币圈涨跌原理 币圈30秒猜涨跌

㈠ 币圈指标:天地成交量根据同花顺改编(源码、副图)



zz=ifelse(refBefore(close,1) > refBefore(open,1) && open > refBefore(close,1) * 1.014 && close < open * 1.02,1,3);






drawStickBetweenIf(isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,0,vol,color="red",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(isCrossUp(c6,close) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2,0,vol,color="green",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05,0,vol,color="yellow",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol < ma(vol,5) / 2 && vol < v12 / 2,0,vol,color="blue",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05 && isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,vol * 0.5,0,color="red",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05 && isCrossUp(c6,close) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2,vol * 0.5,0,color="white",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawText(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05,vol,"天",color="yellow");

drawText(vol < ma(vol,5) / 2 && vol < v12 / 2,(v5 + vol) / 2,"地",color="lightskyblue");

drawText(isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,vol,"吸",color="red");

㈡ 币圈买涨买跌怎么买





㈢ 币圈dex是什么

1.DEX全称Decentralized exchange,即去中心化交易所,是一个基于区块链的交易所,它不将用户资金和个人数据存储在服务器上,而只是作为一种基础设施来匹配希望买卖数字资产的买家和卖家。在匹配引擎的帮助下,这种交易直接发生在参与者(点对点)之间,与中心化交易所要存储和控制客户的资产不同,去中心化交易所不控制客户的资产。相反,资产以分布的方式存储,通常由用户或交易所软件本身来完成。这样而言,就不会有一个单独的实体作为交易所中所有加密货币的所有者,损失风险也会低得多。
IRIS Hub和币安链均基于Cosmos SDK开发:IRIS Hub是跨链服务枢纽,而币安链的一大应用是币安DEX。DEX对于跨链生态有着重要的意义,这次上线的网关是IRIS Hub对DEX支持的第一步;第二步,我们将通过跨链通讯(IBC)协议完成IRIS Hub与Cosmos Hub的连接,并基于IBC协议对IRIS Hub和DEX之间以互联互通的方式进行升级。

㈣ defi是什么意思 币圈








㈤ 秒涨跌微信比特币是骗局吗比特币60秒涨


㈥ 爱交易币圈指标-龙门操作线(副图、源码)



a1=(close - lowest(low,6)) / (highest(high,6) - lowest(low,6)) * 100;




drawIf(操盘线 <= refBefore(操盘线,1),操盘线,color="green");








drawIf(操盘线 > ema(云彩,1),操盘线,color="red");

drawIf(操盘线 < ema(地平线,1),操盘线,color="blue");

aa1=refBefore(操盘线,1) < 操盘线 && refBefore(操盘线,1) < refBefore(操盘线,2) && count(操盘线 < 地平线,4) > 1;

drawStickBetweenIf(aa1 > 0.1,0,highest(云彩,500),color="yellow",fill=true,linewidth=1);

drawStickBetweenIf(aa1 > 0.1,0,(highest(云彩,500)) * 0.95,color="#000000",fill=true,linewidth=0.0);

drawText(aa1,(highest(云彩,500)) * 0.93," 龙门",color="yellow");

㈦ 币圈微信是什么


㈧ 币圈基础知识,适合小白看看,但是比较多,请耐心阅读!




BTC(比特币)     ETH(以太坊)   XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)




现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)



























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。




Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同














第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,









长线 3-4成  长时间持有

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

㈨ USDT是什么货币要怎么兑换人民币







㈩ 请问数字货币跌涨原理


㈠ Currency circle indicator: Tiandi trading volume is adapted from Flush (source code, sub-picture)

Total lot=vol;

draw(Total lot, color= "white");

zz=ifelse(refBefore(close,1) > refBefore(open,1) && open > refBefore(close,1) * 1.014 && close < open * 1.02,1, 3);



v34=ma(vol ,34);


drawStickBetweenIf(close,0,vol,color="#gray",fill=true,linewidth= 2);

drawStickBetweenIf(isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,0,vol,color="red ",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(isCrossUp(c6,close) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2,0,vol,color="green", fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05,0,vol ,color="yellow",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol < ma(vol,5) / 2 && vol < v12 / 2,0,vol,color=" blue",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05 && isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,vol * 0.5,0,color="red",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawStickBetweenIf(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05 && isCrossUp(c6,close) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2,vol * 0.5,0,color= "white",fill=true,linewidth=2);

drawText(vol > ma(vol,5) * 2 && vol > v34 * 3 && close < refBefore(close,1) * 1.05 ,vol,"天",color="yellow");

drawText(vol < ma(vol,5) / 2 && vol < v12 / 2,(v5 + vol) / 2," ",color="lightskyblue");

drawText(isCrossUp(close,c6) && vol > v5 * 1.2 && vol > v12 * 1.2 && zz > 2 && close > high * 0.975,vol,"suck",color="red");

㈡ How to buy up and down in the currency circle

Hello, buy up and down in the currency circle , first clarify your investment goals and your risk tolerance. Generally speaking, investors can choose to buy up or down based on their own risk tolerance. Buying up means that investors buy a certain currency in the hope that its price will rise in order to obtain profits; buying down means that investors buy a certain currency in the hope that its price will fall in order to obtain profits.

Before buying up or down, investors need to first understand the market conditions, market trends, and market changes in order to make correct investment decisions. In addition, investors also need to understand the risks of investment and the fees of investment in order to make correct investment decisions.

In addition, investors can also better understand market trends and investment risks through surveys, analysis, predictions, etc., in order to make correct investment decisions.

In short, the decision to buy or sell should be determined based on the investor's investment objectives, risk tolerance, market conditions and other factors in order to make correct investment decisions.

㈢ What is dex in the currency circle?

1. DEX, the full name of Decentralized exchange, is a decentralized exchange. It is an exchange based on the blockchain. It does not transfer user funds and Personal data is stored on servers and serves only as an infrastructure to match buyers and sellers looking to buy and sell digital assets. With the help of a matching engine, this transaction occurs directly between participants (peer-to-peer). Unlike centralized exchanges, which store and control customers' assets, decentralized exchanges do not control customers' assets. Instead, assets are stored in a distributed fashion, usually by users or the exchange software itself. This way, there is no single entity that is the owner of all cryptocurrencies on the exchange, and the risk of loss is much lower.
2.Anonymity. Using a centralized exchange only requires a public key. At the same time, the creators of some centralized exchanges claim that they only release open source software and are not responsible for the community’s use of the software, thereby avoiding KYC and AML issues; security. In the past 10 years, more than 30 centralized exchanges have been hacked. Until now, hackers' attempts to steal have never stopped. Every day, hackers are trying to find loopholes to invade centralized systems through various methods. Since decentralized exchanges exist within computer networks, it becomes more difficult to attack decentralized exchanges. This makes decentralized trading much more secure as there is no single point of entry or failure.
3. Decentralized exchanges are still not as popular as centralized exchanges. As a result, they have fewer clients, trading volumes and liquidity, and trades take much longer to settle. Currently, DEXs tradeThe volume accounts for about 1.5% of the cryptocurrency market trading volume. Non-professional trading Due to the lack of advanced trading options, it is less convenient for professional traders to use decentralized exchanges. Therefore, in a distributed environment, algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading are very difficult and lack ease of use. Using decentralized exchanges usually requires connecting to a DApp or even installing an offline decentralized exchange client. In such cases, you may need to configure a separate node and stay online for an extended period of time to complete transactions.
Extended information
IRIS Hub and Binance Chain are both developed based on Cosmos SDK: IRIS Hub is a cross-chain service hub, and a major application of Binance Chain is Binance DEX. DEX is of great significance to the cross-chain ecology. The gateway launched this time is the first step for IRIS Hub to support DEX; in the second step, we will complete the connection between IRIS Hub and Cosmos Hub through the inter-chain communication (IBC) protocol, and Based on the IBC protocol, the interconnection between IRIS Hub and DEX will be upgraded.

㈣ What does defi mean? Currency Circle

DeFi is called OpenFinance. It actually refers to a decentralized protocol used to build an open financial system, aiming to allow anyone in the world to conduct financial activities anytime, anywhere.

Decentralized finance means that you can completely control your assets, which is different from centralized finance, namely CEFI. In fact, there are many practical applications, such as insurance, lending, mining, etc. It is also a very popular concept in the currency circle.

(4) Extended reading of the currency circle’s 30-second rise and fall source code:

The main features of DeFi:

X-DeFi uses blockchain technology and smart contract technology to replace traditional trust based on people or third-party institutions with a decentralized Balance protocol , to build a transparent and open financial system. Users in the DeFi ecosystem;

have complete control over assets and participate in X-DeFi with the help of P2P networks and decentralized applications. If you understand it simply, CEFI requires you to trust the intermediary, and X-DeFi requires you to trust the protocol.

The vision of X-DeFi is that all assets can be tokenized and freely traded in the global open market. X-DeFi is the 2.0 upgraded version of DeFi. It strives to create distributed finance with zero risk and no fear of ups and downs. It uses the Tezos main chain ecology to support multi-asset portfolio mortgages across chains.

㈤ Is WeChat Bitcoin a scam? Bitcoin rises in 60 seconds

It is a scam. Don’t believe it. It will give you some sweetness in the beginning and you will be satisfied with it. The minimum capital required to open a position will gradually rob you of your money. If you want to win back, you have to continue to add positions. If you think about it, it is really stable.If you make money, who would not just make a lot of money by yourself, but also teach you for the so-called guidance fee of 20% or 30%?

㈥ Aihui Trading Coin Circle Indicator - Gantry Operating Line (sub-picture, source code)


draw(notext1,color="# ffffff");

a1=(close - lowest(low,6)) / (highest(high,6) - lowest(low,6)) * 100;

Trading line=ema(a1,3);

draw(Trading line, color="#ff00ff");


drawIf(Trading Line <= refBefore(Trading Line, 1), Trading Line, color="green");

Strength and Weak Line = ema(Trading Line, 30);

mb1=highest(trading line,27);

mb2=lowest(trading line,27);

Yuncai =refBefore(mb1,1);


< br /> draw(horizon, color="#99eeee");

drawIf(trading line > ema(cloud,1),trading line, color="red");

drawIf(Trading line < ema(horizon,1),Trading line,color="blue");

aa1=refBefore(Trading line,1) 1;

drawStickBetweenIf(aa1 > 0.1,0,highest(cloud,500),color="yellow" ,fill=true,linewidth=1);

drawStickBetweenIf(aa1 > 0.1,0,(highest(cloud,500)) * 0.95,color="#000000",fill=true,linewidth= 0.0);

drawText(aa1,(highest(cloud,500)) * 0.93,"龙门",color="yellow");

㈦ What is WeChat in the currency circle?

The currency circle WeChat is actually the currency circle for transactions through WeChat.
Coin Circle WeChat is also called Coin Circle 30 Seconds. By judging whether the trend of the currency circle in the next 30 seconds is up or down, if you think it is going up, buy up, if you think it is going down, buy down. If you invest right, you will make money. If you don’t, you will make money. Just lose money, it's that simple.
As the saying goes, the currency circle is a group of people who work together on digital currencies, including issuance, trading, speculation and related things. We all know that the purpose of playing in the currency circle is to make money, just like playing stocks. Every project makes money. The models are all different. WeChat in the currency circle can be said to be the simplest way to make money in the currency circle.

㈧ The basic knowledge of the currency circle is suitable for beginners to read, but there are many, so please read it patiently!

What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation currency, mining, exchanges, project parties, self-media, etc.

What are the mainstream coins in the currency circle?

BTC (Bitcoin) ETH (Ethereum) XRP (Ripple, Wave Goddess)

BCH (Bitcoin Cash, Grand Prince) EOS (Grapefruit) LTC (Litecoin, spicy strips)

How to make money in the currency circle?

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-making, contracts, etc.

Which exchanges are the best to use?

Spot exchanges: Binance, Huobi, okex, Biter (the most well-known and safe)

Futures exchanges: okex, bitmex, Huobi (the most well-known and safe)

Where can I usually read currency news?

Market websites: Feixiaohao, mytoken, Alcoin, etc.

News websites: Golden Finance, Babbitt Community, Coin World News

Currency Circle What does fiat currency mean?

Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

What does currency circle token mean?

token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and inherent Value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other abilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network , so that it can be verified anytime and anywhere.

What does it mean to open a position in the currency circle?

Position building in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

What does currency stud mean?

Currency Stud means investing all the principal.

What does airdrop mean in the currency circle?

Airdrops are currently a very popular method of cryptocurrency marketing. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

What does lock-up in the currency circle mean?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a new position opposite to the original position, also known as lock-in or lock-in.Single, even euphemistically called butterflies flying double.

What does Biquan Candy mean?

Currency candies are digital coins that are distributed free of charge to users when various digital currencies are first issued and are launched in ICOs. They are a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

What does the currency circle break mean?

Breaking refers to falling below, and issuing refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

What does private equity in the currency circle mean?

Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

What do you think of the K-line in the currency circle?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

What does it mean to move bricks in the currency circle?

Brick trading is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior in which a blockchain project exchanges its own virtual currency for commonly used virtual currencies in market circulation, and also returns There are IEO, STO, etc., and the models are all similar

Five major investment rules

1. Consider and observe projects from multiple aspects, and do not follow others’ opinions. Many copycat circles have appeared in the currency circle. For money projects, once the founder runs away, there is no way to hold him legally responsible.

2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain and the industry pain points solved by blockchain before entering the currency circle.

3. For the project you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding of whether the project actually uses blockchain technology, whether its founder has disclosed his identity and has a true background, and whether the business logic of the project is Closely related to the token, whether there are already similar projects in the same industry that are solving industry pain points, and if the project is successfully implemented, whether its project has the ability to make profits in real life.

4. If you cannot accurately judge the project prospects of a currency, do not invest more than 20% of assets when participating in blockchain investment, and do not put your eggs in one basket.

5. High-quality projects will also have their ups and downs, so treat them with a normal attitude and be patient.For investment projects that you are optimistic about, you don’t need to care too much about the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the team’s development progress is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only by holding it for a long time will you eventually earn more income.

Top Ten Trading Rules

First, don’t be easily deceived with low-priced chips, have firm faith and prevent the dealer from hitting the market.

Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, it is always a taboo to buy and sell full positions. The general trend is good. Building positions in batches when the market falls is lower risk, lower cost, and greater profit than chasing the market.

Third, distribute profits reasonably and release funds to the maximum extent, instead of adding positions and deposits all the time.

Fourth, lose money when it rises sharply and defend money when it falls sharply. You must have a correct mentality at all times, do not speculate, do not be impetuous, do not be greedy, do not fear, and do not fight unprepared battles.

Fifth, when ambushing or privately selling low-priced coins, you rely on experience to bet with the banker. In the future of the currency, the subsequent secondary market game is a process of relying on technology and information to follow the banker. Don't put the cart before the horse and end up in a mess.

Sixth, when opening a position and shipping, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gradually spreads out, effectively controlling the proportion of risk and profit,

Seventh, linkage You need to be familiar with the effects, watch the market when trading coins, and pay attention to the trends of other coins. Each coin does not exist in isolation when trading on the market. It may seem that there is no connection, but it is actually intricately intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. There are many of them now. Tools can be used to view currency information and information,

Eighth, the allocation of positions must be reasonable. The allocation of hot coins and value coins must be reasonable. Pay attention to the ability to withstand stress and the proportion of profit intake. Being too conservative will If you miss the opportunity, you may face high risks if you are too radical! The biggest characteristic of value coins is that they are mainly stable. The biggest characteristic of hot coins is that they are highly volatile. They may rise to the sky or fall to zero in one battle.

Ninth, having coins on the market, money in your account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. If you can’t stud, you will die. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are what determine your success. Mentality and the key to success or failure, investing spare money is the foundation,

Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to draw inferences from one instance, and master the basic ideas of trading. Observation is the prerequisite. Remember the high and low points of each time, as Reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and develop the ability to filter information.

Steady investment plan

Position control, never fill up your position easily, why do you say not to fill up your position

The first point is risk control, you can’t guarantee it It will rise immediately after you buy it. If you encounter a waterfall, your assets will be greatly discounted, and you will not be able to cover your position and lower the average price.

The second point is mentality control.I have had this experience myself. After a full position, I would keep staring at the market, which seriously affects my mentality. I couldn't sleep well.

The third point is that it is easy to be cut off, and you have a gambling mentality. You want to see changes in your income every moment. After the position is full, you see that the price of your currency does not rise in a short period of time. Others When the currency rises or there are other coins you want to buy, just cut the meat and buy it. Repeated operations will bring less and less money

Long-term 3-40% Long-term holding

Short-term 3-4% Why are there short-term? Many people say that short-term will definitely lose money. But when we allocate long-term funds, speculating in currencies is a very interesting thing. I believe that most people can’t control their own hands. As long as they control their positions well and don’t cut their flesh frequently, short-term under normal circumstances You must make a profit before exiting (the special case is when there is a problem with the project or the market). Then refer to my position control above, and whether the long-term return of any currency is higher than the short-term return.

㈨ What currency is USDT and how to exchange it for RMB

USDT is Tether and cannot be exchanged for RMB. "Notice on Carrying out Self-examination and Rectification Work on Providing Payment Services for Illegal Virtual Currency Transactions" All payment institutions within the jurisdiction shall carry out self-examination and rectification work, strictly prohibit providing services for virtual currency transactions, and take effective measures to prevent payment channels from being used for virtual currency transactions.

Tether is a virtual currency that pegs cryptocurrency to the U.S. dollar, the fiat currency. Each Tether is symbolically tied to a government-backed fiat currency. Tether is a virtual currency held in a foreign exchange reserve account and backed by legal currency. This method can effectively prevent large price fluctuations in cryptocurrency. Basically, one Tether is worth 1 US dollar.

On January 16, 2018, among the top 50 cryptocurrencies in the world by value, most of the digital virtual cryptocurrencies suffered a sharp drop in price, except for Tether, which bucked the trend and rose in price. The price of Tether is $1.04, up 3.23% from the previous day, with a total market capitalization of $1.69 billion. In addition to Tether, most virtual currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, etc., have experienced sharp declines.

(9) Extended reading of the 30-second rise and fall source code of the currency circle:

In 2017, the regulatory authorities issued "On Preventing Token Issuance and Financing Risks" "Announcement" has clearly stated that financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions are not allowed to carry out business related to token issuance financing transactions. Financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions are not allowed to directly or indirectly provide account opening, registration, trading, clearing, settlement and other products or services for token issuance financing and "virtual currency", and are not allowed to provide insurance related to tokens and "virtual currency" The insurance business may include tokens and “virtual currencies” within the scope of insurance coverage.

China InternetThe Internet Finance Association issued the "Risk Warning on Preventing Disguised ICO Activities" calling on consumers and investors to recognize the nature of relevant models, enhance risk prevention awareness, invest rationally, and not blindly follow the trend of hype. Previously, blockchain technology was once sought after by many listed companies and capital markets, but it also raised questions about whether it was over-hyped and "stepping on red lines."

㈩ Please tell me about the principles of the rise and fall of digital currencies

There are many factors that affect the rise and fall of digital currency prices, and they mainly fall into the following categories:
1. News level: News causes rises and falls. A very important factor, covering a very wide range, including policy factors, the currency itself, and some aspects of the market environment, all belong to the news side. The news is divided into good news and bad news. Good news will stimulate the price to rise, and bad news will cause the currency price to fall; sometimes the news is whether it is true or false, as long as the rumor reaches a certain level, it will naturally cause rise and fall. To give a very simple example, for example: all the big names in the currency circle stand up and say that a certain currency is very good and worth investing in. Even if this currency is a completely empty currency, there are still a lot of people who believe it. Naturally, this currency will It has risen;
2. Policy factors: This is easy to understand, and it is the same as the stock market. For example: if the government announces that it will support the new energy industry this year, the prices of stocks related to new energy will rise. The same applies to the currency circle.
3. Banker trading: Just like the stock market, there are also bankers in the currency circle. When the bankers want to attract funds, they will lower the currency price and raise the currency price when shipping, so as to ensure that they can benefit to the maximum extent. This factor is unexplainable, because qualified bankers/large investors have understood the minds of retail investors, whether it is bulk goods or fund-raising, they will operate in accordance with the prevailing environment and policy factors, and even spread some news that is beneficial to them.
For more information on the principles of the rise and fall of digital currencies, enter: https://m.abcgonglue.com/ask/800e0c1615828764.html?zd to view more content

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

① 第五套人民币的背景图案各是什么第五套人民币的背景图案说明分别如下:1、1元人民币:背面图案是三潭印月。正面采用毛泽东同志建国初期的头像,底衬采用了兰花图案。2、5元人民币:背面图案是泰山。正面采用