美国元宇宙股价估值 美国元宇宙股票

① 元宇宙概念是哪几只股


元宇宙(metaverse)这个概念最早由美国科幻作家尼尔·斯蒂文森在1992年的小说《雪崩》中创造。元宇宙就是指虚拟世界的空间,会为用户提供丰富的消费内容和交互体验等等,对应国内云游戏、VR 等产业,是互联网的终极形态。而元宇宙概念股就是指与元宇宙概念相关的股票。

1、元宇宙就是指虚拟世界的空间,会为用户提供丰富的消费内容和交互体验等等,国内的元宇宙的上市公司主要是做云游戏、VR 、5G、GPU、云计算、AI、算力与网络等一系列专业技术的公司,元宇宙是互联网的终极形态。

② 元宇宙概念股有哪些


③ 股票中元宇宙概念是什么意思


④ 元宇宙股票代码

你好,元宇宙股票代码,比如说中国电信元宇宙——即600640元宇宙。与高通合作。 华为也有合作。 元界是虚拟时空的集合,由一系列增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)和互联网组成。 它代表了“超越宇宙”的概念:一个平行于现实世界的虚拟空间。
2、 学习技术分析,有成百上千的技术分析。不要求能做所有的技术分析,但最基本的K线图要懂。最重要的是总结出一两个适合自己使用的技术指标。但要记住,所有技术指标都是滞后的,只能作为参考,不能作为唯一的法宝。
5、做一只熟悉的股票,不要听小道消息,也不能光看新闻报道买一只股票。 Grapevine新闻往往是一个局,新闻报道也会被主力使用。作为一个陌生的股票,总会让人担心问题,态度很差。

⑤ 新媒股份是元宇宙概念股吗

3、中青宝:总股本2.63万股,流通A股2.61万股,每股收益-0.5200元。公司将推出虚拟与现实梦幻联动模拟经营类的元宇宙游戏《酿酒大师》。 此外,还有一些按照细分领域分类的原宇宙概念股举例: 在芯片方面有,全志科技、瑞芯微、北京君正;在显示方面:京东方A、深天马A、维信诺。在光学方面:蓝特光学、联创电子、水晶光电、欧菲光、蓝思科技、舜宇光学、联合光电、中光学、福晶科技、永新光学。在传感器方面:韦尔股份。在游戏方面:完美世界、宝通科技、盛天网络、中青宝、顺网科技、天神娱乐、吉比特、三七互娱、世纪华通。
1.元宇宙一词,诞生于1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》,小说描绘了一个庞大的虚拟现实世界,在这里,人们用数字化身来控制,并相互竞争以提高自己的地位,到现在看来,描述的还是超前的未来世界。关于“元宇宙”,比较认可的思想源头是美国数学家和计算机专家弗诺·文奇教授,在其1981年出版的小说《真名实姓》中,创造性地构思了一个通过脑机接口进入并获得感官体验的虚拟世界。 Roblox给出的定义,包含八大要素:身份、朋友、沉浸感、低延迟、多元化、随时随地、经济系统和文明。要素众多,每个要素背后,还有一连串的解释。总之,一句话说不清楚,这也恰恰说明这一概念的模糊性。

⑥ 股票元宇宙板块是什么意思

元宇宙(metaverse)这个概念最早由美国科幻作家尼尔·斯蒂文森在1992年的小说《雪崩》中创造。元宇宙就是指虚拟世界的空间,会为用户提供丰富的消费内容和交互体验等等,对应国内云游戏、VR 等产业,是互联网的终极形态。而元宇宙概念股就是指与元宇宙概念相关的股票。元宇宙概念股有:

1、天舟文化: 2021年第二季度显示,公司总营收1.57亿元, 净利率14.43%,毛利率47.44%。

2、中青宝: 2021年第二季度显示,公司总营收8433万元, 净利率8.58%,毛利率55.54%。





⑦ “元宇宙”概念个股业绩到底如何




⑧ 中国元宇宙概念股龙头


1. 腾讯控股(不过腾讯是港股),如果说国内有一家公司能够成为元宇宙领导者,那么这家公司毫无疑问,最有可能的是腾讯控股,因为元宇宙它的最初形态就是游戏加社交,终极形态是现实世界的完全映射。

2. 字节跳动,准备在科创板上市,国内目前最受年轻人欢迎的互联网平台抖音,头条,西瓜视频。他们的母公司就是字节跳动,在今年四月份字节跳动花一个亿收购了元宇宙的游戏公司代码乾坤,八月份的时候又花90亿收购了国内市场占比超过50%的vr硬件厂商pico,

3. 歌尔股份在2021到2025年期间,全球vr产品的年均增速是41%,ar产品的年均增速是138%,facebook,字节跳动他们要做元宇宙,他们的vr设备代工商都应该逃不过歌尔,因为歌尔在代工领域的市占率超过了80%,上半年歌尔的智能硬件收入已经是达到了112亿,收入占比达到了37%,这也意味着歌尔目前是a股最纯正的虚拟现实元宇宙设备供应商。

4. 全志科技,全志科技是国内唯一的低端vr芯片概念股,它推出的vr虚拟现实专用芯片vr9能够达到70帧每秒的速度,vr 的芯片概念股非常的稀有,高端芯片只有高通和苹果能够做,而中国未来如果想要做山寨版的vr,那么它的芯片就(大概率)由全志科技来进行提供。

5. 新易盛,元宇宙最基础的设施就是算力,为什么现在元宇宙的模型都是乐高模型?因为他们的算力不足,还只能支持简单的这种二维卡通式的图像,未来伴随着算力的提升,支撑虚拟现实内容的创造和体验会有更加真实的建模和交互,那这一块就会让元宇宙的技术,让更多的成年人也能够接受,而在这一块美国的算力龙头是英伟达,中国这一块,我选择的是电信和数通的双市场龙头,新易胜,他是国内少数可攻破800g数据中心,光模块的企业,而且正在打算新建285万只高速光模块的产能,2021年上半年营收同比增长超过了70%.

⑨ 元宇宙概念股有哪些股票

“元宇宙”概念股主要是一些游戏公司的股票。1、近期,国外大型互联网公司为应对流量见顶的现实问题,纷纷表示将建设一个更加真实的虚拟世界以吸引客群,并抛出“元宇宙”概念。 客观来说,“元宇宙”概念确实画了一张行业发展的“大饼”,其将整合多种新技术而产生新型虚实相融的互联网应用和社会形态,基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,基于数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,可能带来长期投资机会。
3、个人投资者应对当前被热炒的“元宇宙”概念股保持清醒认识,切莫贸然为一个刚刚兴起且不成熟的概念买单。判断行业的成长性,首先要看应用终端是否普及,能否建立虚拟和现实的联系。其次要有真实的内容建设和落地场景。当“元宇宙”终端产品的销量提升,带动终端厂商、代工厂需求提升;内容公司开始提供出其他具有社交属性的内容产品;不断有新技术和公司对“元宇宙”的各个组成部分进行优化时,这个行业才真正开始走向成熟。 “元宇宙”离进入寻常百姓家还很遥远。过多的资金炒作题材概念,不利于资本市场健康发展。监管部门应密切关注市场动态、关注账户联动、关注异常交易,依法依规严肃查处操纵市场行为,净化市场生态。

⑩ 什么是元宇宙概念股元宇宙概念股是什么意思



① Which stocks are the Metaverse concept stocks?

The Metaverse concept stocks are as follows:
1. Chips: Quanzhi Technology, Rockchip Micro, and Beijing Ingenic.
2. Display: BOE A, Shentianma A, Visionox.
3. Optics: Lant Optical, Lianchuang Electronics, Crystal Optoelectronics, OFILM, Lens Technology, Sunny Optical, United Optoelectronics, China Optical, Fujing Technology, Yongxin Optics.
4. Sensor: Weir Co., Ltd.
5. Storage: GigaDevice Innovation.
6. OEM (ODM/OEM): Goertek, Wingtech Technology, Xinwangda, Lingyi Intelligent Manufacturing, Pengding Holdings, Zhaowei Electromechanical, Guoguang Electric, Changying Precision.
7. Packaging: Jingfang Technology, USI.
8. UI/OS: Zhongke Chuangda.
9. Technical support: Digital Video, Wondershare Technology, SuperMap Software.
10. Games: Perfect World, Baotong Technology, Shengtian Network, Zhongqingbao, Shunwang Technology, Tianshen Entertainment, Gigabit, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, Century Huatong.

(1) Extended reading of U.S. metaverse stock price:
1. Definition of metaverse concept stocks
The concept of metaverse was first proposed by American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson in Created in the 1992 novel "Snow Crash". The Metaverse refers to the space of the virtual world, which will provide users with rich consumer content and interactive experiences, etc. It corresponds to domestic cloud gaming, VR and other industries and is the ultimate form of the Internet. Metaverse concept stocks refer to stocks related to the concept of the metaverse.

2. The industries of Yuanverse listed companies:
1. Metaverse refers to the space of the virtual world, which will provide users with rich consumer content and interactive experiences, etc. Domestic listed companies of Yuanverse It is mainly a company that specializes in a series of professional technologies such as cloud games, VR, 5G, GPU, cloud computing, AI, computing power and network. Metaverse is the ultimate form of the Internet.
2. The Metaverse is a new Internet application and social form that integrates virtual and real technologies and is created by integrating multiple new technologies. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology and digital twin technology to generate a mirror of the real world through blocks. Chain technology builds an economic system, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows each user to produce and edit content.

② What are the metaverse concept stocks?

The concept of metaverse was first created by American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson in the 1992 novel "Snow Crash" . Metaverse refers to the space of the virtual world.
Metaverse concept stocks include:
1. Tianzhou Culture: The second quarter of 2021 showed that the company’s total revenue was 157 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 14.43% and a gross profit margin of 14.43%. The interest rate is 47.44%. Acquired Youai Network and invested in the development of AR and VR interactive games and application projects.
2. Zhongqingbao: The second quarter of 2021 shows that the company’s total revenue was 84.33 million yuan,? Net profit margin is 8.58%, gross profit margin is 55.54%. ?The company focuses on online games and increases investment in 5G cloud gaming technology and VR/AR virtual and reality technology.
3. Jinma Amusement: The quarterly report for the second quarter of 2021 shows that Jinma Amusement’s total operating income increased by -4.31% year-on-year to 123 million yuan, with a gross profit margin of 40.58% and a net profit margin of -16.72%. The company has developed eight series of film and television products, including VR series, among which VR dynamic theater products have been delivered and put into use.
4. Shunwang Technology: The second quarter of 2021 showed that the company’s total revenue was 255 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 17.34% and a gross profit margin of 62.04%. It also provided cloud computer services to more than 800,000 users on the Internet, using Superior technology and innovation empower the Metaverse.
5. Longli Technology: In the second quarter of 2021, the company’s revenue increased by -15.76% year-on-year to 452 million yuan, with a gross profit margin of 0.91% and a net profit margin of -12%. The company's Mini-LED technology has achieved research and development breakthroughs in the field of VR. Currently, VR products have been delivered in batches and have entered the supply chain of well-known global companies. End customers include Huawei, Samsung, etc.
6. Huace Film and Television: The quarterly report for the second quarter of 2021 shows that Huace Film and Television’s total operating income increased by 131.02% year-on-year to 813 million yuan, with a net profit rate of 11.89%. Lanting Digital, in which it holds shares, is Huawei's global VR partner and joint operator. The company leads the industry in VR imaging software and hardware R&D and production capabilities. It has completed more than 200 high-quality original works and created China's first VR movie "Live to Live". "Finally", the first VR fighting event "Kunlun Showdown".
Extended information:
The Metaverse is considered to be the reform of the next generation Internet technology interaction model, and leaders such as Facebook, Tencent Official, and Giant Engine are also committed to taking initiatives in this field.
Yuanverse concept stocks broke out collectively, and their stock prices skyrocketed. Cool definitions such as "the next generation form of Internet evolution" and "the boundary between the real world and the virtual world" add to the color of science fiction and mystery, and also bring room for expectation and speculation. For investors, it is interesting to imagine the Metaverse as a wonderful science fiction imagination, and layouts such as Facebook are also an endorsement.
However, when a certain concept becomes popular, it is particularly important for investors to distinguish whether it is a real trend, a "new wine in an old bottle", or a beautiful "bubble". After all, investment is not a game in the virtual world, but an investment in real money. If you blindly pursue the grand and illusory concept of the metaverse, you may hurt your own pocket.

③ What does the concept of the Metaverse in stocks mean?

Wikipedia’s definition of the Metaverse is, “The Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, including all virtual worlds and the Internet. Perhaps containing derivatives of the real world, but different from augmented reality. The Metaverse is often used to describe the future of the Internet.An iterative concept consisting of persistent, shared, three-dimensional virtual spaces connected into a perceivable virtual universe.
The Metaverse is a combination of blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, VR, AR, Internet of Things, The integrated application of cutting-edge digital technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and edge computing.
We can also give a simpler definition to the Metaverse: the Metaverse is the next generation of the Internet, which is the third generation of the Internet.
> In the metaverse era, "Internet of All Things" will gradually move towards "Mutual Trust of All Things", then to "Transaction of All Things" and "Collaboration of All Things". In this process, transactions not only occur between people, but also between people and machines, and between machines. Transactions with machines will also occur frequently. By that time, the industry must be upgraded as a whole, and every link must be fully digitalized.

④ Metaverse Stock Code

You Well, the Metaverse stock code, for example, China Telecom Metaverse - that is, 600640 Metaverse. Cooperates with Qualcomm. Huawei also cooperates. Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet. It represents the concept of "transcendent universe": a virtual space parallel to the real world.
Extended information:
1. When buying stocks, you should pay attention to the following matters. We should have solid basic knowledge , such as trading rules (being able to respond quickly and correctly when making transactions, eliminating unnecessary low-level mistakes), financial statements (understanding the company's profile, trying to avoid junk stocks and thunderstorm stocks, and more importantly, being able to respond quickly to market hot spots ), etc.
2. Learn technical analysis. There are hundreds of technical analyses. It is not required to be able to do all technical analysis, but you must understand the most basic K-line charts. The most important thing is to summarize one or two suitable Use technical indicators yourself. But remember that all technical indicators are lagging and can only be used as a reference, not as the only magic weapon.
3. Control your mentality and do not be affected by small fluctuations in stock prices. When the stock price During the correction, as long as the trend is not bad and the stock price rises, they should not be afraid. Of course, if the stock price is already at a high level and good things continue, then don’t be greedy. The fish tail market is the easiest to catch people. For stocks that have been in a downward trend, No matter how cheap the price is, don’t be greedy.
4. Decide on your own trading style. Everyone’s personality and life experience are different, and their cognitive thinking is also different. Some are suitable for the short term, and some are suitable for the medium and long term. Usually you can Exchange investment experience with friends and expand your knowledge, but at critical moments, you must make decisions according to your own principles and do not follow the trend.
5. When making a familiar stock, do not listen to gossip or just read news reports Buy a stock. Grapevine news is often a bureau, and news reports will also be used by the main force. As an unfamiliar stock,It always makes people worry about problems and has a bad attitude.
6. Control the position, never cover the position, retain some cash, and facilitate flexible position increase or T, reduce costs and maximize profits. Properly allocate investment varieties. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you have a large amount of money. We should not pin our hopes on one stock. We should diversify our investments. It's best to hold three to five stocks. If the amount of funds is small, this project can be ignored.

⑤ Is New Media Co., Ltd. a Metaverse concept stock?

New Media Co., Ltd. is a Metaverse concept stock. There are many Metaverse concept stocks. The following are three The leading stocks of Yuanverse concept stocks:
1. Digital Video: Total share capital is 142,900 shares, 126,700 A shares are in circulation, and earnings per share are 0.0541 yuan. The company's accumulation in video, compression and codec can provide the technical foundation for the Yuanverse to realize large-scale applications; on the other hand, the company has the ability to cooperate with platform companies to create platform-level application development, providing a foundation for the digital asset trading of the Yuanverse facility.
2. Tianzhou Culture: Total share capital is 84,400 shares, 76,200 A shares are in circulation, and earnings per share are -1.1000 yuan. Acquired Youai Network and invested in the development of AR and VR interactive games and application projects.
3. Zhongqingbao: Total share capital is 26,300 shares, 26,100 A shares are in circulation, and earnings per share are -0.5200 yuan. The company will launch the Metaverse game "Brew Master", a fantasy-linked virtual and reality simulation business game. In addition, there are some examples of original universe concept stocks classified according to subdivisions: In terms of chips, they include Allwinner Technology, Rockchip, and Beijing Ingenic; in terms of displays: BOE A, Shentianma A, and Visionox. In terms of optics: Lant Optical, Lianchuang Electronics, Crystal Optoelectronics, OFILM, Lens Technology, Sunny Optical, United Optoelectronics, China Optics, Fujing Technology, and Yongxin Optics. On the sensor side: Weir shares. In terms of games: Perfect World, Baotong Technology, Shengtian Network, Zhongqingbao, Shunwang Technology, Tianshen Entertainment, Gigabyte, Sanqi Interactive Entertainment, and Century Huatong.
Extended information:
1. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other. In order to improve one's own status, it seems that it still describes an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the world through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. The definition given by Roblox includes eight major elements: identity, friends, immersion, low latency, diversification, anytime, anywhere, economic system and civilization. There are many elements, and behind each element, there is a series of explanations. In short, it cannot be explained clearly in one sentence, which just shows the ambiguity of this concept.
2. Looking back at the hotly speculated "Metaverse" concept stocks in China, we found that the companySiduo is a game software company, which is far from the "metaverse" concept of foreign Internet companies. What is surprising is that when a listed company in the A-share market said it would launch a "Metaverse" concept game, its stock price rose sharply. Could it be that domestic capital’s understanding of the concept of the “Metaverse” is only at the gaming level? A "metaverse" that makes games more realistic may not be able to attract a continued inflow of funds.

⑥ What does the stock metaverse sector mean?

The concept of metaverse was first coined by American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson in the 1992 novel " Created in "Avalanche". The Metaverse refers to the space of the virtual world, which will provide users with rich consumer content and interactive experiences, etc. It corresponds to domestic cloud gaming, VR and other industries and is the ultimate form of the Internet. Metaverse concept stocks refer to stocks related to the concept of the metaverse. Yuanverse concept stocks include:

1. Tianzhou Culture: The second quarter of 2021 showed that the company’s total revenue was 157 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 14.43% and a gross profit margin of 47.44%.

2. Zhongqingbao: The second quarter of 2021 shows that the company’s total revenue was 84.33 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 8.58% and a gross profit margin of 55.54%.

The impact of the Metaverse on the stock market

From the concept of the Metaverse, we can see that its infrastructure part is actually automated with the development of technology. It can be achieved, especially the popularization of 5G, which provides the soil for it, but because it is achieved automatically, there are no specific benefits; and the human-computer interaction layer has the greatest impact on the market for the time being.

It is foreseeable that in the future, wearable devices will be launched one generation after another, just like smartphones in the past, and each generation will have breakthrough technology. With the rapid increase in user experience and consumption The volume will explode rapidly because this will be a high-growth track, and the industries related to this track are mainly consumer electronics, chips, etc.

Therefore, companies that substantially participate in it will also enjoy high growth in the future, and the impact this will have on the corresponding companies is revaluation. From a consumer electronics and chip competition whose market capacity has almost peaked, The road has become a high-growth track, which will bring several times or even higher growth space!

⑦ What is the performance of the "Metaverse" concept stocks?

Answer: Hello, mature Metaverse products require 5-10 years of accumulation in technology and number of users. Therefore, before the infrastructure is popularized, it is currently difficult to intuitively reflect the performance of the Metaverse. From the "first A-share Yuanverse game stock", Qingbao's stock price doubled in ten days as market sentiment drove it. In terms of performance, the company's operating income in the first three quarters was 257 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 28.5%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 13.565 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 730.2%.
The seemingly good transcript actually hides a secret. Zhongqingbao third quarterNet profit was 2.018 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 127.9%. Looking at the quarterly basis, the company's net profit showed a downward trend in each quarter. The high growth rate was actually caused by the low base in 2020.

1. Tom Cat’s performance:
Similar to Zhongqingbao’s situation is Tom Cat. Since the Yuanverse concept was hyped, the company's stock price has risen by a cumulative 37.85%. The company's third-quarter results also performed well. Operating income in the first three quarters was 1.402 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.23%; non-net profits attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-net profits were 588 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.03%. Among them, the company's operating income in the third quarter was 485 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44.14%; deducting non-net profit was 180 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 70.58%. As for the reason for performance growth, Tom Cat believes that it is due to the core game product matrix maintaining stable long-term operations. However, the company is still in the exploratory stage of its Metaverse business and has not yet achieved profitability, and all projects related to the Metaverse concept are still in the special studio stage.

2. Goertek
Goertek’s operating income was 52.789 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52%; net profit was 3.333 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 65.28%; operating cash flow net inflow was 5.759 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase An increase of 112.68%. Goertek's revenue and net profit growth rates dropped slightly in the third quarter, to 17.46% and 29.61% respectively, but they were still in line with market expectations.
In the first three quarters of 2021, Goertek’s precision components business revenue was 10.29 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.86%; the intelligent acoustic complete machine business revenue was 19.20 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.72%. In addition, the company’s smart hardware business revenue increased by 119.07% year-on-year to 22.23 billion yuan. Judging from the growth rate of segmented businesses, Goertek is gradually transitioning from the "fruit chain" to the "metaverse" direction, and the proportion of VR/AR hardware block revenue has increased significantly year by year.

⑧ The leading concept stocks in China’s Metaverse

The leading concepts in China’s Metaverse mainly include the following 5, Tencent Holdings, ByteDance, Goertek, and Allwinner Technology , Xinyi Sheng

1. Tencent Holdings (but Tencent is a Hong Kong stock), if there is a domestic company that can become the leader of the Yuanverse, then this company is undoubtedly Tencent Holdings, and the most likely one is Tencent Holdings. Because the original form of the metaverse is games plus social interaction, and its ultimate form is a complete reflection of the real world.

2. Bytedance is preparing to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Douyin, Toutiao and Xigua Video are currently the most popular Internet platforms among young people in China. Their parent company is ByteDance. In April this year, ByteDance spent 100 million to acquire the game company Code Qiankun of Metaverse. In August, it spent 9 billion to acquire a VR hardware manufacturer that accounts for more than 50% of the domestic market. pico,

3. From 2021 to 2025, the average annual growth rate of global VR products is 41%, and the average annual growth rate of ar products is 41%.The speed is 138%. Facebook, ByteDance, they want to build the Metaverse, and their VR equipment OEMs should not be able to escape Goertek, because Goertek’s market share in the OEM field exceeds 80%. In the first half of the year, Goertek’s Intelligent hardware revenue has reached 11.2 billion, accounting for 37% of the revenue, which also means that Goertek is currently the purest virtual reality metaverse equipment supplier in the A-share market.

4. QuanZhi Technology, QuanZhi Technology is the only low-end VR chip concept stock in China. The VR virtual reality dedicated chip VR9 it launched can reach a speed of 70 frames per second. The VR chip concept stock is very High-end chips are rare and only Qualcomm and Apple can make them. If China wants to make a copycat version of VR in the future, its chips will (with a high probability) be provided by Allwinner Technology.

5. Xin Yisheng, the most basic facility of the Metaverse is computing power. Why are the models of the Metaverse now all Lego models? Because their computing power is insufficient, they can only support simple two-dimensional cartoon-like images. In the future, with the improvement of computing power, the creation and experience of virtual reality content will be supported by more realistic modeling and interaction. Then this Together, the technology of Yuanverse will be accepted by more adults. In this area, the computing power leader in the United States is Nvidia. In China, I chose the dual-market leader of Telecom and Datacom, Xinyi Victory, he is one of the few domestic companies that can break through 800g data centers and optical modules, and is planning to build a new production capacity of 2.85 million high-speed optical modules. In the first half of 2021, revenue increased by more than 70% year-on-year.

⑨ What stocks are there in the Metaverse concept stocks?

The "Metaverse" concept stocks are mainly the stocks of some game companies. 1. Recently, in order to deal with the real problem of peak traffic, large foreign Internet companies have stated that they will build a more realistic virtual world to attract customer groups, and have launched the concept of "metaverse". Objectively speaking, the "Metaverse" concept does draw a "big pie" for industry development. It will integrate a variety of new technologies to produce new Internet applications and social forms that blend reality and reality, and provide immersive experiences based on extended reality technology. , based on digital twin technology, generates a mirror of the real world and closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, which may bring long-term investment opportunities.
2. Looking back at the "Metaverse" concept stocks that have been hotly speculated in China, we find that most of the companies are game software companies, which are far from the "Metaverse" concept of foreign Internet companies. What is surprising is that when a listed company in the A-share market said it would launch a "Metaverse" concept game, its stock price rose sharply. Could it be that domestic capital’s understanding of the concept of the “Metaverse” is only at the gaming level? A "metaverse" that makes games more realistic may not be able to attract a continued inflow of funds.
3. Individual investors should keep a clear understanding of the currently hotly speculated "Metaverse" concept stocks, and should not rush to pay for a newly emerging and immature concept. To judge the growth of the industry, we must first look at the application terminalWhether it can be popularized and whether it can establish a connection between virtual and reality. Secondly, there must be real content construction and landing scenarios. When the sales of "Yuanverse" terminal products increase, the demand for terminal manufacturers and foundries increases; content companies begin to provide other content products with social attributes; new technologies and companies continue to optimize various components of the "Yuanverse" At that time, the industry really began to mature. The "Yuan Universe" is still far away from entering the homes of ordinary people. Too much money speculating on themes and concepts is not conducive to the healthy development of the capital market. Regulatory authorities should pay close attention to market dynamics, account linkage, and abnormal transactions, seriously investigate and deal with market manipulation behaviors in accordance with laws and regulations, and purify the market ecology.

⑩ What is the metaverse concept stock? What does the metaverse concept stock mean?

The concept of metaverse was first proposed by American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson in 1992 Created in the novel "Snow Crash". Metaverse refers to the space of the virtual world.
Metaverse concept stocks include:
1. Tianzhou Culture: The second quarter of 2021 showed that the company’s total revenue was 157 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 14.43% and a gross profit margin of 14.43%. The interest rate is 47.44%. Acquired Youai Network and invested in the development of AR and VR interactive games and application projects.
2. Zhongqingbao: The second quarter of 2021 showed that the company’s total revenue was 84.33 million yuan, with a net profit margin of 8.58% and a gross profit margin of 55.54%. ?The company focuses on online games and increases investment in 5G cloud gaming technology and VR/AR virtual and reality technology.
3. Jinma Amusement: The quarterly report for the second quarter of 2021 shows that Jinma Amusement’s total operating income increased by -4.31% year-on-year to 123 million yuan, with a gross profit margin of 40.58% and a net profit margin of -16.72%. The company has developed eight series of film and television products, including VR series, among which VR dynamic theater products have been delivered and put into use.

Extended information:
The Metaverse is considered to be the reform of the next generation Internet technology interaction model, and leaders such as Facebook, Tencent Official, and Giant Engine are also committed to taking initiatives in this field.
From the perspective of technology and business operation model, there are two main tasks:
First, in terms of technology: the current technology level is still different from that of the Metaverse, so a series of technology investment opportunities will be promoted, including infrastructure construction goals, interactive machinery Equipment goals, artificial intelligence technology goals, etc. ; Cloud computing technology goals and its three major 5G operating brands.
Second, it is the business operation model: Yuanverse will upgrade the business operation model in a series of fields such as games, social media, content, and consumption. From the perspective of the business operation model, it is recommended to pay attention to the goals of the business operation model to run the development trend of the Metaverse, such as in-depth cultivation of game social network platforms; in-depth cultivation of next-generation game content companies.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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