从科幻电影窥探元宇宙的未来小说 关于元宇宙电影

㈠ 找个关于机器人的电影!!


㈡ 什么电影好看啊
















㈢ 求一部科幻电影的名字


导 演: 吴宇森 John Woo
主 演: 乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman
本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck
阿伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart
马克·布兰顿 Mark Brandon
克里斯塔·艾伦 Krista Allen
Claudette Mink
Lori Barrera
Jason Calder
上 映: 2003年12月25日 ( 美国 )
地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 )
对 白: 英语
评 分: 6.0/10( 6858票 )
颜 色: 彩色
声 音: Dolby DTS Dolby Digital
时 长: 119 分钟
类 型: 科幻 惊秫 动作 神秘
分 级: 西班牙:13 阿根廷:13 德国:12 澳大利亚:M 瑞典:11 美国:PG-13 香港:IIA 瑞士:12




乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman .... Dr. Rachel Porter
本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck .... Michael Jennings
阿伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart .... James Rethrick
Claudette Mink .... Sara Rethrick
马克·布兰顿 Mark Brandon .... Lottery Host
克里斯塔·艾伦 Krista Allen .... Holographic Woman
Lori Barrera .... Nursery Customer
Jason Calder .... Wolfe Goon
约翰·卡斯尼 John Cassini .... Agent Mitchell
弗尔维奥·希希尔 Fulvio Cecere .... Agent Fuman
Robert Clark .... Member of String Quartet
Joe Coyle .... School Teacher (uncredited)
Kendall Cross .... Scientist
阿隆·道格拉斯 Aaron Douglas .... Scientist #3 (uncredited)
柯姆·菲尔 Colm Feore .... John Wolf



《PALE COCOON》(ペイル・コクーン)是吉浦康裕个人制作的独立动画作品。从最初的炭笔作画到成品完成,历时约一年。流畅的影象、纯熟的光影运用以及充满警示意味的主题,迅速让观者对这位未曾听闻的新锐独立动画制作人产生了不输给新海诚的认识。
回答者:寒玉公子 - 大魔法师 八级 8-18 09:06


本片根据著名科幻作家菲利普·K·迪克(Philip K. Dick)1953年发表的同名短篇小说改编。迪克的作品数量虽然不算多,却无疑是当代科幻小说界最著名的元老之一,他的作品被改编成电影的比例非常之高,影迷们所熟悉的几部作品包括《银翼杀手》、《全面回忆》和《少数派报告》,看过这些电影的都应该知道,这几部影片还有本片在内,其主人公的记忆都被抹去或者篡改,无知和有知,已知和未知,这些和人脑记忆有关的题材是迪克最衷爱的创作灵感。

《记忆裂痕》一片的拍摄预算超过1亿美元,该片的导演原本锁定为因《红龙》而知名的布莱特·瑞纳,但后来却因他临时改变主意接下新版《超人》的导演工作而临阵换人,当时考虑了多个人选,但是谁也没想到,派拉蒙公司会最后签下了擅长执导动作片的香港导演吴宇森,这也成了吴进军好莱坞后的第一部科幻作品。这部片子对他的意义非常重大,因为要在好莱坞取得真正的成就,那至少必须拿出一部在票房和口碑上都成功的科幻电影,而之前因为二战背景《风语者》惨遭“滑铁卢”,甚至连累到米高梅电影公司的股票大跌,所以吴宇森需要一部票房大作来证明他还没有到江郎才尽的时候,本片的成败也直接影响着好莱坞片商对他下一部反应华工生活的史诗巨制《命运之土》(Land of Destiny)的投资热忱。

本·阿弗莱克1997年因为主演了凯文·史密斯导演的一部低成本电影《追逐艾米》而在圣丹斯电影节上崭露头角,同一年,他和好朋友马特·达蒙合作担任编剧并出演的《心灵捕手》一片,让年纪轻轻的他一举了当年金球奖和奥斯卡奖最佳编剧。这几年来,他的作品确实不少——《莎翁情史》、《世界末日》、《怒犯天条》等等,可惜对于他个人表演的评价并不高,2001年,他在迈克尔·贝导演的战争巨制《珍珠港》中担任一号男主角,结果片子本身恶评不断,本饰演的角色也被当时名不见经传的乔什·哈奈特(Josh Hartnett)抢走了不少风采。去年,他和拉丁天后詹妮弗·洛佩兹传出绯闻,两人的感情纠葛频频在八卦媒体上亮相,而把这对情侣凑到一起的噱头之作《鸳鸯绑匪》(Gigli)今年上映后遭遇票房和评论的双重惨败,被评为好莱坞难得一见的烂片之一,还在IMDB史上最烂100部影片中荣登前三。总之就是感觉小本这两年实在是江河日下,势头大不如前了,不过小本显然对吴宇森这部新作信心十足,甚至不惜推迟了与詹妮弗·洛佩兹的婚期,只求一搏翻身。两个都流年不利的人撞到一起,是会加倍晦气,还是负负得正,时来运转,这也是全世界影迷们都颇感兴趣的话题。

女主角则是刚刚在今年鬼才导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺新作《杀死比尔》中大显身手的乌玛·瑟曼,瑟曼不止外型抢眼出色,更是好莱坞戏路最广的女星之一,不管是《最后分析》中焦虑脆弱的女病人,《低俗小说》中放浪形骸的黑帮老大情妇,《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》中貌美如花却心如蛇蝎的“毒藤女”,还是《甜蜜与卑微》(Sweet and Lowdown)中美丽优雅的女作家,她都能诠释得让人信服。昆汀在《杀死比尔》之后把瑟曼推荐给吴宇森,日前瑟曼在接受NBC电视台的采访时,被问到拍摄吴宇森电影的感觉,她竟然直言自己并不太喜欢吴宇森的电影,因为拍摄过程“又辛苦又血腥”,她还表示,如果一定要让她选一部自己最喜欢的动作电影,那么她一定会选李安的《卧虎藏龙》,理由是打斗场面优美而富有诗意,而且不见半点血腥。

㈣ 什么是元宇宙,有哪些互联网大厂推出元宇宙相关业务



㈤ 元宇宙的未来究竟是美好还是陷阱



㈥ 世界四大预言是什么


㈦ 在众多参差不齐的讲述太空的科幻电影中,称得上精品的都有那些



㈧ 元宇宙的未来趋势是什么如何抓住新的机遇

我们国家现在需要的是技术上的飞跃和突破,比如芯片、比如创新药,还有那些极度依赖进口的行业。但制造业是我们国家的基石,也是打开全球市场的王牌。我们不会一定会和全世界走同一条路线,但全世界制造业相关的东西,大部分一定Made In China。所以,有任何新兴的东西,一定要和中国制造联系起来,找到对应生产的企业,就是稳稳的幸福。

㈨ 元宇宙是什么梗

指沉浸式的虚拟世界,英文Metaverse。这个虚拟世界由VR(虚拟现实)、AR(增强现实)等3D技术和互联网组成。用户可以在元宇宙中感受不一样的人生,或是体验与真实世界完全不同的世界。与现有网络游戏不同的是,元宇宙能给玩家带来更真实的感受,让玩家可以仿佛置身于虚拟世界当中,甚至可以做到无法区分真实与虚拟世界。元宇宙也被吹捧成了互联网的终极形态。 电影《黑客帝国》和《头号玩家》就是元宇宙概念。 元宇宙一词最早出自美国科幻小说《雪崩》。小说中描绘了一个与现实世界平行的虚拟世界,元界(Metaverse)。

㈩ 声势浩大的元宇宙,它到底是个什么






㈠ Find a movie about robots!!


㈡ What movie is good?

[Wall-E] - Although it is not a new movie, it is very touching, involving justice, love, and peace. Highly recommended

Plot introduction

"WALL·E" is the abbreviation of WasteAllocationLoadLifters-Earth. This profession appeared in 2700 because the earth has a lot of garbage. By the time of the explosion, the entire planet was almost buried in garbage. The culprit - human beings - had no choice but to move to the spacecraft and hire a company called Buynlarge to clean up the earth's garbage, and then fly back to the earth to live in peace when everything is renewed. Buynlarge Company sent this kind of robot called WALL·E to the earth in large quantities to pick up garbage. However, WALL·E was not suitable for the earth's environment. It came and went bad in large quantities. In the end, only one robot was left, which is still working day after day. Clean up waste according to procedures every day. Hundreds of years passed like this, and the only remaining WALL·E still found many artificial treasures in the garbage dump. It also began to have self-awareness and understand what loneliness is. One day, a spacecraft suddenly landed, and a female robot, Eve, came to the earth to perform a search mission. The garbage-picking robot "fell" in love with Eve, but it faced a dilemma: whether to fly away from the earth with Eve, or continue to follow the rules of the body. The program to pick up a lifetime of trash...

Movie Review

Pixar has made frequent moves since joining Disney. "WALL·E" will be the latest and most powerful work next year. The director of "Finding Nemo" Andrew Stanton is in charge of the overall situation for the second time. Disney also attaches great importance to this project. With science fiction, fairy tales and great character designs, Pixar is going to give you a good show! The British film magazine "TotalFilm" published an article introducing Disney Pixar's 2008 computer-animated film "WALL·E" in its April issue. There are many stills and concept art designs exposed for the first time. You can go here See larger image scans from the magazine.

Director Introduction

"WALL·E" is directed by Andrew Stanton, director of "Finding Nemo", and tells the story of a lonely robot that picks up garbage on a desolate earth. (Accompanied by a cockroach Xiaoqiang) A story about falling in love with Eve, a female robot who came to earth to investigate, and chasing her into the vast universe for adventure. Director Andrew Stanton revealed that the idea of ​​"Wall·E" began to be brewed as early as 1995, but it was not until 2002 that he had the opportunity to actually start creating it. He claimed to listen to Jerry Goldsmith's "Star Trek" music and John Williams' "Star Wars" music.The music of (StarWars) writes this story. The protagonist of this film, Wall E, has no lines from beginning to end (there will still be some dialogue throughout the film) and can only make machine sounds (like R2-D2 in "Star Wars"). In order to give it spirituality, the director specifically found Oscar-winning sound effects engineer Ben Burtt, who was responsible for "Star Wars" and "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial" (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial), to create sound effects for it.

Features of the film

As a cartoon, "Wall·E" has real-life scenes. For example, Wall·E's favorite movie is starring Barbra Streisand. The musical "Hello, Dolly!" (Hello, Dolly!), which determines that the combination of animation and real people in "Wall·E" will be more complicated than "Happy Feet" (Happy Feet). As a science fiction film, the design of future humans in "Wall·E" is also very unique: because they were too lazy, humans at that time grew into big meatballs. Talking about the origin of Wall·E, director Andrew Stanton denied the idea of ​​"ET" or "Short Circuit" (despite the similar appearance). He only admitted that he was influenced by "little people" when creating "Wall·E". Luxo, binoculars, R2-D2, the robots from Disneyland’s “Star Tour”, Charlie Chaplin and Woody Allen. Although the story background of "Wall·E" is somewhat thought-provoking - "In the year 2700, due to human beings' excessive destruction of the environment, the earth has become a big garbage ball floating in space", the entire film is actually a love story: A silly old-fashioned robot (WALL.E) falls in love with a fashionable high-tech female robot (Eva). The title of the film "WALL·E" is an abbreviation, the full name is "Waste Allocation Load Lifters--Earth", which is the official name of the robots sent to Earth to pick up garbage in the film. "WALL·E" was released on June 27, 2008.

Behind-the-scenes production

As Pixar's first attempt at a space science fiction film, "WALL-E" will outline a new picture of the future of mankind that has never been painted before. There is no dialogue or music in one part, only the machine sound made by WALL-E and the sound from the movie "Hello, Dolly" played repeatedly. These sound effects will be handled by Oscar-winning sound effects engineer Ben Burtt, who was responsible for "Star Wars" and "ET. The Extra-Terrestrial" (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial). A risky attempt to integrate an unconventional story concept into a traditional movie, this is the latest film jointly produced by Disney and Pixar.The concept followed by the new cartoon "Wall-E" tells a science fiction story about loneliness and loneliness. The protagonist is WALL·E, the last robot living on the earth after humans abandoned the earth. However, making such an unconventional science fiction film requires Pixar to take unprecedented risks, because WALL·E not only cannot speak, but also cannot make any obvious facial expressions, which means that the audience can only use his Behavior or electronic sounds made to guess what he is thinking - I don’t know if this setting will make the audience feel bored as if they are watching a silent film, but the film’s screenwriter and director Andrew Stanton But I think this can make the whole movie-watching process more potentially fun. As early as when Andrew Stanton was still making "Finding Nemo", he had already conceived the prototype of the story of "Wall-E" in his mind, but when it came to the specific step of building the structure, it took a very long time. At this time, Stanton felt that before calling and telling the producers his ideas, Stanton should enrich the content of the film to make it more convincing. After all, the story he wanted to tell was important to any film company. It is 100% venture capital, because the protagonist WALL·E in the film, like R2-D2 in the "Star Wars" series, has his own electronic language - but the problem is, we can't understand this electronic language, Stan Don said: "For a traditional film work, this idea is shocking enough, and it has long been beyond the scope of what the producer can bear." As the last robot on earth, WALL·E is in a kind of loneliness. Cleaning up garbage alone in an environment, this loneliness made him question whether his existence was reasonable... This is undoubtedly a too heavy topic for a cartoon whose audience mainly focuses on children, but Pixar insists that there is no specific audience type for any animated film they produce. Stanton said: "We never assume what age group of people are walking into the theater. We just make sure to make sure that we make movies that appeal to us." Satisfactory works." Indeed, if you look at Pixar's previous works, you will find that the liberalization of the artistic style they pursued has perfectly promoted the development of the animation industry. Almost every film will bring back a bunch of film awards or awards. Nomination, this undoubtedly adds more weight to their self-confidence, leading the way in the special and meaningful field of CG animation... At least on the surface, "Wall-E" seems to be developing in a The unique and bizarre approach once again helped Pixar achieve greater success. Andrew Stanton said: "Everyone here, including me, took a certain amount of risk and pressure to make this film, because We position the protagonist WALL·E in the story as a machine first, and a character secondly." He hopes that the audience can design the character and character characteristics of WALL·E during the viewing process, just like treating their own pets. Same. Even if there is noWith the help of facial expressions and language, we can still get a glimpse from the trailer and feel that WALL·E is cuter and more likeable than any animated character created by Pixar. Pixar will have an animated feature film released almost every year, and each one will immediately become a classic of that year and be imitated by others, firmly occupying the top spot in the field of Hollywood animation. Therefore, from the beginning of production, "Wall-E" It has been highly anticipated, which is understandable. However, when success becomes commonplace, the pressure naturally accumulates exponentially, especially to shoot such a risky story. Andrew Stanton said: "It would be a lie to say there is no pressure. Adjust your mentality yourself... Normally, I regard it as a football league once a year, and all I can do is find my position and play football seriously." To abstract the language, if we say WALL·E and The robot R2-D2 in the "Star Wars" series has the same purpose, and his lover Eve draws heavily on the "Apple" series of products in design. Andrew Stanton said: "We have always used products similar to metaphor to describe the two robot characters in "Wall-E" - WALL·E is a dirty tractor, and Eve is the Mercedes of cars... Therefore, what Eve represents in the image It is the most advanced technology in electronic products. We have used the smoothest, seamless connection technology in the world that can hide all moving parts. As one of the most cutting-edge technology brands in the world, Apple has some The similar form to Eve is unavoidable 'sharing' and is not intended to be plagiarized." The biggest challenge faced when making "Wall-E" was naturally how to clearly express the development of the entire story without dialogue. , Andrew Stanton believes: "First of all, I think the term 'no dialogue' is a misunderstanding, because there is always dialogue throughout the film, but they use a kind of dialogue that you don't understand. It’s just a language I know... I hope the story told here has corresponding logic. Only in this way can people truly be convinced that this robot has really lived alone on the earth for hundreds of years. He has an independent thinking system and The way of communication, although we can't understand what he is saying, does not mean that he cannot express himself." Andrew Stanton's last work "Finding Nemo" was obtained from his relationship with his son. Creative inspiration, but he didn’t expect that he would then come up with this science fiction story that has nothing to do with human life... In fact, Stanton has always adhered to the belief that movies are not only derived from life, but also related to the vast universe, he said : "Different works have different supports. The story about a robot living alone on the earth in "Wall-E" is a bit like the environmental atmosphere highlighted in "Robinson Crusoe". I also I remember arguing with my producer, Peter Docter, about this idea for a long time, even over the dinner table.There was no stopping, and eventually we agreed that there should be a real robot in the film, rather than an overly anthropomorphic entity—a decision that, to be honest, excited us for a long time. "In addition, "Wall-E" is also the first Pixar work to include a film clip starring real people in the content. Andrew Stanton explained: "This approach is completely logical and carefully calculated. As a result, from the beginning, I knew that I wanted to add a music-related clip to the film, and the content was excerpted from a live-action film. Fortunately, the future of mankind shown in this film is originally a somewhat luxurious evolution, so we are not worried about whether there will be an abrupt feeling when real-life scenes are interspersed in the film... And the source of this part of the content, It’s the 1969 musical film Hello, Dolly! 》. As for why "Hello, Dolly!" was chosen among many musicals, the reason is far less complicated than outside speculation. Andrew Stanton said: "I guess this answer will disappoint the curious." , this choice really has no special meaning, just because "Hello, Dolly!" " is one of my favorite works, so when "Wall-E" needed to be inserted into a real movie clip, it was the first thing I thought of... I believe this may be the most important thing I have ever produced in my life. A weird idea, but it worked very well. In fact, WALL·E in the film can be described as having a terrible taste in music. Although he is very romantic at heart, he does not have enough information to distinguish the quality of the melody. By the time "Finding Nemo" was officially released, "Wall-E" had already entered the production process, especially the beginning, which was almost in a completed state. I still remember that I specially arranged a dance music scene of about 30 seconds for the film. However, a French animated film "Date at Mirador", which was released in the same year as "Finding Nemo", disrupted my plan. Of course, I like this work very much, but unfortunately, it also uses a swing dance scene. In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings or suspicions of plagiarism, I had to reluctantly remove the 30 seconds of already prepared music clips. "In order to capture the powerful realism from science fiction, Andrew Stanton and the staff who worked with him on the film have made unprecedented efforts. Stanton said: ""Wall-E" is the second step after "Monsters, Inc." "The most complicated production process since "Toy Story", we have established a film genre in the field of animation. However, such a result is not because we are the kind of knowledgeable and insightful people. Instead, filmmakers adopt a crude method of "stupid people have stupid tricks". Sometimes they have to try the same thing thousands or even tens of thousands of times before finding the most perfect way. Our progress comes from continuous learning and hard work. For example, when I was making "Finding Nemo", I didn't know much about photography, soFor example, we specially invited the famous photographer Roger Deegans to give us a crash course in photography technology... Knowledge is accumulated through continuous learning. It is precisely because of this that although we produced The animation works give people the feeling that they were really shot by a camera, and everything from angles to lighting is very particular. The language of environmental protection and science fiction are just accessories to the love story told in this film. They only serve as "background" in the film and are not the focus of the director. What is particularly worth mentioning is the presentation of space in the film. When Little Wall -E slides his hands over the crystal-like bright meteors. When he uses the white foam sprayed from the fire extinguisher to draw the "shape" of love in the dark blue space, it is difficult not to be intoxicated by these beautiful pictures. At this time, no matter how old you are, you will always envy him for being able to travel in the universe. Wall-E is actually the remaining child in everyone's heart. We were once like him, as children, we were curious about everything. However, starting from a certain day, when we know the original function of everything, we begin to lose the mentality of exploration, replaced by the loss of imagination day by day. This film also brings out the emotions of everyone through Wall-E. Personal fantasies and longings for the world. The personality building of Wall-E and EVE and the love story between them are the focus of the film's narrative. After showing Wall-E's curiosity through his daily behavior, he is used to watch TV His intoxicated eyes and outstretched fingers express his desire for "love" and inner loneliness. After EVE appears, his series of silly behaviors vividly reflect the feeling of being at a loss when in love. For two people who only call each other For the character with the same name, "falling in love" seems not that easy. Wall-E just proves that what robots need is "action" rather than "sweet words". While expressing love, the creators never forget that they are in love. It depicts two "teenagers". The characters will do many typical actions of young people. For example, when Wall-E is happy and excited, he will sit on the sofa like a child, hold his legs (wheels) and rock back and forth, which is very vivid. In the animation The film tells a love story, but language is actually not the key. In past Disney fairy tales, princesses and princes often expressed the joy of love through singing and dancing, and Wall-E is no exception. In the film, he and EVE use a fire extinguisher in space. The dancing passages, paired with romantic music, look particularly romantic against the gorgeous and deep space background. What makes Wall-E better than previous love fairy tales is that it is better at showing love through the eyes of the characters. When Wall-E When E and EVE look at each other, their eyes will look down in an intoxicated "eight-twenty" shape. One look is enough to convey a thousand words. In summary, this film has a good balance of various movie elements, On the screenwriting sideIt reflects the complexity of the depth of thought and the novel angle of storytelling that is different from ordinary cartoons. But at the same time, due to the lack of language, everything is presented in the most direct and ordinary way, and stimulates the audience's sense of participation, because When faced with mute creatures such as babies or small animals, people tend to guess what the other person wants to express and incorporate their own feelings. This film highlights a love story and creates an emotionally rich character. , it also taught humans an environmental lesson, causing the audience to think about their own behavior and the future of the earth. However, all of this was done subtly, but the effect was obvious, allowing adults to comprehend more information than children. The science fiction color of the space world It is less touched in cartoons. For children, it can help develop their imagination and arouse their interest in exploring the unknown. The love story itself can impress audiences of all ages. However, because this film The humor in "Kung Fu Panda" is not as exaggerated and funny as in "Kung Fu Panda", but is mainly warm and touching. Coupled with the occasional heavy heart, the audience may not be as heartlessly happy as watching "Kung Fu Panda". In terms of entertainment, it may not be as good as "Kung Fu Panda", so I am not confident that it will surpass Panda at the box office (if it is released in China). However, in terms of artistry, appreciation and the far-reaching significance it brings, WALL-E is a rare masterpiece. Unfortunately, an insider revealed that there will be no opportunity to introduce it this year - because in China, the two quotas for Disney's introduction this year have been used up, so we can only introduce some relatively popular films from other film companies. I can't understand it. At the same time, I can only sympathize with the audience who cannot go to the theater to watch this film.

Movie Highlights

1. In memory of the producer Hal Roach in the 1920s ( Hal Roach) and the computer HAL in "2001: A Space Odyssey". WALL·E's pet cockroach in the film was named Hal. 2. The pre-production trailer includes Mike Kamen’s score for “Brazil”. He was to compose the score for another Pixar film, "The Incredibles," but unfortunately died young. 3. Jim Riordan (the director of "The Simpsons" and wrote the script for "Wall-E") resigned from the director's position of "The Simpsons" in 1989 to make the cartoon "Wall-E". In the commentary track accompanying the DVD version of the 1989 "The Simpsons" and other films, Reardon revealed the name of the film he was working on and also said that the film would be completed in 2008. 4. The name of WALL-E is actually an acronym, the full name is WasteAllocationLoadLifter-Earth-class (Waste Allocation Loading Lifter-Earth-class), EVE stands for (Outer Space Vegetation Assessment Machine), and M-O (that cute neurotic garbage Cleaning robot) is the abbreviation of MicrobeObliterator. 5. BenBurtt created various sound effects for this film through his special mechanical sound effects.. (He is the voice of R2-D2 in the "Star Wars" series) 1) Many of the sounds recorded for this film by the film's sound effects genius BenBurtt were recorded in an old junkyard. 2) The sound of the electronic insects in the movie is actually the sound of handcuffs being locked. 3) The chirp of the electronic cockroach is synthesized by accelerating the sound of the raccoon. 4) The sound of Eva's laser gun comes from a sofa spring that is pulled two meters away. When the bottom is lightly touched, it will make a chirping sound. 5) The sound effect of the sandstorm caused by the ship explosion was created by the staff dragging a heavy sandbag in the hotel corridor. 6) The sound of WALL-E's tracks comes from a military radio generator. The sound effects engineer Berter specially purchased this antique online for this movie. 6. The sound of wind in Wall-E's world comes from Niagara Falls. 7. The filmmakers consulted Roger Deakins, a live-action film director of photography, to learn how Deakins designed lighting and shooting scenes in a live-action film (the first time Pixar used live-action effects) animated movies). 8. The movie contains multiple connections with Apple: 1) When WALL-E is fully charged in the sun, the sound he makes is actually the startup sound of most Mac computers after 1996. 2) Wall-E watches his favorite movie on an iPod every night. 3) Auto's voice is actually produced by MacInTalk, Apple's text-to-speech synthesis system. The shape of Auto comes from HAL in "2001: A Space Odyssey". 4) Eva's streamlined design is a design breakthrough in WALL-E's appearance. It is similar to the upgrade of Apple computers - Apple's original boxy beige AppleIIe model computer was later replaced by the white, smooth and streamlined iMac. . Steve Jobs, the founder, leader and CEO of Apple Computer, was the CEO of Pixar until it was acquired by Disney in 2005. He is a member of Disney's board of directors and a stock holder and remains involved with the company. 9. The logo that appears on Eva's chest after getting the green plant was the logo on the pavilion for visitors to rest in Disney's Epcot technology amusement park until it was replaced in 2005. 10. Wall-E collected many items from the 1960s to the 1980s. Including: a 1969 video tape Hello Dolly (the movie that appeared in the film, which won three Oscars), a Hungarian Rubik's Cube, and even an Atari 2600 home game console launched in 1972. Even though the film takes place more than 800 years after their invention, these things are still in use. 11. When WALL-E left the earth's atmosphere, the last piece of debris that fell from his body was an imitation of the former Soviet Union's satellite Sputnik I. It is the first earth-orbiting artificial satellite in human history (launched in 1957). 12. The movie is partly dedicated to Justin Wright, a 27-year-old from Pixar.The animator recently died of a heart attack. 13. The spaceship inhabited by humans is called Axiom. In logic and mathematics, it means "axiom". 14. There is no dialogue in the first 30 minutes of this film. 15. In the captain's control room of the Axiom spacecraft, there is a lighted antique collection cabinet, which contains a 1980s NASA space shuttle launch helmet with white background and red and blue patterns. 16. The idea for WALL-E’s eyes came from the director’s son’s binoculars when watching football and the twisting of the camera lens when focusing. 17. The light spot of the spacecraft that Wall-E chases is actually used by the spacecraft to measure where there is flat land suitable for landing. 18. In the scene where the shopping cart was knocked down in the city, we can clearly see Eva’s blurry figure appearing in front of the camera. 19. When Wall-E was chasing Eva, he put on a simple doll's head, which was actually the big-eyed Mike Husky in "Monsters, Inc." The old little yellow truck that Eve used to look for plants was also a character from Toy Story. 20. This film was greatly influenced by Chaplin and Keaton. If you learn from these two comedy masters, you can go deep into the plot if there are no lines. In order to learn from these two masters, he led the team to use all the comedy that can be bought on the market. I watched all the DVDs about them. 21. During the first two years of production of this film, the main creative staff sang "Puton Your Sunday Clothes" every day, which was very frustrating. 22. This film took a total of four years and more than 200 people participated. If only one person was allowed to complete the work, it would take approximately 442 years.

Character List

The main character is WALL·E, the last robot on earth, used to collect and compress garbage on the earth. WALL·E is a solar-powered robot with a laser cutter between its eyes. When something breaks down, he gets replacement parts from other scrapped robots. When it senses danger, it will retract its head and limbs to form a cube. 700 years later, WALL·E encountered a small problem that could not be solved, that is, he became self-aware, became extremely curious and felt a little lonely, and had to stay with his pet cockroach Hal. WALL·E works diligently every day to dispose of garbage and excavate and collect human belongings along the way. Once, through music, he learned about the existence and expression of love and emotional communication. Therefore, he began to have his own dream, which is to find the object of this kind of emotional interaction and hold her hand! Basic appearance design: telescope + square trash can. When he is scared, he can retract his limbs and turn into squares. Appearance features : Dirty, covered in mud; rustic, unseen in the world; single function, backward and cumbersome structure, rough appearance design, representing the characteristics of old-fashioned robots, with only one pair of big eyes to help him express his feelings. Personal characteristics: Innocence, kindness, persistence, timidity. Language ability: very poor, can only pronounce his own name and imitate. Function: Get up at a regular time every day and go to the sun to recharge, then start working, go to the garbage dump, put the garbage into your stomach, and crush it into cubes" spit it out, and then stack these cubes together. Go home from work on time in the evening (a container). Hobby: Bring a "small backpack" to work every day to collect garbage that you find interesting and put them Take them home and sort them. Pet: an electronic cockroach, living in the butter bread prepared for him by WALL-E. He likes to follow his owner and is very obedient. Lifelong ideal: holding hands with EVE (Eva), a smooth and delicate flying creature An exploration robot, her mission is to survey the plants on the earth to determine whether they are suitable for human survival. Her right arm is equipped with a scanner and a retractable ionization gun, the latter allows her to deal with some minor troubles. EVE has always had no time for him Gu concentrated on her work until one day, she met WALL·E, and the two robots developed feelings while getting along day and night. Appearance design basis: egg appearance features: white, smooth, streamlined, integrated design, can fly, It is the most advanced detection robot capable of both offense and defense. EVE mainly expresses emotions through a pair of electronic eyes. When it laughs at WALL-E, its eyes will turn into a downward-curved crescent shape. When crying, the crescent moon will turn upside down and curve upward. When it is helpless, it will turn into a crescent-shaped crescent moon. Straight-line type. She likes to cover her mouth and laugh, and has a feminine temperament that is strong on the outside but soft on the inside. Personality characteristics: alert, agile, bold, and neat in doing things. Function: detect the presence of plants on the earth, and automatically remove the plants once they are found. After putting it away, it sends a signal, and then switches to "shock" state to wait for the rescue ship to pick it up. Language ability: better than Wall-E, with accurate pronunciation. AXIOM (Axiom) is a spacecraft for humans to live in space after escaping from the earth. It is completely made of A super modern living space controlled by computers. The voice of the spacecraft computer is Sigourney Weaver. M-O (Microbial Cleaner) is responsible for cleaning up foreign pollutants aboard the AXIOM spacecraft. When WALL·E boarded the spacecraft, M-O O is facing a formidable enemy, because WALL·E is the dirtiest robot he has ever seen. In order to remove the garbage residue from WALL·E, M-O pursues him, and a cat-and-mouse game begins. Captain McCrea, the sole commander on the spacecraft, goes through a step-by-step routine every day and repeatedly checks the status of the spacecraft. Like WALL·E, he also hopes to get rid of this unchanging and boring life. After learning about the new discovery of the detection robot, he felt a The courage of the captain was finally awakened, and he immediately led mankind on a new journey. It is worth mentioning that the cartoon image of the captain is exactly the same as his voice actor Jeff Garlin. AUTO (Autopilot) The automatic pilot of the AXIOM spacecraft , has been flying spaceships in space for 700 years. AUTO has always been a cautious robot, calm, mechanical and seemingly loyal to the captain. There are some secret instructions in AUTO's program that all the crew members know nothing about. It is responsible for executing these Commands will be given at any cost. REJECTBOTS (faulty robots) were originally a group of robots serving humans on spaceships. Although hundreds of yearsThe latest technology has become quite advanced, but failures are still inevitable, so the robot with the problem will be printed with a red mark and sent to the factory for repair. WALL·E has become friends with them, including the beauty robot PR-T that cannot beautify customers, the cleaning robot VAQ-M that accidentally spits out dirt, and the umbrella robot BRL-A that cannot open and close normally. Together with WALL·E, they changed the fate of the spacecraft.

㈢ Asking for the name of a science fiction movie

"Memory Crack"
Adapted from "Minority Report"
Famous science fiction A 1953 short story by novelist Philip K. Dick

Director: John Woo
Starring: Uma Thurman
Ben Affleck< br />Aaron Eckhart
Mark Brandon
Krista Allen
Claudette Mink
Lori Barrera
Jason Calder
Released: December 25, 2003 (United States)
Region: United States (filming location)
Dialogue: English
Rating: 6.0/10 (6858 votes)< br />Color: Color
Sound: Dolby DTS Dolby Digital
Duration: 119 minutes
Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller Action Mystery
Rating: Spain: 13 Argentina: 13 Germany: 12 Australia: M Sweden: 11 United States: PG-13 Hong Kong: IIA Switzerland: 12


Mike Jennings (played by Ben Affleck) He is being hunted, but he doesn't know why he is being hunted. As a computer genius employed by a high-tech company dedicated to researching top-secret projects, Jennings routinely undergoes a short-term amnestic procedure after completing each project in order to ensure that the project remains intact. Confidential information will not be disclosed. Although the price is huge, the reward is also generous. This time he is responsible for a three-year confidential project, and the company guarantees to give him a sky-high remuneration of US$4.4 billion after the project is completed.
But when Jennings woke up from the brainwashing program, what he got was not the huge check of $4.4 billion, but a mysterious envelope containing a statement proving that he voluntarily gave up any compensation. Since his memory has been lost, he has no way to verify the truth of this statement. So the envelope became his only clue. As the clues graduallyGradually, FBI agents began to appear in his life.
Jennings finally understood the complexity of the matter, hiding the ulterior secret behind the uncashed check. With the help of Rachel (Uma Thurman), a colleague who has worked with him for three years, Jennings must race against time to put all the chaotic memory fragments in his mind back into place before being silenced. Recover the memories of the past and uncover the huge secret behind the mystery...


Uma Thurman .... Dr. Rachel Porter< br />Ben Affleck .... Michael Jennings
Aaron Eckhart .... James Rethrick
Claudette Mink .... Sara Rethrick
Mark Brandon .... Lottery Host
Krista Allen .... Holographic Woman
Lori Barrera .... Nursery Customer
Jason Calder .... Wolfe Goon
John Cassini .... Agent Mitchell
Fulvio Cecere .... Agent Fuman
Robert Clark. ... Member of String Quartet
Joe Coyle .... School Teacher (uncredited)
Kendall Cross .... Scientist
Aaron Douglas .... Scientist #3 (uncredited)
Colm Feore .... John Wolf
:======Introduction to the Japanese version of Memory Crack======
Story content:< br />
The background of the story is that in that distant future, people have already lost their homes due to the serious deterioration of the earth's environment. Human beings are trying to use existing technological means to shape the moon into a home like the earth. However, from the restored image in the animation - the monologue of the singer YOKO, the pioneer of the renaming of the moon, we can glean that this sad delusion of mankind is notDidn't happen.
Then the story of the protagonist is another distant day after this. At this time, people could only live in the cold lower layer of the moon with the help of the "environmental maintenance device". Looking around, the world is as decadent and gloomy as ruins. Here, there is a research department called the "Records and Excavation Bureau". The heroes and heroines in the story are engaged in record restoration work here, interpreting the messages about the earth left by people from the past. Colleagues are very concerned about this. The record fragments left one after another with doubts, but the male protagonist was still carrying on persistently. In the end, the record was successfully restored. YOKO's warm song flows slowly... Yura, who has never had such a beautiful scene before, is determined to venture to the upper part of the moon to see with his own eyes the reality of the earth... What finally appears in his eyes is the forgotten blue.

Brief review:

"PALE COCOON" (ペイル・コクーン) is an independent animation work produced by Yasuhiro Yoshiura. It took about a year from the initial charcoal drawing to the finished product. Smooth images, skillful use of light and shadow, and warning themes quickly allow viewers to have an understanding of this unheard-of new independent animator that is not inferior to Makoto Shinkai.
The earth is our shared home, but as humans ignorantly trample on the environment, they eventually taste the bitter fruits of their own sowing. After all, great technology cannot reproduce the lost nature. The concept to be conveyed by the theme can easily go straight to the heart of the viewer, and the ending that is full of irony on human beings also makes people reflect. When YOKO's warm singing in the MV flows slowly and the beautiful scenery of the earth comes into view, do you feel a long-lost nostalgia?
Then, please don’t let such beauty become history.
Answer: Mr. Hanyu - The Great Magician Level 8 8-18 09:06
Jennings (Ben Affleck) is a very professional electronic engineer who works for Working for a high-tech company, he studied a secret topic. Because this work was so important, the company promised him a remuneration of up to 4 billion U.S. dollars. However, when this five-year arduous work was completed, Jennings did not wait for his huge reward, but unexpectedly fell into a coma. When he woke up again, all the memories of the past two years no longer existed, and the company The boss gave Zhannings an envelope containing a mess of items, and told Zhannings that he had personally promised to work voluntarily without any compensation.

The confused Jennings discovered that those fragmentary items were important clues for him to find his lost memory, and gradually pieced together his lost memory fragments. With the help of his past work assistant and lover Rachel ( With the help of Uma Thurman, Jennings is determined to get what he deserves - a $4 billion reward, and the truth. And just as they were racing against time to investigate, his colleagues who had been with him day and night suddenly turned against him and wanted to kill him.Jennings is being hunted, and there are people in the government who are keeping an eye on him and want to throw him into jail for some groundless charges. This is all because Jennings' investigation is about to reveal the company's ulterior motives. The secret, of course, is that government agencies are also involved in this dirty deal...

[Behind the Scenes]
The film is based on the 1953 novel by the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. Adapted from the short story of the same name published in 2007. Although the number of Dick's works is not large, he is undoubtedly one of the most famous veterans in the contemporary science fiction world. A very high proportion of his works have been adapted into movies. Several works familiar to movie fans include "Blade Runner" , "Total Recall" and "Minority Report". Anyone who has watched these movies should know that in these movies and this film, the memories of the protagonists have been erased or tampered with, and the ignorance and knowledge are unknown. and the unknown, these themes related to human brain memory are Dick's favorite creative inspirations.

The shooting budget of "Memory Rift" is more than 100 million US dollars. The director of the film was originally locked in Brett Riner, famous for "Red Dragon", but he later changed his mind temporarily. When I took over the directorship of the new version of "Superman", I had to make a sudden change. I considered multiple candidates at the time, but no one expected that Paramount would finally sign John Woo, a Hong Kong director who is good at directing action movies. This also became Wu's new director. The first science fiction work after entering Hollywood. This film is of great significance to him, because in order to achieve real success in Hollywood, he must at least produce a science fiction film that is both successful at the box office and in terms of reputation. The previous "Windtalkers" suffered a "Waterloo" due to its World War II background. ", which even caused the stock price of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to plummet. Therefore, John Woo needs a box office hit to prove that he has not run out of talents. The success or failure of this film will also directly affect the reaction of Hollywood studios to his next film. Enthusiasm for investing in the epic masterpiece of life, Land of Destiny.

[Protagonist Introduction]
Ben Affleck made his debut at the Sundance Film Festival in 1997 for starring in a low-budget film "Chasing Amy" directed by Kevin Smith. In the same year, he co-wrote and starred in "Good Will Hunting" with his good friend Matt Damon, which at a young age won him the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Screenplay. In the past few years, he has indeed produced a lot of works - "Shakespeare in Love", "Armageddon", "The Wrath of Heaven", etc. Unfortunately, the evaluation of his personal performance is not high. In 2001, he played in Michael... He served as the lead actor in Bay's war epic "Pearl Harbor". As a result, the film itself received constant negative reviews, and his role was robbed of much of his glory by the then-little-known Josh Hartnett. . Last year, there were rumors of an affair between him and the Latin queen Jennifer Lopez. Their emotional entanglements frequently appeared in the gossip media, and the stunt that brought the couple together was "Mandarin Duck Tied"."Gigli" (Gigli) suffered a disastrous failure at the box office and reviews after its release this year. It was rated as one of the rare bad movies in Hollywood. It was also ranked in the top three of IMDB's 100 worst movies in history. In short, I feel that the past two years have really been in decline, and the momentum is not as good as before. However, Ben is obviously very confident in John Woo's new work, and even postponed his wedding to Jennifer Lopez, just to try to turn around. When two people who are both having a bad time collide, will their bad luck double, or will their bad fortunes become positive and fortune turn around? This is also a topic that is of great interest to movie fans around the world.

The heroine is Uma Thurman, who has just shown off her talents in this year’s new film “Kill Bill” by the genius director Quentin Tarantino. Thurman not only has an eye-catching appearance, but is also a Hollywood star. One of the actresses with the widest range of roles, whether it is the anxious and fragile female patient in "The Last Analysis", the dissolute gang boss's mistress in "Pulp Fiction", or the beautiful but snake-hearted "Batman and Robin" "Poison Ivy" or the beautiful and elegant female writer in "Sweet and Lowdown", she can interpret them convincingly. Quentin recommended Thurman to John Woo after "Kill Bill". In a recent interview with NBC, Thurman was asked about the feeling of filming John Woo's movie. She actually said that she didn't like John Woo's movie very much because of the filming. The process was "hard and bloody". She also said that if she had to choose one of her favorite action movies, then she would definitely choose Ang Lee's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" because the fighting scenes are beautiful and poetic. , and there is no trace of blood in it.

㈣ What is the Metaverse, and which major Internet companies have launched Metaverse-related businesses

What is the Metaverse?

"Metaverse" first appeared in a 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche", derived from the word "Metaverse". People can have their own virtual avatars in the "Metaverse", this virtual world It's called the "metaverse".

㈤ Is the future of the metaverse a blessing or a trap?

The metaverse is a virtual digital world in the space dimension and a real digital world in the time dimension. From the perspective of authenticity, there are not only digital replicas of the real world in the metaverse, but also the creation of virtual worlds. From the perspective of independence, the Metaverse is a parallel space that is closely connected to the external real world and highly independent. From a connectivity perspective, the Metaverse is a permanent, wide-covering virtual reality system, including networks, hardware terminals, and users.

But once the Metaverse appears, we can enjoy a truly immersive experience through the brain-computer interface. We can control our avatars in the virtual world to complete all these tasks, Everything before my eyes seemed real. Moreover, in this world, we can complete functions such as social recognition and consumption. In the Metaverse, we are free to choose our own identity. For example, in the real world, you onlyYou are an engineer, but in the universe, you can choose to be a leader or explorer, or even a variety of strange professions, and start your own immersive new life in the metaverse.

㈥ What are the four major prophecies in the world

The Mayan 2012 cosmic chronology reset, the return of Sumerian nibiru, the last prophecy of Nostradamus ("god" alien (will return to the earth again), another great flood prophesied in the Bible, the time reset in 2012 has been realized, and then the return of nibiru (nibiru is also called a ferry, it will return to the solar system over a long period of time, I personally I think Nibiru should be a civilization. Its symbolic meaning is not a planet or a star system. This is more in line with Sitchin's alien creation theory. This is somewhat inconsistent with Nostradamus's return of extraterrestrial civilization. And together), the biblical flood prophecy is not necessarily a real flood, it may mean destruction. The Mayan prophecy means a reset of time or the end of the calendar. I personally think it may be a countdown to civilization, that is, Talking about the end of a civilization, and this end is not a natural force majeure factor, but a cyclical one. If you make a bolder conjecture or guess, in fact, these four predictions are actually a combination of predictions. The general meaning is "Extraterrestrial civilizations, that is, aliens, periodically cause catastrophes and destroy the world for unknown reasons." And humans call them "gods." Why do humans currently retain the memory of annihilation? You know, if God creates an apocalypse to destroy civilization, then no human being will be spared, and there will be no survivors. Why does civilization still retain this consciousness later on? There is only one possibility, that is, human beings were created by gods, and their genes or consciousness retain the memory of the destruction of the previous civilization. Of course, what is the so-called god? It’s definitely not the illusory stuff of religion. This may be a rule of their management system. It is very likely that the earth is their "management system". For various reasons, a thorough cleanup must be carried out regularly. I feel that Hawking was not kind by reminding aliens before his death. Yes, it is malicious, and it reminds people not to send information about the earth randomly. This may be the purpose. If you think about how you came and when you will be destroyed, it is difficult for people not to imagine that. I will give you a final example. If human beings The world or the earth is one of ten thousand cages in a chicken farm. There are countless such chicken cages in the galaxy or universe. If a butcher wants to butcher chicken, he will definitely find the chicken cage that is the first to be found recently. The chickens start harvesting slowly.

㈦ Among the many uneven science fiction movies about space, there are those that can be called high-quality

Among the many uneven science fiction movies about space, China There are not many science fiction movies, but The Wandering Earth is considered a masterpiece among science fiction movies. Science fiction is a fantasy based on science, not a real scientific research result, so it cannot be measured by real standards.

A number of low-cost science fiction movies such as "Moon" and "District 9" have successfully landed on the market. While winning box office and reputation, some filmmakers will think about the purpose of making movies, whether it is to make money or to pass. The image conveys the director's thoughts. "Space One" certainly chooses to be a thinker. For it, science fiction is just a coat to attract audiences to watch the film. In this low-budget science fiction film, the director attempts to explore topics about human nature through a conspiracy, and the way he explores it is through a lot of violence. This is similar to using violence to fight violence. The concept of violence for the sake of not being violent has been widely used in many action movies. Through the true interpretation of the cruelty of violence, it inspires the audience's inner rejection of violence. However, due to the different skills of the director and the expressiveness of the actors, the performance is also uneven. "Space One" cannot be said to be the best film among them, but it is relatively complete in terms of expressiveness, and it can be regarded as a qualified answer to the audience.

㈧ What is the future trend of the Metaverse and how to seize new opportunities

1. What is the Metaverse?
If the world we are in now is a real world, a real universe, then the Metaverse is actually a virtual world. You can understand it as transmitting ideology into another world, similar to the simulation game we play.
What our country needs now is technological leaps and breakthroughs, such as chips, innovative drugs, and industries that are extremely dependent on imports. But manufacturing is the cornerstone of our country and the trump card that opens up global markets. We will not necessarily follow the same route as the rest of the world, but most of the manufacturing-related things around the world must be Made In China. Therefore, if there is any emerging thing, it must be linked to Made in China. Finding the corresponding production company is a stable happiness.

㈨ What is the Metaverse

Refers to the immersive virtual world, the English Metaverse. This virtual world is composed of 3D technologies such as VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and the Internet. Users can experience a different life in the metaverse, or experience a world completely different from the real world. Different from existing online games, the Metaverse can bring players a more realistic experience, allowing players to feel as if they are in a virtual world, and even make it impossible to distinguish between the real and virtual worlds. The Metaverse has also been touted as the ultimate form of the Internet. The movies "The Matrix" and "Ready Player One" are concepts of the Metaverse. The term metaverse first came from the American science fiction novel "Snow Crash". The novel depicts a virtual world parallel to the real world, the Metaverse.

㈩ The huge metaverse, what exactly is it?

The most popular topic on the Internet recently is the metaverse, so what exactly is this huge metaverse?

Not only some technology companies have laid out the Metaverse, BabaDoss also became the first country in the Metaverse to have an embassy.

The current direction of the Metaverse is very strong, but at this stage it is like a cake, and major technology companies are trying to get a piece of it. For ordinary people, the metaverse will not have any impact on our lives, nor will it have any impact on our lives.

In the end

Some people think of the Yuan Universe as a cake, some people think that the Yuan Universe is evil, but for ordinary people, it is like being carefully cut with leeks. No matter how this era develops or becomes, we are all part of it.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

『壹』 月亮,地球,太阳,星星的关系.神奇的宇宙这个是等比计算的问题。比如说你在距离10米远的地方看一个直径10米球体,它的视直径是60度,你距离100米远的地方看一个直径100米的球体,视直径还是6