比特币矿机损耗有多大? 比特币矿机计算

『壹』 比特币矿机是如何通过计算挖币的


用ASIC矿机挖矿的币,算法几乎都为SHA256,而用GPU挖矿的算法则不同,例如BTG的算法是Equihash,BCD的算法是optimized X13。虽然不是绝对,但可以简单的认为,SHA256算法的币,一般都是用ASIC矿机挖。其他算法的币则基本都使用GPU矿机。也有例外,scrypt算法的莱特币以前用GPU矿机挖,但后来scrypt算法也被ASIC芯片攻克,比如蚂蚁矿机L3+,就是用来挖莱特币的ASIC矿机。

ASIC矿机,是指采用ASIC芯片作为算力核心的矿机。其中ASIC是Application Specific Integrated Circuit的缩写,是一种专门为某种特定用途设计的电子电路(芯片)。有矿机厂专门为计算比特币的SHA256算法而设计了ASIC芯片,使用它们的矿机就是ASIC矿机。由于ASIC芯片只为特定计算打造,所以效率可以比CPU这种通用计算芯片要高很多。举个例子,当前主流的蚂蚁矿机S9就是ASIC矿机,使用了189片ASIC芯片,算力达到了13.5TH/s,功耗仅为1350W。作为对比,当前电脑显卡旗舰GTX1080Ti挖比特币的算力,就算优化的好基本也不会超过60MH/s。相差了数万倍,非常悬殊。


GPU矿机的目的是赚钱,所以要追求功耗比与最大收益,所以选择要注重性价比,一般中高端定位的显卡,比如AMD RX560、RX570的功耗比高,是GPU矿机的好选择。而GTX1080Ti、AMD Vega64这样旗舰虽然单卡性能最强,但售价与功耗算下来并不划算。



『贰』 线损如何计算


『叁』 比特币矿机运算的是什么




『肆』 比特币矿机耗电量这么大,到底在计算什么




『伍』 比特币矿机耗电多少

比特币矿机耗电根据不同的机器耗电是不一样的。以目前丰水期挖矿回本最快的机器神马68T举例说明下,假设现在丰水期半年每度电费0.22,枯水期电费每度电费0.34, 神马 68T二手的机器,墙上功耗是3264w,实际功耗按照3500w算,那么一台神马 M20S 68T 的机器,每天耗电量:3.524=84 度,一年耗电量 84*365=30660度。

按照目前最新的挖矿难度,一台神马 68T 的机器一天可以挖 0.00064836 BTC,按照10台一年的时间大概可以挖 2.366514 个币。前提的挖矿难度不变,但是按照目前的情况, 假设现在到明年6月份挖矿难度增长 30%,每个月增长 2.5%。估算实际上挖的币应该是在原来的基础上打85%也就是2.012个币,神马68T 十台机器一年差不多可以挖2个币。










系统风险在比特币这个里面非常常见,最常见的当属于分叉。分叉会导致币价下跌,挖矿收益锐减。不过很多情况表明,分叉反而让矿工收益,分叉出来的竞争币也需要矿工的算力来完成铸币和交易的过程,为了争取更多的矿工,竞争币会提供更多的区块奖励及手续费来吸引矿工。风险反而成就了矿工 。

『陆』 比特币挖矿机一天电费

12万。1TH/S*24H=0.00007087btc,按综合12t的机器算力来算每天产量为:0.00007087*12t=0.00085044btc,那么单台挖到一个比特币的时间需要:1/0.00085044=1175天;十台矿机挖到一个比特币的时间需要: 1/0.0085044=117天;一百台矿机挖到一个比特币的时间需要:1/0.085044=11.7天。也就是说按照目前的难度来算,大概单台矿机需要三年的时间可以产出一枚比特币,十台矿机需要3.9个月可挖一个比特币,一百台矿机只需要11.7天可挖出一个比特币,投入单台机器成本价8500左右,十台在85000左右,一百台投入850000,不到一百万,一个月收入超过两枚比特币,按目前的币价来算大概价格十二万,如此看来,目前比特币挖矿的收益虽然不及之前,但相较于其他投资项目还是很可观的。

『柒』 比特币矿机日收益是多少 比特币矿机收益怎么计算

1、 机器成本:购买矿机的成本。
2、 电力成本:机器挖矿所消耗的电力成本。
3、 辅助成本:人员维护、网络、线缆耗材、散热等

『捌』 一台比特币机一天能耗费多少电 比特币挖矿机一天电费



『玖』 线损怎么计算


线损率=(线损电量/供电量)*100%=(供电量-售电量)/供电量*100%= (1–售电量/供电量)*100%





『拾』 线损计算公式


『一』 How Bitcoin mining machines mine coins through calculation

When Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin, he hoped that Bitcoin would be a decentralized currency that not only uses, This is true for trading, and so it should be for mining. But things went counterproductive. As the value of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin became higher and higher, mining became an industry, competition became more and more fierce, and the pursuit of mining computing power became higher and higher. Therefore, mining evolved from ordinary computers. ASIC mining machines and GPU mining machines have been released.

The algorithm for coins mined with ASIC mining machines is almost all SHA256, while the algorithms mined with GPUs are different. For example, the algorithm of BTG is Equihash, and the algorithm of BCD is optimized X13. Although it is not absolute, it can be simply believed that coins based on the SHA256 algorithm are generally mined with ASIC mining machines. Coins with other algorithms basically use GPU mining machines. There are exceptions. Litecoin using the scrypt algorithm was previously mined with GPU mining machines, but later the scrypt algorithm was also overcome by ASIC chips. For example, the Antminer L3+ is an ASIC mining machine used to mine Litecoin.

ASIC mining machine refers to a mining machine that uses ASIC chips as the core of computing power. ASIC is the abbreviation of Application Specific Integrated Circuit, which is an electronic circuit (chip) specially designed for a specific purpose. There are mining machine factories that have designed ASIC chips specifically for calculating Bitcoin’s SHA256 algorithm, and the mining machines that use them are ASIC mining machines. Because ASIC chips are only built for specific calculations, their efficiency can be much higher than general-purpose computing chips such as CPUs. For example, the current mainstream Antminer S9 is an ASIC mining machine, using 189 ASIC chips, with a computing power of 13.5TH/s and a power consumption of only 1350W. For comparison, the computing power of the current flagship GTX1080Ti computer graphics card for mining Bitcoin will basically not exceed 60MH/s even if it is well optimized. The difference is tens of thousands of times, a huge disparity.

GPU mining machines refer to mining machines that use GPU graphics cards as the core of computing power. Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin Diamond use graphical algorithms, so the computing speed of graphics cards will be the highest. Compared with ASIC mining machines, GPU mining machines are more well-known to the public, because to put it bluntly, it is a computer with enhanced graphics card configuration.

The purpose of GPU mining machines is to make money, so the power consumption ratio and maximum profit must be pursued, so the choice should focus on cost performance. Generally, mid-to-high-end graphics cards, such as AMD RX560 and RX570, have high power consumption ratios. A good choice for GPU miners. Although flagships such as GTX1080Ti and AMD Vega64 have the strongest single-card performance, their price and power consumption are not cost-effective.

In addition, ASIC mining machines also have some weird products, such as Shaomao’s USB mining machine, which is slightly larger than a USB flash drive.Dongdong has a power consumption of only 2.25W, making it the smallest Bitcoin mining machine currently.

The above quote is from Mining.com - "Introduction to Mining Machine Classification". There are many professional terms. I hope it will be helpful to you. Thank you!

『二』How to calculate line loss

If you are counting line losses, you need to know the power supply and electricity sales in the area. Line loss rate = (power supply - electricity sales)/power supply Amount*100%
If it is a theoretical line loss calculation, the theoretical line loss rate = theoretical line loss power supply / theoretical line loss power supply × 100%
Among them, the theoretical line loss power supply = power plant grid power + Purchased power + grid input power
Theoretical line loss power = transformer power loss + overhead and cable line wire loss power + active power loss in capacitors, reactors, condensers, and power loss in condenser auxiliary machines +Corona power loss+Insulator leakage power loss (the quantity is small and can be ignored or estimated) +Power used in the substation +Conductivity loss
1. Transformer power loss
The power loss of the transformer includes No-load losses (fixed losses, iron losses) and load losses (variable losses, copper losses).
No-load loss refers to the loss that occurs in the transformer core lamination due to the hysteresis and eddy current of the material when the periodically changing magnetic field lines pass through the material. Its size is related to the operating voltage and tap voltage.
Load loss is caused by the resistance in the transformer winding and is caused by the load current flowing through the winding.
2. Transmission line loss
Transmission line loss is the change in the conductor resistance when the load current passes through the line resulting power loss.
The electric energy loss of the cable line includes the electric energy loss in the wire core and the electric energy loss in the insulating medium.
3. Capacitor loss
Capacitor loss refers to the loss of the capacitor during operation There will be a certain amount of active power loss, causing the medium to heat up.
(1) Electrical energy loss of parallel capacitor
(2) Electrical energy loss of series capacitor
ΔA=9.55〖I_jf〗^ 2•tan⁡δ/C•T
The calculation method generally adopts the cow pull methodand forward-backward substitution

『三』What does the Bitcoin mining machine calculate?

From a user’s perspective, Bitcoin is a mobile application or computer program that can provide A personal Bitcoin wallet that allows users to pay and receive Bitcoin. This is how Bitcoin works for most users.

Behind the scenes, the entire Bitcoin network shares a public ledger called the “blockchain.” This ledger contains every transaction processed, allowing the user's computer to verify the validity of each transaction. The authenticity of each transaction is protected by an electronic signature corresponding to the sending address, which gives users full control over the Bitcoins transferred from their own Bitcoin address. Additionally, anyone can leverage the computing power of specialized hardware to process transactions and be rewarded with Bitcoins for doing so. This service is often referred to as "mining".

Bitcoin mining has gone through three stages of development. When Bitcoin was first born, the price of Bitcoin was very low. People just regarded Bitcoin as a game and used their ordinary computers to mine it. However, as the price of Bitcoin rose in 2012, people discovered that graphics cards were faster in mining. Therefore, people began to buy a large number of graphics cards and assemble them together for mining, commonly known as "burning graphics cards"; the third stage is what everyone knows ASIC mining machine mining. Since Avalon produced the world's first ASIC Bitcoin mining machine, Bitcoin mining has been completely subverted, and mining has become a particularly professional matter.

『四』 Bitcoin mining machines consume so much power, what exactly are they calculating?

It all starts with mining.

The concept of Bitcoin was proposed by an Internet geek with the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" in 2009. It is a decentralized currency that is not issued by a specific monetary institution and is generated through a large amount of calculations based on a specific algorithm. ized digital currency. "It can be understood that the Bitcoin system is a huge, constantly updated ledger. Each page is called a block, and when connected in chronological order, it is called the Bitcoin blockchain. A new block is added every 10 minutes , the content inside is some transactions that occurred in the system in the past 10 minutes. Every transaction will be completely recorded in this ledger, and Bitcoin is the money recorded in the ledger." Sun Xiaoxiao explained, "In fact, our e-banking The system is also a ledger, and Alipay is also a ledger, which also records everyone’s transaction records. But the difference between Bitcoin and banks and Alipay is that Bitcoin transaction information is not stored in the central server, but is stored in all connected In the computers of the Bitcoin network.” Under Bitcoin’s proof-of-work mechanism, anyone in the Bitcoin network can compete for the right to keep accounts. Whoever solves a math problem related to accounting first will be the first to keep accounts. This kind of mathematical problem has a characteristic - it is difficult to solve but easy to verify.

“Suppose the problem is to be solved by throwing three dice. Whoever throws the number is less than 5. It is more difficult to throw, but the verification is very simple,” Sun Xiaoxiao used an approximate example.. But the real question is not that simple. Its difficulty is equivalent to throwing 100 million dice and throwing a number less than 105,000. Whoever throws it first will get the right to keep accounts. At this time, 100,500 is a hash value. The process of throwing dice is called hash collision, and the unit of mining power is the number of hash collisions per second.

『Wu』How much power does a Bitcoin mining machine consume?

The power consumption of a Bitcoin mining machine varies depending on the machine. Take the Shenma 68T, the machine with the fastest return on mining costs during the wet season, as an example. Assume that the electricity cost per kilowatt hour during the wet season is 0.22 per kilowatt hour for half a year, and the electricity cost per kilowatt hour during the dry season is 0.34. The wall power consumption of the second-hand Shenma 68T machine is 3264w, the actual power consumption is calculated as 3500w, then a Whatsminer M20S 68T machine consumes 3.524=84 kWh per day, and 84*365=30660 kWh per year.

According to the latest mining difficulty, a Shenma 68T machine can mine 0.00064836 BTC in a day, and 10 machines can mine approximately 2.366514 coins in a year. The prerequisite mining difficulty remains unchanged, but according to the current situation, it is assumed that the mining difficulty increases by 30% from now to June next year, with an increase of 2.5% every month. It is estimated that the actual coins mined should be 85% of the original value, which is 2.012 coins. Ten Shenma 68T machines can mine almost 2 coins a year.

To sum up, ten Shenma 68T machines consume 306,600 kilowatt-hours of electricity for one year, which can mine almost 2 coins.

(5) How to calculate the line loss of Bitcoin mining machine? Extended reading

Risk of mining machine

1. Hardware expenditure

Mining is actually a competition of performance and equipment. Some mining machines are composed of more such graphics card arrays. Dozens or even hundreds of graphics cards come together, and various costs such as hardware prices Already high in itself, there are considerable expenditures involved in mining.

In addition to machines with graphics cards, some ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) professional mining machines are also entering the battlefield. ASICs are specially designed for hash operations, and their computing power is also quite powerful, and due to their The power consumption is much lower than that of graphics cards, so it is easier to scale up and the electricity bill is lower. It is difficult for a single independent graphics card to compete with these mining machines, but at the same time, this kind of machine also costs more.

2. Currency security

Bitcoin withdrawals require hundreds of digits of keys, and most people will record this long series of numbers on their computers, but often Problems such as hard drive damage can cause the key to be permanently lost, which also leads to the loss of Bitcoin.

3. System risk

System risk is very common in Bitcoin, and the most common one is fork. Forks will cause currency prices to fall and mining profits to drop sharply. However, many situations show that forks actually benefit miners and forks outAltcoins also require the computing power of miners to complete the process of minting and trading. In order to attract more miners, alternative coins will provide more block rewards and handling fees to attract miners. Risk has made miners successful.

『Lu』 The daily electricity bill for a Bitcoin mining machine is 120,000. 1TH/S*24H=0.00007087btc. Based on the comprehensive 12t machine computing power, the daily output is: 0.00007087*12t=0.00085044btc. Then the time it takes for a single machine to mine one Bitcoin: 1/0.00085044=1175 days; ten machines The time it takes for a mining machine to mine one Bitcoin: 1/0.0085044=117 days; the time it takes for a hundred mining machines to mine one Bitcoin: 1/0.085044=11.7 days. In other words, based on the current difficulty, it takes about three years for a single mining machine to mine one Bitcoin, 3.9 months for ten mining machines to mine one Bitcoin, and only 11.7 months for one hundred mining machines. Tianke digs out one Bitcoin, and the cost of investing in a single machine is around 8,500. Ten machines cost around 85,000, and a hundred machines cost 850,000, which is less than one million. The monthly income is more than two Bitcoins, based on the current currency price. Calculating the approximate price of 120,000, it seems that although the current income from Bitcoin mining is not as good as before, it is still considerable compared to other investment projects.
Extended information: 1. China bans Bitcoin machine mining
1. Some economists believe that the government should actively regulate the total amount of currency and use the loosening and tightening of monetary policy to fuel or brake the economy in a timely manner. Therefore, they believe that Bitcoin’s fixed total currency sacrifices controllability, and what’s worse is that it will inevitably lead to deflation, thereby harming the overall economy.
2. Another group of economists hold the opposite view. They believe that the less government intervention in currency, the better. Deflation caused by the fixation of the total monetary amount is not a big deal, and is even a sign of social progress.
The Bitcoin network is composed of a series of complex codes generated by a computer. According to its unique algorithm, it is obtained through calculator transfer operation. This operation process is called "mining". In order to obtain these "data gold", "miners" around the world are using high-power computers to "mine".
Why does Bitcoin consume so much power?
1. Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, thought of a way: do math problems. Whoever calculates the correct answer to the random hash function first and submits it will have the right to record once. There is no trick solution to these problems, it is just an enumeration method that allows the computer to keep calculating; it has no practical meaning in itself, it is just a proof of work. In order to put fake transactions in without being discovered, theoretically you need to have more computing power than everyone else combined.
2. The computers (mining machines) of the Bitcoin network need to continuously perform calculations, generating a block every few minutes on average. Users who obtain the newly generated blocks can win a certain number of Bitcoins. This process is called "dig"Mining". The stronger the computing power of the mining machine, the faster the mining speed, and the higher the probability of mining Bitcoin. In order to make a profit, investors will naturally buy more mining machines and let them run for a long time. A lot of electricity is consumed in the process.
3. As a virtual cryptocurrency, Bitcoin uses a decentralized ledger technology called blockchain to record all transactions and transmit data to all nodes in the network. "Mining" is a way to obtain the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, which requires the use of high-efficiency computer equipment connected to the Bitcoin encryption system to perform a large amount of calculations.

『淒』 Bitcoin Mining Machine Day How much is the income and how to calculate the income of Bitcoin mining machine

First of all, the cost of mining Bitcoin can be basically divided into three parts:
1. Machine cost: the cost of purchasing a mining machine.
2. Electricity cost: the cost of electricity consumed by machine mining.
3. Auxiliary costs: personnel maintenance, network, cable consumables, heat dissipation, etc.
As a simple example, take the power consumption on the market The smaller Antminer S9 mining machine has a computing power of 13.5t and a power consumption of 1400w
When the mining machine is running for 24 hours: 1.4 kilowatts * 24 = 33.6 degrees
The power consumption on the market The machine that consumes a lot of money is the Shenma m3: the computing power is 11.5t, and the power consumption is 2150w
The power consumption of a single machine under 24-hour operation: 2.15 kilowatts * 24 = 51.6 degrees
Probably equivalent Compared with the power consumption of relatively energy-saving air conditioners, Bitcoin mining machines need to run 24 hours a day. Calculated in a year, the power consumption of a single machine is very large. The cost of tiered electricity prices for household electricity is too high. High, when the market is not good, the income may not be enough to cover the electricity bill, so currently mining is hosted in mines, where you can get cheap electricity and reduce the cost of mining. The price below 30 cents is a more ideal price. It can maintain certain profits when the price of Bitcoin drops to the bottom.
Looking at the current difficulty of mining Bitcoin:
Btc profit per ton: 1TH/S*24H=0.00007087btc
>Based on the comprehensive 12t machine computing power, the daily output is:
Then the time it takes for a single machine to mine one BTC:
1/0.00085044=1175 days< br />The time it takes for ten mining machines to mine one BTC:
1/0.0085044=117 days
The time it takes for one hundred mining machines to mine one BTC:
1/0.085044= 11.7 days
That is to say, according to the current difficulty, it takes about three years for a single mining machine to mine one Bitcoin, and it takes 3.9 months for ten mining machines to mine one Bitcoin. It only takes 11.7 days for a mining machine to dig out one Bitcoin and put it into a single machineThe cost price is about 8,500, ten units are around 85,000, and the investment for one hundred units is 850,000, which is less than one million. The monthly income is more than two Bitcoins. Based on the current currency price, the price is approximately 120,000. From this point of view, currently Although the income from Bitcoin mining is not as good as before, it is still considerable compared with other investment projects.
However, these benefits do not include the deduction of electricity costs and subsequent machine maintenance, so the prerequisite for mining is to find a mine with cheap electricity. If the volume is large, you need to find a safe, reliable and stable mine, and more importantly, you need cheap electricity to drive down the cost.

『8』How much electricity can a Bitcoin machine consume in a day? How much electricity does a Bitcoin mining machine cost in a day?

Hello, depending on the power of your mining machine, the power consumption and electricity bill are also different. Different
Take an Ant S9-13.5T mining machine as an example, the power is 1.35KW
The power consumption for 24 hours a day is: 1.35KW*24h=32.4KW/day
According to your Local electricity charges are different. Assume that the electricity rate is 0.5 yuan/kWh, 32.4*0.5=16.2 yuan/day

Then an Ant S9-13.5T mining machine consumes 32.4 kWh of electricity per day, and the electricity cost per day is 16.2 Yuan
If you have any other questions, you can consult me. I hope I can help you. Thank you!

『玖』How to calculate line loss

Line loss cannot be measured directly. It is calculated by subtracting the power supply and the power sold. The percentage of line loss power in power supply is called line loss rate, or line loss rate for short.

Line loss rate = (Line loss power/power supply)*100%= (power supply-power sales)/power supply*100%= (1-power sales/power supply)*100%< /p>

Or line loss rate = (Purchased electricity - Electricity sold)/Purchased electricity × 100% (Purchased electricity consists of the unified accounting of power plants’ grid-connected electricity, purchased independent power plants, and net electricity received from other power grids).

(9) How to calculate the line loss of Bitcoin mining machine? Extended reading

In our country, electric energy can be transmitted from the power plant (station) to the power plant through six-level transformer transmission. Spend money in all directions. The six-level transformer converts electrical energy and magnetic energy into each other. The conversion efficiency of these two forms of energy is very high, but there is still electrical energy loss and it obeys the law of conservation of energy.

In the process of transmitting and distributing (transformation) electric energy, the power loss, electric energy loss and other losses caused by various components in the power network are collectively called line losses (power supply losses), or line losses for short.

『 Pick 』 Line loss calculation formula

Line loss calculation formula:
Active line loss = (line resistance per unit length * line length * 10 (-3)) *(square of (total active power + total active loss)
+ square of (total reactive power + total reactive loss))/
(square of rated voltage * line running time)
Line running time
Rated voltage
(kilovolt amperes)
Line resistance per unit length
Total active power

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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