish. Will reverse, the market outlook is bullish,

Trading strategy:

When the three green soldiers appear at a low level, immediately combine analysis with other indicators (such as the moving average strategy or the lifeline strategy ), if the conditions are ripe, buy quickly,

Dawn Star:

Dawn Star appears in a downward trend, consisting of a long solid negative line and a The star line is composed of a long positive line, and the closing price of the long negative line is higher than the opening or closing price of the star line on the next day, forming a gap. The third day's positive line also coincides with the star line. The shaped line forms a gap.

Trading strategy:

The Dawn Star appears at the end of the downtrend, which is a strong reversal signal and the market outlook is bullish.

Water Hibiscus:

Trading strategy:

Water lotus refers to the K line starting to stand above the long moving average arrangement (MA 5-10-30-60). Water lotus is a signal that the bottom has bottomed. As a signal to start rising, the trading volume at the bottom of Chushui Furong cannot be too low, so it can be seen as a buying point.

Rising trilogy:

Trading strategy:

After a big positive line appears, three small negative lines appear one after another, but these three None of the small negative lines fell below the opening price of the big positive line, and the trading volume also decreased accordingly, and then a big positive line appeared. This can be regarded as a buying point, and the market outlook is bullish,

Above, we learned to determine the buying point through the rising pattern,

Next, we started to learn to determine the selling point through the falling pattern,

Three Crows

It is composed of three negative lines. Its characteristic is that the closing price of each subsequent negative line is lower than the closing price of the previous one.

The appearance of three crows at a high level is a danger signal. You should sell quickly. The market outlook is bearish.

Trading strategy:

In actual trading, when the K-line pattern of three crows appears, if there is a large rise in the early stage and three consecutive K-lines fall The entity is larger, and the closing price of each subsequent negative line is lower than the closing price of the previous one, and far covers the previous rising positive line. At the same time, it is accompanied by large trading volume and high turnover. This is crazy shipping at the top. Characteristics, investors must clear all their shares to escape from the top.

About how to accurately escape from the top, Brother Hai will give a detailed explanation in "Hai Ge's Coin Market and Gold Three Axes". For those who have not learned "Hai's Coin Market and Gold Three Axes", add Hai. Brother Assistant QQ: 794400988 to collect, password: "Hai Ge Coin Market According to Gold Three Axes".


After the currency price rose, the currency price increased sharply near the previous high point or at an absolute high. After the opening of the day, it attacked all the way, but left a long upper shadow line. , indicating that the upside is blocked, the selling pressure is heavy, and the market outlook is bearish.

We call this huge Changyang with a long upper shadow on the K-line chart "a standout".

Formed mechanism:

The price of the currency continued to rise, accumulated a large amount of short energy, in order to smoothly distribute it, at the expense of the amount of seduction, the huge amount of pairs attracted to buy the market. Chasing the rise, and then going short on the backhand, after the main force exchanged chips with retail investors at a high level, the currency price quickly shot up and fell back, showing a free fall.

Trading strategy:

(1) Clear positions in a timely manner on the day when "outstanding" appears.

(2) If you don’t have time to sell out on the day, you will choose a higher point to get out the next day.

Sealing the throat with one sword:

After a wave of rise, the currency price suddenly went up with volume. The currency price showed an accelerated upward trend, but after rising high, it fell back. Due to heavy volume and sluggish growth, the upper shadow line of the currency price exceeds the entity by 3-5 times. This is a more typical peaking form and is a good time to clear out positions. We call this huge negative or positive line (mostly negative lines) with a long upper shadow line "a sword to seal the throat".

Formation mechanism:

The price of the currency continues to rise, facing the dual pressure of huge profits and sets of settlement sets. In order to successfully ship, the dealer , deliberately increasing the volume to attract more, attracting market death squads to bravely take over the market, and then backhand to short. After the currency price changed hands at a high level, the dealer gave up protecting the market, so the price followed the trend.

"Sealing the throat with one sword" is a tactic commonly used by bookmakers when shipping goods, and must be paid great attention to in actual combat.

Trading strategy:

(1) On the day when the sword seal appears, clear the position immediately and decisively.

(2) If there is no time to sell out on the day, the next day when the currency price inertia rises, the position will be cleared out regardless of the cost.

Extraneous problems:

Formation mechanism:

Weakened, profit-making orders are waiting for opportunities to flee. In order to create a good market atmosphere, bookmakers generallyOften, a star Yang line or Star Yin line that is the same or similar to yesterday's closing will be pulled out behind the last Yang line. This is a signal that the currency price is about to adjust, and should be actively avoided. We call the star-yang line or star-yin line after the yang line an "extraordinary branch".

Trading strategy:

On the day when extraneous problems occur, liquidate your positions and at least reduce your positions.

Burning bridges:

After a surge in currency prices, bookmakers naturally have to find ways to cash in profits. Due to the huge holdings, it was impossible to distribute them all at once, so the currency price was kept oscillating at a high level and shipped. As there are fewer and fewer orders, the 5-day moving average slowly moves from high to flat, and the falling currency price begins to cross the 5-day moving average. This is a sign that the market is coming to an end and the currency price is accelerating its decline, which is a good time to sell. We call this barren line that crosses the 5-day moving average "burning bridges across the river".

Trading strategy:

The purpose of the banker to raise the currency price is to distribute it at a high level. Due to the large holdings of the market makers, they can only maintain the shock distribution pattern. At the end of the distribution period, the market makers gave up on protecting the market, and the currency price first slowly fell back, and then accelerated its decline.

If the cross -river disassembly bridge appears after a sharp rise, the nature is mostly distributed; after the slightly rising rising is the start of the dishwashing. No matter which situation occurs, it is a signal that the currency price is about to adjust, and you should sell or reduce your position.

Okay, due to time, today's courses on the K line are explained here.

These typical K -line and K -line form combinations, everyone must keep in mind the heart in the heart , and discover their operating rules, and operate based on these rules.

When you master these rules, you will largely increase your transaction winning rate, which is very good for you to find a buying and selling point and help you to escape from the top.

If there are any partners who don’t understand during the operation, please contact Haige Assistant QQ: 794400988 to communicate,

  Since the currency market is changeable, the public account can only be posted once a day, which is not timely enough and is suitable for analyzing major events. Market analysis, potential currency ambushes, and operation strategies are all conducted in WeChat groups and QQ groups, which is simple , efficient.

Hai Ge shared actual combat technologies in the public account and WeChat group most of the time, that is, I hope you can cultivate your good analysis ability and good trading habits.

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

When you learn these techniques, you will be able to read market trends and analyze trends yourself. You don’t have to hang out in groups all day long to listen to the big guys’ explanations.

In order for you to have a better learning environment, please add an assistant QQ: 794400988 to take you to the QQ group to study.
< br /> In the next lesson, Brother Hai will share with you the "Five-Day Line Strategy"

The 5-day Line Strategy is one of the essential skills for short-term and swing play, and it is also the simplest and most practical. Short-term tactics, learn the five-day line tactics, and you don’t have to worry about stock trading from now on.

If you think the article is valuable, please forward it to your circle of friends so that more friends can see it. Send roses to others, and the fragrance will linger in your hands. Thank you!

See you in the next class!

Wonderful review:

"K-line practical strategy" is the key to unlocking the currency market treasure

"Learn the five-day line strategy, no need to speculate in coins" "Sorrow"

"Must-see Contract Tutorial"

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① 币圈五种委托方式哪种成交最快呢这五种市价委托一般来说是没有好坏之分的,只是若是市价委托更快的成交,一般是选择能够让市价委托更快的成交的那一种方式。市价委托的五种方式有:对手方最优价格申报、本方最优