合盈矿池币的价格是多少 合盈矿机币价多少钱一个

① 推荐几个矿池币。


② 在币网矿池挖的btc,最低起付额是多少


③ 比特币各大交易所都有自己的矿池吗


④ 比特币矿池推荐哪个好


⑤ 奇亚币还能涨起来吗

1、奇亚币在P盘后完全依赖硬盘容量挖矿的加密货币,一度冲上了接近2000美元的高位,也让矿工们趋之若鹜,纷纷购买大容量硬盘挖矿。甚至一度让大容量的SSD以及HDD断货涨价,2TB的NVME SSD价格曾一度飙升到4000元以上,而10TB以上的机械硬盘也曾经卖到断货。
4、可以简单算一下,按照目前的整个矿池的算力,加上算法P盘速度的调整,按照每TB硬盘挖矿的速度来看,要挖一个奇亚币,得花2700天的时间。现在一个奇亚币的价格大概在400美元,这样1TB的硬盘每天的收益不足0.15美元,也就是一天大概能赚1元钱。当然了,大多数矿工肯定都不会只用1TB的硬盘挖矿,SSD直接挖矿也不现实。不过这实实在在展现了现在矿工回本是多么困难的事情。 如果是个普通矿工,买一个10TB的硬盘,按照现在的行情,10TB的企业级硬盘最便宜都要在2000元左右,如果每TB一天只赚1元钱,那么10TB每天赚10元,要回本就得每天24小时不停挖上200天才行。如果算上P盘用的高速SSD,处理器、内存等成本,那么回本时间还会缩短一些。

⑥ 比特鱼矿池的比特币是跟国内价格还是国外


⑦ 矿池特鲁币是骗局吗


⑧ 币安从币币账户转到矿池钱包与否的区别


⑨ 有人在币印矿池挖矿吗收益怎么样




在全网算力提升到了一定程度后,过低的获取奖励的概率,促使一些“bitcointalk”上的极客开发出一种可以将少量算力合并联合运作的方法,使用这种方式建立的网站便被称作“矿池”(Mining Pool)。


截止2019年1月,全球算力排名前五的比特币矿池有:BTC.com 、Poolin、AntPool、slush pool、、F2Pool,全球约70%的算力在中国矿工手中。




⑩ 火币矿池的挖矿地址是什么


① Recommend several mining pool coins.

HTP has increased more than 30 times before. Longchi issued a computing power coin called HRT. I don’t know if it can increase by then. HRT will be listed on the Coinsuper exchange in December, and Coinsuper is one of the initiators. At the same time, holders of Coinsuper platform currency CEN can also receive HRT airdrops, so you can pay attention to it when the time comes.

② What is the minimum payment for BTC mined in the Binet mining pool?

I am currently mining at bw, and the minimum payment for BTC mining is 0.005 BTC. Because the mining pool provides an address for receiving and depositing coins and does not set a time limit for the wallet, I am too lazy to do so and sometimes just store the coins there.

③ Do the major Bitcoin exchanges have their own mining pools?

No, trading platforms generally only deal with Bitcoin transactions. Currently, only Bitcoin China has its own mining pool.

④ Which Bitcoin mining pool is recommended?

This is the mining pool share in the past three months:

⑤ Can Chia Coin still rise?

It’s difficult
1. Chia Coin is a cryptocurrency that relies entirely on hard disk capacity for mining after the P-listing, and once reached a high of nearly 2,000 US dollars. , also made miners flock to it and buy large-capacity hard drives for mining. Even large-capacity SSDs and HDDs were once out of stock and prices increased. The price of a 2TB NVME SSD once soared to more than 4,000 yuan, and mechanical hard drives above 10TB were also sold out.
2. However, compared with Ethereum and Bitcoin, whose prices are relatively stable, Chia currency is obviously not strong enough. Since its listing, the price of Chia Coin has continued to slide, and now it has even slipped to around $400, which is almost a cut in half. What makes the miners even more frustrated is that while the price is falling, the computing power of the entire Chia currency is constantly rising. After all, hard drives are easy to buy, and everyone can use the spare hard drive space to mine. After the P disk is completed, It depends on how much free hard drive space there is, and it will not put any burden on the warranty of the mechanical hard drive.
3. The result of the increase in computing power is that the mining speed of a single hard disk slows down. If the price of Chia currency has already dropped, the mining speed will slow down, which will greatly reduce the speed at which miners can recover their investment. . In the past few months, too many people have entered the Chia currency pit, and the capacity of the entire mine has reached 24EiB. At the same time, because Chia currency has adjusted the algorithm, the speed of the P disk has also slowed down. Even the fastest SSD can It can no longer achieve the efficiency of the past.
4. You can do a simple calculation. According to the current computing power of the entire mining pool, plus the adjustment of the algorithm P disk speed, based on the mining speed of each TB hard disk, it will cost 2700 to mine one Chia coin. Days of time. The current price of a Chia coin is about US$400, so the daily income of a 1TB hard drive is less than US$0.15, which means that you can earn about 1 yuan a day. Of course, most miners will definitely not use only 1It is also unrealistic to mine TB hard disks and directly mine SSDs. But this really shows how difficult it is for miners to recover their capital now. If you are an ordinary miner and buy a 10TB hard drive, according to the current market, the cheapest 10TB enterprise-level hard drive is around 2,000 yuan. If you only earn 1 yuan per TB per day, then 10TB will earn 10 yuan per day, and you have to get your money back. You have to dig 24 hours a day for 200 days. If you include the cost of the high-speed SSD, processor, memory, etc. used in the P disk, the payback time will be shortened.
5. If you are a large-scale mining owner, you will be even more unlucky. The price of hard drives above 10TB will be higher. For example, the price of 12TB reaches 3,600 yuan, and the price of 16TB is close to 6,000 yuan. The higher the cost, the faster the return on investment. Slowly, the larger the scale, the higher the investment, and the mine boss will probably shed more tears. So no matter how you look at it now, due to the soaring price of large-capacity hard drives, the increasing difficulty of mining Chia coins and the continued decline in prices, mining Chia coins is a choice that outweighs the gains and losses.
6. We expect that the bubble of Chia Coin will continue to burst, and it is possible that the price will drop below 400 US dollars. However, the threshold for Chia Coin mining is indeed very low. Anyone with a hard drive can mine it. It’s just a difference between mining more and less, so this is why Chia’s mining pool’s computing power is still increasing. However, for miners who specialize in mining Chia coins, the long payback period and too low profits may cause them to gradually lose interest in Chia coins.
7. At present, the price of solid-state drives has returned to the normal price. There are not too many people buying large-capacity mechanical hard drives. For ordinary users, the price is not exaggerated if they buy one below 8TB. Therefore, if there are users who just need to buy a hard drive, they can take advantage of the recent increase in e-commerce activities

⑥ Does the Bitcoin price in the Bitfish mining pool follow the domestic price or the foreign price?

The market price of Bitfish fluctuates with the price of the global market.

⑦ Is the Mining Pool Trucoin a scam?

I think the virtual currencies in the mining pool are all scams, because the virtual currencies are not real currencies and may start to make you a small profit. , but you will lose all your money later

⑧ The difference between Binance transferring from the currency account to the mining pool wallet or not

Summary The fluctuation of currency prices is relatively large, so in the currency When the price is relatively high or reaches your psychological expectations, you can use hedging, options, futures and other financial derivatives to lock in mining profits in advance.

⑨ Is anyone mining in Biyin Pool? How is the income?

Yes, the income is good. Compared with other mining pools, the income is higher, mainly because of the good service.

You can’t find customer service in other mining pools. They don’t care if there are any problems, and they don’t compensate for loss of computing power. If there are problems with Biyin, they can be contacted in time. The cute little Biyin is also very cute and mysterious. If there is a problem with the mining pool, you should be compensated as soon as possible. I don’t want other mining pools to deal with it, and there is no guarantee.

Because Bitcoin is allThe computing level of the Internet is constantly increasing at an exponential level, and no single device or a small amount of computing power can obtain the block rewards provided by the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network.

After the computing power of the entire network increased to a certain level, the probability of obtaining rewards was too low, prompting some geeks on "bitcointalk" to develop a method that can combine a small amount of computing power for joint operation. Websites built in this way are called "Mining Pools".

In this mechanism, regardless of the amount of computing power available to individual miners, as long as they participate in mining activities by joining a mining pool, regardless of whether they successfully mine valid Data blocks can obtain a small amount of Bitcoin rewards through contributions to the mining pool, that is, multiple people cooperate in mining, and the Bitcoin rewards obtained are also shared among multiple people according to their contribution.

As of January 2019, the top five Bitcoin mining pools in the world in terms of computing power are: BTC.com, Poolin, AntPool, slush pool, and F2Pool. About 70% of the world’s computing power is in Chinese miners. in hand.

In the Bitcoin world described in Satoshi Nakamoto’s paper, the entire network produces a block every 10 minutes on average, and each block contains 50 (now 12.5). Bitcoin is halved every four years or so. ) Bitcoin.

A block can only be mined by a lucky person, who directly owns the 50 (now 12.5, Bitcoin is halved every four years or so) Bitcoins in it, while others will receive nothing. , the probability of mining is directly proportional to the equipment computing power invested by the miner.

This is destined to mean that if the number of participants in Bitcoin mining is large and dispersed to a certain extent, the probability of mining Bitcoin will be infinitely close to zero, which is similar to winning the lottery. Perhaps a mining machine is invested in mining. According to the probability, it will take 5 to 10 years to mine a block. This puts Bitcoin mining in an embarrassing situation and makes it almost impossible for ordinary people to participate.

⑩ What is the mining address of Huobi Mining Pool

The mining pool is a team mining server. Corresponding mining pool address and server address. Bitcoin generates a block every 10 minutes, and tens of millions of people compete. However, this block is ultimately owned by only one person, and everyone else gets nothing. It may take you 5 years to mine a block. Team mining means that once anyone in the team obtains a block, the currency in the block will be distributed to everyone according to their performance, so that everyone can quickly obtain Bitcoins.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

❶ 比特币矿机能挖其它币吗比特币(bitcoin)是一种由开源的p2p软件产生的电子货币,数字货币,是一种网络虚拟货币。比特币也被意译为“比特金”。简写:btc。比特币不依靠特定货币机构发行,它通过特