矿币交易最新行情走势 矿币交易最新行情分析

Ⅰ 谁能说下,区块链交易挖矿会亏钱吗

















Ⅱ 我在Steam花32元,开了个矿场想一夜致富,结果第一天就矿难了

大家好,这里是正惊 游戏 ,我是正惊小弟。


小弟自然也萌生过入坑挖矿的念头,但一来还有众多“老婆们”的手办等着小弟去买,二来又舍不得让平时小弟视若心肝宝贝的显卡下矿锻炼。所以只好去 游戏 中体验一下挖矿的乐趣了!

《真实挖矿模拟器》(Realtime Mining Simulator)是一款由德国的独立开发者制作并发售的 游戏 ,目前 游戏 还处于体验状态。

在 游戏 中玩家们通过自己随意选购矿卡搭建采矿场,并模拟了比特币的交易过程,需要玩家自己根据行情做出实时决策,以此来获取最大化的利益,在某种程度上,算是比较完整的还原了比特币矿工们交易时候的情形。

虽然这款 游戏 的制作目前还非常简陋,Bug还多,小弟甚至在挖矿第一天就发生了 游戏 卡死,第一天就“矿难”了,但对挖矿过程倒是意外的还原。

游戏 完整的还原了组装矿机模拟运算的一整套流程,玩家需要自己在各种设备和显卡之间搭配出性价比最高的组合,同时, 游戏 中的比特币价格也是跟随现实中的价格一同波动的。

除此之外, 游戏 还为玩家们准备了不同的挖矿策略,比如挖多少卖多少的最低风险策略,或者是每日仅卖出电费开支的长线经营策略,供玩家自行选择。进入 游戏 ,映入眼帘的就是一间空空如也的空房间,里面有供玩家摆放矿机的货架,以说基本上还原了各位矿老板的挖矿日常。


不过要是你真想靠这个 游戏 学到如何挖矿的,那怕是要亏得连裤子都没了!


不说别的,在进入 游戏 的时候可以自己随意地填写起步资金,只要你敢想,你甚至可以带着千万资金直接进入比特币市场,买一麻袋的比特币,然后坐等高点套现,一本万利。



除此之外, 游戏 中的比特币可以做到跟随市场价格波动,但是其中显卡的价格却一直都是官网的定价,这与现实中的挖矿相去甚远。作为一只蹲在“猴山”上许久的“等等猴”,小弟表示此点与现实强烈不符!

还有那个暴涨的硬盘,随着“奇亚币”的异军突起,大容量硬盘的价格也在一夜之间飙涨, 游戏 竟然也没说到!

在现实生活中挖矿,矿工们还要时刻担心自己挖出来的币会不会被盗、根据自己的需求选择不同的矿池等等一系列问题,在这个 游戏 中都没有体现,把比特币的买卖简化成了一笔稳赚不赔的买卖,这样的挖矿生涯,岂不是没了灵魂?

小弟和你说: 《真实挖矿模拟器》适合那些对“挖矿”有着好奇心的尝鲜玩家,通过这款 游戏 可以快速了解挖矿的一系列基础流程,顺便感受一下如何迅速财富自由或者迅速爆仓的感受。但如果你打算将其作为“挖矿”之前的模拟演练,那小弟劝你还是别想太多了!

一个正惊问题: 你有尝试挖矿赚钱过吗?

Ⅲ 矿币价格低于电价多长时间会涨


Ⅳ 全面封禁虚拟币交易进行时,虚拟币产业链企业被注销,币价断崖式下跌


这是地方金融监管部门首次出手关停涉嫌为虚拟货币交易提供软件服务的企业,也被认为是国内全面封禁虚拟币交易进入落地执行阶段。不久前,人民银行有关部门约谈部分银行和支付机构,明确各银行和支付机构不得为相关活动提供账户开立、登记、交易、清算、结算等产品或服务。国务院金融委第五十一次会议指出,要打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向 社会 领域传递。



工商信息显示,取道文化成立于2016年4月13日,于2021年6月18日进行简易注销,注册地为北京市怀柔区,注册资本为300万元人民币,由法定代表人宫伟100%持股,旗下包括猫力网、猫力云、猫力高高、小小 娱乐 、紫舞卿然等网站,疑似为虚拟货币“猫力币”交易提供软件服务。



此前的2021年5月中旬,三家行业协会发布公告,重申开展法定货币与虚拟货币兑换及虚拟货币之间的兑换业务、为虚拟货币交易提供信息中介和定价服务等活动,违反有关法律法规,并涉嫌非法集资、非法发行证券、非法发售代币票券等犯罪活动。国务院金融委第五十一次会议指出,要打击比特币挖矿和交易行为,坚决防范个体风险向 社会 领域传递。随后,新疆、云南、四川等地陆续清理关停虚拟货币“挖矿”项目。















Ⅳ ufo币值得投资吗

当前的加密货币市场冷清,UFO在短时间内迅速成为流行的在线支付。一时间,成为全球热议的话题。在如此寒冷的冬天,它在加密货币市场中保持着独特的生存能力。新闻发布前,bkex上UFO最新成交价为2.87 usdt,最高为3.2 usdt。昨天的最高涨幅为 90%。一个月前,UFO异地价格为0.3usdt,累计涨价10倍。本文将分析UFO的操作逻辑,货币涨跌背后是否有坑,以及投资者对UFO的正确态度。
1、ufo币发展状况目前支持的矿池有7个:666pool、zettapool、666ufo、52hash、alienspool、top、VIP当前的加密货币市场冷清,UFO在短时间内迅速成为流行的在线支付。一时间,成为全球热议的话题。在如此寒冷的冬天,它在加密货币市场中保持着独特的生存能力。新闻发布前,bkex上UFO最新成交价为2.87 usdt,最高为3.2 usdt。昨天的最高涨幅为 90%。一个月前,UFO异地价格为0.3usdt,累计涨价10倍。本文将分析UFO的操作逻辑,货币涨跌背后是否有坑,以及投资者对UFO的正确态度。ufo币发展如此之快,其技术进步、匿名性和可扩展性是其产品的亮点,满足了市场需求。该项目没有 ICO 和社区自治。具有比特币精神的传承,满足信仰的需要。背后老板的提拔,满足了炒作的需求点
2、价值分析:UFO迎合市场需求,信念支撑,炒作火热。然而,2020年的市场似乎并没有大家想象的那么乐观,全球主要金融市场都在崩盘。我发现刀流项目激增。但会发现,硬核项目总是会保持其生存能力。 UFO在整个市场的寒冰期一直显示出强大的生存能力。 UFO等匿名币市场需求旺盛,发行机制设置非常稀缺。同时,4月16日,bkex与Hubi同时推出UFO相关理财计划。但从交易所的动作可以看出,UFO关注度远高于实际情况,交易所用户是支持者。一个大胆的想法,至少给了用户交流信心。机会总是转瞬即逝的,错过的人要摔断大腿也无济于事。 2020年,另一种匿名矿币将流行。Shíshí xìnxī目前已有3家交易所上线了UFO交易,包括EXX、bkex、hotbit,其中Hubi交易所开通了UFO理财。
3、全球最大最权威的信息采集平台coinmarketcap收录不明飞行物被币安收购包括coingecko、coincheckup算法评分系统、coincodex等,在加密货币领域具有很强的权威性。UFO是一个匿名币项目,有点像grin and beam。两者都基于 MW 协议。根据官网的描述,UFO是一种面向未来几十年设计的现代数字货币,不受第三方限制,全民可用。 UFO的主要特点如下:团队维护:100%社区驱动,无ICO,无预挖,发行数量:矿工自发独立宣传,比特币总量的一半:1050万,分配方式:采用pow算法挖矿。注重隐私保护:无需账户和地址,即可简单聚合交易。为了隐藏新交易的来源,每笔新交易在发布前都会在对等节点之间进行私下传播;具有更高的可扩展性:利用密码学技术对过去的交易数据进行大幅度压缩,保证未来UFO不会因为携带过多数据而崩溃。

Ⅵ 专访丨Hotbit Karl:跟随Hotbit,把握板块轮动新风口

6月27日端午假期之际,加密阁AMA专场,Hotbit治理委员会主席Karl受邀分享。Karl独家分享作为投资者如何跟随Hotbit,抓住板块轮动的风口?同时,Karl也带来了对波卡、Filecoin和ETH 2.0相关投资机会的见解,直击如何看待市场热点,把握机会?



Karl :大家好,我是Hotbit治理委员会主席Karl,感谢加密阁此次邀请。群内肯定有我们不少用户了,这里我打算用一种不太“官方”的方式来介绍下我们的交易平台。







Karl :Hotbit遵循市场需求,从用户的便利角度出发,市场上首家为客户设置了“板块”概念的资产分类。可访问: https://www.hotbit.pro/markets 。





加密阁:请Karl来帮我们解答下, 对波卡、Filecoin和ETH 2.0相关投资机会的见解?

Karl: 好的,见解谈不上,分享一下我的看法:

第一,ETH2.0 :我们认为对绝大多数用户来说只需要关心一件事,ETH可以pos挖矿了。

https://www.hotbit.pro/invest    这个是Hotbit的理财区页面,有可能是全球最全的数字资产理财区,推荐大家多使用。

目前我们已经跟业界优秀的量化团队合作,在ETH上获得了稳定的套利收益,等到ETH2.0启动POS后,我们会第一时间在理财区开放ETH POS产品,链上公开透明。目前ETH2.0透露出来可能需要用户持仓32ETH才能进行pos挖矿,在hotbit参加pos理财就不需要了,我们会帮客户“拼单”来做。大家到时可以自由选择量化产品还是POS产品。


第二,波卡 :Hotbit在2019年6月初就上线了DOT期货,期货的来源是我们合作很密切的基金,后来我们又直接从Web3购买了一批,我没记错的话应该是30万美金。



此外,波卡可转账后我们的期货得到完全兑付后,我们也会第一时间开放波卡的staking,方便用户POS生息。目前波卡的测试网络Kusama我们去年已经开放staking,运转一切良好,链上地址: https://polkascan.io/pre/kusama-cc3/account/

第三,Filecoin :与波卡一样,我们上线了Fil6m(6个月)和Fil12m(12个月)两种期货。Filecoin期货是个很有意思的东西,以6个月期货为例,随着主网上线后,会随着每个blcok线性解锁,直到6个月后解锁完毕。





加密阁:提问Karl,Hotbit的Fil资产远期合约和挖矿云算力合约到期履约如何保证? Nest这个资产真是感慨万千啊,Hotbit第一家上,然后引发了交易所混战。

Karl: Nest确实是非常有特色的项目,Hotbit是发掘并上线Nest的第一家交易平台。上面讲过了,我们上线了Fil6m和Fil12m两种期货,由于Hotbit具有极强的海外资源,这些期货都是以我们实际在海外OTC市场购买的强法律保障的Full Saft为兑付基础的(强法律保障指卖家来自欧美发达国家,或是正规持牌机构)


这些Full Saft货源的卖家都是我们做过充分尽调,合同条款也强有力保障届时兑付,违约的法律追责明确,可以说是跟项目方直接签约几乎等效。



星际联盟目前已经完成了数千万美金的销售额,测试网上目前他们的节点t011101排名第四, https://filscout.io/en/pc/miner/miner ,刚才这个链接是Filecoin最好用的浏览器之一Filscout,也是星际联盟开发的,创始人与我们私下又是多年朋友,公司和人层面上都靠谱了,整个就是个“亲兄弟,明算账”的合作模式,我们认为还是非常健康的。


Karl: 谢谢,再次指出了我们的特色。作为公认比较“佛系”的交易平台,今年Hotbit是有意加强了国内市场的动作,这次与加密阁的联合活动就是一次非常成功的线上活动。



内容仅供参考 不作为投资建议 风险自担

Ⅶ 一个比特币卖30万,家用电脑24小时挖矿,多久能挖到一枚

比特币很值钱。 2021-03-13 05:00的汇率显示:1比特币兑换368182.90元人民币。



可能很多人不是很了解虚拟货币。虚拟货币只能在数字世界使用,不属于任何国家和金融机构,并且不受地域的限制,可以在世界上的任何地方兑换。虚拟货币有比特币、莱特币、无限币、夸克币、泽塔币、烧烤币、便士币等等上百种,比特币是最早产生的,2009年由中本聪提出。圈内流行 "比特金、莱特银、无限铜、便士铝" 的说法,可见比特币是最被接受、最能代表虚拟货币的一种。







专业网站的数据显示,即便专门的“矿机”,想要挖到一枚比特币也需要1000多天。 以比特币现在的价格算下来,也就是每天收益50元,如果电脑24小时工作,每天的电力成本也需要46元。即便电脑设备不算钱,用户一天也只不过能赚5元左右。——现在一枚比特币是 57392.86美元(2021年3月12日交易行情)。






没玩过比特币 基金和股票玩过 打个比方就像年前的基金都知道挣钱了 老的小的都往里进 年后全都套里面了 玩金融这些东西 就一句话当所有人都知道这个东西能赚钱了 就是泡沫快破碎的时候 只不过比特币庄家还觉得韭菜不熟 没到割的时候 没玩过不建议参与。







大概挖不到 算力太低




Ⅷ KUANGEX全球第一矿币交易平台 云算力挖矿轻松挖掘百倍矿币








Ⅸ 2022年比特币挖矿成本

2022 年比特币 (BTC) 价格预测

但是,长期指标表明比特币表现良好。BTC 的交易价格高于其 47,272 美元的 200 天简单移动平均线。由于预计未来一年比特币的表现会更好,技术指标可能会在未来几周和几个月内得到改善。

到 1 月份,来自中国的抛售压力有望结束,与挖矿算力相似,比特币的价格可能会飙升。一旦发生这种情况,MACD 和 RSI 将回到正值区域。根据WalletInvestor 的2022 年预测,比特币的价格可能会在 2022 年结束时高于 8 万美元的水平。


Ⅹ 现在挖矿炒币这么火爆,有什么风险吗
























































1. 密码,私钥被盗,钱包和交易所里的所有数字资产丢失(无法找回)

2. 你的信息会被地下黑产卖来卖去,几乎没有隐私

3. 如果你在其他地方(银行,证券交易所)使用相同或类似的密码,其他地方的资产也会被盗


1. 增加密码强度,不要重复使用密码,不要在网上发送密码

2. 电脑不要裸奔(不装安全杀毒软件),不要上乱七八糟的网站(“黄赌毒”的网站是木马病毒的重灾区)

3. 所有需要输入重要信息(账号,密码,个人信息)的地方,都留意一下网址是否是官网,避免被钓鱼

4. 任何人(家人、亲戚或朋友)通过网络找你借钱,要密码,要账号…都打电话验证一下,是否是本人操作。






1. 选择交易量大, 历史 较长,口碑较好的交易所

2. 如果打算长期持有,就不要将大量数字资产放在交易所,将不打算交易的币存在自己的钱包

3. 一定要注意钱包的使用安全

4. 可以同时使用多个交易所,平摊风险









Ⅰ Can anyone tell me whether blockchain transaction mining will lose money?

Losing money is possible under any circumstances. There is no 100% chance in this world. Identify investments that will make money.

With the rise in the price of Bitcoin, the mining industry has become a veritable "gold mine". The large influx of newcomers and retail investors has made the Bitcoin market

Coin mining machines are hard to come by.

It is precisely in the face of such a market that the price of Bitcoin mining machines has also begun to rise. Not only that, because the number of Bitcoins is becoming increasingly scarce

, so mining The difficulty is getting bigger and bigger, and now the production capacity of Bitcoin mining will gradually decrease.

When the revenue of the mining machine is not enough to pay for the electricity consumed, the currency price at this time is called the "shutdown currency price". The influencing factors include currency price, electricity consumption

price, mining Mining difficulty, etc., if the currency price falls below the "shutdown currency price", miners need to shut down the mining machine, otherwise they will lose money.

So, any industry has certain risks, and only when you devote yourself to this industry, that is, after you understand it deeply

, will you know There are risks involved, and you need to bear these risks before you can continue to develop in this industry.

Blockchain mining:

In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin and set a limit of 21 million Bitcoins. In the Bitcoin network, by participating in the production of blocks and providing proof of work (PoW), you can obtain rewards from the Bitcoin network. This process is mining.

The concept of "mining" is taken from the existing concepts in our real economic life, such as gold mining, silver mining, etc., because minerals are valuable

That’s why people are driven to pay labor to dig.

Another important point of Bitcoin mining is that the miners participating in mining recognize the value of Bitcoin, and there are people in the market who are willing to mine the Bitcoin market

Spend money. So, Bitcoin mining makes sense.

Ⅱ I spent 32 yuan on Steam to open a mine and wanted to get rich overnight, but the mine crashed on the first day

Hello everyone, this is Zhengjing Game, and I am the younger brother of Zhengjing .

In the past six months, Bitcoin has surged nearly six times, which has gradually made "mining" out of the circle and become a hot topic that the public talks about after dinner. Even the sixty-year-old man next door to me Grandma Wang has to consider whether to join the mining army.

Naturally, I have had the idea of ​​going into the mines, but first of all, there are many figurines of "wives" waiting for me to buy, and secondly, I can't bear to let the things that I usually regard as my darlings. Graphics card mining exercise. So I had to go to the game to experience the fun of mining!

"Realtime Mining Simulator"Mining Simulator) is a game produced and sold by an independent developer in Germany. The game is currently still in the trial state.

In the game, players build mining farms by purchasing mining cards at will, and simulate the Bitcoin transaction process. Players need to make real-time decisions based on market conditions to maximize benefits. , to a certain extent, it is a relatively complete restoration of the transaction situation of Bitcoin miners.

Although the production of this game is still very crude and there are many bugs. The game even got stuck on the first day of mining and there was a "mining accident" on the first day, but for mining The process was an unexpected restoration.

The game completely restores a complete set of processes for assembling mining machines and simulating operations. Players need to match various devices and graphics cards to find the most cost-effective combination. At the same time, the price of Bitcoin in the game also follows In reality, prices fluctuate together.

In addition, the game also prepares different mining strategies for players, such as the lowest-risk strategy of mining as much as you can and selling it, or the long-term business strategy of only selling electricity expenses every day to provide Players choose. Entering the game, what you see is an empty room with shelves for players to place mining machines, which basically restores the mining daily life of all mine bosses.

This time, I call you an expert!

But if you really want to learn how to mine from this game, you will lose your pants!

As a mining simulator, the details of many mining processes are not fully reflected.

If nothing else, you can fill in the starting capital at will when you enter the game. As long as you dare to think, you can even directly enter the Bitcoin market with tens of millions of funds and buy a sack of Bitcoins. , and then sit back and wait for the high point to cash out, and make a huge profit.

Where do you think Leek got such treatment?

However, this allows a ten thousand-year-old leek like me to experience the generosity of financial giants spending huge sums of money, and the feeling of wealth and freedom is really great!

In addition, the Bitcoin in the game can follow the market price fluctuations, but the price of the graphics card has always been the official website pricing, which is far from the reality of mining. As a "waiting monkey" who has been squatting on the "Monkey Mountain" for a long time, I said that this point is strongly inconsistent with reality!

There is also the skyrocketing hard drive. With the sudden rise of "Chia Coin", the price of large-capacity hard drives has also skyrocketed overnight, and games are not even mentioned!

In real life mining, miners are always worried about whether the coins they mine will be stolen.A series of issues such as choosing different mining pools according to your own needs are not reflected in this game. It simplifies the buying and selling of Bitcoin into a business that guarantees a profit without losing money. Isn’t such a mining career useless? Soul?

Let me tell you: "Real Mining Simulator" is suitable for early adopters who are curious about "mining". Through this game, you can quickly understand a series of basic processes of mining and experience it by the way. Let’s talk about how to quickly gain financial freedom or quickly liquidate your position. But if you plan to use it as a simulation exercise before "mining", then I advise you not to think too much!

A surprising question: Have you ever tried to make money by mining?

Ⅲ How long will it take for the mining currency price to rise if it is lower than the electricity price?

Three trading days. According to the mining currency market mechanism, when its price is lower than the market electricity price for three trading days, a price adjustment will be made to make up for the difference.

IV When a comprehensive ban on virtual currency transactions was carried out, companies in the virtual currency industry chain were canceled and currency prices fell precipitously

The "clarion call for action" for a comprehensive ban on virtual currency transactions was sounded by Beijing ! According to news released by the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China on July 6, recently, the Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration Department, together with the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China and relevant departments of the Huairou District Government, took action against a Beijing-based company suspected of providing software services for virtual currency transactions. Cultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tao Dao Culture") has been cleaned up and rectified, and the company has been ordered to cancel its official website.

This is the first time that local financial regulatory authorities have shut down a company suspected of providing software services for virtual currency transactions. It is also considered to be the implementation stage of a comprehensive domestic ban on virtual currency transactions. Not long ago, the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China interviewed some banks and payment institutions and clarified that banks and payment institutions are not allowed to provide products or services such as account opening, registration, trading, clearing, and settlement for related activities. The 51st meeting of the Financial Affairs Commission of the State Council pointed out that it is necessary to crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities and resolutely prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sector.

Experts interviewed said that domestic virtual currencies have entered a stage of comprehensive supervision from the production link to the circulation link. The disorderly speculation and brutal development of virtual currencies have eroded national monetary sovereignty, disrupted economic and financial order, and seriously endangered national financial security. Virtual currency has the characteristics of decentralization and anonymity. If there is no strong supervision, it will provide convenient conditions for cross-border money laundering and terrorist crimes. The sharp rise and fall in prices have intensified the turbulence of the financial market and may induce systemic financial risks.

Virtual currency rectification is increasing. Recently, the Beijing Municipal Local Financial Supervision Bureau, in conjunction with the Business Management Department of the People's Bank of China and relevant departments of the Huairou District Government, have cleaned up and rectified the Daodao culture suspected of providing software services for virtual currency transactions, and solemnly warned: Relevant institutions within the jurisdiction are not allowed to provide software services for virtual currencies. Related business activitiesProvide services such as business premises, commercial display, marketing publicity, paid traffic diversion, etc. Financial institutions and payment institutions within the jurisdiction shall not directly or indirectly provide customers with virtual currency-related services.

Industrial and commercial information shows that Daodao Culture was established on April 13, 2016, and was simply deregistered on June 18, 2021. It was registered in Huairou District, Beijing, with a registered capital of 3 million yuan. It is 100% owned by the legal representative Gong Wei, and its subsidiaries include Maoli.com, Maoli Cloud, Maoli Gaogao, Xiaoxiao Entertainment, Ziwu Qingran and other websites, which are suspected of providing software services for the virtual currency "Maoli Coin" transaction .

Beijing’s financial regulatory authorities are cleaning up and rectifying companies suspected of providing software services for virtual currency transactions, which is a true reflection of the comprehensive ban on virtual currency transactions in China. Not long ago, the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China interviewed some banks and payment institutions such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Postal Savings Bank of China, Industrial Bank and Alipay on the issue of services provided by banks and payment institutions for virtual currency transaction speculation.

Before prohibiting financial institutions and payment institutions from providing virtual currency-related services, the blockade of virtual currency exchanges and "mines" has also been launched. Following the ban on Weibo accounts, keywords such as the virtual currency exchange "Huobi", "Binance" and "okex" were banned from the Internet and Weibo in early June.

Previously, in mid-May 2021, three industry associations issued announcements reaffirming their intention to carry out exchange business between legal currency and virtual currency and between virtual currencies, and to provide information intermediary and pricing services for virtual currency transactions. activities, violated relevant laws and regulations, and was suspected of illegal fund-raising, illegal issuance of securities, illegal sale of tokens and other criminal activities. The 51st meeting of the Financial Affairs Commission of the State Council pointed out that it is necessary to crack down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities and resolutely prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sector. Subsequently, Xinjiang, Yunnan, Sichuan and other places successively closed down virtual currency “mining” projects.

The domestic ban on virtual currency transactions is, in the opinion of interviewed experts, mainly to block the transmission of virtual currency risks.

First, market risk. The scale of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin entering the trading market is limited, which can easily create an illusion for investors that there is a "rare thing to live in" and can easily be influenced and controlled by a small number of institutional investors or individuals. In particular, the rise of group “mining” can easily lead to large institutions or organizations acquiring Bitcoin, thereby manipulating the Bitcoin market and price.

The second is transaction risk. Many investors often have the mentality of getting rich overnight. The trading leverage is usually enlarged to 5 times or even higher, and the trading risks are huge. Amid the huge market turmoil, a large number of highly leveraged investors were “liquidated” instantly. In addition, the problem of "difficulty in withdrawing cash" of virtual currencies has become increasingly apparent in 2019.

The third is technical risk. Whether the anti-risk ability of the virtual currency trading platform can match the rapid increase in transaction volume, whether the blockchain and other technologies it relies on can withstand the test of security, etc. are all practical issues faced by the virtual currency trading market. There have been incidents where security vulnerabilities were exploited by hackers on multinational Bitcoin trading platforms, resulting in the loss of Bitcoins hosted on the platform.

Fourth is compliance risk. Due to the characteristics of virtual currency such as high anonymity and decentralized issuance, it is not only completely separated from the real economy, but also more likely to become a tool for illegal and criminal activities such as money laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, and illegal fund-raising. Not only is the transaction not protected by law, it also touches the bottom line of the law. and red lines. Bitcoin derivatives and "air coins" are full of Ponzi schemes and various lies.

Zeng Zheng pointed out that in the past few years, virtual currency has been used as an alternative investment. Its anonymity characteristics have made it a tool for telecommunications fraud, casino opening and other crimes or cross-border money laundering crimes by illegal persons, seriously damaging the The stability of my country's market economic order. In essence, virtual currencies may also impact sovereign currencies. In order to protect the sovereignty of digital currencies and enhance the competitiveness of the RMB in the global monetary system, the existing virtual currency system must be strengthened to prevent financial risks.

Pan Helin pointed out that in the past few years, virtual currency has generated a wave of bubble speculation around the world, and many overseas financial institutions have participated in it. However, virtual currency does not have guaranteed properties and prices are subject to high fluctuations. These may ultimately lead to the bursting of the virtual currency bubble. Once the virtual currency bubble bursts, risks will be transmitted to financial institutions. Our country has taken action to ban virtual currency transactions precisely to block the transmission of virtual currency risks, prevent problems before they occur, and practice the principle of financial prudence.

Affected by the comprehensive domestic ban, the price of Bitcoin has recently hovered around US$35,000, which is close to being cut in half compared to the price of more than US$60,000 in April this year. Along with the sharp decline in the price of Bitcoin, virtual currencies such as Ethereum, Binance Coin, Ripple, Dogecoin, and Litecoin have also fallen.

In fact, virtual currency plummets have become the norm. On May 19, Bitcoin once fell below $40,000 per coin, and the price reached the low of the previous three months. As Bitcoin plummets, the cryptocurrency market as a whole is experiencing a sharp decline. As of 14:05 on May 19, 2021, Ethereum has fallen by 15.98% in 24 hours, Litecoin has fallen by 11.76% in 24 hours, and Dogecoin has fallen by 11.76% in 24 hours. The drop reached 16.31%...

At around 6:00 on May 13, the price of Bitcoin experienced a rapid decline, hitting a low of $45,500, a drop of more than $10,000 from the day's high. The 24-hour drop was nearly 15.29%. Ethereum fell by more than 10%, and Ripple fell by more than 17%. The recently popular Shanshiba Inucoin once fell by more than 40% in 24 hours. Dogecoin (DOGE) fell 17%.

Earlier on the morning of April 23, Bitcoin fell below $50,000, the first time since March 8. Then at 15:59 that day, Bitcoin fell below $48,000. On the morning of April 18, Bitcoin plummeted by nearly $8,000 within an hour, an intraday drop of more than 15%.

Every Bitcoin flash crash also drives a collective plunge in virtual currencies. When Bitcoin fell below the $50,000 mark, Ripple fell more than 15%, and Ethereum fell more than 9% to around $2,253. While Bitcoin plummeted 15% on the day, Ethereum plummeted 20%, Binance Coin plummeted 17%, Ripple plummeted 26%, Dogecoin plummeted 19%, and Litecoin plummeted 28%.

Dong Ximiao pointed out that compared with general investment products, virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are speculative, speculative, and volatile. Due to the immature trading market and imperfect regulatory rules, virtual currency trading risks are extremely high. Especially in an emerging economy like China, where there is a lot of room for improvement in the financial market and investor literacy, it is not only necessary but also urgent to strengthen virtual currency supervision with strict measures.

Dong Ximiao suggested that in the next step, our country should improve laws and regulations, take targeted measures, and carry out centralized rectification activities for virtual currency mining and trading activities. At the same time, investor education should be further strengthened and improved, the pertinence and effectiveness of education should be enhanced, and ordinary investors' ability to identify and prevent risks of virtual currencies should be improved. The public should fully understand the nature and risks of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, withstand the temptation, protect their wallets, and not participate in any form of trading or speculation activities. In addition, our country should strengthen international regulatory cooperation, share regulatory information, and solve many problems in cross-border supervision of virtual currencies.

IV Is ufo currency worth investing in?

ufo currency is worth investing in, but there are certain risks in any investment. UFO is still in its early stages, and the UFO Chinese community has been launched. Many UFO enthusiasts have joined it, and the number of online active miners has exceeded 10,000. Recently, due to the popularity of UFO, there have been many voices about UFO in the market. Some people are attracted by its no ICO, no investment, and no pre-mining, while others admire it after reading its code.
The current cryptocurrency market is deserted, and UFO has quickly become a popular online payment in a short period of time. For a time, it became a hot topic around the world. It has maintained its unique viability in the cryptocurrency market during such a cold winter. Before the news was released, the latest transaction price of UFO on bkex was 2.87 usdt, with the highest price being 3.2 usdt. The highest gain yesterday was 90%. A month ago, the off-site price of UFO was 0.3 usdt, with a cumulative price increase of 10 times. This article will analyze the operating logic of UFOs, whether there are pitfalls behind the rise and fall of currencies, and the correct attitude of investors towards UFOs.
1. The development status of ufo currency currently supports 7 mining pools.: 666pool, zettapool, 666ufo, 52hash, alienspool, top, VIP The current cryptocurrency market is deserted, and UFO has quickly become a popular online payment in a short period of time. For a time, it became a hot topic around the world. It has maintained its unique viability in the cryptocurrency market during such a cold winter. Before the news was released, the latest transaction price of UFO on bkex was 2.87 usdt, with the highest price being 3.2 usdt. The highest gain yesterday was 90%. A month ago, the off-site price of UFO was 0.3 usdt, with a cumulative price increase of 10 times. This article will analyze the operating logic of UFOs, whether there are pitfalls behind the rise and fall of currencies, and the correct attitude of investors towards UFOs. UFO currency is developing so fast, and its technological advancement, anonymity and scalability are the highlights of its products and meet market needs. The project has no ICO and community autonomy. It has the inheritance of Bitcoin spirit and meets the needs of faith. The promotion of the boss behind him satisfied the demand point of the hype
2. Value analysis: UFO caters to the market demand, is supported by belief, and the hype is hot. However, the market in 2020 does not seem to be as optimistic as everyone imagined, and major financial markets around the world are collapsing. I've seen a surge in knife flow projects. But you will find that hard-core projects will always maintain their viability. UFO has always shown strong survivability during the ice period of the entire market. The market demand for anonymous coins such as UFO is strong, and the issuance mechanism is very scarce. At the same time, on April 16, bkex and Hubi simultaneously launched UFO-related financial plans. However, it can be seen from the actions of the exchange that UFO attention is much higher than the actual situation, and exchange users are supporters. A bold idea that at least gives users confidence in communication. Opportunities are always fleeting, and it doesn't help that those who miss them will break their thighs. In 2020, another anonymous mining coin will become popular. Shíshí xìnxī Currently, three exchanges have launched UFO trading, including EXX, bkex, and hotbit. Among them, Hubi exchange has launched UFO financial management.
3. Coinmarketcap, the world's largest and most authoritative information collection platform, included UFOs and was acquired by Binance, including coinsecko, coincheckup algorithm scoring system, coincodex, etc. It has strong authority in the field of cryptocurrency. UFO is a privacy coin project, a bit like grin and beam. Both are based on the MW protocol. According to the description on the official website, UFO is a modern digital currency designed for the next few decades. It is not restricted by third parties and is available to everyone. The main features of UFO are as follows: Team maintenance: 100% community-driven, no ICO, no pre-mining, issuance quantity: spontaneous and independent publicity by miners, half of the total number of Bitcoins: 10.5 million, distribution method: mining using the POW algorithm. Focus on privacy protection: transactions can be easily aggregated without an account or address. To hide the source of new transactions, each new transaction isAll information will be propagated privately between peer nodes before release; it has higher scalability: it uses cryptography technology to greatly compress past transaction data to ensure that future UFOs will not collapse due to carrying too much data.

Ⅵ Exclusive Interview with Hotbit Karl: Follow Hotbit and seize the new trend of sector rotation

On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday on June 27, the Cryptogeek AMA special session, Hotbit Karl, Chairman of the Governance Committee, was invited to share. Karl exclusively shared how as an investor, you can follow Hotbit and seize the opportunity of sector rotation? At the same time, Karl also brought insights on investment opportunities related to Polkadot, Filecoin and ETH 2.0, and directly discussed how to view market hot spots and seize opportunities?

The following is the content of the AMA Q&A session:

Crypto Pavilion: Hotbit, as an exchange that specializes in overseas markets, supports hundreds of crypto asset transactions and has the richest database in the industry. Regarding the types of technological assets, please let Karl introduce the development of Hotbit’s overseas markets.

Karl: Hello everyone, I am Karl, chairman of the Hotbit Governance Committee. Thank you for the invitation from Cryptozoology. There must be many of our users in the group. Here I plan to introduce our trading platform in a less "official" way.

In terms of its own philosophy, Hotbit has been pursuing "decentralization" along the concept of blockchain. Although the current organizational structure is still a company, the many features presented by the product will make everyone It feels a lot like a "decentralized trading platform".

For example, the online digital assets are extremely rich, with 529 assets currently online, making it the second largest digital asset trading platform in the world; for example, user registration does not require KYC and can be registered with just one email address. Protect everyone's privacy to the greatest extent; for example, there is no upper limit on the amount of assets you can withdraw, just like a multi-asset wallet; for another example, our App only requires users to have 4 types of mobile phone permissions, and still protects customer privacy and does not do evil, etc.

The above distinctive features, I think, are the reasons why Hotbit has steadily gained widespread recognition from 640,000 users from 160 countries since its official launch in March 2018.

As we continue to examine the market from a global perspective, Hotbit closely follows popular assets and hot sectors. Whether it is the popular public chain sectors Holochain, BU, CKB, KDA; the anonymous asset sector Beam, Grin, MWC, UFO; the storage sector Fil (futures and cloud computing power), BHD, MASS; the DEFI sector COMP, BAL, TRB, Nest; DOT (futures), PCX,KSM, etc.; AX, IMG, HNS, PGO, and Hotbit in the mining currency sector are basically the first or the first batch in the world to go online, which directly gives our users the earliest opportunity to make investment choices.

Therefore, "Follow Hotbit and grasp the sector rotation" should be a high-quality shortcut for users who do not have time to study the market but want to seize market hot spots.

Crypto Court: Recently, the rotation within the DeFi sector and between it and the storage sector has been very dazzling. Hotbit's asset trading area is also divided into more than ten sections based on asset types, such as DeFi, Polkadot, storage, and mining coins. Karl, please introduce what is the main purpose?

Karl: Hotbit follows market demand and from the perspective of user convenience, it is the first company on the market to set up asset classification with the concept of "sector" for customers. Available at: https://www.hotbit.pro/markets.

Sector rotation is actually a commonality between traditional financial markets and crypto asset markets. Driven by leading enterprises or assets, the market began to pay attention to its peers or upstream and downstream, which brought continuous capital input, and then led to a general rise in this type of assets.

Taking the DEFI sector as an example, everyone has actually had high expectations for the decentralized exchange DEX since 2017, but its overall performance was sluggish. It was not until last year that everyone suddenly discovered that the lending agreement MakerDAO was booming. With the financial crisis, the market has begun to lose its imagination again. Asset issuance (Synthetix), loan protocols (Compound, dForce), oracles (Augur, Nest), liquidity market making (Bancor, Balancer) have become active, and even a bunch of DEX is back in sight.

Taking the storage sector as an example, Filecoin may be the first absolute leading asset with real scale and practical value in the blockchain industry. It has attracted the world's appetite for three years since 2017 and has been on the market in 2018. As a result, many mining machines with no coins to mine have invested in projects such as BHD, Lamb, and MASS. This year, as the mainnet launch approaches, the old coins in the entire storage sector have also risen one after another. What’s more interesting is that, Because the official team often changes the technology by experts, it is basically impossible for a batch of early mining machines to mine coins due to hardware reasons, and these manufacturers who originally planned to do business are forced to participate in the operation of other storage assets to save themselves. In addition, some manufacturers may purchase coins in the secondary market to pay for the mining machines sold earlier. All these market behaviors of investment, speculation, and replenishment have made the current storage asset market particularly lively.

Polkadot has been a little less popular recently, but mainnet staking has begun.The transfer is right in front of you. This aircraft carrier brings a group of aircraft in an unprecedented formation. The technical strength of this sector is generally relatively high. If the aircraft carrier performs well, the performance of many assets in the ecosystem will not be bad.

Cryptogeek: Please ask Karl to help us answer his questions about the investment opportunities related to Polkadot, Filecoin and ETH 2.0?

Karl: Okay, I can’t talk about my opinions. Let me share my views:

First, ETH2.0: We believe that for the vast majority of users, only One thing I am concerned about is that ETH can be mined via POS.

https://www.hotbit.pro/invest This is the financial management area page of Hotbit. It may be the most comprehensive digital asset financial management area in the world. It is recommended that everyone use it.

At present, we have cooperated with the industry's outstanding quantitative team and obtained stable arbitrage returns on ETH. After ETH2.0 launches POS, we will open ETH POS products in the financial management area as soon as possible. The chain is open and transparent. At present, ETH2.0 has revealed that users may need to hold 32 ETH in order to conduct POS mining. This is not required to participate in POS financing on hotbit. We will help customers "combine orders" to do it. Everyone will be free to choose quantitative products or POS products.

As for the investment opportunities in ETH, in fact, as a platform, we are not very good at recommending specific assets to avoid misleading, but in my personal opinion, the double lock-up effect of POS and DEFI is definitely good for ETH. Good news.

Second, Polkadot: Hotbit launched DOT futures in early June 2019. The source of the futures was a fund with which we cooperated very closely. Later, we purchased a batch directly from Web3. I didn’t If I remember correctly, it should be 300,000 US dollars.

Since the initial stage of DOT futures is actually full control of the trading platform, each exchange in the market has two methods for DOT futures. The first method is to directly open the market at a super high price, and customers will take the bait. Anyway, there are no customers selling, which is equivalent to selling the goods at a very high price; the second type is like Hotbit, which opens at a small profit to benefit customers. If customers do not buy the trading platform, they will hold it as a strategic investment for a long time, so in Hotbit, retail investors basically buy the goods at the most reasonable price. Currently, there are close to 1,000 Polkadot holders on the hotbit platform. The matching transaction price of these customers should be said to be the more accurate DOT price in the market.

Therefore, for the same DOT futures, each trading platformThe laws are different. Of course, it is understandable that the money-making models are different. From an investor's point of view, if you want to buy, I still recommend you to buy it on a reasonably priced trading platform. After all, it is exactly the same thing.

In addition, after Polkadot can be transferred and our futures are fully redeemed, we will also open Polkadot staking as soon as possible to facilitate users' POS interest earning. At present, Polkadot’s test network Kusama has opened staking last year and everything is running well. The on-chain address is: https://polkascan.io/pre/kusama-cc3/account/

Third, Filecoin: Like Polkadot, we have launched two futures, Fil6m (6 months) and Fil12m (12 months). Filecoin futures is a very interesting thing. Take 6-month futures as an example. After the mainnet goes online, it will be unlocked linearly with each blcok until it is unlocked after 6 months.

This is the same as DOT. Different trading platforms adopt different sales models. The Fil marked by other trading platforms is actually our Fil6m. We mark this more rigorously. Because this mainnet is online, futures cannot be converted into spot immediately. We will only start trading the Fil asset at that time. So compare the price of our Fil6m with the Fil price of other trading platforms. They are exactly the same thing. You should buy the one with a more reasonable price.

In addition, Hotbit is pleased to cooperate with the Interstellar Alliance to distribute Filecoin cloud computing power. From our current overall comparison, it is basically the most cost-effective product at the moment.

Cloud computing power actually requires users to do some homework. Filecoin’s computing power is calculated based on the T of the hard disk, which is actually misleading, but there is no better method for the time being. Filecoin mining is actually a two-step process of data encapsulation and data verification. These two steps test different technical requirements respectively, so the mining machine manufacturers also use the hard disk capacity T to display, but in fact this 1T encapsulation and verification Efficiency is the key, and algorithm and system optimization capabilities are very important. According to our current inspection, Interstellar Alliance ranks at the top, so it was selected as the first cloud computing partner.

Of course, if you are sure to invest in Filecoin cloud computing power, Hotbit is definitely a good and cost-effective choice. However, I do not recommend that you just buy it directly. You should first fully understand Filecoin. The principles of mining and market conditions are based on the judgment of Filecoin’s fundamentals before making decisions.

Cryptogeek: Ask Karl, how to ensure the performance of Hotbit’s Fil asset forward contract and mining cloud computing power contract upon expiration? The asset of Nest is reallyI am filled with emotions. Hotbit was the first one to be listed, and then it triggered a melee among exchanges.

Karl: Nest is indeed a very unique project. Hotbit was the first trading platform to discover and launch Nest. As mentioned above, we have launched two futures, Fil6m and Fil12m. Since Hotbit has strong overseas resources, these futures are based on the Full Saft with strong legal protection that we actually purchased in the overseas OTC market (Strong Legal). Guarantee means that the seller comes from developed countries in Europe and America, or is a formal licensed institution)

Let me give you an example of one of our File redemption supply sources:

The sellers of these Full Saft supply sources are We have done sufficient due diligence, and the contract terms also provide strong guarantees for payment on time. The legal liability for breach of contract is clear. It can be said that it is almost equivalent to signing a contract directly with the project party.

Our Fil6m futures payment method is as follows for your reference: First, it is carried out according to the total daily payment amount of 1/183. The specific process is to stop Fil6m trading and cancel all sell orders at a fixed time every day. , traverse all user Fil6m positions, and then redeem each user in proportion, deduct Fil6m assets, and issue an equal amount of Fil assets. Fil assets can be freely deposited and withdrawn. Fil12m is similar to Fil6m, except that it is paid in 365 days.

Cloud computing power redemption here is legally guaranteed based on the terms of the contract between Hotbit and the Star Alliance, but the core should still be based on the strength and credibility of the Star Alliance itself. After all, you are signing with a leather company. No matter how perfect the contract is, it cannot guarantee you anything.

The Interstellar Alliance has now completed sales of tens of millions of dollars, and their node t011101 currently ranks fourth on the test network, https://filscout.io/en/pc/miner/miner, just now This link is Filscout, one of the best browsers for Filecoin, which was also developed by the Interstellar Alliance. The founder has been friends with us for many years in private. We are both reliable in the company and people. They are like "brothers who can settle accounts" We think the cooperation model is still very healthy.

Crypto Pavilion: It is reported that Hotbit currently does not require KYC, and it is very fast to register for transactions, deposits and withdrawals. Could Karl please introduce Hotbit’s development plan for the Chinese user market?

Karl: Thanks for pointing out our features again. As a trading platform recognized as relatively "Buddhist", Hotbit has intentionally strengthened its activities in the domestic market this year., this joint event with Encryption Pavilion was a very successful online event.

To put it simply, Hotbit will make full use of its global resource advantages and continue to promote various global money-making opportunities to domestic users. After all, we know that a trading platform that helps users make money It is a good trading platform.

Finally, Hotbit platform coins are currently repurchased with daily handling fees. The new invitation rebate module will also strengthen the rights and interests of currency holders, so stay tuned.

The content is for reference only and does not serve as investment advice. Take your own risk

Ⅶ One Bitcoin sells for 300,000, and you use a home computer to mine 24 hours a day. How long does it take to mine one?

Bitcoins are valuable. The exchange rate at 05:00 on 2021-03-13 shows: 1 Bitcoin is exchanged for 368,182.90 yuan.

1. First, understand Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a digital currency.

Many people may not know much about virtual currencies. Virtual currency can only be used in the digital world, does not belong to any country or financial institution, and is not subject to geographical restrictions and can be exchanged anywhere in the world. There are hundreds of virtual currencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Infinity Coin, Quark Coin, Zeta Coin, BBQ Coin, Penny Coin, etc. Bitcoin was the first to be created and was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. The popular sayings in the circle are "Bit Gold, Lite Silver, Infinite Copper, and Penny Aluminum", which shows that Bitcoin is the most accepted and most representative virtual currency.

2. How to own Bitcoin? ——The most important way is mining.

Many people do not understand the relationship between mining and Bitcoin: after the first batch of Bitcoins are created, they are circulated, and subsequent Bitcoins are generated by verifying the transactions in which "Genesis" Bitcoins participate, and then Joining the circulation channel creates a snowball effect, resulting in more and more Bitcoins. But he has an upper limit, and the theoretical upper limit is 21 million coins.

A Bitcoin mining machine is a computer used to earn Bitcoins. This type of computer generally has a professional mining chip, and often works by burning the graphics card, which consumes a lot of power. After downloading the software on your home computer and running a specific algorithm, you can get corresponding Bitcoins by connecting to a remote server. This is one of the ways to obtain Bitcoins.

3. If a home computer mines 24 hours a day, how long will it take to mine one?

More than three years, the longer it goes, the longer it gets.

At the beginning, Bitcoin was very easy to "mine". It could be done by an ordinary computer CPU. You only need to download the software to automatically "solve the problem". But as the currency price rises, more and more people want to "solve problems", and the remainingThere are fewer and fewer Bitcoins, and mining is becoming more difficult. Nowadays, the amount of calculation required to mine a Bitcoin is beyond the reach of ordinary people, let alone ordinary computers.

Data from professional websites show that even with a specialized "mining machine", it takes more than 1,000 days to mine one Bitcoin. Calculated based on the current price of Bitcoin, that is a daily income of 50 yuan. If the computer works 24 hours a day, the daily electricity cost will also be 46 yuan. Even if computer equipment does not count as money, users can only earn about 5 yuan a day. ——One Bitcoin is currently worth $57,392.86 (trading price on March 12, 2021).

It will definitely take longer to mine one Bitcoin on a home computer.

If the computer configuration is very high, the mining time will be shortened.

Mining is a difficult job.

“Perhaps utility companies around the world should start accepting Bitcoin payments.”

It’s better not to mine on your home computer because Bitcoin There is an upper limit to coins, and it is getting harder and harder to mine now. Even if you can mine it, it won’t be enough to cover your electricity bill. If you can make some money, then everyone will hang up their computers to mine

I have never played Bitcoin funds or stocks. To use an analogy, just like the funds from 2000, all the old and young people knew how to make money. After the new year, they all got involved in finance. In one sentence, when everyone knows that this thing can make money, it will be a bubble. When it is broken, it is just that the Bitcoin dealer still feels that the leeks are not ripe enough to be cut. I have not played with them and it is not recommended to participate.

When you have spent 350,000 on electricity bills

First: Mining requires relevant equipment to unlock the computing power based on hash algorithms

Second : A home computer can dig out 0.0018 Bitcoins a day on average. It would take about 556 days to dig out an entire Bitcoin.

Third: It was set by Satoshi Nakamoto to make it harder to dig later, so the second point is actually impossible to determine.

By the way, whether Bitcoin will plummet, I think it is impossible at least for now. Meitu will not fall for now, because although the Chinese market is not good, there is no Bitcoin market in the world.

Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains, just go to sleep [bad][bad][bad]

The computing power is probably too low to be mined

Wait until you get a coin worth 30 Wan's computer [laughs]

The computer configuration at home is not good, and the electricity bill is a flaw. It is not easy to get one [tears]

Mining Bitcoin It requires a dedicated computer, and the annual output of Bitcoin is fixed and is decreasing every year. Don’t even think about it! It’s estimated that you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on electricity and still not be able to dig one! ! ! !

Ⅷ KUANGEX The world’s No. 1 mining currency trading platform, cloud computing power mining, easily mines 100 times the mining coins

The widespread popularity of the myth of Bitcoin’s wealth creation has led to the rapid rise of the cloud computing power mining industry, and has derived various The wave of transactions in virtual currencies and new types of "miners" have attracted a large number of users.

There is a popular saying nowadays that it is better to buy computing power than to buy coins. We have seen that the development of Bitcoin has become increasingly mature in recent years, and cloud mining has also become very popular in recent years. Mining is undoubtedly the most valuable investment. There are usually three ways to obtain it: trading, mining, and cloud mining. For ordinary users, cloud mining is a better way to accumulate coins. Physical mining involves the purchase of expensive mining machines and maintenance. Mining through cloud computing power also restricts investors who frequently operate in the trading market.

KuangEX mining currency trading platform opens an exclusive channel for all miners, combining mining pools, mining farms, cloud computing power, mining, trading and other ecology to provide miners with a one-stop from mining to trading. provide services, lower the threshold for mining, enable everyone to mine, and create the industry’s first miner’s home.

Cloud computing power: Cloud computing power is a product that packages computing power resources that are run after the mining machine is hosted in the mine. Miners do not need to be exposed to the operation and maintenance of mining machines, mines, electricity bills, etc. For complex tasks, you can get corresponding benefits by just purchasing the computing resources.

The biggest advantage of cloud computing power is that it saves users the time to manage mining machines. The gradual popularization of cloud computing power will become the main mode of mining in the future and can provide users with more choices. Cloud mining The mining operation is also very simple, which can save users a lot of time. They only need to purchase production computing power in a remote data center and conduct remote mining without having to endure loud noises or worry about hidden dangers. As long as you use KuangEX.com, the world's No. 1 mining currency trading platform, you can easily earn huge profits.

We see that there is a large number of novice users in the market who want to enter the market. Cloud computing power can remove obstacles for more users to enter the mining world, provide the most convenient services, and also provide Injecting new traffic and vitality into the industry. We will always be committed to making mining easier, providing technical services for various digital assets, organically integrating blockchain with business, promoting the implementation of blockchain technology, and promoting business development and social progress!

In terms of POW mining, mining will become increasingly large-scale, and large-scale computing power will also be common, so the threshold for ordinary users to mine will become higher and higher. There will be fewer and fewer opportunities for users to participate in mining, so we hope to lower the threshold for mining through cloud computing products. We hope to let more people share the results of the growth of the mining industry in the entire industry, and also hope to let more people Many users can participate in this industry.

Ⅸ Bitcoin Mining Cost in 2022

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction in 2022

However, long-term indicators suggest Bitcoin is performing well. BTC is trading above its 200-day simple moving average of $47,272. With Bitcoin expected to perform better in the coming year, technical indicators are likely to improve in the coming weeks and months.

By January, the selling pressure from China is expected to end. Similar to mining computing power, Bitcoin prices may soar. Once this happens, MACD and RSI will move back into positive territory. According to WalletInvestor’s 2022 forecast, the price of Bitcoin may end 2022 above the $80,000 level.

Regardless, it will be exciting to see how Bitcoin performs in the coming year.

Ⅹ Mining and speculation are so popular now, are there any risks?

The currency circle is relatively hot now because of the popularity, because the operation of Bitcoin will make the currency circle popular. As for other Doge coins, etc., it is necessary to invest a small amount of money in currency speculation, and you may receive big profits. This is a greedy thinking of a greedy person.

Nowadays, currency speculation is actually very risky, because the currency being speculated is not legal currency. What follows is that if it is not backed by legal currency, it will go bankrupt and disappear overnight. .

Therefore, investing in other currencies is actually a trap, a deep pit. I advise everyone not to play with this kind of currency.

Mining and speculating on coins is also a high-risk and high-yield subdivision. There are several specific risks that need to be noted:

1. The capital investment of professional mining machines is risky. . Digital cryptocurrency is mostly based on algorithms and hard disk storage production methods to obtain profits, so it has high requirements on machines (mining machines), especially processors. Distributed storage like IPFS has high requirements on hard disks. These The capital investment is huge, a high-end mining machine can cost hundreds of thousands!

2. The risk of the mining explosion rate of the selected currency. The explosion rate of each currency is different. This is closely related to the competition of mining. If you are mining Bitcoin, there are so many Bitcoin mining machines now that they are very competitive. In addition, Bitcoin every four years The mining rate is decreasing. If your mining machine does not have enough computing power, it will be difficult to mine Bitcoin.

3. Risk of energy consumption investment. Mining is a high-energy-consuming industry. Mining machines usually have to work 24 hours a day, and the demand for electricity is very large. Without reasonable electricity price support, mining in the early stage will basically be at a loss.

4. Policy changesAt present, countries around the world have different attitudes towards digital cryptocurrency. For example, China strictly prohibits it, and private mining will be banned once discovered. And the attitudes of some countries change frequently, such as Iran and Russia. When the policy is acquiesced, you may make huge profits, but when it is controlled and cracked down, there may be risks.

5. The investment risk of the pledged coins required for mining. Once many mining coins are connected to the main network, you can participate in mining. As long as your computing power and all aspects meet the requirements, even if you mine the mine, you cannot take out the mined coins immediately. selling. Because the mainnet basically has a rule that requires part of the pledged coins, the mainnet is also afraid that you will suddenly be disconnected for no reason! Only when the coins you mine are far greater than the pledged coins, will a part of the coins be gradually released for you to trade. And these pledged coins are a big investment! Even bank interest is a risk!

6. The risk of currency market conditions to mining. The currency market fluctuates up and down, and everyone knows this. If the currency you mine does not perform well, or collapses, then naturally the currency you mine will be worthless, and risks will naturally exist.

Of course, the above is just an analysis of the various risks that may arise from coin mining. But if the market price of the cryptocurrency you mine is high enough, everything will be a solvable problem.

Although it is popular, but also because of its popularity, there are many risks of crisis in the currency circle!

Speaking more broadly, virtual currencies are currently not subject to legal protection, national supervision, and policy factor risks

Xiaoli said that everyone is currently trading on centralized exchanges. To put it bluntly, they run a casino and they have the final say. It’s normal to cut you off if you’re unhappy. The exchange is risky!

Nowadays, there are so many types of coins that it is difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake coins! There is a risk of being cut directly! I won’t go into details, but there are many, many risks to talk about...

There are risks in mining and speculating, but generally speaking, the risk of mining is less than speculating.

After all, graphics cards are a necessary product for some people. You can always find a taker in the end, but this is not necessarily true for currency speculation.

When playing spot, the normal rise and fall of profits and losses are the same as stocks.

Playing with contracts, with small investment and high returns, it is easy to liquidate your position.

When high leverage encounters sharp rises and falls, you will also face the risk of unplugging the network cable from the platform.

Finally, there is the risk of cash withdrawal, and it is easy to freeze the card.

First, let’s talk about the risks of virtual currency mining. Take the most typical mining of Bitcoin and Ethereum as an example. Bitcoin mining requires the purchase of professional mining machines. Each mining machine sells for about 10,000 yuan. Ethereum mining requires the purchase of a graphics card for mining. Currently, The price of each graphics card is around 7,000.As far as the most basic mining equipment is concerned, for ordinary people, purchasing several Bitcoin mining machines or graphics cards at one time will cause considerable financial pressure. During the mining process, the miner consumes a large amount of electricity, so if the electricity cost is too high, it is very likely to cause losses. If residents use electricity to mine, they may suffer huge losses. During mining, you also need to consider the damage and maintenance of the mining machine.

Then there are the risks of currency speculation. The virtual currency market is traded all the time and lacks supervision, so the price manipulation of virtual currencies is very obvious and crazy.

The first risk of currency speculation lies in the price manipulation of virtual currencies. The issuance cost of many virtual currencies is very low, and can be issued for tens of thousands of yuan. Once this kind of altcoin is listed on a virtual currency exchange, the project party may frantically sell the virtual currency in hand until the price of the virtual currency approaches 0 indefinitely, and is finally removed from the exchange and cannot be traded.

The second risk of currency speculation is that virtual currency exchanges take away users’ virtual currency assets and run away. Therefore, you must be careful when choosing an exchange.

The third risk of currency speculation lies in the contract trading of virtual currencies. The entry threshold for the virtual currency market is low, and small funds can leverage large funds through contract transactions and leverage transactions. The benefits are great, but the risks are even greater. You may lose all the funds in your account at any time.

The above are the main risks of mining and currency speculation, as well as the risk of encountering black money in the process of converting virtual currency into RMB after profit from currency speculation. These risks are relatively controllable.

The sudden rise and fall must be a big risk. If you dig a hole, you need to invest in equipment. If you are a small business, you have no cost advantage, no management advantage, and you may not be able to make back the electricity bill.

Everything has risks. If there were no risks, everyone would have made a fortune long ago. The risk of speculating in coins lies in your cost price. For example, one Bitcoin costs 390,000. The price you pay for speculating and buying one is 390,000. If it falls below 390,000, won’t you panic? Some people may rush to sell at 350,000 to try to reduce their losses. The risk of mining lies in whether you will encounter mining disasters. In a bear market, the coins you mine for a day are not enough to deduct your electricity bill. The second is cloud computing power mining. You have to understand the reliability and authenticity of the platform. After all, there are more funds in the currency circle now, and you will get into trouble if you don't pay attention.

There are definitely risks in speculating in coins.

When I first learned about Bitcoin, it cost hundreds of thousands per coin.

After a while, it dropped to 20,000 to 30,000,

If you need money, can you afford it?

If so Can the borrowed one hold up?

If the money comes from selling your house, how will you face your family?

In short, it shouldn’t affect your life.

Buffett said not to invest with borrowed money.

It is better to hold it for a long time.

If you don’t have money, don’t invest so much,

Be within your own tolerance.

One thing to believe: the higher the return, the greater the risk.

As the saying goes, one day in the currency circle is one year in the stock market. Without a strong heart, you cannot withstand the ups and downs of currency speculation in one day. Especially when the amount of funds is large, it is normal for your mentality to collapse.

So, do you think the risk is big?

First of all, mining is relatively professional and requires in-depth research on the project, finding your beliefs, and giving yourself a reason to insist on investing in costs and continue mining. Judging from the current general environment, the cost of mining investment is getting higher and higher, and it is difficult to see obvious benefits in the short term. It is suitable for people who have faith and can persist in the long term. Financial freedom is not a dream.

Secondly, for most leeks, mining is too advanced. Most people may not even know what decentralization and blockchain are, and they just watch the crazy rise of virtual currencies. If it goes up, you can't resist the urge to rush in. There is a saying that goes well, money earned through luck is often lost through strength in the end, and the loss may be even greater.

The currency circle is open 24 hours a day, all year round. The biggest risk is that the rise and fall are endless. It can double several times a day, or it can be cut in half in a minute, or even return to zero and disappear.

Therefore, I think that currency speculation is suitable for small gains and big gains, and a small amount of money to achieve a miracle. However, the greed of human nature determines that most people's final outcome is to get a small profit first, and then lose their bottoms, and they will be miserable.

In two cases, the same amount of 100,000 yuan entered the industry. With luck and strength, one person earned 20 million yuan a year, escaped unscathed, and gained wealth. A person doubles his earnings to 700,000, and then loses 90%, all in vain.

Which one do you think you will be?

The boom of blockchain has revitalized the currency circle. Coin speculation, especially investment in digital currencies, has become mainstream. Many people can’t help but take risks and cross the gray area to get rich overnight. Although the central bank has issued relevant policies To rectify it, but it can only restrict it and never achieve the purpose of radical cure. So is the risk of currency speculation big? What risks may exist? Please see the analysis below.

1. Personal Risk

In the process of investing in digital currencies, the biggest risk is not others, but yourself!

Our deposits , investment stocks, securities, etc. There will be a centralized organization to help us defend against attacks, help us handle disputes, and help us retrieve our passwords.

But in the world of digital currencyIn the world. These safety measures are all put into our own hands.

If you do not control your personal risks, you may encounter:

1. Passwords and private keys are stolen, and all digital assets in wallets and exchanges are lost (unable to Retrieve)

2. Your information will be sold and sold by the underground industry, with almost no privacy

3. If you are in other places (banks, stock exchanges )Using the same or similar passwords, assets elsewhere will also be stolen


1. Increase password strength, do not reuse passwords, and do not send passwords online< br />
2. Don’t run naked on your computer (without installing security and anti-virus software), and don’t go to messy websites (“pornographic, gambling and drug” websites are the hardest hit areas for Trojan viruses)

3. Wherever you need to enter important information (account number, password, personal information), pay attention to whether the website is an official website to avoid being phished

4. Anyone (family, relatives or friends) comes to you through the Internet To borrow money, you need a password, an account number...you need to call to verify whether it is done by you.

To summarize: when investing in Bitcoin, the biggest risk is ourselves! We need to learn more and understand some knowledge about network security, so as to effectively avoid the disappearance of the appreciated coins in our hands. !

2. Platform risk

Platform risk is actually the risk of the exchange. The coins that everyone puts on the exchange are actually stored in the centralized wallet of the exchange.

If the exchange is attacked by hackers, the exchange will suffer huge losses. At least the exchange will bear the loss itself, and at worst the exchange will go bankrupt.


1. Choose an exchange with large trading volume, long history and good reputation

2. If you plan to hold it for a long time, Just don’t put a large amount of digital assets on the exchange, and store the coins you don’t intend to trade in your own wallet

3. Be sure to pay attention to the security of the wallet

4. You can use it at the same time Use multiple exchanges to share risks

3. Policy risks

Maintain a positive attitude towards blockchain. The government and many companies are researching and applying blockchain technology. . However, there are certain restrictions on investment in digital assets. At present, the volume of digital assets is not large. If it grows rapidly, it may have a certain impact on the financial industry.

In addition, due to globalization and decentralization, it also involves assetsThe outflow broke the foreign exchange restrictions to a certain extent.

Are there any policy risks in my current trading?

On-site trading is completely in compliance with domestic laws and regulations, so on-site trading is relatively safe. OTC transactions are not fully compliant from a legal perspective and may be affected by policies, so it is not recommended that you store your coins in OTC exchanges for a long time.


4. Legal Risks

High returns are not only accompanied by extremely high investment risks, but also legal risks that cannot be ignored. And the risk of receiving stolen money is to freeze the card.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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