币圈限价委托什么意思 币圈限价委托和市价委托的区别

① 币圈五种委托方式哪种成交最快呢

市价委托亦称 “随行就市委托”,客户在交易所进行交易前委托经纪人买卖股票时,不规定买入或卖出的价格,而是要求经纪人按照当时的市场价格来购买或出售股票的行为。市价委托是股票委托买卖的基本方法之一,也是最普通,最易于执行的一种委托。市价委托的最主要的特点就是交易速度快,交易量大。因为当经纪人进行交易前接到客户市价委托的指令后,可根据交易所内当时的市场行价,立即成交,无需作更多等候。当然,这并不意味着经纪人可以随意按自己的意志行事,一般当经纪人接到这种委托指令之后,仍需经过竞价过程,以便为客户争得最有利的成交价。

② 币圈合约稳定套利的方法

套利( spreads): 指同时买进和卖出两张不同种类的期货合约.交易者买进自认为是"便宜的"合约,同时卖出那些"高价的"合约,从两合约价格间的变动关系中获.套期保值,是指企业为规避外汇风险、利率风险、商品价格风险.月份相同或相近原则 该原则要求投资者在进行套期保值操作时,所选用期货合约的.
一、区块链的确是大势所趋,投资区块链可以从以下几个方面进行:1、进入区块链行业. 2、与区块链相半而生的是数字货币市场,各种数字货币如比特币、以太坊、莱特币等.
(1) 不抛补套利。即利用两国资金市场的利率差异,把短期资金从低利率的市场调到高利率的市场投放,以获取利差收益。
(2) 抛补套利。即套利者在把短期资金从甲地调到乙地套利的同时,利用远期外汇交易避免汇率变动的风险。套利活动会改变不同资金市场的供求关系,使各地短期资金的利率趋于一致,使货币的近期汇率与远期汇率的差价缩小,并使资金市场的利率差与外汇市场的汇率差价之间保持均衡,从而在客观上加强了国际金融市场的一体化。

③ 币圈刷交易量有风险吗


④ 币圈的交易知识点和对行情的观点










首先也是最重要的一点就是控制好风险,不可能每个单子都会对,允许错,错的时候要有个明确的止损点,让亏损是在可控 的范围,绝对不能允许大亏,只有风险控制好了才能安全的赚钱。而这个需要后面几点一起配合。

其中你要敢于拿单,很多人单子错了可以扛一百多个点,甚至拿到爆仓到归零都可以。但是单子做对了赚几个点就跑了,敢输不敢赢 。不会持仓和等待,持仓和等待这个过程是痛苦又复杂,对心理也是一个极大的挑战,只有少数人能做到,只有做到别人做不到的才可以赚钱。






⑤ 币圈常用语最全解释


常见类 :






【爱西欧】(Initial Coin Offering缩写),首次币发行。源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。爱西欧私募、公分为团队内部认购、募等轮次。

【一级市场】一级市场即 爱西欧 发行市场,一般包括团队原始分配,投资人投资获得的相应代币,大型机构参与的私募,以及面向公众进行的公募,这些都属于数字货币一级市场,数字货币一级市场具有成本低、风险高、回报大的特点。

【二级市场】二级市场也就是流通市场,当 爱西欧 募集完毕后,就可以进行交易了,交易分为场外交易和场内交易,目前最大的二级市场就是各大交易所。











【梯 子】也称科学 上网,指的是V-P-N,为啥加了横线,因为比较敏感,所以不多做介绍了。目前很多交易所国内的网络都不能直接登录,需要借助梯子才能连接上。具体怎么弄这个东西的话,需要问一下自己周边的朋友或者群里问问。



行情类 :

















仓位类 :




















① 线上P2P:一些交易平台开发了点对点形式的场外交易系统,如Okex、OTCBTC等。用户可以自己决定买入或者卖出价格发布交易单,用户之间自由选择成交,平台不经手资金;(例如,平台上发布卖家固定数量和价格的比特币交易单,买家若选择购买,则需退出平台应用app,在个人支付宝、微信或网上银行操作将资金直接支付至卖家支付宝、微信等收款账户。卖家确认收款后在平台上选择收款放币。)

② 线上B2C:用户可直接向平台购买或卖出比特币,其价格由平台指定。平台在收取用户的付款后,将直接释放比特币给买家用户,或在收到比特币后,将资金释放给卖家用户。B端的资金或比特币为平台自有或来自于合作商户;

③ 线下交易:除交易平台外,也有类似于中间商的人,买卖的需求汇集到中间人,中间人收取一定费用,多发生在微信群、QQ群等群组中。此外,人们也可以通过当面交易的方式兑换虚拟货币,一些网站会提供当面交易信息发布的服务。





































关于期货的术语解释可点击: 币圈常用期货术语解释: -

⑥ 【必看】币圈庄家操盘全揭秘!








      同样的,我会边托边砸,这样一来我就会得到更多价格更低的筹码。当 跌到很低位时,基本上就没人和我抢筹码了,因为在这个下跌途中,我通过不断的高抛低吸,不断的大幅度振荡,将大部分抄底的,抢反弹的都套在下跌途中,或者 将他们亏损怠尽,使其不敢在来涉足这个币种,这时候我的目的就达到了。散户恐惧惊慌,高位筹码就会不断的掉落,我就可 以在底部横盘当中不断的高抛低吸来收集筹码,这个可能需要较长时间,关键看顶部筹码掉落程度而定, 如果高位筹码长时间的不松动,那我就不会去拉这只币种。





      第一: 是法律上面,目前虚拟货币这一块还没有一个具体的法律法规来约束,所以大资金炒币,应该没有什么大问题。

      第二: 要考虑资本的问题,如果我们拉的时候,他们看到利润可观,结果大量抛出筹码,那我们就惨了,必然会亏本出局,在做之前就必需先和他们沟通好,而且还要了解他们手上的流通盘是多少,抛售意向如何,这就是大小非问题。

      第三: 要考虑的是老庄,如果这个币没有被老庄放弃,那我是尽量不会去碰的,因为一但被老庄反做,那你死得就惨了,就像中国联通套游资一样,那死得是非常惨的,所以,选币非常重要。

       第四: 就是大盘状况, 跟风的多不多,社会上的存量资金足不足,就像现在这样,大部分散户或者大户都被大宰一刀,这时候就不适宜做币,人心溃散,大盘多次腰斩,完全是熊市,你拉,别人出货,就把自己套在里面。那现在 最适宜的就是砸币子。一般人都有个心态,20元买的币,跌到15元不卖,跌到10元不卖,跌到5元仍然没多少会人卖,但是你要跌到2元再拉回4元,不少人 一看翻倍基本上都会割肉的,特别是长时间的向下或者横盘。

如果这些问题都解决了,砸盘就要开始。砸多少为适宜?根据大盘状况,每天操盘必需跟着大盘走,当大盘大跌时,你必需深砸下去,这时候成本很低,只要用少量筹 码将关键点位砸开即可,会有止损盘帮你接着砸下去。但是尾盘必需进一些筹码,防止第二天大盘走低或者走高,有一定量筹码就好灵活掌握,也就是说,要在操盘 时盯着龙头币种(比特币就是龙头)。


关键就在于成本,随着大盘波动,你的成本最低,比特币跌时,你也跌,所用砸盘筹码量最少,因为没有多少人敢买,可以深砸。当大盘涨时你去拉,同样无须买多 少,只要将关键点位的筹码买掉即可,有人会将股价推上去,到一定高点,你还可以将低位进的筹码出掉一些,这样可以腾出一点资金做一点差价。







技术派一般短线较多,喜欢做波段,这里的人有自认为技术高明的,什么KDJ金叉、死叉,什么MACD、CR、量价关系,什么费波纳奇黄金分割位,什么艾略特 的波浪理论,还有江恩曲线等等,等等,但我做币子一般不看这个,我一般只盯着今天我下多少单, 在某些价位进来多少单,大一些的户头在什么价位进出。这个对 我来说非常关键,因为这决定了第二天该如何操作,有时候需要对他们安抚,让他们帮忙将币子在手上多留几天,以使活动筹码减少。








      第一是:是逐步拉升,这时候技术指标就开始走好,技术派的人一看技术指标,一般都容易被诱惑进来,这中间我就边拉边卖,需要控制的就是在顶背离之前将筹码交他 们手中,使他们看上去技术指标仍然没有到顶,币价还可以涨得更高,这时候第二天来个冲高回落,然后第三天猛然下跌,他们基本上就开始交枪了,不用我来,币价就下去了,这中间自然我设定好价位来捡果实,对游资更是这样,上半段我来拉,游资一看币价看涨,立即蜂拥而来,那下半段我就将部分筹码交给他们,第二天 我来个低开低走,游资一看势头不对,立即出逃,这时候我就要看出逃数量,并计算自己的成果,如果出逃数量足够多,那我下午就拉起,因为大部分短线客都走 了,我就不需要支付多少利润出去,很容易将币价拉起来,而我在这两天来回的差价最少是赚交易额的3%左右。







      那么,应该如何应对风险,这就是,第一注意比特币的动向,因为坐庄的人对大盘指数动向非常敏感,当比特币向上,而一些主力控制的次要币却滞涨,或者有掉头迹 象,那我就要先于比特币下跌之前想办法将手里的筹码尽量的都交到散户手里去,尽量的腾出现金,只要手上有充足现金,是涨是跌我都不怕。涨了,我手上剩余的筹 码完全可以将其打下来;要是跌了,那就可以购买更多的筹码。



      现在不少人都在关心大盘跌到什么位置才是底,13000、11000、8000?说老实话,我不知道,我不但不知道大盘会跌到什么点位为底,我会连自己坐庄的币种能跌到什么价格为底都不知道,怎么能测算大盘。有人说,20元跌到5元行不行?到底了吗?我说不行,也许跌到1—2元,也许会到8元就算到底了,在币市 里没什么顶和底之说,真正起作用的就是供求关系,当跌到供求平衡时,底自然就到了。





      不少人有时候不理解,庄家的成本是20元,他将股价打到10元或者15元,他不也亏了吗?这真是傻庄,其实散户是不明白的,庄家赚钱的手段很多时候是和散户 不同的。当买但低于卖单时,庄家手里拿的是币,只有变成钱了,才是真金白银,他不跌下来自己出货,难道等散户出货,这也是最近很多币子一个腰斩,再来一个,之后还来一个,目前大多数币子跌了80%,1万成了2000块了!


采用了猛砸跌停的办法,市场的目光就会集中到那上面来,当跌到一半时,有庄家开始巨量吃单,因为在这几天的跌停中市场的关注度非常高,而出现巨 单吃货了,这说明这时的股价应该反弹了,技术上超卖出现,币价腰斩,怎么着都要反弹个百分之十几到二十,所以散户、大户一哄而上,庄家卖单被哄抢。


再举个股 票上的的例子, 南车:上市价超过发行价60%以上,5个机构席位齐刷刷的排在购买的前5名,这些机构傻了吗?非要溢价60%来接盘,特别在熊市中,还怕买 不到筹码?如果等几天再买,也许到发行价都有可能。其实,机构们一点不傻,这不过是机构之间穿连裆裤的表演,那些获得60%以上溢价的会给这些接盘的机构 分配一定利润的,而且这些机构买入的也并不多,更多的筹码是溢价交给了其他人,包括大量散户手中了。对接入大部分高溢价筹码的这部分人,那些获利者就不用 考虑什么了。


      举个例子,在20元到18元区间,我出掉了手中的20%币,在18到16区间我又出掉18%的币,后面我就要回补,因为在这种下跌的情况下,不少止损盘 开始涌现,还有些人要补仓,这时候我就要根据筹码情况做反弹,为什么要做反弹呢?主要是吸引抄底盘进来,当然,如果抄底盘巨多,第二天我就再反手做空。



      那我为什么希望我坐庄的币价尽量低?你想想,你如果开个商场,你是希望你经营的货物便宜还是贵?自然是便宜的好,因为这样一来所用资金量就少。10元加1 元,人家就嫌贵了;如果1元加1角,不显山露水的,没人和你计较,而和10元和1元所赚比例却是一样的。股票也一样,1元股票涨到1。5元,没多少人感觉 什么;但10元涨到15元呢?


⑦ 币圈水很深,入市需谨慎(一)

































⑧ 币圈限价买入买不进


⑨ 币圈内的一些专业术语是什么













Proofof Work,是指获得多少货币,取决于你挖矿贡献的工作量,电脑性能越好,分给你的矿就会越多。


Proofof Stake,根据你持有货币的量和时间进行利息分配的制度,在POS模式下,你的“挖矿”收益正比于你的币龄,而与电脑的计算性能无关。




时间戳是指字符串或编码信息用于辨识记录下来的时间日期。国际标准为ISO 8601。






















楔入式侧链技术(pegged sidechains),它将实现比特币和其他数字资产在多个区块链间的转移,这就意味着用户们在使用他们已有资产的情况下,就可以访问新的加密货币系统。



































K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。













⑩ 币圈交易所里的交易对如何理解

1. 一键买卖:只需输入想要买入的金额或想要卖出的比特币数量,即可成功买入或卖出比特币,简单快捷。
2. 限价交易:投资者可以设低于市场价格的买入价格,或高于市场价格的卖出价格的委托,当市场价格波动到其设定的价格时,即成交。当设定的价格和市价偏离较大时,容易出现无法成交的结果。
3. 市价交易:以当时的市场价成交,在一定程度上可以保证投资者买卖指令及时成交,但与此同时,市价委托下单前投资者无法预知其交易价格,存在一定的不确定性。一般来说,行情波动越剧烈,市价交易的成交价格不确定性风险越大。
4. 计划交易:持仓后,可以设置计划交易来止盈止损,预先设置止盈触发价和止盈委托价,止损触发价和止损委托价。当最新的成交价格达到设置的触发价格时,即将计划委托单送入市场。
5. 成交的基本原则:“价格优先,时间优先”原则。较高的买入价格优于较低的买入价格成交,较低的卖出价格优于较高的卖出价格成交,当委托价格一样时,挂单时间较早的委托单优于挂单时间较晚的委托单成交。

① Which of the five order methods in the currency circle has the fastest transaction?

Generally speaking, these five market price orders are not good or bad. It is just that if the market order is used, the transaction will be faster. , generally choose the method that can make market orders close faster. The five methods of market price entrustment are: the counterparty's best price declaration, the own side's best price declaration, the best five-level instant transaction remaining cancellation declaration, the instant transaction remaining cancellation declaration, full transaction or cancellation declaration.
Extended information:
Market orders are also called "market orders". When customers entrust a broker to buy or sell stocks before trading on the exchange, they do not specify the buying or selling price, but require the broker to follow the instructions. The act of buying or selling a stock based on the prevailing market price. Market order is one of the basic methods of entrusting stock trading, and it is also the most common and easiest to execute order. The main characteristics of market orders are fast transaction speed and large transaction volume. Because when a broker receives a market order from a customer before making a transaction, it can execute the transaction immediately based on the prevailing market price on the exchange without having to wait any longer. Of course, this does not mean that the broker can act according to his own will. Generally, after the broker receives such an order, he still needs to go through a bidding process in order to obtain the most favorable transaction price for the client.
Five methods of market order: declare the counterparty's best price, and use the best price of the counterparty queue in the centralized declaration book as the declared price. When the buyer entrusts a purchase in this way, the best price of the seller in the centralized declaration book at that time will be used as the purchase order price, which is usually the selling price. When declaring the best price of our side, we shall use the best price of our side's queue in the centralized declaration book as the declared price. When investors entrust in this way, their best price will be used as the investor's declaration price. The remaining orders for the best five real-time transactions are cancelled. The counterparty's price is used as the transaction price, and the orders are executed sequentially with the counterparty's best five price levels in the order book. The unfilled parts are automatically cancelled. If the remaining transaction is canceled immediately, the counterparty's price will be used as the transaction price, and the transactions will be completed sequentially with all the counterparty's declaration queues in the declaration book, and the untransacted portion will be automatically cancelled. To complete the transaction in full or cancel the order, the counterparty's price will be used as the transaction price. If all orders of the counterparty in the order book can be completed in sequence with all the order queues, the order will be filled in sequence. Otherwise, all orders will be automatically cancelled. After the stock trading is entrusted, the order will enter the trading host, and the trading host will match the transaction according to the above rules. The entire transaction and transaction process are completed by the trading host without any artificial circumstances.

② Methods for stable arbitrage in currency contracts

Arbitrage (spreads): refers to buying and selling two futures contracts of different types at the same time. When traders buy, they think they are " Cheap "contracts" and sell "high-priced" contracts at the same time to gain from the changing relationship between the prices of the two contracts. Hedging refers to the principle that companies avoid foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks, and commodity price risks. The months are the same or similar. This principle requires investors to chooseUsing futures contracts.
Extended information
1. Blockchain is indeed the general trend. Investing in blockchain can be carried out from the following aspects: 1. Entering the blockchain industry. 2. Being similar to blockchain What is born is the digital currency market, various digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc.
2. The currency circle contract can be played, but the currency circle does not recommend that newcomers to the currency circle play contracts, mainly novices I have never experienced the ups and downs of the currency circle, and my mental endurance is limited.
When making contracts, first of all, you must have a stable mentality. After losing money, you must not be like a headless fly. You must learn to review the market and sum up the lessons; secondly, you must not be too greedy and know how to make a profit; you must know how to stop losses in time and do not reverse. potential operation. Fourth, watch more and move less when trading sideways. Find the correct position to enter the market. Here’s a little tip: if the index has been falling for a long time and is currently in a sideways market, and the index keeps falling and does not reach the previous low, it means that the previous low is a support level, which is an opportunity to go long; the same is true when it rises. If it keeps rising but cannot reach the previous high, it is an opportunity to go short.
3. Arbitrage is also called "interest arbitrage". There are two main forms:
(1) Arbitrage without selling and covering. That is to take advantage of the interest rate difference in the capital markets of the two countries to transfer short-term funds from the low-interest market to the high-interest market to obtain interest rate differentials.
(2) Cover arbitrage. That is, arbitrageurs use forward foreign exchange transactions to avoid the risk of exchange rate changes while transferring short-term funds from place A to place B for arbitrage. Arbitrage activities will change the supply and demand relationship in different capital markets, make the interest rates of short-term funds in various places consistent, narrow the difference between the currency's recent exchange rate and the forward exchange rate, and maintain the interest rate difference between the capital market and the foreign exchange market. balance, thereby objectively strengthening the integration of the international financial market.

③ Is it risky to brush up the trading volume in the currency circle?

It is risky.
The stock price rises, but the trading volume becomes less and less. This can be simply understood as less pressure on the stock price, or it can also be understood as the risk of the main force locking up positions.

④ Trading knowledge points and views on the market in the currency circle

There are two situations of making money and losing money in the market. This is true for everyone. No one can make money all the time. No one will lose money on just one trade, so if you want to make an overall profit at this time, you need to lose less and make more. However, many friends make less and lose more. Through many friends who have asked me, I will help you summarize a few things. The main reason

First of all, there is no awareness of position management. Almost every time, the position is heavy and full. Think about whether everyone is the same. Once you sell one currency, you will immediately receive another currency. But when the market is not good, all currencies will often fall. Selling the currency in hand to buy another currency is equivalent to not selling, and paying extra handling fees in vain. And you can suffer the same loss many times.

Furthermore, leeks basically do not have the habit of cutting their flesh. For leeks, cutting their flesh means losing money. This kind of thinking is also the biggest obstacle. If you think about it carefully, does not cutting meat mean that you will not lose money? A floating loss on the books is also a real loss.These four words mean to cover one's ears and steal the bell. Many people can accept floating profits and losses of 70-90%, but few can make 30% without leaving. This is why many people make less and lose more.

Thirdly, many people have too strong subjective consciousness and like to rely too much on feelings. They do not understand technology and do not look at the market. Their subjective consciousness feels that this currency can rise, no matter how bad the market is, they feel that a certain If the currency is good, just go in, and nine times out of ten, you will be trapped. Remember, no one in this market can predict the future. They can only rely on unwarranted self-imagination. When you make money, you can say you are lucky. When you lose money, it can only be said to be normal.

Fourth, a very important point is that too many people like to trade too frequently. No matter how much money they have, they can do it several times a day. A hundred dollars can feel like a million dollars a day. I have also seen people who can exchange coins more than a dozen times, and I have also seen people who can make a hundred orders a day. But when the market falls, I become anxious, overwhelmed, and don’t know which coin to buy. Don't think it's funny, although what I mentioned are relatively extreme examples, many of my friends, although not so extreme, still trade frequently.

Some friends told me that this is diversified investment, but you have to know that the slightly more mainstream coins in the market are all linked, and they all fluctuate with the market. The correlation is so high, you The trend of buying several currencies will basically be the same, but the amplitude of the rise and fall is different. Risk diversification can only be achieved if there is no relationship between the coins. If you hold so many different coins, it will not actually diversify the risk, and it will This is relatively blind.

What many friends like the most is the inside story that others tell them, and every time, very few people know this inside story, so just know it yourself and don’t tell others. I feel like laughing when I say this. In fact, I don’t deny that some of them may be true, but who can say that they definitely know the authenticity of this so-called ‘insider’? Someone told you that this coin would be sold to 10 dollars, but now it has dropped to 1 dollar. You don’t know if the dealer is still in the market. It may raise the price to $20 tomorrow, or the dealer may move away or prepare to wash the market. Insider means inside information. If what a random person tells you is inside information, then it is not called inside information but news. So don’t rely too much on this. Why do so many people have the experience of being cut off by altcoins? Too blind.

Do not understand technology and are not willing to learn technology. Then people like to chase high prices and dare not enter the market when a promising currency falls. If they rise sharply and reach a high level, they are afraid of being short, and then enter the market at a high level. In this situation, you either have to be at a high level, or you don’t have much to gain from making money. Single space. Isn’t what everyone calls bankers taking advantage of the weak nature of human nature, chasing the rise and killing the fall? Too many people buy at high points and sell at high points. They just can’t understand the market trend and have no technical foundation at all, so strengthen yourself. Technical foundation is also necessary.

These are all misunderstandings, so how can you change yourself? Let me summarize a fewClick, everyone, pay attention to the attention items.

The first and most important point is to control risks. It is impossible for every order to be right. Wrong is allowed. When wrong, there must be a clear stop loss point so that the loss is within a controllable range. , Big losses must not be allowed. Only when risks are controlled can you make money safely. And this requires the cooperation of the following points.

Among them, you have to dare to take orders. Many people can carry more than a hundred points if their orders are wrong, and they can even get liquidated or reset to zero. But if the order is done correctly, you can make a few points and then run away. You dare to lose but dare not win. You don't know how to hold positions and wait. The process of holding positions and waiting is painful and complicated, and it is also a great psychological challenge. Only a few people can do it. Only by doing what others can't do can you make money.

Then you need to look at the long side and the short side, and the big side and the small side. The big cycle determines the small cycle. Some people hoard coins, while others make contracts. No matter which type, they are inseparable from the cycle. Especially when it comes to contracts, such as shorting, is the shorting intended to be short-term on a daily basis, or overnight or even longer-term? It is defective to talk about the market without operating cycle. First of all, we must know the trend of the big cycle of the daily line. For the upward trend, we should try to be long-term and short-term for the short-term daily line. The same goes for the downward trend. To be a mainstream currency, we also have to refer to the big pie, which is equivalent to the stock market. The direction of the pie is also equivalent to the direction of mainstream currencies. Trend is king.

Secondly, it is necessary to judge the market trend from multiple dimensions. A point movement becomes a line, a line movement becomes a surface, and a surface movement becomes a body. The movement trajectory of the points forms a line. In other words, a line must be composed of at least two points. The movement trajectory of the line can form a plane. In the same way, technical analysis never exists alone. Using different methods will even lead to different results and directions. So how to choose in this case requires multi-dimensional judgment. If different technical indicators are used, And different cycles, the obtained direction is consistent, then this direction is also likely to be the direction of the subsequent market movement. This requires us to have a relatively complete technical analysis system and master a lot of technical indicators to achieve this effect.

In this market, you are a trader, so you must have your own trading system. It is not that the more methods, the better, but a method that suits you for stable profits is enough. Say goodbye to disorder. Operate based on feeling, establish your own trading method, and ensure that every operation you make is well-founded, with moderate positions, clear indicators, and a stable mind. Only by doing this can you feel confident and relaxed when placing orders, and make money easily.

The currency circle is a place full of miracles. If you want to achieve financial freedom through the currency circle, you cannot just rely on luck. You must also be hardworking. Don’t be afraid of making a little or losing a lot. You are afraid that you will lose everything after paying the tuition. If you haven’t learned, find your own shortcomings, change yourself, and improve yourself. Only by making yourself stronger and able to adapt to this market can you survive and make long-term profits! Then perfection requires you to meet three conditions:That is to say, the components of the trading system are position management, technical foundation and good mentality. Among them, the technical foundation is the most important.

Many people say that whatever K-line you look at and whatever technique you play are of no use. How to put it this way, you may not make money if you have skills, but you certainly won’t make money if you don’t have skills. Successful people in the market don't just look at technology, but they know how to combine technology with mentality. Build on technology and then know how to give up and persevere. The first good hunter is good at waiting and can find the right entry point. To put it bluntly, he knows how to defeat his own trading system, minimize risks, and maximize profits.

⑤ The most complete explanation of commonly used terms in the currency circle

Beginners and novice investors have many things to study. Only by persisting in learning and accumulating slowly can you continuously improve your knowledge. and cognition. Here, we have summarized a comprehensive range of commonly used trading terms in the currency circle for everyone. It is simple and easy to understand, and you will definitely use it! Hematemesis sorting

Common categories:

[Legal Currency] Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc. .

[Big Pie/Coin King] Bitcoin (BTC)

[Auntie] Another name for Ethereum (ETH)

[Leek] Refers to people who speculate in currencies and retail investors who have just started to contact or are not proficient in investing in digital currencies.

[Private placement] A financing behavior. Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

【爱西欧】 (abbreviation of Initial Coin Offering), initial coin offering. The concept of initial public offering (IPO) originated from the stock market. It is the behavior of a blockchain project to issue tokens for the first time and raise general digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Aixio private equity and public funds are internal subscription and fundraising rounds for the team.

[Primary market] The primary market is the IOS issuance market, which generally includes the original allocation of the team, the corresponding tokens obtained by investors, private placements with the participation of large institutions, and public offerings to the public. These all belong to the primary market of digital currency. The primary market of digital currency has the characteristics of low cost, high risk and large return.

[Secondary Market] The secondary market is also the circulation market. After AIXIO has completed its fundraising, it can be traded. The transaction is divided into over-the-counter transactions and on-site transactions. Currently, the largest secondary market The market is the major exchanges.

[token] is usually translated as a pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, it is more accurate.The correct translation is "token", which represents a proof of equity on the blockchain, not a currency.

[Buddhist currency holding] means that after buying a currency, you don’t care about the price trend of digital currencies and plan to hold it for a long time. No matter how low the price of cryptocurrency assets falls, you will not reduce your holdings of the currency.

[Airdrop] The behavior of project parties giving away tokens is called airdrop. Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

[Candy] The tokens given by the project are called candies.

[Wallet] generally refers to a blockchain wallet, a place where you can store your own digital currency assets. It has good security and is divided into cold wallets and hot wallets. It is not recommended for newcomers who don’t understand it yet.

[Cold wallet] Simply put, it is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet. Being offline will be more secure than a hot wallet.

[Hot wallet] is a wallet that remains online, that is, an online wallet.

[White Paper] It is an official document introducing the company (project) products. It is usually used to judge the quality and application scenarios of the project.

[Circulation Market Value] Circulation Value = Circulation Volume × Latest Price; refers to the circulation value of a certain currency calculated based on the market price.

[Telegram Group] A foreign encrypted social software that needs to be used with a ladder.

[Ladder] is also called scientific Internet, which refers to V-P-N. Why is the horizontal line added? Because it is relatively sensitive, I won’t introduce it in more detail. At present, many exchanges cannot log in directly to their domestic networks and need to use a ladder to connect. If you know how to get this thing specifically, you need to ask your friends around you or ask in the group.

[KYC] Identity verification, generally requires an identity document or passport.

[Unplugging the network cable] Users were sarcastic about the failure of the exchange server at a critical moment, implying that the exchange deliberately disconnected the server to prevent users from accessing it to achieve a certain purpose.

Market Category:

[Bull Market] refers to a general rise in market conditions, continued rise in prices, and optimistic prospects.

[Bear market] is exactly the opposite of the bull market. It refers to the phenomenon that the market continues to decline and the market shows a general decline.

[Shock] The currency price is unstable and fluctuates in a small range (up or down)

[Main Rising Wave] comes from the wave theory, which refers to the longest duration of the market rise. That long wave. This is also a common trend in bull markets. The opposite market trend is also called ""Main down wave".

[Yin fall] The overall market is showing a downward trend, and the currency price is slowly falling.

[Consolidation] Also known as: sideways. Price fluctuation range Smaller, currency price is stable.

[Waterfall] also known as: diving. It refers to a sudden sharp drop in the market, like a waterfall, flying down, making people feel pain and heartache.

[Positive] is also called good. There is news or situations that will help the currency price rise, such as: policies, general environment, etc.

[Bad] It mostly refers to news that is unfavorable to the market. . Such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

[Blowout] The market is affected by negative factors and has been depressed for a long time. During this period, the market will be very depressed. When the negative factors are exhausted or the negative factors are suppressed, After removal, the market will show an explosive rise.

[Rebound] When the currency price is falling, it receives technical support or capital intervention, and the market turns from falling to rising. The magnitude of the recovery is smaller than the magnitude of the decline.< br />
[Reversal] The currency price has bottomed out, and has nothing to fall, and turns from a downward trend to an upward trend. A common "V-shaped reversal" is the rebound. The rebound is the basis of the reversal, and the magnitude of the reversal Far greater than the rebound.

[Callback] Refers to a temporary decline in the upward price trend due to the strong rise in currency prices, which is called a callback. The magnitude of the decline is smaller than the magnitude of the rise.

[Kimchi Premium] Korean people are keen on investing in cryptocurrency. Most of the time, the price of Korean digital currency is higher than that of other countries, so it is called "Kimchi Premium".

[Cut in half] Refers to a certain number When the currency price drops to half of its previous value, for example: from 2 yuan to 1 yuan, it is cut in half

[Break] refers to falling below, and Fa refers to the issuance price of digital currency. Currency Circle Breaking means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price (i.e. ICO price).

Position categories:

[Position] The funds in your account and the funds you use to buy the currency Proportion.

[Building a position] is also called opening a position. It refers to the trader’s new purchase of a certain number of currencies.

[Full position] All account funds are bought into virtual currencies. .The often said "full position" and "stud" are full positions.

[Half position] The funds of the currency purchased account for half of the total funds.

[Cover position 】Buy virtual currency in batches, such as: buy 1 BTC first, then buy 1 BTC.

[Add position] You hold BTC, are optimistic about the development of BTC, and then buy more when BTC is rising. I bought some BTC.

[Reduce positions] It is expected that there will be risks in the market outlook., sell part of the currency held.

[Short position] No more, just watch the show. This can be understood in the currency circle. Sell ​​all the virtual currencies you hold and turn them into funds.

[Lock position] Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to the original position, also known as lock-in, Locking singles is even euphemistically called butterflies flying together. The so-called hedging is actually another term called hedging transaction. For novices who trade in the foreign exchange market with leverage, the most fundamental reason for hedging is that they do not want to lose too much on their positions, so they follow the reaction of their initial positions. Opening another position in the same direction is called locking.

[Light position] The funds for buying coins account for a small proportion of the total funds.

[Heavy Position] The funds for buying coins account for a large proportion of the total funds.

[Clearance] No more playing, sold all the coins, and prepared to wait and see with a short position.

Trading categories:

Fiat currency transactions and currency-to-crypto transactions can be conducted via over-the-counter or on-site transactions.

The concepts of on-exchange trading and over-the-counter trading mainly come from the securities market.

[Fiat Currency Transaction] refers to the transaction method of using legal currencies such as US dollars or RMB to purchase BTC, ETH, USDT, and other special cryptocurrencies that serve as "legal currency" in the circle. You can buy directly with credit card, Alipay or WeChat.

[Coin-to-Coin Transaction] refers to transactions between virtual currencies (such as using Bitcoin to purchase Ethereum or vice versa).

[On-site trading] is also called exchange trading; matching transactions are conducted on the virtual currency trading platform, the prices of buyers and sellers are public, and the platform displays real-time quotes. The trading method of bidding and buying and selling on the exchange.

[OTC, over-the-counter], also known as point-to-point (offline) trading; refers to transactions conducted through methods other than exchanges. Including:

① Online P2P: Some trading platforms have developed peer-to-peer over-the-counter trading systems, such as Okex, OTCBTC, etc. Users can decide the buying or selling price and publish transaction orders, and users can freely choose to complete transactions, and the platform does not handle funds; (for example, if the seller publishes a Bitcoin transaction order with a fixed quantity and price on the platform, if the buyer chooses to buy, then You need to exit the platform application app and use personal Alipay, WeChat or online banking to pay the funds directly to the seller's Alipay, WeChat and other collection accounts. After the seller confirms the payment, select the payment and release currency on the platform.)

② Online B2C: Users can buy or sell Bitcoin directly from the platform, the price of which is specified by the platform. After collecting payment from users, the platform will directly release Bitcoins to buyer users, or release funds to seller users after receiving Bitcoins. The B-side funds or Bitcoins are owned by the platform or come from cooperative merchants;

③ Offline transactions: In addition to the trading platform, there are also people similar to middlemen. The demand for buying and selling is gathered to the middleman. Charging a certain fee usually occurs in WeChat groups, QQ groups and other groups. In addition, people can also exchange virtual currencies through face-to-face transactions, and some websites provide services for publishing face-to-face transaction information.

[Trading Pair] EOS/ETH, which is displayed as a trading pair, refers to how many ETH you need to pay to purchase one EOS, similar to the concept of 'gram/yuan'.

[Market Price Transaction] That is, buying and selling transactions are carried out according to the current price. Market price transactions have priority. If you complete the transaction faster, you can use market price transactions.

[Limit Price Transaction] A transaction of buying or selling at a specified price, also called an entrusted transaction or a pending order transaction.

[Brick] refers to the fact that there is a certain difference in the price of the same currency on different exchanges. Buy from a platform with a low price, sell on a platform with a high price, and earn the price difference across platforms. . What you need to pay attention to when moving bricks is the currency transfer speed. Sometimes the currency transfer speed will affect your income.

[Cutting meat] is better known as "cutting off positions". After buying virtual currency, the price of the currency falls, and in order to avoid further losses, the virtual currency is sold at a loss. Afraid of falling even more.

[Cutting leeks] A group of investors who entered the currency circle were accidentally harvested and left by the dealers, and another group of new investors entered the market. If they do not have good investment experience, they can easily be harvested by the dealers. Cut leeks.

[Long-term] Hold a certain currency for a long time

[Short-term] Hold the currency in the short-term and sell it after reaching the profit target. The period may be hours, days, or days. weeks, depending on the market.

[Stop Profit] After obtaining a certain amount of profit, sell the virtual currency held to keep the profit.

[Stop Loss] After the loss reaches a certain level, sell the virtual currency you hold to prevent further losses.

[Huck-up] You buy a currency, but it falls, and you can’t bear to sell. Congratulations, this is called a hold-up.

[Unlocking] After buying virtual currency, the price of the currency fell, causing temporary book losses. However, the price of the currency then rebounded and the loss turned into a profit.

【Tak Kong】Because of the bearish market outlook, after selling the virtual currency, the price of the currency continued to rise, and I was unable to buy it in time, so I failed to make a profit. Missing it perfectly is called missing.

[Roller Coaster] The currency you bought went up, and you were very excited and bragging about it to your friends, but then it fell back down again after a few days. It's like you're on a roller coaster, you get a kick and then it's gone.

[Hoarding of Coins] If you are optimistic about the future development of this coin and want to make a hundred or a thousand times the coin to achieve freedom of wealth, buy a large amount of this coin and hoard it.

【Go Long】What most people do every day is to go long, buying low and hoping to sell high. Generally means bullish.

[Short Selling] This is an operation that people who do futures contracts will do. The seller believes that the currency price will fall in the future, so he sells the currency he holds, and after the currency price drops, he buys it at a low price to make a profit.

【Bit hunting】Buy when a certain currency falls in a suitable price range.

[Control the market] The coins on hand account for a large proportion of the circulation.

【Pull】The main force starts to increase the currency price for some purpose or after a period of time.

[Washing] Large consortiums with funds, such as bookmakers or project developers, use funds to control the market, making the market trend rise and fall, scaring out those who are hesitant, and achieving the purpose of making huge profits.

[Acquisition] Generally, the leeks are washed out by washing the dishes, and then the banker will take over the coins sold by the leeks, so that they have more chips in their hands to achieve the purpose of controlling the market (general operations such as attracting funds, will be done at a low price).

[Smashing] Stock terminology, generally there are two situations of smashing. One is when the currency price is rising. The dealer needs to clean up the chips that follow the trend and sell the currency significantly at a certain price. It creates the illusion of a decline and induces retail investors and followers to sell; the other occurs when a banker has completed its purpose of making a bank and when the currency price is quite high, the banker achieves the purpose of escaping by selling the currency in a large scale.

[Hedging] Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, in opposite directions, of equal quantity, and with profit and loss offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

[Position] A position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. The person who buys the contract is a long position and is in a position to expect an increase; the person who sells the contract is a short position and is in a position to expect a decrease.

[Bull] A trading behavior that anticipates that currency prices will rise in the future, buys a certain amount of digital currency at the current price, and sells it at a higher price after the price rises, thereby earning a profit from the price difference. The characteristics are: The trading behavior of buying first and selling later.

[Short position] Expect that the currency price will fall in the future, sell the digital currency in your hand at the current price, and buy it after the market falls to obtain a profit from the price difference. Its characteristic is the trading behavior of selling first and then buying.

[Leverage] Leverage trading, as the name suggests, isUse a small amount of capital to invest several times the original amount in the hope of obtaining fluctuating returns or losses.

[Overbought] The currency price continues to rise to a certain height, the buyer's power is basically exhausted, and the currency price is about to fall.

[Oversold] The currency price continues to fall to a certain low, the seller's power is basically exhausted, and the currency price is about to rise.

[Luring bulls] refers to a situation where the main force or bookmakers deliberately create the illusion of rising currency prices to induce investors to buy. As a result, the currency prices do not rise but fall, leaving investors who follow up to do long positions trapped. market behavior.

[Short Lure] The terminology of the currency market and the stock market simply means that the mainstream funds in the market are vigorously shorting, showing obvious weakness in the market, inducing investors to conclude that the stock market will continue to rise sharply. The market situation of falling conclusion and panic selling.

[Counter Knock] is a trading technique used by bookmakers. The specific operation method is to open accounts on multiple exchanges at the same time, and quote and trade between various exchanges in a see-saw manner to achieve the purpose of manipulating currency prices.

[Turnover rate] refers to the frequency with which a certain currency changes hands in the market within a certain period of time. It is one of the main indicators for evaluating the liquidity of a certain currency.

[Makers] are traders with strong financial strength or those who hold large currencies. They can profoundly affect the price trend. Bankers generally control the digital currency market by protecting the market, controlling the market, countering, and smashing the market. Price, precisely because the bookmaker has a huge influence on the price trend, there is a saying that "the bookmaker cuts the leeks," and "kills the dog dealer."

[Gouzhuang] refers to people who make profits by manipulating the market. Bankers generally make money from retail investors by manipulating the market, so retail investors call bankers Gouzhuang.

For explanations of futures terms, please click: Explanations of commonly used futures terms in the currency circle: -

⑥ [Must-see] The secrets of market makers in the currency circle are revealed!

‖Dry information‖Shadow's story‖Scam‖Revealed‖

True, objective, no rumors, no evil

Personal experience, revealing the gray around you and me Insider

People are in the financial market, one stroke is a story

Tomorrow will become a reality, and the commentary will spread to the world

The law of the currency market and the stock market is The same, one win, two draws and seven losses, which means that more than 70% of people will lose money, so how can retail investors stand among the 10% of people who make profits? I think that in order to make money from retail investors, institutions are constantly studying the psychology and behavior of retail investors. We retail investors might as wellIn turn, think of yourself as an institutional investor and study the psychology and behavior of the institution, so that you can remain invincible in this market full of traps, frauds, deceptions and rumors.

1. If I were a banker, what would I do?

Similarly, I will hold and smash at the same time, so that I will get more chips with lower prices. When it fell to a very low level, basically no one competed with me for chips, because during this decline, I continued to sell high and buy low, and continued to oscillate greatly, trapping most of the bottom-buyers and rebounders. On the way down, or I will exhaust their losses so that they will not dare to get involved in this currency again. At this time, my goal has been achieved. Retail investors are afraid and panic, and the high chips will continue to fall. I can continue to sell high and buy low in the bottom sideways to collect chips. This may take a long time. The key depends on the degree of the top chips falling. If the high If the chips don't loosen for a long time, then I won't buy this currency.

When I have collected enough chips, because when I was collecting chips, the technical team made some good news and coordinated with the overall market situation, it was effortless for me to pull it off and it didn’t cost much. When other people in this market see this currency rising for several days in a row, they will definitely follow suit, so I will gradually reduce my position.

What are the benefits of this technology for the team to cooperate with us? It is actually very simple. If I pull the currency to a high level, the coins they hold can also be sold at a good price; when it is at a low level, They can also buy their own coins and earn reputation. In this way, the income will be considerable, why not?

Of course, this must be the same as the trend of the market. In the meantime, retail investors should know what to do.

Of course, if I am a banker, I must also consider many issues:

First: From a legal perspective, there is currently no specific law or regulation governing virtual currency. , so there shouldn’t be any big problem with large-scale currency speculation.

Second: We must consider the issue of capital. If they see considerable profits when we pull, and end up selling a large number of chips, then we will be miserable and will inevitably lose money. We must do it before we do it. You must communicate with them first, and you must also understand the circulation plates they have.How much is it and what is the intention to sell? This is a matter of size.

Third: The thing to consider is Lao and Zhuang. If this coin has not been abandoned by Lao and Zhuang, then I will try not to touch it, because if Lao and Zhuang do it against you, you will die. It's miserable, just like China Unicom's arbitrage of hot money, which will lead to a very miserable death. Therefore, currency selection is very important.

Fourth: It is the status of the broader market. In currency trading, people's hearts are shattered, and the market has been cut in half many times. It is completely a bear market. If you pull in, others will ship, and you will be trapped in it. Then the most appropriate thing now is to throw coins. Most people have a mentality that if a coin bought for 20 yuan falls to 15 yuan, it will not be sold, and if it falls to 10 yuan, it will not be sold. If it falls to 5 yuan, there will still be few people selling it, but you have to pull it back to 4 yuan if it falls to 2 yuan. Many people will basically cut their flesh when they see a doubling, especially if it goes down or sideways for a long time.

If these problems are solved, the selling will begin. How much is appropriate? According to the situation of the market, traders must follow the market every day. When the market falls sharply, you must plunge deeply. At this time, the cost is very low. You only need to use a small amount of chips to open the key points, and there will be a stop loss order to help. You go ahead and smash it down. However, some chips must be added in the late trading to prevent the market from going lower or higher the next day. A certain amount of chips can be flexibly controlled. In other words, you must keep an eye on the leading currency (Bitcoin is the leading currency) when trading.

Why should we focus on the leading coins?

The key lies in cost. As the market fluctuates, your cost is the lowest. When Bitcoin falls, you also fall, and the amount of chips used to sell is the least, because not many people dare to buy and can go deep. When the market goes up, you don't need to buy much. You just need to buy the chips at key points. Someone will push the stock price up. When it reaches a certain high point, you can also sell some of the chips you bought at low positions. This can free up some funds to make a small difference.

Therefore, the situation we see in the currency circle is that if it goes up, everyone will go up together, and if it goes down, everyone will go down.

There are several types of people in the currency circle: trend investors, those who get stuck and ignore it, technical people, fundamentalists, long-term investors, short-term speculators, etc.

I want to be the banker in this currency. I have to face these people and try my best to let them make less money or cut them off in the currency I control. At this time, I will Use many methods to deal with it,Because if they make more money, it means I make less money. If they don’t cut the meat, I won’t make any money.

For trend investors, I have no good solution except to regard them as lock-ups; but for others, I rely on them for my daily life, food, drinks and entertainment.

I generally like people who are stuck and ignore them. After these people hand over the money to me, they help me lock in most of the chips, so that I have sufficient funds to run freely at the bottom.

The fundamentalists are also my second favorite, because they basically took over after I raised the price of the currency. As soon as the good news came out, they took over. After they finished taking over, they started In any meeting, they would return the chips to me at a low position.

Technical people generally tend to be more short-term and like to do swings. Some people here think they are very skilled, such as KDJ golden cross and dead cross, MACD, CR, volume-price relationship, and Fibonacci. The golden section, Elliott's wave theory, the Gann curve, etc., etc., but I generally don't look at this when doing currency trading. I usually just focus on how many orders I placed today and how many came in at certain prices. For single orders, at what price can larger accounts be entered and exited. This is very critical to me, because it determines how to operate the next day. Sometimes I need to appease them and ask them to help keep the coins in their hands for a few more days to reduce the active chips.

But sometimes they have to be eliminated, especially short-term customers. When today we find that a lot of short-term hot money has come in, we must eliminate them no matter what the next day, even if they move against the market.

Looking back, haha, it’s so funny, the K-line is really in line with the characteristics of certain technical indicators. It's inevitable, it's inevitable.

Here I explain why I want to kill hot money.

In fact, this is related to my short-term profit, because short-term customers and hot money are the best to make money. They hold chips for a short time and can make me profit in a very short time.

For example, in the case of a lockup, you can only make a profit once, and then it stops moving, and you have nothing to do with it. This period sometimes lasts for several years. I have to eat and drink during the year; I don’t make much profit from the local pies, because I have to share their profits equally with the company.

But short-term investors and hot money are different. I can make huge profits in one band.

So how to do it?

The first is: it is gradually rising. At this time, the technical indicators begin to go well. Technical peopleLooking at the technical indicators, it is generally easy to be tempted in. In the meantime, I would pull and sell at the same time. What needs to be controlled is to hand over the chips to them before the top divergence, so that they can look like the technical indicators have not reached the top and the currency price is okay. If it rises even higher, then there will be a sharp rise and fall on the second day, and then a sudden drop on the third day. They will basically start to hand over the gun. Without me, the currency price will go down. Naturally, I will set the price in the middle. Come to pick up the fruits, especially for hot money. In the first half, I will pull. When the hot money sees that the currency price is bullish, they will immediately flock to them. In the second half, I will hand over part of the chips to them. The next day, I will open low. When going low, hot money will see that the momentum is not right and immediately flee. At this time, I will see the number of fleeing and calculate my results. If the number of fleeing is large enough, then I will pull up in the afternoon, because most of the short-term customers have left, so I There is no need to pay much profit, and it is easy to raise the currency price. The price difference I made during the two days is at least about 3% of the transaction amount.

But when I found that I didn’t go far, I continued going down.

This is what many retail investors wonder, why does it go up when I sell and go down when I buy? Because your behavior is consistent with that of most people, haha.

2. What are the risks of being a banker?

First, I am not the only banker who operates this currency. Usually, several people are invited to join forces. Just like hunting dogs on the prairie, it is easier to achieve success by using group tactics. If you are alone, firstly, you may not necessarily have this strength. Secondly, you will be easily caught by others. You may not be able to defeat the fox and you will get into trouble. Therefore, you can definitely invite friends to cooperate. Whoever is in charge will take second place. problem.

Since it is cooperation, the risks are also obvious. When the market fluctuates, one of your friends will immediately give up. At this time, you will be in trouble, and all the hard work for a long time will be in vain.

Another problem is that when the market trend is downward, you don’t notice it because you still have the chips in your hands, so you just want to hold on. At this time, you will also be finished. The previous bull markets have ended. Later, many dealers fell down on this.

So, how to deal with risks, that is, first pay attention to the trend of Bitcoin, because the market makers are very sensitive to the trend of the market index. When Bitcoin goes up, some minor currencies controlled by the main force will If it is stagflation, or there are signs of a U-turn, then I will find a way to hand over as many chips as possible to retail investors before Bitcoin falls, and try to free up as much cash as possible. As long as there is enough on hand,I'm not afraid of cash going up or down. If it goes up, I can buy it down with the remaining chips in my hand; if it goes down, I can buy more chips.

When the market is about to reverse at the end, the signs will also be obvious.

3. Let’s talk about the issue of top and bottom

Now many people are concerned about where the market will fall to the bottom, 13000, 11000, 8000? To be honest, I don’t know. Not only do I not know what point the market will fall to as the bottom, but I don’t even know what price the currency I own as a banker will fall to. How can I predict the market? Some people say, can it be reduced from 20 yuan to 5 yuan? Is it the end? I said no, maybe it would drop to 1-2 yuan, maybe it would drop to 8 yuan. There is no such thing as a top or a bottom in the currency market. What really matters is the relationship between supply and demand. When the supply and demand are balanced, the bottom will naturally be arrive.

For example, my currency, I let it fluctuate every day, up and down, but one day I found that the currency I sold could not be bought back with the money for more or the same amount. There are too many coins. At this time, it is impossible for me to move downwards. This should be its bottom. Maybe it's at 5 yuan, maybe it's not even at 1 yuan. Who knows where the balance can be achieved? We can only keep testing.

The same goes for the top. I pulled up, but there was no follower. So to whom can I distribute the stocks I bought at a high price? Of course, it's one thing if I pull up the price to show you the price, and the same goes for the bottom.

In the index, the same is true. If the incoming and outgoing funds can reach a balance, the index will reach the bottom; if not, it will continue to fall until the balance is reached.

4. How do market makers make money during a decline?

Many people sometimes don’t understand that the banker’s cost is 20 yuan. If he raises the stock price to 10 yuan or 15 yuan, doesn’t he also lose money? This is really a stupid banker. In fact, retail investors don’t understand that the banker’s method of making money is often different from that of retail investors. When the buy price is lower than the sell order, the banker is holding coins. Only when they turn into money can they be real gold and silver. If he does not drop the price, he will ship the goods himself. How can he wait for retail investors to ship the goods? This is also the reason why many coins have been cut in half recently. , another one, and then another one. At present, most coins have fallen by 80%, and 10,000 yuan has become 2,000 yuan!

In fact, this is not the case. If the order is not smashed and shipped, retail investors will follow suit. However, with limited orders, institutions cannot sell out. If the price drops slowly, the losses of institutions will be even worse. And because the price is unattractive and you can't find an opponent, it becomes a blunt knife to cut your flesh, and you only know the pain.

Using the method of slamming the lower limit, the market’s attention will be focused on it. When it drops to half, some bookmakers will start to take huge orders, because the market’s attention has been focused on the lower limit in the past few days. The degree is very high, and there are huge orders, which means that the stock price should rebound at this time. Technically it is oversold, and the currency price has halved. No matter what, it will rebound by more than ten to twenty percent, so retail investors and large investors have The dealer's selling orders were robbed.

But the reality is not what retail investors and large investors imagine. In a bear market, those who place huge amounts of money are often shipping goods. It looks like they are sweeping up goods with large orders, but it is actually a trap set by the dealers. Benefit sharing.

Let’s take another stock example: CSR: The listing price exceeded the issue price by more than 60%, and 5 institutional seats were all ranked in the top 5 for purchase. Are these institutions stupid? You have to pay a 60% premium to take over the order, especially in a bear market, are you afraid that you won’t be able to buy chips? If you wait a few days before buying, it may reach the issue price. In fact, the institutions are not stupid at all. This is just a performance between institutions. Those who get more than 60% of the premium will allocate a certain profit to the institutions that take over the orders, and these institutions do not buy much. More chips are handed over to others, including a large number of retail investors, at a premium. For those who have access to most of the high-premium chips, those who make profits don’t have to think about anything.

Therefore, I hope that the currency I operate will fall, as low as possible.

For example, in the range of 20 yuan to 18 yuan, I sold 20% of the coins in my hand, and in the range of 18 to 16, I sold 18% of the coins, and I will make up for it later. , because in this case of decline, many stop-loss orders began to appear, and some people wanted to cover their positions. At this time, I had to rebound based on the chip situation. Why should I rebound? The main purpose is to attract people who are copying the market. Of course, if there are too many people copying the market, I will go short again the next day.

Under normal circumstances, not many people buy the bottom of the rebound on the first day. As long as it lasts for two days, retail investors will see how the currency is rising every day, especially the meat-cutting and cover-up orders. They will usually chase it. Come in, and the high position has been bullish for a few days. Forget it if you don't sell. You may still make some money after waiting a few days. At this time, I went short with my backhand and trapped them.

How much do I earn during this period? Because profits are distributed during the pull, a certain amount of profit can be maintained for each period of decline.

Then why do I want the currency price of my banker to be as low as possible? Think about it, if you open a shopping mall, do you want the goods you sell to be cheap or expensive? natureIt is better to be cheap because then the amount of money used is less. If you add 1 yuan to 10 yuan, people will think it is expensive; if you add 1 dime to 1 yuan, no one will care about you if you are not showing off, but the ratio of earning from 10 yuan to 1 yuan is the same. The same goes for stocks. Not many people feel anything if a stock of 1 yuan rises to 1.5 yuan; but what if a stock of 10 yuan rises to 15 yuan?

This is the fundamental reason why the currency market is bullish and bearish. Few bankers hope that the stock price will be high to increase their own costs.

⑦ The currency circle is very deep, so be cautious when entering the market (1)

Nearly three weeks have passed since I joined a blockchain company on February 26, 2018.

Because I was a teacher before, the only people I came into contact with were children, parents, and at most colleagues and leaders, so I was very simple and didn’t have much experience in the enterprise. I don’t know whether the following phenomena are unique to the currency circle and the chain circle, or whether they are a common phenomenon. Proposed here to give you an inside perspective.

Are you excited to see similar promotions?

Don't worry, let me analyze for you the places where you can do some tricks.

1. Currency price


The currency price changes every minute and every second. If a certain digital currency is used when you purchase a course When the organizer gives you coins, it is 100 yuan each, and when the organizer gives you coins, it is 50 yuan each. What price do you think the organizer will use to convert the 400 "equivalent digital currency"?

You will definitely default that it should be calculated based on the market price at the time when the currency is issued, but if this is the case, the equivalent value is about 8 coins, and if the organizer bought it when you purchased the course Digital currency, then the price of 100 can only buy 4 coins. This means that the organizer carefully creates the course and every time a person buys the course, the organizer loses 4 coins.

Do you feel sorry for the project side? Then listen to another hypothesis. If the project party did not buy the coins when you purchased the course, but bought them before giving you the coins, and claimed that they bought the coins when you purchased the course, they would tell you what I just said. What about some logic? In that case, he can use 400 yuan to buy 8 coins and only give you 4. Every time someone buys a class, the organizer earns 4 coins.


Let’s put aside the currency price difference caused by the time difference just mentioned, and let’s look at the reverse situation. Assume that the organizer performs the exchange according to your request at the currency price of the day.

For example, when you buy a course, the currency price is 50 yuan. On the day of currency exchange, the currency price suddenly rises to 100 yuan. In other words, originally you could receive 8 coins, but in the end you could only receive 4. After that day, you received the coin, and the coin price dropped to 50. You could only get 200 yuan after selling it.

Is it amazing? Actually not, because there is an operation called pulling. I won’t explain too much here what lapan is. If you don’t understand, turn left and Google it.

2. Currency

Then there is a problem. The organizer of a small course is not a banker. If it really pulls the market, it will not be very easy. Easily harvested by retail investors?

So we have to talk about currencies.

With the strength of the organizer, it is impossible to sell mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, because the funds required are too large and it is easy to be counter-exploited by others. Therefore, if it is generally preset to do this in advance, the currencies given are very marginalized currencies. The characteristics of this currency are: 1. There are few exchanges on it, usually 2-3; 2. The trading volume is low, generally less than 10,000 yuan in 24 hours; 3. It is difficult to trade, deposit and withdraw coins.

The first two points are easy to understand, and the third point will be explained separately.

In the first case, it is difficult to deposit and withdraw coins. For example, the organizer transfers the currency to your wallet, and you find that the trading platform that can trade this currency only supports transactions and does not support deposits. That means that the currency in your hand cannot be exchanged for other currencies, let alone RMB.

In the second case, it is difficult to trade. When the organizer transfers the coins to your account, it sets a rule that cannot be tampered with: these coins cannot be traded or withdrawn within 60 days. So we can wait and see whether the organizer will pull the market at this time or whether it will smash the market after 60 days.

3. Shameless

I won’t analyze this much. What I said above still has some technical elements in it. If what you do directly is inconsistent with what you say, or if you play word games, it is listed here.


For example, promise to give the equivalent value of Bitcoin, and finally give other digital currencies.

The official statement is that this coin can be exchanged for Bitcoin. This is like asking you to attend an event, asking for 400 yuan, and promising to give you the equivalent of US dollars after the event. What you end up with is Vietnamese dollars. At this time, Vietnam is experiencing inflation, and the official statement is, this Currency can be converted into US dollars.

Lying directly or breaking a contract is the lowest form of laziness and has no meaning in discussion.


A little more advanced is to play word games.

It’s still the same example as before, such as promising to give the equivalent value of Bitcoin, and finally other digital currencies.

The official statement is that the original meaning of the English word Bitcoin is not exclusivelyRefers to Bitcoin, but to all types of digital currencies. Regardless of the logical error of this sentence, there are two ways to explain why the organizer can give this statement: 1. Use the well-known term "Bitcoin" to attract people, and then use this word game to be lazy; 2. The organizer I really believe that the word "Bitcoin" refers to all digital currencies. When the team talks about Ethereum, EOS, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash and other digital currencies in daily communication, they always use the word "Bitcoin" to represent them. refers, and it is assumed that the same is true for all users who purchase courses.

The above are purely real cases. If there are any similarities, it means that we have signed up for the same course.

This is just a shallow puddle among the many deep water areas I have encountered recently, so stay tuned for the next series of chapters.

⑧ You can’t buy at the currency circle’s price limit

You can’t buy at the currency circle’s price limit! The main real-name bank card problem! Bitcoin limit buy means issuing a transaction order to buy at a price lower than the current price through a pending order. n specifically refers to issuing a buying transaction instruction at a price lower than the current price through a pending order relative to the current price, that is, going long on dips. nPending order instructions are valid on the same day. Before the transaction is completed, the customer can also actively cancel the uncompleted order.

⑨ What are some professional terms in the currency circle

Explanations of 26 common terms in the blockchain industry

1. Blockchain——Blockchain


Blockchain is a new application model of computer technologies such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. is a shared distributed ledger where transactions are permanently recorded through appended blocks.

2. Block——Block

In the Bitcoin network, data will be permanently recorded in the form of files. We call these files blocks. A block is a set of records of some or all of the latest Bitcoin transactions that have not been recorded by other previous blocks.

3. Node - A copy of the ledger operated by participants in the blockchain network.

4. Decentralization

Decentralization is a phenomenon or structure that must appear or exist in a system with many nodes or in a group with many individuals. The influence between nodes will form a non-linear causal relationship through the network.

5. Consensus mechanism

The consensus mechanism is to complete the verification and confirmation of transactions in a very short time through the voting of special nodes; for a transaction, if the interests are irrelevant If several nodes can reach a consensus, we can think that the entire network can also reach a consensus on this.

6. Pow - Proof of Work

Proof of Work refers to how much currency you get, depending on the workload you contribute to mining. The better the computer performance, the more money will be allocated to you. There will be more mines.

7. PoS - Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake,The interest distribution system is based on the amount and time you hold the currency. In POS mode, your "mining" income is proportional to the age of your currency and has nothing to do with the computing performance of your computer.

8. Smart Contract

Smart contract is a computer protocol designed to spread, verify or execute contracts in an information-based manner. Smart contracts allow trusted transactions to be made without third parties, which are traceable and irreversible.

9. Timestamp

Timestamp refers to a string or encoded information used to identify the recorded time and date. The international standard is ISO 8601.

10. Turing completeness

Turing completeness refers to the ability of a machine to perform any calculation that any other programmable computer can perform.

11. Dapp - decentralized application

It is an open source application that runs automatically and stores its data on the blockchain in the form of cryptocurrency tokens. Form incentives and operate with a protocol that displays proof of value.

12. DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization

It can be thought of as a company that operates without any human intervention and hands all forms of control to a set of uncontrollable entities. Broken business rules.

13. PrivateKey - Private Key

A private key is a string of data that allows you to access a token in a specific wallet. They, as cryptocurrencies, are hidden except from the owner of the address.

14. PublicKey——Public key

It appears in pairs with the private key. The public key can calculate the address of the currency, so it can be used as a certificate for owning the address of the currency.

15. Mining machine

A computing device or software that attempts to create blocks and add them to the blockchain. In a blockchain network, when a new valid block is created, the system will generally automatically give the block creator (mining machine) a certain number of tokens as a reward.

16. Mining pool

It is a fully automatic mining platform that allows miners to contribute their own computing power to mine together to create blocks and obtain block rewards. And the profits are distributed according to the proportion of computing power contribution (that is, the mining machine is connected to the mining pool - provides computing power - and obtains benefits).

17. Public chain

A completely open blockchain refers to a fully open blockchain that can be read by anyone, anyone can send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed. People around the world can participate in system maintenance, and anyone can read and write data through transactions or mining.

18. Private chain

A blockchain where write permission is only for a certain organization or a specific few objects. Read permissions can be open to the outside world, or restricted to any degree.

19. Alliance chain

The consensus mechanism is a blockchain jointly controlled by a number of designated institutions.

20. Side chain

Wedge side chain technology (pegged sidechains), which will enable the transfer of Bitcoin and other digital assets across multiple blockchains, meaning users can access new cryptocurrency systems while using their existing assets.

21. Cross-chain technology

Cross-chain technology can be understood as a bridge connecting various blockchains. Its main application is to realize Atom transactions, asset conversion, and partitioning between blockchains. Information exchange within the blockchain, or solving Oracle problems, etc.

22. Hard fork

The blockchain has a permanent divergence. After the new consensus rules are released, some nodes that have not been upgraded cannot verify the blocks produced by the upgraded nodes. Usually a hard fork happens.

23. Soft fork

When the new consensus rules are released, nodes that have not been upgraded will produce illegal blocks because they do not know the new consensus rules, which will cause Temporary forks.

24. Hash——Hash value

Generally translated as "hash", there are also direct transliterations as "hash". Simply put, it is a function that compresses a message of any length into a message digest of a fixed length.

25. Main chain

The term main chain comes from the main network (relative to the test network), which is an independent blockchain network that is officially online.

For those who don’t understand the “jargon” of the currency circle, come and learn it quickly:

1. What is legal currency?

Legal currency is legal tender, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

2. What is token?

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is cryptocurrency. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network, so that It can be verified anytime and anywhere.

3. What is position building?

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader’s new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

4. What is stud?

Cryptocurrency stud means investing all the principal.

5. What is an airdrop?

Airdrops are currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

6. What is lock-up?

Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to the original position. It is also called lock-in, lock-up, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together. .

7. What is candy?

Cryptocurrency candies are digital coins that are distributed to users for free when various digital currencies are first issued during ICO. They are a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

8. What is a break?

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

9. What is private equity?

Cryptocurrency private placement is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

10. How do you look at the K-line chart?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, yin-yang lines, stick lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

11. What is hedging?

Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, opposite in direction, of equal quantity, and with profits and losses offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

12. What is a position?

Position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. Those who buy the contract are long and are in a position to expect an increase; those who sell the contract are short and are in a position to expect a decrease.

13. What are the benefits?

Good news: It refers to news that a currency has received mainstream media attention, or that a certain technology application has made breakthrough progress, which is conducive to stimulating price increases. This is called good news.

14. What are the disadvantages?

Bad news: news that causes currency prices to fall, such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

15. What is rebound?

The price adjustment phenomenon in which currency prices rebound due to falling too fast in a downward trend. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

16. What is leverage?

Leveraged trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount in the hope of obtaining multiple returns or losses relative to the fluctuations in the investment target.

⑩ How to understand the trading pairs in the currency exchange?

1. One-click buying and selling: Just enter the amount you want to buy or the number of Bitcoins you want to sell. You can successfully buy or sell Bitcoin, simple and fast.
2. Price limit trading: Investors can set a buying price lower than the market price, or a selling price higher than the market price. When the market price fluctuates to the set price, the transaction will be completed. When the set price deviates greatly from the market price, it is easy to end up with an inability to complete the transaction.fruit.
3. Market price transactions: Transactions are completed at the current market price, which to a certain extent can ensure that investors’ buying and selling orders are completed in a timely manner. However, at the same time, investors cannot predict the transaction price before placing an order at market price, and there are certain risks. Uncertainty. Generally speaking, the more violent the market fluctuations, the greater the risk of uncertainty in transaction prices of market transactions.
4. Planned transactions: After holding a position, you can set up planned transactions to stop profits and losses, and pre-set the take-profit trigger price and take-profit order price, as well as the stop-loss trigger price and stop-loss order price. When the latest transaction price reaches the set trigger price, the planned order will be sent to the market.
5. The basic principle of transaction: "price first, time first" principle. A higher buying price is better than a lower buying price, and a lower selling price is better than a higher selling price. When the order prices are the same, orders with an earlier pending order time are better than orders with a longer pending order time. The late order is filled.
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本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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