科学声音 元宇宙 声学原理是什么意思

㈠ 3D显示技术科普




自由立体三维就是我们说的裸眼3D可分为光屏障式(Barrier)、柱状透镜(Lenticular Lens)技术和指向光源(Directional Backlight)




早期的CardBoard,到2016年HTC推出的基于PC端的Light house技术的HTC Vive,然后从outside-in定位技术再到outside-out的Pico。

一般称为MR眼镜、XR眼镜,也有叫增强现实眼镜,根据技术不同:HoloLens、Magic Leap、耐德佳显示技术公司的AR眼镜、亮风台AR眼镜、Rokid公司的AR眼镜、孝局爱普生智能AR眼镜。AR眼镜现阶段有两个制约发展的点:1、视场角大小(FOV)2、体积
国内 缺点:显示出来的画面质量不高,视角有局限,




㈡ “元宇宙”概念个股业绩到底如何




㈢ 元宇宙十大龙头股







5、Sony(SONY.N):是索尼电脑娱乐公司(SCE)推出的VR头显,PlayStation VR的出货量是42.9万部,市场份额是18.8%。






㈣ NIO Day 2021全解读 ET5/ET7明年都交付!



㈤ 元宇宙元年是哪一年







㈥ 元宇宙概念的股票有哪些


㈦ ai技术是什么


㈧ 元宇宙概念股是什么股票

1.元宇宙概念友碰股是指涉及超宏观技术或与生产相关的硬件的股票。过度的投资和关注镇肢并不一定是一件好事。 中国通信行业协会区块链专委会办公室主任、中国移动通信联合会元宇宙产业专委会执行主任、火大教育董事长余嘉宁提醒我们:“虽然元宇宙是一个创新的机会,但实际上,技术还不成熟,仍然是0。我们应该警惕,一些公司炒作元宇宙概念股,存在投资风险。”
2.“元宇宙”是指为用户提供丰富的消费内容和互动体验的虚拟世界空间。对应国内云游戏、VR等行业,是互联网的终极形态。我们日常生活中的元宇宙,是指利用区块链、AR / VR、虚拟空间等技术,创造一个新的虚拟现实世界。 有多只个股与元宇宙2021年相关,300052中清宝:深圳中清宝互动网络有限公司;002241歌德有限公司:主要从事声学光电精密元器件、精密结构件、智能整机及高端设备的研发、制造和销售;002624完美世界:业务涵盖完美世界游戏、完美世界电竞技、完美世界影视;300031宝通科技:无锡宝通科技有限公司有300031宝通科技,300264嘉创视频,300296 lyad等。
元宇宙是创造一个“真实”空间的概念。这是一个高于移动互联网维度的新的数字世界。基于相关技术的普及和发展,有人认为元宇宙将会改变我们的生活,比如移动互联网,也就是Internet Web3 0。未来十年将是元宇宙的黄金十年,成为各大互联网科技公司的转型方向。因此,Facebook宣布元宇宙转型后,元宇宙概念股狂飙,a股领先者中清宝涨了20%,使得资本市场和分散的人疯狂关注元宇宙概念股。David baszucki和Erik Cassel创造了《roblox》的早期原型“dynablocks”。一年后,它被正式更好旅谈名为roblox,意思是由“机器人”和“积木”组成的网站。 就平台构成而言,《roblox》拥有3个基础元素:《roblox client》、《roblox studio》。

㈨ A股:盘点元宇宙概念可能成妖的三只龙头股!(附名单)




营业总收入: 2.31亿元 同比增长5.69%,净利润: -0.16亿元 同比增长39.32%,毛利率:55.40%,市净率: 5.51,总市值:86.38亿。


歌尔股份有限公司主营业务为精密零组件业务、智能声学整机业务和智能硬件业务。精密零组件业务主要产品为微型麦克风、微型扬声器、扬声器模组、天线模组、MEMS 传感器及其他电子元器件等

营业总收入: 201.12亿元 同比增长43.37% ,净利润: 9.01亿元 同比下降6.71%,毛利率:13.72% ,市净率: 4.56,总市值:1294.10亿。


上海风语筑文化 科技 股份有限公司是中国领先的数字化体验服务商。依托公司强大的创意、设计和内容制作能力,结合长年积累的CG特效、人机交互、裸眼3D、全息影像、5G云XR、AI人工智能、大数据可视化等关键技术手段,公司的产品及系统广泛应用于政务服务、城市文化体验、数字展示、文化 旅游 、广电MCN、新零售体验及数字艺术消费等众多领域。

营业总收入: 2.42亿元 同比下降59.89% ,净利润: -0.16亿元 同比下降109.96% ,毛利率:24.16% ,市净率: 3.61,总市值:82.37亿。

㈠ Popular science on 3D display technology

Let’s talk about 3D first. In fact, 3D refers to three dimensions. Simply put: x, y, z, followed by naked-eye 3D, panorama, VR, AR, MR All are inseparable from this 3D foundation. Then the three-dimensional model formed through 3D modeling means is then rendered (3D content resources) or interacted (interactive 3D content) to form 3D content.

From the emergence of dichroic glasses, that is, color filtering, to realize 3D technology in 1950, to the emergence of shutter glasses and polarized glasses to assist 3D display in 1980, to the emergence of virtual and reality around 2010. The development process is represented by AR/VR glasses + free stereoscopic technology, that is, naked-eye 3D display technology. In the future, display technology dominated by true three-dimensional (naked-eye) will become the future direction and trend.


Free three-dimensional 3D is what we call naked-eye 3D, which can be divided into light barrier (Barrier), lenticular lens (Lenticular Lens) technology and directional light source (Directional) Backlight)

The true three-dimensional display trace is most suitable for 3D display in natural environment. The viewing distance and position are not restricted. It is the same as the real environment, and the resolution is the same as the real one. This is the direction for the next 10-20 years, and it is also what mankind wants to accomplish most.

Domestic and foreign research directions: multi-directional backlight integration, 3D stereoscopic display based on photophoretic optical capture, 3D display based on multi-mode acoustic capture, neural network-based computational hologram real-time generation method (MIT), multi-dimensional space optics Controlling 3D light field display (Beijing University of Technology), hierarchical angular spectrum holographic display (Tsinghua University)
The current problems of true 3D display are discussed: small 3D viewing angle, false 3D fusion, slow 3D generation, little 3D information, etc.

With special functions, you can add infrared sensing points to produce better results. As shown below:

From the early CardBoard, to the HTC Vive launched by HTC in 2016 based on the PC-side Light house technology, and then from the outside-in positioning technology to the outside-out Pico.

Generally called MR glasses, XR glasses, also called augmented reality glasses, depending on the technology: HoloLens, Magic Leap, Nedjia Display Technology Company’s AR glasses, Liangfengtai AR glasses, Rokid Company AR glasses, Xiaoju Epson smart AR glasses. There are two points that restrict the development of AR glasses at this stage: 1. Field of view (FOV) 2. Volume
Domestic shortcomings: the quality of the displayed picture is not high and the viewing angle is limited.
Currently on the market There are: diffractive optical waveguides and array optical waveguides, and the future development is diffractive optical waveguides.

This is more suitable for ordinary people to use glasses. If it is in the field of industrial security, a larger viewing angle may be needed

The AR glasses released by Xiaomi clearly stated: MicroLED optical waveguide imaging technology. In layman's terms: the image is transformed by light and then reflected into the human eye.

The Metaverse is a new type of Internet application and social form that is compatible with reality and reality by integrating a variety of new technologies. It provides an immersive and interactive experience based on display technology and generates mirror images that correspond to real-world relationships. .

㈡ What is the performance of the "Metaverse" concept stocks?

Answer: Hello, mature Metaverse products require 5-10 years of technology and accumulation of user numbers. Therefore, before the infrastructure is popularized, it is currently difficult to intuitively reflect the performance of the Metaverse. From the "first A-share Yuanverse game stock", Qingbao's stock price doubled in ten days as market sentiment drove it. In terms of performance, the company's operating income in the first three quarters was 257 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.5%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 13.565 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 730.2%.
The seemingly good transcript actually hides a secret. Zhongqingbao's net profit in the third quarter was 2.018 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 127.9%. Looking at the quarterly analysis, the company's net profit showed a downward trend in each quarter. The high growth rate was actually caused by the low base in 2020.

1. Tom Cat’s performance:
Similar to Zhongqingbao’s situation is Tom Cat. Since the Yuanverse concept was hyped, the company's stock price has risen by a cumulative 37.85%. The company's third-quarter results also performed well. Operating income in the first three quarters was 1.402 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.23%; non-net profits attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-net profits were 588 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.03%. Among them, the company's operating income in the third quarter was 485 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.14%; deducting non-net profit was 180 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.58%. As for the reason for performance growth, Tom Cat believes that it is due to the core game product matrix maintaining stable long-term operations. However, the company is still in the exploratory stage of its Metaverse business and has not yet achieved profitability, and all projects related to the Metaverse concept are still in the special studio stage.

2. Goertek
Goertek’s operating income was 52.789 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52%; net profit was 3.333 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 65.28%; operating cash flow net inflow was 5.759 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase An increase of 112.68%. Goertek's revenue and net profit growth rates dropped slightly in the third quarter, to 17.46% and 29.61% respectively, but they were still in line with market expectations.
In the first three quarters of 2021, Goertek Precision IndustryThe component business revenue was 10.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.86%; the intelligent acoustic complete machine business revenue was 19.20 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.72%. In addition, the company’s smart hardware business revenue increased by 119.07% year-on-year to 22.23 billion yuan. Judging from the growth rate of segmented businesses, Goertek is gradually transitioning from the "fruit chain" to the "metaverse" direction, and the proportion of VR/AR hardware block revenue has increased significantly year by year.

iii The top ten leading stocks of the Metaverse

The four major sectors that construct the Metaverse are: content experience, interaction methods, data transmission and value transmission. Top ten leading stocks: Roblox; Unity; Activision Blizzard; Facebook; Sony; WIMI Hologram; Goertek; Sunny Optical; BOE.

Stock Introduction

1. Roblox (RBLX.N): It is the largest concept stock in the metaverse and a game UGC platform; as a UGC platform, Roblox provides players with At the same time as the game, it also provides a developer editor for creating games, allowing players to create and upload their own games, and can also share them with the platform. The reason why this platform is the first concept of the Metaverse is because it is definitely beyond the capabilities of a company or a R&D team to realize the dream of the Metaverse. When game participants are also game developers and the game platform is jointly built by all participants, the game can truly have a massive amount of content and be closer to the real world.

2. Unity (U.N): It is a world-leading game engine company. In the Apple and Google stores, more than 50% of the top 1,000 games are made with Unity; it can be used Create, operate and monetize any real-time interactive 2D and 3D content. Supported platforms include mobile phones, PCs, tablets, game consoles, augmented reality and virtual reality devices.

3. Activision Blizzard (ATVI.O): Activision Blizzard is the world's largest game developer and publisher, owning a series of top game IPs such as World of Warcraft and Overwatch.

4. Facebook (FB.O): Facebook announced in July 2014 that it had acquired Oculus for US$2 billion. Oculus has become the top supplier of the entire VR headset market, occupying accounting for 25.9% of the entire VR market.

5. Sony (SONY.N): It is a VR headset launched by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). PlayStation VR has shipped 429,000 units and has a market share of 18.8%.

6. WIMI Hologram (WIMI.O): On April 1, 2020, WIMI Hologram officially landed on Nasdaq, with an issue price of US$5.5, officially becoming a "holographic AR First strand". WIMI’s revenue includes ARAdvertising service revenue, AR entertainment revenue and semiconductor business revenue.

7. Goertek (002241.SZ): It is an acoustic leader and provides finishing services for Oculus and psvr.

8. Sunny Optical: It is the world's leading manufacturer of comprehensive optical components and products. It was successfully listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in June 2007. At present, the company has formed a leading role in the mobile phone industry, There are eight major business sectors including security industry, automotive industry, microscopy instrument industry, AR/VR industry, robotics industry, industrial testing industry and medical testing industry.

9. BOE A (000725.SZ): BOE can provide VR/AR display modules and system solutions, with the characteristics of high image quality, high refresh rate and fast response, bringing clear Smooth virtual world experience.

10. Visionox (688127.SH): It is the technology with the highest pixel density VR display in China.

㈣ Full interpretation of NIO Day 2021, ET5/ET7 will be delivered next year!

The AQUILA super-sensing system includes an ultra-long-range high-precision lidar located on the top of the front windshield and seven 8-megapixel high-definition vision cameras located around the car body. , 4 3-megapixel Sony high-sensitivity surround cameras (same model as ET7), 5 millimeter-wave radars located in the front and rear bumpers, 12 ultrasonic radars for close-range monitoring around the car body, and 1 main driver sensing ADMS, 1 A vehicle-road cooperative sensing V2X original component and 2 high-precision positioning units GPS+IMU. From a structural point of view, these components can not only functionally support functions such as panoramic imaging, transparent chassis, parking assistance, parking video, etc.

㈤ What is the first year of the Yuan Universe?

There are three emperors who have used the title Yuanxing in history. Yuanxing, the Eastern Han Dynasty and Emperor Liu Zhao's reign name. In addition to Emperor He of the Han Dynasty, Sun Hao, the last emperor of the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period, Sima Dezong, Emperor An of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and Wu Yuanming of the Ding'an Kingdom also used this title.

1. Yuanxing of the Eastern Han Dynasty: The reign name of Emperor Liu Zhao of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The start date was April 105 AD and the end date was December 105 AD. It took about 8 months in total.

2. Sun Wu Yuanxing: Yuanxing (July 264-March 265) was the first reign title of Sun Hao, the last emperor of Wu, the monarch of Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period, lasting 2 years in total. In April of the second year of Yuanxing, the Yuan Dynasty was changed to the first year of Ganlu.

3. Yuanxing of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: Yuanxing (402-404) is the second reign title of Emperor Jin'an of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Sima Dezong, for a total of 3 years.

(5) Extended reading of the Acoustic Metaverse

Hanhe Emperor Liu Zhao (79-105), the fourth emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, 88 —Reigned for 105 years. Born in the fourth year of Jianchu (79), he was HanzhangEmperor Liu Jin's fourth son, his biological mother was Liang Guiren, and Queen Dou raised Liu Zhao as his stepson. In the seventh year of Jianchu (82 years), Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty deposed the crown prince Liu Qing and established Liu Zhao as the crown prince. In the second year of Zhanghe (88 years), Emperor Zhang of Han passed away, Liu Zhao came to the throne, and his adoptive mother, Queen Mother Dou, took power.

㈥ What are the stocks of the Yuanverse concept?

The stocks of the Yuanverse concept include: Goertek, Inspur Information, Zhongqingbao, Chinese Online, Baotong Technology, Tianxiaxiu, Hengxin Dongfang, Yuanlong Yatu, Jiachuang Video, Xuanya International, these are the top ten leading stocks with the most potential among the Yuanverse concept stocks in China. 1. Goertek is a well-known manufacturer of electroacoustic devices and a first-class overall acoustic solution provider. It is one of the giants participating in the construction of the "Metaverse", and its mid-to-high-end VR headset shipments account for 70% of the global total. 2. Inspur Information is China's largest server manufacturer and server solution provider. The first Metaverse server hides the future of "digital and real integration". 3. Zhongqingbao, a professional online game company with independent research and development capabilities and independent operation capabilities, will launch the virtual and reality fantasy linkage simulation management metaverse game "Brew Master". 4. Chinese Online, one of the largest Chinese digital publishing organizations in the world, has laid out business related to the Metaverse as a long-term development strategy. 5. Baotong Technology has developed its dual main businesses of conveyor belt manufacturing business and mobile game business, and established subsidiaries Hainan Yuanshishi and Shanghai Hedi in the Yuanverse field. 6. Tianxiaxiu is a leading domestic celebrity new economic company, and its subsidiaries "Rainbow Universe" products will be fully opened in 2022, and will be listed on the 2022 Hurun China Metaverse Potential Enterprise List. 7. Hengxin Oriental focuses on the "artistic creativity + visual technology" strategy. Focusing on the digital creative industry, it is the American Metaverse The largest shareholder of the creative company VRC. 8. Yuanlong Yatu has obtained the qualifications of a licensed manufacturer and licensed retailer for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, and is deploying the Yuanverse. 9. Jiachuang Video’s large and medium-sized radio and television/triple network integration business The operation and management software system is in a leading position, and the characteristics of VR business and Yuanverse concept business are comparable. 10. Xuanya International provides a full range of integrated marketing communication and marketing technology services for many well-known domestic and foreign brands, and participates in the Xinhua News Agency Yuan Space plan.

㈦ What is ai technology

ai technology is an emerging science and technology.
The research fields of AI technology include robots, language recognition, image recognition, and natural language processing and expert systems, etc. The purpose of AI is to enable computers to learn and think like humans.
ai technology will provide a powerful impetus for the innovative development of Xiaoyou’s digital economy. At the content production level, generative AI, digital virtualization Human AI technology and machine learning models will bring about changes in content production, and can independently generate various types of content such as text, images, audios, videos, and virtual scenes, which will promote the vigorous development of generative AI. , creating new forms of digital content generation and interaction. In addition, the changes in content production brought about by AI and generative AI will also bring VR/AR, metaverse and other futureInternet applications have become an expected reality.

㈧What are Metaverse concept stocks?

1. Metaverse concept stocks refer to stocks involving super macro technology or production-related hardware. Excessive investment and focus on limb stabilization is not necessarily a good thing. Yu Jianing, Director of the Office of the Blockchain Special Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, Executive Director of the Metaverse Industry Committee of the China Mobile Communications Federation, and Chairman of Huoda Education, reminded us: “Although Metaverse is an opportunity for innovation, in fact, The technology is not yet mature and is still 0. We should be wary that some companies are speculating on Yuanverse concept stocks and there are investment risks."
2. "Yuanverse" refers to a virtual world that provides users with rich consumer content and interactive experiences space. Corresponding to domestic cloud gaming, VR and other industries, it is the ultimate form of the Internet. The metaverse in our daily lives refers to the use of blockchain, AR/VR, virtual space and other technologies to create a new virtual reality world. There are several stocks related to Yuanshi in 2021. 300052 Zhongqingbao: Shenzhen Zhongqingbao Interactive Network Co., Ltd.; 002241 Goethe Co., Ltd.: mainly engaged in the research and development of acoustic and optical precision components, precision structural parts, intelligent machines and high-end equipment , manufacturing and sales; 002624 Perfect World: its business covers Perfect World Games, Perfect World E-Sports, and Perfect World Film and Television; 300031 Baotong Technology: Wuxi Baotong Technology Co., Ltd. has 300031 Baotong Technology, 300264 Jiachuang Video, 300296 lyad, etc.
Extended information
The metaverse is the concept of creating a "real" space. This is a new digital world higher than the mobile Internet dimension. Based on the popularization and development of related technologies, some people believe that the Metaverse will change our lives, such as the mobile Internet, which is Internet Web30. The next ten years will be the golden decade of the Metaverse and become the transformation direction of major Internet technology companies. Therefore, after Facebook announced the transformation of the Metaverse, the Metaverse concept stocks soared, and the A-share leader Zhongqingbao rose by 20%, making the capital market and dispersed people pay crazy attention to the Metaverse concept stocks. David Baszucki and Erik Cassel created "dynablocks," an early prototype of Roblox. A year later, it was officially dubbed roblox, which means a website composed of "robots" and "building blocks." In terms of platform composition, "roblox" has three basic elements: "roblox client" and "roblox studio".

㈨ A-shares: Take stock of three leading stocks whose concept of the metaverse may become a monster! (List attached)

The essence of the Metaverse is the next generation of the Internet, the ultimate form of the Internet. The current consensus is that the Metaverse will not appear overnight, nor will the Metaverse be built and run by one company. As the next generation of the Internet, it will consist of many independent tools,Sharing infrastructure, protocols, etc. to support its operation, the Metaverse will also be integrated with the following five major trends in the future.

Chinese Online

The main business of Chinese Online Digital Publishing Group Co., Ltd. is the provision of digital reading products, digital publishing operation services and digital content value-added services. The company's main products are cultural products and educational products.

Total operating income: 231 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.69%, net profit: -16 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39.32%, gross profit margin: 55.40%, price-to-book ratio: 5.51, total market value: 8.638 billion.

Goertek Co., Ltd.

The main business of Goertek Co., Ltd. is precision components business, intelligent acoustic complete machine business and intelligent hardware business. The main products of the precision components business are micro microphones, micro speakers, speaker modules, antenna modules, MEMS sensors and other electronic components.

Total operating income: 20.112 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43.37%, net profit : 901 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6.71%, gross profit margin: 13.72%, price-to-book ratio: 4.56, total market value: 129.410 billion.


Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture Technology Co., Ltd. is China's leading digital experience service provider. Relying on the company's strong creativity, design and content production capabilities, combined with key technical means accumulated over the years such as CG special effects, human-computer interaction, naked-eye 3D, holographic imaging, 5G cloud XR, AI artificial intelligence, and big data visualization, the company's products and The system is widely used in many fields such as government services, urban cultural experience, digital display, cultural tourism, radio and television MCN, new retail experience and digital art consumption.

Total operating income: 242 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 59.89%, net profit: -16 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 109.96%, gross profit margin: 24.16%, price-to-book ratio: 3.61, total market value: 8.237 billion.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

㈠ 名朋圈币能提现吗能。名朋免费圈币app是一款可以扮演名人说话的社交手机软件,同时玩家在软件中获取的圈币能够免费提现到手机的微信当中,兑换成现金,玩家在游戏中随时都能进行虚拟化的人设,还能自由的去与