冷钱包coldlar electrum 冷钱包

『壹』 区块链数字货币的合约交易在国内有哪些平台可以用

二,多平台终端接入,多语言支持,覆盖ios(App Store)、android(Google Play)、windows、mac多个平台终端接入,支持全业务功能。同时针对不同客户,提供多种主流语言选择。

『贰』 莱特币怎么反币


『叁』 SHⅠB可以用库神冷钱


『肆』 USDT地址是啥


在最近一次 Tether 的主要银行业问题中,稳定币的价格与其 1:1 美元的估值相差多达 5%。 这种溢价导致 USDT 配对的比特币交易量比美元配对的比特币多一百美元或更多,当时在市场上造成了相当大的破坏。由于这种价格波动的可能性,在使用 Tether 时保持警惕可能是一个好主意 ,特别是如果将其用于长期存储。

『伍』 数字货币钱包大全,该用哪个钱包,看完这篇就够了



一、私钥种子层层加密 物理隔绝永不触网









『陆』 g ucs是一个什么样的数字货币



比特币是最早诞生的加密货币,2008年,化名中本聪的网络极客发表了一篇论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,2009年,第一个创世区块由中本聪挖出,一直发展至今。比特币最初的区块大小只有 1M,拥堵问题日益加剧,手续费也不断上升,于是区块扩容被提上了日程,Core开发组主张用隔离见证和闪电网络实现扩容,而大区块派主张直接扩大区块。双方争执不下,最后,2017年8月1日,比特币现金(BCH)从比特币(BTC)上分叉,以扩大区块的方式实现了扩容。这次分叉开了一个分叉币的头,之后,比特黄金、比特钻石、超级比特币、比特上帝等一众分叉币纷纷涌现。到了后来,BCH 自身也碰到了一次分叉,自称中本聪的澳洲人CSW又要继续扩大区块,还要锁死比特币底层协议,他号称要做出一个符合中本聪愿景的比特币,这次分叉的币叫BSV。

除了 BCH 和 BSV 外,其他分叉币大多已经式微,BTC、BCH、BSV 分别代表了对三个不同方向的探索,BTC 最为保守谨慎,BSV 最为激进,BCH 相对温和渐进。目前 BTC 享有事实上的比特币之名,市值也最大。


2013年年末,94年出生的天才程序员 Vitalik Buterin(V神) 发表了以太坊白皮书,提出了可以在加密货币上添加各种智能合约的设想,可以用于社交、交易、游戏等领域,以太坊市值一路飞升,很快就仅次于比特币了,加上了智能合约的以太坊,也被称为区块链2.0。



稳定币一般锚定法币,可以用稳定币向发行方1:1兑换法币,币值比较稳定,但有时交易也会有少量溢价,在加密货币交易中应用很广。现在最常见的稳定币就是Tether公司发行的 USDT,1 USDT =1美元。稳定币一般发行在其他加密货币网络上,有比特币Omni协议、以太坊ERC20协议等好几种USDT。




一些数字货币交易平台往往会发布自己的平台币,使用平台币交易有一定的优惠,比如 OKEx 的 OKB,火币的HT,币安的 BNB 等。







高收益:平台以“让用户的资产增益“ 为经营目标,客户可选择多种衍生品防止系统性风险。





『柒』 区块链钱包有哪些种类

通常所说的钱包是软件钱包,也就是一个 PC 程序或者 APP。硬件钱包顾名思义,由硬件控制的钱包,使用的时候连接一下网络即可,其他时候可以断网存储,这样避免了钱包暴露在网络空间。

『捌』 vsys钱包有人用过吗,好用不

投资VSYS币怎么样?V SYSTEMS:代币:VSYS,中文名:太阳币,由PoS之父Sunny King创建的区块链数据库云,采用面向对象的方式存储,拥有支撑高并发、高效索引等区块链数据使用场景的能力,可以支撑未来大规模面向社会的去中心化工业级应用。
投资VSYS币怎么样?V SYSTEMS:代币:VSYS,中文名:太阳币,由PoS之父Sunny King创建的区块链数据库云,采用面向对象的方式存储,拥有支撑高并发、高效索引等区块链数据使用场景的能力,可以支撑未来大规模面向社会的去中心化工业级应用。


V Systems是一个区块链云项目,基于Supernode Proof-of-Stake(SPoS)共识,具有模块化结构,支持多种共识算法。由PoS之父Sunny King 创建的区块链数据库云。VSYS基于POS自研了业界最高效的共识算法SPOS,目前两大主流公链以太坊和EOS的共识机制都是参考自POS。

本次Sunny King带来的SPOS,必然是万众期待。虽然VSYS主网还未上线,但代码完善度极高,当前在github公开的主要有三个代码库,分别是VSYS节点、web钱包、冷钱包,可见其生态工具链已经很完善;根据官方周报信息,全节点已在测试网稳定运行至今,没有发现重大bug。




VSYS创始人&首席架构师是Sunny King,在币圈是同中本聪一样的神秘人物,他是点点币和质子币的发明者,同时也是Pos和Spos共识机制的发明人,他为加密货币技术领域做出了重大贡献。

2012年,Sunny King创建了第一种PoS加密货币点点币,之后又创建了质数币,一种通过搜索质数来达到其安全性的加密货币,King以寻找创新的方法来重新架构这项技术而闻名。

质数币甚至为以太坊创始人V神带去了灵感,Sunny king一度成为V神的偶像,BM也曾在2013年称Sunny King为历史上最早的竞争币开发者!

Sunny King于2018年带领一帮数据库科学家重出江湖,在2018年6月发布了下一代PoS共识机制SPoS,意思为超级节点权益证明,并在9月发布的公链VEE主网中(2019年1月10日更名为V SYSTEMS)完美地运行,建立了一个高扩展性和稳定的底层架构。


『玖』 五大数字货币钱包有哪些









imToken是一款支持ETH以及 ERC-20 代币、比特币HD 钱包以及隔离见证、EOS 以及 EOS 主网其他代币的数字货币钱包,且一套助记词可创建多个币种的钱包账户,从而告别了繁复的备份管理,是一款多链钱包。
















用户自持私钥,私钥多重加密存储于APP,不以任何形式访问服务器,别人无法触碰您的数字资产;钱包采用5层HD、横向隔离、纵向防御架构;应用PBKDF2、SHA-512等算法加密技术。同时,AToken 实现了钱包的交易加速功能,支持比特币和以太坊的交易加速。


『拾』 数字钱包那个好用


imToken是一款支持ETH以及 ERC-20 代币、比特币HD 钱包以及隔离见证、EOS 以及 EOS 主网其他代币的数字货币钱包,且一套助记词可创建多个币种的钱包账户,从而告别了繁复的备份管理,是一款多链钱包。























用户自持私钥,私钥多重加密存储于APP,不以任何形式访问服务器,别人无法触碰您的数字资产;钱包采用5层HD、横向隔离、纵向防御架构;应用PBKDF2、SHA-512等算法加密技术。同时,AToken 实现了钱包的交易加速功能,支持比特币和以太坊的交易加速。


『一』 What platforms can be used for contract transactions of blockchain digital currencies in China

ByteAssets Overseas Digital Currency Investment Agent Contract Disk is a world-leading cryptocurrency exchange, heyue102030 Headquartered in Singapore, in addition to three major operation centers in South Korea, Italy and Hong Kong, the service scope is vast and the market radiates to all parts of the world.
Platform features heyue102030
1. Multiple trading product lines such as BTC, LTC, BCH, LTC, DASH and other mainstream data, perpetual contracts and second contracts, risk control marketing, and the trading center will be Enrich more business types.
Second, multi-platform terminal access, multi-language support, covering ios (App Store), android (Google Play), windows, and mac multiple platform terminal access, supporting full business functions. At the same time, a variety of mainstream language options are provided for different customers.
Three, multiple channels: support BTC, USDT and other currencies, visa, MasterCard, etc.
Four, 24-hour full-time online service provides 7x24-hour online service, two-way transactions, online digital wallet server system and offline The cold wallet system allows direct payment and real-time transfer between wallets, providing all trading users with convenient, safe, and effective account transfer, settlement and other services, ensuring users' safety, stability, and high-quality trading experience.
Fifth, the service at heyue102030 headquarters is very good, and the packaged meal is 85 yuan

『二』How to reverse the currency of Litecoin

Litecoin, abbreviation: LTC, currency symbol :Ł; is an online currency based on "peer-to-peer" technology and an open source software project under the MIT/X11 license. It helps users make instant payments to anyone in the world.
Litecoin is inspired by Bitcoin (BTC) and technically has the same implementation principle. The creation and transfer of Litecoin are based on an open source encryption protocol and are not managed by any central authority. Litecoin aims to improve Bitcoin and has three significant differences compared to it. First, the Litecoin network can process a block every 2.5 minutes (instead of 10 minutes), thus providing faster transaction confirmations. Second, the Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million Litecoins, which is four times the amount of currency issued by the Bitcoin network. Third, Litecoin uses the scrypt encryption algorithm first proposed by Colin
Percival in its proof-of-work algorithm, which makes Litecoin mining easier on ordinary computers than Bitcoin. Each Litecoin is divided into 100,000,000 smaller units, defined by eight decimal places.

『三』 SHⅠB can use Kushen’s cold money

Summary of the former Kushen’s moneyNot all currencies can be entered into the package. Kushen Wallet currently supports 18 currencies, including BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, DOGE, BCH, LTC, XLM, ETC, FIL, EOS, ATOM, BSV, DASH, XEM, ZEC, QTUM, IOST.

『四』What is the USDT address

If you, the reader, have interacted with cryptocurrencies and assets for any length of time—especially if you have been trading cryptoassets— —The utility of stablecoins may now be clear. As long as you don’t need to exchange your crypto for actual fiat currency, stablecoins allow you to emulate the functions of cash in the cryptocurrency world – specifically the function of stability. As much as we all love encryption, stability is what most of us need - and most encryption is decidedly unstable.

In the latest major banking woes for Tether, the stablecoin’s price differed by as much as 5% from its $1:1 valuation. This premium caused USDT-paired Bitcoin to trade a hundred dollars or more more than USD-paired Bitcoin, causing considerable disruption in the market at the time. Because of the potential for such price fluctuations, it may be a good idea to remain vigilant when using Tether, especially if it is used for long-term storage.

『五』A complete list of digital currency wallets, which wallet should be used, it is enough to read this article

In terms of storage and mining, I We recommend Heshu hardware wallet and Jiajiabao smart home mining machine. The core advantage of the product is only two words: security.

Take Heshu hardware wallet as an example. The advantages of Heshu hardware wallet are:

1. The private key seed is encrypted and physically isolated and never touches the Internet

First of all, when creating the wallet, the seed password is generated and stored in the local encryption chip. And it is mandatory to set a 10-digit payment password.

Then, the transaction is formed in the wallet. At this time, the user is required to enter the payment password to obtain the private key to digitally sign the transaction, and the transaction is completed. In addition, the private key seed is permanently stored in the chip and is physically isolated and never touches the Internet. I no longer have to worry about my password being stolen by hackers.

2. The bank system verifies the financial-grade motherboard and encryption chip

The bank system is used to verify the financial-grade motherboard, and the private key seed is stored in the chip. If the product is stolen or lost, or is damaged by malicious violence, the self-destruct circuit inside the chip will be triggered and all information in this area will be immediately and permanently deleted irrecoverably.

3. Support withdrawals from Bitcoin ATMs around the world, with instant payment, which is convenient and fast.

The reason why digital assets have attracted the attention of many areas around the world is that it is creating a globalized fast circulation, and the wider the circulation area, the wider the scope, the higher its use value. The core of digital assets is that it acts as an intermediary between currencies of various countries. Heshu Wallet has built-in many of the world's mainstream exchanges, allowing you to trade digital assets anytime and anywhere. With one machine in hand, you can travel around the world without worrying about exchanging foreign currencies.

4. Multi-party co-signature management of assets

Unlike conventional digital wallets, multi-signature wallets require authorization from multiple key holders to transfer digital currencies, so Heshu Wallet The security is higher. Ordinary wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to X. A only needs his own signature (using a private key) to complete the transaction. Heshu Wallet: A wants to transfer a Bitcoin to key). Hope can help you. Thanks!

『Lu』 What kind of digital currency is gucs?

Friends who are new to the currency circle are really dazzled when they see all kinds of digital currencies. What are these cryptocurrencies? What are its characteristics? Here is a brief introduction to some mainstream cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin system

Bitcoin is the earliest cryptocurrency. In 2008, the Internet geek pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper "Bitcoin: A "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", in 2009, the first genesis block was dug out by Satoshi Nakamoto, and it has been developed to this day. The initial block size of Bitcoin was only 1M. The congestion problem is getting worse day by day, and the handling fees are also rising. Therefore, block expansion is put on the agenda. The Core development team advocates using Segregated Witness and Lightning Network to achieve expansion, while the large block faction advocates Expand the block directly. The two sides continued to argue, and finally, on August 1, 2017, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) forked from Bitcoin (BTC) and achieved expansion by expanding the block. This fork opened the door for a fork coin. After that, a number of fork coins such as Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Super Bitcoin, and Bit God emerged one after another. Later, BCH itself also encountered a fork. The Australian CSW, who called himself Satoshi Nakamoto, continued to expand blocks and locked the underlying Bitcoin protocol. He claimed to make a Bitcoin that conforms to Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision. , the currency that was forked this time is called BSV.

Except for BCH and BSV, most other forked currencies have declined. BTC, BCH, and BSV respectively represent the exploration of three different directions. BTC is the most conservative and cautious, BSV is the most radical, and BCH is relatively moderate. Gradually. BTC currently enjoys the title of de facto Bitcoin and has the largest market capitalization.

Ethereum Department

At the end of 2013, Vitalik Buterin (V God), a genius programmer born in 1994, published the Ethereum white paper. It was proposed that cryptocurrencies can beThe idea of ​​adding various smart contracts to the currency can be used in social networking, transactions, games and other fields. The market value of Ethereum has been soaring, and will soon be second only to Bitcoin. Ethereum with smart contracts is also known as Blockchain 2.0.

In 2016, Ethereum encountered a serious coin theft incident (DAO) by hackers. Buterin decided to use a rollback method to delete the coin theft record, but some people insisted that the blockchain cannot The tamperers opposed the rollback, so Ethereum also forked. Unlike Bitcoin, the original Ethereum chain became a minority and was called Ethereum Classic (ETC), while the new chain that was rolled back became a majority and became the de facto Ethereum (ETH).

Stablecoin system

Stablecoins are generally anchored to fiat currency. Stablecoins can be exchanged for fiat currency at a ratio of 1:1 to the issuer. The currency value is relatively stable, but sometimes there will be a small amount of transactions. Premium, widely used in cryptocurrency trading. The most common stable currency now is USDT issued by Tether, where 1 USDT = 1 US dollar. Stablecoins are generally issued on other cryptocurrency networks, including several USDT protocols such as the Bitcoin Omni protocol and the Ethereum ERC20 protocol.

Anonymous currency system

On Bitcoin, every transaction is clearly traceable, although we do not know the corresponding address behind it. Who is the person. Some people think that the privacy of Bitcoin is not enough, so some anonymous coins that can hide user information have emerged, such as Monero (XMR), Dash (Dash), Zcash, etc. Monero uses ring signature technology, Dash uses currency mixing technology, and Zcash uses zero-knowledge proofs, all of which can achieve varying degrees of anonymity.

Platform currency system

Some digital currency trading platforms often release their own platform coins. There are certain discounts for using platform coins for transactions, such as OKEx’s OKB and Huobi’s HT. , Binance’s BNB, etc.

Some other mainstream currencies

Litecoin (LTC) copied the code of Bitcoin, changed the consensus algorithm, and shortened the block time. When Bitcoin needs to be upgraded, it often Let’s also experiment with Bitcoin first. Litecoin is known as “Bitcoin, Litecoin”.

Ripple (XRP) is currently the third largest currency by market value. It is an Internet transaction protocol that allows users to transfer money quickly and cheaply around the world.

Youzi Coin (EOS) is known as blockchain 3.0 and an upgraded version of Ethereum, trying to introduce more functions and application expansion on it.


"Bit Kangaroo" is the first digital company in the world that distributes theoretical income with its own mining machines and never loses power. Currency and financial services platform, the platform is cloud-basedFocusing on powerful products, the professional mining pool "1THash" under the strategic partner Wanyou Hashrate allocates theoretical income regularly every day, integrating high income, security, liquidity, transparency and professionalism.

High returns: The platform takes "gaining users' assets" as its business goal. Customers can choose a variety of derivatives to prevent systemic risks.

Security: The team stores backup digital assets in a multi-signature cold wallet. If an accident occurs, the backup fund will be used to issue income to customers.

Liquidity: The platform distributes income daily, and you can withdraw it at any time after reaching the minimum currency withdrawal standard.

Transparency: Mine data and mine logs are open and transparent, and users can monitor the mining farm’s computing power at any time through the data center monitoring system.

Professionality: The mine is operated and managed by professionals who have been involved in mining for many years. Each unit is professionally disconnected and isolated to prevent virus intrusion. Multiple backup networks are used in the computer room to eliminate non-systemic risks in an all-round way

『撒』 What are the types of blockchain wallets

Blockchain wallet is a tool to save the private key of blockchain digital currency. Every digital currency will have a wallet. Blockchain The types of wallets are roughly as follows:
1. Universal wallet
Can support different blockchain tokens. For example, Anmo Wallet supports BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, DASH and ERC-20 series.
2. Main chain wallet
To achieve its own goals, each currency must establish its own main chain so that it can conduct business. After the main chain is online, it needs to use the project's own wallet. . Just like the Green Apple wallet of GAC currency, it is a wallet dedicated to GAC trading and transaction clearing.
3. Exchange wallet
Exchanges also have wallets. When players recharge their coins into the exchange, the corresponding coins enter the exchange’s wallet. The exchange wallet is almost the same as an ordinary wallet. Transfer, When withdrawing money, just fill in the corresponding wallet address. Each exchange will generate corresponding wallet addresses for different currencies.
4. Hardware wallet
The wallet usually referred to is a software wallet, which is a PC program or APP. As the name suggests, a hardware wallet is a wallet controlled by hardware. It only needs to be connected to the network when in use, and can be stored offline at other times, thus avoiding the wallet being exposed to cyberspace.

『八』Has anyone used the vsys wallet? Is it easy to use?

How about investing in VSYS coins? V SYSTEMS: Token: VSYS, Chinese name: Suncoin, a blockchain database cloud created by Sunny King, the father of PoS, which is stored in an object-oriented manner and has the capabilities to support high concurrency, efficient indexing and other blockchain data usage scenarios. capabilities that can support large-scale decentralized industrial-level applications for society in the future.
How to invest in VSYS coinsSample? V SYSTEMS: Token: VSYS, Chinese name: Suncoin, a blockchain database cloud created by Sunny King, the father of PoS, which is stored in an object-oriented manner and has the capabilities to support high concurrency, efficient indexing and other blockchain data usage scenarios. capabilities that can support large-scale decentralized industrial-level applications for society in the future.

How about investing in VSYS coins? Analysis of VSYS coin project advantages and future prospects

V Systems is a blockchain cloud project based on the Supernode Proof-of-Stake (SPoS) consensus. It has a modular structure and supports multiple consensus algorithms. A blockchain database cloud created by Sunny King, the father of PoS. VSYS has self-developed the industry's most efficient consensus algorithm SPOS based on POS. Currently, the consensus mechanisms of the two major public chains Ethereum and EOS are based on POS.

The SPOS brought by Sunny King this time must be highly anticipated. Although the VSYS mainnet has not yet been launched, the code is extremely complete. There are currently three main code libraries disclosed on github, namely VSYS nodes, web wallets, and cold wallets. It can be seen that its ecological tool chain is already very complete; according to the official weekly report , the full node has been running stably on the test network so far, and no major bugs have been found.

VSYS benchmarks the Amazon Cloud of the blockchain. It is the first project on the ZB Exchange LaunchPad. It is publicly called the next Ethereum by ZB and is rated as comparable to Tezos by the world-renowned Staking website. , Eos, Dash, Cosmos, etc. are among the world's seven largest Staking mining coins. Its vision is to create a virtual economic era with billions of blockchain services for people to use in the future.

VSYS Coin Project Team

How about investing in VSYS Coin? Analysis of the advantages and future prospects of the VSYS coin project

The founder and chief architect of VSYS is Sunny King. He is a mysterious figure like Satoshi Nakamoto in the currency circle. He is the inventor of Peercoin and Proton Coin. , who is also the inventor of the PoS and Spos consensus mechanisms, has made significant contributions to the field of cryptocurrency technology.

In 2012, Sunny King created Peercoin, the first PoS cryptocurrency, and later Primecoin, a cryptocurrency that achieves its security by searching for prime numbers. King is looking for innovative approach to re-architecting the technology.

Prime coins even inspired V God, the founder of Ethereum. Sunny King once became V God’s idol. BM also called Sunny King the earliest altcoin developer in history in 2013. !

Sunny King led a group of database scientists to return to the scene in 2018. In June 2018, he released the next-generation PoS consensus mechanism SPoS, which means super node proof of rights and interests, and in the public chain VEE main network released in September (January 2019 It was renamed V SYSTEMS on May 10th) and runs perfectly, establishing a highly scalable and stable underlying architecture.

In addition to the famous King of PoS, the father of PoS, who serves as the chief architect, other members of the team are from the former core architecture departments of listed companies in Silicon Valley such as Google, Uber, Oracle, and VMware. The team is a super luxury lineup.

『九』What are the five major digital currency wallets

Anmao Wallet

Anmao Wallet is a light wallet, made by Developed by Hangzhou Anmo Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd., it saves storage space compared to full node wallets. It is a multi-currency cross-chain wallet that supports tokens such as BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, DASH and ERC-20 series. It is currently the most comprehensive currency and a true full-currency wallet. Digital currency wallet.

Anmo Wallet is the only digital currency wallet that supports Chinese mnemonics. It consists of 12 Chinese characters, which is convenient for memory and in line with Chinese people's reading habits.

The biggest feature of Anmo Wallet is that it makes good use of the scalability of light wallets. While managing a variety of digital assets, it embeds a DAPP list and Anmo fish pond mining. In the mining game, the mined tokens are stored directly in the wallet, which is convenient, labor-saving and interesting. It can be said to be a profitable wallet.

With built-in Anmo block browser, each transaction can be queried in real time using the transaction address, block height, and transaction ID, which is accurate and accurate.

There is also a market and information DAPP, a multi-functional digital currency wallet.

Disadvantages: There is no trading function yet.


imToken is a digital currency wallet that supports ETH and ERC-20 tokens, Bitcoin HD wallet, Segregated Witness, EOS and other tokens on the EOS main network, and A set of mnemonic words can create wallet accounts in multiple currencies, thus saying goodbye to complicated backup management. It is a multi-chain wallet.

imToken supports the sending and receiving of digital currencies and Ether series currency transactions. With the help of blockchain smart contracts, there is no need to trust a third party and the currency exchange can be completed directly on the mobile terminal. The token management function is simple to operate and automatically discovers tokens without adding them manually. It supports one-click search and can easily view and manage multiple tokens.

imToken’s private key is self-sustained, further ensuring security.

Disadvantages: imToken only supports digital currencies based on the ETH main chain, and tokens of its own public chains such as BTC and CTC cannot be stored. When transferring, only ETH is supported as a handling fee, which has certain limitations.


Bitpie Wallet is a new generation blockchain asset comprehensive service platform developed by the Bitpie team. Based on HD wallet technology, multi-signature and on-chain transactions, it can be easily and securely Easily send and receive Bitcoin on Bit Pie using digital currencies. The currently supported currencies mainly include BTC, BTC forked coins, ETH, some ERC2.0 tokens, QTUM, HSR, DASH and forked coins SAFE, LTC and forked coins LCH, ZEC, ETC, and DOGE.

Bitpie supports multi-address currency issuance, built-in OTC and exchanges (third-party services), and can trade with users from all over the world. It is more suitable for professional users in the currency circle who have frequent transactions and OTC trading needs. .

In terms of security, the user controls the private key. After the transaction is completed, the currency is directly kept by the user. If there is no operation for a long time, Bitpie will automatically lock, further improving the security of the wallet.

Disadvantages: For initial users, too many and complex functions are a burden. They only need to simply send and receive digital currencies. Too many complex functions increase the user's learning time and affect the wallet user experience.

Maiz Wallet

Maiz Wallet is a digital wallet that supports ETH, NEO, and EOS Tokens at the same time. It has built-in face, voiceprint, living body and other biometric technologies. , ensuring asset security, which is unique among current wallets.

Maiz Wallet supports mainstream exchange interfaces such as Binance, Huobi, GateIO, Okex, etc., and automatically obtains position data.

The UI design of Math Wallet provides users with a good experience in terms of human-computer interaction, interface logic, and beautiful interface. You can know the functional process from the first operation, allowing users to understand how to interact with the software in an intuitive way. The interface design has a unified style of Maizi.

Disadvantages: There are few supported currencies. In the application module, each application or activity section is the width of a mobile phone screen, and a maximum of 2.5 applications can be displayed on the same screen. Although it looks very generous and beautiful, it is more cumbersome to find a certain application and you need to keep scrolling down.


AToken is a mobile wallet that supports multi-currency cross-chain swaps and is safe and convenient. Currently, it supports multiple main chain currencies such as BTC, LTC, ETH, ETC, DOGE, and EOS; multiple forked currencies such as BCD, BTG, BCH, and SBTC; and supports all Ethereum ERC20 tokens.

Users hold their own private keys, which are stored in the APP with multiple encryptions. They do not access the server in any form, and others cannot touch your digital assets; the wallet adopts 5-layer HD, horizontal isolation, and vertical defense architecture; application PBKDF2, SHA-512 and other algorithm encryption technologies. At the same time, AToken implements the transaction acceleration function of the wallet and supports the transaction acceleration of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Lack of money: moneyThere is currently no market information in the package, making it inconvenient for users to use.

『Shi』 Which digital wallet is easy to use


imToken is a token that supports ETH and ERC-20. Bitcoin HD wallet and digital currency wallet for Segregated Witness, EOS and other tokens on the EOS main network, and a set of mnemonics can create wallet accounts for multiple currencies, thus saying goodbye to complicated backup management. It is a multi-chain wallet.

imToken supports the sending and receiving of digital currencies and Ether series currency transactions. With the help of blockchain smart contracts, there is no need to trust a third party and the currency exchange can be completed directly on the mobile terminal. The token management function is simple to operate and automatically discovers tokens without adding them manually. It supports one-click search and can easily view and manage multiple tokens.

imToken’s private key is self-sustained, further ensuring security.

Disadvantages: imToken only supports digital currencies based on the ETH main chain, and tokens of its own public chains such as BTC and CTC cannot be stored. When transferring, only ETH is supported as a handling fee, which has certain limitations.


Bitpie Wallet is a new generation blockchain asset comprehensive service platform developed by the Bitpie team. Based on HD wallet technology, multi-signature and on-chain transactions, it can be easily Use digital currencies securely and easily send and receive Bitcoin on Bitpie. The currently supported currencies mainly include BTC, BTC forked coins, ETH, some ERC2.0 tokens, QTUM, HSR, DASH and forked coins SAFE, LTC and forked coins LCH, ZEC, ETC, and DOGE.

Bitpie supports multi-address currency issuance, built-in OTC and exchanges (third-party services), and can trade with users from all over the world. It is more suitable for professional users in the currency circle who have frequent transactions and OTC trading needs. .

In terms of security, the user controls the private key. After the transaction is completed, the currency is directly kept by the user. If there is no operation for a long time, Bitpie will automatically lock, further improving the security of the wallet.

Disadvantages: For initial users, too many and complex functions are a burden. They only need to simply send and receive digital currencies. Too many complex functions increase the user's learning time and affect the wallet user experience.

Anmo Wallet

Anmo Wallet is a light wallet developed by Hangzhou Anmo Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. It saves storage space compared to full node wallets. It is a multi-currency cross-chain wallet that supports tokens such as BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, ETC, DASH and ERC-20 series. It is currently the most comprehensive currency and a true full-currency wallet. Digital currency wallet.

Anmo Wallet is the only digital currency wallet that supports Chinese mnemonics. It consists of 12 Chinese characters, which is convenient for memory and in line with Chinese people's reading habits.

The biggest feature of Anmo Wallet is that it is very goodIt fully applies the scalability of light wallets. While managing a variety of digital assets, it embeds a DAPP list and an Anmo fish pond mining game. The mined tokens are directly stored in the wallet, which is convenient, labor-saving and fun. It has strong sex and can be said to be a money-making wallet.

With built-in Anmo block browser, each transaction can be queried in real time using the transaction address, block height, and transaction ID, which is accurate and accurate.

There is also a market and information DAPP, a multi-functional digital currency wallet.

Disadvantages: There is no trading function yet.

Maiz Wallet

Maiz Wallet is a digital wallet that supports ETH, NEO, and EOS Tokens at the same time. It has built-in face, voiceprint, living body and other biometric technologies. , ensuring asset security, which is unique among current wallets.

Maiz Wallet supports mainstream exchange interfaces such as Binance, Huobi, GateIO, Okex, etc., and automatically obtains position data.

The UI design of Math Wallet provides users with a good experience in terms of human-computer interaction, interface logic, and beautiful interface. You can know the functional process from the first operation, allowing users to understand how to interact with the software in an intuitive way. The interface design has a unified style of Maizi.

Disadvantages: There are few supported currencies. In the application module, each application or activity section is the width of a mobile phone screen, and a maximum of 2.5 applications can be displayed on the same screen. Although it looks very generous and beautiful, it is more cumbersome to find a certain application and you need to keep scrolling down.


AToken is a mobile wallet that supports multi-currency cross-chain swaps and is safe and convenient. Currently, it supports multiple main chain currencies such as BTC, LTC, ETH, ETC, DOGE, and EOS; multiple forked currencies such as BCD, BTG, BCH, and SBTC; and supports all Ethereum ERC20 tokens.

Users hold their own private keys, which are stored in the APP with multiple encryptions. They do not access the server in any form, and others cannot touch your digital assets; the wallet adopts 5-layer HD, horizontal isolation, and vertical defense architecture; application PBKDF2, SHA-512 and other algorithm encryption technologies. At the same time, AToken implements the transaction acceleration function of the wallet and supports the transaction acceleration of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Disadvantages: There is currently no market information in the wallet, making it inconvenient for users to use.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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