硬件冷钱包怎么用 硬件钱包和冷钱包区别

A. 如何正确看待区块链技术



A. How to correctly view blockchain technology

From a technical perspective, blockchain is likely to be a major technological revolution after the Internet. Currently, major corporate giants around the world are working hard on the research and application of blockchain technology. SAP opened a pilot version of the blockchain project in May last year. Banks in Japan and South Korea have just begun testing blockchain technology. Tencent has registered the trademarks "Ether Lock" and "Tencent Ether Lock". In April 2017, Tencent released the "Blockchain Solution White Paper" and announced that Tencent's blockchain industry solutions with independent intellectual property rights were also officially released on the official website. The network has launched the blockchain open platform "BaaS", which is a project based on blockchain technology independently developed by the network. It mainly helps enterprise alliances build their own blockchain network platforms.

Xu Weihong, chief economist of AVIC Securities, believes that the concept of blockchain has been proposed for a long time. This round of being touted by speculators in the A-share secondary market originated from Bitcoin. Hype on a global scale. Participants do not care about the technical value of the blockchain, but they care about how much profit and water they can get from the existing "seigniorage" by creating digital currency through the blockchain. Some institutional investors even hope to use their professional judgment and ability to control market sentiment to "cut leeks" from the large amount of blind influx of social funds. In view of the recent rise of the blockchain concept, all parties concerned must remain sober. Financial exchanges and intermediaries must stay awake and reduce unnecessary advertising to mislead small and medium-sized investors, and ordinary people must also stay awake.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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