币圈下一个风口 币圈下一个牛市估计哪一年

㈠ 各位币友觉得下半轮币圈牛市那些币是潜在的百倍币


类比一下,你在网络 游戏 里用密码登录,然后买了个英雄皮肤送给你的朋友,然后你少了点卷,你的朋友多了皮肤,这个过程被 游戏 服务器记录,基本上不会有错误,而且你和你的朋友都知道达成了这个赠送过程。比特币交易就是把这个记录者从 游戏 服务器换成了全世界的所有矿机,这样就不存在一个 游戏 厂商能操纵你的 游戏 账号。




狗狗币就是和比特币性质几乎一样的货币,只不过出现时间稍晚(13年),但也不算新币。这个币的代码是抄的莱特币,只用了三个小时就抄完了,而且发行量很大,虽然总的增长速度不快(每年大概多5%),但是永远挖不完。比起各种币“总量有限”的噱头还是差了点。但因为其logo可爱, 娱乐 性和话题性十足,算是少有的坚持快十年还没死掉的虚拟币,并且经常作为reddit和一些直播的打赏货币,几万几万枚的打赏。



4.17 价格0.01刀,涨了30点

4.19 价格0.0082刀,昨天大盘最大回调了20个点,全网爆仓惨烈,btt现货还是挺安全的。










#比特币[超话]# #数字货币# #欧易OKEx#

㈡ 2020哪些数字货币最有潜力


在不久的将来,游戏行业是最有可能首先大规模采用区块链的产业。Enjin Coin是由Enjin创建的虚拟商品的加密货币。 Enjin是“最大的在线游戏社区平台”,拥有超过250,000个游戏社区和1,870万注册游戏玩家。

2、Cardano(ADA )





3、Nash Exchange(NEX)

随着STO(Security Token Offerings)的流行,Nash也在其中扮演重要角色。Nash是一种注册安全的Token(Security Token),过去一段时间,Nash参与和领导了多起项目的开发。

Nash Exchange是一个去中心化的交易所,如果持有NEX token,可以在此计算可以得到的股息分红。

4、Basic Attention Token (BAT)




在过去的6个月到12个月当中,使用brave浏览器(注:brave浏览器支持BAT token)发布者迅速增长,几乎没有哪个区块链生态有如此快。




Chainlink的一个主要问题类似于以太坊,开发团队保留了6.5亿个LINK token,而目前只有3.5亿token在流通。

6、以太坊 Ethereum(ETH)

Ethereum 长期盘踞Top 100 Cryptocurrencies第二名的位置,它的生态已经如此之大,以至于我们现在已经不能称它为山寨币(altcoin)。说实话,个人长期不太看好Ethereum(原因会专门开帖另说),但在短期内还是会蓬勃发展的。

㈢ 主流币哪个潜力最大

盘点2020年潜力大的主流币 1.BTC-比特币

㈣ 谁会是最有潜力的数字货币你准备布局哪些数字货币迎接牛市

最近币圈很热闹,币安合约了OTC了,支付宝微信双双撇清与虚拟货币关系了;ETH2.0要来了,EOS的Voice据说要来了;一姐和九妹互撕了,杨永兴起诉徐明星了;联合国接受数字货币了,各国央行紧锣密鼓地布局数字货币了;Libra被多家企业劈腿了 ……



































EOSIO V1.8的升级又为EOS主网性能带来更加安全稳定个更好用户体验,Voice社交产品即将出世,各种利好在不断释放。目前EOS在DAPP、用户活跃等等数据上都稳居第一,其中公链DAPP单日活跃用户,EOS占到了61.73%。

















Cosmos和波卡曾被称为跨链双雄,一经推出便受到追捧,其代币ATOM一度突破了8美元,引来业界注目。不过,上次在Cosmos Hub 3分叉失败,让更多人失望的同时,也暴露了在治理等方面的一些问题。

今天,看到消息Cosmos重启Cosmos Hub 3硬分叉升级,目前正在测试。如果这次分叉成功,Cosmos还是比较有竞争力的一个项目。











另外币种排名前十里面的XRP、BC 等,还有比特金莱特银的LTC也都是值得关注的币种。






㈤ 下一个成为风口的“平台币”,有可能是谁




[if !vml]













[if !vml]











[if !vml]




WT (瓦特币)






[if !vml]






㈥ 比特币9年涨幅高达1300万倍,未来还有哪个标的有如此潜力










你去看一下可口可乐的故事就知道了,一个神奇配方,加一个普通的水壶,就可以创造出了万亿价值。销售全世界,100多年 历史 。你知道吗?这最初只是源于一个想法!但是它真的变成了现实。










现在的话比较有潜力的数字货币还有很多,只要你学会真正基于区块链技术去投资有价值的项目就好, 比如做着和ETH一样事情的EOS AE NEO ADA,这些都是基于区块链技术做底层操作系统的,都想着基于基于这个系统去构建自己的生态圈,底层基础链 ETH QTUM BTS 波币 JRC (金融链)分布式储存IPFS 分布式计算的RLC,ELastic(亦来云),

还有很多,具体得更具你的资金面来说和配置 ,不过不管怎样说都是那样,区块链是未来发展的趋势了,不管是技术还是投资你都的学习和了解。








㈦ 除了比特币外,还有什么主流币种最有潜力










在一开始,我们得首先理清楚一个概念: 比特币是第一个被发明出来的数字货币,其他所有的币都是“后来者”。



l 主流币

画圈的都是主流币,各有各的应用,那么再分析下 主流币特点 以及优 缺点。





#欧易OKEx# #比特币[超话]# #数字货币#

㈧ 未来最有潜力的虚拟币有哪些


在下半年,BT将会推出三项功能植入BTT应用场景,一个是BT Speed,这个可以使用BTT来加速下载。第二个是BT LIVE,使用BTT作为激励的直播APP。第三个是BTFS系统测试网,BTFS是对标IPFS的一个去中心化文件存储系统,也代表未来区块链一个大的应用场景。虽然IPFS更加出名,但是毕竟能不能做得出来FIL,现在还是一个未知数,而且FIL缺乏和BTT同样规模的用户基数,那么我认为BTT在明年年初市值进入前二十还是比较合理的。

㈨ 2020哪些数字货币最有潜力

1. Elrond (ERD) + 45.36%
2. Bancor (BNT) + 20.66%
3. Ethereum Classic (ETC) +9.54%
概述:Ethereum Classic(ETC)是一个智能合约平台,在DAO硬分叉后保留了Ethereum软件的原始版本。
价格:自3月新冠病毒引发的市场崩溃之后,Ethereum Classic一直在努力挽回损失。
4. Zcash (ZEC) +6.54%
概述:Zcash (ZEC)是一种隐私币,其特点是通过零知识证明进行伪匿名交易,称为zk-SNARKs。
5. Ethereum (ETH) +5.27%

㈠ Dear currency friends, you think those coins in the bull market in the second half of the currency circle are potential 100-fold coins

Blockchain is simply a distributed database that stores a large amount of transaction information. On multiple computers (mining machines) around the world, the information is always synchronized. Therefore, any transaction will be obtained and recorded by all servers around the world after a certain delay. At the same time, each Bitcoin wallet is represented by two strings of numbers, a public key and a private key. If you know the public key, you can send Bitcoins to this wallet; if you know the private key, you can transfer the Bitcoins in this wallet to others.

For example, you log in with a password in an online game, and then buy a hero skin to give to your friend. Then you lose some credits, and your friend gets more skin. This process is affected by the game. The server records are basically error-free, and both you and your friends know that the gifting process has been completed. Bitcoin transactions change the recorder from the game server to all the mining machines in the world, so that no game manufacturer can control your game account.

And due to the current computing power limitations of computers, the security of accounts can be guaranteed and the production speed of Bitcoin can be controlled. The relevant codes are all open source, including the codes for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and other currencies, which can be seen directly on github. You can even find that the source file names and some function names are copied from each other (Dog Head

Strictly speaking, transactions of Bitcoin or Dogecoin are conducted through the command line or a graphical interface developed by developers, and do not involve other legal currencies or virtual currencies. But because of the current biggest role of these virtual currencies It is speculation, and the arrival time of real Bitcoin is about one hour, and the arrival time of Dogecoin is about one minute. It is very inconvenient for strangers to trade directly with legal currency. For convenience, most virtual currency transactions are on virtual currency platforms (domestic The more popular ones are Huobi, Binance, etc.). All coins are stored on the trading platform, and then the platform records how many coins your account holds. This originally requires mining the blockchain, storing data, and all mining machines. The complex transaction process of synchronizing data has become a matter of the platform doing it from left to right, just keeping an account. You only need to perform real bitcoin transactions when you deposit the coins to the platform, or want to transfer the coins from the platform back to your wallet. Send and receive coins.

In fact, this is no different from buying and selling stocks without dividends and decision-making rights. In addition to anonymity, it has nothing to do with the decentralization of virtual currencies.

Dogecoin is a currency with almost the same properties as Bitcoin, but it appeared later (13 years), but it is not a new currency. The code of this currency is copied from Litecoin, and only uses It was copied in three hours, and the circulation is very large. Although the overall growth rate is not fast (about 5% more per year), it can never be mined completely. Compared with the gimmick of "limited total supply" of various coins, it is still a bit worse. But because its logo is cute, entertaining and topicalIt is a rare virtual currency that has persisted for almost ten years and has not died. It is often used as a reward currency on reddit and some live broadcasts, with tens of thousands of rewards.

A hundred times coin, what is a hundred times coin, a hundred times coin is a coin that can rise a hundred times, what are these hundred times coins now, dogecoin, bitcoin, then how to find a hundred times coin

According to my observation, the one that is most likely to become a hundred-fold coin is btt, which ranks among the top 30 in market capitalization

4.17 The price is 0.01 dollars, an increase of 30 points

4.19 The price is 0.0082 dollars. Yesterday, the market pulled back by 20 points, and the entire network was violently liquidated. The btt spot is still quite safe.

I think there are several reasons why it can become a hundred-fold coin

1. It is currently in a bull market. You may have seen the surge of Dogecoin, btt and doge. Similar;

2. btt has the lowest unit price among the top 30 digital currencies in terms of market value;

3. btt’s father, Sun Ge, is extremely good at speculation. In the 2017 bull market, he His other son trx was sold to 100 times in one month. Do you know?

I don’t know if you have heard of the 4% rule. For example, spend 10,000 yuan to buy long-term government bonds, which are the safest. assets.

Then every year, 4%, which is 400 yuan, is used for the highest risk investment.

Anyone with a little knowledge of financial management knows the 4% rule.

Because even the most conservative bond investment, if you invest in long-term bonds, the yield can easily exceed 4%.

This means that you can take out 4% every year and continue indefinitely.

#BTC[超话]# #digital currency# #欧易OKEx#

㈡ Which digital currencies have the most potential in 2020

1. Enjin (ENJ)

In the near future, the gaming industry is the industry most likely to be the first to adopt blockchain on a large scale. Enjin Coin is a cryptocurrency for virtual goods created by Enjin. Enjin is "the largest online gaming community platform" with over 250,000 gaming communities and 18.7 million registered gamers.

2. Cardano (ADA)

Compared to Ethereum, EOS, and Tron, Cardano is a third-generation decentralized app (DApp) and smart contract platform. Cardano’s design philosophy has the following points:

Scalability: As users grow, the speed of processing transactions will increase.The impact is even faster, as is the case with p2p protocols.

Interoperability: In the future, there will be countless devices connected to each other. Instead of being connected and forwarded through routers like now, various devices can communicate directly through standard: universal protocols. .

Sustainability: Like Bitcoin, the Cardano project will not be controlled or influenced by a certain company or organization. This is why it is a safe, decentralized project that can be developed sustainably. platform.

3. Nash Exchange (NEX)

With the popularity of STO (Security Token Offerings), Nash also plays an important role in it. Nash is a registered security Token (Security Token). In the past period of time, Nash has participated in and led the development of many projects.

Nash Exchange is a decentralized exchange. If you hold NEX token, you can calculate the dividends you can get here.

4. Basic Attention Token (BAT)

BAT mainly solves the problem of advertising:

User information is abused: large companies such as Google and Facebook track and Use user information and behavior to sell products without the user's knowledge.

The effect of advertising is suppressed: middlemen earn the majority of the fees, a large number of ads are blocked by users using software, and advertising is fraudulent.

In the past 6 to 12 months, the number of publishers using the brave browser (note: the brave browser supports BAT token) has grown rapidly. Almost no blockchain ecosystem has grown so fast.

5. Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink mainly solves the problem that exists in every blockchain and that smart contracts cannot obtain external data. In order to introduce external data into the blockchain, smart contracts propose the concept of Oracles.

Companies including Google are supporting the development of chainlink. The following is a list of Chainlink partners.

A major problem with Chainlink is similar to that of Ethereum, where the development team has reserved 650 million LINK tokens, while only 350 million tokens are currently in circulation.

6. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum has long been ranked second among the Top 100 Cryptocurrencies. Its ecology has become so large that we can no longerCall it an altcoin. To be honest, I personally am not optimistic about Ethereum in the long term (the reasons will be discussed in a separate post), but it will still flourish in the short term.

㈢Which mainstream currency has the greatest potential

Which mainstream currency has the greatest potential? As we all know, if you want to make long-term money by investing in virtual currency, you must choose a virtual currency with potential. Generally speaking, the potential of mainstream currencies is relatively large. Speaking of which, some investors do not understand mainstream currencies. In fact, mainstream currencies are The coins with the top market value on the exchanges have all experienced historical witness, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. In layman's terms, mainstream coins have their own mainnets. So, which mainstream currency has the greatest potential? Below, Sister Mi has taken stock of the mainstream coins with great potential in 2020 for the reference of currency friends.
Inventory of mainstream coins with great potential in 2020 1. BTC-Bitcoin
Bitcoin has a market value of US$168.978 billion, accounting for 58.95% of the total global market value, with a circulating quantity of 18.2475 million, and a 24-hour transaction volume of US$7.164 billion, listed on the shelves 327 exchanges.
Bitcoin is almost the only way for newcomers in the currency circle. With its huge market capitalization advantage, it is also very suitable for investment by some institutional investors. For newcomers, the most recommended investment currency is Bitcoin. After all, the rise and fall of the entire currency circle depends on the performance of Bitcoin. If you are familiar with investing in Bitcoin, you will be more comfortable doing altcoins later.
The market value of Ethereum is US$26.042 billion, accounting for 9.08% of the total global market value, with a total circulation of 109 million, a 24-hour transaction volume of US$3.376 billion, and is listed on 332 exchanges.
Ethereum currently ranks second in market value, and it must have its own value. It can be used to create decentralized programs, autonomous organizations and smart contracts. Smart contracts have many potential applications. Bloomberg Businessweek calls it "software that is shared by everyone but cannot be tampered with." More advanced software makes it possible to create web stores with Ethereum. Because of ICO, its price reached more than 10,000 yuan at its peak. Of course, this has also become one of its weaknesses. When the project team sold out, its price also fell accordingly. More importantly, Ethereum was also extremely congested. Awesome, I hope the Ethereum team can become more and more perfect.
The market value of Tether is US$9.191 billion, accounting for 3.2% of the total global market value, with a total circulation of 9.188 billion, a 24-hour transaction volume of US$20.242 billion, and is listed on 190 exchanges.
Tether has the advantage of being a first-mover and currently ranks fifth in market capitalization. Since it is a stable currency, its volatility is generally low. It is not suitable for investors to play around. In addition, no matter what, it may face bankruptcy. With the company The bank where the account is opened may also go bankrupt, and there may also be risks of escaping the donation, etc. Although stablecoin investors still need to pay more attention and be cautious. Although it rarely happens, it still happens in the currency circle.Possible, potentially risky.

㈣ Who will be the most promising digital currency? Which digital currencies are you planning to prepare for the bull market?

The currency circle has been very lively recently. Binance has signed an OTC contract, and Alipay and WeChat have both cleared it. It is related to virtual currency; ETH2.0 is coming, and EOS Voice is said to be coming; Yijie and Jiumei are at odds with each other, Yang Yongxing sued Xu Mingxing; the United Nations accepts digital currency, and central banks of various countries are intensively deploying digital currency. ;Libra has been cheated by many companies...

Whether it is gossip or vigorous project changes, it seems that it has not changed the current situation of the blockchain! Regardless of whether the news is good or bad, it does not bring much strong emotional reaction, and of course we do not see much reaction from the market.

The bear market remains the same, fluctuating slightly up and down, indicating that these news have not had much direct impact on blockchain and digital currencies.

Although there are many interpretations of current events, overall, the long-term impact should be mainly positive. For example, the United Nations accepts digital currency, indicating the future development trend of digital currency, and the upgrade of ETH is also to a certain extent. It shows the potential for continued development, and EOS brings the expansion of public chain gameplay.

Judging from this information, the blockchain is still exploring new developments, but it does not allow people to see more new developments in terms of overall development direction, technological breakthroughs, and ecological expansion. Something appears.

Especially when the two big stars Polkadot and Cosmos suffered cross-chain setbacks some time ago, the blockchain seems to have encountered new difficulties. The previously optimistic estimate of the upcoming ecological era does not seem to be as easy to come as imagined, especially the obstruction of cross-chain, which has cast a shadow on the practical application of blockchain.

How does blockchain empower applications? It has become an important consideration in the current development of blockchain technology! In the final analysis, only when blockchain technology is truly applied to specific physical fields on a large scale can the true value of blockchain be reflected, and only then can the blockchain revolution change lives and change the world!

The bull market that people in the currency circle are looking forward to must be highly related to this. The overall development of the blockchain industry is the foundation for the market recovery. The so-called good things that are currently happening cannot see new breakthroughs in the development of the entire industry, and a single good thing is too weak to drive the sluggish bear market. In the absence of new strong consensus or technological breakthroughs, or in the absence of important social turmoil such as war, it is difficult to see a major reversal in the market. Therefore, although the current market will fluctuate slightly, there is a high probability that there will not be a sharp rise.

However, this situation is actually a good thing for those who are short of chips.

The lower the price, the more chips can be absorbed at the bottom, and alsoUse time to accumulate more chips.

Judging from the acceptance of digital currencies by the United Nations and the deployment of digital currencies by central banks of various countries, the compliance status of digital currencies will become increasingly clear, and its development prospects will become increasingly clear, whether as a proxy Whether it is a currency, a security or a currency, digital currency can find corresponding corresponding points. Therefore, no matter whether supervision comes or not, digital currency can get a certain security guarantee. This should be the biggest benefit that can be seen at present. Perhaps the release of such news will attract the attention and entry of more people outside the currency circle. Once conditions are mature, digital currencies will inevitably usher in price feedback as the flow of people and funds increases.

In this context, it is particularly important to choose some more powerful projects and tokens as investment targets and make a reasonable layout.

If you want to seize the opportunity when the next bull market arrives, complete a counterattack, change your destiny, and realize your dream in the currency circle, planning in advance is necessary.

Regarding investment, there are many theories that need to be understood and learned, such as reasonable allocation of positions, learning to stop profits and losses, etc. But currency selection is the basis of investment operations.

A good investment target is the most important foundation for success. So, which project or token has development potential and will not only survive the bull market, but also show strong development value? In other words, which tokens are likely to become 100x coins and 1000x coins? Which tokens can achieve more stable and higher investment returns?

Judging from the current development of blockchain, I will classify tokens into three categories: public chain coins, cross-chain coins, and platform coins:

1. Public chain currency

As the lowest level construction of blockchain development, public chain has always been the focus of attention. Although the development of public chain currently encounters bottlenecks, as a foundation, Its development determines the current development of blockchain to a certain extent.

And from Ethereum to EOS, they are currently actively exploring and reforming, the launch of ETH2.0, the better main chain performance brought by the upgrade of the EOS main network, and what will be released soon Voice, and even the ecological expansion of Tron, Ripple, etc., all indicate the development of public chains. Moreover, cross-chain solutions will not only further develop the public chain, but also experience the ups and downs of the currency circle. Therefore, public chain tokens are still a key investment choice.


As the earliest representative of blockchain and digital currency, Bitcoin has gained stronger and stronger consensus. Its decentralization, anonymity, peer-to-peer and other characteristics have brought about a new way of understanding the world, and brought more convenient and efficient efficiency, which has been increasingly studied and applied.

Ten years of development,Bitcoin has become compliant in many countries. With the official launch of Bakkt Bitcoin futures trading, Bitcoin is not only accepted and compliant in the United States, but Bitcoin has also officially entered the traditional financial field, which will definitely be the development trend of Bitcoin. Further development brings new opportunities.

With the penetration into the traditional financial field, Bitcoin will inevitably be recognized by more people, whether groups or individuals, thus bringing more traffic support and user holdings.

However, the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million. However, due to personal, physical and other reasons, Bitcoins are constantly decreasing, and their scarcity is getting higher and higher.

In June this year, the value of Bitcoin exceeded US$13,000. In the last bull market, Bitcoin exceeded US$20,000 with the halving. The current price fluctuates up and down at US$8,500.

Bitcoin will usher in the halving next year, and it will surely usher in a new price increase. Many investors recommend a 50% holding ratio in Bitcoin.

Therefore, as the most stable digital currency investment, Bitcoin is the best choice!


As a representative of public chain 2.0, Ethereum has opened the era of smart contracts and brought a new era of application to the blockchain. However, with development, its TPS of only around 16 per second has become the biggest constraint on its development. Neither efficiency nor expansion can meet the needs of ecological development.

Despite the emergence of many new public chains such as EOS, Ethereum still maintains its top ranking in various data, especially its Defi ecosystem, which is much more prosperous than other public chains.

The most important thing is that Ethereum has recently launched the 2.0 upgrade. ETC2.0 will see important adjustments and applications in terms of consensus mechanism, sharding, eWASM virtual machine, zero-knowledge proof, etc.

It can be seen that the new Ethereum adopts the most advanced cross-chain related technologies, and also adopts the most widely used consensus mechanism, etc. The upgraded Ethereum has great advantages in scalability, efficiency, etc. There will be brand new performances in all aspects.

Therefore, ETH2.0 is worth looking forward to, and it is also an important consideration for investment layout.


Compared with other public chains, EOS has outstanding performance in all aspects. Not only does it have a latecomer advantage in technology, the PoS consensus mechanism has become the most popular one at present. With its extensive use mechanism, EOS is currently the fastest among public chains in terms of processing speed.

The upgrade of EOSIO V1.8 has brought more security, stability and better user experience to the performance of the EOS main network. Voice social products are about to be released, and various benefits are constantly being released. Currently EOSIt ranks first in terms of DAPP, user activity and other data. Among them, EOS accounts for 61.73% of the single-day active users of public chain DAPP.

Moreover, EOS is currently the most widely held token in the currency circle, with the widest range of participation. Moreover, the current price of tokens fluctuates around $3. For low-priced and valuable tokens, the future growth rate is even more worth looking forward to.

In addition to the above mentioned public chain tokens, TRON and IOST, as one of the four major public chains, are also worthy of attention.

2. Cross-chain coins

As the best solution to the current bottleneck of public chain development, cross-chain bears the important responsibility of further advancing the blockchain. Therefore, cross-chain has become the most anticipated project in 2019. However, the failure of Polkadot and Cosmos mainnet to go online some time ago has cast a big shadow on cross-chain.

Even so, cross-chain technology is still the best solution to solve the current bottlenecks of blockchain compatibility, scalability and efficiency. And cross-chain technology is constantly making breakthroughs.


As a cross-chain, Ontology should be the most smoothly developed project so far, with both technology and ecology making steady progress.

Technically, Ontology sharding technology and multi-layer and multi-chain infrastructure have made breakthrough progress. The cross-chain of BTC and ETH has been completed, and it has been connected to the Korean Kakao public chain. Klaytn. It is also expected that this week, the NEO cross-chain Demo version will realize interoperability between Ontology and NEO smart contracts.

Ontology’s cross-chain era has arrived, and it has made great efforts in ecological layout, landing in tourism, film and television, entertainment, Defi, social networking, etc., and has communities in more than 170 languages, which also contributes to Ontology’s globalization Promote the provision of basic services.

Technology serves applications, and the next prosperity of blockchain will be the implementation of applications brought about by technology. And Ontology is ready from technology to ecology.

The current price of its token ONT is less than 1 US dollar.

The price is at the bottom, has never exploded, and has value as a strong support. Therefore, ONT, as the most potential token, deserves everyone's attention.


NEO, which is associated with ONT, is also worthy of everyone’s attention. This public chain project, established in 2014, has experienced the ups and downs of the blockchain, but it has always been tenacious. has survived and continues to develop, and has joined forces with Ontology to build a cross-chain open platform. While actively exploring public chain and cross-chain development, it also focuses on the open ecology.

From this point of view, Xiaoyi has broken through the targetIn view of the development limitations of the previous public chain, Xiaoyi is actively exploring new development directions, so Xiaoyi is still a project worth looking forward to.


Cosmos and Polkadot were once known as the cross-chain duo. They were popular as soon as they were launched. Their token ATOM once exceeded $8, attracting the attention of the industry. . However, the last fork failed in Cosmos Hub 3, which disappointed more people and also exposed some problems in governance and other aspects.

Today, I saw the news that Cosmos has restarted the Cosmos Hub 3 hard fork upgrade, which is currently being tested. If this fork succeeds, Cosmos will still be a relatively competitive project.

3. Platform currency (exchange)

Platform currency can be said to be a new token direction created by Binance. As the largest blockchain ecological application, digital currency is indispensable to the promotion of trading platforms.


Although Binance was established in 2018, it has repeatedly created miracles. It only took half a year to rank among the top exchanges, occupying the top spot in terms of trading volume, which is even more dazzling. What's more, its token NNB created the legend of doubling in the bear market in two months and became a dazzling pearl in the bear market. In June this year, Binance used IEO and other methods to generate a wave of bull market, and Bitcoin also exceeded the $1,400 mark.

In addition to the wonderful history, Binance strives to develop a larger and more complete ecosystem, deploying public chains, decentralized exchanges, etc., while empowering the value of BNB, Binance is no longer It is just a simple exchange. In the future, BNB will not only be a platform currency.

Currently, Binance is entering the domestic market and has launched OTC channels and contracts to further improve the exchange’s gameplay. Binance, which is good at marketing advantages, has immeasurable future development prospects.


Huobi is by far the number one exchange, and its 24-hour trading volume has always topped the list. As one of the important exchanges in the domestic market, most users currently choose Huobi.

Huobi has been making continuous efforts in compliance. As an important step for Huobi, Tongcheng Holdings is an important step towards compliance. Compliance will be the best development path for exchanges to ensure safety.

Moreover, Huobi has also deployed a public chain, so its platform HT still has a very competitive advantage.

In addition, XRP, BC, etc. among the top ten currencies, as well as Bitcoin Gold, Lite Silver and LTC are also currencies worthy of attention.

Of course, there are many blockchain projects. Today’sThe analysis is just a simple summary from the perspective of current relative stability and development prospects. Many other altcoins and new project tokens are not included in this analysis.

Perhaps altcoins and new coins have more potential for development and substantial room for growth, but they are also relatively dangerous. If you are not an experienced roasted leek, it is not recommended as the main investment target.

Especially for novices like me, it is safer to look for projects that are relatively safe but have great potential and clear value development on a solid basis.

However, the one that suits you is the best! According to your actual situation, find investment projects that suit you, make a good layout, and welcome the better opportunities of blockchain!

This article is just a brief personal understanding and does not constitute investment advice!

㈤ Who might be the next "platform currency" to become popular?

Although the currency market is becoming more and more popular, and there are endless news every day, since the beginning of 2019, the currency circle has The market has been bad. Although it was short-lived due to the central government's voice, it was just a flash in the pan. Many tokens are in a broken state and have been on the verge of returning to zero. The intensity of supervision is also constantly upgrading. The future development of the currency circle has always been confusing. , many users also felt confused and even panicked.

However, in the author’s opinion, this is actually a normal fluctuation of the market. There is no market that only rises but never falls. The bubble in the early market was too big. After experiencing this plunge and cleaning, the market Will slowly become more rational.

This time the market fluctuations will clean up a number of air coins, and of course there will also be some high-quality coins. These high-quality coins will be the first choice for users to invest in the future. Top coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are undisputed high-quality coins, and another one that is currently more recognized is the "platform coin". Platform currency attracts users with its influence and application scenarios as a trading platform.

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So, what is a platform currency, how is it generated, and what are its advantages? ? Today, the author will tell you about it with an extremely calm attitude and a very professional spirit:

The concept of "platform currency" appears in the concept of blockchain investors. There is no doubt that it is The positive influence and promotion effect of BNB, the author did not check carefully who is the mother of the platform currency, but the author believes that the father of the platform currency must be BNB. What is a platform currency? The so-called "platform currency" refers to the platform digital assets officially issued by the digital asset trading platform (hereinafter abbreviated as "platform"). Generally, platform coins are traded within their platform or as an independent trading area with other parts of the platform or all digital assets.

Platform currencyWhat is the use?

(1) Discount for platform transaction fees

Many platforms have more than one trading area , as we all know, there are BTC trading area, ETH trading area, USDT trading area, as well as innovative trading areas such as BNB trading area, UT trading area, QC trading area, QTUM trading area, among which the BNB trading area is the platform currency trading area.

Use the platform currency to trade with other digital assets, resulting in 0 handling fees after the transaction or a 50% discount on the handling fees in other trading areas. This is very popular among short-term enthusiasts and is also the reason for the increase in the price of the platform currency. one of the reasons.

(2) The decentralized transaction "fuel" of digital asset trading platforms

In the future, the platform currency of digital asset trading platforms will be decentralized on-chain transactions Platform fuel. When using this decentralized trading platform, you need to use the platform’s platform currency.

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Why invest in platform coins?

(1) The exchange’s profitability is clear and sustainable

Platform trading is the central node in the digital currency field at this stage. In terms of the speed and ability to make money, no one in the industry can and. The huge user base and transaction volume of the trading platform are a strong guarantee behind the strength of the platform currency.

(2) The platform itself is its implemented project

The trading platform has already had substantial implementation applications, which is different from many white papers that describe the future for investors. Digital currency project. Therefore, platform currency can naturally be regarded as a very safe and high-quality asset for investors.

(3) The currency price is the face and advertisement of the platform

The trading platform obviously has stronger control than ordinary projects. The trading platform limits tokens through regular repurchase and destruction. The total amount of currency in circulation is used to maintain the value of the platform currency, and its market value management ability is beyond doubt.

Summary of advantages:

Platform currency has dual value: it is not only the equity of the trading platform, but also the consumption point card or coupon within the platform. In other words, holding platform currency not only has the same investment value as other digital currencies, but also can enjoy handling fee discounts or voting rights when trading.

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What other platform coins are worth investing in?

If, as we just said, the platform currency we want to invest in, the platform must have considerable strength and be balanced.The station has a certain scale and users. Based on these two points, the author recommends a platform currency with relatively good value to you:

WT (Watt Coin)

WT is the WBF number The platform token of the asset exchange, Chinese name: Wattcoin, is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum, with a total issuance of 300 million coins.

At 10:00 on June 21, WBFex launched the trading pair between the platform token WT and the stable currency USDT, officially announcing the listing of WT. After 5 hours, the price of WT has increased from 0.15USDT to 0.45USDT, an increase of 300%, and the trading volume has reached 30 million. As of now, the increase of WT has reached 700%.

WT is a platform token issued by WBFex and is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum. The total issuance amount is constant at 300 million pieces, and the total circulation amount is 100 million pieces.

Since its official debut on May 10, WT has been attracting attention from the global blockchain field. WBFex exchange is the exchange that benchmarks Binance. Since its listing, Binance has risen from 1 yuan to 230 yuan in just half a year, which is called a "miracle". WBFex is 100% benchmarked against Binance. Judging from the current trend performance, WBFex has more potential for development.

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And WT’s platform WBFex also has a special position in the currency circle.

WBFex Digital Asset Exchange is based on the world and is committed to building a third-generation digital asset exchange. Following the first-generation "centralized cryptocurrency exchange" and the second-generation "platform-based digital asset exchange", WBFex Exchange took the lead in proposing the concept of the "third-generation digital asset exchange" and utilized multiple security protection technologies. Create a global digital financial comprehensive service platform, aiming to become the leader of the "third generation digital asset exchange".

Currently WBFex has acquired a trading building in Singapore. Under such market conditions and under the eyes of the Singaporean government, WBFex can make such a big move. It is difficult not to make people speculate whether WBFex has become Singapore’s Appointed official partner?

WBFex is also a digital asset global station with a “ringing bell for currency listing” venue and ceremony. Its users come from 177 countries around the world and have branches in 13 cities including New York, London, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Seoul, and Tokyo. With media resources covering more than 4,000 companies around the world, we are committed to continuing to build a super "traffic empire" in the entire industry.

㈥ Bitcoin has increased by 13 million times in 9 years, and there will be more in the futureWhich target has such potential

Bitcoin has risen 13 million times in 9 years, so what other targets have such potential in the future? In fact, Bitcoin has already told you the answer. The answer lies in why Bitcoin has grown so much. If we understand the logic of Bitcoin’s rise and then follow this logic to find investment targets, then we may be able to find the same as Bitcoin. potential investment targets.

So what is the logic behind Bitcoin’s rise? Why does Bitcoin rise?

First of all, is Bitcoin itself valuable? In fact, it is worthless, because what can you do with Bitcoin in your hand? Nothing can be done. For example, if you hold stocks in your hands, you can receive annual dividends and dividends, which has income value. If you buy a house, you can live in it and it has use value.

Of course, the transaction value, that is, the value of making money from the difference between the buying and selling price, is not the value of the target itself. From a value scale, Bitcoin is actually worthless.

So what is the logic of Bitcoin’s rise? In fact, I think it’s its scarcity. The creation of Bitcoin was actually created to solve inflation.

In recent years, central banks around the world have been releasing money, which has caused the currency in people's hands to continue to depreciate. We understand this very well. If there are 100 million currency and 100 million worth of goods on the market, we can use one yuan to buy one yuan worth of goods. However, due to too much water being released, the currency suddenly increased to 200 million. Then you can only use 2 yuan to buy goods that were previously worth 1 yuan. As the currency is over-issued, its own value will continue to be diluted. So the currency you hold has been depreciating over the years.

According to its established rules, Bitcoin will always be 21 million, which determines that Bitcoin can never be over-issued, and Bitcoin is a decentralized system, which also determines No institution can issue Bitcoin. Of course, the rule of 21 million forever is determined based on its algorithm. It is very difficult to explain this, and it cannot be explained clearly in a question and answer. There are many books on the market about Bitcoin science. You can read it yourself. Here are just a few. To conclude, there are indeed only 21 million.

So to what extent has the world’s currency been over-issued? Take the United States as an example. In 2010, US dollar M2 was still more than 8 trillion US dollars. By October this year, it had increased to 18.8 trillion US dollars, more than doubling in 10 years. This means that those holding US dollars People, the US dollars in their hands have depreciated significantly. Of course, as countries around the world continue to over-issuance of currency in recent years, the world has also entered a period of inflation.

Therefore, the logic of Bitcoin’s rise is very clear, anti-inflation. In fact, the banknotes we hold in our hands have no value in themselves. Their value is an endorsement of the country's credit. Bitcoin itself has no value, its value lies in resistance to communicationswell. Since it is determined that the logic of Bitcoin's rise is to fight inflation, according to this logic, it is actually easy to find investment targets. For example, precious metals such as gold and silver are investment targets to fight inflation.

If you look at the story of Coca-Cola, you will know that a magical formula, plus an ordinary kettle, can create trillions of value. Sales all over the world, more than 100 years of history. do you know? This started out as just an idea! But it really became a reality.

Has it increased so much? ? ? 10,000 yuan turned into 130 billion? ?


Is this brainwashed by Success School or a certain investment "big wet"? It has nothing to do with you if it rises n times. You have heard too many stories. You rush in and try. Try it, it’s an accident!

First of all, we must be in awe of this market. How much it rises is determined by the market. How much you spend to buy a thing is its value

Today we all know that the price rises How many times? Excuse me, when Bitcoin was first released, would you buy it?

There are at least tens of thousands of coins on the market now, some of which cost 0.001 US dollars each. Do you dare to buy them?

So, don’t be envious, don’t look up to the fruits of other people’s success, keep your head down and work hard on your own land! Understand what you want, what do you have? What to give up

First of all, let me say one thing: investing in digital currencies is high-risk and high-yield. You must use your spare money to invest. Don’t think about Li Xiaolai, Li Xiaolai, and other books. The copyright fees collected were more than 6 million yuan in revenue. In fact, he spent hundreds of thousands to buy Bitcoin that year, which was probably less than one-tenth of his assets;

Mining Tyrant Wu Jihan, before he entered the currency circle, he worked in an investment bank, and his income in one year may be worth your five years; the cost of Da Kongyi when he entered the currency circle was actually only 20,000, which was all investment with spare money, but he has a keen sense of the market. I entered early so I was successful.

Nowadays, there are many digital currencies with potential, as long as you learn to invest in valuable projects based on blockchain technology, such as EOS AE NEO ADA, which does the same thing as ETH, These are all based on blockchain technology as the underlying operating system, and they all want to build their own ecosystem based on this system. The underlying basic chain is ETH QTUM BTS, JRC (financial chain), distributed storage, IPFS, and RLC for distributed computing. , ELlastic (Elastos),

There are many more. The specifics will depend on your financial situation and allocation, but no matter what, it is the same. Blockchain is the future development trend. Whether it's technology or investment, you can learn and understand everything.

Taimu Valley Points, China’s Bitcoin.

Opportunities like this are rare. According to a 100-year tradition, stocks still have the highest return rate. The problem is to buy at the end of each bear market, sell at a high level, or choose a good stock to hold on to, such as China Vanke, which will definitely make you happy. ′

1. ETH

Currently, most blockchain projects use Ethereum technology. The current price of Ethereum is only US$234, which is far lower than its status. And its prospects, the future space is large, but we need to pay attention to the 2.0 replacement issue.

2. Filecoin

IPFS is a web3.0 network that claims to subvert HTTP. Filecoin is the official incentive layer of IPFS. The project shares and utilizes the world’s idle storage space to provide services to the world. Create a lower-cost, faster network. The main network is expected to be launched in July-August, and its prospects may exceed that of ETH.

When it comes to which coin will have such potential in the future, I can only say that all coins in the future will either have a price but no market, or have a market but no price. I advise everyone to stop playing with some altcoins, air coins, project coins, and MLM coins, and don’t let people cut leeks over and over again without losing their memory.

㈦ In addition to Bitcoin, which mainstream currency has the most potential

First, encourage me to create, don’t you I know that I wrote this article for 8 nights,

The second is to prevent you from wanting to read it but not being able to find it next time.

This is a 6,000-word long article that cannot be squeezed out. The following is the table of contents. We officially start. I hope everyone Ability to double click a wave.

Table of Contents

1. In addition to Bitcoin, what types of coins are there

2. How to find " Mainstream coins with good market performance/second-tier mainstream coins/strong bank copycats

3. Ambush coin method (it may take a long time, but the benefits are also huge)


1. In addition to Bitcoin, what other types of coins are there

1. Mainstream coins, second-tier mainstream coins, Qiangzhuang altcoins, CX Air garbage coins, etc., what are the differences between them

At the beginning, we must first clarify a concept: Bitcoin was the first to be invented When digital currencies came out, all other coins were “latecomers”.

So there are so many mainstream coins, altcoins, and hot coinsWait, they are all younger brothers, Bitcoin can affect all coins. After clarifying this concept, let's scroll down from the first place...

Let's talk about it one by one:

l Mainstream coins

Circled ones They are mainstream currencies, and each has its own application. Let’s analyze the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of mainstream currencies.


The characteristics of mainstream currencies are: they are controlled by big companies/big funds /Dazhuang controls the market, has high market recognition, large amount of funds, and high market value ranking.

Advantages: You can invest in the middle line of the trend. If the entry point is right, you will have relatively stable and huge profits.

Disadvantages: Because of the relatively high market capitalization of mainstream currencies, the profit cycle is generally longer. A few months may be shorter, but the longer one may be smaller

< p> #欧易OKEx# #BTC[超话]# #digital currency#

㈧ What are the most promising virtual currencies in the future

bch< br />Eth
One worthy of attention is BTT. As the largest Dapp in the currency circle, Bittorrent has more than 1 billion users in total and is spread all over the world.

In the second half of the year, BT will launch three functions to be embedded into BTT application scenarios. One is BT Speed, which can use BTT to accelerate downloads. The second one is BT LIVE, a live streaming APP that uses BTT as an incentive. The third is the BTFS system test network. BTFS is a decentralized file storage system that benchmarks IPFS, and also represents a large application scenario of the future blockchain. Although IPFS is more famous, it is still unknown whether FIL can be built, and FIL lacks a user base of the same size as BTT. So I think it is more reasonable for BTT to enter the top 20 in market value early next year.

㈨ Which digital currencies have the most potential in 2020

The first half of 2020 can be said to be turbulent. The economic consequences of the epidemic are still unknown, but what is certain is that digital assets will be an important part of the post-epidemic economy and are likely to continue to grow.
Let’s take a look at the most promising coins to watch in 2020 and why they can be powerful additions to your investment portfolio.
1. Elrond (ERD) + 45.36%
Overview: Elrond (ERD) is a highly scalable, fast, and secure blockchain network that promotes DApp development and enterprise applications.
Price: A gain of 45.36% makes Elrond one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies right now and tops our list.
In the past 24 hours, the price of ERD jumped from $0.0188 to $0.0276.
Interestingly, this increase pales in comparison to Elrond’s continued surge. Since June 1, the price of ERD has increased by more than 1,100%.
2. Bancor (BNT) + 20.66%
Overview: Bancor (BNT) is a blockchain protocol that allows users to directly and instantly convert between different tokens.
Price: As the number two on our potential coin list, Bancor soared from $1.21 to $1.46 in the past 24 hours, an increase of 20.66%.
Similar to Elrond, BNT prices are also long-term bullish, rising nearly 600% since May 17.
3. Ethereum Classic (ETC) +9.54%
Overview: Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a smart contract platform that retains the original version of the Ethereum software after the DAO hard fork.
Price: Ethereum Classic has been struggling to recoup its losses since the coronavirus-induced market crash in March.
Although the price growth of ETC has been relatively stable since then, it has created a relatively huge return on investment of nearly 10% for investors in the past 24 hours.
4. Zcash (ZEC) +6.54%
Overview: Zcash (ZEC) is a privacy coin that features pseudo-anonymous transactions through zero-knowledge proofs, called zk-SNARKs.
Price: Looking at the coin’s 24-hour performance, Zcash is up 6.54%.
In addition to the surge in the past 24 hours, ZEC has been on a moderate rise over the past three months, with its currency value rising from $43.93 on April 27 to $69.27.
5. Ethereum (ETH) +5.27%
Overview: Ethereum (ETH) is a blockchain platform featuring smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). It is also the second largest by market capitalization. Cryptocurrency.
Price: The price of Ethereum has been rising steadily over the past few months. However, since July 22, ETH has turned on the bull market and the price of ETH has soared from $246 to $324 today..26 USD.
In the past 24 hours alone, the price of ETH has increased by 5.27%.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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