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A. 元宇宙是什么梗

指沉浸式的虚拟世界,英文Metaverse。这个虚拟世界由VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)等3D技术和互联网组成。用户可以在元宇宙中感受不一样的人生,或是体验与真实世界完全不同的世界。与现有网络游戏不同的是,元宇宙能给玩家带来更真实的感受,让玩家可以仿佛置身于虚拟世界当中,甚至可以做到无法区分真实与虚拟世界。元宇宙也被吹捧成了互联网的终极形态。 电影《黑客帝国》和《头号玩家》就是元宇宙概念。 元宇宙一词最早出自美国科幻小说《雪崩》。小说中描绘了一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,元界(Metaverse)。

B. 元宇宙官网是什么

元宇宙一般指Metaverse,Metaverse 是一个虚拟时空间的集合, 由一系列的增强现实(AR), 虚拟现实(VR) 和互联网(Internet)所组成。Metavers是由Meta和Verse组成, Meta表示超越, verse是宇宙universe的意思, 合起来通常表示,互联网的下一个阶段, 由AR, VR, 3D等技术支持的虚拟现实的网络世界。虚拟现实技术囊括计算机、电子信息、仿真技术,其基本实现方式是计算机模拟虚拟环境从而给人以环境沉浸感。随着社会生产力和科学技术的不断发展,各行各业对VR技术的需求日益旺盛。VR技术也取得了巨大进步,并逐步成为一个新的科学技术领域。根据系统功能角度分类系统功能分为规划设计、展示娱乐、训练演练等几类。规划设计系统可用于新设施的实验验证,可大幅缩短研发时长,降低设计成本,提高设计效率,城市排水、社区规划等领域均可使用,如VR模拟给排水系统,可大幅减少原本需用于实验验证的经费。展示娱乐类系统适用于提供给用户逼真的观赏体验,如数字博物馆,大型3D交互式游戏,影视制作等,如VR技术早在70年代便被Disney用于拍摄特效电影;训练演练类系统则可应用于各种危险环境及一些难以获得操作对象或实操成本极高的领域,如外科手术训练、空间站维修训练等。以上内容参考:网络—vr,网络—元宇宙
元宇宙它是一个数字空间,是一个平行于现实世界又独立于现实世界的人造空间,由AR、 VR、3D等技术支持的虚拟现实的网络世界。简单说元宇宙就是一个基于现代技术创造的平行于现实世界的虚拟现实空间。通俗来说就是基于现代科技设备构建一个与现实世界无二的虚拟世界,而我们则可以在其中生活、社交、工作等等,可以说是一个平行于现实世界的虚拟现实空间。来源:对于元宇宙最早的定义在1992年,美国著名科幻大师尼尔·斯蒂芬森在他的小说《雪崩》中是这样描述元宇宙:“戴上耳机和目镜,找到连接终端,就能够以虚拟分身的方式进入由计算机模拟、与真实世界平行的虚拟空间。”
元宇宙(Metaverse)是利用科技手段进行链接与创造的,与现实世界映射与交互的虚拟世界,具备新型社会体系的数字生活空间。元宇宙本质上是对现实世界的虚拟化、数字化过程,需要对内容生产、经济系统、用户体验以及实体世界内容等进行大量改造。但元宇宙的发展是循序渐进的,是在共享的基础设施、标准及协议的支撑下,由众多工具、平台不断融合、进化而最终成形。 它基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,基于数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,基于区块链技术搭建经济体系,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,并且允许每个用户进行内容生产和世界编辑。元宇宙一词诞生于1992年的科幻小说《雪崩》,小说描绘了一个庞大的虚拟现实世界,在这里,人们用数字化身来控制,并相互竞争以提高自己的地位,到现在看来,描述的还是超前的未来世界。关于“元宇宙”,比较认可的思想源头是美国数学家和计算机专家弗诺·文奇教授,在其1981年出版的小说《真名实姓》中,创造性地构思了一个通过脑机接口进入并获得感官体验的虚拟世界。2021年12月,入选《柯林斯词典》2021年度热词 ;12月6日,入选“2021年度十大网络用语”。12月8日,入选《咬文嚼字》“2021年度十大流行语”。名词定义清华大学新闻学院沈阳教授这样定义元宇宙:“元宇宙是整合多种新技术而产生的新型虚实相融的互联网应用和社会形态,它基于扩展现实技术提供沉浸式体验,以及数字孪生技术生成现实世界的镜像,通过区块链技术搭建经济体系,将虚拟世界与现实世界在经济系统、社交系统、身份系统上密切融合,并且允许每个用户进行内容生产和编辑。”“元宇宙仍是一个不断发展,演变的概念,不同参与者以自己的方式不断丰富着它的含义。”北京大学陈刚教授、董浩宇博士这样定义元宇宙:“元宇宙是利用科技手段进行链接与创造的,与现实世界映射与交互的虚拟世界,具备新型社会体系的数字生活空间。”也有学者通过对元宇宙构思和概念的“考古”,可以从时空性、真实性、独立性、连接性四个方面去交叉定义元宇宙。从时空性来看,元宇宙是一个空间维度上虚拟而时间维度上真实的数字世界;从真实性来看,元宇宙中既有现实世界的数字化复制物,也有虚拟世界的创造物;从独立性来看,元宇宙是一个与外部真实世界既紧密相连,又高度独立的平行空间;从连接性来看,元宇宙是一个把网络、硬件终端和用户囊括进来的一个永续的、广覆盖的虚拟现实系统。准确地说,元宇宙不是一个新的概念,它更像是一个经典概念的重生,是在扩展现实(XR)、区块链、云计算、数字孪生等新技术下的概念具化。在原著中,元宇宙(Metaverse)是由Meta和Verse两个单词组成,Meta表示超越,Verse代表宇宙(universe),合起来即为“超越宇宙”的概念:一个平行于现实世界运行的人造空间,是互联网的下一个阶段, 由AR、 VR、3D等技术支持的虚拟现实的网络世界。发展历史元宇宙始于1992年国外科幻作品《雪崩》里提到的“metaverse(元宇宙)”和“Avatar(化身)”这两个概念。人们在“Metaverse”里可以拥有自己的虚拟替身,这个虚拟的世界就叫做“元宇宙”。20世纪70年代到95年代出现了大量的开放性多人游戏,也就是说游戏本身的开放世界形成了元宇宙的早期基础。后来,2003年有一款游戏叫《Second Life》发布,它在理念上给我们部分解放了现实世界所面临的窘境,这句话怎么理解?就是我们在现实世界中最痛苦的一件事是不能快速调整自己的身份,而在虚拟世界当中,我们可以通过拥有自己的分身来实现,所以《Second Life》给了我们过一种新生活的可能性。。2020年人类社会到达虚拟化的临界点,疫情加速了新技术的发展,加速了非接触式文化的形成。2021年是元宇宙元年。 2021年初,Soul App在行业内首次提出构建“社交元宇宙”。 2021年3月,被称为元宇宙第一股的罗布乐思(Roblox)正式在纽约证券交易所上市;5月,微软首席执行官萨蒂亚·纳德拉表示公司正在努力打造一个“企业元宇宙”;8月,英伟达宣布推出全球首个为元宇宙建立提供基础的模拟和协作平台;8月,字节跳动斥巨资收购VR创业公司Pico;10月28日,美国社交媒体巨头脸书(Facebook)宣布更名为“元”(Meta),来源于“元宇宙”(Metaverse);11月,虚拟世界平台Decentraland公司发布消息,巴巴多斯将在元宇宙设立全球首个大使馆,暂定2022年1月启用。
今天说的元宇宙,有一个很重要的标准:连接现实。特别是在“领主世界”中,它是一个新身份的开始。元宇宙首先也是互联网制造出的虚拟空间,但在感官体验上,是一种具象化的、沉浸式的“拟态空间”。3D体验是未来很重要的一部分,但它的底层还根本上是利用新的信息技术构建新的社交身份、用户信用,降低交易成本,为更多的个体创造一个新的数字生活方式。可以说,元宇宙是互联网之外的又一个互联网。人们网络世界的命运共同体。元宇宙不同于互联网的平台中心化模式,而在元宇宙是分布式空间,用户是中心,是以用户为中心来连接的。所以,你会发现2021年,“元宇宙”火了,美国的社交工具脸书宣布5年内成为元宇宙公司、微软宣布企业元宇宙解决方案,腾讯等大厂巨头纷纷布局“元宇宙”这一热门赛道,而在大多数企业火爆沾边“元宇宙”领域时,“领主世界”早早就站在了风口。2019年5月,领主世界开始内测,与Second Life 和 Decentraland不同,“领主世界”似乎汲取了历史上虚拟产品的教训。通过现实世界的平行时空投射,创造了一个新的平行时空,领主世界中的资产分为:数字领地和数字领域。2021年6月领主世界第一季“无穷的开始”上线。app store内“领主世界-Hello,元宇宙”位居下载首位。

C. 周杰伦继林俊杰之后也入局元宇宙,到底什么是元宇宙




D. 元宇宙究竟是什么罗永浩要进入,刘慈欣为何却不看好




E. 元宇宙的概念是什么







F. 孔雪儿进入美妆元宇宙,元宇宙为何如此火




G. 什么是“元宇宙”,“元宇宙”真的是个骗局吗


“元宇宙”是非常热门的话题,许多商业巨头纷纷加入相关的领域,纷纷开始加入 “元宇宙”的行业。这么一个看似虚幻的世界,只要假以时日,相信在不久的将来会实现“元宇宙”场景出现。





H. 元宇宙概念究竟是什么意思





I. 元宇宙的最新概念是什么


元宇宙作为后互联网时代的产物,将极大地改变当前的游戏市场和互联网生态格局。 各大厂商在布局“元宇宙”的同时,或许也在为自己在未来的互联网中争取一席之地。

J. 元宇宙的含义是什么





A. What is the metaverse?

Refers to the immersive virtual world, the English Metaverse. This virtual world is composed of 3D technologies such as VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and the Internet. Users can experience a different life in the metaverse, or experience a world completely different from the real world. Different from existing online games, the Metaverse can bring players a more realistic experience, allowing players to feel as if they are in a virtual world, and even make it impossible to distinguish between the real and virtual worlds. The Metaverse has also been touted as the ultimate form of the Internet. The movies "The Matrix" and "Ready Player One" are concepts of the Metaverse. The term metaverse first came from the American science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a virtual world parallel to the real world, the Metaverse.

B. What is the official website of Metaverse

Metaverse generally refers to Metaverse. Metaverse is a collection of virtual time and space, consisting of a series of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) ) and the Internet. Metavers is composed of Meta and Verse. Meta means transcendence, and verse means universe. Together they usually represent the next stage of the Internet, the virtual reality online world supported by AR, VR, 3D and other technologies. Virtual reality technology includes computers, electronic information, and simulation technologies. Its basic implementation method is that computers simulate virtual environments to give people a sense of immersion in the environment. With the continuous development of social productivity and science and technology, the demand for VR technology in all walks of life is increasingly strong. VR technology has also made great progress and gradually become a new field of science and technology. According to the system function perspective, the system functions are divided into planning and design, display and entertainment, training and drills, etc. The planning and design system can be used for experimental verification of new facilities, which can significantly shorten the research and development time, reduce design costs, and improve design efficiency. It can be used in urban drainage, community planning and other fields. For example, VR simulated water supply and drainage systems can significantly reduce the number of applications that were originally required. Funding for experimental verification. Display and entertainment systems are suitable for providing users with realistic viewing experiences, such as digital museums, large-scale 3D interactive games, film and television production, etc. For example, VR technology was used by Disney to shoot special effects movies as early as the 1970s; training and exercise systems can It is used in various dangerous environments and in fields where it is difficult to obtain operating objects or the cost of practical operations is extremely high, such as surgical training, space station maintenance training, etc. Reference for the above content: Network-VR, Network-Metaverse
Metaverse is a digital space, an artificial space parallel to and independent of the real world, a virtual space supported by AR, VR, 3D and other technologies The real online world. Simply put, the metaverse is a virtual reality space parallel to the real world created based on modern technology. In layman's terms, it is to build a world that is the same as the real world based on modern technological equipment.The virtual world, in which we can live, socialize, work, etc., can be said to be a virtual reality space parallel to the real world. Source: The earliest definition of the Metaverse was in 1992. Neal Stephenson, the famous American science fiction master, described the Metaverse in his novel "Snow Crash": "Put on the headphones and eyepieces, find the connection terminal, and you can virtually The avatar enters a virtual space simulated by a computer and parallel to the real world."
Metaverse is a virtual world that uses technological means to link and create, to map and interact with the real world, and has a new social system digital living space. The Metaverse is essentially a process of virtualization and digitization of the real world, which requires a large number of transformations in content production, economic systems, user experience, and physical world content. However, the development of the Metaverse is gradual. It is finally formed by the continuous integration and evolution of many tools and platforms under the support of shared infrastructure, standards and protocols. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology, generates a mirror of the real world based on digital twin technology, builds an economic system based on blockchain technology, closely integrates the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allows Each user performs content production and world editing. The term metaverse was born in the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche". The novel depicts a huge virtual reality world, where people use digital avatars to control and compete with each other to improve their status. It seems that now, the description It is still an advanced future world. Regarding the "Metaverse", the more recognized source of thought is the American mathematician and computer expert Professor Verno Vinci. In his novel "Real Names" published in 1981, he creatively conceived a system that enters and enters the universe through a brain-computer interface. A virtual world for sensory experience. In December 2021, it was selected as the "Collins Dictionary" hot word of 2021; on December 6, it was selected as the "Top Ten Internet Terms of 2021". On December 8, it was selected as one of the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2021" by "Zhiwenqiaozi". Definition of the term Professor Shen Yang of Tsinghua University School of Journalism defines the Metaverse as follows: “The Metaverse is a new Internet application and social form that integrates virtual and real technologies and is produced by integrating multiple new technologies. It provides an immersive experience based on extended reality technology and digital twin technology. Generate a mirror of the real world, build an economic system through blockchain technology, closely integrate the virtual world and the real world in the economic system, social system, and identity system, and allow each user to produce and edit content." "The Metaverse is still It is a concept that is constantly developing and evolving, and different participants continue to enrich its meaning in their own way." Professor Chen Gang and Dr. Dong Haoyu of Peking University define the Metaverse in this way: "The Metaverse is linked and created using scientific and technological means. A virtual world that maps and interacts with the real world, and a digital living space with a new social system." Some scholars have also conducted an "archaeology" of the ideas and concepts of the metaverse, and can analyze it from the four aspects of time and space, authenticity, independence, and connectivity.Deintersection defines the metaverse. From the perspective of time and space, the metaverse is a digital world that is virtual in the space dimension and real in the time dimension; from the perspective of authenticity, there are both digital replicas of the real world and creations of the virtual world; from the perspective of independence From the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is both closely connected to the external real world and highly independent; from the perspective of connectivity, the Metaverse is a sustainable, wide-coverage space that includes networks, hardware terminals, and users. virtual reality system. To be precise, the metaverse is not a new concept. It is more like the rebirth of a classic concept. It is the embodiment of the concept under new technologies such as extended reality (XR), blockchain, cloud computing, and digital twins. In the original work, Metaverse is composed of two words: Meta and Verse. Meta means transcendence, and Verse means universe. Together they are the concept of "transcendent universe": an artificial space that runs parallel to the real world. , is the next stage of the Internet, a virtual reality online world supported by AR, VR, 3D and other technologies. Development History The metaverse began with the two concepts of "metaverse" and "Avatar" mentioned in the foreign science fiction work "Avalanche" in 1992. People can have their own virtual avatars in the "Metaverse", and this virtual world is called the "Metaverse". A large number of open multiplayer games appeared from the 1970s to the 1995s, which means that the open world of the game itself formed the early foundation of the metaverse. Later, in 2003, a game called "Second Life" was released, which conceptually liberated us from the dilemmas we face in the real world. How do you understand this sentence? The most painful thing for us in the real world is that we cannot Quickly adjust our identity, and in the virtual world, we can achieve this by having our own avatar, so "Second Life" gives us the possibility of living a new life. . In 2020, human society has reached the critical point of virtualization. The epidemic has accelerated the development of new technologies and accelerated the formation of contactless culture. 2021 is the first year of the Metaverse. In early 2021, Soul App proposed building a "social metaverse" for the first time in the industry. In March 2021, Roblox, known as the first stock in the Metaverse, was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange; in May, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that the company is working hard to build an "enterprise Metaverse"; in August, Nvidia announced the launch of the world's first simulation and collaboration platform that provides the basis for the establishment of the Metaverse; in August, ByteDance spent a huge amount of money to acquire the VR startup Pico; on October 28, the American social media giant Face Facebook announced that it had changed its name to "Meta", which is derived from the "Metaverse"; in November, the virtual world platform Decentraland announced that Barbados would be established in the MetaverseThe world's first embassy is tentatively scheduled to open in January 2022.
The metaverse we are talking about today has a very important criterion: connection with reality. Especially in Lord World, it's the beginning of a new identity. The Metaverse is first of all a virtual space created by the Internet, but in terms of sensory experience, it is a concrete and immersive "mimetic space". 3D experience is an important part of the future, but its bottom layer is to use new information technology to build new social identities and user credit, reduce transaction costs, and create a new digital lifestyle for more individuals. It can be said that the Metaverse is another Internet besides the Internet. A community with a shared future for people in the online world. The Metaverse is different from the platform-centralized model of the Internet. In the Metaverse, it is a distributed space where users are the center and connections are made around users. Therefore, you will find that in 2021, the "Metaverse" is popular. The American social tool Facebook announced that it will become a Metaverse company within 5 years, Microsoft announced an enterprise Metaverse solution, and major manufacturers and giants such as Tencent have laid out the "Metaverse" It is a popular track, and while most companies are actively involved in the "Metaverse" field, "Lord World" has long been in the spotlight. In May 2019, Lord World began its internal beta test. Unlike Second Life and Decentraland, Lord World seems to have learned lessons from virtual products in history. Through the parallel time and space projection of the real world, a new parallel time and space is created. The assets in the Lord World are divided into: digital territory and digital domain. In June 2021, the first season of Lord World "The Beginning of Infinity" will be launched. "Lord World-Hello, Metaverse" ranks first in downloads in the app store.

C. Jay Chou also entered the Metaverse after JJ Lin. What is the Metaverse?

Can the Metaverse really come into our lives?

Jay Chou is a leader in the domestic Chinese music scene. As early as his debut, he has created many well-known songs, such as the very familiar Daoxiang, Simple Love, The Bell in the Opposite Direction, etc. But as he grew older, he began to slowly move behind the scenes, and the speed of releasing albums became very slow. But in fact, Jay Chou, who has moved behind the scenes, has not been idle. He has successfully changed his identity from a singer to a singer. He has also reached a cooperation with the well-known Metaverse platform, and both parties have released new virtual products on the platform. It has been sold out in a short period of time, which is naturally inseparable from Jay Chou's influence, and also because the Metaverse has become very popular in recent years. So what exactly is the Metaverse?

We also look forward to the day when the Metaverse can really come to us and become a technology within our reach. Let us wait and see together.

D. What exactly is the Metaverse? Luo Yonghao wants to enter, but why is Liu Cixin not optimistic?

What exactly is the Metaverse that is popular on the Internet?

With the continuous development of society, our living standards have also ushered in significant improvements, and network technology has greatly improved ourThe improvement in our quality of life has been huge. Now we can complete many operations with a smartphone. But for many companies, they want more innovation in technology, such as the Metaverse that we often hear about. Many people may not know what the Metaverse actually means. It has also been suddenly proposed in recent years. For example, Facebook President Zuckerberg often proposes the concept of the Metaverse on major forums.

In fact, for a brand-new concept like the Metaverse, everyone has different opinions, which is normal. Because only controversy can maximize the development of the Metaverse. I think that no matter whether you support or oppose it, everyone must use the concept of the metaverse to make many great contributions to mankind. These contributions must be based on the common development of mankind rather than on one's own interests. Only by taking the future of mankind as our own responsibility can the one-yuan universe achieve its maximum development one day. We also look forward to seeing the Metaverse actually put into practice in the near future.

E. What is the concept of the Metaverse

The Metaverse is essentially a VR (virtual reality) technology that allows people to gain consciousness in the virtual world through wearable technology devices An identity to carry out a series of social activities.

The concept of "Metaverse" was formed in the science fiction novel "Snow Crash" published in 1992. Later, the concept of "Metaverse" was also made into some science fiction movies.

Generally speaking, this means that human consciousness is separated from the real physical world and lives, studies, and entertains in a virtual society. In this immersive experience, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the real world. Contrary to falsehood, in this digital world, all your experiences are no different from the real world. In a sense, the "metaverse" can be regarded as a parallel world.

It is possible for people to quickly enter the "Metaverse"

Before the 5G era, it was limited by the processing of huge amounts of graphic data. It is still difficult to meet the requirements. With the further development of human communication technology and the improvement of VR and AR hardware levels, it has become possible for humans to build a very interesting "metaverse" world. The improvement of communication technology has also given people the ability to It is possible to quickly enter the "metaverse" anywhere.

Of course, the "Metaverse" is still in its infancy and is only a concept. However, through the technical research on the "Metaverse", I believe that the technology will soon mature, and at the same time It will drive the development of technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, digital twins, 3D machine vision and sensing, and will also have a considerable promotion effect in fields such as life sciences and bioengineering.

F. Kong Seol entered the beauty metaverse, why is the metaverse so popular

Although the metaverse is very popular, Kong Seol has not entered, and there are rumors circulating on the Internet This statement comes from the fact that the TV series "The Chic Beauty with Light Makeup" starring Kong Xueer has a similar plot. TV series changedWritten and adapted from the novel "The Beauty of the Golden Age", the general plot is that the heroine travels to the VR world to fall in love and pursue a career. The reason why the Metaverse is famous is mainly due to the celebrity effect and the Internet. Now many well-known companies have begun to get involved. In addition, some celebrities are making money through the Metaverse, and they have gradually entered the public eye.

3. Driven by the Internet

As the Metaverse becomes more and more popular, some news gradually appears on the Internet, such as a certain star joining the space and instantly earning millions of dollars. As soon as this kind of news appeared, everyone felt that the Yuan Universe was very close to them, and before they knew it, it felt like they had arrived in a certain era. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that Metaverse only uses the most basic promotion methods. A lot of marketing and hype use this method to gain popularity. Ordinary people can just take a look, there is no need to take it too seriously.

G. What is the "Metaverse" and is the "Metaverse" really a scam?

The "Metaverse" is not a scam. It refers to a world parallel to the real world and at the same time It is an independent virtual space. In other words, it is a real digital virtual world.

"Metaverse" is a very hot topic. Many business giants have joined related fields and have begun to join the "Metaverse" industry. In such a seemingly illusory world, as long as time passes, I believe that the "metaverse" scene will appear in the near future.

1. What exactly is the "Metaverse"? It is a virtual space

The "Metaverse" is a new cyberspace and social form composed of many new technologies. It uses digital technology to create reality. Mirror of the World uses blockchain technology to create an economic system that combines fantasy and reality and allows all users to edit its content. The term "metaverse" first appeared in Stephenson's science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel describes another digital world parallel to the current world. There is another virtual self.


The "Metaverse" is not only not a scam, but also promotes the development of the Internet, allowing people to truly feel the wonder of the digital age through virtual reality devices. As long as people put on the device, they can enter the virtual space to socialize with colleagues, and they can even use the "metaverse" to create a virtual world. From then on, humans will become "amphibians" between the real and virtual worlds.

H. What does the concept of the metaverse mean?

The metaverse refers to entering a virtual space through VR or AR equipment, and then people can Use the space to do free social work or other things. The Metaverse concept mainly refers to some Metaverse-related concept stocks in the stock market. Because the market has been enthusiastically hyping these concepts recently. However, there are also some voices who are opposed to the development of the Metaverse. They believe that the Metaverse will lead people astray.

1. Metaverse

I don’t know if you have seen a movie called "Ready Player One". YuanThe wish that the universe wants to fulfill is a situation similar to that in this movie. People can enter a virtual world through head-mounted AR or VR equipment, which is also called the Metaverse. In this world, everything has value, and certification can be achieved through blockchain technology. Just like some celebrities some time ago, they spent millions or even tens of millions of dollars to buy an NFT avatar, which is an asset of the Metaverse.

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I. What is the latest concept of the metaverse

The latest concept of the "metaverse" can usually be described as a virtual space that is parallel to the real world and independent of the real world. Looking at it from an enlarged perspective as a "universe", operating rules and normalized management do not need to be limited by its form of expression.

As a product of the post-Internet era, the Metaverse will greatly change the current game market and Internet ecological pattern. While major manufacturers are laying out the "Metaverse", they may also be fighting for a place in the future Internet.

J. What is the meaning of the metaverse?

The metaverse mainly refers to the virtual world.

The Metaverse is a relatively abstract concept. Currently, we do not have a precise definition of the Metaverse. In a sense, the collection of virtual worlds we can understand is the metaverse. If you have trouble understanding this concept, try understanding the real world we all live in. However, at the spiritual and conscious level, many of the activities we perform are actually independent metaverses.

1. What is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a collection of virtual worlds. This is a new term in the post-Internet era, and it is also a very popular concept. I don't know if you've ever seen a movie called Ready Player One. In this movie, the battle scenes between the protagonist and his friends take place in the metaverse. In real life, they have real identities, and their real identities do not affect the identity of the metaverse.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 元宇宙是啥元宇宙(Metaverse)是利用科技手段进行链接与创造的,与现实世界映射与交互的虚拟世界,具备新型社会体系的数字生活空间。元宇宙本质上是对现实世界的虚拟化、数字化过程,需要对内容生产、