莱特币送800一台矿机是真的吗 莱特币送800一台矿机多少钱

⑴ 莱特币110矿机一天能挖几个币



莱特币受到了比特币(BTC)的启发,并且在技术上具有相同的实现原理,莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理。莱特币旨在改进比特币,与其相比,莱特币具有三种显著差异。第一,莱特币网络每2.5分钟(而不是10分钟)就可以处理一个块,因此可以提供更快的交易确认。第二,莱特币网络预期产出8400万个莱特币,是比特币网络发行货币量的四倍之多。第三,莱特币在其工作量证明算法中使用了由Colin Percival首次提出的scrypt加密算法,这使得相比于比特币,在普通计算机上进行莱特币挖掘更为容易。每一个莱特币被分成100,000,000个更小的单位,通过八位小数来界定。






Litecointalk 官方论坛










目前比较出名的矿池包括:BTCC(原比特币中国)矿池、 waltc.net 鱼池(F2POOL)、WeMineLTC、Coinotron、SilverFish、LiteGuardian、LitecoinPool.org等。但目前收益最高的是F2POOL,近期推出莱特币理论收益+矿池补贴 10%=您的实际收益,受到很多矿工和业内的关注。



























⑵ 我花两万多买了一台莱特币矿机,刚挖了一个多月,就接到通知说停挖了,说明年3月份再挖,也不知真假,因

广州云星科技 比特币为你回答

⑶ 求一台莱特币挖矿机的配置清单

现在的矿机不都是二手配置么,最好是6pci-e插槽的H61主板配赛扬1610CPU最大限度省电需要500-800左右,省下钱上大功率电源和显卡花几十块钱自己搞一个机架,电源可以考虑3电源+同步线,大概2400W需要1000左右,一块蓝宝石HD7970 3GB GDDR5 OC With Boost 自动睿频1000/5800MHz大概是2300,6块加上必要的连接线大概就14000了。2G内存100块钱。妥妥的

⑷ 莱特币是骗局,千万别投资,我刚被骗


⑸ 一台32M算力的莱特币矿机一个月可以保持多少的收入


⑹ 现在一万块租矿机 每天产4.5个莱特币,可信吗

我曹,现在莱特币一个2000.你这一天回本啊 快买100台

⑺ 莱特币花1700租一台挖矿机每天产0.7至1.1个莱特币是真的吗


⑻ 莱特币矿机多少钱一台

比特币矿机很普遍了,但是莱特币矿机非常少。我之见过KNc官网出现过,莱特币矿机,算力只有100mh/s(刚在官方网站看了一下,发现升级为250了,价格没变),价格快1万美元了,我感觉太贵。具体了解网络搜 kncminer。

⑼ 现在挖莱特币一天收益多少。用的什么矿机。

竞斗云路由现在能挖莱特 主要是成本低 功耗低

⑴ How many coins can the Litecoin 110 mining machine mine in a day?

Based on the current difficulty, it can mine approximately 1.012 Litecoins in a day. This is the average calculation result in the mining pool. If If there is an efficient mining pool or SOLO, it may be more.

Litecoin (abbreviation: LTC, currency symbol: Ł) is an online currency based on "peer-to-peer" technology. It is also an open source software project under the MIT/X11 license. . It helps users make instant payments to anyone in the world.

Litecoin is inspired by Bitcoin (BTC) and technically has the same implementation principle. The creation and transfer of Litecoin are based on an open source encryption protocol and are not managed by any central authority. . Litecoin aims to improve Bitcoin and has three significant differences compared to it. First, the Litecoin network can process a block every 2.5 minutes (instead of 10 minutes), thus providing faster transaction confirmations. Second, the Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million Litecoins, which is four times the amount of currency issued by the Bitcoin network. Third, Litecoin uses the scrypt encryption algorithm first proposed by Colin Percival in its proof-of-work algorithm, which makes Litecoin mining easier on ordinary computers than Bitcoin. Each Litecoin is divided into 100,000,000 smaller units, defined by eight decimal places.

Design purpose

It is based on the Bitcoin (Bitcoin) protocol, but what is different from Bitcoin is that even at this stage, consumer-grade hardware can effectively "mine" mine". Litecoin provides you with faster transaction confirmations (average 2.5 minutes), it uses hard memory and a mining proof-of-work algorithm based on scrypt (an encryption algorithm), and is suitable for ordinary computers and graphics processing units (GPUs) used by most people. ). The Litecoin network is expected to produce 84 million currency units.

One of the design goals of Litecoin is to provide a mining algorithm that can be run simultaneously on the machines that mine Bitcoin. While application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) designed for mining Bitcoin are gradually emerging, Litecoin is also following the technological evolution. But until Litecoin currency is widely used, it is unlikely that an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will be developed specifically for Litecoin.

Related website communities

Litecoin official website

Litecointalk official forum

Litecoin Chinese community

Transaction< /p>

A peer-to-peer network similar to Bitcoin handles Litecoin transactions, balances, and issuance through the Scrypt proof-of-work scheme (when a small enough hash value is discovered, aA block will be created, at which point Litecoins will be issued, and the process of discovering this hash and creating the block is called "mining"). The issuance rate of Litecoin follows a geometric sequence, halving every four years (every 840,000 blocks), eventually reaching a total of 84 million LTC. Unlike Bitcoin, the memory-intensive nature of Scrypt makes Litecoin more suitable for "mining" with a graphics processing unit (GPU). The FPGA (field programmable gate array) and ASIC (application specific integrated circuit) implemented for Scrypt are more expensive than the sha256 used by Bitcoin.

Litecoin can currently be exchanged for fiat currencies as well as Bitcoin, mostly through online trading platforms. Reversible transactions (such as those made with a credit card) are generally not used to purchase Litecoin, as Litecoin transactions are irreversible and therefore introduce chargeback risk. As of April 25, 2013, one Litecoin was worth approximately $3.97 or 0.028 Bitcoin. This makes Litecoin the second-largest electronic currency with a market cap of around $35,000,000.


Litecoin is a free software project released under the MIT/X11 license, which allows you to run, modify and copy the software according to your needs. If you wish, you may also distribute modified versions of the software.

The software is released in a completely transparent form, and users can independently verify the binary version and the corresponding source code.

Mining Pool

Litecoin needs to be generated through "mining by miners". Mining is done through hashing by computer graphics cards. If the value of "explosion" is calculated, Then the system will reward 50 Litecoins at one time. Currently, the computing power of Litecoin is growing rapidly. Miners can no longer mine through several computers, so they need to join a mining pool. The mining pool gathers all the computing power of everyone. It is estimated that The probability of "explosion" value is greater.

The more famous mining pools currently include: BTCC (formerly Bitcoin China) mining pool, waltc.net fish pool (F2POOL), WeMineLTC, Coinotron, SilverFish, LiteGuardian, LitecoinPool.org, etc. But currently the one with the highest income is F2POOL, which recently launched Litecoin theoretical income + mining pool subsidy 10% = your actual income, which has attracted the attention of many miners and the industry.

Exchange rates for the world's major active digital currencies



Issue time



Official website

Market capitalization

Bitcoin basics








~$24.3 billion









~$3.6 billion USD



Data Blockchain

The Litecoin blockchain is capable of handling larger transaction volumes than its competitor, Bitcoin . Since data blocks are generated more frequently, the network can support more transactions without the need to modify the software in the future.
As a result, merchants can get faster transaction confirmations and still be able to wait for more transaction confirmations when selling large-ticket items.

Market evaluation In fact, digital virtual currencies are far from the above. The American "Forbes" magazine listed the top 30 virtual currencies in the market according to the total market value and price of virtual currencies as of 10 a.m. local time on the 27th. France Finance Network and "Venture Post" stated that the currently traded virtual currencies There are at least 60 species. "Forbes" reported that Bitcoin ranks first in market value and unit price, and the winner is Litecoin designed by former Google programmer Li Qiwei. In the past week as of the 27th, Litecoin has The price of the currency rose rapidly from US$6 to US$26, a considerable increase. Ranking third to fifth in total market capitalization are Peercoin, Famous Coin and Prime Coin. The report calculated the 24-hour increase as of the 27th. Almost all of the 30 currencies rose, with Quark Coin having the largest increase, reaching 278.55%. The report also said that almost all virtual currencies have ridden in the current Bitcoin rally, but most of them are operating in dismal conditions. There are 8 companies with a total market value of less than 1 million U.S. dollars, and as many as 19 companies with a unit price of less than 1 U.S. dollars.

⑵ I spent more than 20,000 yuan to buy a Litecoin mining machine. After mining for more than a month, I received a notice saying that it would stop mining. It said that I would mine again in March next year. I don’t know whether it was true or not. Why can't you mine because

you were injured by the mining machine?
Does it mean that the platform has stopped mining? Then change the platform.
If you are buying Litecoin computing power, then you are probably a scammer.
It is best not to be a liar, otherwise you will have no place to complain.
Guangzhou Yunxing Technology Bitcoin will answer for you

⑶ Asking for the configuration list of a Litecoin mining machine

Aren’t current mining machines all second-hand configurations? It is best to use an H61 motherboard with a 6pci-e slot and a Celeron 1610 CPU to save maximum power for about 500-800. Save money and invest in a high-power power supply and graphics card. Spend dozens of dollars to build a rack yourself. For power supply, you can consider 3 power supplies. + Synchronization cable, about 1000 for 2400W, a sapphire HD7970 3GB GDDR5 OCWith Boost automatic turbo frequency 1000/5800MHz is about 2300, 6 pieces plus the necessary connecting cables is about 14000. 2G of memory costs 100 yuan. That's right

⑷ Litecoin is a scam, don't invest, I just got scammed

It is not recommended to invest in Litecoin. Now Litecoin is generally not optimistic in the industry. Although Litecoin It was billed as a guinea pig for Bitcoin, but it failed. No innovation whatsoever. It was once said that it was not suitable for mining with ASIC mining machines, but in the end it became a joke. Li Feng, the founder of Litecoin ASIC mining machines, admitted that there is no currency that is not suitable for ASIC mining. Since the central bank's notice was issued in 2013, Litecoin, like Bitcoin, has been in a long-term downturn.

⑸ How much income can a Litecoin mining machine with 32M computing power maintain in a month?

According to the current difficulty and currency price, it is about 1,000 a month, and there is no electricity bill. buckle.
There should be no change in the difficulty of Wright.
The currency price is now 28. It may become worthless, or it may go back up.
Wish you good luck.
Guangzhou Yunxing Technology Bitcoin mining machine.

⑹ Now renting a mining machine for 10,000 yuan produces 4.5 Litecoins every day. Is it credible?

I am Cao, one Litecoin is now 2,000. You can get your money back this day. Buy 100 Taiwan

⑺ Is it true that Litecoin costs 1,700 to rent a mining machine to produce 0.7 to 1.1 Litecoins every day?

Theoretically it is impossible, unless it is a pyramid scheme. . It is recommended to take a look at the data:

⑻ How much does a Litecoin mining machine cost

Bitcoin mining machines are very common, but Litecoin mining machines are very common. There are very few coin miners. I have seen a Litecoin mining machine on the official website of KNc. The computing power is only 100mh/s (I just checked it on the official website and found that it has been upgraded to 250 and the price has not changed). The price is almost 10,000 US dollars. I feel that it is too expensive. To learn more about kncminer, search online.
Recently, the state seems to have issued a document to cancel the bank accounts of major domestic trading platforms. Better be cautious.

⑼ How much does it cost to mine Litecoin in a day? What mining machine is used?

Jingdou Cloud Routing can now mine Wright, mainly due to low cost and low power consumption

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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