比特币合约担保怎么算的 比特币合约担保怎么算收益

1. 比特币如何算出来的

要想了解bitcoin的技术原理,首先需要了解两个重要的密码技术: HASH码:将一个长字符串转换成固定长度的字符串,并且其转换不可逆,即不太可能从HASH码猜出原字符串。bitcoin协议里使用的主要是SHA256。
公钥体系:对应一个公钥和私钥,在应用中自己保留私钥,并公开公钥。当甲向乙传递信息时,可使用甲的私钥加密信息,乙可用甲的公钥进行解密,这样可确保第三方无法冒充甲发送信息;同时,甲向乙传递信息时,用乙的公钥加密后发给乙,乙再用自己的私钥进行解密,这样可确保第三者无法偷听两人之间的通信。最常见的公钥体系为RSA,但bitcoin协议里使用的是lliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm。 和现金、银行账户的区别? bitcoin为电子货币,单位为BTC。在这篇文章里也用来指代整个bitcoin系统。 和在银行开立账户一样,bitcoin里的对应概念为地址。每个人都可以有1个或若干个bitcoin地址,该地址用来付账和收钱。每个地址都是一串以1开头的字符串,比如我有两个bitcoin账户,和。一个bitcoin账户由一对公钥和私钥唯一确定,要保存账户,只需要保存好私钥文件即可。 和银行账户不一样的地方在于,银行会保存所有的交易记录和维护各个账户的账面余额,而bitcoin的交易记录则由整个P2P网络通过事先约定的协议共同维护。 我的账户地址里到底有多少钱? 虽然使用bitcoin的软件可以看到当前账户的余额,但和银行不一样,并没有一个地方维护每个地址的账面余额。它只能通过所有历史交易记录去实时推算账户余额。 我如何付账? 当我从地址A向对方的地址B付账时,付账额为e,此时双方将向各个网络节点公告交易信息,告诉地址A向地址B付账,付账额为e。为了防止有第三方伪造该交易信息,该交易信息将使用地址A的私钥进行加密,此时接受到该交易信息的网络节点可以使用地址A的公钥进行验证该交易信息的确由A发出。当然交易软件会帮我们做这些事情,我们只需要在软件中输入相关参数即可。 网络节点后收到交易信息后会做什么? 这个是整个bitcoin系统里最重要的部分,需要详细阐述。为了简单起见,这里只使用目前已经实现的bitcoin协议,在当前版本中,每个网络节点都会通过同步保存所有的交易信息。 历史上发生过的所有交易信息分为两类,一类为"验证过"的交易信息,即已经被验证过的交易信息,它保存在一连串的“blocks”里面。每个"block"的信息为前一个"bock"的ID(每个block的ID为该block的HASH码的HASH码)和新增的交易信息(参见一个实际的block)。另外一类指那些还"未验证"的交易信息,上面刚刚付账的交易信息就属于此类。 当一个网络节点接收到新的未验证的交易信息之后(可能不止一条),由于该节点保存了历史上所有的交易信息,它可以推算中在当时每个地址的账面余额,从而可以推算出该交易信息是否有效,即付款的账户里是否有足够余额。在剔除掉无效的交易信息后,它首先取出最后一个"block"的ID,然后将这些未验证的交易信息和该ID组合在一起,再加上一个验证码,形成一个新的“block”。 上面构建一个新的block需要大量的计算工作,因为它需要计算验证码,使得上面的组合成为一个block,即该block的HASH码的HASH码的前若干位为1。目前需要前13位为1(大致如此,不确定具体方式),此意味着如果通过枚举法生成block的话,平均枚举次数为16^13次。使用CPU资源生成block被称为“挖金矿”,因为生产该block将得到一定的奖励,该奖励信息已经被包含在这个block里面。 当一个网络节点生成一个新的block时,它将广播给其它的网络节点。但这个网络block并不一定会被网络接受,因为有可能有别的网络节点更早生产出了block,只有最早产生的那个block或者后续block最多的那个block有效,其余block不再作为下一个block的初始block。 对方如何确认支付成功? 当该笔支付信息分发到网络节点后,网络节点开始计算该交易是否有效(即账户余额是否足够支付),并试图生成包含该笔交易信息的blocks。当累计有6个blocks(1个直接blocks和5个后续blocks)包含该笔交易信息时,该交易信息被认为“验证过”,从而该交易被正式确认,对方可确认支付成功。 一个可能的问题为,我将地址A里面的余额都支付给地址B,同时又支付给地址C,如果只验证单比交易都是有效的。此时,我的作弊的方式为在真相大白之前产生6个仅包括B的block发给B,以及产生6个仅包含C的block发给C。由于我产生block所需要的CPU时间非常长,与全网络相比,我这样作弊成功的概率微乎其微。 网络节点生产block的动机是什么? 从上面描述可以看出,为了让交易信息有效,需要网络节点生成1个和5个后续block包含该交易信息,并且这样的block生成非常耗费CPU。那怎么样让其它网络节点尽快帮忙生产block呢?答案很简单,协议规定对生产出block的地址奖励BTC,以及交易双方承诺的手续费。目前生产出一个block的奖励为50BTC,未来每隔四年减半,比如2013年到2016年之间奖励为25BTC。 交易是匿名的吗? 是,也不是。所有BITCOIN的交易都是可见的,我们可以查到每个账户的所有交易记录,比如我的。但与银行货币体系不一样的地方在于,每个人的账户本身是匿名的,并且每个人可以开很多个账户。总的说来,所谓的匿名性没有宣称的那么好。 但bitcoin用来做黑市交易的还有一个好处,它无法冻结。即便警方追踪到了某个bitcoin地址,除非根据网络地址追踪到交易所使用的电脑,否则还是毫无办法。 如何保证bitcoin不贬值? 一般来说,在交易活动相当的情况下,货币的价值反比于货币的发行量。不像传统货币市场,央行可以决定货币发行量,bitcoin里没有一个中央的发行机构。只有通过生产block,才能获得一定数量的BTC货币。所以bitcoin货币新增量决定于: 1、生产block的速度:bitcoin的协议里规定了生产block的难度固定在平均2016个每两个星期,大约10分钟生产一个。CPU速度每18个月速度加倍的摩尔定律,并不会加快生产block的速度。 2、生产block的奖励数量:目前每生产一个block奖励50BTC,每四年减半,2013年开始奖励25BTC,2017年开始奖励额为12.5BTC。 综合上面两个因素,bitcoin货币发行速度并不由网络节点中任何单个节点所控制,其协议使得货币的存量是事先已知的,并且最高存量只有2100万BTC

2. 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


3. 比特币的永续合约的清算流程是怎样的


4. okex比特币永续合约的资金费用是怎么计算的


5. 比特币永续合约中的收益率是怎么计算的

就是收益率 = 收益 / 开仓时所需保证金。

6. 什么是比特币期货合约



标的:又叫基础资产(underlying asset),解释了买卖什么东西的问题。目前比特币期货标的都是比特币价格指数,并且结算和交割价格的产生方法都以这个指数为基础。









7. 我很想知道比特币拿什么作为自身的担保,算法数...


8. 比特币担保资产率已达到百分之二十九是代表爆仓了吗


9. 什么是比特币合约


比特币合约,是指无需实际拥有比特币也可进行交易的合约。 它与必须实际持有数字货币才可进行的币币交易有很大不同。

比特币合约使你能够预测比特币的价格走势和对冲风险。 这种交易方式,意味着你投资的是价格趋势,而非资产本身。

在交易比特币合约时,你可以决定做空还是做多。 选择做多,表明你预计比特币价格将会上涨。 另一方面,选择做空表明你预计价格将会下跌。


可以选择高杠杆率进行交易,是比特币合约的一项特性。 使用杠杆, 意味着你在进行合约交易时,不必投入100%的交易金额。 相反,你只需要存入初始保证金,而保证金额度仅占合约总价值的一小部分。



虽然合约有许多不同类型,本文主要关注永续合约。 顾名思义,这些合约没有到期日。 使用永续合约做多或做空的交易者,可以无限期持有头寸,除非合约爆仓,这意味着他们遭受的亏损不会超过初始保证金。

永续合约中,比特币的定价以特定的指数价格为基础。 指数价格基于多个币币交易市场上比特币的平均价格。

比特币合约已成为一种非常流行的交易工具。 许多传统投资者尚未准备将资金分配到数字资产上,但仍希望从诱人的价格波动中受益,而合约交易为他们打开了大门。

如要开启比特币合约交易,需要找到提供合约交易的交易所。 AAX平台,在合规和安全的环境中,为你提供比特币合约交易服务。

10. okex比特币永续合约的资金费用是怎么计算的啊


1. How Bitcoin is calculated

To understand the technical principles of Bitcoin, you first need to understand two important cryptographic technologies: HASH code: Convert a long string into a fixed length string, and its conversion is irreversible, that is, it is impossible to guess the original string from the HASH code. The main one used in the Bitcoin protocol is SHA256.
Public key system: Corresponds to a public key and a private key. The application keeps the private key and makes the public key public. When A transfers information to B, he can use A's private key to encrypt the information, and B can use A's public key to decrypt it. This ensures that a third party cannot pretend to be A and send information; at the same time, when A transfers information to B, he uses B's public key to decrypt it. The key is encrypted and sent to B, who then uses his own private key to decrypt it. This ensures that a third party cannot eavesdrop on the communication between the two. The most common public key system is RSA, but the lliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm is used in the bitcoin protocol. What is the difference between cash and bank account? Bitcoin is electronic currency, and its unit is BTC. Also used in this article to refer to the entire bitcoin system. Just like opening an account in a bank, the corresponding concept in Bitcoin is an address. Everyone can have one or several bitcoin addresses, which are used to pay and receive money. Each address is a string starting with 1. For example, I have two bitcoin accounts, and. A Bitcoin account is uniquely determined by a pair of public and private keys. To save the account, you only need to save the private key file. The difference from a bank account is that the bank will save all transaction records and maintain the book balance of each account, while the transaction records of Bitcoin are jointly maintained by the entire P2P network through a pre-agreed agreement. How much money is in my account address? Although you can see the current account balance using Bitcoin software, unlike a bank, there is no place to maintain the book balance of each address. It can only calculate the account balance in real time through all historical transaction records. How do I pay my bill? When I pay from address A to the other party's address B, the payment amount is e. At this time, both parties will announce the transaction information to each network node, telling address A to pay address B, and the payment amount is e. In order to prevent a third party from forging the transaction information, the transaction information will be encrypted using the private key of address A. At this time, the network node that receives the transaction information can use the public key of address A to verify that the transaction information was indeed sent by A. Of course, the trading software will do these things for us, we only need to enter the relevant parameters in the software. What will the network node do after receiving the transaction information? This is the most important part of the entire Bitcoin system and needs to be elaborated on. For the sake of simplicity, only the currently implemented bitcoin protocol is used here. In the current version, each network node will save all transaction information synchronously.interest. All transaction information that has occurred in history is divided into two categories. One category is "verified" transaction information, that is, transaction information that has been verified, which is stored in a series of "blocks". The information of each "block" is the ID of the previous "bock" (the ID of each block is the HASH code of the block's HASH code) and the new transaction information (see an actual block). The other category refers to those transaction information that has not yet been verified. The transaction information just paid above falls into this category. When a network node receives new unverified transaction information (maybe more than one), since the node saves all historical transaction information, it can calculate the book balance of each address at that time, and thus can calculate the Whether the transaction information is valid, that is, whether there is sufficient balance in the payment account. After eliminating invalid transaction information, it first takes out the ID of the last "block", then combines these unverified transaction information with the ID, and adds a verification code to form a new "block". Building a new block above requires a lot of calculation work, because it needs to calculate the verification code so that the above combination becomes a block, that is, the first few digits of the HASH code of the block are 1. Currently, the first 13 bits need to be 1 (roughly so, not sure about the specific method), which means that if the block is generated by enumeration, the average number of enumerations is 16^13 times. Using CPU resources to generate blocks is called "gold mining" because producing the block will receive a certain reward, and the reward information has been included in the block. When a network node generates a new block, it is broadcast to other network nodes. However, this network block may not necessarily be accepted by the network, because other network nodes may have produced the block earlier. Only the earliest block produced or the block with the most subsequent blocks is valid, and the remaining blocks will no longer be used as the next block. initial block. How does the other party confirm that the payment was successful? When the payment information is distributed to the network node, the network node begins to calculate whether the transaction is valid (that is, whether the account balance is sufficient for payment), and attempts to generate blocks containing the transaction information. When a total of 6 blocks (1 direct block and 5 subsequent blocks) contain the transaction information, the transaction information is considered "verified", so the transaction is officially confirmed and the other party can confirm that the payment was successful. A possible problem is that I pay the balance in address A to address B and at the same time to address C. If I only verify that the single transaction is valid. At this point, my cheat is to generate 6 blos containing only B before the truth comes out.ck is sent to B, and 6 blocks containing only C are generated and sent to C. Since the CPU time required for me to generate the block is very long, compared with the entire network, my probability of succeeding in cheating is very slim. What is the motivation for network nodes to produce blocks? As can be seen from the above description, in order to make the transaction information effective, the network node needs to generate 1 and 5 subsequent blocks containing the transaction information, and such block generation is very CPU-intensive. So how to get other network nodes to help produce blocks as soon as possible? The answer is simple. The agreement stipulates that the address that produces the block will be rewarded with BTC, as well as the handling fees promised by both parties to the transaction. The current reward for producing a block is 50 BTC, which will be halved every four years in the future. For example, the reward between 2013 and 2016 was 25 BTC. Are transactions anonymous? Yes and no. All BITCOIN transactions are visible, and we can check all transaction records of each account, such as mine. But what is different from the bank currency system is that each person's account itself is anonymous, and each person can open many accounts. Overall, the so-called anonymity is not as good as claimed. But another advantage of using Bitcoin for black market transactions is that it cannot be frozen. Even if the police trace a Bitcoin address, there is still nothing they can do unless they trace the computer used by the exchange based on the network address. How to ensure that Bitcoin does not depreciate? Generally speaking, when trading activity is equivalent, the value of a currency is inversely proportional to the amount of currency issued. Unlike the traditional money market, where the central bank can determine the amount of currency issuance, there is no central issuing agency in Bitcoin. Only by producing blocks can you obtain a certain amount of BTC currency. Therefore, the new increment of Bitcoin currency is determined by: 1. The speed of producing blocks: The Bitcoin protocol stipulates that the difficulty of producing blocks is fixed at an average of 2016 blocks every two weeks, and one block is produced in about 10 minutes. Moore's Law, which states that CPU speeds double every 18 months, will not speed up the production of blocks. 2. The number of rewards for producing blocks: Currently, the reward for each block produced is 50 BTC, which will be halved every four years. Starting in 2013, the reward will be 25 BTC, and starting in 2017, the reward will be 12.5 BTC. Combining the above two factors, the Bitcoin currency issuance speed is not controlled by any single node in the network node. Its protocol makes the stock of the currency known in advance, and the maximum stock is only 21 million BTC

2. Bit How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full position contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan. If it rises by ten points, your income will be 200 yuan (+100). On the second day, your account is 300 yuan. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and then increase by ten points, your income will be 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But if it drops by 5At this point, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

3. What is the liquidation process of Bitcoin’s perpetual contract?

On OKEX, realized profits and losses and unrealized profits and losses need to be liquidated. The system determines whether there is a shortfall or not. If the position is opened, all profitable customers will share it together, and the realized profits and losses will be carried forward to the balance, and then the capital fee will be charged.

4. How is the funding fee of the okex Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

Funding cost = position value * funding rate. When the funding rate is a positive number, the long position Pay the shorts; when the funding rate is negative, the shorts pay the longs, get it?

5. How is the rate of return in the Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

It is the rate of return = income / margin required when opening a position.

6. What is a Bitcoin futures contract?

Bitcoin futures contracts are usually standardized contracts based on the Bitcoin price index.

Bitcoin futures offered by Bitcoin exchanges are usually traded in Bitcoin. Futures are opposite to spot goods. Spot goods are real commodities that can be paid and delivered in one hand. Futures are not actually "goods". They are an agreement (contract) that promises to deliver "goods" (subject matter) at a time in the future - a futures contract. .

Object: Also called underlying asset, it explains the question of what to buy and sell. Currently, the underlying targets of Bitcoin futures are the Bitcoin price index, and the settlement and delivery price generation methods are based on this index.

Handling fees: Unlike stock transactions that require stamp duties, commissions, transfer fees and other fees, futures trading only charges handling fees. Bitcoin futures trading fees include opening fees and closing fees, which are charged when a position is established (such as OKCoin) and charged when a position is closed (such as 796). Bitcoin futures handling fees are generally 0.03% of the total contract value.

Margin: Margin is closely related to another concept - leverage, which generally reflects the level of return and risk in terms of leverage ratio. For example, 796’s newly launched 50 times leverage (i.e. 2% margin) means that investors can purchase 50 Bitcoin futures contracts (i.e. 50 times leverage) by investing 1 Bitcoin;

or From another perspective, 1 Bitcoin invested by an investor is equivalent to 2% of the 50 Bitcoins purchased (i.e. 2% margin ratio).

Through 50 times leverage, the income of futures relative to spot is magnified 50 times. For example, if you buy 1 coin of spot and use 1 coin to buy 50 coins of futures at the same time, assuming that the spot and futures prices If both prices rise by 100%, then the spot price will earn 1 coin, while the futures price will earn 50 coins.

(6) How to calculate Bitcoin contract guarantee? Extended reading

A futures contract is an agreement by the buyer toAn agreement in which a seller agrees to deliver an asset at a specified price after a specified period of time. The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price.

The specified date on which both parties must conduct transactions in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.” When an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures.

On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contract responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or shorting on futures.

7. I would like to know what Bitcoin uses as its own guarantee, algorithm numbers...

Algorithms and certificates are composed of numbers. Once this kind of thing is cracked, it will It can be forged in large quantities and even by everyone. Once it is forged, who will help you trace the authenticity of it? There are still organizations to track down the counterfeiting of US dollars and RMB. Who is responsible for tracking this thing?

8. Does the fact that the Bitcoin collateral asset rate has reached 29% mean that the position is liquidated?

29% is more dangerous, but 0 will result in liquidation. Generally More than 1000% is relatively safe, otherwise if you encounter a waterfall or a sudden pull, the guarantee rate of several hundred will blow up for you in a short time

9. What is a Bitcoin contract

The basics of Bitcoin contracts

Bitcoin contracts refer to contracts that can be traded without actually owning Bitcoin. It is very different from currency-to-crypto trading, which requires physical possession of the digital currency to proceed.

Bitcoin contracts enable you to predict Bitcoin price movements and hedge risks. This type of trading means that you are investing in price trends rather than the asset itself.

When trading Bitcoin contracts, you can decide to go short or long. Choosing to go long indicates that you expect the price of Bitcoin to rise. On the other hand, choosing to go short indicates that you expect the price to fall.

Leverage trading

The ability to trade with high leverage is a feature of Bitcoin contracts. Using leverage means that you do not have to invest 100% of the transaction amount when trading a contract. Instead, you only need to deposit an initial margin, which is only a small percentage of the total contract value.

Leverage trading allows you to use a small amount of capital to occupy a larger exposure while managing risk.

Perpetual Contracts

Although there are many different types of contracts, this article focuses on perpetual contracts. As the name suggests, these contracts have no expiration date. Traders who use perpetual contracts to go long or short can hold their positions indefinitely unless the contract is liquidated, which means they will not suffer losses exceeding their initial margin.

In perpetual contracts, Bitcoin is priced based on a specific index price. The index price is based on the average price of Bitcoin on multiple cryptocurrency exchange markets.

Bitcoin contracts have become a very popular trading tool.Many traditional investors are not yet ready to allocate funds to digital assets but still want to benefit from attractive price movements, and contract trading opens the door for them.

If you want to start Bitcoin contract trading, you need to find an exchange that provides contract trading. The AAX platform provides you with Bitcoin contract trading services in a compliant and secure environment.

10. How is the funding fee of okex Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated?

Funding fee = position value * funding rate. When the funding rate is a positive number, The longs pay the shorts; when the funding rate is negative, the shorts pay the longs, that's what it means.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 什么是比特币期货合约比特币期货合约,通常是以比特币价格指数为标的的标准化合约。比特币交易所提供的比特币期货通常是以比特币进行交易的。期货是与现货相对的,现货是实实在在可以一手交钱一手交货的商品,而