币圈一u 币圈一个月可以挣多少

❶ 又一数字货币借贷平台暂停提款,币圈到底怎么了





❷ 在币圈,真的可以赚钱吗


❸ 币圈基础知识,适合小白看看,但是比较多,请耐心阅读!




BTC(比特币)     ETH(以太坊)   XRP(瑞波币、波女神) 

BCH(比特现金、大皇子) EOS(柚子) LTC(莱特币、辣条)




现货交易所: 币安、火币、okex、比特儿(最知名安全)

期货交易所: okex、bitmex、火币(最知名安全)



























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。




Initial Coin Offering,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目以自身发行的虚拟货币,换取市场流通常用的虚拟货币的融资行为,以及还有IEO,STO等,模式都大似相同














第七、联动效应要熟悉,打币看行情,同时要留意其他币子的动向,每个币子在大盘交易都不是孤立存在的,貌似没有联系其实盘根错节,联动效应就要对币子要了解, 很多现在很多工具可以利用查看币子信息和资讯,









长线 3-4成  长时间持有

短线 3-4成 为什么会有短线,很多人都说短线是肯定会亏钱的。但是在我们做了长线资金分配情况下,炒币是一件很有意思的事情,我相信绝大部分人都管不住自己的手,只要做好仓位控制,不要频繁割肉,短线在一般情况下一定要做到获利在出场(特殊情况是项目或者大盘有问题)。然后参考我上面的仓位控制,还有不是任何一个币的长线都比短线收益要高。

❹ 币圈是什么意思
























K线图(Candlestick Charts)又称蜡烛图、日本线、阴阳线、棒线、红黑线等,常用说法是“K线”。它是以每个分析周期的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价绘制而成。



❺ 币圈是什么


❻ 币圈的兴起是怎样的














说到兴起 以太坊功不可没:




❼ 币圈到底靠谱不


❽ 进币圈你后悔吗






#进入币圈你后悔吗# 来币圈,后悔吗?呀!都是成年人,后悔有啥用了,难道你还能回到过去不成。反正我是不怎么后悔的,虽然我来到币圈,至今都还是在亏钱。但是我真的也学到了不少的知识,见识了各种各样的割韭菜的套路,有些套路真的太深了,让人防不胜防。要说后悔,我后悔自己进入的时间太晚了,一个暴涨的币都没有抓到,现在不要说是百倍币了,十倍币都没有看到过,错过了好多暴富的机会。币圈,一个天堂与地狱的地方,来了,就都要为自己的行为负责任。


更怕醋墨两相掺,半生苦涩半生酸 。

















❾ 币圈认购怎么样


❿ 币圈到底是干什么的




币圈应该是数字货币的一个交易交流的圈子吧,这样的圈子应该比较广泛不太好定义,包括金融 财经 虚拟货币交易,也有一些特定交易所,像网上抄的火热的比特币,虽然是虚拟货币但价钱从几千抄到几万美元,拆合人民币听说抄到13万一个比特币,涨幅比较大非常不稳定,但交易都是真金白银的交易,我这答案不知是否我要问的



❶ Another digital currency lending platform has suspended withdrawals, what’s going on in the currency circle?

Because this kind of thing itself is a kind of drumming, and the so-called virtual currency is just a scam.

For those who participate in investment, we must understand the concepts of virtual currency and digital currency. There is no main body behind virtual currency. Even if there is a main body, relevant institutions will not will not bear corresponding responsibilities. Some users may trade virtual currencies on various software. This behavior itself is also very dangerous, because their assets may be temporarily frozen at any time.

What is going on?

This is news about the virtual currency industry. When many users trade virtual currencies on a software, users find that their assets are temporarily frozen and they are unable to perform normal withdrawal operations. After that, although the user contacted the software's customer service, the software's customer service said that this situation was a technical problem and they had no way to solve it. The user was very speechless about this.

❷ Can you really make money in the currency circle?

It can be said that in the currency circle, there are not a few people who make money, and they make a lot of money, but there are even more people who lose money. Many, because the water is a bit deep here, and you don’t know what news is true. The digital currency trading platform "Bihui".

❸ The basic knowledge of the currency circle is suitable for beginners, but there are many, so please read it patiently!

What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation currency, mining, exchanges, project parties, self-media, etc.

What are the mainstream coins in the currency circle?

BTC (Bitcoin) ETH (Ethereum) XRP (Ripple, Wave Goddess)

BCH (Bitcoin Cash, Grand Prince) EOS (Grapefruit) LTC (Litecoin) , spicy strips)

How to make money in the currency circle?

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-making, contracts, etc.

Which exchanges are the best to use?

Spot exchanges: Binance, Huobi, okex, Biter (the most well-known and safe)

Futures exchanges: okex, bitmex, Huobi (the most well-known and safe)

Currency newsWhere do you usually look?

Market websites: Feixiaohao, mytoken, Alcoin, etc.

News websites: Golden Finance, Babbitt Community, Coin World News

Currency Circle What does fiat currency mean?

Legal currency is legal currency, issued by the country and the government, and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

What does currency circle token mean?

token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right, an inherent and inherent Value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other abilities of the token are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to flow in a network , so that it can be verified anytime and anywhere.

What does it mean to open a position in the currency circle?

Position building in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

What does currency stud mean?

Currency Stud means investing all the principal.

What does airdrop mean in the currency circle?

Airdrops are currently a very popular method of cryptocurrency marketing. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

What does lock-up in the currency circle mean?

Hedging generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open new positions that are opposite to their original positions. It is also called locking, order locking, or even locking. It is euphemistically called the butterfly flying in two directions.

What does Biquan Candy mean?

Currency candies are digital coins that are distributed free of charge to users when various digital currencies are first issued and are launched in ICOs. They are a kind of momentum and publicity for the project itself by the issuer of the virtual currency project.

What does the currency circle break mean?

Breaking refers to falling below, and issuing refers to the issuance price of digital currency. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

What does private equity in the currency circle mean?

Private placement in the currency circle is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

What do you think of the K-line in the currency circle?

K-line charts (Candlestick Charts) are also called candle charts, Japanese lines, Yin-Yang lines, bar lines, red and black lines, etc. The commonly used term is "K-line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

What does it mean to move bricks in the currency circle?

Brick trading is to buy digital currency from an exchange with a low currency price, and then sell it to an exchange with a high price.

What does ICO mean?

Initial Coin Offering, derived from the concept of initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, is a financing behavior in which a blockchain project exchanges its own virtual currency for commonly used virtual currencies in market circulation, and also returns There are IEO, STO, etc., and the models are all similar

Five major investment rules

1. Consider and observe projects from multiple aspects, and do not follow others’ opinions. Many copycat circles have appeared in the currency circle. For money projects, once the founder runs away, there is no way to hold him legally responsible.

2. Understand the relevant knowledge of blockchain and the industry pain points solved by blockchain before entering the currency circle.

3. For the project you want to invest in, you must have a comprehensive understanding of whether the project actually uses blockchain technology, whether its founder has disclosed his identity and has a true background, and whether the business logic of the project is Closely related to the token, whether there are already similar projects in the same industry that are solving industry pain points, and if the project is successfully implemented, whether its project has the ability to make profits in real life.

4. If you cannot accurately judge the project prospects of a currency, do not invest more than 20% of assets when participating in blockchain investment, and do not put your eggs in one basket.

5. High-quality projects will also have their ups and downs. Treat them with a normal attitude. If you are optimistic about the investment projects, you don’t need to care too much about the price in the short term. Pay attention to whether the team’s development progress is consistent with the white paper. In addition, only in the long-term Only by holding it will you ultimately earn more income.

Top Ten Trading Rules

First, don’t be easily deceived with low-priced chips, have firm faith and prevent the dealer from hitting the market.

Second, chasing the rise and killing the fall, it is always a taboo to buy and sell full positions. The general trend is good. Building positions in batches when the market falls is lower risk, lower cost, and greater profit than chasing the market.

Third, reasonable pointsAllocate profits to maximize the release of funds, instead of adding positions and deposits all the time,

Fourth, if there is a sudden rise, you will get out of the capital, and if there is a sudden fall, you must keep the money. You must have a positive attitude at all times, do not speculate, and do not be impetuous. Don’t be greedy, don’t be afraid, don’t fight an unprepared battle,

Fifth, ambushing or privately raising low-priced coins relies on experience and betting on the future of this coin with the banker, while the subsequent secondary market game relies on technology. In the process of following the dealer with information, don't put the cart before the horse and end up in a mess.

Sixth, when opening a position and shipping, it must be layered and segmented, and the price gradually spreads out, effectively controlling the proportion of risk and profit,

Seventh, linkage You need to be familiar with the effects, watch the market when trading coins, and pay attention to the trends of other coins. Each coin does not exist in isolation when trading on the market. It may seem that there is no connection, but it is actually intricately intertwined. The linkage effect requires understanding of the coins. There are many of them now. Tools can be used to view currency information and information,

Eighth, the allocation of positions must be reasonable. The allocation of hot coins and value coins must be reasonable. Pay attention to the ability to withstand stress and the proportion of profit intake. Being too conservative will If you miss the opportunity, you may face high risks if you are too radical! The biggest characteristic of value coins is that they are mainly stable. The biggest characteristic of hot coins is that they are highly volatile. They may rise to the sky or fall to zero in one battle.

Ninth, having coins on the market, money in your account, and cash in your pocket is the safest and most secure standard. If you can’t stud, you will die. The grasp of risk control and the reasonable allocation of funds are what determine your success. Mentality and the key to success or failure, investing spare money is the foundation,

Tenth, master the basic operations, learn to draw inferences from one instance, and master the basic ideas of trading. Observation is the prerequisite. Remember the high and low points of each time, as Reference data, learn to record, learn to summarize materials by yourself, develop reading habits, and develop the ability to filter information.

Steady investment plan

Position control, never fill up your position easily, why do you say not to fill up your position

The first point is risk control, you can’t guarantee it After you buy it, it will rise immediately. If you encounter a waterfall, your assets will be greatly discounted, and you will not be able to cover your position and lower the average price.

The second point is mentality control. I have had this experience myself. After a full position stud, I will keep staring at the market, which seriously affects my mentality. I couldn't sleep well.

The third point is that it is easy to be cut off, and you have a gambling mentality. You want to see changes in your income every moment. After the position is full, you see that the price of your currency does not rise in a short period of time. Others When the currency rises or there are other coins you want to buy, just cut the meat and buy it. Repeated operations will bring less and less money

Long-term 3-40% Long-term holding

Short-term 3-40% Why are there short-term stocks? Many people say that short-term stocks will definitely lose money. But when we allocate long-term funds, speculating in currencies is a very interesting thing. I believe that most people can’t control their own hands. As long as they control their positions well and don’t cut their flesh frequently, short-term under normal circumstances You must make a profit before exiting (the special case is when there is a problem with the project or the market). Then refer to my position control above, and whether the long-term return of any currency is higher than the short-term return.

❹ What does currency circle mean?

The so-called currency circle is a naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of ways to make money are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.

There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-and-mortar, etc. The legal currency in the currency circle is legal tender, which is issued by the country and the government and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.

1. Currency token:

Token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.

The three elements of Token

The first is the digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and a right. An inherent and intrinsic value;

The second is encryption. The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other capabilities of the certificate are guaranteed by cryptography;

The third is the ability to be used in a It flows in the network and can be verified anytime and anywhere.

2. Opening a position in the currency circle:

Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which refers to a trader's new purchase or sale of a certain amount of digital currency.

3. Coin Stud:

Coin Stud means investing all the principal.

4. Airdrop in the currency circle:

Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

5. Lock-up in the currency circle:

Lock-up generally means that after investors buy and sell contracts, when the market trend is opposite to their own operations, they open a position opposite to their original position. The new position is also called locking, locking, or even euphemistically called butterflies flying together.

6. Coin Circle Candy:

Coin Circle Candy is the digital currency that various digital currencies are issued for free to users when they are first issued in the ICO. It is the issuer of the virtual currency project. A kind of momentum building and publicity in itself.

7. The currency circle breaks:

Break refers to falling below, and hair refers to the issuance price of digital currency.. A currency circle break means that a certain digital currency falls below the issuance price.

8. Coin Circle Private Equity:

Coin Circle Private Equity is a way to invest in cryptocurrency projects, and it is also the best way for cryptocurrency project founders to raise funds for platform operations.

9. Views on currency circle K-line:

K-line chart (Candlestick Charts) is also called candle chart, Japanese line, Yin and Yang line, bar line, red and black line, etc. Commonly used sayings It is the "K line". It is plotted as the opening, high, low and closing prices for each analysis period.

10. Brick trading in the currency circle:

Brick trading is to buy digital currencies from exchanges with low currency prices, and then sell them to exchanges with high prices.

❺ What is the currency circle?

The 4-hour trend of OS is to shrink downward. At present, the currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, driven by the decline of BTC, indicating that there will be a further downward trend in this range in the future. However, the short positions did not expand, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market. Testing support in the lower zone 3.5 and upper zone 4. Today, the Huobi EOS exchange was officially put into operation, which has played a positive supporting role in the currency price.
The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculation and encryption of digital currencies, and even issue their own digital currency fundraising (ICO for short). It is commonly known as "coin circle" in the industry.
Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. There are also circles, that is, trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and everything related to digital currencies are currency circles.
Coin should be the trading circle in digital currency. Such a circle should be broad, including financial virtual currency transactions, as well as some specific exchanges, such as the hot Bitcoin copied online. Although it is a virtual currency, the price ranges from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan. It is said that the RMB has been copied to 130,000 Bitcoins. The increase is quite large and unstable, but the transactions are all real gold and silver transactions. I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask.
The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and digital currency, mainly including digital currency and digital currency miners, investors and traders. To trade digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services. Financial derivatives also have many new ways to play.
Coin is the gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is the gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! They are all about making money, but the money circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on the team!

❻ What is the rise of the currency circle?

Let me introduce myself first:

I entered the currency circle in 2017, and it has been 6 years now.

Now I am working at a state-owned securities firm, there are mining machines in the currency circle, and I occasionally buy some news coins.

The rise of the currency circle is inseparable from Bitcoin. In fact, the blockchain is behind it.The earliest currency circles are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ICO

Everyone almost knows what blockchain is, and those who don’t know it will know it soon.

Bitcoin is the inspiration of the blockchain world. Bitcoin has risen a lot, so everyone knows the blockchain.

The above may not be true.

Because I discovered that in fact, what everyone knows may be Bitcoin, but the ones that are out of the circle must be altcoins.

There was ICO in 2017, and now there is shib

How crazy is ICO? At that time, a king-level project (later found to be a heavenly death-level project) raised 80 million yuan and only needed 5 minutes.

That’s how crazy it is.

In addition, the ICOs at the beginning were relatively serious (mainly because they did not think they could deceive people) and the investment returns were also good, which made the currency circle quickly exit.

Of course, there were more and more scammers later.

Speaking of the rise of Ethereum, Ethereum is indispensable:

As the application cornerstone of the blockchain world, Ethereum has played an important role in the rise of every currency circle. effect. Its price has also increased from a few yuan to thousands of dollars now.

ico, private equity, defi

It is also one of the few practical applications of blockchain [face covering]

❼ Is the currency circle reliable? No

It’s not reliable, it’s all a scam. Don’t get involved and don’t listen to advice!

❽ Do you regret entering the currency circle?

I like to look up at the sky and appreciate the rolling clouds. Suddenly I stared at the road in surprise and discovered a new world without tying my shoelaces.

Hello everyone, I am Xiaopangchi. I am so close to you at the end of the world. Hello, I miss you dearly. The moon is shining brightly at the end of the world, and I miss you until I grow old.

Yesterday, Bihu was in trouble - Bihu topic launched the soul torture series "Do you regret entering the currency circle"?

To be honest, the currency circle is really a good place. People inside want to get out, and people outside want to come in. I don’t know if the people who went out made any money, but the people who came in definitely came here to make money.

Making money is all about living. It is easy to make a living, but life is really not easy. The world is in a panic, who would be willing to run around if it weren't for the few taels of broken silver, but it is the few taels of broken silver that have broken the shoulders and spines of the world; but it is the few taels of broken silver that have broken the people's shoulders , It has smoothed the backs of so many good men, broken the dreams of so many teenagers, and extinguished so many teenage madness. They all say that raising money is vulgar, but just a few taels of silver can solve the world's melancholy and make parents healthy. Protect the young ones from growing up.

#Do you regret entering the currency circle? Do you regret entering the currency circle? ah! We are all adults, what's the use of regretting, can't you go back to the past? Anyway, I don’t regret it very much. Although I came to the currency circle, I am still losing money. But I really learned a lot of knowledge and saw all kinds of tricks for cutting leeks. Some of the tricks are really too deep and hard to guard against. To talk about regrets, I regret that I entered too late. I didn’t catch a single coin that skyrocketed. Now let alone a hundred-fold coin, I haven’t even seen a ten-fold coin. I missed many opportunities to get rich. The currency circle is a place of heaven and hell. Once you come, you must be responsible for your own actions.

Mistaking mature vinegar for ink, the half-raw paper will be sour;

I am even more afraid that vinegar and ink will mix together, resulting in half-raw bitterness and half-raw sourness.

The vinegar and ink are overtaken by the sugar, and the sourness has been exhausted. The sweetness is left.

The hardships in life only increase regrets. Look at the world of mortals with a smile like clouds of smoke.

Are there many ways to cut leeks in the currency circle? There are not many tricks, only you can think of them, and there is nothing he can’t do. The currency circle routines have the following characteristics:

Characteristic 1: Networking, “high-end”
< br />This kind of scam mainly conducts transactions and receives and disburses cash through the Internet or chat tools. Some scams are packaged in a "high-end" way to obtain investment quotas for high-quality overseas blockchain projects, claiming that they can invest on their behalf.

Feature 2: Claiming to “only go up but not down” and “high yield and low risk”

Some scams use concepts such as virtual currency and sharing economy to hype, and even invite celebrities to Its "platform" propaganda emphasizes that "currency value only rises but never falls", "short investment cycle, high returns, low risks", etc., and uses various gimmicks to attract consumers' attention.

Some platforms are accustomed to using methods such as "downtime", "unplugging the network cable", freezing assets, etc. to cause transactions to suddenly stagnate. Investors participating in leveraged transactions were unable to actively close their positions, resulting in liquidation, and ultimately suffered heavy losses.

Feature 3: Lure investors into going offline

Criminals use "static gains" - profits from currency appreciation and "dynamic gains" - gains from going offline. Profit as a bait not only attracts investors to invest funds, but also induces their development to go offline and induces more people to join. It has the characteristics of illegal fund-raising, pyramid schemes, fraud and other illegal behaviors.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet. When walking in the coin circle, in addition to opening my eyes and looking carefully, I also have to use my brain to think carefully and feel the taste of leeks with my heart. . Don’t be sold out while you are still counting money for others.

Okay, that’s all for today. I am the woman selected by Bihu—Xiao Pangchi, the number one limerick writer on Bihu. Today is the 88th day of Xiao Pang Chi’s debut. I hope you will support me a lot. Those who have money will support my career, and those who have no money will support my career. Mountains and mountainsIt is difficult to meet, but people will meet each other. Today you and I are connected because of literature. Tomorrow you and I will be friends. Ever since you saw my boldness, you have made me your friend. Please take care of me.


It’s not easy

Half a cup of turbid wine is sent to the sea, a journey of dust comforts the life,

The life is broken now. An Zai, a bowl of porridge as food and drink.

❾ How about the currency circle subscription?

The currency circle subscription is a way to purchase newly issued digital currencies, which has the characteristics of high risk and high return. First of all, we need to pay attention to the background and technical strength of the digital currency project, and whether there are actual application scenarios and user groups. Secondly, you need to understand the subscription methods and details, such as subscription price, subscription currency and subscription quantity, etc. Finally, you need to pay attention to the dynamics of the project party and market conditions, and make timely decisions. To be honest, currency subscriptions need to be treated with caution and risk control and investment planning are done well.

❿ What is the currency circle doing?

The 4-hour trend of EOS has shrunk and gone down. Driven by the decline of BTC, the current currency price has fallen below the 10 moving average and the 50 moving average, indicating that it will be here in the later period. The range has a further downward trend, but the short volume has not expanded, indicating that EOS is still in a volatile market, testing the support of 3.5 in the lower range and the pressure of 4 above. In terms of news, Huobi EOS exchange was officially launched today, which has a positive supporting effect on currency prices.

The "currency circle" refers to a group of people who focus on speculating in encrypted digital currencies and even issue their own digital currency to raise funds (ICO for short). The industry is commonly known as the "currency circle".

Currency refers to digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, EOS, etc. Circles are trading circles, friend circles, and social circles. The issuance, trading, and related aspects of digital currencies are considered currency circles.

The currency circle should be a trading and exchange circle for digital currencies. Such a circle should be relatively broad and difficult to define, including financial and economic virtual currency transactions. There are also some specific exchanges, such as those copied online. Bitcoin is hot. Although it is a virtual currency, its price ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. It is said that one Bitcoin can be bought for 130,000 when split into RMB. The increase is relatively large and very unstable, but the transactions are all real money transactions. , I don’t know if this answer is what I want to ask

The currency circle is mainly a small circle surrounding Bitcoin and a number of digital currencies, mainly including miners, digital currencies, digital currency investors and traders, etc. When trading digital currencies, you generally go to exchanges such as bitoffer, which provide digital currency trading services and a number of new ways to play financial derivatives. You can learn about them.

The currency circle is a gathering place for currency speculation, and the chain circle is a gathering place for various projects, one is investment and the other is financing! It's all about making money, but the currency circle is based on individuals, and the chain circle is based on teams!

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 3D显示技术科普先说3D,其实3D就是指的三维,简单说:x、y、z,后面的裸眼3D,全景,VR,AR,MR都离不开这个3D基础。那么通过3D建模手段形成的三维模型然后经过渲染后(3D内容资源)或加