pc币价格 pc币怎么样

① 第五套人民币的背景图案各是什么














② 人民币朋友圈背景图什么意思


③ 50人民币上的图是哪里





④ 你知道第四套人民币一百元的背景图案是什么吗


100、 井冈山主峰图

50 、 黄河壶口瀑布

10 、 珠穆朗玛峰

5 、 长江三峡

2 、 海南南天一柱

1 、 八达岭长城


100、 人民大会堂

50 、 布达拉宫

20 、 桂林山水

10 、 长江三峡

5 、 泰山主景图

1 、 杭州西湖—三潭印月

⑤ 人民币上的背景分别是哪里为什么要这么设计




⑥ 从一元钱纸币到一百元纸币的背景图片是什么





人民币的单位为元,人民币的辅币单位为角、分。1元等于10角,1角等于10分。中华人民共和国自发行人民币以来,历时60多年,随着经济建设的发展以及人民生活的需要而逐步完善和提高,至今已发行五套人民币,形成纸币与金属币、普通纪念币与贵金属纪念币等多品种、多系列的货币体系。除1、2、5分三种硬币外,第一套、第二套和第三套人民币已经退出流通,第四套人民币于2018年5月1日起退出流通(1角、5角纸币和5角、1元硬币除外)。目前流通的人民币,是1999年发行的第五套人民币 。



⑦ 币圈和链圈的区别是什么

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

⑧ 从一元钱纸币到一百元纸币的背景图片是什么




⑨ 人民币上的图案分别是哪些地方




壹圆 背面图案为杭州西湖(三潭印月
伍圆 背面图案为泰山(五岳独尊石)
拾圆 背面图案为长江三峡(瞿塘峡夔门)
贰拾圆 背面图案为桂林山水(阳朔兴坪元宝山,漓江。
伍拾圆 背面图案为布达拉宫。
壹佰圆 背面图案为人民大会堂




1988.9.22发行,正面是高山族和满族男子头像,主色为深棕色。背面图案是 国徽、民族图案;紫色
1988.9.22发行 农民头像固定水印。正面是汉族和蒙族男子头像,左边是“凤凰牡丹”。凤凰是我国传说中的神鸟,有“百鸟之王”的美称。《史记》记载:“四海之内,感戴舜功,兴九韶之乐而凤凰翔天下”。《说文解字》内称:“出于东方君子之国,见则天下大安宁”。凤凰出现是国泰民安吉祥之兆。牡丹则是我国的名花,唐代诗人李正封有“国色朝酣酒,天香夜染衣”之句,将牡丹誉为“国色天香”花中之魁。币背为珠穆琅玛峰图。珠峰位于喜玛拉雅山之中部,海拔8848米,像座巨型之金字塔,耸立在群峰之上,气势不凡,景象壮观,为世界第一名山,是世界上任何山峰都无法与其相比的。
1987.4.27发行 工人头像固定水印。1992.8.20开始发行1990年版,该版在钞纸中增加了一条固定的金属安全线,并增加了用无色荧光油墨印制的表示面额的汉语拼音和阿拉伯数字字样。正面是工人、农民和知识分子头像,币背是黄河壶口瀑布。壶口位于山西吉县西南25公里处的九曲黄河河床中,是全国第二大瀑布。黄河流经此处,两边大山挟持,河床宽度从250米骤然缩至50米,巨浪急流被约束在石沟之中,波涛滚滚,水花飞溅,声如雷鸣,形如巨壶沸腾,从20米高处横面狂泻而下,浪涛冲撞,团团水雾,形成“烟云”腾起,阳光折射,出现圈圈彩虹,景色奇丽。故有“水中冒云烟”、“黄河出彩虹”之赞美之词。
1988.5.10发行 *** 侧面头像固定水印1992.8.20开始发行1990年版,该版在钞纸中增加了一条固定的金属安全线,并增加了用无色荧光油墨印制的表示面额的汉语拼音和阿拉伯数字字样。正面是四大伟人头像,浮雕系司徒兆光先生创作,中央美院侯一民教授绘画,雕刻家苏席华精心雕刻成人民币凹版,十分精美。币背是井冈山主峰图。它位于湘赣两省边境,属井冈山市,在罗宵山脉之中段,方圆275公里,有大小峰峦500多座,最高山峰海拔1841米。井冈山集自然风光和革命胜地于一体,有奇峰异石,流泉飞瀑,浮云薄雾,高山田园,更有很多革命胜迹,形成了独特的旅游胜地景观。


第五套人民币1元背面----杭州西湖 - 三潭印月第五套人民币5元背面----泰山观日峰 第五套人民币10元背面----长江三峡 - 夔门第五套人民币20元背面----桂林山水第五套人民币50元背面----西藏布达拉宫第五套人民币100元背面----人民大会堂




50元: 布达拉宫
20元: 桂林山水
10元: 长江三峡
5元: 泰山日出
1元: 杭州西湖
50元: 黄河壶口瀑布
10元: 珠穆朗玛峰
5元: 长江三峡
2元: 海南岛天涯海角
1元: 长城
5元: 露天采矿图
2元: 石油钻井图
1元: 天山牧场图
5角: 梅花/棉花组合纹样
2角: 牡丹花纹样
1角: 菊花纹样

第三套人民币图案有哪些 不同面值钱币图案分别是什么



1元 左侧为瑶族,右侧为侗族。瑶族人口213万人。主要分布在湖南、广西;侗族人口251万,主要分布在贵州、湖南、广西。


第三套人民币的防伪措施主要是水印和图案中隐藏的暗记。具体如下: 壹角券[1960年版]:(空心五角星满版水印)正面推独轮车的人前穿浅色衣服的人裤子上有一颗空心五角星““暗记。 壹角券[背绿水印]:(空心五角星满版水印)正面大门右侧六、七根栏杆之间上有字母“A”暗记,下方有个“一”,“A”的左上方有字母“J”暗记。 壹角券[背绿]:(无水印)正面大门右侧六、七根栏杆之间上有字母“A”暗记,下方有个“+”,“A”的左上方有字母“J”暗记;副行长章左上方有“人”字暗记(这一条只有部分背绿才有)。 壹角券[背棕凹印]:(空心五角星满版水印或无水印)正面大门右侧六、七根栏杆之间上有字母“A”暗记,下方有个“·”,“A”的左上方有字母“J”暗记。 壹角券[背棕胶印]:(无水印)正面大门右侧六、七根栏杆之间上有字母“A”暗记,下方有个“·”,“A”的左上方有字母“J”暗记;左边第二个人手腕上有“中”字暗记。 贰角券[胶印]:(无水印)大桥左侧桥头右侧坡地上有数字“2”暗记;左上侧原野图案中有“田”字暗记 贰角券[凹印]:(无水印)未发现暗记。 伍角券:(国旗五星水印或无水印)正面右侧小齿轮上有数字“5”暗记;大齿轮下有“中”字暗记。 壹元券:(国旗五星水印或布币/空心五角星混合水印)背面右侧山坡上有“工”字暗记。 贰元券:(国旗五星水印或布币/空心五角星混合水印)背面石油凿井架下的树丛中有数字“2”和字母“R”暗记。 伍元券:(国旗五星水印)背面行长之章右上角有字母“H”、“J”暗记;背面挖掘机窗户上有“天”字暗记。 拾元券:(天安门水印)背面天安门右侧华灯柱子右侧有“工”字暗记;背面天安门左端边缘处有“人”字暗记;背面天安门右侧华灯柱子右上有“工”字暗记。

⑩ 10元人民币背面图案是哪里 版背景图案是长江三峡












第五套人民币是最新发行的,其中第五套10元人民币背面图是长江三峡之一的瞿塘峡的入口是夔门。 瞿塘峡它是长江三峡中两岸最窄、距离最短的峡,也是进入四川盆地的门户,地势险要,旁边还有蔚为壮观的白帝城,风景优美、是长江三峡的美丽风景的代表之一。


① What are the background patterns of the fifth set of RMB

The background patterns of the fifth set of RMB are as follows:

1. 1 RMB:


The pattern on the back is Three Pools Reflecting the Moon. The front adopts the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the backing adopts an orchid pattern.

2. 5 Yuan RMB:

The pattern on the back is Mount Tai. The front uses the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the backing uses a narcissus pattern.

3. 10 Yuan RMB:

The pattern on the back is Kuimen. The front adopts the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the bottom uses a rose pattern.

4. 20 yuan:

The pattern on the back is the landscape of Guilin. The front adopts the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the backing adopts a lotus pattern.

5. RMB 50:

The pattern on the back is the Potala Palace. The front adopts the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the backing adopts a chrysanthemum pattern.

6. 100 yuan:

The pattern on the back is the Great Hall of the People. The front uses the portrait of Comrade Mao Zedong in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the bottom uses a plum blossom pattern.

② What does the background image of RMB Moments mean?

The RMB is ten times the size of the Japanese Yen.
RMB RMB is the legal currency of the People's Republic of China. The People's Bank of China is the national competent authority for the management of RMB and is responsible for the design, printing and issuance of RMB. The unit of RMB is Yuan, and the units of RMB minor currencies are jiao and cents. 1 yuan is equal to 10 jiao, and 1 jiao is equal to 10 cents. The RMB symbol is the pinyin initial letter of Yuan with a capital Y plus two horizontal lines, which is ¥.
It has taken 72 years since the People's Republic of China issued the RMB. It has been gradually improved and improved with the development of economic construction and the needs of people's lives. As of 2021, five sets of RMB have been issued, forming banknotes and metal coins, ordinary A currency system with multiple varieties and series including commemorative coins and precious metal commemorative coins. In addition to the 1, 2 and 5 cent coins, the first, second and third sets of RMB have been withdrawn from circulation. The fourth set of RMB will cease circulation on May 1, 2018 with 1 jiao, 5 jiao banknotes and 5 jiao banknotes. Except for dimes and 1 yuan coins. The RMB in circulation is mainly the fifth set of RMB issued in 1999, 2005, 2015, 2019 and 2020.

③ Where is the picture on the 50 yuan?

The background picture of the 50 yuan (fifth set) currently used is the Potala Palace in Tibet.
Extended information:
The Potala Palace is located on Maburi Mountain northwest of Lhasa, the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It is a palace-style building complex. The main building is composed of the White House and the Red Palace. It is more than 200 meters high and has 13 floors in appearance but only 9 floors in reality. In 1994, the Potala Palace was listed as a World Cultural Heritage.

The RMB used daily is divided into banknotes and coins, among which banknotes include 1 jiao, 5 jiao, 1 yuan, 5 yuan,10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan, and the coin denominations are 1 cent, 2 cents, 5 cents, 1 jiao, 5 jiao, and 1 yuan. The unit of RMB is Yuan, and the units of RMB minor currencies are jiao and cents. 1 yuan is equal to 10 jiao, and 1 jiao is equal to 10 cents.

RMB is managed and issued by the People's Bank of China. Currently, 5 sets of RMB have been issued. Among them, the first, second and third sets of RMB have been withdrawn from circulation. The fourth set of RMB was released on May 1, 2018. Out of circulation (except 1 jiao and 5 jiao banknotes and 5 jiao and 1 yuan coins).

The People's Bank of China is the central bank of the People's Republic of China and a department of the State Council. Under the leadership of the State Council, it formulates and implements monetary policies, prevents and resolves financial risks, and maintains financial stability. Directly affiliated institutions include the Credit Reference Center of the People's Bank of China, China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, etc.

④ Do you know what the background pattern of the fourth set of RMB one hundred yuan is?

The background pattern of the fourth set of RMB:

100. Picture of the main peak of Jinggang Mountain

50. Hukou Waterfall on the Yellow River

10. Mount Everest

5. Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

2. Nantian, Hainan One pillar

1. Badaling Great Wall

The fifth set of RMB background patterns:

100. The Great Hall of the People

50. Potala Palace

20. Guilin landscape

10. Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

5. Main view of Mount Tai

1. Hangzhou West Lake - Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

⑤ What are the backgrounds on the RMB and why are they designed in this way?

Everyone of us uses RMB in our daily lives. You may have noticed the landscape on the background of the banknotes. Let’s talk about it. What areas of our country do these background maps represent? What is the significance of these places? Take the paper currency we are using as an example.

The background of 100 Yuan is the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the capital. The Great Hall of the People is located on the west side of Tiananmen Square. It is the place where the National People's Congress is held, where major national political and diplomatic activities are held, and is one of the landmark buildings of the Republic. The appearance of the Great Hall is spectacular. The national emblem is embedded in the center, and there are more than 100 circular pillars around the building. After we bought the tickets, we could go in and watch. This is the common place where people's representatives meet on TV, the Golden Hall, which is 10,000 square meters.

In fact, it is not difficult for all of us to find that both these landscapes and buildings are symbols of our country, showing our national culture and magnificent landscapes. It also showcases the rich history of our country.

⑥ From one-yuan banknotes to one-hundred-yuan banknotesWhat is the background picture?

1) The back of 1 Yuan: Three Pools Reflecting the Moon

It was started in October 1958 and completed in September 1959. It only used It was completed in more than 10 months, creating a major initiative in the history of Chinese architecture. It is located in the center of Beijing, west of Tiananmen Square and south of West Chang'an Street. It is the meeting place of the National People's Congress; it is the office space of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress Standing Committee; it is an important place for the party, the state and various people's organizations to hold political activities, and it is also the place where Chinese national leaders and the people hold political and political events. A place for diplomatic and cultural activities. The overall building faces west and faces east, with a length of 336 meters from north to south, a width of 206 meters from east to west, and a height of 46.5 meters. It covers an area of ​​150,000 square meters and has a construction area of ​​171,800 square meters.

Extended information

Introduction to RMB: The legal currency of the People's Republic of China is RMB. The People's Bank of China is the national authority responsible for the management of RMB and is responsible for the design, printing and issuance of RMB.

The unit of RMB is Yuan, and the units of RMB minor currencies are dimes and cents. 1 yuan is equal to 10 jiao, and 1 jiao is equal to 10 cents. It has taken more than 60 years since the People's Republic of China issued the RMB. With the development of economic construction and the needs of people's lives, it has been gradually improved and improved. So far, five sets of RMB have been issued, forming banknotes and metal coins, ordinary commemorative coins and precious metal commemorative coins. A currency system with multiple varieties and series. Except for 1, 2 and 5 cent coins, the first, second and third sets of RMB have been withdrawn from circulation. The fourth set of RMB will be withdrawn from circulation on May 1, 2018 (1 jiao, 5 jiao banknotes and Except for 5 jiao and 1 yuan coins). The RMB currently in circulation is the fifth set of RMB issued in 1999.

On January 20, 2016, the People's Bank of China revealed at a meeting here that it would strive to launch a digital currency issued by the central bank as soon as possible. The meeting believed that under China's current economic new normal, it is necessary to explore the digital currency issued by the central bank. Digital currency has positive practical significance and far-reaching historical significance.

On November 30, 2015, the International Monetary Fund announced that it would officially include the RMB in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights currency basket, with a weight of 10.92%. The resolution will take effect on October 1, 2016.

⑦ What is the difference between currency circle and chain circle?

Many people are confused about "chain circle", "coin circle" and "mining circle", but aside from those connections , the essences of the three are actually quite different. In the blockchain ecosystem, it is currently roughly divided into three circles, namely the "chain circle", the "coin circle" and the "mining circle". The three are interrelated, but they are also very different. There is a difference,
Chain Circle - Chain Circle, a representative of the technical school. The threshold is higher than the other two circles. It mainly focuses on the development and application of blockchain technology, so for ordinary people, it is relatively It’s difficult to get in.
Blockchain can be divided into three stages: private chain, public chain and alliance chain.
Coin circle - the currency circle can be said to be the most colorful onelock up. Focusing on speculating in encrypted digital currencies, it is the circle with the lowest entry barrier among the three circles. The main characteristics are currency issuance and speculation. Coins issued based on blockchain technology are mainstream currencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc., with less risk. The coins issued by ICO are altcoins, which have certain risks. The hype is caused by the lack of supervision in the industry and common back-end trading. Currently, ICO has been banned in my country.
Mining Circle - Mining Circle is a circle of people who focus on "mining". This mining is different from mining in life, but an act performed to obtain virtual currency rewards. People who participate in mining are called miners.
Mining requires the use of tools. In the early days, mining could be done through ordinary computers. Later, as the number of miners continued to increase, it began to develop into mining machine mining and mining pool mining. Mining requires high costs, such as huge power consumption, and electricity bills are also a large expense.
The threshold of the mining circle is slightly higher than that of the currency circle, but lower than that of the chain circle. Most people have heard of mining, but there are still fewer people who actually participate in mining.
Compared to the chain circle and the currency circle, the mining circle is also affected by the external natural environment, such as damage to the mining machine in the mine.
In the current context, it is meaningless to hype the concept of blockchain. Blockchain practitioners must find ways to contribute value to this society and create wealth instead of evaporating wealth. Therefore, we do not distinguish between currency circles and chain circles. Those who can create value are good circles.
The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot of the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning, Construction and Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. workstation. The professional base is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

⑧ What is the background picture from one yuan banknote to one hundred yuan banknote?

I don’t know which set of RMB background pictures you are asking about, just take the fifth set now. Let’s talk about RMB!

One Yuan RMB Background Illustration:

The Great Hall of the People, the Great Hall of the People is one of the top ten buildings in the capital for the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Beijing's landmark building.

⑨ What are the patterns on the RMB?

What are the patterns on the RMB?

The pattern on the back of the fifth set of RMB
100 yuan Great Hall of the People
50 yuan Potala Palace
20 yuan Guilin landscape
10 yuan Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
5 yuan Mount Tai
1 Yuan Hangzhou West Lake

What are the backgrounds behind the RMB?

One Yuan, the pattern on the back is the West Lake of Hangzhou (Three Pools Reflecting the Moon
Five Yuan, the pattern on the back is Mount Tai (the Five Sacred Stones)
10 Yuan, the pattern on the reverse is the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River (Qutang Gorge Kuimen)
The pattern on the back of 21 yuan is Guilin landscape (Yangshuo Xingping Yuanbao Mountain, Li River.
The pattern on the back of 50 yuan is Potala Palace.
The pattern on the back of 100 yuan is the Great Hall of the People What are the patterns behind the RMB?

1 Yuan is the West Lake of Hangzhou
2 Yuan is the Pillar of the South Sky
5 Yuan is the scenery of Mount Tai
10 Yuan is the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River< br /> The 20 yuan one is the landscape of Guilin
The 50 yuan one is the Potala Palace
The 100 yuan one is the Great Hall of the People

The patterns on the fourth set of RMB are the portraits of which ethnic groups< p> Picture of the fourth set of RMB banknotes
1 cent
Issued on September 22, 1988. The front shows the heads of Gaoshan and Manchu men, and the main color is dark brown. The back has the national emblem and ethnic patterns; purple
2 Mao
Issued on May 10, 1988. The front is the portrait of Buyi and Korean women, and the main color is blue-green. The back is the national emblem and ethnic pattern; dark green
5 Mao
1987.4.27 Issued, the front is the portrait of Miao and Zhuang women, the main color is purple. The pattern on the back is the national emblem and ethnic pattern; reddish brown
1 Yuan
Issued on May 10, 1988, the ancient coin is full of watermarks, and is also issued There are the 1990 version with the same color as the face pattern and the 1996 version with the main color on the front slightly red and the banknote number in black. On the front are the portraits of Dong and Yao women, and on the left is the picture of "Swallows and Peach Blossoms". Swallows are cheerful and diligent primula birds with blooming peach blossoms. On the bright occasion of spring, "Swallow Peach Blossom" takes over the spring scenery, making the mountains and rivers extraordinarily enchanting, and implying happiness and eternal youth. The painting on the back of the coin is the Great Wall. The Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, it is like a giant The dragon, hovering on the top of the rolling mountains, is majestic and majestic.
2 yuan
Issued on May 10, 1988, the ancient coin is full of watermarks, and there are also coins with the same face pattern. The main color on the back of the coin is slightly lighter, the 1996 edition. On the front are the heads of Uighur and Yi women, and on the left is the picture of "Stripe Bird and Green Bamboo". The ribbon bird is the bird that spits ribbons, and its common name is turkey. "Stripe" is homophonic to "Shou", which means longevity. The meaning of green bamboo is the symbol of a gentleman. He is upright and upright, open-minded and honest, and has always been praised by literati. The great writer Su Shi has a famous saying, "I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo." The picture on the back of the coin is Hainan's "Nantian Yi" "Pillar" landscape. Nantian Yizhu is located on the seaside of Sanya City, the southernmost tip of Hainan Province. It faces the sea and has mountain rocks at its back. On the beach, huge rocks have been carved by wind, rain and waves into various strange shapes, among which there is a There is a standing stone engraved with "Tianya", and to the right is a lying stone engraved with "Cape", and to the right is a huge stone rising from the ground with "Southern Sky Pillar" engraved on it. It is a famous tourist attraction in Hainan. Tourists stroll among the lush forests and flowers, and wander on the "Southern Sky Pillar" beachCome on, don't have any fun.
5 Yuan
Issued on September 22, 1988, with portraits of Tibetan and Hui men on the front and a picture of "Crane and Pine" on the left. In ancient times, the crane was "under one bird and above ten thousand birds", second only to the phoenix as the "first-grade bird". The pattern woven on the official uniforms of first-grade officials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was "crane". Crane also means virtuous people, and the ancient edicts for recruiting talented people were called "crane boards". The tall and straight pine trees are not afraid of severe cold and are a symbol of perseverance and perseverance. The combination of pine and crane also symbolizes health and longevity. The pattern on the back of the coin is the spectacular "Wu Gorge of the Yangtze River". Wu Gorge is 45 kilometers long, from the mouth of Daning River in Wushan County, Chongqing, to Guandukou, Badong County, Hubei. While the boat is sailing, there are continuous green mountains on both sides of the bank, and the peaks are like a screen. Sometimes there are mountains blocking the way, and sometimes there are twists and turns. Among the famous 12 peaks in Wu Gorge, the most attractive is the Goddess Peak, which stands tall and graceful, making people fascinated.
10 Yuan
Issued on September 22, 1988. Fixed watermark on farmer’s avatar. On the front are the heads of Han and Mongolian men, and on the left is the "Phoenix Peony". The Phoenix is ​​a legendary divine bird in my country and is known as the "King of Birds". "Historical Records" records: "Within the four seas, thanks to Shun's merits, the joy of Jiushao was revived, and the phoenix soared all over the world." "Shuowen Jiezi" states: "From the country of the Eastern Gentleman, seeing it will bring great peace to the world." The appearance of the phoenix is ​​a sign of good fortune for the country and the people. Peony is a famous flower in my country. Li Zhengfeng, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once said, "The country is beautiful in the morning, and the wine is drunk, and the clothes are dyed in the sky at night." The back of the coin shows a picture of Mount Everest. Mount Everest is located in the middle of the Himalayas, with an altitude of 8,848 meters. It looks like a giant pyramid, towering above the peaks. It has extraordinary momentum and spectacular scenery. It is the number one mountain in the world and cannot be compared with any mountain in the world. .
50 yuan
Issued on April 27, 1987. Fixed watermark of worker’s head. The 1990 edition was released on August 20, 1992. This edition added a fixed metal security thread to the banknote paper, and added Chinese Pinyin and Arabic numerals indicating the denomination printed with colorless fluorescent ink. The front side shows the portraits of workers, farmers and intellectuals, and the back side shows the Hukou Falls of the Yellow River. Hukou is located in the Jiuqu Yellow River bed 25 kilometers southwest of Jixian County, Shanxi Province. It is the second largest waterfall in the country. The Yellow River flows through here, with mountains on both sides holding it hostage. The width of the river bed suddenly shrinks from 250 meters to 50 meters. The huge waves and rapids are restrained in the stone ditch. The waves roll, the water splashes, the sound is like thunder, and the shape is like a giant pot boiling. From 20 Meters high, water pours down from the side, waves collide, and clouds of water mist rise, forming "smoke clouds". Sunlight refracts, making circles of rainbows appear. The scenery is wonderful. Therefore, there are words of praise such as "clouds and smoke appear in the water" and "rainbows appear in the Yellow River".
100 Yuan
Issued on May 10, 1988*** Fixed watermark of side profile picture. Issued on August 20, 1992. The 1990 version added a fixed metal security line to the banknote and added a colorless The Chinese pinyin and Arabic numerals indicating the denomination are printed with fluorescent ink. On the front are the heads of the four great men, floatingThe sculpture was created by Mr. Situ Zhaoguang, painted by Professor Hou Yimin of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and carefully carved into a RMB gravure plate by the sculptor Su Xihua, which is very exquisite. The back of the coin shows the main peak of Jinggang Mountain. It is located on the border of Hunan and Jiangxi provinces and belongs to Jinggangshan City. It is in the middle section of the Luoxiao Mountains, with a radius of 275 kilometers and more than 500 large and small peaks. The highest peak is 1,841 meters above sea level. Jinggang Mountain combines natural scenery and revolutionary attractions. It has strange peaks and rocks, flowing springs and waterfalls, floating clouds and mist, alpine pastoral fields, and many revolutionary scenic spots, forming a unique tourist attraction landscape.

What are the background patterns of the fifth set of RMB?

The back of the fifth set of RMB 1 Yuan----Hangzhou West Lake-Three Pools Reflecting the Moon The back of the fifth set of RMB 5 Yuan----The fifth set of Mount Tai Guanri Peak The back of RMB 10 yuan----Three Gorges of the Yangtze River-The fifth set of RMB 20 yuan in Kuimen The back of the fifth set of RMB 20 yuan in Guilin Landscape The back of the fifth set of RMB 50 yuan----Potala Palace in Tibet The back of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan- ---The Great Hall of the People

What scenic spots are depicted on the backs of different denominations of RMB?

Are you talking about the new version?
The one for 1 Yuan is the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon in Hangzhou; the one for 5 Yuan is the Sun-viewing Peak of Mount Tai;
The one for 10 Yuan is Kuimen; the one for 20 Yuan is Guilin Landscape;
/> 50 yuan is the Potala Palace in Tibet; 100 yuan is the Great Hall of the People.

What are the patterns behind the RMB at different prices?

The fifth set of RMB: (1999 version, 2005 version)
100 yuan: Great Hall of the People
50 yuan: Buda La Palace
20 Yuan: Guilin Landscape
10 Yuan: Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
5 Yuan: Sunrise on Mount Tai
1 Yuan: Hangzhou West Lake
The fourth set of RMB: (1980 edition, 1990 edition, 1996 edition)
100 yuan: Jinggangshan
50 yuan: Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River
10 yuan: Mount Everest
5 yuan: Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
2 Yuan: Hainan Island Tianya Haijiao
1 Yuan: Great Wall
The patterns on the back of tickets below 5 Yuan are the floral patterns of various ethnic minorities.
The third set of RMB: (1960 version, 1962 version, 1965 version, 1972 version)
10 yuan: Tiananmen map
5 yuan: Open-pit mining map
2 yuan: Oil drilling Picture
1 yuan: Picture of Tianshan Ranch
5 yuan: Plum blossom/cotton combination pattern
2 yuan: Peony pattern
1 yuan: Chrysanthemum pattern
The second set of RMB : (1953 edition, 1956 edition)
The back of each ticket shows various figures on traditional Chinese architecture.A decorative moiré pattern.
The first set of RMB: (1948, 1949, 1950, 1951 editions)
There are 62 types of coupons, most of which have complex geometric lines on the back, and a few have scenes of production, harvesting, etc.

What are the patterns of the third set of RMB and what are the patterns of coins with different denominations

The third set of RMB
1) 1960 edition, the obverse pattern is "combination of education and productive labor", and the main color is maroon. One dime coupon;
2) 1962 edition, with the pattern on the front being “Integration of education and productive labor”, and the main colors on the back being dark brown and light green dime coupons
3) 1962 edition, the pattern on the front being “Education "Combined with production labor", the main colors on the back are purple and orange, one-cent coupon
4) 1962 version, the front has the pattern "Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge", the main color is dark green, two-cent coupon;
5) The 1972 version, the front design is "Textile Factory Production Picture", the main color is green lotus five-cent coupons;
6) The 1960 version, the front design is "Female Tractor Driver Production Picture", the main color is dark red one-yuan coupons;
/> 7) 1960 edition, the front pattern is "Lathe Worker Production Picture", the main color is dark green two-dollar coupons;
1960 Edition, the front picture is "Steelmaking Worker Production Picture", the main color is dark brown five-dollar coupons Yuan coupons;
9) The 1965 edition, with the image on the front as "People's Representatives Stepping Out of the Great Hall of the People", and the main color is black ten yuan coupons;

The heads on the one yuan, two yuan and other banknotes are respectively Which ethnic minority is it from?

There are three versions of the fourth set of RMB one yuan, namely the 1980 version, the 1990 version and the 1996 version. The one yuan patterns in the three versions are the same.
1 Yuan The Yao people are on the left and the Dong people are on the right. The Yao population is 2.13 million. They are mainly distributed in Hunan and Guangxi; the Dong population is 2.51 million and mainly distributed in Guizhou, Hunan and Guangxi.
The fourth set of RMB 2 yuan has two versions, namely the 1980 version and the 1990 version. The two versions have the same theme and pattern.
The left side of the 2 Yuan is the Yi ethnic group, and the right side is the Uyghur ethnic group. The Yi population is 6.57 million, mainly distributed in Sichuan and Yunnan; the Uyghur population is 721,000, mainly distributed in Xinjiang and Hunan.

How many anti-counterfeiting marks does RMB have? Where are they?

The third set of anti-counterfeiting measures for RMB are mainly watermarks and hidden marks in patterns. The details are as follows: One-cent coupon [1960 edition]: (Full watermark with hollow five-pointed star) The person in front of the person pushing the wheelbarrow who is wearing light-colored clothes has a hollow five-pointed star "" secret mark on his pants. One dime coupon [green watermark on the back]: (Hollow five-pointed star full version watermark) There is a secret mark of the letter "A" between the six or seven railings on the right side of the front door, a "one" below, and a "one" on the upper left side of the "A" The letter "J" is secretly marked. One dime coupon [green back]: (no watermark) large frontBetween the six or seven railings on the right side of the door, there is a secret sign of the letter "A", with a "+" below it, and a secret sign of the letter "J" on the upper left side of "A"; there is a secret sign of the word "人" on the upper left side of the vice president's seal. (This one is only available on some green backs). One-cent coupon [brown gravure printing on the back]: (hollow five-pointed star with full watermark or no watermark) There is a secret letter "A" between the six or seven railings on the right side of the front door, and there is a "·" and "A" below it There is a letter "J" hidden in the upper left corner of the . One-cent coupon [offset brown on back]: (no watermark) There is a secret mark of the letter "A" between the six or seven railings on the right side of the front door, a "·" below, and the letter "J" on the upper left side of "A" Secret mark; the second person on the left has a secret mark with the word "中" on his wrist. Two-Jiao Coupon [Offset Print]: (No watermark) There is the number "2" secretly marked on the slope on the right side of the bridge on the left side of the bridge; there is the word "field" in the field pattern on the upper left side secretly marked Two-Jiao Coupon [Gravure Print]: (No watermark) Not Discover secret signs. Five-corner coupon: (Five-star national flag watermark or no watermark) There is a secret number "5" on the small gear on the right side of the front; there is a secret stamp on the small gear on the right side of the front and the word "中" under the big gear. One-yuan coupon: (Five-star flag watermark or cloth coin/hollow five-pointed star mixed watermark) There is a secret mark with the word "work" on the hillside on the right side of the back. Two-yuan coupon: (Five-star flag watermark or cloth coin/hollow five-pointed star mixed watermark) On the back, there are the number "2" and the letter "R" hidden in the bushes under the oil drilling rig. Five Yuan Coupon: (Five-star watermark on the national flag) The president's seal on the back has the letters "H" and "J" in the upper right corner; the excavator window on the back has the word "天" inscribed secretly. Ten Yuan Coupon: (Tiananmen watermark) On the back, there is a secret mark with the word "work" on the right side of the lantern pillar on the right side of Tiananmen; on the back, there is a secret mark with the word "人" on the left edge of Tiananmen Square; on the back, there is a secret mark with the word "work" on the right side of the lantern pillar on the right side of Tiananmen Square.
Hope to adopt

⑩ Where is the pattern on the back of the 10 yuan RMB? The background pattern is the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

At present, China has issued the fifth set of RMB, and the denomination and size have not changed. Mainly because it has improved a lot in terms of appearance and anti-counterfeiting. I previously introduced you to the scenery on the back of the fifth set of 20 yuan RMB. Do you know what the pattern on the back of the 10 yuan RMB is? In fact, there are still differences in the patterns of RMB issued in different periods. Let’s take a look at them together.

Background patterns of different versions of 10 yuan:

Pattern on the back of the first set of 10 yuan: flower charm/pagoda

There are many versions of the first set of 10 yuan, including There are three different versions of the 1949 version: 10 yuan for irrigation and mines, 10 yuan for sawing and plowing, 10 yuan for railway stations, and 10 yuan for workers and farmers. The first two versions, in addition to the different patterns on the front, have different designs on the back. The main patterns are flower symbols, and the 1949 version of Workers and Peasants 10 Yuan has the pattern of workers and farmers on the front and the pattern of a pagoda on the back.

The pattern on the back of the second set of 10 yuan RMB: the national emblem

The second set of 10 yuan RMB was issued in December 1957. The main scene on the front isThe pattern of the Workers' and Peasants' Alliance, and the pattern on the back includes the four patterns of Han, Mongolian, Uyghur and Tibetan as the national emblem and the national ten yuan. The prefix is ​​a three-digit prefix, the number is seven digits, the main color on the front is black, and the back The main color is black and it ceased circulation on April 15, 1964.

The pattern on the back of the third set of 10-yuan RMB: the national emblem and Tiananmen

The third set of 10-yuan RMB was issued in January 1966 and ceased circulation in July 2000. The front image shows people's representatives walking out of the Great Hall of the People. The main scenes on the back are the national emblem and Tiananmen Square. The numbers are seven-digit and eight-digit numbers. The main color on the front is black, and the main colors on the back are composed of black and red.

The pattern on the back of the fourth set of 10 yuan RMB: Mount Everest

The fourth set of 10 yuan RMB was issued in September 1988. The pattern on the front is the heads of Han and Mongolian people. The main scene on the back is the Mount Everest pattern, and the main color on the front and back are both black and blue. It will stop circulating in the market starting from May 1, 2018.

The picture on the back of the fifth set of 10 yuan RMB: the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

The fifth set of RMB is the latest one. The picture on the back of the fifth set of 10 yuan RMB is Qutang, one of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The entrance to the gorge is Kuimen. Qutang Gorge is the narrowest and shortest gorge on both sides of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. It is also the gateway to the Sichuan Basin. It has a dangerous terrain and is adjacent to the spectacular Baidi City. It has beautiful scenery and is one of the representatives of the beautiful scenery of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. .

So where is the pattern on the back of the 10 yuan RMB? The back patterns of the 10-yuan RMB in different periods are different. Among them, the latest 2019 version of the fifth set of 10-yuan RMB follows the back pattern of the 1999 version of the fifth set of 10-yuan RMB. However, it has different appearance and appearance. More advanced in anti-counterfeiting.

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