合约的盈利是怎么计算的呢 合约盈利计算公式

『壹』 融资融券合约盈亏如何计算


1. 利用融资效应就可以把收益给放大。
2. 如果你是稳健价值型投资,感觉中长期后市表现喜人,接着向券商融入资金。
3. 使用融券功能,下跌也是可以盈利。


『贰』 以太坊合约杠杆收益怎么算


『叁』 POPEx的合约收益是怎么计算的


『肆』 期货利润怎么计算的













『伍』 期货获利的方法和计算公式是怎么样的
















仓差:是持仓差的简称,指目前持仓量与昨日收盘价对应的持仓量的差。为正则是今天的持仓量增加,为负则是持仓量减少。 持仓差就是持仓的增减变化情况。 例如今天11月股指期货合约的持仓为6万手,而昨天的时候是5万手,那今天的持仓差就是1万手了。另:在成交栏里也有仓差变化,在这里是指现在这一笔成交单引发的持仓量变化与上一笔的即时持仓量的对比,是增仓还是减仓

『陆』 期货交易的盈利是怎么计算的












『柒』 期权怎么算盈亏

关于期权交易是如何计算盈亏的,举个栗子:如下图假设当日开盘判断行情即将下跌,买入一张沽2500合约,开盘价0.0713,最高涨至0.0935 处止盈平仓。因为判断行情走势方向是正确的,该合约价格就呈现单独的上涨走势。
















『捌』 OKEx期权合约的收益怎么计算








『玖』 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


『拾』 黄金期货怎么计算盈亏,黄金期货盈利的计算公式


盈亏计算 1、看涨合约颂游御:盈亏单价=卖出价 - 买入价,实磨孙际盈亏=盈亏单价 * 合约单位比如在元/克的价格买入一手黄金期货,然后在元/克卖出,那么盈利单价是元/克 - 元/克=元/克,黄金期货当前交易价格是以1克为单位计价,黄金期货交易一手的单位数量是1000克,因此,实际盈利为元/克 * 1000克=2500元。2、看跌合约:盈亏单价=买入价 - 卖出价,实际盈亏=盈亏单价 * 合约单位比如在元/克的价格卖出一手黄金期货,结果发现趋势不对,并未按照原来预期下跌,果断在元/克的时候买入一手黄金期货平仓了结,那么盈亏单价是元/克 元/克= 元/克,实际盈亏为 元/克 *1000克=-1500元,即亏损1500元。对于黄金期货投资,盈亏计算并不难,是我们掌握黄金期货入门的开始,也是刚刚起步,后面任重道远。温馨提示:理财有风险,投资需谨慎。

『一』How to calculate the profit and loss of a margin trading contract

The profit and loss of a financing contract = the amount of financing liabilities × the market price - the financing purchase amount - the financing contract fee - interest. Profit and loss of a securities lending contract: funds obtained from selling securities – quantity of securities lending liabilities × market price – interest.
When it comes to margin trading and securities lending, it is estimated that there are many small partners who either don’t know enough about it or have almost no contact with it. What this article talks about in detail today is my many years of experience in stock trading, focusing on the second point!
Before I start the analysis, let me tell you about this collection of super useful stock trading tools. If you are interested, you can click on the link below to take a look: The nine magic tools for stock trading are used by veteran investors!
1. What is margin trading and securities lending?
When it comes to margin trading and securities lending, we must first understand leverage. For example, you originally had 10 yuan in your hand, but you need 20 yuan to buy what you want. We don’t have enough money, so we need to borrow from others. The borrowed money is leverage. In this way, we can understand margin financing and securities lending. It's very simple. It is actually a way to increase leverage. Financing can actually be said to mean that securities companies lend their own funds to shareholders to buy stocks, and then repay the principal and interest together at maturity. As the name suggests, securities lending means that shareholders borrow stocks to sell, and return the stocks immediately after maturity to pay corresponding interest.
The characteristic of margin trading is to magnify things. When you make a profit, your profits will increase several times, and when you lose, your losses will be magnified all at once. This means that the risks of margin trading and securities lending are very high. If the operation is improper, huge losses may occur. The requirements for investment capabilities will be relatively high. Do not let go of any suitable buying and selling opportunities. Ordinary people are far from this level. Then this artifact is very good. It uses big data technical analysis to determine when it is appropriate to buy and sell. Then click on the link below: AI intelligently identifies buying and selling opportunities, and you can get started in one minute!

2. What are the techniques for margin financing and securities lending?
1. Use the financing effect to amplify the income.
For example, if you have a capital of 1 million yuan and you are bullish on XX stock, you will use the funds in your hand to buy the stock, then mortgage it to a brokerage, and then use financing to buy the stock. If As the stock price increases, additional profits will be obtained.
To put it simply, assuming that XX stock rises by 5%, the original income is only 50,000 yuan, but if it is through margin trading, you will earn more than this, and when you fail to judge correctly At this time, it is impossible to make money, and you will only lose more.
2. If you are a sound value investor and feel that the mid- to long-term market outlook is promising, then invest in funds from a securities firm.
You can mortgage the stocks you hold for a long time in value investment to the brokerage, that is, bring in funds. When you enter the market, you can avoid the step of adding additional funds. After making a profit, you can just distribute part of the interest to the brokerage. To increase the results.
3. Using the securities lending function, you can make a profit even if the price falls.
Similar to, for example, the current price of a certain stock is 20 yuan. After deepAfter extensive research, we deduce that there is a high possibility that this stock will fall to around ten yuan in the future. Then you can borrow 1,000 shares of the stock from a securities company, and then sell it on the market at a price of 20 yuan, and get 20,000 yuan in funds. As soon as the stock price drops to about 10, you will be able to The stock was bought again at a price of 10 yuan per share, and 1,000 shares were purchased and returned to the securities company. The cost was specifically 10,000 yuan.
So the price difference between the front and back operations means the profit part. Of course, you still have to pay part of the securities lending fees. If this operation does not cause the future stock price to fall but to rise, it will require more money to buy back the securities after the contract expires and return them to the securities company, thus causing losses.
At the end, I would like to share with you the institution’s hot stock list today. Remember to get it before it is deleted: top secret! The agency’s list of three bull stocks today has been leaked, get it now! ! !

Response time: 2021-09-07, the latest business changes are subject to the data displayed in the link in the article, please click to view

『二』How to calculate the leverage income of Ethereum contracts

The calculation method of Ethereum contract leverage income is very simple. It needs to calculate the price fluctuation of currency pairs, which is called "exchange rate fluctuation". For example, if the currency pair is USD/EUR, then the price fluctuation of a currency pair is the proportion of price change. For example, assuming the price of USD/EUR changes from 1.15 to 1.17, then the price fluctuation is 1.7%! (MISSING)
In Ethereum leveraged returns, this exchange rate fluctuation limit will be used as the benchmark for returns. Assuming that you invest with 1:2 leverage, your return will be (MISSING) twice that of 1.7%!: 3.4%!. (MISSING) If you invest with 1:3 leverage, then the return on sales will be 5.1%! (MISSING)
At the same time, you also need to consider the leverage loss of the Ethereum contract and the handling fees of imitation transactions. The handling fee is charged on each transaction, so when calculating the total return, the handling fee is subtracted.
In short, the calculation method of Ethereum contract leverage income is very simple. Just calculate the exchange rate fluctuation and subtract the transaction fee.

『三』How is the contract income of POPEx calculated?

This depends on your leverage and margin before you can calculate it specifically. Just give me a chestnut and you will know. For example, if you are short Ethereum with 100 US dollars and 50 times leverage (the current price of Ethereum is 200 US dollars), and Ethereum falls to 140 US dollars one hour later, your profit will be: 100*50/200* ( 200-140)=1500 US dollars. Of course, transaction fees, etc. will also be deducted in actual operations.

『四』How to calculate futures profits

Expected price increase: One lot of natural rubber is 5 tons (the trading unit of the contract), and a total of 10 lots are held, that is, a total of 50Tons of natural glue.

The correct calculation method is: Profit = (selling price - buying price) × number of lots × contract trading unit = (18345-18135) × 10 × 5 = 2100 × 5 = 10,500 yuan


Profit and loss of long orders = (Closing point - Opening point) * number of lots

Profit and loss of short orders = (Opening point - Closing point) * Number of lots

For example: the price of a ton of copper is 70,000, and a cautious person will need 350,000, calculated based on a margin ratio of 10%. In this way, the capital required to trade one hand of copper in futures is 35,000.

If the profit of copper is 1,000 points and the position is closed, then the profit of this lot of copper is 5,000 yuan. The rate of return is 5000/35000=14.2857%. You will find that the rate of return is astonishingly high. This is the leverage effect of futures. While amplifying funds, it also amplifies returns.

Essentially, the rate of return is 5000/350000=1.42857%.

(4) How is the profit of the contract calculated? Extended reading:

The basic functions of futures mainly include two aspects:

1. Price discovery: There are many futures traders involved, and they all trade at the price they think is most suitable. Therefore, the futures price can comprehensively reflect the expectations of both supply and demand for the supply and demand relationship and price trends at a certain time in the future. This price information increases market transparency and helps improve the efficiency of resource allocation.

2. Avoid market risks: In the actual production and operation process, in order to avoid rising costs or declining profits caused by ever-changing commodity prices, futures transactions can be used for hedging, that is, buying in the futures market Or sell the same quantity of goods as those in the spot market but with the opposite trading direction, so that the profits and losses of the two market transactions offset each other.

In addition, futures are also an investment tool. Since the price of futures contracts fluctuates, investors can take advantage of the spread to earn risky profits.

『五』What is the method and calculation formula of futures profit

The method of futures profit:

1. Don’t stop losing

Many people have this experience. They operate n times (n>10) in a row, and then they become ecstatic. As a result, they reduce the position and control the number of operations. In the end, they are beaten back to before liberation. All the profits and profits are lost, and even worse, the losses are even worse. This is a very simple question. Futures is a science where probability is paramount. Making money more than 10 times in a row can only mean that your luck cycle has arrived, but it does not mean that you have found the perfect "Holy Grail". The hit rate of a trading model can never exceed 60%. Once it exceeds, it means disaster. You can savor this sentence carefully.

2. Don’t stop taking profit

Many people have the habit of floating orders. The word floating orders comes from the foreign exchange market, which means that after entering the market, the position will not be closed as long as it is not cleared. Just take the loss list, there is oneA feeling of resignation. Generally speaking, the result of floating orders is either to sweep the stop loss or to exit the market evenly, throwing away a large amount of floating winnings in vain. If you continue to operate for a long time, it will be a loss.

3. Backhand after losing money

Futures are gambling in a large sense, just like playing cards. When you lose, the more you want to get back your money, the faster you lose. The same principle applies to futures, so I won’t go into details. Remember, after losing money, wait for new opportunities to enter the market, rather than tossing back and forth in place. Another reason is that when everyone is losing money, it means that the market is turbulent, and the turbulence will continue. Do you think it is unreasonable to enter the market at this time?

4. I like predictions

To do futures, to put it bluntly, you must have your own core competitiveness in futures, that is, what is better than others. But there are many people who regard prediction as their core competitiveness and engage in things like Gann Theory and Wave Theory all day long. What's more, after looking at a higher price, they talk about being a good person and so on. In fact, it’s not necessary. The market is unpredictable. Can anyone predict whether they will lose or win next time at the gambling table? If the prediction can be accurate, no matter what method, then so many top foreign banks will not collapse during the financial crisis. If predictions can be made accurately, any bank's R&D capabilities will be much stronger than ours. But what about the reality? So predictions are useless.

The calculation formula for futures profit:

Yesterday’s settlement: refers to yesterday’s settlement price. (Different from yesterday's closing price) The settlement price refers to the volume-weighted average price of a certain futures contract in the last hour. If the contract is a newly listed contract, the calculation formula for the settlement price on the day is: contract settlement price = the benchmark price of the contract + the settlement price of the benchmark contract on the current day - the settlement price of the benchmark contract on the previous trading day.

Volume ratio: refers to the ratio of the total number of lots traded on the day to the average number of recent deals. The specific formula is: current total lots/((5-day average total lots/240)*how many minutes it opened). The size of the volume ratio value indicates the increase or decrease in trading volume at this time. If it is greater than 1, it means that the total number of transactions at this time has been enlarged. If it is less than 1, it means that the total number of transactions at this time has shrunk

Total hands: refers to the current date. At the current time, the total number of lots traded for this contract. Domestically, 1 lot for each party is calculated as 2 lots, so you can see that the last digits are all even digits

Weight ratio: refers to an indicator used to measure the relative strength of buying and selling orders within a period of time. The calculation formula is: commissioned ratio =〖(commissioned number of lots to buy - number of commissioned to sell) ÷ (number of commissioned to buy + number of commissioned to sell)〗×100%. When the commission value is positive and large, it means that the buyer has strong power and the probability of the futures price rising is high; when the commission value is negative, it means that the seller has strong power and the futures price has a high probability of falling.

Open interest: refers to the total number of contracts opened by buyers and sellers that have not yet implemented reverse closing operations. The size of the position reflectsIt reflects the size of market transactions and the differences between long and short parties on the current price. For example: Suppose there are two people as counterparties, one person opens a position to buy 1 contract, and the other person opens a position to sell 1 contract, then the position will be displayed as 2 lots.

Position difference: It is the abbreviation of position difference, which refers to the difference between the current position and the position corresponding to yesterday's closing price. If it is positive, the position will increase today, and if it is negative, the position will decrease. The position difference is the increase or decrease in positions. For example, the position of the November stock index futures contract today is 60,000 lots, while yesterday it was 50,000 lots, then the position difference today is 10,000 lots. Another: There are also changes in position difference in the transaction column. Here it refers to the comparison between the change in position caused by the current transaction and the real-time position in the previous transaction, whether to increase or decrease the position

『Lu』How is the profit of futures trading calculated?

Estimated price increase: One lot of natural rubber is 5 tons (contract trading unit), holding a total of 10 lots, that is, buying 50 tons of natural rubber .

The correct calculation method is: profit = (selling price - buying price) × number of lots × contract transaction unit = (18345-18135) × 10 × 5 = 2100 × 5 = 10,500 yuan

< p>Profit and loss of long orders = (closing point - opening point) * number of lots

Profit and loss of short orders = (opening point - closing point) * number of lots

For example, one ton The price of copper is 70,000 yuan, and one hand requires 350,000 yuan. Calculated based on a 10% profit margin, therefore, the capital required for copper futures trading is 35,000 yuan.

If the copper price rises by 1,000 points and the position is closed, then the copper price rises by 5,000 yuan. When the yield is 5,000/35,000=14.2857%, the high yield is amazing. This is the leverage of futures. Function, it expands capital and earnings.

In fact, the rate of return is 5000/350000=1.42857%.

(6) How is the profit of the contract calculated? Further reading:< /p>

The basic functions of futures mainly include two aspects:

1. Price discovery: There are many futures traders trading at the most appropriate price, so the futures price can fully reflect the future prospects of both parties. Supply and demand relations and price trend expectations within a certain period of time. This kind of price information increases the transparency of the market and is conducive to improving the efficiency of resource allocation.

2. Avoid market risks: In the actual production and operation process, in order to avoid rising costs or falling profits caused by continuous changes in commodity prices, futures transactions can be used for hedging, that is, in the futures market and The spot market buys and sells the same quantity of goods, but the trading parties are relative, so that the profits and losses of the two market transactions can offset each other.

『撒』 How to calculate profit and loss in options

As for how to calculate profit and loss in options trading, here is an example: Assuming the opening of the day, as shown belowThe market is about to fall. Buy a 2500 Sell contract. The opening price is 0.0713, and the maximum price rises to 0.0935 to take profit and close the position. Because the judgment of the market trend direction is correct, the contract price will show an independent upward trend.

Image and text source: Internet [CaiShun Options]

Cost calculation: One put February 2500 contract = 0.0713*10000=713 yuan.

Profit and loss calculation: Profit of one contract of this state = (0.0935-0.0713) * 10000 = 222 yuan.

Whatever the purchase quantity is, just multiply it by the amount you get.

Trading method: entry-level operating system for options

1. Control positions.

Use 30% of disposable assets to invest, and cannot borrow money, sell houses, or speculate in options. Your mentality will be easily affected by the market and make wrong judgments;

2. Do unilateral market transactions Short-term, completed within the day.

Options fluctuate violently and change direction rapidly. If it is a unilateral market, try to complete the opening and closing of positions on the same day and take profits, otherwise it is very likely to be backlashed;

3. Do double-buy in the trending market and hold firmly.

The truly safe way to play is the double-buy strategy mentioned above. Step on the low point of the hidden wave to ambush and obtain long-term benefits;

4. Do not make extreme false values.

Extremely out-of-value means a contract that seriously deviates from the current price. The gambling component is too heavy, which is equivalent to buying a lottery ticket, and the risk is extremely high;

5. Do not do anything close to the end of the market. term contract.

Contracts that are approaching expiration are risky, and the time value decays quickly and easily returns to zero. Newbies need to play at-the-money and real-valued contracts that are far away from the expiration date in order to win steadily.

『8』How to calculate the income of OKEx option contract

This lovely friend is asking about how to calculate the income of the inverse contract, because the inverse contract uses USD as the unit of calculation. , you need to convert the standard currency and USD. The calculation formula is:

Long position profit = face value * number of positions opened (1/opening price-1/closing price)
Short position profit =face value*number of opening positions (1/closing price-1/opening price)

The USDT contract we are about to launch, that is, the forward contract, uses USDT directly as a margin to calculate the relative income. To put it simply, the calculation formula is:

Being long: profit = (closing price - opening price) * face value * number of pieces = (closing price - opening price) * quantity
Short selling: Profit = (opening price - closing price) * face value * number of contracts = (opening price - closing price) * quantity

Take BTC as an example, in a forward contract, The face value of a BTC contract is 0.0001 BTC. When the price was 9,000, Xiao Ming opened 10,000 long orders. When the price rises to 10,000, Xiao Ming’s income =(10000-9000)*0.0001*10000=1000USDT

In the BTC/USDT currency pair in the currency trading area, Xiao Ming bought 1 BTC when the price was 9000. When the BTC price rose to When 10,000, Xiao Ming sells BTC, and the profit is = (10,000-9,000)*1=1,000USDT

Here we can find that since the face value is fixed, the face value of the BTC contract is 0.0001 BTC. It is equivalent to dividing 1 BTC into 10,000 parts. Without calculating handling fees, at the same price, if you open 10,000 BTC contracts, the income will be the same as trading 1 BTC in spot. If you open 100 contracts and trade 0.01 BTC in spot, the income will be the same. it's the same. This is also one of the advantages of USDT margin contract. Therefore, we can use spot thinking to understand the concept of contract income more intuitively.

『玖』How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times the full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, and you get an increase of ten points. Your income is 200 yuan (+100). The next day your account is 300 yuan. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase it by ten points, your income is 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But If it falls by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

『Shi』 How to calculate profit and loss of gold futures, the formula for calculating profit of gold futures

When many new investors start trading gold futures, they often find that they have made a profit after buying it. Money, why is it a loss when settling profit and loss? How does Yeyan calculate profit and loss for gold futures? Is there a specific calculation formula?

Profit and loss calculation 1. Call contract: profit and loss unit price = selling price - buying price, actual profit and loss = profit and loss unit price * contract unit, for example, buying a lot of gold at the price of yuan/gram futures, and then sell them at yuan/gram, then the profit unit price is yuan/gram - yuan/gram = yuan/gram. The current trading price of gold futures is priced in units of 1 gram, and the unit quantity of one lot of gold futures trading is 1000 grams. Therefore, the actual profit is yuan/gram * 1000 grams = 2500 yuan. 2. Put contract: Profit and loss unit price = buying price - selling price, actual profit and loss = profit and loss unit price * Contract unit For example, if you sell a gold futures at a price of yuan/gram, it turns out that the trend is wrong and it does not fall as expected. Be decisive If you buy one lot of gold futures and close the position when the price is yuan/gram, then the profit and loss unit price is yuan/gram yuan/gram = yuan/gram, and the actual profit and loss is yuan/gram * 1000 grams = -1500 yuan, that is, a loss of 1500 yuan. For gold futures investment, profit and loss calculation is not difficult. It is the beginning of our mastery of gold futures. It is also just the beginning, and there is a long way to go. Warm reminder: Financial management is risky, so investment needs to be cautious.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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