焚烧冥币要在地上划圈吗为什么 焚烧冥币要在地上划圈吗

① 给去世的人烧纸不画圈叫名字可以吗


② 正确给死去亲人烧纸钱教你怎么画圈

上坟 或路口祭祀都行

上坟不用画圈 但地址必须写 否则收不到!!

其他都是小钱 烧元宝就行 这个是大钱 用现成的-----送钱表文

元宝 晚上日落后可以烧了 在十字路口 画圈 -----不要封闭---- 西南方向开口 中间画“X” 先堆放好元宝·····先烧送钱表文后烧元宝----送钱表文 复印就行

可以加些冥币 几十亿,几百亿 那种 地址不要写活人名字 写亲属寄 就行 已故先人(过世人名字和农历生日) 最后的日期 年月日---写当天烧元宝的农历日期

① Is it okay to burn paper for the deceased without drawing a circle and call it by name?

It is okay to use a bucket or container without drawing a circle, but it is not acceptable without writing the name. You just call the name. It's useless. Just like if you have express delivery or parcel delivery on Uxin, you have to have the other person's name and even the other person's birthday. Will this be a bug? There is no mistaking it from Chongqing. There is no name or birthday. How can the other party receive it? Just talking about the barbecue agreement doesn't count. You have to write it down. It's best to use a ready-made money-sending form. It's okay to burn tens of billions of ingots and other ghost coins. As long as you can draw circles at the intersection, Draw a big circle with a cross in the middle of the opening in the southwest. Burn it first and send the money form. Then bring ingots, gold bars and coins. These items are enough

② Teach you how to draw a circle by correctly burning paper money for dead relatives

You can visit the grave or offer sacrifices at the intersection

There is no need to draw a circle when visiting the grave, but the address must be written or you will not receive it! !

Others, just use small coins to burn ingots. This one is ready-made for large sums of money-----Send money in writing.

Ingots can be burned after sunset in the evening and draw a circle at the intersection-- ---Don't close---- Draw an "X" in the middle of the southwest opening. Stack the ingots first... Burn the money-giving form first and then the ingots----Just copy the money-giving form

< p> You can add some ghost coins, a few billion, or tens of billions. Don’t write the name of the living person, just send it to relatives. Deceased ancestors (the name of the deceased and the lunar birthday). The last date, year, month, day---write it on the day of burning. Lunar date of ingot

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 外贸冻卡潮什么时候结束外贸冻卡潮2023年4月结束。将在2023年槐唤4月结束的外贸冻卡潮有效阻止了资金外流,资金外流严重和中会导致一个国家的各项事业发唤明山展迟钝外贸冻卡就是有效手段之一。B.