比特币合约带单 比特币合约一个点盈利多少钱

Ⅰ pi币合约地址

区块链虚拟币, 这几年出来了成千上万种, 除了头部的几家享受着高额炒作溢价, 其他的几乎都是为了割韭菜的. 割的都是人的韭菜. 当然这个π币, Pi币也不例外.
在宣传上居然还说要超过比特币. Pi币包装得不错, 饼也画得不错. 但是说超过比特币, 这个饼就画得有点大了! 从挖币的行为上来讲, PI币只要安装好APP, 24小时内, 花几分钟收获一下PI币就好. 还不占内在, 还不影响手机使用, 完全是副业。 而挖比特币, 可就不那么容易了. 现在可不是人人都能挖的, 你要买主机, 还要显卡, 要设备, 要网络,并且还费电. 市面上也有一条龙服务的比特币挖矿机. 比特币是要投资花钱买设备, 然后才能挖出来一点虚拟数字货币!。算是付出后得一些回报. 而PI币就是手机上顺带的.
价值上来讲, 比特币开创了先河, 可以说地位永远不可能被人撼动. 哪怕这样 很多金融大佬们还是认为这些所谓的挖矿的数字货币都是赌博,无任何价值! 虽然赌博对社会没有任何下面价值, 但是在赌徒心中, 能博一博单车变摩托就是它最大的价值. 而在币圈. 炒, 就是它唯一的价值! PI币这半年来, 在中国发展非常迅速, 炒宣传,炒未来, 炒上交易所,炒多少钱一个的新闻时不时就刺激一下屯币的人. 甚至还有人标榜以后以上100美元/个. 我有好几个朋友手里已经挖了近1000多个, 还有一个有3000多个. 每天还在不停的增长. pi币是手机中的"比特币"
第一部分,Pioneer 是基础速度,所有人都一样。
第二部分,Contributor 需要挖矿三天后解锁,速度加成的计算公式为:安全连接数 x 基础速度 x 20%,安全连接数上限为 5 个。第一次注册填入邀请码,即可获得一个安全连接,剩余的需要通过邀请新朋友加入来获得。
第三部分,Ambassador,代表邀请奖励,邀请的人越多得到的速度加成越高(被邀请的人需正常参与挖矿才可提升速度加成,即图中显示的 active,代表有多少人是活跃状态)。计算公式是:邀请活跃数量 x 25% x(第一部分速度 + 第二部分速度)。同样,注册时填入邀请码,即可获得 1 个邀请活跃数量(前提是你的邀请人是活跃状态),想要增加邀请活跃数量,则需要通过自己的邀请码不断邀请新朋友加入。

Ⅱ 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


Ⅲ 比特币合约交易什么意思




Ⅳ 玩比特币合约你亏了多少钱


Ⅳ 比特币合约是什么意思

比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。

比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。 这种交易方式,意味着你投资的是价格趋势,而非资产本身。

在交易比特币合约时,你可以决定做空还是做多。 选择做多,表明你预计比特币价格将会上涨。 另一方面,选择做空表明你预计价格将会下跌。


可以选择高杠杆率进行交易,是比特币合约的一项特性。 使用杠杆, 意味着你在进行合约交易时,不必投入100%的交易金额。 相反,你只需要存入初始保证金,而保证金额度仅占合约总价值的一小部分。



虽然合约有许多不同类型,本文主要关注永续合约。 顾名思义,这些合约没有到期日。 使用永续合约做多或做空的交易者,可以无限期持有头寸,除非合约爆仓,这意味着他们遭受的亏损不会超过初始保证金。

永续合约中,比特币的定价以特定的指数价格为基础。 指数价格基于多个币币交易市场上比特币的平均价格。

比特币合约已成为一种非常流行的交易工具。 许多传统投资者尚未准备将资金分配到数字资产上,但仍希望从诱人的价格波动中受益,而合约交易为他们打开了大门。

如要开启比特币合约交易,需要找到提供合约交易的交易所。 AAX平台,在合规和安全的环境中,为你提供比特币合约交易服务。

Ⅵ 国内比特币合约平台有哪些推荐下



Ⅶ 炒比特币的很多人爆仓了,爆仓是什么意思




Ⅷ 比特币爆仓后欠的钱要还清吗


Ⅸ 比特币合约交易后正负含手续费吗




CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 0;

CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;


比特币网络规则内置交易费用结构,取决于系统推荐的(标准)客户端。 我们拿比特币核心(bitcoin core)打个比方,看看转帐时,需要过哪几道:



好比, Bob给Alice转了2枚比特币;Rose又给Alice转了3枚比特币,那么两次转账金额会单独地趴在Alice的钱包中,直到被花出去。(注意:两笔转账不会“自动合并”为5BTC)。




若交易“输出”(包括找零)小于0.01BTC,则收取0.0001BTC的手续费。 “选币”时,算法会尽量避开那些找零金额低于0.01BTC的币。


若发送的比特币金额过小,或币龄过低,则很有可能被收取费用。 每笔交易都有优先级,由“输入”的年龄、金额和交易输入数量决定。

具体而言就是, 客户端将每一笔输入的金额与该输入在区块中存在的时间相乘,将所有乘法结果相加再除以交易字节大小。





148 * 输入数量 + 34 * 输出数量 + 10

若长度小于10000字节且在第3步中有足够高的优先级,那么这笔交易最终被确认为免费,反之需收费, 费用默认为0.0001BTC/千字节(不足1k的按1k计算)。 可自行在客户端相关设置中更改交易费数额。 低于0.0001BTC的设置不会生效。新费用设置生效后,将覆盖步骤2中的费用,两者不叠加。


1. 过犹不及

说:Alice钱包中趴着两笔“输入”,金额分别为1BTC和2BTC。然后Alice想买杯2.99999BTC的咖啡。这时就不存在选币这一说了,因为有且只有两笔输入,都用上才够咖啡钱,剩下0.00001BTC找零。注意,步骤2提到: 若交易“输出”(包括找零)小于0.01BTC,则收取0.0001BTC的手续费。 说明,咖啡交易将被征收0.0001BTC的手续费。结果就是交易会失败,因为Alice手里的余额不足。


2. 人品爆发


最后,这笔凑出来的奖金大小是51203字节。是这样,交易大小超过10000字节,费用增至0.0005BTC/每千字节(其实早期的交易费用就是0.0005,后来变成0.0001的),那么, 这里的手续费就是52*0.0005 = 0.026BTC。 比玩家的本儿还高。


注: 使用Paypal手续费为 4.4% + 0.3 USD/每笔。

好比,1280刀转账,1280*4.4% + 0.3 = 56.62 刀


这是个真事儿,见:Bitcoin Transaction

3. 机关算尽,不掏钱

有种交易踏在免费的悬崖边上,大小为9999字节,堪称交易费躲闪之王。全部输入中只有一个是1聪(satoshi,即比特币最小单位,0.000 000 01 BTC = 1 satoshi, 以致敬比特币创始人Satoshi Nakamoto);但是有另一个大额输入拉高了优先级,免除交易费用。


捎带脚说一句,手续费其实不是强制的。有些矿工并没有很在意这些收费标准,也会把一些没有手续费的交易记录到区块中。使用标准客户端的“原始交易”(raw transactions)界面能创建手续费低于标准费用的交易,而且,还是有可能人品爆发的被矿工打包入块的。

Ⅹ 中国三大比特币平台,最好的比特币合约平台是哪个



Ⅰ Pi Coin Contract Address

There are currently several exchanges that support Pi Coin transactions. Speaking from a domestic perspective, the most used one is bltcolo (Bitcola).
There are thousands of blockchain virtual currencies that have come out in the past few years. Except for the top few that enjoy high hype premiums, the others are almost all for cutting leeks. All they cut are human leeks. . Of course, this π coin and Pi coin are no exception.
In the promotion, it actually said that it would surpass Bitcoin. The Pi coin was well packaged and the pie was well drawn. But when it came to surpassing Bitcoin, the pie was a bit too drawn. Big! In terms of the behavior of mining coins, you only need to install the APP for PI coins and spend a few minutes to harvest PI coins within 24 hours. It does not take up any internal resources and does not affect the use of mobile phones. It is completely a side job. Mining Bitcoin is not that easy. Not everyone can mine it now. You have to buy a host, a graphics card, equipment, a network, and electricity. There are also one-stop Bitcoin services on the market. Mining machine. Bitcoin requires investment and money to buy equipment, and then you can dig out some virtual digital currency! It can be regarded as getting some reward after paying. And the PI coin is incidentally on the mobile phone.
In terms of value, Bitcoin has set a precedent, and it can be said that its status can never be shaken. Even so, many financial tycoons still think that these so-called All the digital currencies mined are gambling and have no value! Although gambling has no value to society, in the minds of gamblers, being able to gamble and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle is its greatest value. In the currency circle, speculation is Its only value! In the past six months, the PI coin has developed very rapidly in China. The publicity, speculation on the future, speculation on the exchange, and the news of how much it costs to speculate on the currency often stimulate the people who invest in the currency. Some people even boast that in the future it will be more than 100 US dollars/unit. Several of my friends have mined nearly 1,000, and another has more than 3,000. It is still growing every day. Pi coins are the "Bitcoin" in mobile phones
Extended information : The daily mining speed consists of three parts.
The first part, Pioneer is the base speed, the same for everyone.
In the second part, Contributor needs to be unlocked after three days of mining. The calculation formula for the speed bonus is: number of secure connections x base speed x 20%, and the upper limit of the number of secure connections is 5. When you register for the first time and fill in the invitation code, you can get a secure connection. The rest need to be obtained by inviting new friends to join.
The third part, Ambassador, represents the invitation reward. The more people you invite, the higher the speed bonus you will get (invited people need to participate in mining normally to increase the speed bonus, that is, active shown in the picture, represents How many people are active). The calculation formula is: number of active invitations x 25% x (first part speed + second part speed). same,Fill in the invitation code when registering, and you will get 1 active invitation number (provided that your inviter is active). If you want to increase the number of active invitations, you need to continuously invite new friends to join through your own invitation code.

Ⅱ How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full position contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, which will increase by ten points. Your income is 200 yuan (+100), and your account is 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase it by ten points, your income is 600 yuan (+300), and so on,
But if it falls by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

ⅢWhat does Bitcoin contract trading mean?

Contract trading is the collective name for Bitcoin Litecoin futures contract trading.
In June 2013, 796 Exchange took the lead in the Bitcoin industry to develop the Bitcoin weekly delivery standard futures-T+0 two-way trading virtual commodity pledged barter contract (contract transaction).
The emergence of contract trading ended the previous history that Bitcoin could not be shorted, and opened the prelude to the development and prosperity of the Bitcoin derivatives market.

Warm reminder: The above information is for reference only and does not represent any advice.

Response time: 2020-12-16. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
[I know about Ping An Bank] Want to know more? Come and take a look at "I Know Ping An Bank"~

IV How much have you lost by playing Bitcoin contracts? Money

I have never played Bitcoin, so I did not lose money, but someone here invested 100,000 yuan and lost all.

IV What does Bitcoin contract mean?

Bitcoin contract refers to a contract that can be traded without actually owning Bitcoin. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed.

Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself.

When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall.

Leverage trading

The ability to trade with high leverage is a feature of Bitcoin contracts. Using leverage means that you do not have to invest 100% of the transaction amount when trading a contract. Instead, you only need to deposit an initial margin, which is only a small percentage of the total contract value.

Leverage trading allows you to use a small amount of capital to occupy a larger exposure while managing risk.

Perpetual Contract

While there are many different types of contracts, this article focuses on perpetual contracts. As the name suggests, these contracts have no expiration date. Traders who use perpetual contracts to go long or short can hold their positions indefinitely unless the contract is liquidated, meaning they will not suffer losses exceeding their initial margin.

In perpetual contracts, Bitcoin is priced based on a specific index price. The index price is based on the average price of Bitcoin on multiple cryptocurrency exchange markets.

Bitcoin contracts have become a very popular trading tool. Many traditional investors are not yet ready to allocate funds to digital assets but still want to benefit from attractive price movements, and contract trading opens the door for them.

If you want to start Bitcoin contract trading, you need to find an exchange that provides contract trading. The AAX platform provides you with Bitcoin contract trading services in a compliant and secure environment.

VI What are the recommendations for domestic Bitcoin contract platforms

The concept of Bitcoin was first proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto on November 1, 2008, and was officially launched on January 1, 2009. Officially born on March 3rd. The open source software designed and released based on Satoshi Nakamoto's ideas and the P2P network built on it. Bitcoin is a P2P virtual encrypted digital currency. Peer-to-peer transmission means a decentralized payment system. Unlike all currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on the issuance of a specific monetary institution. It is generated through a large number of calculations based on a specific algorithm. The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors. And use cryptographic design to ensure the security of all aspects of currency circulation. The decentralized nature of P2P and the algorithm itself ensure that currency value cannot be artificially manipulated by mass production of Bitcoins. Design based on cryptography allows Bitcoin to be transferred or paid only by real owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions. The biggest difference between Bitcoin and other virtual currencies is that its total quantity is very limited and it is extremely scarce.

Warm reminder:
1. According to notices and announcements issued by the People's Bank of China and other departments, virtual currency is not issued by a monetary authority, does not have legal and compulsory monetary attributes, and is not Currency in the true sense does not have the same legal status as currency and cannot and should not be used as currency in the market. Citizens' investment and trading in virtual currencies are not protected by law.
2. The above explanation is for reference only. Before investing, it is recommended that you first understand the risks of the project, and have a clear understanding of the project’s investors, investment institutions, chain activity and other information, rather than investing blindly or Enter the fund plate by mistake.
3. Investors should not use such information to replace their independent judgment or make decisions solely based on such information, which does not constitute any investment operation.
Response time: 2021-11-18. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.

Ⅶ Fried ratioMany people in Bitcoin have liquidated their positions. What does liquidation mean?

The so-called liquidation means that investors use leverage to invest. When the price of the invested commodity drops and falls below the agreed price, The funding party will sell the investor's investment target in accordance with the contract to ensure the safety of the funding party's funds. For investors, this situation is considered a liquidation, and all the funds invested by the investor will be lost.

Compared with stock investment, Bitcoin investment is much more risky and can definitely be called a real meat grinder. There are no rules to follow in Bitcoin transactions. A rumor in the market may have a great impact on the price of Bitcoin. There are many rumors about Bitcoin in the market, and investors are very concerned about Bitcoin investment. Everyone wants to get a piece of Bitcoin investment.

my country’s financial regulatory agencies have repeatedly warned investors about the risks of investing in virtual currencies, but there are always some people who continue to invest in virtual currencies, hoping to obtain higher returns from virtual currency investments. income. No matter what, the investment risks of Bitcoin are still very high, and investors must pay attention to the investment risks.

Ⅷ Do I need to pay off the money I owe after the Bitcoin liquidation?

Is it possible to pay back the money owed after the Bitcoin liquidation?

Ⅸ Bitcoin Contract Trading Does the post-positive and negative include a handling fee?

When people promote Bitcoin, they often say: "You can transfer money to various people for free." In fact, this is not necessarily the case. Sometimes there is still a handling fee.

In 2013, the price of one Bitcoin was $20. In 2017, it cost $20 to transfer one Bitcoin.
The purpose of the handling fee is firstly to encourage miners to keep mining, and secondly to maintain the security of the Bitcoin network (stability maintenance fee?). The basic mining salary for early miners was relatively high, 50 BTC per block, but after the genesis block, every 210,000 blocks (every four years), the basic salary was halved. After all 21 million Bitcoins are mined, transaction fees serve as mining rewards.

The code for the halving algorithm looks like this.

CAmount GetBlockSubsidy(int nHeight, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams)
int halvings = nHeight / consensusParams.nSubsidyHalvingInterval;
// Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined.
if (halvings >= 64)
return 0;

CAmount nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 210,000 blocks which will occur approximately every 4 years.
nSubsidy >>= halvings;
return nSubsidy;
The reward was halved from 50 Bitcoins to 25 Bitcoins in 2012, and from 25 Bitcoins to 12.5b Bitcoins in 2016. It will probably be halved again in 2020 to 6.25 Bitcoins.

So, how to determine when to pay transaction fees and how much to pay?

The transaction fee structure is built into the Bitcoin network rules and depends on the (standard) client recommended by the system. Let’s use Bitcoin Core as an analogy to see what steps are required when transferring money:

1. Which coins should be spent?

The client first determines which coins to use to complete the payment.

For example, Bob transfers 2 Bitcoins to Alice; Rose transfers 3 Bitcoins to Alice, then the amounts of the two transfers will be kept in Alice's wallet separately until they are spent. . (Note: The two transfers will not be "automatically combined" into 5BTC).

So, after a while, different amounts of Bitcoin will accumulate in the wallet, so I say, you have to consider which ones to use for payment.

The available amount is called the "input" of the transaction, and the final amount sent (including the change returned to the wallet) is called the "output".

2. Avoid too fragmentary payments

If the transaction “output” (including change) is less than 0.01BTC, a handling fee of 0.0001BTC will be charged. When "selecting coins", the algorithm will try to avoid coins whose change amount is less than 0.01 BTC.

3. Old coins and large-amount transactions are given priority

If the amount of Bitcoin sent is too small, or the currency age is too low, fees are likely to be charged. Each transaction has a priority, determined by the age of the "input", the amount, and the number of transaction inputs.

Specifically, the client multiplies the amount of each input by the time the input exists in the block, adds all the multiplication results and divides them by the transaction byte size.

If the result is less than 0.576, a transaction fee will be charged. Therefore, if you have a bunch of fragmented and/or very new "inputs" and don't want to pay handling fees, you can do this by adding a large and older input to the transaction.Can. Here, the more critical thing is the average amount x age.

If a transaction in step 3 was originally charged, but as time goes by, new blocks continue to be generated, then the "input" age in the original transaction will also increase, and further The transaction's priority is increased so fees incurred in step 3 may be waived.

4. "Weighing" charges (charged per kilobyte)

Finally, the client checks the byte length of the transaction. The length depends on the number of inputs and outputs, and can be roughly calculated by the following formula:

148 * number of inputs + 34 * number of outputs + 10

If the length is less than 10,000 bytes and in If there is a high enough priority in step 3, then the transaction will eventually be confirmed as free, otherwise it will be charged. The default fee is 0.0001BTC/kilobyte (less than 1k will be calculated as 1k). You can change the transaction fee amount by yourself in the relevant settings of the client. Settings below 0.0001BTC will not take effect. After the new fee setting takes effect, it will overwrite the fee in step 2, and the two will not overlap.

Let’s talk about a few examples:

1. Too much is not enough

Say: There are two “inputs” in Alice’s wallet, each with an amount of 1 BTC. and 2BTC. Then Alice wants to buy a cup of coffee for 2.99999 BTC. At this time, there is no such thing as currency selection, because there are only two inputs, and both are used to get enough coffee money, leaving 0.00001 BTC as change. Note that step 2 mentions: If the transaction "output" (including change) is less than 0.01BTC, a handling fee of 0.0001BTC will be charged. Note that coffee transactions will be charged a handling fee of 0.0001 BTC. The result is that the transaction will fail because Alice does not have enough balance.

This is interesting: Alice has 3 BTC, but she cannot buy 2.99999 BTC of coffee. Alice can pay all 3 BTC to the merchant to avoid the handling fee (assuming the fee in step 3 is 0), but some merchants may require the exact amount to be paid.

2. Character explosion

Say: Alice’s character exploded. In a gambling game with odds of 64,000, she allocated 1,280 BTC with 0.02 BTC. When the website paid the bonus, I did not have the 1,280 BTC in my wallet, so I could only use various bits and pieces (including change) to make up for it.

In the end, the size of the bonus was 51203 bytes. Well, if the transaction size exceeds 10,000 bytes, the fee increases to 0.0005 BTC/per kilobyte (in fact, the early transaction fee was 0.0005, and later became 0.0001), then,The handling fee here is 52*0.0005 = 0.026BTC. Higher than the player's book.

Of course, it is still cheaper than PayPal.

Note: The handling fee for using Paypal is 4.4% + 0.3 USD/per transaction.

For example, for a transfer of 1,280 knives, 1,280*4.4% + 0.3 = 56.62 knives

Note: The final handling fee paid is 0.0286 BTC, which may be because it was not used (recommended ) standard client to create transactions, and then this client has a little problem calculating fees.

This is a real thing, see: Bitcoin Transaction

3. Don’t pay until all the mechanisms are exhausted

There is a kind of transaction that is free On the edge of the cliff, with a size of 9999 bytes, it is the king of transaction fee dodges. Only one of all inputs is 1 satoshi (satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, 0.000 000 01 BTC = 1 satoshi, in tribute to Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin); but there is another large input that raises the priority and exempts the transaction cost.

Do I have to pay a handling fee?

As a side note, the handling fee is actually not mandatory. Some miners do not pay much attention to these charging standards and will record some transactions without fees into blocks. Using the "raw transactions" interface of the standard client can create transactions with lower fees than the standard fee, and it is still possible to be included in the block by miners due to bad character.

X China’s three major Bitcoin platforms, which is the best Bitcoin contract platform?

Huobi, OKCoin and Binance are the three major Bitcoin trading platforms in China. Since Bitcoin trading is extremely risky, users with immature investment experience are advised to choose carefully.

Warm reminder: The above explanation is for reference only and does not make any suggestions. There are risks in entering the market, so investment needs to be cautious. Before making any investment, you should ensure that you fully understand the investment nature of the product and the risks involved. After understanding and carefully evaluating the product, you can make your own judgment on whether to participate in the transaction.
Response time: 2020-12-02. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.
[I know about Ping An Bank] Want to know more? Come and take a look at "I Know Ping An Bank"~

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

1. 比特币合约选哪个好呢对比过,58COIN自上线以来从未发生过宕机事件,也不存在定点爆仓和穿仓分摊的情况,一没有名人背书,二没有大肆宣传,而是将精力全部放在了产品研发上。2. 中国三大比特币平台,