币圈小白的问题 币圈发表说说

A. 币圈的阴暗面(都是干货)


2.怎么买/卖 Ⅰ.FGI定投 Ⅱ.周线kdj 周线macd金叉死叉 Ⅲ.ma60牛熊线

你是币圈小白, 但我不知道你有多“白”,懂不懂设止损、挂单呢?有没有确定你的投资策略呢? 如果都没有,有没有准备学呢?然后你打算投些比特币,这个真得好好夸一下, 币圈的币种那么多,你玩比特币一定是最正确的决定 ,因为比特币套不住人

有哪些建议?!其实所有的实操建议都是围绕着两个问题—— ⒈买什么;⒉怎么买/卖,评判标准是什么。

上面两个问题,在这篇回答里全部会被解决,甚至涉及到 心态 、FGI、周线macd、周线kdj、指标共振 的买卖方法都会教你。

最大的庄家其实就是交易所 ,比如火币、币安、OKEX。注意,但是这里并没有说最大的持币量是,交易所,最大的持仓者,很可能是那些早年“极客”,这类人把比特币当做收藏品,不是庄家。

2. 交易所业务员带你爆仓、让你入金,他拿佣金

江湖上流传一句话,BG交易所的业务员比用户还多,意思就是他们有很多的业务员拉人入他们平台,只要入了,业务员就有回扣,这个其实还算好的,更有恶心的, 他们会故意带你玩合约,让你爆仓。


B. 几张币圈表情包述说你的炒币两三事





C. 盘点小白在币圈需要了解的基本玩法

区块链概念仿佛一夜之间火遍全球,伴随区块链而出现的币圈,更是成为造就无数财富神话的沃土。一时间,无论是大户还是小散,几乎所有人都把目光投向了这个圈子,带着大量资金前赴后继地涌进来,生怕慢人一步便会错失良机。 事实上,作为一个新兴行业,许多投资者在对区块链几乎是一无所知的情况下便贸贸然进了场,最终自然也就逃不过被“收割”的命运。既然我们进入币圈都是奔着赚钱而来,那你是否真的认真想过,怎样才能在币圈赚到钱?或者说,怎样在币圈更稳定地赚钱?方法一:项目众筹在币圈,项目众筹无疑是最让投资者感到兴奋的玩法。通过这种方式,许多投资者的资产在短时间内翻了数十倍乃至数百倍,想象空间无限巨大。然而今时不同往日,如今市面上出来众筹的项目数量急剧增加且良莠不齐,当前众筹的项目,破发风险极大,一旦投资失败,极有可能导致投资全部归零。方法二:短线炒币短线炒币,也叫做波段。在币圈,短线炒币是最普遍的玩法,也是大多数人进入币圈解锁的第一姿势。然而,在区块链世界做短线投资无疑就是在赌运气,风险极大。如果你以为跟着某些“短线大神”的K线分析就能在币圈无往而不利,那么恭喜,你离一个合格的韭菜已经不远了,三年之内不亏完算我输。方法三:搬砖套利所谓搬砖,其实就是利用各个币种在不同平台的交易价格不同,从价低的平台买入,再转到价高的平台卖出,这中间的差价,自然就是搬砖所得利润。讲到这里,你以为搬砖就是稳赚不赔的赚钱方法吗?Too young too simple!搬砖其实是一门技术活,由于不同交易所处理提币速度不同,在提币的这段时间,两个市场的价格极有可能发生反转,加上在不同交易所之间提币需要手续费,事实上稳赚不赔的只有交易平台。

方法四:领空投领空投,也叫薅羊毛。为了让潜在投资者获得代币相关信息,一些项目方会经常性地进行空投,往用户的钱包地址打币,由于空投一般是免费领取,这种方式也受到相当一部分用户的热捧。空投看似是一种零成本赚钱的方法,实际上,一些诈骗团伙经常会以高额的空投奖励诱惑人,再诱导用户输入私钥,最后把用户钱包地址上的代币全部转走。由此可见,空投也并非绝对的稳赚不赔。  方法五:投资Kssbtc平台,做稳定理财。


D. 刚进入币圈的小白,特别想知道币圈是怎么玩的


E. 区块链币圈众生相 低调的暴富者与焦虑的小白

区块链币圈众生相 低调的暴富者与焦虑的小白





















F. 币圈常用语最全解释


常见类 :






【爱西欧】(Initial Coin Offering缩写),首次币发行。源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。爱西欧私募、公分为团队内部认购、募等轮次。

【一级市场】一级市场即 爱西欧 发行市场,一般包括团队原始分配,投资人投资获得的相应代币,大型机构参与的私募,以及面向公众进行的公募,这些都属于数字货币一级市场,数字货币一级市场具有成本低、风险高、回报大的特点。

【二级市场】二级市场也就是流通市场,当 爱西欧 募集完毕后,就可以进行交易了,交易分为场外交易和场内交易,目前最大的二级市场就是各大交易所。











【梯 子】也称科学 上网,指的是V-P-N,为啥加了横线,因为比较敏感,所以不多做介绍了。目前很多交易所国内的网络都不能直接登录,需要借助梯子才能连接上。具体怎么弄这个东西的话,需要问一下自己周边的朋友或者群里问问。



行情类 :

















仓位类 :




















① 线上P2P:一些交易平台开发了点对点形式的场外交易系统,如Okex、OTCBTC等。用户可以自己决定买入或者卖出价格发布交易单,用户之间自由选择成交,平台不经手资金;(例如,平台上发布卖家固定数量和价格的比特币交易单,买家若选择购买,则需退出平台应用app,在个人支付宝、微信或网上银行操作将资金直接支付至卖家支付宝、微信等收款账户。卖家确认收款后在平台上选择收款放币。)

② 线上B2C:用户可直接向平台购买或卖出比特币,其价格由平台指定。平台在收取用户的付款后,将直接释放比特币给买家用户,或在收到比特币后,将资金释放给卖家用户。B端的资金或比特币为平台自有或来自于合作商户;

③ 线下交易:除交易平台外,也有类似于中间商的人,买卖的需求汇集到中间人,中间人收取一定费用,多发生在微信群、QQ群等群组中。此外,人们也可以通过当面交易的方式兑换虚拟货币,一些网站会提供当面交易信息发布的服务。





































关于期货的术语解释可点击: 币圈常用期货术语解释: -

G. 子航说币:币圈小白连“区块链”是什么都不知道



就像我们的手机能运行,底层是安卓或者ios系统作为支撑一样。那区块链是个什么技术呢?怎么那么厉害啊?可以让比特币那么值钱!区块链的英文叫block chain,block是块的意思,可以脑补一下摔倒或者撞到某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,某个东西,就可能有一块块淤青是不是,区块链中的块,里边装的是一些交易信息的数据块,区块链中的链,连接的是数据块,这像一个大帐本,所有用这个区块链条账本的人,都可以直接查询到里边按顺序排列起来的任何交易信息,并且难以篡改。那它是怎么做到?






因为,最终的结论就是:这个技术构建了比特币的价值,那么这个技术逻辑也能用于很多其它的领域。也许某一天你会欣然发现——咦?我现在用的是某某区块链技术公司的产品!?就像很多年前,某一天你不知不觉用上了QQ开始学会上网看视频打 游戏 一样。那话说回来,所谓比特币是区块链早期的资产是什么意思呢?为什么会增值?按以上提到的场景,所谓代币,就是群里大家通过参与记账获得系统发放的代币。这些代币就是区块链资产。(大家参与记账的行为俗称——挖矿。)比特币本身就是比特币区块链网络系统的价值代币







H. 2022-04-11币圈残酷 多数人要远离



















I. 币圈基础知识,适合小白看看,但是比较多,请耐心阅读!




BTC(比特币)     ETH(以太坊)   XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)




现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)



























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。




Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同














第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,









长线 3-4成  长时间持有

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

A. The dark side of the currency circle (all dry goods)

1. Don’t play with contracts or leverage, take this as your bottom line
2. Invest your spare money
3. Don’t play in the primary market
4. Never play in small exchanges

1. What to buy
2. How to buy/sell Ⅰ. FGI fixed investment Ⅱ. Weekly kdj Weekly macd golden cross and dead cross III.ma60 bull and bear line

You are a novice in the currency circle, but I don’t know how “white” you are, understand. Don’t know how to set stop loss and place orders? Have you determined your investment strategy? If not, are you ready to learn it? Then you plan to invest some Bitcoins. You really have to boast about this. There are so many currencies in the currency circle. It must be the most correct decision for you to play Bitcoins, because Bitcoins can’t trap anyone.

Any suggestions? ! In fact, all practical suggestions revolve around two questions - 1. What to buy; 2. How to buy/sell, and what are the criteria for judging.

The above two questions will all be solved in this answer, even involving mentality, FGI, weekly macd, weekly kdj, and indicator resonance We will teach you all the trading methods.

The largest bookmakers are actually exchanges, such as Huobi, Binance, and OKEX. Note, but it does not say here that the largest currency holders are exchanges. The largest holders are probably those early "geeks". These people regard Bitcoin as collectibles, not bankers.

2. The exchange clerk takes you to liquidate your position and deposit money, and he gets a commission

There is a saying in the world that BG Exchange has more clerks than users, which means That is, they have a lot of salesmen to attract people to their platform. As long as they join, the salesmen will get kickbacks. This is actually quite good, but what is even more disgusting is that they will deliberately let you play with the contract and make you liquidate your position.

The more money you make when you liquidate your position, the greater the rebate, so don’t play with contracts and leverage. They are only played by rich people, and the risk factor is very high!

B. A few currency circle emoticons tell a few things about your currency speculation

I selected a few currency circle emoticons, which vividly express my experience in joining the cryptocurrency industry in the past six months. The journey behind the circle.

Six months ago, I was recommended to BIEX, a new perpetual contract trading platform, by a friend who has been speculating in currencies for many years. Under the temptation of a free 0.0005 BTC for new registered users, I plunged into the currency circle. This magical circle. At that time, I didn’t know that I was about to become what everyone calls a “leek”. With a passionate heart for speculating on Bitcoin, I turned on a small leverage, and based on some mathematical common sense, I used this 0.0The principal of 005BTC was doubled after two or three short-term operations. I thought to myself that I can make money pretty quickly, so I might as well get 100 times leverage and multiply it dozens of times. Hahahaha, as a result, I experienced the first liquidation in my life (and hopefully the last time). Fortunately, my principal was given free of charge, which is only a few dozen yuan in RMB, which is like eating a McDonald's meal. And I was successfully promoted from Xiaobai to New Leek, and I have been on the road of Leek ever since.

After the liquidation, I gained experience and started to join discussion groups for market analysis in batches. I secretly observed the pictures drawn by the big guys and the market knowledge they analyzed. People from the official discussion group occasionally came out. Call for orders. As a newbie, I decided to learn other people's trading first, and when I learned the skills, I would create my own trading style. So, I took out about 5,000 yuan that I originally had in Yu'e Bao, exchanged it for 0.1 BTC, and started my copying career. From then on, I only dared to open the leverage to 10 times, sometimes losing money, sometimes making profits. When there is a loss, I only dare to eat steamed buns; when there is a gain, I buy lamer. The more frustrated I became, the more courageous I became, and I gradually invested my spare money every month into my career in currency speculation. In general, after half a year, I still made a few thousand dollars. As a leek who once almost lost money and was left with only his pants, I am very happy.

Half a year has passed, and I have become an old leek. When I travel to Bitcoin forums, I can always see some hesitant new leek and desperate currency users. I also see it on Zhihu Some "angry youth" who have never been exposed to Bitcoin are jealous when they see someone in the currency circle getting rich. Hesitant novices and those who are envious should not hesitate. Like me, I entered the currency circle from scratch and used my spare time to learn to speculate in currencies. Not to mention making a lot of money, it is still very good as an effective investment. choose. As for those desperate currency investors, remember this sentence: "When heaven is about to give a great responsibility to a person, he must first work hard on his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions." Today's liquidation The lesson is to better shed wealth for tomorrow. Come speculate with me!

C. Take stock of the basic gameplay that novices need to know in the currency circle

The concept of blockchain seems to have spread all over the world overnight, and the currency circle that emerged with the blockchain has become more and more popular. It has become a fertile ground for creating countless wealth myths. For a time, almost everyone, whether they were large investors or small investors, set their sights on this circle, pouring in with large amounts of capital, fearing that if they were slow, they would miss the opportunity. In fact, as an emerging industry, many investors have entered the market hastily without knowing almost anything about blockchain, and in the end they will naturally not escape the fate of being "harvested". Since we all enter the currency circle to make money, have you really thought about how to make money in the currency circle? In other words, how to make money more stably in the currency circle? Method One: Project Crowdfunding In the currency circle, project crowdfunding is undoubtedly the most exciting method for investors. In this way, many investors' assets have increased dozens of times or even several times in a short period of time.A hundred times, the imagination space is infinite. However, today is different from the past. The number of crowdfunding projects on the market has increased sharply and the quality is mixed. The current crowdfunding projects have a great risk of failure. Once the investment fails, it is very likely that all investments will be lost. Method 2: Short-term currency speculation. Short-term currency speculation is also called swing. In the currency circle, short-term currency speculation is the most common way to play, and it is also the first step for most people to enter the currency circle to unlock. However, making short-term investments in the blockchain world is undoubtedly gambling on luck and is extremely risky. If you think you can succeed in the currency circle by following the K-line analysis of some "short-term masters", then congratulations, you are not far from being a qualified leek. If you don't lose money within three years, I will lose. Method 3: The so-called arbitrage of moving bricks. In fact, it is to take advantage of the different transaction prices of each currency on different platforms. Buy from the platform with a lower price, and then sell it to the platform with a higher price. The price difference in the middle is naturally the price difference between the two currencies. Profit from bricks. Speaking of which, do you think that moving bricks is a sure-fire way to make money? Too young too simple! Moving bricks is actually a technical job. Since different exchanges process currency withdrawals at different speeds, during the period of currency withdrawals, the prices of the two markets are very likely to reverse. In addition, it takes time to withdraw currency between different exchanges. As for handling fees, in fact, only the trading platform can make a profit without losing money.

Method 4: Receive airdrops and receive airdrops, also called harvesting wool. In order to allow potential investors to obtain token-related information, some project parties will regularly conduct airdrops and transfer coins to users' wallet addresses. Since airdrops are generally free of charge, this method is also popular among a considerable number of users. Airdrops seem to be a way to make money at zero cost. In fact, some fraud gangs often lure people with high airdrop rewards, then induce users to enter their private keys, and finally transfer all the tokens in the user's wallet address. It can be seen that airdrops are not absolutely guaranteed to make money without losing money. Method 5: Invest in the Kssbtc platform for stable financial management.

The safest way is to join a blockchain company, invest in projects, and follow the team! KssBit's one-stop digital currency fund redemption platform KssBit integrates quantification, strategy, AI arbitrage, Defi, ETF and other comprehensive profit-making fund platforms. The platform supports BTC, USDT, and ETH currency-based financial management, providing sustained income and surviving bull and bear markets. At the same time, there are a variety of funds to choose from, which are robust and aggressive to meet the needs of different users. All funds can be deposited and withdrawn at any time, with real-time settlement. No lock-up, irregular period, flexible and convenient. This is the most stable and realistic way to "make sure you make money without losing money" at the moment!

D. Newbies who have just entered the currency circle, especially want to know how the currency circle works

The currency circle is similar to the stock market. If you dare to think and act, sell at a high price and sell at a low price. Income, there are many projects in the currency circle now, and the risks are also very high. I hope you can think clearly

E. The low-key rich people and anxious noobs in the blockchain currency circle

All living beings in the blockchain currency circle: low-key rich people and anxious novices

Since the rise of Bitcoin, blockchain has also stood in the forefront of everyone's observation. After visiting dozens of communities, the author found that all the content about writing about blockchain technology is actually only read by a small group of people. People are not interested in the principle of how blockchain can achieve the decentralization of digital currency. Even What the basic blockchain is is sometimes poorly understood, but this does not stop the public from being enthusiastic about blockchain and various digital currencies.

Perhaps it is because I don’t understand and am full of curiosity that I am more likely to be deceived by various scammers into making uncut leeks. The tide of blockchain is rushing forward, and the living beings on the shore are really diverse.

The first type is the blockchain novice group.

Characteristics: Afraid of not being able to catch the fast train to riches, feeling anxious and nervous but feeling unable to do anything. They don’t know how to mine and earn coins, nor how to buy and trade in the market, nor even where the market is. Their understanding of blockchain and various currencies actually comes from envy and hatred because people around them became rich overnight by buying coins. The novice group seems to be eager to trade all the time, but they don't dare to make a move. Holding cash to wait and see makes them more and more anxious and nervous, afraid of missing out and a little afraid of losing money.

The second type is the blockchain project promotion crowd.

Features: Crazy joining groups to attract people and dump project links. The author found in various communities that most of these links are used to attract people to register on the condition of issuing digital currency or sending mining machines. Such people will join the group and attract people wherever they see people in social groups. They are "working hard". What's more, if you create a group by yourself and get enough people in, all members will be banned. After that, the group owner or administrator will frantically dump the link. The link content is basically a routine, with a project introduction and registration address, and ends with Register and receive free mining machines or coins as bait. This kind of behavior that does not take into account the personal feelings of the group members is really incredible. This group of people knows a little bit about blockchain and the currency circle, but they don’t actually know much about technology. Some of them also hold the promoted project coins themselves, and feel a little relieved that they can join the game early, and firmly believe that the value will appreciate in the future and make a lot of money.

The third type is ordinary programmers who have early experience in entering the currency circle.

Characteristics: There are stories or experiences of mining coins. In terms of mentality, most people fall into the category of people who slap their thighs and regret. Since there was a certain technical threshold for coin mining in the early years, this group of people came into contact with coin mining very early because of their technical status. They are also early users of Bitcoin. At that time, they were mining coins, and they were very simple at heart. Some people brought their friends to dig with them, or even helped their friends dig (the friends didn’t understand technology, so they basically mined for their friends). When these people mine coins, they do not think that they may become rich one day in the future or even move towards financial freedom.Therefore, many people have chosen to cash out when the price of Bitcoin reaches 200 to 600.

What’s dramatic is those people who don’t understand technology and have programmer friends mine for them. Some people sadly forget the keys to mine coins because they don’t understand technology or don’t care, or they lose their original keys. The system files left their Bitcoins frozen forever. Those who couldn't find them regretted and wanted to die, while those who found the keys or system files finally received high rewards. Programmers who cashed out early and people who forgot their keys or lost system files, after seeing the sky-high price of Bitcoin, they patted their thighs and regretted it, and at the same time they were ready to move, regretful and anxious.

The fourth type, the CEOs who operate the project

Characteristics: After seeing Bitcoin, the Ethereum bosses are making a lot of money and can no longer control their hearts. Excited, he quickly jumped into the rolling torrent. They have fantasies about the future, but also have anxiety after encountering supervision. But CEOs who really want to do something in the industry are actually more welcoming to supervision. Such groups consider more about the healthy and long-term development of the industry ecology.

The fifth type, business giants

Characteristics: Some business giants are cautiously waiting, some have already embraced it, and some have avoided issuing coins to try out blockchain technology. Wide application of smart contracts. Wanda’s recent deployment on the blockchain has been widely reported by the media.

The sixth type, investment tycoons

Characteristics: Low profile has become synonymous with them. They rarely brag about how much money they have made on Bitcoin, but they also rarely mention how much they have been cheated.

As investment tycoons with a keen sense of smell, any new trends are the focus of their attention. Many of them not only observe calmly with the eyes of bystanders, but also silently pay attention to seed companies with real potential. This group appears to be very low-key on various occasions.

The seventh type, media from all parties

Characteristics: strive to supplement basic knowledge of blockchain and track various materials in the currency circle. This group can be simply divided into two camps. Some are dedicated to pure information reporting and in-depth industry analysis. They use a third party's perspective to see and interpret various phenomena that occur in the industry. The other camp chooses to endorse new things. Of course, they often use critical and skeptical thinking to discover the real and reasonable applications of blockchain.

The rolling tide is coming, and all living beings are in various forms. How to understand the blockchain currency circle? How to avoid scammers in the currency circle? The next article on the Blockchain Bubble Headlines and WeChat public accounts will present the current deceptions and routines in the form of examples.

In the end, there is the same saying, listen to both and you will be enlightened, and listen to one side and you will be dark. I only represent the views of Blockchain Bubble and cannot be used as investment guidance for you.

F. The most complete explanation of commonly used terms in the currency circle

Beginners and beginners in investing have many things to study. Only by persisting in learning and accumulating slowly can you continuously improve your knowledge and understanding. Know. Here, we have summarized a comprehensive range of commonly used trading terms in the currency circle for everyone. It is simple and easy to understand, and you will definitely use it! Hematemesis sorting

Common categories:

[Legal Currency] Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc. .

[Big Pie/Coin King] Bitcoin (BTC)

[Auntie] Another name for Ethereum (ETH)

[Leek] Refers to people who speculate in currencies and retail investors who have just started to contact or are not proficient in investing in digital currencies.

[Private placement] A financing behavior. Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

【爱西欧】 (abbreviation of Initial Coin Offering), initial coin offering. The concept of initial public offering (IPO) originated from the stock market. It is the behavior of a blockchain project to issue tokens for the first time and raise general digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Aixio private equity and public funds are internal subscription and fundraising rounds for the team.

[Primary market] The primary market is the IOS issuance market, which generally includes the original allocation of the team, the corresponding tokens obtained by investors, private placements with the participation of large institutions, and public offerings to the public. These all belong to the primary market of digital currency. The primary market of digital currency has the characteristics of low cost, high risk and large return.

[Secondary Market] The secondary market is also the circulation market. After AIXIO has completed its fundraising, it can be traded. The transaction is divided into over-the-counter transactions and on-site transactions. Currently, the largest secondary market The market is the major exchanges.

[token] is usually translated as a pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

[Buddhist currency holding] means that after buying a currency, you don’t care about the price trend of digital currencies and plan to hold it for a long time. No matter how low the price of cryptocurrency assets falls, you will not reduce your holdings of the currency.

[Airdrop] The behavior of project parties giving away tokens is called airdrop. Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

【Candy] The tokens given by the project are called candies.

[Wallet] generally refers to a blockchain wallet, a place where you can store your own digital currency assets. It has good security and is divided into cold wallets and hot wallets. It is not recommended for newcomers who don’t understand it yet.

[Cold wallet] Simply put, it is a wallet that is not connected to the Internet, also called an offline wallet. Being offline will be more secure than a hot wallet.

[Hot wallet] is a wallet that remains online, that is, an online wallet.

[White Paper] It is an official document introducing the company (project) products. It is usually used to judge the quality and application scenarios of the project.

[Circulation Market Value] Circulation Value = Circulation Volume × Latest Price; refers to the circulation value of a certain currency calculated based on the market price.

[Telegram Group] A foreign encrypted social software that needs to be used with a ladder.

[Ladder] is also called scientific Internet, which refers to V-P-N. Why is the horizontal line added? Because it is relatively sensitive, I won’t introduce it in more detail. At present, many exchanges cannot log in directly to their domestic networks and need to use a ladder to connect. If you know how to get this thing specifically, you need to ask your friends around you or ask in the group.

[KYC] Identity verification, generally requires an identity document or passport.

[Unplugging the network cable] Users were sarcastic about the failure of the exchange server at a critical moment, implying that the exchange deliberately disconnected the server to prevent users from accessing it to achieve a certain purpose.

Market Category:

[Bull Market] refers to a general rise in market conditions, continued rise in prices, and optimistic prospects.

[Bear market] is exactly the opposite of the bull market. It refers to the phenomenon that the market continues to decline and the market shows a general decline.

[Shock] The currency price is unstable and fluctuates in a small range (up or down)

[Main Rising Wave] comes from the wave theory, which refers to the longest duration of the market rise. That long wave. This is also a common trend in bull markets. The opposite market trend is also called "main falling wave".

[Yin Fall] The overall market is showing a downward trend, and the currency price is slowly declining.

[Consolidation] Also known as: Sideways. The price fluctuation range is small and the currency price is stable.

[Waterfall] also known as: diving. It means that the market suddenly drops sharply, like a waterfall, flowing down, making people feel pain and heartache.

【利多】also called good. There is news or situations that will help the currency price rise, such as: policies, general environment, etc.

[Bad] BullishUnfavorable news for the market. Such as Bitcoin technical problems, central bank suppression, etc.

[Blowout] The market is affected by negative factors and has been depressed for a long time. During this period, the market will be very depressed. When the negative factors are exhausted or the negative factors are removed, the market will show an explosive rise.

[Rebound] When the currency price is falling, it receives technical support or capital intervention, and the market turns from falling to rising. The recovery is smaller than the decline.

[Reversal] The currency price has fallen and bottomed out. There is no way to fall, and it has turned from a downward trend to an upward trend. The most common one is "V-shaped reversal". Rebound is the basis of reversal, and the magnitude of reversal is much larger than rebound.

[Callback] Refers to a temporary decline in the price upward trend due to the strong rise in currency prices, which is called a callback. The decline is less than the rise.

[Kimchi Premium] Korean people are keen on investing in cryptocurrency. Most of the time, the price of Korean digital currencies is higher than that of other countries, so it is called the "Kimchi Premium."

[Half Cut] refers to the price of a certain digital currency falling to half of its previous price. For example, if it falls from 2 yuan to 1 yuan, it is cut in half

[Break] means that the price of a digital currency has dropped to half of its previous price. If it falls below, it refers to the issuance price of the digital currency. The currency circle's issuance break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price (i.e. ICO price).

Position Category:

[Position] The ratio of the funds in your account to the funds you bought the currency.

[Building a position] is also called opening a position. Refers to the trader's new purchase of a certain amount of currency.

[Cross Position] All account funds are purchased into virtual currencies. The often said "full warehouse dry" and "stud" are all full warehouse positions.

[Half Position] The funds for the purchased coins account for half of the total funds.

【Cover-up】Buy virtual currencies in batches, for example: buy 1BTC first, then buy 1BTC later.

[Add Position] You hold BTC, are optimistic about the development of BTC, and then buy some more BTC when BTC is rising.

[Reduce positions] It is expected that there will be risks in the market outlook, so sell part of the currency you hold.

[Short position] No more, just watch the show. This can be understood in the currency circle. Sell ​​all the virtual currencies you hold and turn them into funds.

[Lock position] Lock position generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to the original position, also known as lock-in, Locking singles is even euphemistically called butterflies flying together. The so-called hedging is actually another term called hedging transaction. For novices who trade in the foreign exchange market with leverage, the most fundamental reason for hedging isI don't want to lose too much on my position, so I open another position in the opposite direction of my original position. This is called locking.

[Light position] The funds for buying coins account for a small proportion of the total funds.

[Heavy Position] The funds for buying coins account for a large proportion of the total funds.

[Clearance] No more playing, sold all the coins, and prepared to wait and see with a short position.

Trading categories:

Fiat currency transactions and currency-to-crypto transactions can be conducted via over-the-counter or on-site transactions.

The concepts of on-exchange trading and over-the-counter trading mainly come from the securities market.

[Fiat Currency Transaction] refers to the transaction method of using legal currencies such as US dollars or RMB to purchase BTC, ETH, USDT, and other special cryptocurrencies that serve as "legal currency" in the circle. You can buy directly with credit card, Alipay or WeChat.

[Coin-to-Coin Transaction] refers to transactions between virtual currencies (such as using Bitcoin to purchase Ethereum or vice versa).

[On-site trading] is also called exchange trading; matching transactions are conducted on the virtual currency trading platform, the prices of buyers and sellers are public, and the platform displays real-time quotes. The trading method of bidding and buying and selling on the exchange.

[OTC, over-the-counter], also known as point-to-point (offline) trading; refers to transactions conducted through methods other than exchanges. Including:

① Online P2P: Some trading platforms have developed peer-to-peer over-the-counter trading systems, such as Okex, OTCBTC, etc. Users can decide the buying or selling price and publish transaction orders, and users can freely choose to complete transactions, and the platform does not handle funds; (for example, if the seller publishes a Bitcoin transaction order with a fixed quantity and price on the platform, if the buyer chooses to buy, then You need to exit the platform application app and use personal Alipay, WeChat or online banking to pay the funds directly to the seller's Alipay, WeChat and other collection accounts. After the seller confirms the payment, select the payment and release currency on the platform.)

② Online B2C: Users can buy or sell Bitcoin directly to the platform, and the price is specified by the platform. After collecting payment from users, the platform will directly release Bitcoins to buyer users, or release funds to seller users after receiving Bitcoins. The B-side funds or Bitcoins are owned by the platform or come from cooperative merchants;

③ Offline transactions: In addition to the trading platform, there are also people similar to middlemen. The demand for buying and selling is gathered to the middleman. Charging a certain fee usually occurs in WeChat groups, QQ groups and other groups. In addition, people can also exchange virtual currencies through face-to-face transactions, and some websites provide services for publishing face-to-face transaction information.

[Trading pair] EOS/ETH, which is displayed as a trading pair, refers to how much ETH needs to be paid to purchase one EOS, similar to the concept of 'gram/yuan'.

[Market Price Transaction] That is, buying and selling transactions are carried out according to the current price. Market price transactions have priority. If you complete the transaction faster, you can use market price transactions.

[Limit Price Transaction] A transaction of buying or selling at a specified price, also called an entrusted transaction or a pending order transaction.

[Brick] refers to the fact that there is a certain difference in the price of the same currency on different exchanges. Buy from a platform with a low price, sell on a platform with a high price, and earn the price difference across platforms. . What you need to pay attention to when moving bricks is the currency transfer speed. Sometimes the currency transfer speed will affect your income.

[Cutting meat] is better known as "cutting off positions". After buying virtual currency, the price of the currency falls, and in order to avoid further losses, the virtual currency is sold at a loss. Afraid of falling even more.

[Cutting leeks] A group of investors who entered the currency circle were accidentally harvested and left by the dealers, and another group of new investors entered the market. If they do not have good investment experience, they can easily be harvested by the dealers. Cut leeks.

[Long-term] Hold a certain currency for a long time

[Short-term] Hold the currency in the short-term and sell it after reaching the profit target. The period may be hours, days, or days. weeks, depending on the market.

[Stop Profit] After obtaining a certain amount of profit, sell the virtual currency held to keep the profit.

[Stop Loss] After the loss reaches a certain level, sell the virtual currency you hold to prevent further losses.

[Huck-up] You buy a currency, but it falls, and you can’t bear to sell. Congratulations, this is called a hold-up.

[Unlocking] After buying virtual currency, the price of the currency fell, causing temporary book losses. However, the price of the currency then rebounded and the loss turned into a profit.

【Tak Kong】Because of the bearish market outlook, after selling the virtual currency, the price of the currency continued to rise, and I was unable to buy it in time, so I failed to make a profit. Missing it perfectly is called missing.

[Roller Coaster] The currency you bought went up, and you were very excited and bragging about it to your friends, but then it fell back down again after a few days. It's like you're on a roller coaster, you get a kick and then it's gone.

[Hoarding of Coins] If you are optimistic about the future development of this coin and want to make a hundred or a thousand times the coin to achieve freedom of wealth, buy a large amount of this coin and hoard it.

【Go Long】What most people do every day is to go long, buying low and hoping to sell high. Generally means bullish.

[Short Selling] This is an operation that people who do futures contracts will do. The seller believes that the currency price will fall in the future and willSell ​​the currency you hold, and then buy it at a low price to make a profit after the currency price drops.

【Bit hunting】Buy when a certain currency falls in a suitable price range.

[Control the market] The coins on hand account for a large proportion of the circulation.

【Pull】The main force starts to increase the currency price for some purpose or after a period of time.

[Washing] Large consortiums with funds, such as bookmakers or project developers, use funds to control the market, making the market trend rise and fall, scaring out those who are hesitant, and achieving the purpose of making huge profits.

[Acquisition] Generally, the leeks are washed out by washing the dishes, and then the banker will take over the coins sold by the leeks, so that they have more chips in their hands to achieve the purpose of controlling the market (general operations such as attracting funds, will be done at a low price).

[Smashing] Stock terminology, generally there are two situations of smashing. One is when the currency price is rising. The dealer needs to clean up the chips that follow the trend and sell the currency significantly at a certain price. It creates the illusion of a decline and induces retail investors and followers to sell; the other occurs when a banker has completed its purpose of making a bank and when the currency price is quite high, the banker achieves the purpose of escaping by selling the currency in a large scale.

[Hedging] Generally, hedging is to conduct two transactions at the same time that are related to the market, in opposite directions, of equal quantity, and with profit and loss offsetting. In the futures contract market, buy positions of the same quantity but in different directions. When the direction is determined, close the position in the opposite direction and retain the positive direction to gain profits.

[Position] A position is a market agreement that commits to buying and selling the initial position of a contract. The person who buys the contract is a long position and is in a position to expect an increase; the person who sells the contract is a short position and is in a position to expect a decrease.

[Bull] A trading behavior that anticipates that currency prices will rise in the future, buys a certain amount of digital currency at the current price, and sells it at a higher price after the price rises, thereby earning a profit from the price difference. The characteristics are: The trading behavior of buying first and selling later.

[Short position] Expect that the currency price will fall in the future, sell the digital currency in your hand at the current price, and buy it after the market falls to obtain a profit from the price difference. Its characteristic is the trading behavior of selling first and then buying.

[Leverage] Leverage trading, as the name suggests, is to use small amounts of funds to invest several times the original amount in the hope of obtaining fluctuating returns or losses.

[Overbought] The currency price continues to rise to a certain height, the buyer's power is basically exhausted, and the currency price is about to fall.

[Oversold] The currency price continues to fall to a certain low, the seller's power is basically exhausted, and the currency price is about to rise.

[Luring bulls] refers to a situation where the main force or bookmakers deliberately create the illusion of rising currency prices to induce investors to buy. As a result, the currency prices do not rise but fall, leaving investors who follow up to do long positions trapped. market behavior.

[Short Lure] The terminology of the currency market and the stock market simply means that the mainstream funds in the market are vigorously shorting, showing obvious weakness in the market, inducing investors to conclude that the stock market will continue to fall sharply. , and the market situation of panic selling.

[Counter Knock] is a trading technique used by bookmakers. The specific operation method is to open accounts on multiple exchanges at the same time, and quote and trade between various exchanges in a see-saw manner to achieve the purpose of manipulating currency prices.

[Turnover rate] refers to the frequency with which a certain currency changes hands in the market within a certain period of time. It is one of the main indicators for evaluating the liquidity of a certain currency.

[Makers] are traders with strong financial strength or those who hold large currencies. They can profoundly affect the price trend. Bankers generally control the digital currency market by protecting the market, controlling the market, countering, and smashing the market. Price, precisely because the bookmaker has a huge influence on the price trend, there is a saying that "the bookmaker cuts the leeks," and "kills the dog dealer."

[Gouzhuang] refers to people who make profits by manipulating the market. Bankers generally make money from retail investors by manipulating the market, so retail investors call bankers Gouzhuang.

For explanations of futures terms, please click: Explanations of commonly used futures terms in the currency circle: -

G. Zihang talks about currency: Bailian, a newcomer in the currency circle, what is "blockchain" Don’t even know

First of all, I believe that everyone must have heard of Bitcoin before learning about blockchain, right? Because we all know that the first people to hold Bitcoin made money!

But one point of view is wrong: What point of view? Many people believe that Bitcoin is the blockchain. In fact, Bitcoin is just a type of blockchain asset, and it is the earliest blockchain asset. The concept of blockchain comes from Bitcoin. The reason why Bitcoin can be so arrogant and exist independently without relying on any organizational structure is because the bottom layer is supported by blockchain technology.

Just like our mobile phones can run, the bottom layer is supported by Android or ios system. So what kind of technology is blockchain? Why is it so powerful? Can make Bitcoin so valuable! The English name of blockchain is block chain, and block means block. You can imagine that if you fall or bump into something, you may have bruises, right? The blocks in the blockchain contain some The data block of transaction information, something, may have a bruise, right? The block in the blockchain contains some data blocks of transaction information, and the chain in the blockchain connects the data blocks. , this is like a big ledger. Anyone who uses this blockchain ledger can directly query any transaction information arranged in order, and it is difficult to tamper with. So how does it do it?

Here is a simple example based on local materials: There are now a total of 100 readers who are linked through the Internet to form a blockchain network system. Please pay attention! We are not reading this article now, but a blockchain network system. In this system, I ask one of the people, say this person is called panda, to borrow 10 yuan, and then panda transfers the 10 yuan to me in the network system. Then my account or wallet increased by 10 yuan. As for panda, who lent money to Bibi, his account lost 10 yuan. After this transaction is completed, other people in our blockchain network system, after seeing it, will take a small notebook and record the matter. My account will increase by 10 yuan, and panda's account will decrease by 10 yuan.

That’s not right, then what are you doing when you are full and have nothing to do? Why should we record these small and medium-sized "bad things"? It’s because the network system will pay wages to those who participate in recording. As long as she records it once, the system will automatically reward tokens that are common in this network system. As long as there is money, everyone is willing to do anything. In reality, there are actually countless individuals in a blockchain system, which means that our group not only has only 13 people, but they don’t know each other yet, but they can all communicate with each other on the system chain and record them in the blockchain in order. For this transaction in the network, if one day I want to default on the debt and no longer plan to pay back 10 yuan to panda, then I must convince more than 51% of the people in the blockchain network system to delete this record or tamper.

If it were replaced by real-world computing power, it would be almost impossible and would require huge costs. This is the characteristic of blockchain technology - decentralized collaboration, transaction data is difficult to tamper with, and transaction information is transparent and queryable. Its main function is to solve two problems that are difficult to solve on the Internet - one is trust and the other is value transfer.

The so-called trust, according to the above scenario, is that I may default on the loan and take the money and run away; the value transfer is: my borrowing account should increase by 10 yuan, while the panda account becomes -10 Yuan money exchange. Then we may have questions again, isn't Alipay and WeChat payment solved now? Wouldn’t it be enough to just confirm the account and transfer the money directly and send a red envelope? Yes, Alibaba and Tencent exist based on solving these two problems. but! Thinking about it from another perspective, if a mere blockchain technology can solve these two problems now, can huge and complex institutions like Alibaba and Tencent be abandoned?

Rebuilding a new network system to apply it to more fields is on the way.

Because, the final conclusion is: this technology builds the value of Bitcoin, then this technical logic can also be used in many other fields. Maybe one day you will be happy to discover - Huh? What I am using now is XX areaProducts from Blockchain Technology Company! ? Just like many years ago, one day you unknowingly used QQ and started to learn to watch videos and play games online. Having said that, what does it mean that Bitcoin is an early asset of the blockchain? Why does it add value? According to the scenario mentioned above, the so-called tokens are the tokens issued by the system to everyone in the group by participating in accounting. These tokens are blockchain assets. (The behavior of everyone participating in bookkeeping is commonly known as mining.) Bitcoin itself is the value token of the Bitcoin blockchain network system

Then why is it Will it add value? Because its quantity is limited, the number of issuances is determined at one time from the beginning of the establishment of the network system and will never be issued additionally.

So, in the future, the more people participate in accounting in a certain blockchain network, the number of people who get it will gradually decrease, and value-added will become inevitable. This is like Alibaba's early stocks. After the Alipay application is launched, the more people participate in using it, the more it is needed, and Alibaba's stocks will inevitably increase in value.

Of course, there are currently many projects applying blockchain technology, but most of them have not found a landing scenario. However, the more people believe that a project created using blockchain technology will be used in the future. If necessary, the price of the tokens of this project will be pushed up. Therefore, there are far more investment opportunities in blockchain assets than in the ordinary stock market. If you invest in a value project, then it may skyrocket like Bitcoin a few years ago, which skyrocketed from 130,000 per coin to a little over 40,000 now. In other words, you don’t need to consider any investment opportunities in other varieties. A few years ago, if you bought Bitcoin with your eyes closed and then ignored it and just went about your own business, the return on this investment would be 100 times in one year.

Profit! How much is that right? The opportunities in this industry are far more than these. Almost all currencies will have the opportunity to rise or fall sharply, but this range of rise and fall is not like the 10% daily limit in stocks. Blockchain assets disappear from trading around the world 24 hours a day, and It is T+0, and there is no limit on the increase or decrease. The price of any variety is completely affected by the limit on the increase or decrease and the pursuit of funds. Most varieties have experienced an increase of more than 100% throughout the year. High This kind of investment opportunity is also difficult to find in other markets.

The currency circle is like Tai Chi. Only when a person is in a state of tranquility can he feel the opponent's strength and intention in the push hand for the first time. What I felt at the time was that only by clearing myself could I receive information to the maximum extent and quickly, and make correct judgments and responses. The same is true in the currency circle.

This material is for learning reference only and does not constitute buying or selling advice. Buy and sell based on it at your own risk!

H. 2022-04-11 The currency circle is cruel and most people should stay awayLi

The currency circle is very cruel, with countless bloody facts, and most people want to stay away. Men and women are not only different physically, but also psychologically. Women are more perceptual, rich in emotions, and good at communication. Men tend to be rational, have strong judgment ability, are decisive, and are sensitive to danger.

The investment field is basically dominated by men, and there are very few outstanding female investors. Without the courage of a man, the courage of a strong man to cut off his wrist, and the anticipation of danger, it would be difficult to make money in the currency circle. Letting women leave the currency circle is to protect women.

The vast majority of people who enter the currency circle are unwilling to learn, cannot learn, and have no patience to study for a long time. They just want to make quick money, and the money they earn does not match their knowledge. In the end, not only The money earned was returned to the market, and the original hard-earned money was invested in it.

There are countless pitfalls when entering the currency circle. If a novice gets rid of all the pitfalls, he will basically lose all his money. Similarly, there are endless temptations in the currency circle.

Once you engage in high leverage and contracts, you will always be haunted by your inner demons, making you unable to stop. One point costs tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, how many points are needed to stop profit and how many points are used to stop loss. From morning to night, I am suffering all the time. Doing high leverage and contracts is always training people's minds. The real winner must be a person with a detached mentality, strong self-control, and planned executors.

The vast majority of people have never been able to get rid of the greed of human nature. Most of the capital markets are just renamed. There are always too many ignorant novices who get cut off, batch after batch, and the cuts cannot be finished. .

Too many junk projects use the guise of blockchain to launder the stolen money by taking advantage of blockchain's resistance to supervision and the difficulty of tracing the whereabouts of funds. Groups were created on WeChat and QQ to attract people, and people kept coming to recommend projects. Some netizens were still asking how this project was? Whether it is worth the investment or not, for experienced players, it is not necessary to look at the projects played by Chinese people. Without exception, they are all scams. Unfortunately, novices do not understand anything and do not want to understand. They are also very greedy and only want to make a fortune.

There are too many funds, and it can indeed make money at the beginning. But in the end, only a few are fast and make a small profit, and most of the money is taken away by the project side.

There are too many meme coins, doge coins, shit coins, squid coins, and dokeking in the currency circle. It can increase by hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times at every turn, which makes the novice financial fans who have just entered the currency circle confused. How many meme coins can there be out of tens of thousands of coins? How many people can catch it? In the bear market, the decline of many meme coins will reach 99.9%. Even if many meme coins will return to zero, how many people will be able to run away in time.

As soon as novices in the currency circle see meme coins with such a high increase, they start to make choices, constantly denying the previous choices and choosing again, without knowing whether to choose or not to choose. You must stick to your choice. Over and over again, in the end it was all in vain.

There are also many value coins in the currency circle, such as Big Brother, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Luna. The increase is astonishing, how many people can hold on to the end and make money?

There are also many fans who ask me for the altcoins I invested in, and I send them to them one by one. What I want to ask is, what is the use of having these? If it is over, it will only increase your worries. Will you buy it? After buying it, will you insist on holding it? Once you hold it and there is a slight increase, should you just throw it away?

For example, I gave you a sword, but you use it to chop wood, and you say it is not as useful as an axe. Is there any point in having this sword? The sword is to be given to those who are skilled in wielding it. If a sword is given to someone who doesn't know how to use it, it will only hurt his own hands and feet.

The people who are most hurt when entering the currency circle are those who make money as soon as they enter the currency circle. They always think that they are superior. They will relax their vigilance and increase their chips. The key to entering the currency circle is to continue to make profits. One or two profits cannot mean anything, it can only be said to be good luck. The money earned by luck will eventually be paid back with profits based on strength.

The best way to enter the currency circle is to make a lot of money and never enter the currency circle again. The second is to hold on to Bitcoin and Ethereum, remember the private key, and never move it. That is stable happiness. These are difficult for ordinary people to do.

Having been in the currency industry for a long time, people’s life and death are like numbers on a disk, with no direct feelings. Some people have liquidated their positions, some people have gone bankrupt, and some people have jumped off the building. They will be very numb.

Life is a field of practice, not a field of money. In the cryptocurrency world, there are too many stories of people who got rich overnight, and there are also many who lost all their money and their families were ruined. There will be many people in the currency circle who will leave by losing their lives. Human life is the most precious gem, money is just junk. Many things in life are far more important than money, such as family, friendship, love, happiness and health.

Although few people will listen to me and my fans may decrease, I still want to advise everyone not to enter the currency circle. At least before entering the currency circle, you should evaluate yourself to see if you are suitable. Especially female investors must be cautious before entering the currency circle. Making money does not necessarily require being in the currency circle, and life is not all about making money.

I. The basic knowledge of the currency circle is suitable for beginners, but there are many, so please read it patiently!

What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation currency, mining, exchanges, project parties, self-media, etc.

What are the mainstream coins in the currency circle?

BTC (Bitcoin) ETH (Ethereum) XRP (Ripple, Wave Goddess)

BCH (Bitcoin Cash, Grand Prince) EOS (Grapefruit) LTC (Litecoin, Latiao)< br />
How to make money in the currency circle?

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-making, contracts, etc.

Which exchanges are the best to use?

Spot exchanges: Binance, Huobi, okex, Biter (the most well-known and safe)

Futures exchanges: okex, bitmex, Huobi (the most well-known and safe)

Where can I usually read currency news?

Market websites: Feixiaohao, mytoken, Alcoin, etc.

News websites: Golden Finance, Babbitt Community, Coin World News

Currency Circle What does fiat currency mean?

Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

What does currency circle token mean?

token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and inherent Value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other abilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network , so that it can be verified anytime and anywhere.

What does it mean to open a position in the currency circle?

Position building in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

What does currency stud mean?

Currency Stud means investing all the principal.

What does airdrop mean in the currency circle?

Airdrops are currently a very popular method of cryptocurrency marketing. To reach potential investors and crypto enthusiastsCurrency users can obtain token-related information, and the token team will regularly conduct airdrops.

What does lock-up in the currency circle mean?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open new positions that are opposite to their original positions. It is also called locking, order locking, or even locking. It is euphemistically called the butterfly flying in two directions.

What does Biquan Candy mean?

Currency candies are digital coins that are distributed free of charge to users when various digital currencies are first issued and are launched in ICOs. They are a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

What does the currency circle break mean?

Breaking refers to falling below, and issuing refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

What does private equity in the currency circle mean?

Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

What do you think of the K-line in the currency circle?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

What does it mean to move bricks in the currency circle?

Brick trading is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior in which a blockchain project exchanges its own virtual currency for commonly used virtual currencies in market circulation, and also returns There are IEO, STO, etc., and the models are all similar

Five major investment rules

1. Consider and observe projects from multiple aspects, and do not follow others’ opinions. Many copycat circles have appeared in the currency circle. For money projects, once the founder runs away, there is no way to hold him legally responsible.

2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain and the industry pain points solved by blockchain before entering the currency circle.

3. For the project you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding of whether the project actually uses blockchain technology, whether its founder has disclosed his identity and has a true background, and whether the business logic of the project is Closely related to tokens, whether there are already similar projects in the same industry that are solving industry pain points? If the project is successfully implemented, whether its project is inThe ability to make profits in real life.

4. If you cannot accurately judge the project prospects of a currency, do not invest more than 20% of assets when participating in blockchain investment, and do not put your eggs in one basket.

5. High-quality projects will also have their ups and downs. Treat them with a normal attitude. If you are optimistic about the investment projects, you don’t need to care too much about the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the team’s development progress is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only in the long-term Only by holding it will you ultimately earn more income.

Top Ten Trading Rules

First, don’t be easily deceived with low-priced chips, have firm faith and prevent the dealer from hitting the market.

Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, it is always a taboo to buy and sell full positions. The general trend is good. Building positions in batches when the market falls is lower risk, lower cost, and greater profit than chasing the market.

Third, distribute profits reasonably and release funds to the maximum extent, instead of adding positions and deposits all the time.

Fourth, lose money when it rises sharply and defend money when it falls sharply. You must have a correct mentality at all times, do not speculate, do not be impetuous, do not be greedy, do not fear, and do not fight unprepared battles.

Fifth, when ambushing or privately selling low-priced coins, you rely on experience to bet with the banker. In the future of the currency, the subsequent secondary market game is a process of relying on technology and information to follow the banker. Don't put the cart before the horse and end up in a mess.

Sixth, when opening a position and shipping, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gradually spreads out, effectively controlling the proportion of risk and profit,

Seventh, linkage You need to be familiar with the effects, watch the market when trading coins, and pay attention to the trends of other coins. Each coin does not exist in isolation when trading on the market. It may seem that there is no connection, but it is actually intricately intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. There are many of them now. Tools can be used to view currency information and information,

Eighth, the allocation of positions must be reasonable. The allocation of hot coins and value coins must be reasonable. Pay attention to the ability to withstand stress and the proportion of profit intake. Being too conservative will If you miss the opportunity, you may face high risks if you are too radical! The biggest characteristic of value coins is that they are mainly stable. The biggest characteristic of hot coins is that they are highly volatile. They may rise to the sky or fall to zero in one battle.

Ninth, having coins on the market, money in your account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. If you can’t stud, you will die. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are what determine your success. Mentality and the key to success or failure, investing spare money is the foundation,

Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to draw inferences from one instance, and master the basic ideas of trading. Observation is the prerequisite. Remember the high and low points of each time, as Reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and develop the ability to filter information.

Steady investment plan

Position control, never fill up your position easily, why do you say not to fill up your position

The first point of risk control is that you cannot guarantee that it will rise immediately after you buy it. If you encounter a waterfall, your Assets are greatly discounted, and positions cannot be covered to lower the average price.

The second point is mentality control. I have had this experience myself. After a full position stud, I will keep staring at the market, which seriously affects my mentality. I couldn't sleep well.

The third point is that it is easy to be cut off, and you have a gambling mentality. You want to see changes in your income every moment. After the position is full, you see that the price of your currency does not rise in a short period of time. Others When the currency rises or there are other coins you want to buy, just cut the meat and buy it. Repeated operations will bring less and less money

Long-term 3-40% Long-term holding

Short-term 3-4% Why are there short-term? Many people say that short-term will definitely lose money. But when we allocate long-term funds, speculating in currencies is a very interesting thing. I believe that most people can’t control their own hands. As long as they control their positions well and don’t cut their flesh frequently, short-term under normal circumstances You must make a profit before exiting (the special case is when there is a problem with the project or the market). Then refer to my position control above, and whether the long-term return of any currency is higher than the short-term return.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 你身边有比特币暴发户吗 有的,不止一个。 有土豪有一万多枚比特币,我身边这些拥有一两千枚的人也不算啥了。 网络搜索了一下“暴发户”的定义, 解释为新贵,也就是说一个人在短时间内取得了