宇宙元歌会 元宇宙歌尔

A. 元歌源·梦皮肤大赛提供了人工智能、宇宙文明、_____、日常生活、机甲、其它+


B. 如果刘备听从庞统建议,放弃荆州进军关中,蜀汉是否大业可成





C. 王者荣耀英雄有哪些 王者荣耀全英雄价格表一览

















D. 为何庞统会轻易死于落凤坡

























E. 解说阿点个人简介


F. 诸葛亮和庞统还有水镜谁厉害

出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟 非淡泊无以明志;非宁静无以致远 【诸葛亮诗歌】五古?读诸葛武侯传书 唐?李白 汉道昔云季,群雄方战争。 霸图各未立,割据资豪英。 赤伏起颓运,卧龙得孔明。 当其南阳时,陇亩躬自耕。 鱼水三顾合,风云四海生。 武侯立岷蜀,壮志吞咸京。 何人先见许,但有崔州平。 余亦草间人,颇怀拯物情。 晚途值子玉,华发同衰荣。 托意在经济,结交为弟兄。 毋令管与鲍,千载独知名。 蜀相 唐?杜甫 丞相祠堂何处寻,锦官城外柏森森。 映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。 三顾频烦天下计,两朝开济老臣心。 出师未捷身先死,长使英雄泪满襟! 八阵图 唐?杜甫 功盖三分国,名成八阵图。 江流石不转,遗恨失吞吴。 阁夜 唐?杜甫 野哭几家闻战伐,夷歌数处起渔樵。 卧龙跃马终黄土,人事依依漫寂寥。 咏怀古迹 唐?杜甫 诸葛大名垂宇宙,宗臣遗像肃清高。 三分割据纡筹策,万古云霄一羽毛。 伯仲之间见伊吕,指挥若定失萧曹。 福移汉祚难恢复,志决身歼军务劳。 书愤 宋?陆游 早岁那知世事艰,中原北望气如山。 楼船夜雪瓜州渡,铁马秋风大散关。 塞上长城空自许,镜中衰鬓已先斑。 出师一表真名世,千载谁堪伯仲间? 有感 宋?文天祥 平生心事付悠悠,风雨燕南老楚囚。 故旧相思空万里,妻孥不见满三秋。 绝怜诸葛隆中意,羸得子长天下游。 一死皎然无复恨,忠魂多少暗荒丘。 卧龙 明?佚名 身未升腾思退步,功成应忆去时言。 只因先主丁宁后,星落秋风五丈原。 【诸葛亮对联】 淡泊以明志; 宁静而致远。 ——罗贯中《三国演义》中赋于诸葛草庐的门联 驽马并麒麟; 寒鸦配鸾凤。 ——罗贯中《在国演义》中以除庶之口赋咏诸葛亮 经天纬地之才; 出鬼入神之计。 ——罗贯中《三国演义》中再以徐庶之口赋咏诸葛亮 能攻心则反侧自消,自古知兵非好战; 不审势即宽严皆误,后来治蜀要深思。 ——清代赵藩撰 成都武侯祠“攻心”联 丞相当年曾驻马; 江山终古此蟠龙。 ——佚名题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯祠 荐公一掬建业水; 听我三终梁父吟。 ——顾孝廉题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯祠 许先帝驰驱来连吴会; 有儒者气象上继伊周。 ——刘忠诚题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯祠 风景依然,名士曾杭衣带水; 云霄如在,寓公为集草堂资。 ——陈宗濂题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯祠 驻马此重经,莫问渠天发残碑,临硎断阙; 卧龙如何作,愿为我翦除他族,开济清时。 ——冯梦华题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯祠 慕纶巾羽扇风流,俎豆维新,恍之西蜀祠堂南阳庐舍; 冠钟阜石城名胜,江山依旧,渺矣吴宫花草晋代衣冠。 ——佚名题江苏省南京清凉山驻马坡武侯词 八千余年上下古; 七十二家文字奇。 ——清?顾槐题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 云归大漠随舒卷; 门对寒流自古今。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 龙去崇朝作霖雨; 我来高卧想羲皇。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 诸葛大名垂宇宙; 元戎小队出郊坰。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 梁父吟成高士志; 出师表见老臣心。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 真人白水生文叙; 名士青山卧武侯。 ——陶澍典诸葛亮题湖南省南阳城楼 旨寻六家,业窥五际; 内学七纬,旁通三微。 ——清?顾嘉蘅题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 自古宇宙垂名,布衣有几? 能使山川增色,陋世何妨。 ——单家驹题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 心在朝廷,原无论先主后主; 名高天下,何必辨襄阳南阳。 ——清?顾嘉蘅题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 器学潜藏,抱膝长吟田父乐; 经纶跃展,鞠躬尽瘁老臣心。 ——吴庆桐题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 庵垂两千年,问吴宫魏阙安在; 人居三代下,比商伊周吕何如。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 先生本天下才,世人莫之许也; 数语备当时事,将军岂有意乎。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 德深于众,名垂青史,江河行地; 功高于世,声震寰宇,日月经天。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 地无论宛襄,有诸葛庐自堪千古; 统并存吴魏,读隆中对早定三分。 ——黄剑三题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 纵论三分天下,审势通策佐先主; 长怀一统江山,辅国连治启后人。 ——胡萍题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 定三分、烧博望、出祁山,大名不朽; 气周瑜、屏司马、擒孟获,古今流传。 ——张焕然题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 烧博望、平南蛮、出祁山,功垂宇宙; 拼司马、骂王朗、气周瑜,名振古今。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 将相本全才,陈寿何人,也评论先生长短; 帝王谁正统,文公特笔,为表明当日怀忠。 ——清?顾嘉蘅再题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 抱膝此安居,觉异日桑种成都,殊非本念; 长吟谁与和,问当年曲赓梁父,可有遗音。 ——清?顾嘉蘅再题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 巾扇任逍遥,试看抱膝长吟,高卧尚留名士隐; 井庐空眷念,可惜鞠躬尽瘁,归耕未慰老臣心。 ——金国钧题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 心县八阵图,初对策、再出师,共仰神明传将略; 目击三分鼎,东联吴、北拒魏,常怀谨慎励臣耕。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 立品于莘野渭滨之间,表读出师,两朝勋业惊司马; 结庐在紫峰白水一侧,曲吟梁父,千载风云起卧龙。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 可托六尺之孤,可寄百里之命,君子人欤?君子人也; 隐居以求其志,行义以达其道,吾闻其语,吾见其人。 ——佚名题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 用之则行、舍之则藏,溯尼山邹峄而还,五百年必生名世; 为一不义、杀一不辜,虽千驷万锺弗受,三代下犹见斯人。 ——刘镇华题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 负天下奇才,若定指挥,独惜赍志偏安,鼎足三分屈王佐; 叹风尘末吏,未遑窃比,追溯鞠躬尽瘁,心香一瓣学乡贤。 ——曹慕时题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 此地藉卧龙以传,看丹江西抱、白水东环,只许长留名士隐; 斯人超雏凤而上,即莘野币交、渭滨车载,何如亲见使君来。 ——清?顾嘉蘅再题河南省南阳卧龙岗武侯祠 【诸葛亮俗语】 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 既生瑜,何生亮。

G. 卧龙凤雏得一人可安天下,为什么刘备得到诸葛亮和庞统却没能安天下呢





H. 郭嘉死得太早,贾诩用计太狠太毒,诸葛亮是被吹出来的,司马懿鹰视狼顾,庞统糊涂一时,他们都不是英雄!


A. Yuan Geyuan·Meng Skin Contest provides artificial intelligence, cosmic civilization, _____, daily life, mecha, other +

Summary of the December 6 issue of Honor of Kings:< /p>

B. If Liu Bei follows Pang Tong’s suggestion and abandons Jingzhou and marches to Guanzhong, will the Shu Han be able to achieve great success

First of all, let me express my opinion: I am here to refute the rumors! That is, when did Pang Tong say that he would give up Jingzhou and capture Guanzhong? His words were to persuade Liu Bei to make up his mind to enter Sichuan, not to give up Jingzhou at all. It should be noted that Jingzhou is the main battlefield of the Three Kingdoms. Isn't it a joke to withdraw from Jingzhou and break away from the main battlefield?

It was under this situation that Zhuge Liang's small universe suddenly exploded and his military talents were revealed. In addition, Cao Wei was not prepared at all, which shocked Guanzhong and forced him to Cao Rui even went to Chang'an to take charge.

But apart from this first Northern Expedition, which was so huge, what about the other times? The second time Cao Wei was prepared, Hao Zhao blocked Zhuge Liang in Chencang. The next few times were all hard battles, with small victories at most. But once Cao Wei insisted on not fighting, Zhuge Liang had nothing to do, because the supply of food and grass was his weakness!

In this case, give up Jingzhou and go all out to build Guanzhong? Isn't this wishful thinking? Pang Tong's very normal words do not need to be interpreted too much. Don’t even “take it out of context”! No matter how awesome we are, we are still a group of "keyboard warriors". How can we compare with people like Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and Pang Tong?

C. What heroes are there in Glory of Kings? List of price lists for all heroes in Glory of Kings

The main heroes and prices of Glory of Kings are:

1. Free hero: Arthur , Daji or Angela.

2. 2888 gold coin heroes: Zhen Ji, Zhuang Zhou, Liu Chan.

3. 5888 gold coin heroes: Sun Shangxiang, Zhong Wuyan, Sun Bin, Xiao Qiao, Bian Que.

4. 6888 gold coin heroes: Hou Yi and Jiang Ziya.

5. 8888 gold coin heroes: Lian Po, Wang Zhaojun, Mozi, Di Renjie, Lao Fuzi, Lu Ban No. 7.

6. 13888 gold coin heroes: Yang Yuhuan, Li Xin, Miledy, Yao, Nuwa, Yunzhongjun, Jialuo, Niu Mo, Sun Ce, Dunshan, Li Yuanfang, Yu Ji, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Gan Jiang Moye, Baili Shouyu, Yi Xing, Su Lie, Baili Xuance, Shen Mengxi, Ming Shiyin, Meng Qi, Gongsun Li, Kai, Taiyi Zhenren, Donghuang Taiyi, Kuangtie, Cai Wenji, Da Qiao , Huang Zhong, Guiguzi, Pei Qinhu, Cao Cao.

Dian Wei, Yuan Ge, Xiahou Dun, Bodhidharma, Xiang Yu, Pangu, Marco Polo, Yun Ying, Sikong Zhen, Gao Jianli, A Ke, Agu Duo, Zhou Yu, Bai Qi, Mi Yue, Yao, Lanling Wang, Xishi, Liu Bang, Shangguan Wan'er, Zhu Bajie, Chang'e, Zhang Liang, Master Luban, Meng Tian, ​​Diao Chan, Luna, Cheng Yaojin, Meng Ya.

7. 18888 gold coin heroes: Lan, Jing, Ma Chao, Sima Yi, Guan Yu, Hua Mulan, Lu Bu, Miyamoto Musashi, Li Bai, Sun Wukong, Nezha, Zhong Kui, Genghis Khan, Yang Jian, Athena, Zhuge Liang, Yun Ying.

8. 688 points: Ying Zheng.

9. Points treasure hunt hero: Wu Zetian.

10. Diamond Treasure Hunting Heroes: Charlotte, Irene, Han Xin.

11. Limited-time event heroes: Nakorulu, Mai Shiranui, and Ukyo Tachibana.

12. 588 point coupon: Zhao Yun.

Summoner Skills

Use of Summoner Skills The CD will be calculated later, without any consumption means. There is also a fixed skill bar on maps such as Canyon of Kings and Battle of Changping. This skill is a blood recovery skill. It can restore blood volume after use and cannot be replaced by other skills. There is also a skill bar for returning to the city during the competition. Summoner skills are available to every player as long as they meet the conditions, which are different from hero skills.

D. Why did Pang Tong die easily on Luofengpo

This question can be answered in two parts

First: Are Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang equally famous


The reputation of a historical figure can be divided into three main categories: 1. Folk reputation. 2 Official historical reputation. 3 Reputation at the time.

Let’s first look at the two people’s reputation among the people. Du Fu wrote in a poem: Zhuge’s fame is spread throughout the universe. Don’t you see, Wuhou Temple has been visited by tourists and prosperous for thousands of years. Zhuge Liang enjoys an extremely high reputation throughout Chinese history, which is unmatched by Pang Tong.

Looking at the official historical reputation of the two people, because Chen Shouai put the characters of the same level in his mind in the biography of "Three Kingdoms", it is easy for us to find the answer. For example, Chen Shou wrote the biography "Zhang Yue and Zhang Xu", which shows that Zhang Liao, Yue Jin, Yu Jin, Zhang He, and Xu Huang were equally famous generals in Wei. Then who will Pang Tong interpret with? The answer is Fa Zheng. Zhuge Liang has a separate biography. In "Three Kingdoms", there is another official who has a separate biography, and that is Lu Xun, who, like Zhuge Liang, "served as a general and as a prime minister, with both talent and virtue". This shows that in Chen Shou's heart, these two people are equally famous.

Although Zhuge Liang won the first two points, this does not mean anything. After all, the folk reputation is too watery and the official reputation has too many restrictions, so next we will focus on analyzing the reputation at that time. I can responsibly tell you now that when Pang Tong was alive, his reputation was much higher than that of Zhuge Liang, and the two of them had two development directions. Most people now think that Zhuge Liang is as famous as Pang Tong because of Mr. Shui Jing's saying, "One of the two can bring peace to the world." But this sentence comes from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Sima Wei's original words in historical materials are: "Do Confucian scholars and laymen know current affairs? Those who know current affairs care about heroes. There are young people here." This is very similar to a teacher recommending two equally outstanding fresh graduates to a recruitment company. It does not mean that They both have the same name. Even if the two of them were equally famous in Sima Hui's eyes, was this view generally accepted by everyone in the society at that time?

Let’s first look at the period when the two were studying. According to the records of "Three Kingdoms": "ZhugeLiangmei compared himself to Guan Zhong and Leyi, and no one at that time agreed with him. Even though Zhuge Liang was famous at the time, it was not worthy of his name in most eyes. But Pang Tong was different. When he was young, he was "simple and blunt in his youth and had no knowledge." However, after a meeting with Pang Degong when he was 20 years old, he was praised by him as "The crown of scholars in Nanzhou" instantly became famous. This kind of fame was something Kong Ming never had.

Looking at the two people after they became officials, Zhuge Liang's boss was Liu Bei, and Pang Tong's manager was Zhou Yu. . After Zhuge Liang followed Liu Bei, he became a great housekeeper, and the name of the person behind the scenes was not famous. Even if he went to Jiangdong to promote the Sun-Liu alliance in the future, his reputation could not be compared with Pang Tong. After Zhou Yu died, Pang Tong escorted him. Zhou Yu's coffin was returned to Soochow, and history books record: "Many people in Wu heard of his name. "When he was leaving, the famous figures from Soochow, Lu Ji, Gu Shao, and Quan Cong, all came to see Pang Tong off. At this time, Pang Tong showed his best and favorite specialty - criticizing characters.

< p> Pang Tong said: "Lu Ji is like a rogue horse, with the ability to move easily. Gu Shao is like an ox, capable of carrying heavy loads and traveling far distances. ”

Someone asked: “So Lu Ji is better than Gu Shao? "

Pang Tong replied: "Although the horse runs fast, it can only hump one person; although the stupid ox runs slowly, it can hump many people! "

Incisive! Really incisive.

"Criticizing characters" is a major feature of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Every praise or criticism of a person by a great critic has a bearing on that person's future. Whether he can gain a foothold in society. For example, when Cao Cao was young, he often suffered from the fact that he had no reputation and could not squeeze into the upper class circle of friends. Qiao Xuan asked him to find the famous scholar Xu Zijiang. Faced with Cao Cao's stalking, Xu Zijiang said : "The son is a capable minister who governs the world, and a traitor in troubled times." After that, Cao Cao became famous. Another example is Yuan Shao, who once drove a very luxurious chariot and horse team home, but when he was about to enter the territory of Runan where Xu Zijiang was, he unexpectedly He sent the guests away and said, "Can Xu Zijiang see me dressed up like this?" "So he only took a car to go home. Even Yuan Shao, the fourth generation and the third generation, and Cao Cao, the second generation official, catered to and respected Xu Zijiang, which shows the status of the great commentator at that time. Pang Tong was just such a person! Now everyone You can understand why Zhuge Liang's reputation was not as good as that of Pang Tong before. Zhuge Liang's reputation is small because he is the butler behind the scenes. Pang Tong's reputation is high because he is a critic in front of the stage. It has to do with positioning and has nothing to do with talent.

But An unexpected thing happened next. After Pang Tong, who was extremely famous, returned to Nanjun, his official position was changed from "Nanjun Meritorious Cao" to "Leiyang County Magistrate". Although it was an ordinary job, he was not reused by Liu Bei. Fact, why is this? The setting given in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is that Liu Bei dislikes Pang Tong's ugliness. I think this is the most failed fiction among the many fictions in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". History books do not record Pang Tong's appearance, but In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", both Liu Bei and Sun Quan, who are good at understanding and employing people, did not reuse Pang Tong because he was ugly. This is obviously because the author took history too seriously. Then why is Liu Bei not important to Pang Tong? We must start from Liu Bei himself Talking about his character.

《"Three Kingdoms" records that "the first master was not very fond of reading, but liked dogs, horses, music, and beautiful clothes." It can be seen that Liu Bei was a young and Dangerous boy who did not like to study when he was young. Although he struggled in society in the future, he believed that he had reached the level of intellectuals. importance. But his nature is to disdain those celebrities who are famous in name only and love to talk nonsense. This can be seen from the fact that he angrily rebuked the famous scholar Xu Si for "asking for land and property" and despised Xu Jing. You must know that Xu Jing is the brother of Xu Zijiang, the great critic mentioned above. Thanks to Fazheng who persuaded Liu Bei to offer Xu Jing as a mascot, this did not cause bad public opinion.

However, Pang Tong's public image is that of a "critic", so it is reasonable not to invite Liu Bei to see him. Liu Bei likes Zhuge because he thinks he is a talented man of action. Why don't you want to see Pang Tong? Because you think he is a useless critic. Again, it has to do with positioning, not talent. In fact, Pang Tong's true ambition is to be a minister of the king who "discusses the emperor's secret strategies and relies on the most important ones", so I very much doubt that Pang Tong did not work well as the magistrate of Leiyang on purpose, in order to attract Liu Bei's attention. , changing Liu Bei's view of himself. Sure enough, after Pang Tong was dismissed, Zhuge Liang and Lu Su recommended Pang Tong to Liu Bei. Liu Bei and Pang Tong met and were very speculative. Liu Bei also changed his positioning of Pang Tong. He no longer regarded him as a talkative "Xu Si", but as a "Zhang Liang" who could make suggestions for himself. According to historical records, Liu Bei's kindness to Pang Tong was second only to Zhuge Liang at this time.

After Pang Tong's talents were recognized, he began to suggest that Liu Bei enter Tubashu. "Xiao He" Zhuge Liang stayed in Jingzhou, and "Zhang Liang" Pang Tong followed Liu Bei and began to march towards Yizhou. However, when attacking Luoxian County, Pang Tong was hit by an arrow and died. Later, after Liu Bei occupied Yizhou, Zhuge Liang did an outstanding job behind the scenes, and his reputation gradually became apparent. Jia Xu commented that Zhuge Liang was "good at governing the country". Liu Ye commented that Zhuge Liang was "knowing how to govern and become a prime minister." It was also at this time that it began to spread.

Summary: Putting aside the reputation among the people and official history, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong were never truly equally famous at that time. In the early days, the two had different positions. Pang Tong was on the critical path, and Zhuge was on the practical path. In the middle period, the images of the two men were different. Pang Tong was the image of Zhang Liang, and Zhuge was the image of Xiao He. In the later period, the development space of the two men was different. When Zhuge began to become famous all over the world and showed his "general and ministerial talents", Pang Tong was already dead. I think that Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang are as famous as each other, which is a false proposition in itself, so there is no such thing as too much praise or too much praise.

Second: If Pang Tong does not die, will it have any impact on the outcome of the Three Kingdoms?

History cannot be assumed. Whether Pang Tong’s death affects the outcome of the Three Kingdoms or not, it is all wishful thinking. Therefore, I do not want to discuss Pang Tong’s death from the perspective of the overall situation here. , but I want to talk about the personal impact of Pang Tong's death on Liu Bei.

"The Death of Pang Tong" is very similar to "The Death of Guo Jia". Both were talented and died young, and they were both the Lord's most considerate friends. After the defeat in Chibi, Cao Cao sighed: "If Guo Fengxiao were here, I wouldn't have been alone here." If Guo Jia had not died, he would have really changed the situation.Change the situation of the war? not necessarily! At most, after the defeat in Chibi, Boss Cao cried and played Zhicai instead. Moreover, Xun You, Jia Xu, and Cheng Yu are all great figures who are capable of making great plans. Can't they replace Guo Jia in terms of planning? I think Cao Cao cried not for losing a counselor, but for losing a friend. Looking at the monarchs and ministers of the Wei State, Cao Cao and Guo Jia had the most intimate and considerate relationship, which cannot be replaced by other counselors.

The same is true for the relationship between Liu Bei and Pang Tong. Liu Bei treated Zhuge Liang like a teacher, with more respect. Treating Pang Tong like a friend, more easy-going. There is a very typical story in "Three Kingdoms": After Liu Bei killed Yang Huai and Gao Pei, he held a banquet for the three armies. He said to Pang Tong: "Today's gathering is really happy." Pang Tong said: "Conquer other people's territories as a Happy, I'm afraid this is the army of the benevolent." Liu Bei was already drunk at the time, and said angrily: "King Wu defeated Zhou, and the army sang and danced in front of the army. Isn't this the teacher of the benevolent? What you said is wrong, hurry up and leave the banquet!" Pang Tong immediately withdrew. After a while, Liu Bei realized that he regretted it and invited him back again. Pang Tong returned to his original position and had no intention of apologizing to Liu Bei. He poured himself a drink as if nothing had happened. Liu Bei asked Pang Tong: "Who was at fault for our argument just now?" Pang Tong replied: "Both kings and ministers made mistakes." Liu Bei laughed, and the banquet returned to its original joyful atmosphere. Only in front of friends can a person talk so freely, laugh, and forget who is right or wrong.

So after Pang Tong's death, "Three Kingdoms" recorded: "The First Lord felt sorry for him and shed tears when he spoke." You must know that Liu Bei in the official history does not like to cry, but Liu Bei burst into tears when he mentioned Pang Tong. What a deep feeling of friendship. Compared with Cao Cao who lost Guo Jia, Liu Bei was lucky. Because after Guo Jia's death, Cao Cao never met a close friend again. After Pang Tong's death, Fazheng, who was most compatible with Liu Bei's personality, appeared. If Pang Tong is Liu Bei's Zhang Liang, then Fazheng is Liu Bei's Chen Ping, both of whom focus on making suggestions. This is also the reason why Chen Shou passed down Pang Tong and Fazheng together. Moreover, these two people were the only ministers with posthumous titles during Liu Bei's lifetime.

Summary: The death of a small person often produces a butterfly effect, affecting the entire situation, let alone a talent like Pang Tong? But no one knows how much of an impact it will have. All I know is that for Liu Bei personally, losing a close friend was undoubtedly heartbreaking.

E. Explanation of A Dian’s personal profile

Abstract A Dian? King of Glory, Kuaishou King of Glory popular game anchor, short video creator. A host who flirts with girls with both skills and comedy, a host with two national servers, Yuan Ge and Sima Yi in the national server, who once created the history of being the first person to record the immortality record of Yuan Ge from bronze to king.

F. Who is more powerful, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong or Shui Jing?

Died before leaving the army, which makes the hero burst into tears. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. Zhuge Liang's Poems】Five Ancients? Read Zhuge Wuhou's Biography of Tang Dynasty? Li Bai Han Road Xiyun Ji, the heroes are fighting.The hegemony has not yet been established, and there are heroes and heroes in the separatist regime. Red brings down luck, and Crouching Dragon gets Kong Ming. When he was in Nanyang, Longmu farmed by himself. When fish and water meet, storms and clouds arise all over the world. Marquis Wu established Minshu and had great ambitions to conquer Xianjing. Who can see Xu first, but Cui Zhouping. I am a native of Caojian, and I have a passion for saving things. In the late journey, I will be worthy of Ziyu, and my beauty will fade with my prosperity. The care is about economics and making friends as brothers. Don't order Guan Bao, he will be famous for thousands of years. Prime Minister of Shu, Tang Dynasty? Du Fu Where can I find the ancestral hall of the Prime Minister? There are many cypresses outside Jinguan City. The green grass reflects the spring color on the steps, and the oriole's sound is heard in the sky through the leaves. Three visits frequently disturbed the world's plans, and two dynasties opened the hearts of veterans. He died before he left the army, which made the hero burst into tears! Eight Formations Diagram by Du Fu of Tang Dynasty. His contribution to the three-pointed kingdom is called the Eight Formations Diagram. The stone in the river will not turn, and the regret will be swallowed by Wu. Night in the Pavilion by Du Fu, Tang Dynasty. A few families heard of the war and were cut down in the wild, and fishermen and woodcutters started to appear in several places of Yige. The crouching dragon and the leaping horse end in the loess, and people and things are still lonely. Ode to the Ancient Relics by Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty Zhuge's fame spread throughout the universe, and the portraits of his ancestors and ministers were respected and respected. The three divisions are based on Yu's planning, and a feather in the sky will last forever. When the brothers meet Yi Lu, the commander will definitely lose Xiao Cao. It was difficult for Fu to move to Han and Zuo to recover, so he was determined to annihilate the military service. Book Indignation Lu You, Song Dynasty When I was young, I knew that things were difficult in the world, and the Central Plains looked to the north like a mountain. The building boat is crossing Guazhou in the snowy night, and the iron horse disperses in the strong autumn wind. The Great Wall is empty and I promise that my hair is already faded in the mirror. If you are a master and have a true reputation in the world, who can compare to you in a thousand years? Feelings about Wen Tianxiang of the Song Dynasty. The worries in his life are long and windy, and the old Chu in Yannan is imprisoned. Therefore, the longing for the old love is empty for thousands of miles, and my wife and children have not been seen for three autumns. It is extremely pitiful that Zhuge Long fell in love with him, but he was so lucky that his son grew up in the world. Once dead, there is no regret, and the loyal soul is dark in the wilderness. Wolong, Ming Dynasty? Anonymous. Before the body rises, I think about retreating. When success is achieved, I should recall the words of the past. Just because of the former master Ding Ning, the stars fell in the autumn wind in Wuzhangyuan. [Zhuge Liang's Couplet] Being indifferent makes one's ambition clear; being tranquil makes one reach far. ——The couplet given to Zhuge Thatched Cottage in Luo Guanzhong's "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" The horse and the unicorn; the jackdaw and the phoenix. ——In Luo Guanzhong's "The Romance of the Country", Zhuge Liang is praised for his talent in the world and his ability to escape ghosts and become gods. ——Luo Guanzhong once again praised Zhuge Liang in the words of Xu Shu in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms": "If you can attack the heart, you will turn around and eliminate yourself. Since ancient times, we have known that soldiers are not warlike; not judging the situation is both lenient and severe, and both are wrong. Later, when governing Shu, we need to think deeply." ——Written by Zhao Fan in the Qing Dynasty, the couplet "Attack the Heart" of Wuhou Temple in Chengdu. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple in Zhumapo, Qingliang Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Recommend a cup of Jianye water to the public; listen to the chants of Father Liang of my third year. ——Gu Xiaolian's inscription on the Wuhou Temple in Zhumapo, Qingliang Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. ——Liu Zhongcheng wrote about the Wuhou Temple in Zhumapo, Qingliang Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The scenery remains the same, where celebrities once hung with their clothes and water; ——Chen Zonglian wrote this important sutra in Zhuma Temple, Wuhou Temple, Zhumapo, Qingliang Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Don’t ask about the ruins of the canal. The monument is broken in the sky, and the bridge is broken. How does Wolong do? I am willing to cut off other tribes for me and open up the Qing Dynasty. . ——Feng Menghua’s inscription on Qingliang Mountain in Nanjing, Jiangsu ProvinceThe Wuhou Temple in Zhumapo, the Mulun scarf and the feather fan are in fashion, and the Zudou restoration is like a ancestral hall of Xishu and Nanyang Cottage; ——Unnamed poem by Marquis Wu of Zhumapo in Qingliang Mountain, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. It dates back more than 8,000 years from ancient times to the present; seventy-two schools of writing are unique. ——Inscribed by Gu Huai of the Qing Dynasty at the Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The clouds return to the desert and roll back; the door faces the cold current from ancient times to the present. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The dragon went to Chongchao to make the rain; I came to lie high and miss Emperor Xi. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wollongong, Nanyang, Henan Province. Zhuge's fame is immortalized in the universe; Yuan Rong's squadron left the suburbs. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. Father Liang chanted it as Gao Shizhi; ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The real person Bai Shui has a literary narrative; the famous scholar Qingshan Wowuhou. ——Tao Shudian, Zhuge Liang's inscription on the Nanyang City Tower in Hunan Province. The purpose is to search for six families and gain a glimpse of the five worlds; to study the seven latitudes internally and bypass the three details. ——Gu Jiaheng, Qing Dynasty, wrote about Wuhou Temple in Wollongong, Nanyang, Henan Province. Since ancient times, the universe has been famous. How many commoners are there? It can make the mountains and rivers more beautiful, so why not do it in a poor world. ——Shan Jiaju's inscription on Wuhou Temple in Wollonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The heart is in the imperial court, and it doesn't matter whether it is the first or the last; if the name is high in the world, why bother to distinguish Xiangyang and Nanyang. ——Gu Jiaheng, Qing Dynasty, inscribed by Wuhou Temple in Wollongong, Nanyang, Henan Province. The knowledge of utensils is hidden, and the father's music is chanted while hugging the knees; ——Wu Qingtong’s inscription on Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The nunnery has been there for two thousand years, and I wonder where the palace of Wu and Wei is. It has been inhabited for three generations, and it is better than the Lu of Shang, Yi and Zhou. ——Anonymous Title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province Mr. Wu is a talented person in the world, and no one in the world can recognize him; he has a few words to prepare for current affairs, but the general does not care. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. His virtue is profound among others, his name will be remembered in history, and his rivers will flow everywhere; ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. No matter Wanxiang or Wanxiang, there is Zhugelu that can be regarded as eternal; ——Huang Jian Santi, Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. Discussing the three parts of the world, judging the situation and making strategies to assist the ancestors; ——Hu Ping wrote about Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. He set three points, burned Bowang, and came out of Qishan, and his name is immortal; he defeated Zhou Yu, defeated Sima, and captured Meng Huo, which has been passed down from ancient to modern times. ——Zhang Huanran wrote about Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. Burning Bowang, pacifying Nanman, coming out of Qishan, his contribution to the universe; fighting against Sima, scolding Wang Lang, and Qi Zhou Yu are famous in ancient and modern times. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple, Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The general and prime minister are versatile. Who is Chen Shou? They also comment on the merits of the gentleman; who is the emperor and orthodox? Wen Gong's special pen is to show his loyalty on that day. ——Gu Jiaheng of the Qing Dynasty once again wrote about Wuhou Temple in Wollonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. Living here in peace with his knees in his arms, I feel that the sun is coming and planting mulberry trees in Chengdu, which is not my original intention. ——Qing Dynasty? Gu Jiaheng re-inscribed Wuhou Temple in Wollongong, Nanyang, Henan ProvinceWith the towel and fan hanging freely, I hugged my knees and chanted loudly, lying high and still leaving a famous scholar in seclusion; I miss him in the empty well and hut, but it is a pity that I have devoted myself to farming and have not comforted the heart of the old minister. ——Jin Guojun’s inscription on the Eight Formations of Xinxian County at the Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. The initial countermeasures and the second deployment of troops, we all rely on the gods to pass on the general strategy; witnessing the three-point tripod, connecting Wu in the east and rejecting Wei in the north, always be cautious and encourage ministers to cultivate. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. It is located between Xinye and Weibin. It reads "Master" and his achievements in the two dynasties shocked Sima. The house is built on the side of Zifeng Baishui. ——Anonymous title: Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. You can support an orphan six feet away, and you can send your destiny a hundred miles away. Is this a gentleman? A gentleman is also a person; he lives in seclusion to pursue his ambitions, and he practices righteousness to achieve his path. I hear his words and I see his people. ——Anonymous title Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. If you use it, go with it, leave it and hide it. If you go back to the Zouli Mountain in Nishan, you will be famous in the world in five hundred years. If you kill an innocent person for an injustice, even if it is thousands of years old, you will be famous. Si Wanzhong is unbearable, and people like this are still seen in the third generation. ——Liu Zhenhua wrote about the Wuhou Temple in Wollongong, Nanyang, Henan Province. He is responsible for the world's geniuses. If he decides to command, he only regrets that his ambition is too peaceful, and he is a three-pointed leader. Country wise. ——Cao Mushi wrote about the Wuhou Temple in Wolonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province. This place was passed down by Wolong. Seeing Danjiang in the west and Baishui in the east, only famous scholars were allowed to live in seclusion for a long time. Carrying a carriage by the shore, how can I see the envoy coming in person? ——Qing Dynasty? Gu Jiaheng once again wrote about Wuhou Temple in Wollonggang, Nanyang, Henan Province [Zhuge Liang's proverb] Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born?
Remember to accept it

G. One person can settle the world if he gets Crouching Dragon and Phoenix. Why did Liu Bei fail to settle the world when he got Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong?

In the novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Among them, Sima Hui appeared after Liu Bei's horse leaped over Tanxi. Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui, recommended Wolong Zhuge Liang and Fengxiao Pang Tong to Liu Bei. Say this unparalleled saying that one person can bring peace to the world!

But Xuandejun Liu Bei got both Zhuge Kongming and Pang Shiyuan, two unparalleled talents in the eyes of Mr. Sima. In the end, they still failed to unify the world. Since we are analyzing from the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", let's analyze why Liu Bei failed to dominate the world?

Moreover, Sun Wu’s civil servants and generals were not like rats. The strange counselors in the Cao Wei camp are not just for free. You mean to unify the world casually? Moreover, Sima Hui never said in history that the sleeping dragon and the phoenix chick can make the world peaceful with only one person. This is just a fabricated technique used by Luo Guanzhong to promote Zhuge Liang and Pang Shiyuan.

Whether it is to restore the Han Dynasty, to use the emperor to control the princes, to protect the six counties in the east of the Yangtze River, or to settle down in a corner! No matter which side is in the camp, no one can eat the other. This is the charm of the Three Kingdoms.

H. Guo Jia died too early, Jia Xu’s tactics were too ruthless and vicious, Zhuge Liang was blown out, Sima YiPang Tong was confused for a moment, and they were not heroes!

Who is the hero?
If you show off your intelligence, you are called a hero; if you are courageous, you are called a hero.
A hero has the ambition to soar into the clouds, the power to swallow up mountains and rivers, the strength of nine states in his belly, and the mind of the whole world! Carry justice on your shoulders, save the people from water and fire, and save the people from hanging upside down.
A hero has the ability to despise everything and the aura of being arrogant. The world not only respects him, but also is elusive. In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, heroes are as numerous as the stars in the sky. However, the most special ones are very few, and the ultimate perfect ones are nowhere to be seen. This is because no one has met the above requirements. No matter how big the universe is, no one is immortal. However, if there is such a person, the sum of all lives can achieve eternal prosperity.
Generally speaking, heroes are the following types of people:
The so-called heroes are those who dare to do what others dare not do, and dare to be what others dare not do.
The so-called hero can turn the tide when it is falling and support the building when it is about to collapse.
The so-called heroes are strong and resolute, fighting against repeated defeats.
Only such a person can be called a hero!
Personally, I think hero is a relatively subjective concept. They are people who have extraordinary abilities among ordinary people. They can lead people to do great things that are meaningful to people, or they have done great things themselves.
There are many people who have done heroic deeds, but even fewer are remembered, especially those that have been passed down for a long time.
Don’t set the conditions for heroes too harshly.

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