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1. 邮票价格哪里可以实时查询

当前邮票现价实际上已有 现货市场、网上市场、电子盘市场三个体系了,同样的邮票在这三个市场(地方)一般有 3 种不同现价:
一. 邮票现货交易的现价可到邮票市场、邮币卡市场、收藏品市场上去了解;
二. 邮票网上交易的现价可到各个大型的参与人数多、交易活跃的邮票交易网站去查看;
三. 对于已经上市的邮票,该邮票的现价,可进入该票上市的文交所交易实盘上去查看 。

1. Where can I check the price of stamps in real time?

The current price of stamps actually has three systems: the spot market, the online market, and the electronic market. The same stamps are sold in these three markets. (Local) There are generally 3 different current prices:
1. The current price of stamp spot transactions can be found in the stamp market, stamp card market, and collectibles market;
2. The current price of stamps online transactions can be found at Check various large-scale stamp trading websites with large number of participants and active transactions;
3. For stamps that have been listed, the current price of the stamp can be checked on the real trading price of the cultural exchange where the stamp is listed.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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