币圈最新项目资讯在哪看 币圈最新信息

① 币圈三步:炒币不屯币,屯币不如守币,守币不如产币,对吗




就拿炒币这事来说吧,以相似的股票来说,起码有银监会监管,但币圈有么?可能短线操作会赚一笔,但实际上大多数币圈韭菜们,在没有确切的内幕消息的情况下,大多数都是亏损的,看似好像是个“一夜暴富”的渠道,但都是人家布置的坑,说句不好听的话, 想让你赚钱就能赚钱,不想让你赚钱,你啥都赚不到。











所以,从本质上讲,数字货币的确可以使人一夜暴富,进入 社会 近15年,也从没见过赚钱速度能超越币圈的,但有一点要搞清楚,人家发行数字货币、拉盘、护盘,这都是需要巨量资金和人脉的,还要有专业的技术团队,还要弄出一套“让韭菜看了信以为真的”资料,这每一个环节都是需要庞大的资源的,这可不是你随便充值点钱、信仰、或者毅力坚持就能搞定的。




2016年到2017年90%的数字货币已经消失在了 历史 的长河中,即便是有,也已经存在于几个非常少量的交易平台中,交易深度几千块钱砸下去都能把它砸归零的那种。所以囤币这个投资方式确实可以采用定投的方式,或者直接选择比特币价格暴跌的那个时间周期内,去定投当前数字货币市场中排名第一的比特币就可以了,觉得比特币价格高昂的话,是可以考虑后续排名在前10之内的几个主流数字货币。


18年以前可以这么说,那时候是真的疯狂,虽然过后是一地鸡毛。现在产币要看什么币种,像BTC ,ETH等主流币种,现在产币成本高,都产业化了,小打小闹搞不到什么币,非主流的币又不稳定,可能挖出来的币值不了什么钱。












而发币,就是做项目,操盘,发一个币ICO融资,起码千万元起,动辄上亿,尤其在牛市,韭菜们疯狂的打新,不管你是价值项目还是忽悠项目,都不愁销售,说白了多数发币的就是以割韭菜为目的的。如果你有技术团队,懂运营,发一个币也未尝不可,比如量子链 NEO BTM 等国产项目的创始团队都早就自由了!再比如火星人靠HSR在牛市收割了数亿已经在澳洲逍遥!











② 继AEX之后,币圈交易所虎符宣布暂停所有交易服务,这么做的原因是什么



③ 币圈是什么


④ 币圈大崩盘:一天之内6万人爆仓20亿,到底发生了什么



⑤ 怎么查询币圈今年最火的板块数据


⑥ 2022年怎样整出火币网的现金



10月8日,火币创始人李林在朋友圈表示,已经将旗下股权转让与香港百域资本(About Capital ),他不再是Huobi Global的股东,也不直接或者间接拥有Huobi Global的任何权限。

字里行间看,这是一个相当决绝的再见。李林不愿再和Huobi Global有任何关系的表态跃然纸上,这是表态给谁看的?



实际上,7月份的时候,某外媒就报道称,火币交易所创办人李林寻求出售他手中近60%的火币股份,随后该消息得到火币发言人证实。据称,两个潜在买家分别是FTX交易所创始人Sam Bankman-Fried 、被美国FBI调查、逃至格林纳达担任驻WTO大使的波场创始人孙宇晨。但是,两位潜在买家均表示否认。报道还称,李林对火币交易所的股价是20-30亿美元, 由此计算,他持有的近60%股份价值高达18亿美元(约合128亿元人民币)。



2022年9月,有自称火币内部人士在Medium上爆料称, 火币着急出手可能是因为现任CTO带领投资Vires亏损 1.5 亿美元,再加上国内监管越来越严,这成为李林卖掉火币的催化剂。

爆料文章称,李林在2021年四季度把global业务交给朱桦后,与市场总监潘思宇开始主导着整个公司投资和发展新项目。不过,爆料者指朱、潘二人将当时火币“机枪池”的1.5亿美元,投到Waves链上核心借贷协议Vires Finance。没想到,随着LUNA爆雷,vires也暴雷了。朱桦在vires里面投入的1.5亿美元亏损殆尽,这笔资金是已经落败的huobi大半年的收入,也就是说,朱桦一把梭哈,把huobi赔进去了。更摩幻的就是,这个事情在开除了两个一线操作人员之后,居然不了了之。


⑦ 币圈怎么当项目方

根据上述市值管理方案,第一阶段主要目标是通过一系列行为为项目引流。方案列出了相应指标,媒 体宣发5篇稿件,线上直播2-3次,线下路演交流3-5次,KOL(意见领袖)发声2-3个,建立5万人规模电报群,2千人的微信群,无KPI要求的社群合作,战略合作5-10家,统计代币持有排名前20的列表;与代币持有量排名前20的私募方签订一致行动协议,为期1个月。
引流方面首当其冲的涉及区块链媒 体。今年年初区块链媒 体雨后春笋般发展显示了市场的火热程度。
“发一篇软文就能免费获得许多项目代币。且币圈做媒 体成本极低,人员不需要太多,甚至一两个就行。”深圳一家区块链媒 体负责人陈松(化名)告诉中国证券报记者,今年春节期间“3点钟无眠区块链”社群的火爆带动了大批区块链媒 体出现。该时间段区块链媒 体融资快捷,几家头部媒 体均获得了不菲的估值。
据智链财经不完全统计,仅2018年一季度就有15家区块链媒 体获得融资,包括巴比特、币世界、深链财经等知名大号,融资总额达2.45亿元。其中,巴比特于3月份获得1亿元A轮融资。
中国证券报记者注意到,一家原本科技类媒 体也宣布转型做区块链报道,更有人以月薪6万多元的标准聘请区块链内容编辑,普通的区块链会议展板能罗列上百家媒 体。“很多人都根本不懂媒 体,只是觉得这个来钱快。很多信息他们不做核实,只会转载抄袭,导致市场经常谣言满天飞。”陈松称,很多区块链媒 体背后其实是项目方,既可以替自己的项目宣传,同时可以通过发软文实现盈利。
早前曾服务于一家区块链媒 体的张芸(化名)介绍,区块链媒 体主要通过内容吸引投资者,然后将其引流至社群运营方。分析师进行“诊币”,分析代币的市场行情。不会明确唱多,而用隐晦的形式诱导。“那些出镜的分析师多数来自期货、股票交易市场,通常刚接触区块链,并非专业人士。”

⑧ 波卡币为什么这么火币圈新宠

说到含着金钥匙出生的项目,波卡一定榜上有名。其创始人是区块链领域的专家。他就是以太坊的核心开发者,《以太坊黄皮书》的作者,以太坊前CTO——Gavin Wood博士。

要说V神是以太坊概念的发起者,Gavin Wood 才是实现以太坊的人,可谓是以太坊的开山鼻祖。后来他意识到以太坊本身有其缺陷,无法实现他的web3.0愿景,无法推动重建。因此,他从以太坊社区走出来,创立了一个新的区块链项目——波卡。所以很多人认为波卡卡是以太坊的挑战者。










⑨ DEFI是什么币币圈新热点


DeFi是Decentralized Finance的缩写,也称为去中心化金融。实际上是指用来构建开放金融体系的去中心化协议,旨在让世界上任何人随时随地进行金融活动。常规类别有:DEX、稳定货币、贷款和资产。


这是一个由区块链公司Chain LINK发行的令牌。ChainLink提供中间件,允许区块链的“智能合约”调用外部数据。为合同商提供一个网络范围的数据库,或一个可靠的外部数据库。使用ChainLink,您可以在一个契约中调用一个或多个数据库来查询所需的数据。

⑩ 币圈17年有哪些天亡级项目

说到兴起 以太坊功不可没:

① Three steps in the currency circle: speculating on coins does not mean hoarding coins. It is better to keep coins than to keep coins, and to keep coins is worse than to produce coins, right?

If you have the strength, speculate on coins, hoard coins, and keep coins. Both currency and currency production are possible. If you have nothing and are just an ordinary person, then cherish your life and stay away from the currency circle.

What you see in the currency circle is what the "scythes" want you to see

Coin speculation

Take the coin speculation To put it bluntly, for similar stocks, at least they are supervised by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, but does it exist in the currency circle? Maybe short-term operations will make a fortune, but in fact, most of the currency circle leeks, without accurate inside information, most of them lose money. It seems to be a channel to "get rich overnight", but it is To put it bluntly, if they want you to make money, you can make money. If they don’t want you to make money, you can’t make anything.

(Look at the original price of BTC, and then look at the current price)

Tuen Coin

Many people may think that they should be more cautious. , after understanding a project from multiple channels, make value investments, hold coins for a long time, and rely on faith to accumulate coins. It can only mean that you are a loyal believer. If a publisher takes you to play, lets you make money, and gives you inside information, then you can make money. If there is no inside information, it will only take a minute for the project manager to trick you.

(Look at the original price of ETH, and then look at the current price)

Keep the currency

Many people will say: "Others I don’t touch the coins, I just play with one coin.” If this is really the case, then there are only two final results, one is to lose money and want to jump off the building, and the other is to make money soaring. There are probably more than 1,600 projects (digital currencies) in the currency circle. Since the end of 2018, among the projects that have been released one after another, if they are going up or down, if you are lucky enough, you will buy at a low level and sell at a high level. It is possible to make a lot of money. But most investors are losing money. Taking Bitcoin as an example, some Leek has been holding the currency since 2018, and now he still has 130,000 Bitcoins and 5,000 ETH in his wallet. Has this been enough for him to hold the currency? It has been 2 years. Judging from the current price, do you think it has made a loss or a profit?

(Look at the original price of EOS, and then look at the current price)

Producing currency

"It is better to keep the currency than to create the currency" , saying this is completely irresponsible. If operating a coin was so simple, then I could now send dozens of projects every minute, but is it useful? Nowadays, the technology for issuing coins is open and transparent, and you can find someone to help you with it for a little money. But what happens after you get it done? How to operate and maintain it? How to attract leeks into the trap? How to pull the market? How to protect the market? How to control trading volume? How to cut leeks etc. Do you really think that running a digital currency project well is so difficult?Something simple?

Logically speaking, the digital currency itself is worthless, but when the project party uses robots and strategies to increase the trading volume, the currency will inevitably be adjusted. During the process, there will inevitably be real users entering the game. As long as you enter the market, as long as you are a little greedy or unlucky, you will definitely be cut off by the project team.

So, in essence, digital currency can indeed make people rich overnight. After entering the society for nearly 15 years, I have never seen anyone making money faster than the currency circle, but there is one thing that needs to be understood. , people issue digital currencies, promote the market, and protect the market, which all require huge amounts of funds and connections, as well as a professional technical team, and a set of information that "leaks will believe it after reading it". Each of these All steps require huge resources, and this is not something you can just top up with some money, faith, or perseverance.

Therefore, speculating on coins is not as good as hoarding coins. It is better to keep coins than to keep coins. It is better to keep coins than to produce coins. To produce coins, it is better not to touch coins. Maybe you have worked hard for several years to save hundreds of thousands, but you may not be able to last even 5 minutes in the currency circle before you are cut off. In the end, no money was made, and the family was ruined.

In the current virtual digital currency market, led by Bitcoin, its transaction risks are very high, but the resulting returns are also quite amazing. Years of trading in the digital currency circle have witnessed several bull and bear market cycles of Bitcoin. In fact, for the vast majority of ordinary investors, staying away from futures and leverage, and in addition, staying away from most altcoins and gossip, in digital The probability of losing money in money market investments is still relatively small.

As for the idea that speculating on coins is not as good as hoarding coins, I personally agree with it. However, the vast majority of digital currency investors are pursuing short-term benefits and can regard digital currency investment as There are too few people who use medium and long-term fixed investment methods. And many newcomers who have just entered the digital currency trading market always like to invest in some of the counterfeit digital currencies. These counterfeit currencies whose value is almost equal to air have no concept of time value at all.

90% of digital currencies from 2016 to 2017 have disappeared in the long river of history. Even if they exist, they already exist on a few very small trading platforms, with transaction depths of several thousand yuan. The kind that can knock it back to zero if you hit it. Therefore, the investment method of hoarding currency can indeed adopt the method of fixed investment, or directly choose the time period when the price of Bitcoin plummets to make a fixed investment in Bitcoin, which is currently ranked No. 1 in the digital currency market. If you feel that the price of Bitcoin is high, These are several mainstream digital currencies that can be considered for subsequent ranking within the top 10.

As for participating in mining, my personal suggestion is that we are no longer in an era where retail traders can enter the mining field casually. Basically, they are divided up by large institutions, small institutions and retail investors.The entire digital currency and computing power payment market. Where did you buy your first mining machine, and what was the so-called electricity price? You don’t know the cost of electricity, so you dare to enter this deep water field rashly? And every year the price plummets, many times it is directed at the miners.

It can be said that 18 years ago, it was really crazy at that time, although it was a piece of cake afterwards. Nowadays, it depends on what kind of currency is produced, such as BTC, ETH and other mainstream currencies. The cost of producing currencies is high now, and they are all industrialized. You can’t get any coins by making small efforts. Non-mainstream coins are unstable and may be mined. The currency is worth nothing.

As for accumulating coins, there is a saying “It’s never too late to accumulating Bitcoin”. This sentence has been confirmed many times, and BTC seems to have always been right!

If you had the right coins six or seven years ago, you basically don’t have to worry about money now. There are many coins that have multiplied tens of thousands of times: Ripple, Litecoin, ETH, BTC, Dogecoin...many . In the past two years, there have been fewer wild currency rises, and prices have rarely risen hundreds of times in a month. They have gradually returned to rational investment.

The best way to make money in 2017 and 2018 is to issue coins. If you create a coin out of thin air, you can make a lot of money. If you make the white paper bigger and the cake bigger, a lot of people will rob it. Maybe there are too many people who have been deceived, and the state control is relatively strict. Now there are very few new coins being issued.

As for currency speculation, whether you can make money depends on your skills. There are many people in the currency circle who get rich overnight, and there are also many people who lose their assets overnight. Some people lose all their money just by going to the toilet! As BTC jumped by nearly half a few months ago, it would be strange if those who buy futures don’t go crazy!

If you have money, it is good to invest in coins. It is very possible to invest in mainstream currencies such as BTC and ETH and reach new highs. BTC has more than tripled recently, rising to nearly 10,000 USDT (the low was more than 3,000 USDT, and 1 USDT is approximately equal to 1 US dollar).

The currency circle is very risky, and you need to have a strong tolerance to get into it.

Summary in place!

The currency circle is divided into the currency speculation party and the currency hoarding party.

There is great uncertainty in making profits from pure currency speculation. It is easy to make temporary profits, but it is difficult to make stable profits. Many speculations through news usually fall into the trap of bookmakers. The way to make money from currency speculation is nothing more than selling high and buying low, but in this process, most people chase the highs and sell the lows, with fewer and fewer chips, and leave the market sadly, or they chase small profits in the process of getting on and off, and lose the freedom of wealth in the bull market. Chance.

The so-called hoarding of coins is based on the currency-based idea of ​​hoarding more coins and selling them when the price reaches the desired expiration date.

Keeping coins is the sublimation of keeping coins. It is the stupidest and most effective way to make big money in the currency circle. It is said that keeping coins is more difficult than keeping a widow. There are very few people who can keep Bitcoin through bulls and bears, and many still can't. They are all in the stage of currency speculation, because of thisThe process is the most testing mentality. A big positive line with thousands of troops coming to meet it, but if it encounters a sharp drop, it becomes a blockchain scam. There is a joke about a foreign guy who bought a lot of Bitcoins and ended up committing a crime and went to jail. After he was released from prison three years later, he found that Bitcoins had increased a hundred times. He suddenly became rich and free. If he had not been in jail, he would have been rich long ago. Just sold it. Therefore, keeping money is a way to obtain maximum returns, provided that you are keeping valuable assets, such as Bitcoin, rather than copycats, which can easily return to zero if you keep money.

Issuing coins means doing projects, trading, and issuing a coin for ICO financing, which starts at least ten million yuan and can easily reach hundreds of millions. Especially in the bull market, leeks are crazy about innovation, regardless of your value. Whether it is a project or a scam project, there is no need to worry about sales. To put it bluntly, most people who issue coins are just for the purpose of cutting leeks. If you have a technical team and understand operations, it is not a bad idea to issue a coin. For example, the founding teams of domestic projects such as Quantum Chain NEO BTM have long been free! Another example is the Martians who made hundreds of millions in the bull market by relying on HSR and are now living happily in Australia!

Ordinary investors, just hold on to Bitcoin!

The question you asked is a typical thinking mode of cutting leeks in a circle. It is already outdated, and the era of low-priced MLM coins has passed.

Blockchain is originally a very good comprehensive technology application of the Internet. Including the current national and local governments, they are strongly supporting the widespread application and development of blockchain.

So finally, I would like to suggest to all Kanke readers that before you spend money, you must understand where your money goes and who will give you the money. If you can’t figure out how to get your money back? Then don't invest any money. Thank you for reading.

You are right, but the premise is that mainstream coins that are valuable will return to zero if they are not worth speculation. Valuable coins have underlying technology applications, and the price of the coin reflects the value of this technology. .

With active funds in the background, you can choose to speculate in coins and sell at low prices and sell at high prices. This is the most common phenomenon in the currency circle. As long as you know how to be satisfied, you will not lose money.

Personally, I am a coin producer. I follow the strong and am satisfied with just drinking soup. After all, my strength does not allow it.

If I want medium and long-term value investment, I choose to go to the center. The singularity of transformation.

Currency speculation requires skills

It requires your study and understanding! You can focus on coins that are reliable platforms and have the ambition to grow and develop. Note that they must be coins that you think have a bright future! If it is something like Bitcoin, the cost is too high, and you need a solid foundation to accumulate coins. If you examine the developing coins well, Tun coins will be the main focus, and Bands will be the supplement. You need to be cautious when entering the circle and have a good attitude.

② Following AEX, Hufu, the currency exchange exchange, announced the suspension of all trading services. What is the reason for this?

Hufu, the currency exchange exchange, released "About Hufu Debt Currency Conversion" on its official website planPlans, partner project investments and other business process improvement plans are announced. The announcement stated that Hufu will terminate all trading services from August 1, cancel all business processes, transfer customer assets to wallet accounts, and at the same time release a debt-to-currency conversion plan and partner investment methods to improve its financial derivatives. Contract trading has been improved. That was another large, medium and small currency exchange that was unable to maintain normal operations after AEX.

After the outbreak of Hufu’s liquidity crisis, controversy arose within its structure. Regarding the inability to log in to the domain name hoo.com of the Hufu website, Wang Ruixi stated on social media that Fang Wenbin (couple screen name: Top), the former security director of the Binance trading platform, deleted the company system without authorization when he was working on the Hufu website, causing every incident in the company. I can't access the system, and the domain name is temporarily out of order. He also stated that Fang Wenbin stole corporate information and property under the guise of inspection and without formal procedures, which would be inversely proportional to users and the company.

③ What is the currency circle?

The 4-hour trend of OS is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and everything related to digital currencies are currency circles.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

④ The currency crash: 60,000 people liquidated their positions by 2 billion in one day. What happened?

First of all, due to constant speculation, the price of Bitcoin has soared.rise, this kind of decline is very normal. Bitcoin is not legal tender. Bitcoin cannot become a world currency because it is not recognized by the central bank, and Bitcoin is not recognized by the world. Therefore, it lacks credit security. Money without strong credit guarantee will of course interfere with normal financial conditions. Bitcoin provides a new financial service that can be traded in domestic and foreign electronic wallets and invested in blockchain projects. Transactions are quick and easy. Low cost has injected fresh blood into the current financial industry.

A lot of funds have begun to be transferred, and worthless virtual currencies will naturally plummet. What's more, the virtual currency launched by South Korea's cryptocurrency exchange itself has insufficient credit, and the company has no credit value, so it will naturally plummet by more than 99%. Opponents of Bitcoin believe it is a Ponzi scheme. Its fragmented nature and lack of government credit guarantee expose it to significant risks. It can't be money, the ultimate holder will be the ultimate victim. Whether Bitcoin can become a "money", we can only wait and see, but the public attention and recognition of Bitcoin shows that people are very afraid of some governments issuing currency at will to stimulate economic growth. People are trying to find a currency that can escape government control and maintain currency value stability.

⑤ How to query the most popular sector data in the currency circle this year

Block Eye. Use Block Eye to query the most popular sector data in the currency circle. Sector index uses the index analysis method to generate related indexes based on different weights for individual stocks in the same sector. It is a collection of stock price changes of each sector and an overall reflection of the trend of each sector.

⑥ How to generate cash from Huobi in 2022

On October 8, major news broke in the long-dormant currency circle. The three major domestic virtual currency transactions The actual controller of one of the exchanges, Huobi, changed hands. Huobi founder and largest shareholder Li Lin transferred nearly 60% of his shares at one time, successfully cashed out billions of dollars, and successfully "laundered" the company.

Li Lin may cash out up to 12.8 billion

On October 8, Huobi founder Li Lin stated in Moments that he had transferred his equity to Hong Kong Baiyu Capital ( About Capital), he is no longer a shareholder of Huobi Global, nor does he directly or indirectly have any authority over Huobi Global.

Reading between the lines, this is a very decisive goodbye. Li Lin's statement that he no longer wants to have anything to do with Huobi Global is clearly on the page. Who is this statement for?

According to Kaijia Finance, this transaction does not include Li Lin’s Hong Kong-listed company Huobi Technology (HK:01611).

It is worth noting that the delivery of this transaction has raised many questions. Li Lin is physically in the country and has been unable to leave the country. This transaction is transferred overseas, which means that Li Lin has placed tens of billions of personal wealth overseas.At the same time, after Huobi changes hands, will it go back to the old path and continue to do business for domestic users? This will probably attract regulatory attention, and there is still some uncertainty as to whether the transaction can be successfully completed.

In fact, in July, a foreign media reported that Li Lin, the founder of Huobi Exchange, was seeking to sell nearly 60% of his Huobi shares. Later, the news was confirmed by Huobi. People confirmed. It is said that the two potential buyers are Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX exchange, and Justin Sun, the founder of Tron who was investigated by the US FBI and fled to Grenada to serve as ambassador to the WTO. However, both potential buyers denied it. The report also stated that Li Lin’s share price of Huobi Exchange is US$2-3 billion. Based on this calculation, his nearly 60% stake is worth US$1.8 billion (approximately 12.8 billion yuan).

On the 2022 Hurun Global Rich List, Huobi’s Li Lin is on the list with assets of 11 billion. At present, Li Lin’s actual wealth exceeds Hurun’s statistics.

Huobi was founded in 2013. According to third-party platform data, the average daily currency trading volume is US$1 billion. In 2021, Huobi’s net profit exceeded US$1 billion, making it the second most profitable exchange in the world after Binance. However, even with such a profitable business and such a low valuation, Li Lin's equity transfer transaction does not seem to be smooth.

In September 2022, a self-proclaimed Huobi insider broke the news on Medium that Huobi’s rush to take action may be because the current CTO led the investment of $150 million in Vires, coupled with the increasing domestic regulation. Yan, this became the catalyst for Li Lin to sell Huobi.

The breaking article stated that after Li Lin handed over the global business to Zhu Hua in the fourth quarter of 2021, he and marketing director Pan Siyu began to lead the entire company's investment and development of new projects. However, the whistleblower pointed out that Zhu and Pan invested US$150 million from Huobi’s “machine gun pool” at the time into Vires Finance, the core lending protocol on the Waves chain. Unexpectedly, as LUNA thundered, vires also thundered. Zhu Hua lost all the US$150 million he invested in vires. This amount of money was the income of Huobi, which had already failed, for more than half the year. In other words, Zhu Hua lost Huobi's money in one go. What's even more confusing is that after firing two front-line operators, this matter went to nothing.

This incident was the catalyst for Li Lin to sell Huobi. Li Lin first stopped the "Machine Gun Pool" project, and then began planning to sell the company.

⑦ How to be a project party in the currency circle

A reporter from China Securities News recently obtained a market value management plan for a blockchain project, which is claimed to be used to guide the project within the validity period of the plan. Currency value management, including the release of phased results of project development work, public relations strategies and behaviors, selection of exchanges, market making, price increase or suppression, projectSquare arbitrage.
Industry insiders pointed out that market value management plans are common in the industry and are just the tip of the iceberg of the chaos in the currency circle. In the blockchain ecological chain, participants such as exchanges, project parties, and institutions all have irregularities to varying degrees, and many investors have basically become "lambs waiting to be slaughtered." Blockchain technology should be a powerful tool to serve economic development, but many people use the banner of blockchain to actually engage in illegal fund-raising activities such as currency issuance. The industry is in chaos and requires regulatory intervention and regulation.
Fooling into the market
According to the above-mentioned market value management plan, the main goal of the first phase is to attract traffic to the project through a series of actions. The plan lists corresponding indicators, including 5 media publications, 2-3 online live broadcasts, 3-5 offline roadshows, 2-3 KOL (opinion leaders) speaking out, and a 50,000-person Telegram group. WeChat group of 2,000 people, community cooperation without KPI requirements, strategic cooperation with 5-10 companies, statistical list of the top 20 token holders; signed concerted action agreement with the top 20 private equity parties with token holders, Lasts for 1 month.
Blockchain media is the first to be affected in attracting traffic. The mushrooming development of blockchain media at the beginning of this year shows how hot the market is.
“You can get many project tokens for free by posting a soft article. And the cost of media in the currency circle is extremely low. You don’t need too many people, even one or two.” Chen Song, head of a blockchain media in Shenzhen (pseudonym) told a reporter from China Securities Journal that the popularity of the “3 O’clock Blockchain” community during the Spring Festival this year led to the emergence of a large number of blockchain media. During this period, blockchain media raised funds quickly, and several leading media companies obtained high valuations.
According to incomplete statistics from Zhilian Finance, in the first quarter of 2018 alone, 15 blockchain media received financing, including well-known names such as Babbitt, Bishijie, and Shenlian Finance, with a total financing amount of 245 million yuan. Among them, Babbitt received 100 million yuan in Series A financing in March.
A reporter from China Securities Journal noticed that a technology media originally announced its transition to blockchain reporting, and some even hired blockchain content editors with a monthly salary of more than 60,000 yuan. Ordinary blockchain conference exhibition boards can List hundreds of media outlets. "Many people don't understand the media at all, they just think it's a quick way to make money. They don't verify a lot of the information, they just repost it and plagiarize it, causing rumors to fly all over the market." Chen Song said that behind many blockchain media is actually the project party. You can not only promote your own projects, but also make money by posting soft articles.
Zhang Yun (pseudonym), who previously worked for a blockchain media, said that blockchain media mainly attracts investors through content and then directs them to community operators. Analysts conduct "coin diagnosis" and analyze the market conditions of tokens. He won't sing too much explicitly, but will induce it in a subtle way. “Most of the analysts who appear are from the futures and stock trading markets. They are usually new to blockchain and are not professionals.”
Offline road shows and inviting “big V” platforms are indispensable steps. “In the past, the currency circle had to engage inThe project first finds two big bosses to support the project, and then conducts road shows across the country. There are so-called investment agents on site, and the investment agents can attract many investors. "Ren Gang (pseudonym), a senior blockchain entrepreneur, said that many investors actually don't understand the technology and applications of the project. They mainly look at who comes to the platform. Usually the white paper of the project has relevant consultants as "endorsements". These consultants All benefited from the project side.
The most important result of attracting traffic is the establishment of communities, mainly WeChat groups and Telegram groups based on overseas social software Telegram. A reporter from China Securities News noticed that usually a currency issuance project will There are five WeChat groups, which are maintained by dedicated personnel every day, and there are many robots that automatically reply. "In the group, we mainly inculcate to investors that this coin will become a hundred-fold coin or a thousand-fold coin, and randomly send some transaction screenshots to the group. Build momentum. In order to increase activity, the project team will also give away free tokens to investors. "Ren Gang said that the community not only plays a role in preheating the project in the early stage, but will also help the project side "maintain order" in the later stage. "When the currency price plummets, investors are fooled not to sell, saying that there will be benefits later. ”
“Harvest” investors
Once investors enter the market, what awaits them will be a carefully planned “harvest” plan by the project side.
The above market value management plan shows that the second stage is In the first month of being listed on the exchange, the main goal is to achieve a 3-fold increase in the token price, and the project party sells about 10% of the number of tokens it controls. At this stage, it still needs to attract traffic, maintain the popularity of the previous period, and maintain the KPI of the previous stage. On the first day the project was listed on the exchange, the token price was 1.5 times the private placement price. The private placement price is defined as P, and the price fluctuated between 1.5P and 2P in the first week. It is expected that some private placement parties and airdrops that have not signed the agreement will sell off at this time. The attracted retail investors will digest this band. The quantitative team maintains the price between 1.5P-2P, and the trading volume remains among the top three projects on the exchange; in the second week, the price fluctuates between 1P-2.5P; In the third week, the price fluctuated between 0.75P and 2.5P; in the fourth week, the price fluctuated between 0.75P and 2P; in the fifth week, the price fluctuated between 1.5P and 3P.
The third stage is the second stage of listing on the exchange. Months, the main goal is to be listed on 1 more exchanges, 2 small exchanges, the price fluctuates between 0.5P-2P. At this stage, the contracted private equity parties are allowed to ship, and then the average price is slightly lower than the private equity price to attract goods The fourth stage is the third month after being listed on the exchange. The purchase has been basically completed. A series of good news have been released. In cooperation with public relations, communities, and strategic partners, the price has begun to rise. The price fluctuates between 1P and 5P. Approximately 400 million have been shipped. The average shipping price of tokens is 3P, and approximately 30 million yuan can be obtained from sales.
Ren Gang introduced that the project team will hire a market value management team before the tokens are listed on the exchange. “First, you need to pay 2 million yuan to Equivalent ETH (Ethereum) ranging from 10 million yuan, and promises guaranteed fees, as well as revenue sharing, either 37% or 50%. If a project does not have a market value management team, the currency price will be smashed to nothing. "He said that market value managementManagers generally adopt quantitative strategies, and the team makes buying and selling actions based on corresponding indicators on the market.
"At night, retail investors have gone to bed, and then the bankers can pull the market. When retail investors wake up in the morning and see the rise, if they follow up, the bankers will cut when they see the trend." Ren Gang said that another way to play is to smash the currency value to After two points, private equity and institutions continued to throw away their chips. “Continue to accumulate funds at low levels, start to pull up after taking complete control of the market, attract retail investors after pulling up, and then harvest retail investors at high levels, and so on.”
A reporter from China Securities News noticed that the manipulation mentioned by Ren Gang The trading strategy is basically supported by the aforementioned market value management plan.
Because the digital currency market is currently in a bear market, the prices of many tokens continue to fall, and investors have left the market in large numbers. Industry insiders joked that there are not enough "leeks". At this time, private equity institutions have become the "prey" of the project side.

⑧ Why is Polkadot the new favorite in the Huobi circle?

When it comes to projects born with golden keys, Polkadot must be on the list. Its founders are experts in the blockchain field. He is the core developer of Ethereum, the author of the "Ethereum Yellow Paper", and the former CTO of Ethereum - Dr. Gavin Wood.

To say that Buterin is the initiator of the concept of Ethereum, Gavin Wood is the person who implemented Ethereum, and can be said to be the originator of Ethereum. Later, he realized that Ethereum itself had its flaws and was unable to realize his web3.0 vision and promote reconstruction. Therefore, he walked out of the Ethereum community and founded a new blockchain project - Polkadot. So many people think that Polkadot is a challenger to Ethereum.

In addition to the founder, the Polkadot team is also a highlight. The Web3 Foundation behind Polkadot commissioned five teams and more than 100 developers to build Polkadot. In addition to the technical team, there are also dedicated teams responsible for community and growth, business cooperation, education and training, fund distribution, etc. In July this year, Polkadot also announced that three new executives were added to the leadership team, many of whom had previously worked at Microsoft. So it can be said that Polkadot was born with a golden key.

What is Polkadot? Polkadot is also called Dotcoin, and its full English name is Polkadot. It is the culmination of the Web 3.0 and new public chain craze, and is known as the public chain with the greatest potential in the future.

DOT was issued in May 2019. So far, it has been listed on 103 exchanges, with a circulating market capitalization of US$10.151 billion. The currency that has been among the top ten currencies in the currency circle for a long time has now surpassed dogecoin and ranked eighth.

Why is Polkadot so popular?

1. The founding leadership team is awesome. As just analyzed, Polkadot’s leadership team comes from the Ethereum community, and the project development team is very gorgeous, consisting of 30 top developers, including various experts in system programming, cryptography and distributed systems. The technical and operational leadership teams have a clear division of labor and are both leaders in the cryptocurrency industry.Or, so it suddenly developed with the help of Web3.0.

2. Excellent technology. Polkadot is a decentralized Internet where users have complete control. The Internet it envisions is one in which everyone’s identity and data are controlled by themselves and are not affected by any centralized organization. Polkadot aims to connect private chains, alliance chains, public chains, open networks, oracles and future technologies that have not yet been created.

3. Polkadot can link multiple blockchains. Stuck within the structure is a project that can be infinitely expanded. The core structure of Polkadot is a relay chain, which then connects multiple parallel chains and transit bridges through slots (the transit bridge can link other chains with different consensus mechanisms from Polkadot, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum). But one relay chain can only link 100 slots, but one of the slots can link to another parallel relay chain. This new relay chain can link 100 slots, so unlimited scalability can be achieved. Similar to it it can have multiple forks.

4. The time for Polkadot’s development is very suitable. PokCard is developed based on Web3.0. As a consensus engine, PokCard will connect other Web3.0-oriented projects and act as the underlying connector. For example, as a decentralized and encrypted information publishing system, the famous distributed storage project IPFS will also be integrated with PokCard. It can be said that Polkadot conforms to the trend of Web3.0 and the development trend of the times.

5. Polkadot has a viable source of funding. Polkadot has designed an exquisite mechanism to keep funds for ecological construction together. This mechanism is the Ministry of Finance. The treasury is a DOT fund pool through which the transaction costs, penalties and benefits on Polkadot are increased, and the funding sources of these three departments are designed into Polkadot’s economic model, which means that as long as Polkadot keeps running, The treasury will have a constant source of funds. At the same time, Polkadot’s team can also be decentralized and gradually move towards a decentralized governance level.

⑨ What is DEFI and the new hot spot in the currency circle?

Recently, the concept of DeFI has become a hot spot in the currency circle. Various trading platforms are very active in online DeFi-related projects and regard it as a cross-generational product of blockchain as a financial tool. However, some investors do not know the concept of defi currency. So, what is the defi concept currency? What are the defi concept coins? Let me first briefly explain the concept of defi currency.

DeFi is the abbreviation of Decentralized Finance, also known as decentralized finance. In fact, it refers to the decentralized protocol used to build an open financial system, aiming to allow anyone in the world to conduct financial activities anytime, anywhere. General categories are: DEX, Stablecoins, Loans, and Assets.

The more well-known DeFI currency is LINK, with a market value of US$4.152 billion and a total issuance ofThe volume was US$350 million, and the 24-hour turnover was US$2.897 billion.

This is a token issued by blockchain company Chain LINK. ChainLink provides middleware that allows blockchain “smart contracts” to call external data. Provide contractors with a network-wide database, or a reliable external database. Using ChainLink, you can call one or more databases in one contract to query the required data.

⑩ What are the death-level projects in the currency circle in 2017?

What are the death-level projects in the currency circle in 2017? I entered the currency circle in 2017 and it has been 6 years now.
Now I am working in a state-owned securities firm, there are mining machines in the currency circle, and I occasionally buy some news coins.
The rise of the currency circle is inseparable from Bitcoin. In fact, blockchain is behind it. The earliest currency circles are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ICO
Everyone almost knows what blockchain is. Those who don’t know will find out immediately on the Internet.
Bitcoin is the inspiration of the blockchain world. Bitcoin has risen a lot, so everyone knows the blockchain.
The above is not necessarily true.
Because I discovered that in fact, what everyone knows may be Bitcoin, but the ones that are out of the circle must be altcoins.
There was ICO in 2017, and now there is Shib
How crazy is ICO? At that time, a King-level project (later found to be a Death-level project) raised 80 million yuan, and it only took 5 minutes.
It’s so crazy.
In addition, the initial ICOs were relatively serious (mainly because they didn’t think they could deceive people) and the investment returns were good, which made the currency circle quickly exit.
Of course, there were more and more scammers later.
Speaking of the rise, Ethereum has contributed a lot:
As the application cornerstone of the blockchain world, Ethereum has played an important role in the rise of every currency circle. Its price has also increased from a few yuan to thousands of dollars now.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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