非典后哪些板块涨势 非典结束后股市表现

Ⅰ 2003年非典 什么降价了和什么涨价了


Ⅱ 从今天回首17年前,“非典”那年对汽车行业有何影响






Ⅲ 非典后遗症是怎么回事

摘要: 非典后遗症,因为治疗与预防非典而留下的后遗症,主要是因为激素使用而留下的后遗症。2003年,为了抢救生命,激素类药物曾被大量用于非典紧急治疗,激素的副作用导致部分患者股骨头坏死。如今,这个被称为非典后遗症患者的群体,大部分生活艰难,6成家庭变故。而且,这个群体中的很多人,被习惯地遗忘了。非典对他们的身心损害极大,大部分人都有肺部病变等多种后遗症,尤其要引起重视的是,因受歧视而引发的心理障碍,钟南山院士称为非典最大的后遗症———“SARS后综合征”。对非典康复者,战胜疾病只是他们与非典抗争的第一役,如何克服因非典而起的心理困扰,仍需全社会的协同作战。 非典后遗症 [编辑本段]背景 非典时期(2003年),全国报告的非典后遗症病例是5000多例,死亡349人。现在,在北京免费治疗的仅150人左右。那么,还有多少未能进入免费治疗行列的后遗症患者,他们的境况如何?媒体报道说,即便是在北京接受免费治疗的部分患者,也仍旧忧虑后续的生活。与此同时,很多患者还受到了心理抑郁症的困扰。一份大学生的调查显示,后遗症患者中重度抑郁症患者达39%。 [编辑本段]范围 1、呼吸系统的弥漫性间质纤维化;间质性肺炎;机化性肺炎;局灶性纤维化。 2、运动系统的股骨头缺血性病变及坏死;髋关节滑膜炎。 非典后遗症患者3、按照国家规定,经非典防治专家组集体认定属于非典后遗症的其他疾病。 [编辑本段]实例说明 简介 北京登记有非典后遗症患者约300人;民间调查显示80%因病离岗,60%家庭变故。骨坏死、肺纤维化、抑郁,几乎是非典后遗症患者的普遍状态。这个群体一直未进入公众视野,直到国际残疾日后央视“新闻1+1”报道:他们活得艰辛。长期以来,非典后遗症患者生活在疾病折磨和心理忧患中,他们生活在封闭的小圈子里。几年来,政府也做了诸多努力,包括定点免费治疗及进行生活补助。但“非典后”依然对未来恐惧,他们担心疾病的发展,担心丧失生活能力,而因“非典后”具家族性特征,他们也担心谁来照顾患病的家人…… 他们还在想着办法,找寻着过得更好的希望。 非典后遗症患者暗夜的酒馆很安静,几杯下去,酒精的作用让方渤有些漂浮。9月28日,这个患有股骨头坏死、肺纤维化的中年人,试图猜想如没有非典后遗症,他现在会过着怎样一种生活。许多的镜头在他脑海里放大。回忆和猜想让他不安、焦躁。他砸碎了酒瓶,用玻璃片儿,朝着脑门戳了下去…… 目前在医院等待手术(右肩肱骨头清创)的方渤,脑门上有个明显的疤痕。“群”里其他人听说了方渤自残的事,没有太多惊讶,几年过来,他们都深刻体会过这种绝望的感受。他们是一个特殊的“群”———非典后遗症患者。 作为“死里逃生”的非典患者,方渤一度“沉醉”,直到半年后腿疼症状出现。六年前,2003年的北京,被非典包围。方渤是成功突围的人。患了非典的方渤,在东直门医院接受糖皮质激素治疗,当年6月,治愈出院。门诊楼上大幅祝贺患者康复的标语、家属手捧鲜花感谢医护人员,这样的画面,至今深印在方渤脑海里。那段时间,他是媒体的“宠儿”。作为“被成功治愈的非典病患”,他还上了王志采访的“面对面”。时至今日,自豪感还时不时会在语气等细节中显现。从视频资料看,当时的他显得年轻、健康。他甚至有些侠义:听说治愈者的血清对研究有帮助,他拉着全家人去捐。他还签署了协议,死后捐献眼角膜及遗体。“那个时间段里,我是名人,活过来了,总想回馈。”方渤回忆说。变化出现在半年后。半年后,他感觉腿疼,呼吸不畅,去医院一查,发现是因激素过量使用而导致的非典后遗症。方渤很快发现自己不是个体。2004年北京市政府对非典治愈者进行筛查,登记注册,这群人自发聚集了起来。方渤认识了张金萍等病友。 [编辑本段]调查数据 57.97%的患者精神变差或记忆力下降; 55%的患者觉得注意力受到影响; 49.3%的患者觉得自己工作能力降低、工作压力增加; 44.9%的患者觉得对生活造成负面影响; 40.58%的患者变得容易烦躁; 20%的患者左右觉得恐惧或孤独; 100%的患者认为得到了家庭的温暖、亲朋的支持,并认为这对自己的康复起了十分重要的作用。 非典后遗症患者 身体方面 78%的患者感到疲乏(其中觉得中到重度疲乏者有29例,超过42%); 74.3%的患者易出汗; 70%的患者有气短、气促的感觉; 50%以上的患者感到心悸、睡眠差、口干、胸闷; 26%的患者免疫功能有一定程度降低; 23.08%的患者出现小气道通气功能障碍; 65.58%的患者出现残气容积增加; 22.96%的患者出现轻度肺弥散功能障碍; 36%的患者仍见肺炎吸收不全病灶或间质性病变等(其中重症肺炎的患者占26%)。 [编辑本段]建议 我们需要做的,就应该是长久的制度性“后救援”,让他们在与病患抗争的同时,享有更具体、更细微的人情温暖与关怀。因为,一个健全的社会,必然要存在坚定而又永久的守候与呵护,让即使是处于最边缘最无力的人群,也会感受到人性的温暖。这样基于“后救援”的守候与呵护,首先应来自政府部门的制度性保障,并在此基础上,由民间组织完善至最细微的温暖与感动。从这个意义上说,只有这两种力量都遗忘了他们,他们才是真的被遗忘。同样,也只有这两种力量联起手来,他们才能真的被温暖。 政府部门的制度性保障又该如何建立,才能做到不遗忘或抛弃任何患者?完善而又行之有效的公共卫生体系自然是关键,这也是它基本的公共良知与使命。因此,对非典后遗症患者而言,我们在这方面的“后救援”,就是让他们的疾病得到有效治疗,让他们的生活有稳定的保障,让他们的心理抑郁得到疏导;与此同时,为所有的非典病例,建立完整的信息追踪档案,密切关注他们的生命健康,确保他们中的每一个人,都能得到永久的守候与呵护。当然,这也就需要做出更科学、更完善的制度性安排。

Ⅳ 非典时期药品涨价是不是通货膨胀


Ⅳ 非典后电商爆发 新冠疫情过后催生出的汽车产业




Ⅵ 为非典献身的白衣天使的故事


































Ⅶ 非典的资料


Ⅷ 2003年的非典中的英雄人物


























SARS事件最早是于2002年11月16日在广东顺德爆发的。 而第一例有报告病例的患者是于2002年12月15日在河源市发现患病的黄杏初。2003年1月10日,黄杏初康复出院,后被认定为中国首例非典型肺炎报告病例。




Ⅸ “非典”时期汽车销量激增,危机与机遇并存的2020能否历史重演








Ⅹ 为什么撒斯 非典能结束通货紧缩


Ⅰ 2003 SARS: What prices dropped and what prices increased

Chinese aunts are a powerful buying group because most of them have savings and have control over money.
What they care most about is prices. Chinese people are used to ridiculing Chinese aunts for being a stingy group. They can go to all the supermarkets around to buy discounted food. In fact, it is only a few cents cheaper. The shopping psychology of Chinese aunts is - it is better not to buy but to buy only affordable items. As long as the price of rice or cooking oil in the supermarket is slightly reduced, the ladies will queue up early in the morning.
Logically speaking, it is a Chinese tradition to be diligent and thrifty in running a household, and it is a good thing.
However, Chinese aunts are facing a rush to buy.
In 2003, when SARS was raging, rumors spread that white vinegar could fight the SARS virus, and white vinegar was sold out. In March 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake in Japan triggered a rush for salt in China. Then came the gold rush in the spring of 2013.
These "grabs" are all related to "Chinese aunts", and "grabbing" has become the biggest characteristic of "Chinese aunts" in people's eyes. They are desperate to possess them, without seeming to consider whether what they possess is far beyond the limit. What they need—no matter what, grab it first!
During the SARS epidemic in 2003, aunts began to grab isatis root. "At its peak, there were more than 100 people queuing in front of a store, and tens of thousands of packs of isatis root could be sold a day." Such a grand occasion still often appears in people's memories. . A SARS event ten years ago changed the lives of many people, and they were even more deeply impressed by the Chinese miracle drug Isatis. At that time, many people spread rumors that Isatis can prevent SARS, causing the price of Isatis in some cities to increase tenfold.
Of course, Chinese aunts are famous for their rush to buy gold. In April 2013, the international gold price plummeted, and Chinese aunts became famous for their crazy gold grabs. Their struggle with capital predators was infinitely magnified. After that, gold experienced a shocking plunge on April 12 and April 15, 2013, directly from 1,550 US dollars / ounce (approximately RMB 307 yuan / gram) to 1,321 US dollars / ounce (approximately RMB 261 yuan / gram) /gram), causing "Chinese aunts" to be trapped one after another, causing panic.
This kind of panic buying mostly stems from panic and speculation. Aunts are ignorant and uneducated and love to take advantage of small things.

II Looking back from today to 17 years ago, what impact did SARS have on the automobile industry?

★Write at the end:

< p>2003 is different from 2020 after all. It was an incremental market back then, and now it is a stock market, which is completely different.

In the post-SARS era, one comment summarized it this way, “Reducing travel has stimulated the three major consumptions: cars, bicycles, and online shopping.” Crisis and opportunity are like two sides of a coin. In times of crisis, there may also be greater opportunities. Having confidence and taking the initiative is more effective than panic and worry.

The author of this article is Cao An from the Kicking Car Gang

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

Ⅲ What are the sequelae of SARS?

Abstract: The sequelae of SARS are the sequelae caused by the treatment and prevention of SARS, mainly due to the use of hormones. In 2003, in order to save lives, hormone drugs were widely used in the emergency treatment of SARS. The side effects of hormones caused femoral head necrosis in some patients. Nowadays, most of this group, known as patients with sequelae of SARS, live a difficult life, and 60% have experienced family changes. Moreover, many people in this group are habitually forgotten. SARS has done great damage to their physical and mental health. Most people have various sequelae such as lung lesions. What deserves special attention is the psychological disorder caused by discrimination. Academician Zhong Nanshan called the biggest sequelae of SARS——" Post-SARS syndrome”. For those who have recovered from SARS, overcoming the disease is only the first battle in their fight against SARS. How to overcome the psychological distress caused by SARS still requires the coordinated efforts of the whole society. SARS sequelae [Edit this paragraph] Background During the SARS period (2003), more than 5,000 cases of SARS sequelae were reported across the country, with 349 deaths. Currently, only about 150 people receive free treatment in Beijing. So, how many patients with sequelae are still unable to get free treatment, and what is their situation? Media reports say that even some patients who receive free treatment in Beijing are still worried about their subsequent lives. At the same time, many patients also suffer from psychological depression. A survey of college students showed that 39% of patients with sequelae suffered from severe depression. [Edit this paragraph] Scope 1. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis of the respiratory system; interstitial pneumonia; organizing pneumonia; focal fibrosis. 2. Ischemic lesions and necrosis of the femoral head in the movement system; synovitis of the hip joint. Patients with sequelae of SARS 3. Other diseases that are collectively identified as sequelae of SARS by the SARS prevention and control expert group in accordance with national regulations. [Edit this paragraph] Example Introduction: There are about 300 people registered with SARS sequelae in Beijing; private surveys show that 80% have left work due to illness, and 60% have had family changes. Osteonecrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and depression are almost common conditions among patients with SARS sequelae. This group has not entered the public eye until CCTV’s “News 1+1” reported on the International Day of Disability: They live a difficult life. For a long time, patients with the sequelae of SARS have been suffering from disease and psychological distress, and they live in small closed circles. In the past few years, the government has also made many efforts, including providing free treatment at designated locations and providing living subsidies. But "post-SARS" people are still afraid of the future. They are worried about the development of the disease and the loss of their ability to live. And because "post-SARS" has familial characteristics, they are also worried about who will take care of their sick family members... They are still thinking of ways. , looking for hope for a better life. Patients with SARS sequelae The tavern in the dark night was very quiet. After a few drinks, the effect of alcohol made Fang Bo feel a little dizzy. On September 28, this middle-aged man suffering from femoral head necrosis and pulmonary fibrosis tried to guessWhat kind of life would he be living now without the sequelae of SARS? Many scenes zoomed into his mind. Memories and conjectures made him uneasy and anxious. He smashed the wine bottle and stabbed it in the forehead with a piece of glass... Fang Bo, who is currently in the hospital waiting for surgery (debridement of the humeral head of his right shoulder), has an obvious scar on his forehead. Others in the "group" were not too surprised when they heard about Fang Bo's self-mutilation. Over the past few years, they have all experienced this feeling of despair. They are a special "group" - patients with sequelae of SARS. As a SARS patient who "escaped death", Fang Bo was "intoxicated" until the symptoms of leg pain appeared six months later. Six years ago, in 2003, Beijing was surrounded by SARS. Fang Bo was the one who successfully broke through. Fang Bo, who suffered from SARS, received glucocorticoid treatment at Dongzhimen Hospital. In June of that year, he was cured and discharged. On the upper floor of the outpatient clinic, there were large slogans congratulating the patients on their recovery, and family members holding flowers to thank the medical staff. Such images are still deeply imprinted in Fang Bo's mind. During that time, he was the "darling" of the media. As a "successfully cured SARS patient", he also appeared in a "face-to-face" interview with Wang Zhi. To this day, pride still shows up in details like tone of voice from time to time. Judging from the video data, he appeared young and healthy at that time. He's even a bit chivalrous: Hearing that the healer's serum would be helpful for research, he dragged his whole family to donate. He also signed an agreement to donate his corneas and body after his death. "During that time, I was a celebrity, came alive, and always wanted to give back." Fang Bo recalled. The change occurred half a year later. Half a year later, he felt pain in his legs and difficulty breathing. He went to the hospital for a check-up and found that it was a sequelae of SARS caused by excessive use of hormones. Fang Bo soon discovered that he was not an individual. In 2004, the Beijing Municipal Government screened and registered people who had recovered from SARS, and this group of people gathered spontaneously. Fang Bo met Zhang Jinping and other patients. [Edit this paragraph] According to the survey data, 57.97% of the patients suffered from mental deterioration or memory loss; 55% of the patients felt that their concentration was affected; 49.3% of the patients felt that their work ability was reduced and work pressure increased; 44.9% of the patients felt that it had a negative impact on their lives. Negative impact; 40.58% of patients became easily irritable; about 20% of patients felt fearful or lonely; 100% of patients believed that they had received the warmth of family and support from relatives and friends, and believed that this played a very important role in their recovery . Physically, 78% of patients with SARS sequelae felt tired (29 of them felt moderate to severe fatigue, more than 42%); 74.3% of patients were prone to sweating; 70% of patients felt short of breath; 50% The above patients felt palpitations, poor sleep, dry mouth, and chest tightness; 26% of patients had a certain reduction in immune function; 23.08% of patients experienced small airway ventilation dysfunction; 65.58% of patients experienced an increase in residual volume; 22.96% of patients experienced Mild pulmonary diffusion dysfunction occurred; 36% of patients still had pneumonia incomplete absorption lesions or intermittent pneumonia.Qualitative lesions, etc. (26% of patients with severe pneumonia accounted for 26%). [Edit this paragraph] Suggestions: What we need to do is to provide long-term institutional "post-rescue" so that they can enjoy more concrete and nuanced human warmth and care while fighting the disease. Because, in a sound society, there must be firm and permanent waiting and care, so that even the most marginalized and powerless people can feel the warmth of humanity. Such waiting and care based on "post-rescue" should first come from the institutional guarantee of government departments, and on this basis, it should be improved to the smallest warmth and touch by non-governmental organizations. In this sense, they are truly forgotten only if both forces forget them. Likewise, only when these two forces join forces can they really be warmed. How should the institutional guarantees of government departments be established so that no patient is forgotten or abandoned? A sound and effective public health system is naturally the key, which is also its basic public conscience and mission. Therefore, for patients with the sequelae of SARS, our "post-rescue" in this regard is to allow their diseases to be effectively treated, to ensure their lives are stable, and to relieve their psychological depression; at the same time, we provide We will establish complete information tracking files for all SARS cases, pay close attention to their life and health, and ensure that each of them can receive permanent care and attention. Of course, this also requires more scientific and complete institutional arrangements.

IV Is the increase in drug prices during the SARS period inflation?

No. Inflation is caused by printing more money than is actually needed, meaning more money is printed. During the SARS period, prices rose due to the scarcity of medicines and the imbalance between supply and demand, so it was not inflation.
If you are writing a paper or something like that, you can list the knowledge about inflation and give examples, then analyze the principle of supply and demand, and finally write out the analysis according to the questions. The number of words is almost the same.

IV The automobile industry spawned by the e-commerce outbreak after SARS and the COVID-19 epidemic

The Spring Festival of 2020 is destined to be an unforgettable year. The COVID-19 epidemic has completely disrupted people’s lives. . Due to the impact of the epidemic, many traditional physical industries were forced to suspend operations, causing countless economic losses. However, the impact on the Internet industry was not significant. Even industries such as Douyin, Kuaishou, and gaming and entertainment received huge traffic and good profits.

And dealers have also reduced or stopped ordering cars due to lack of sales. This has been repeated for several months, and most dealers may not be able to hold on. Fortunately, many car companies have stated that they will not conduct sales assessments in February and have introduced support policies. However, it is still uncertain when the epidemic will be effectively alleviated, and some car companies have already determined the time for resumption of work. If by then There is no sales volume yet, and a large inventory is inevitable, so changing the sales model is urgent.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

VI The story of the angel in white who dedicated his life to SARS

Wei Xiaoling (1967-February 26, 2003), female, from Guangxi, Zhuang ethnic group, was a nurse at the Maternity and Infant Hospital of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. In 2003, SARS was rampant. Wei Xiaoling, a nurse at the Guangzhou Maternity and Infant Hospital, contracted SARS while taking care of patients. Her husband, who worked hard and delivered meals and flowers to the hospital every day, was also infected.

After graduating from Guangzhou Health School in 1986, he was assigned to work in Guangzhou Maternity and Infant Hospital. "Among the girls who come to work in the same hospital, she is always the first to come to work and the last to get off work. She rushes to do the dirty and tiring work." In 1996, the hospital decided to build a pediatric transplant ward and sent Wei Xiaoling, the backbone of the business, to Beijing Medical University People's Hospital to learn bone marrow transplant technology.

In the past few years, with the efforts of her and other medical staff in the pediatric transplant ward, Guangzhou Maternity and Infant Hospital has reached the domestic advanced level in cord blood transplantation. On January 17, 2003, Wei Xiaoling continued to have a fever and asked for leave from her work unit. After several days of outpatient treatment, there was still no effect and the condition continued to progress. On the 26th, she was admitted to the nearby Guangzhou Second People's Hospital.

On the evening of the 29th, Wei Xiaoling was transferred to the Third Hospital of Zhongshan for centralized treatment. Grandma Tong saw that her wife couldn't eat the rice she sent every day, so she asked her son to go to the hospital to stay with his wife more often. Wei Xiaoling and her husband have always been in love. Luo Yaohua, 42, is the assistant to the general manager of Guangzhou Grain and Oil Trading Company. He is usually busy, but it was the Spring Festival holiday, so he would come early and leave late every day, bringing some flowers and making delicious soup to the hospital. Be there for your wife.

Every time Grandma Tong mentioned this, she regretted endlessly: "I was the one who killed my son. I didn't know that my wife was suffering from SARS, and I didn't know that SARS could be so severe. "On the evening of February 4, 2003, Luo Yaohua also developed the same symptoms as his wife. On February 5, he was admitted to Guangzhou Second People's Hospital for treatment. On the evening of February 8, 2003, Wei Xiaoling was transferred to Guangzhou Eighth People's Hospital.

On February 9, Luo Yaohua was also asked to transfer to the Eighth People's Hospital. Whether it was a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement, on the afternoon of the 17th, Luo Yaohua was moved from the third floor to the second floor and lived in a ward opposite Wei Xiaoling. A relative who often went to the hospital to take care of them during that time said that the couple could see each other as the doctor put each other on a ventilator, but the combined force of love could not stop the pace of death.

At about 7 o'clock in the morning on the 18th, Luo Yaohua passed away. The parents were old and the son was still young, so they were unable to see him off for the last time. After school that afternoon, grandpa told Jiezi, who had just put down his schoolbag: "Dad is dead." On February 26, 2003, in order to prevent Wei Xiaoling from knowing the bad news, her relatives hurriedly transferred her to the Guangzhou First People's Hospital at noon that day. Hospital. But it didn't help, so Wei Xiaoling also left with her husband.

After the child came home from school in the evening, grandpa told Jiezi in the same tone: "Mom is dead."

(6) After SARSExtended reading in the currency circle:

Introduction to the medical staff who died in the SARS incident:

1. Mainland China:

1. Ye Xin (March 2003 On the 25th, head nurse of the emergency department of the Ersha Island Branch of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou)

2. Li Xiaohong (July 1974-April 16, 2003, attending physician of the second department of the Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital)

3. Deng Lianxian (April 21, 2003, Party branch secretary and chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou)

4. Liang Shikui (1946 -April 24, 2003, deputy director of the Emergency Department of Shanxi Provincial People's Hospital)

5. Yang Tao (1960-May 6, 2003, radiologist at Luhe Hospital, Tongzhou District, Beijing)< /p>

6. Ding Xiulan (March 24, 1954 - May 13, 2003, chief physician, deputy director of the Emergency Department, and Party branch secretary of the Emergency Department, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing)

2. Hong Kong, China

1. Liu Yongjia (1965-April 26, 2003, nurse in the Department of Chest and Pulmonary Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital)

2. Tse Wan-wen (March 31, 1968) Date - May 13, 2003, Physician, Department of Chest and Pulmonary Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital)

3. Tang Heung-mei (1967 - May 16, 2003, Health Service Assistant, United Christian Hospital)

3. >

4. Liu Jinrong (1956-May 27, 2003, health service assistant at United Christian Hospital)

5. Wang Gengdi (1950-May 31, 2003, health service at Prince of Wales Hospital) Service Assistant)

6. Cheung Sik-hsien (1945-May 31, 2003, private practice specialist in otolaryngology in Hong Kong)

7. Zheng Xiaen (1973-2003 June) April 1, 2003, doctor at Tai Po Hospital)

3. Taiwan, China

1. Lin Yongxiang (on April 28, 2003, physician at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)

2. Chen Jingqiu (May 1, 2003, chief nurse of Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

3. Lin Jialing (May 11, 2003, nurse of Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

4. Lin Chongwei (May 15, 2003, doctor at Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

5. Zheng Xuehui (May 18, 2003, deputy director of the Nursing Department of Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

4. Italy

Carlo Vurbanni (the first doctor to discover SARS on March 29, 2003, a World Health Organization doctor stationed in Hanoi, Vietnam)

VII SARS Information

There is relevant information on the Internet!

VIII Heroes of SARS in 2003

Mainland China

Ye Xin (March 25, 2003, GuangzhouHead Nurse of the Emergency Department of the Ersha Island Branch of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Li Xiaohong (July 1974-April 16, 2003, attending physician of the Second Department of the Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital)

Deng Lianxian (April 21, 2003, Party branch secretary and chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou)

Liang Shikui (1946-April 24, 2003, Shanxi Province Deputy Director of the Emergency Department of People's Hospital)

Yang Tao (1960-May 6, 2003, radiologist at Luhe Hospital, Tongzhou District, Beijing)

Ding Xiulan (March 1954 24th - May 13, 2003, Chief Physician, Deputy Director of the Emergency Department, and Secretary of the Party Branch of the Emergency Department of Peking University People's Hospital in Beijing)

Hong Kong, China

Liu Yongjia (1965- April 26, 2003, Internal Medicine Nurse, Department of Chest and Pulmonary Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital)

Tse Wan-man (March 31, 1968 - May 13, 2003, Internal Medicine Physician, Department of Chest and Pulmonary Medicine, Tuen Mun Hospital)


Deng Xiangmei (1967-May 16, 2003, health service assistant at United Christian Hospital)

Liu Jinrong (1956-May 27, 2003, health service assistant at United Christian Hospital) )

Wang Gengdi (1950-May 31, 2003, Health Service Assistant at Prince of Wales Hospital)

Cheung Sik-hsien (1945-May 31, 2003, Department of Otolaryngology, Hong Kong Specialist in private practice)

Zheng Xiaen (1973-June 1, 2003, doctor at Tai Po Hospital)

Taiwan, China

Lin Yongxiang (2003 April On May 28, internist at Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital)

Chen Jingqiu (on May 1, 2003, head nurse of Taipei Peace Hospital)

Lin Jialing (on May 11, 2003, in Taipei Nurse, Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

Lin Chongwei (on May 15, 2003, doctor at Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital)

Zheng Xuehui (on May 18, 2003, deputy director of the Nursing Department of Taipei Municipal Peace Hospital) Director)


Carlo Vurbanni (March 29, 2003, the first doctor to discover SARS, a World Health Organization doctor stationed in Hanoi, Vietnam)

(8) Extended reading in the currency circle after SARS:

The outbreak process of the SARS incident in 2003:

The SARS incident first occurred in It broke out in Shunde, Guangdong on November 16, 2002. The first patient with a reported case was Huang Xingchu, who was found sick in Heyuan City on December 15, 2002. On January 10, 2003, Huang Xingchu recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and was later identified as the first reported case of SARS in China.

At the end of December 2002, people in Guangdong appeared aboutThere were rumors of a deadly strange disease, and it was even said that patients in some hospitals died in large numbers due to the strange disease.

Because there are rumors that boiling vinegar and drinking isatis root can prevent strange diseases, there is a rush to buy rice vinegar and isatis root in the market. Since many people could not buy rice vinegar and isatis root, they called their relatives and friends in Hong Kong for help, so that the outside world could learn about their condition.

On the other hand, since Hong Kong is close to Guangdong Province, many workers who have relatives and friends in Guangdong Province ask their employers to boil rice vinegar in the workplace so that the steam of the rice vinegar can be disinfected and sterilized. Some employers have rejected this seemingly nonsense method, but others have complied in order to reassure their employees.

Ⅸ During the SARS period, car sales surged. Can history repeat itself in 2020, when crises and opportunities coexist?

Who would have thought that the beginning of 2020 would be a pneumonia epidemic that spreads around the world? . In order to prevent further outbreaks of the epidemic, people everywhere can only stay at home, and many small and medium-sized enterprises have been forced to close down. The automobile industry has also been greatly affected. Original plans have been disrupted. In addition, the domestic automobile market is in a cold winter period. This epidemic has undoubtedly made China's automobile industry worse.

However, on the positive side, the epidemic may bring new opportunities to the Chinese automobile industry.

The revelation of SARS

The 2020 COVID-19 epidemic reminds people of the fear of being dominated by SARS in 2003. However, the car market of that year showed the symptoms of SARS. "type" side.

According to data from the Passenger Car Association, China's auto market maintained double-digit growth every year from 2001 to 2005. In 2003, it soared, with sales increasing by 70% year-on-year. Obviously, SARS did not have a negative impact on the Chinese auto market in 2003, but seemed to have a promoting effect.

Under the epidemic, there is a tragedy before us, but in fact it is also a coexistence of crises and opportunities. For those car companies that are actively seeking change, the outbreak of the epidemic is just a catalyst That’s all.

This article comes from the author of Autohome Chejiahao and does not represent the views and positions of Autohome.

Ⅹ Why SARS can end deflation

Let’s briefly talk about inflation: there is price but no goods deflation: there is goods but no price
The outbreak of SAAS in China has led to several In the past month, manufacturing in China has stopped and prices have risen slightly, which was a turning point for the entire Chinese economy at that time.
I won’t go into details about the reasons and mission of the deep-seated SAAS outbreak.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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