2017二手比特币矿机价格 2017二手比特币矿机价格多少

⑴ 比特币挖矿机多少钱一台


⑵ 购买二手矿机的平台有哪些


⑶ 二手矿机多少钱一台


⑷ 币圈90后挖矿四年:轻松年入百万,却也一念之间错失兰博基尼




资本愈发狂热。2月以来, 科技 狂人马斯克豪掷15亿美金投资比特币,美图蔡文胜数千万美元入局,甚至与 科技 完全不搭界的信阳毛尖也加入这一战场。



成都不仅遥控着大量水电站,这里也有中国最早一批比特币玩家,还有以矿场运营为主业、80后富豪王明鎏的毛球 科技 。各路挖币人马汇聚,成都也因此成为币圈圣地、币圈“矿都”。








源小六和他供职公司也没留意,哗哗运转的水轮机和听上去高 科技 的区块链之间能有什么瓜葛。直到2016年前后,有挖矿公司通过各种关系找到他们,希望利用他们在四川甘孜的一处水电站的冗余电力挖矿。



















今年的比特币复制了2017年的大牛行情,矿机价格也被重新评估。加之疫情等因素导致的一连串 科技 硬件供应问题,加重了矿机的供应短缺局面。

“一些90后去粉基金经理,其实,显卡可能是去年最好的金融产品,不仅能让你 游戏 玩得爽,玩完一卖,还能成倍升值。”源小六笑着说。




3月初的一个夜晚,某家矿机代理商约了源小六在成都科华北路Hookar house酒吧见面。喝到半夜,他下定决心再买期货矿机。“阿瓦隆矿机没病毒,每台价格450-480之间,当晚转了300万定金。”源小六说,5月份丰水期一到,就能发货。


“3月12号比特大陆在深圳召开订货会,蚂蚁S19多个型号的机型,1台价格约为600多元,110台就在7万上下,发货时间迟至今年11月15日。要知道,去年下半年S19 的期货价格才1.5万左右,短短半年左右,价格翻了4倍多。”源小六说,就这,还得是币圈有点排面的人才能买到。


有 游戏 玩家购买显卡用了几个月后,跑到闲鱼平台兜售。有买家不懂:“当初3000一堆人不买,现在5500一堆人买,这叫什么心理?”卖家回复称:“因为币价涨了,买了搞几个月(指“挖几个月矿”),差不多可以白嫖。”



就在马斯克宣布投资比特币后,源小六接到了一个电话。电话是当时以废铁价买他矿机的币圈朋友打来的,约他晚上到成都Play house喝酒。在币圈,运维在深山老林里过着原始生活,而背后的金主们时常勾连于酒吧夜店。一些重要交易,往往都是在酒桌上谈成。


















在他看来,比特币和有价值的虚拟货币,就是互联网时代的黄金。而这个挖掘特殊黄金的市场里,还出现了四川最年轻的80后百亿富豪、毛球 科技 创始人王明鎏。


法国学者埃里克·皮谢在2017年写过这样的话:“比特币泡沫不过是疯狂投机的一个最新化身。 历史 上疯狂投机时不时地会冲击金融市场,如1637年的’郁金香狂热’、2000年的互联网泡沫等。没人能预言投机风潮的持续时间长短和顶部在哪里。”




而比特币之所以有这么强的韧性,一位比特币投资者认为,这是因为年轻人对比特币的狂热追求是一个原因。他们想建立一套新的财富体系。有报道显示,在虚拟货币交易所 bitFlyer,2020 年上半年在日本新开设比特币账户的投资者中,约 4 成为 20 多岁年轻人。在欧美也能看到相同的趋势。






⑸ 现阶段入手批比特币矿机,你觉得可以吗


⑹ 挖比特币成本高吗多久可以回本


⑺ 那里有二手比特币矿机


⑻ 二手比特币矿机回收


⑼ 那里可以买到矿机,


⑽ 华强北比特币矿机价格翻倍仍供不应求,你对这个了解多少







⑴ How much does a Bitcoin mining machine cost?

Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. In this industry, the bigger the investment, the faster the return on investment, the faster you make money, and the low price. The electricity bill is better

⑵ What are the platforms for buying second-hand mining machines

There are many platforms for buying second-hand mining machines. Shilian Mining is one of them, and they also sell first-hand mining machines. Diao, has been cooperating with internationally renowned brands such as Bitmain and Canaan. The quality of their mining machines is extremely high, and there is no need to worry about after-sales issues. Their mining machines, whether second-hand or first-hand, have always been well received. Loved by the majority of miners.

⑶ How much does a second-hand mining machine cost

The market price of second-hand mining machines currently varies greatly, and it is necessary to specifically evaluate the lifespan of continued use and the aging status of the components. come to conclusion.

⑷ Four years of mining in the currency circle after 90s: Easily earn a million a year, but also missed a Lamborghini

Spring is coming, the snowy mountains in Sichuan begin to melt, and the people in the valleys The river is full of water. In this province with the richest hydropower resources in the country, thousands of hydropower stations are storing water. In Chengdu, the operation center of the hydropower station, a special group is also working hard: busy connecting with various "miners".

The miners mentioned here are virtual currency gold diggers who live in pursuit of electricity.

In 2009, a mysterious man named Satoshi Nakamoto opened the Pandora’s box of virtual currencies. Bitcoin generated from the blockchain became a new digital gold mine, triggering a global mining boom. Mining boom. This virtual currency composed of disordered numbers has grown from 0.0076 US dollars at the beginning of its birth to 60,000 US dollars 11 years later, an increase of approximately 8 million times.

Capital is becoming more and more enthusiastic. Since February, the technology madman Musk has invested US$1.5 billion in Bitcoin, the beautiful Cai Wensheng has invested tens of millions of dollars in the game, and even Xinyang Maojian, who is completely unrelated to technology, has also joined the battlefield.

The rise in Bitcoin prices has boosted the profit margins of coin miners. Among the many costs of mining coins, access to electricity is crucial, and this is Sichuan’s advantage.

Yuan Xiaoliu, the mine operation manager of a well-known hydropower investment company in Chengdu, has recently had intensive contact with representatives of Dualu Capital from Beijing and Shenzhen. These capitals are considering establishing mining sites and preparing to join the mining army. In addition, there are seasonal miners who have moved to Sichuan because of the closure of coin mining farms in Inner Mongolia. They came to Chengdu in search of the lowest electricity prices.

Chengdu not only controls a large number of hydropower stations, but also has China’s first batch of Bitcoin players, as well as Maoqiu Technology, a post-80s rich man named Wang Mingliu whose main business is mining operations. Coin miners from all walks of life gathered together, and Chengdu became a sacred place and the "mining capital" of the currency circle.

The Bitcoin bull market, in addition to investing in some BitcoinsThe investors made huge profits, and Sichuan's hydropower companies followed suit. In the four years he has been operating the mine, Yuan Xiaoliu has transformed from an ordinary hydropower company technician to a senior player in the cryptocurrency industry with an annual income of millions. He did not expect that he would use hydropower knowledge such as river dynamics and turbine design specifications to participate in the wave of wealth creation in digital finance.

Nowadays, the market for bit mining machines is hard to find. Chips and graphics cards are not only mining tools, but also popular financial products. Fortunately, Yuan Xiaoliu has accumulated a lot of network resources through hard work in the past few years, and he has successfully ordered the Avalon mining machine - a futures product that will only arrive in May.

At that time, the water turbines will start, and with the roar of more than 100 decibels, the mining machines swallowing the rolling current will merge into the huge mining pool woven by more mines, and send data to the digital block. Charge with force.

Yuan Xiaoliu is a post-90s generation who studied water conservancy and hydropower at a university in Sichuan Province. After graduating in 2015, he worked in a hydropower investment company in Chengdu. At that time, Bitcoin was just an unfamiliar word that he glanced at while browsing the web.

In fact, there was already an active Bitcoin scene in Chengdu at that time. In January 2009, Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto "mined" the first block of Bitcoin on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, and received 50 Bitcoins. Six months later, in Chengdu, China, thousands of miles away from Helsinki, Long Yujiang, who was only 21 years old, joined the mining ranks and became one of the earliest Bitcoin players in China. His story of wealth creation inspired the earliest mining boom in Chengdu.

The so-called mining, in layman's terms, means that everyone calculates a problem together. Whoever calculates quickly and accurately will get the accounting rights and then receive Bitcoin rewards. In order to make computing more professional, mining equipment has evolved step by step from home computers to ASIC mining machines. To mine coins, you need a large number of mining machines to form an army to win in the computing power competition. In order to operate a large number of mining machines, the consumption of electricity is terrifying.

Electricity once strangled the miners' necks. Some miners cut off power to residential buildings in order to mine Bitcoin. Some people even take risks to steal electricity in order to mine.

Neither Yuan Xiaoliu nor the company he works for noticed any connection between the whirring turbines and the high-tech-sounding blockchain. Until around 2016, a mining company approached them through various connections, hoping to use their redundant power from a hydropower station in Ganzi, Sichuan for mining.

Go to a hydropower station to mine Bitcoin? In an electric power industry with insufficient marketization, this is undoubtedly a bold move.

At that time, the company's leaders were older and were puzzled by this way of using electricity, but they also knew that there were thousands of hydropower stations in Sichuan, large and small, and each wanted to sell to thousands of them through the State Grid. Thousands of households. But everyDuring the wet season from May to October this year, a large number of hydropower stations generated more electricity than the national grid could handle, and the power stations had to open gates and abandon water.

Instead of throwing away electricity, it is better to sell it to miners. With the mentality of giving it a try, the company invested in the construction of the first mine connected to the hydropower station and accepted the first wave of miners.

When investing in mines, the main investment projects are computer rooms, office buildings, refrigeration and exhaust systems, transformers and other facilities to provide infrastructure services for mining. Based on an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours (that is, 50,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity consumption per hour), the mine needs to install dozens of transformers, each costing about 200,000 yuan. This investment does not appear to be a small amount at first glance.

But in fact, under the premise that the currency price continued to rise at that time, the investment of millions could be roughly paid back in as soon as two months. Taking an electricity load of 50,000 kilowatt-hours as an example, the daily power consumption can be as high as 1.2 million kilowatt-hours, which is 36 million kilowatt-hours per month. Based on an electricity price of 3 cents, the power plant’s monthly gross income is over one million.

In terms of the mining efficiency of mainstream mining machines, in 2015, it took 2,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity to mine one Bitcoin, which skyrocketed to 30,000 kilowatt-hours in 2018. Recently, currency prices have soared, and miners have poured in like crazy. The currency circle is deeply involved, and the power consumption of mining one Bitcoin is astronomical.

When researchers from the University of Cambridge recently announced the Bitcoin Power Consumption Index, they said that if Bitcoin were regarded as a country, its power consumption would rank among the top 30 countries with the largest power consumption in the world, exceeding Countries such as Argentina and the Netherlands use electricity throughout the year. In order to save electricity costs, a large number of miners drove large trucks pulling mining machines to Sichuan, and more and more hydropower stations opened their arms to them.

Shenzhen has reduced the manufacturing cost of Bitcoin mining machines, and Sichuan has reduced the cost of Bitcoin mining. This allows China to occupy 70% of the Bitcoin computing power, and Sichuan accounts for 70% of China's computing power. At that time, a mainstream mining machine manufacturer only set up two maintenance stations in the world, one of which was in Kangding, Sichuan, which is rich in hydropower resources.

As more and more hydropower stations join the competition for miners, the price of electricity in mines becomes lower and lower.

"It was 35 cents in 2017, 30 cents in 2018, 24 cents in 2019, and just over 20 cents in 2020." Yuan Xiaoliu said, taking the hydropower station managed mine where he works as an example. In the past, miners were required to pay a one-month electricity deposit, but now they only need to pay a half-month deposit to enter the market.

Recently, Inner Mongolia issued an eviction order to the mining farms, and the miners on the virtual currency assembly line had to move to Sichuan with their mining machines, seeking to land through various connections.

Sichuan has also shifted from being initially ambiguous or even opposed to mining, to encouraging it. In August 2019, the Sichuan Provincial Government announced the "Construction of Hydropower Consumption Industry Demonstration Zone in Sichuan Province".implementation plan". Last year, when Sichuan officials announced the first batch of "hydropower consumption demonstration enterprises", a number of mines suddenly appeared. This means that Sichuan officially recognized the cooperation model between hydropower stations and mining companies.

Because the difficulty of mining continues to increase, mining companies are extremely sensitive to every penny increase or decrease in electricity prices. Now, many miners are looking for resources around the world in order to find cheaper mines. "Russian hydropower, Kazakhstan's thermal power, hydropower in Central Africa, and even power plants in the United States are all in the miners' view." Yuan Xiaoliu said that the price of electricity in some places can be as low as 15 cents.

"Sichuan's advantages still exist. It may not have the cheapest electricity in the world, but a mine with stable operations not only requires low-price electricity, but also reliable operations." Yuan Xiaoliu He said that in the competition for miners, high-quality and standardized services are also an important part.

After entering the currency circle for a long time, Yuan Xiaoliu is no longer satisfied with helping others to take care of things. "We have power resources and can mine by ourselves." In 2019, he bought a small batch of Ant S9 and other models and hosted them in the mine with others.

Only when you mine yourself can you realize that mining is not without risks. The first risk is viruses. For example, Ant's S9 model has been frequently attacked by viruses.

"Someone came to our door and said they could provide free anti-virus software. In order to ensure the operation of the machine, I had to use it." Yuan Xiaoliu said, and it turned out that as long as they downloaded their anti-virus program, The virus was removed, but 5-10% of the computer's computing power was cut off. "As long as you turn on your phone, you'll be mining for the anti-virus company." Yuan Xiaoliu shook his head helplessly.

Secondly, the mine is far away from the city, which also poses a great challenge to the life of the operating personnel. More than 100 decibels of noise fill the mine at all times, and the high-power mining machines operating 24 hours a day emit billowing heat waves. In order to cool down, each set of shelves uses a 1500-watt high-power fan to exhaust air. Because the air circulation speed in the computer room is very fast, the staff is not prone to sweating, and the actual feeling is even more uncomfortable. In order to retain employees, monthly wages are often raised to 10,000 yuan.

This year’s Bitcoin has replicated the bull market in 2017, and the price of mining machines has also been re-evaluated. In addition, a series of technology hardware supply problems caused by the epidemic and other factors have aggravated the supply shortage of mining machines.

"Some fund managers who were born in the 1990s are fans of funds. In fact, graphics cards may be the best financial product last year. Not only can you play games happily, you can sell them after playing, but they can also appreciate exponentially." Yuan Xiaoliu said with a smile.

After the wet season ended last year, the price of Bitcoin reached the US$10,000 mark. Yuan Xiaoliu said that his investment in all aspects of mining cost more than 400,000, and after the mining stopped, he settled the accounts and continued to sell more than 100,000 yuan.The income from Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin has recovered the cost, and the net profit is close to 500,000.

At that time, his wife needed funds to start a business, and his own judgment on the short-term maximum price of Bitcoin was only 100,000 yuan per coin. Therefore, after many considerations, 2,000 mining machines, including the old "Machine King" S9, were sold for about 90 yuan each for scrap metal, and another 180,000 yuan was paid back.

Unexpectedly, the virtual currency market is still feverish. I don’t have any mining machines on hand, so I have to order them at a high price this year.

One night in early March, a mining machine agent made an appointment with Yuan Xiaoliu to meet at the Hookar House Bar on Kehua North Road, Chengdu. After drinking until midnight, he made up his mind to buy another futures mining machine. "Avalon mining machines are virus-free, and the price of each unit is between 450 and 480. A deposit of 3 million was transferred that night." Yuan Xiaoliu said that the goods can be shipped as soon as the wet season arrives in May.

Since the beginning of this year, due to the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin, spot mining machines have been hard to come by, and major brands have purchased futures.

"On March 12, Bitmain held an order meeting in Shenzhen. Among the multiple models of Ant S19, one unit costs about more than 600 yuan, and 110 units are around 70,000. The delivery time is late. As of November 15 this year. You know, the futures price of S19 in the second half of last year was only about 15,000. In just about half a year, the price more than quadrupled." Yuan Xiaoliu said, for this, the currency circle has to be a bit crowded. Only those who meet can buy it.

Last year, NVIDIA released an RTX3060 graphics card. In order to prevent miners from using this graphics card to mine the popular virtual currency Ethereum, NVIDIA imposed restrictions on the graphics card. However, NVIDIA engineers underestimated the strength of coin mining miners. As the currency price soared, the miners perfectly cracked the restriction program. Now, the price of this graphics card, which originally sold for only about 3,000 yuan, has soared to nearly 6,000 yuan.

Some game players bought graphics cards and used them for a few months, then went to the Xianyu platform to sell them. Some buyers didn’t understand: “At the beginning, a bunch of 3,000 people didn’t buy, but now a bunch of 5,500 people are buying. What kind of psychology is this?” The seller replied: “Because the currency price has increased, I have been buying it for several months (referring to “mining a few coins”). "Monthly mine"), it's almost free of charge."

The hardware blowout driven by the rise in currency prices is still continuing.

March is a time of frequent gatherings in the Chengdu currency circle. At such gatherings, there are stories of diaosi's counterattacks and big bosses' failings in life. Having seen many ups and downs, including envy of others' sudden wealth and regret of missing out on wealth, Yuan Xiaoliu tried his best to be more open-minded.

Just after Musk announced his investment in Bitcoin, Yuan Xiaoliu received a call. The call came from a friend in the currency circle who bought his mining machine at scrap metal price, and asked him to go to Chengdu Play House in the evening.eDrink. In the currency circle, operations and maintenance live a primitive life in the mountains and forests, and the funders behind them are often linked to bars and nightclubs. Some important deals are often negotiated over the wine table.

"He is a foreigner with a low level of education. He has not made much money from mining and speculating on coins. That time he bought a second-hand mining machine for 180,000 yuan was probably his biggest move." Yuan Xiaoliu He said that when he saw him again that night, he was shocked to find that he had driven a Lamborghini.

A few months ago, he was still suffering in a simple dormitory deep in the mountains, often scolding his mother for missing opportunities. But in front of him, in the elegant bar, he did not hide his excitement after getting rich: This bar is good, buy a membership card. He walked to the front desk on his own and recharged 200,000 yuan on the spot.

In just a few months, the once ordinary loser in the currency circle has changed his life.

Let’s put it this way, a second-hand mobile phone that cost 90 yuan at the time soared to nearly 2,000 yuan a few months later. Not to mention the income from coin mining, when mining machines are scarce, even the old and out-of-breath machines are rising to the sky.

Although the difference between selling and buying was a Lamborghini and the generosity of spending at the bar, but thinking that the income from mining and currency speculation last year exceeded one million, Yuan Xiaoliu also reported Smile and stop worrying.

Of course, for most coin miners and speculators, it is difficult to secure the virtual currency lying in their accounts even if they encounter a super trend. As early as 2016, the leader of Yuan Xiaoliu's company held 500 Bitcoins. However, when he saw that the increase exceeded that of stocks, he cashed out and left, buying a house directly. For older people, a house they can live in provides a sense of security that is much more practical than the confusing strings of characters in their online accounts.

"At that time, the currency price was only four to five hundred US dollars. Now it is more than 50,000 US dollars, which has increased more than 100 times. But the house has also increased two or three times, which is not an order of magnitude at all." Yuan Xiaoliu said, Maybe the leader feels that the happiness brought by the house is also irreplaceable.

The reason why I can’t hold it is because the price of Bitcoin is too volatile and there is no circuit breaker mechanism. You may make a lot of money or lose everything overnight. This is a great test for your heart and human nature. . Whether to close when the gains are good, stop losses in time, or not care about the temporary rise or fall, is a huge test for every investor's psychology.

In the past two years, Yuan Xiaoliu has felt that in this virtual world where there are only 21 million bitcoins in total and more than 80% of the bitcoins have been mined, there is a large group of people using the tip of the lever to lick Bloody, do whatever it takes to compete for Bitcoin resources that are increasingly difficult to mine.

In 2019, Hui Yi, the founder of BitEase, used 100 times leverage to speculate in coins. As a result, his position was liquidated and he committed suicide in pain. This is the most shocking event in the currency circle in 2019, Hui Yi is a top smart person in the financial field. He once successfully escaped from the top when the stock market was at its peak, but he still failed to escape the more turbulent currency circle.

Bitcoin, which is invisible and intangible, has always only believed in algorithms and current, not tears and sadness.

Tragedy is never alone.

In 2020, a senior currency speculator in Dalian also used leverage to speculate in Bitcoin and lost 20 million. Later, he killed his daughter and then jumped into the sea with his wife to commit suicide. The outside world once again saw the bloodthirsty in the currency circle.

"So, I have always warned myself not to use huge amounts of leverage. The risks in the currency circle are unbearable for individuals." Yuan Xiaoliu said that a friend who once speculated in currencies with him experienced last year's After the 312 Incident and the turbulence of the currency price plummeting from 8,000 US dollars to 4,000 US dollars, he finally left the market.

He has also seen people running with Bitcoin.

A few years ago, he asked a friend to help solve a technical problem. Afterwards, he asked his friend if he wanted a bag he liked or a Bitcoin of the same price? "My friend chose Bitcoin. At that time, one Bitcoin was about 10,000 yuan, so I gave two to my friend." Yuan Xiaoliu said, unexpectedly, this friend held it to this day, and now its value exceeds 700,000. He can make a small fortune in Chengdu. The down payment is made for the apartment type.

Today, in Yuan Xiaoliu’s view of wealth, the symbol of wealth is not just visible and tangible things such as houses and cars. Virtual currency should have a place.

In his view, Bitcoin and valuable virtual currencies are the gold of the Internet era. In this market for mining special gold, there is also Wang Mingliu, the youngest post-80s billionaire in Sichuan and the founder of Maoqiu Technology.

However, there are still huge rifts between miners, investors, regulatory agencies and scholars in various countries regarding the attitude towards virtual currencies.

French scholar Eric Pichet wrote this in 2017: "The Bitcoin bubble is just the latest incarnation of crazy speculation. Crazy speculation has hit financial markets from time to time in history, such as 1637 The 'Tulip Mania' of 2000, the Internet Bubble of 2000, etc. No one can predict the duration of the speculative wave and where the top will be."

"The market can be irrational for so long that it bankrupts you. ." Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, also cited these passages to warn Bitcoin investors.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen also criticized the huge risks and inefficiencies of Bitcoin a few days ago, pouring cold water on Bitcoin.

However, various warnings do not seem to have dampened the enthusiasm for Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. After a brief adjustment, Bitcoin continues to move higher.

One of the reasons why Bitcoin is so resilient is that young people’s fanatical pursuit of Bitcoin is one of the reasons. They want to build a new wealth system. According to reports, on the virtual currency exchange bitFlyer, about 40% of the investors who opened new Bitcoin accounts in Japan in the first half of 2020 were young people in their 20s. The same trend can be seen in Europe and the United States.

Moreover, the popularity of Bitcoin has also pushed various virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Litecoin to new highs. Even Dogecoin, which was once no one cared about, has also become popular because of Musk’s pursuit. stand up.

"Thanks to Musk, the large amount of Dogecoins given by the system when I mined Litecoin suddenly became valuable." Yuan Xiaoliu himself was a little surprised.

However, Bitcoin’s rise has made American investment guru and Oaktree Capital co-founder Howard Marks shake his head. A recent interview video shows that he refused to talk about the future of Bitcoin, saying only: It is better not to talk about things you don’t know.

But miners’ new “faith” in virtual currencies cannot be shaken yet.

The flood season is coming, and Yuan Xiaoliu is about to start a new round of mining career. He said that he was going to be a father soon, and he planned to use the first Bitcoin mined as a gift to his future children, and give it to them when they get married in their 20s. “At that time, I believed that this Bitcoin The price of Bitcoin is 1 million U.S. dollars.”

⑸ Do you think it’s okay to buy a batch of Bitcoin mining machines at this stage?

Bitcoin fell by another 10% last night, hurry up It has dropped to $3,600, but the difficulty of mining continues to rise.
From the perspective of investment cost-effectiveness, Bitcoin mining is getting lower and lower, unless you have channels to get low electricity bills.
Against the backdrop of global interest rate hikes, Bitcoin’s appeal as a non-interest-bearing asset has declined relatively, which is also one of the reasons for its recent decline.

⑹ Is it expensive to mine Bitcoin? How long does it take to get back the money?

Mainly the cost of mining machines and electricity bills. Nowadays, a second-hand new model of Bitcoin mining machine costs tens of thousands. There are older machines that cost several thousand, but their performance is poor. If we estimate based on the premise that Bitcoin does not plummet, it will be no problem to pay back the money in half a year. Like the energy-carrying platform, I feel that the service is the best, with mining machines and mines. One-stop service, the income is the most stable, the mining machines and mines have been audited and verified, the information is transparent and open, at least you will not be cheated.

⑺ Where are the second-hand Bitcoin mining machines?

To buy a second-hand mining machine, you need to find miners who have mined before or large mine owners. However, it is almost impossible to make a profit from mining with second-hand mining machines. What you buy is a pile of scrap copper and iron, so you must be mentally prepared.

⑻ Recycling of second-hand Bitcoin mining machines

Are they collected for garbage or for mining?, if it is mining, then save it and don’t waste it. The cost of mining is now very high, close to or even exceeding that of Bitcoin. Retail mining has begun to gradually withdraw from the historical stage of Bitcoin mining. Mining now relies on low energy consumption and low electricity prices. This Bitcoin Home website has related analysis articles.

⑼ Where can you buy mining machines,

Mining machines, the leading mine resource is Angel Chain Circle Ts.net! You can also follow the public account "Angel Chain Circle"! I only found out about this platform when I saw an advertisement in Huaqiangbei. It’s not bad! It is mainly a platform for mining machine merchants and mine owners to gather together, including tutorials on how to buy Bitcoin as you mentioned, as well as transactions! There is also currency circle information and market discussion. Remember to give me full marks for your answer, thank you!

⑽ The price of Huaqiangbei’s Bitcoin mining machines has doubled and is still in short supply. How much do you know about this?

Recently, Bitcoin can be said to be popular again, from 6,000 US dollars last year1 The current price of Bitcoin is US$25,000 per coin, and it once reached the highest price of US$35,000 per coin. It can be said that Bitcoin is more exaggerated than riding a rocket. On New Year’s Day, it rose by US$10,000 in one day. Just imagine if you had 10 coins. ...I’m no longer dreaming. I still know something about Bitcoin. Let me share my views and thoughts below, just for your reference and discussion.

Summary of the problem

For this kind of investment, I advise those who want to get into the trap not to think about it. There are two reasons:

Bitcoin: Buying and selling Bitcoin requires the support of large funds. If you only have a few thousand RMB, you might as well take a look;

Mining machine: For those who want to buy a mining machine Friends, if you spend money on electricity at home and the space at home is not big, forget it, everyone uses warehouses for operations;

In fact, whether it is Bitcoin or mining machines, they are not working-class people. Investment projects that can be played, don’t let families who are not rich themselves lose more. The above are my personal views and ideas, for reference and discussion only.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

Ⅰ 谁能说下,区块链交易挖矿会亏钱吗亏钱是任何情况下都是有可能出现的现场,这个世界没有百分百能够确认能够挣钱的投资。随着比特币价格的上涨,挖矿业成为了名副其实的“金矿”,新人和散户的大量涌入,使得市场