fil币矿机骗局 fil币矿机多少钱一t

⑴ 2020年浙江云储科技有限公司IPFS矿机宣称7月7号主网上线可以挖FIL币是骗局吗


⑵ 2018矿机挖币是骗局吗





⑶ 买FIL矿机哪家公司靠谱,懂行介绍一下




⑷ 正常运行一年的fil卖矿机商会跑路吗

很有可能跑路 现在大部分的都在跑【回答】

⑸ ipfs矿机挖币是骗局吗2021ipfs矿机哪家强











⑹ GEC矿机是骗局么







其实这是一个静态收益,币价不变的情况下, 你一个月的利率在10%-40%之间,复投1年就能翻几十倍,加上平台承诺的币价会一直稳定增长,1年收益估计上百倍,谁不心动。










⑺ 比特币挖矿机骗局,是怎样行骗的,请大神们







⑻ 购买挖矿机挖虚拟货币是传销吗


⑼ 矿机挖币是骗局吗

现在挖币的小平台有很多,花几百元就可以注册一个网站弄一套制度就可以开始了,等加入的人多了,投入的钱多了,到一定时候平台就会卷钱跑人。 挖矿机一般都是骗人的特别是要充值VIP会员才能提现的,或者说一天赚一两百的,这些都是假的。 比特币用家用的普通电脑配置是达不到比特币矿机的要求的。挖一天的电费成本都难赚回来。
1、 算力暴涨: 算力暴涨是挖矿投资最大的风险,算力增加导致挖矿难度增加,导致收益减少,但由于自由市场中,无法避免竞争,算力增加的风险是可以被接受的。
2、 币价下跌: 当币价下跌到一定程度时,挖矿的产出收益小于产生的电费时,就会出现亏损。不过根据测算,电费 5 毛,币价 6000 以下才可能亏本,现在的币价接近 40000.除非有特殊原因短期内币价下跌到 6000 的可能微乎其微。比如监管。
3、 系统风险: 系统风险在比特币这个里面非常常见,最常见的当属于分叉。分叉会导致币价下跌,挖矿收益锐减。不过从目前的情况来看,分叉反而让矿工收益,分叉出来的竞争币也需要矿工的算力来完成铸币和交易的过程,为了争取更多的矿工,竞争币会提供更多的区块奖励及手续费来吸引矿工。风险反而成就了矿工。
4、政策风险: 早期13年的《关于防范比特币风险的通知》到如今的《七部委联合公告》都昭示了数字货币的政策风险,目前国内的政策并不明朗,但比特币是世界的,所以大部分的矿场都认为风险影响不大

⑽ fil币靠谱吗

1、 fil是什么数字货币
2、 FIL币中文叫什么
3、 FIL币的未来怎样
当前在全世界范围内已经有越来越多的FIL币相关应用正在逐渐落地。 包括微软、谷歌浏览器、火狐浏览器、德国航天中心、美国阿波罗登月计划、加拿大政府、美国国会图书馆、万维网、imToken钱包、EOS等包括政府、权威机构、互联网公司、数字货币资产在内,已经有相当领域开始布局或者正在应用FIL相关技术。FIL币相关技术逐步落地,其价格建立在广泛的实际应用基础上,从长远来看,FIL币未来不可估量。
4、 FIL币的价值

⑴ In 2020, Zhejiang Yunchu Technology Co., Ltd.’s IPFS mining machine claimed that it can mine FIL coins on the mainnet launch on July 7. Is it a scam?

Yes, the official announcement of ipfs protocol laboratory 7 From March 20 to August 15, the company falsely promoted

⑵ Is mining with mining machines a scam in 2018?

Is mining with mining machines a scam?

In recent years, Bitcoin has become a new favorite for investment, and the price of Bitcoin mining machines has also increased. Huge profits have tempted some people to embark on the road of crime. In 2019, the Chongqing Xiushan County Procuratorate approved the arrest of Awei, who committed fraud by selling Bitcoin mining machines.

Bitcoin is a P2P form of digital virtual currency that can be exchanged for the currencies of most countries. In theory, anyone with a computer can participate in Bitcoin mining.

Because an ordinary mining machine on the market costs at least 30,000 yuan, and a more advanced mining machine that consumes less power and has a higher mining speed costs 600,000 yuan. , Buyers with a bargain mentality can easily be fooled.

⑶ Which company is reliable for buying FIL mining machines? Let me introduce it with knowledge

According to the "Announcement on Preventing Financing Risks of Token Issuance", there is no approved digital currency trading platform in my country. . According to my country's digital currency regulatory regulations, investors have the freedom to participate in digital currency transactions at their own risk.

Warm reminder:
1. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, and is not Currency in the true sense does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. Citizens' investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
2. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understand the risks of the project and have a clear understanding of the project's investors, investment institutions, on-chain activity and other information, rather than investing blindly or entering the fund by mistake.
3. The above explanation is for reference only. Investors should not replace their independent judgment with such information or make decisions solely based on such information. It does not constitute any investment operation.

Response time: 2021-06-21. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
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⑷ fil sells minerals after one year of normal operation Will the machine dealer run away?

Hello, I am happy to answer your question. There is a high possibility that many people selling mining machines have run away in the market and the money cannot be recovered. It is not recommended to invest now because the risk is too great. It is recommended not to enter the game. I hope my answer can help you❤️[Abstract]
Will a fil mining machine seller that has been running normally for one year run away? [Question]
Hello, I am happy to answer your question. There is a high possibility that many people selling mining machines have run away in the market and the money cannot be recovered. It is not recommended to invest now because the risk is too great. It is recommended not to enter the game. I hope my answer can help you❤️【Answer】
Bai asked【Ask】
It is very likely that most people are running away now【Answer】
So it is recommended that you do not buy it [Answer]

⑸ Is ipfs mining machine a scam? Which ipfs mining machine is the best in 2021?

It is not a scam. Which one is stronger depends on the company's comprehensive capabilities.

IPFS mining is popular because some IPFS applications have begun to be used. If web3.0 can be quickly popularized, there is no doubt about the pioneering contribution of IPFS, and the Filecoin network, the only incentive layer, can also be commercialized.

Many friends are too worried about the policy risks of ipfs. In fact, there is no need to worry. You only need to carefully select whether the IPFS mining company you choose is legal. As far as national policies are concerned, there is also full support for IPFS. Plans such as "New Infrastructure" and "Eastern Digital and Western Counting" are the new foundation of our network, which are conducive to the further advancement of IPFS distributed storage.

Notes on Internet operations:

1. Do not add strangers as QQ friends or WeChat friends at will, and do not accept their video or voice chats at will request to avoid port attacks or personal privacy leaks;

2. Do not open links to unknown websites at will, especially links to bad websites. When strangers send links to themselves through QQ, try not to open them;

2. p>

3. Do not open emails and attachments from unknown sources to prevent the device from being infected with viruses, which may cause the device to become unusable or the hard disk to be formatted;

4. Do not click on suspicious websites or pop-up ads. , to prevent the browser from being unusable due to malicious attacks, and may also leak sensitive files on personal terminals;

5. Try to set the file extension to open, and pay attention to confirm the file attributes before opening to prevent malicious file forgery icon, causing the computer to be infected with malicious viruses;

6. Do not post inappropriate remarks on public platforms such as Weibo and forums, and surf the Internet in a civilized manner.

⑹ Is GEC mining machine a scam?

What is GEC model cloud mining machine

As the platform with the highest currency price among cloud mining machine projects, GEC, Being imitated all the time.

A 10-coin mining machine mines 11 coins in 30 days

A 100-coin mining machine mines 120 coins in 30 days

A 1,000-coin mining machine mines 1,300 coins in 30 days Coin

10,000 coin mining machine mines 1 in 30 days4,000 coins

In fact, this is a static income. When the currency price remains unchanged, your monthly interest rate is between 10% and 40%. If you reinvest, it can double dozens of times in one year. In addition, the platform promises that the currency price will continue to grow steadily, and the annual income is estimated to be hundreds of times. Who wouldn't be tempted?

In order to quickly develop to members, all cloud mining machine projects provide a mining machine with a monthly output of 11 coins for registration. Since there are no coins on the market during the early opening period, those who want to invest cannot receive it. The currency can only keep raising the price of the currency. After one month, a large number of woolists began to sell goods, and investors wanted to buy them at low prices, causing the currency price to continue to fall. The more severe the decline, the further the decline. The more people sell, until all the platforms are selling at low prices, no one dares to continue to accept them. This is why most platforms die within two months. Even though we barely survived the first two months, a large number of new users are still registered every day. Each additional new user means 11 more free coins. The increase in wool coins will make it difficult for the currency price to rise.

The ones that have been around the longest since last year are gec and eco. I am not advertising them here. I don’t recommend that you go to play, because if you go there, you will basically take over.

Many crowdfunding cloud mining machine projects were launched in March this year. It can be said that all of them were dead and could not even survive for a week. They were complete scams. All under the guise of crowdfunding for 3 points and opening at 1 yuan. It takes advantage of everyone’s desire to get rich quickly. After all, buying coins from other users is costly and complicated. Buying thousands or tens of thousands of coins directly from the platform is low-cost and high-profit. When the user base is too small and a large number of coins appear, they will only break and not grow. In addition, I have made a lot of money through crowdfunding on the platform, and I will not focus on developing the platform. I will only think about how to get out. Many crowdfunding platforms will close the website and disband the group immediately after the crowdfunding is over.

Everyone can build such a website. If you can program, you may only need to spend less than 1,000 yuan to buy a set of source code on Taobao. Revise it yourself.

If you are new to programming, you will need to spend about 20,000 yuan to purchase a full set of templates and services.

This is why all cloud mining machine project models are exactly the same, the framework is exactly the same, the content is exactly the same, and even the mining machine icons and their own logos are the same. Such a platform is not a blockchain project at all. The amount of coins is entirely controlled by itself. If the platform wants to make money, it has to secretly sell the coins to investors. Many people have changed from investors to cheaters just because they know the tricks. wool.

The so-called listing on a trading platform is simply a joke. Which exchange will accept a coin that doesn’t even have a digital wallet and a coin whose quantity can be modified at will?

What is my personal thinking? Earning a sum is just a sum. I don’t think long-term at all, and I have no ability to add to the platform.New functions, so I personally suggest that you should be cautious when investing in this kind of cloud mining machine platform, especially if it does not run smoothly, you must not play it. If you are not even willing to invest in a better server, how can you develop this platform with all your heart?

If a platform wants to develop for a long time, it is not static. It needs to be adjusted according to the development situation in different periods. The most important thing is to have practical application scenarios, whether it is Bitcoin or these Air coins, without the support of practical application scenarios, will inevitably disappear slowly over time.

⑺ Bitcoin mining machine scam, how to cheat, ask the experts

Bitcoin mining machine scam is to make money by renting or selling mining machines.

The so-called "mining machine" refers to a computer that installs and runs specific software and algorithms. As we all know, Bitcoin can only be obtained by running an algorithm on a computer for a long time, and the total amount is limited. Therefore, some manufacturers have launched specially designed and optimized computer products, called "mining machines."

In January 2018, at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the United States, a mining computer called "Kodak KashMiner" appeared at the venue, attracting people's attention. However, critics now point out that the mining machine plan is actually a scam, and the profit promotion is also false.


1. The configuration of an ordinary home computer for Bitcoin cannot meet the requirements of a Bitcoin mining machine. The electricity cost of mining for one day It’s hard to make back the cost.

2. If you must use a Bitcoin mining machine to mine coins, it is recommended to choose a reliable and legal platform to achieve a more stable outcome. If you mine on a legal platform, your profits will be visible every day, and you can withdraw cash when you reach a certain amount.

⑻ Is buying a mining machine to mine virtual currency a pyramid scheme?

Please remember one truth, all things that are small and profitable are all scams, money is hard to make, and no one has time Burning money to give you benefits, who are you not?

⑼ Is mining with mining machines a scam?

Mining with mining machines is not a scam. What can become a scam is the mining machine and the mining pool. , by exaggerating the computing power of the mining machine to deceive investors into buying it. That is to say, as long as you choose a regular mining machine and mining pool, then the mining machine is not a scam. First of all, the mining machine is a real thing. For example, Bitcoin mining machines are equipped with algorithms for mining Bitcoins and are used to mine Bitcoins. The higher the computing power of the mining machine, the more Bitcoins can be mined.
There are many small platforms for mining coins now. You can spend a few hundred yuan to register a website and get a system and start. When more people join and more money is invested, the platform will become popular at a certain time. Money runs away. Mining machines are generally deceptive, especially those who require top-up VIP membership to withdraw cash, or those who claim to earn one or two hundred a day, these are all fake. Ordinary home computer configurations for Bitcoin cannot meet the requirements of Bitcoin mining machines. It’s hard to make back the electricity cost of digging for just one day.
Extended information:
1. The surge in computing power: The surge in computing power is the biggest risk in mining investment. An increase in computing power will increase the difficulty of mining and lead to a decrease in income. However, since competition cannot be avoided in the free market, the risk of increased computing power is ok. accepted.
2. The currency price drops: When the currency price drops to a certain extent, and the output income of mining is less than the electricity fee generated, a loss will occur. However, according to calculations, the electricity bill is 5 cents and the currency price is below 6,000 before it is possible to lose money. The current currency price is close to 40,000. Unless there are special reasons, the possibility of the currency price falling to 6,000 in the short term is slim. Such as supervision.
3. System risk: System risk is very common in Bitcoin, and the most common one is fork. Forks will cause currency prices to fall and mining profits to drop sharply. However, judging from the current situation, forks will benefit miners instead. The forked altcoins also require miners’ computing power to complete the minting and transaction process. In order to attract more miners, altcoins will provide more areas. Block rewards and handling fees to attract miners. Risk has made miners successful.
4. Policy risks: From the "Notice on Preventing Bitcoin Risks" in the early 13 years to the "Joint Announcement of Seven Ministries and Commissions" today, the policy risks of digital currencies have been made clear. The current domestic policy is not clear, but Bitcoin It is worldwide, so most mines believe that the risk impact is not significant

⑽ Is fil currency reliable?

Reliable, FIL is in the distributed storage industry leader. Currently, most platforms are planning to deploy FIL distributed storage, and FIL is now in the long-term. The reason why FIL is so popular is not only the virtual currency, but also mainly because the IPFS network now has application prospects for solving practical problems and is an application technology that is in line with the new generation of network data.
Extended information:
1. What is fil digital currency?
fil digital currency is a digital currency based on the underlying technology of the blockchain, which is equivalent to a digital asset. fil is a reward token on the IPFS network, mainly used to reward users who provide storage computing power.
There are 2 billion FIL tokens, 70% of which are miners, 15% of the official team, 10% of ICO investors, and 5% of the Filecoin Foundation. The Filecoin project uses PoSt. PoSt uses the size of the data stored on the hard disk as computing power to allow all miners to fairly distribute rewards.
2. What is the Chinese name of FIL Coin?
The Chinese name of FIL Coin is File Coin. It is an open source cryptocurrency and digital payment system open to the public. The Filecoin system aims to create a data storage and retrieval method based on a blockchain system. It was created by the "Protocol Lab" based on the Interstellar File System.
3. What is the future of FIL currency?
Currently, more and more FIL currency-related applications are gradually being implemented around the world. Including Microsoft, Google Chrome, Firefox, German AerospaceThe Center, the U.S. Apollo Moon Landing Program, the Canadian government, the U.S. Library of Congress, the World Wide Web, imToken wallet, EOS, etc. Including governments, authoritative institutions, Internet companies, and digital currency assets, quite a few fields have begun to deploy or are applying FIL-related technology. FIL coin-related technologies are gradually implemented, and its price is based on a wide range of practical applications. In the long run, the future of FIL coin is immeasurable.
4. The value of FIL coins
The value of FIL coins is mainly used for ipfs distributed storage to reward miners who provide storage computing power. Filecoin is a token on IPFS, and Filecoin contributes idle hard disks as space for storing data. fil is a decentralized storage system based on the ipfs protocol and is currently the only token in the ipfs system.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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