fil头部矿商 filecoin头矿

① Fil挖矿封装期都提不了币吗

这个问题你应该问当时卖矿机给你的人 fil的规则是每日产币的百分之25可以立即提现 剩下的百分之75呈180天线性释放

② fil币靠谱吗

1、 fil是什么数字货币
2、 FIL币中文叫什么
3、 FIL币的未来怎样
当前在全世界范围内已经有越来越多的FIL币相关应用正在逐渐落地。 包括微软、谷歌浏览器、火狐浏览器、德国航天中心、美国阿波罗登月计划、加拿大政府、美国国会图书馆、万维网、imToken钱包、EOS等包括政府、权威机构、互联网公司、数字货币资产在内,已经有相当领域开始布局或者正在应用FIL相关技术。FIL币相关技术逐步落地,其价格建立在广泛的实际应用基础上,从长远来看,FIL币未来不可估量。
4、 FIL币的价值

③ fil币在中国合法吗

合法的,随着IPFS的技术落地应用越来越多,目前国家也是重力发展新基建,也就是互联网的建设,IPFS也是其中之一。那作为IPFS的激励层filecoin发行的FIL币是合法合规的。从一开始, Filecoin就遵循了这一准则。自成立以来, IPFS/Filecoin创造了许多第一纪录:第一个与实体经济联系最紧密的加密货币;第一个被传统金融机构认可的众筹加密货币;以及第一个在私慕轮中受到顶级投资机构青睐的加密货币。
1、FIL币:Fil币的中文名叫做文件币,它是一个开源、面向大众开放的加密货币和数字支付系统。文件币系统旨在打造一个基于区块链系统的数据存储和检索方法,它是“协议实验室”以星际文件系统为基础而创造的。IPFS全称是Inter Planetary File System,一般翻译为“星际文件系统”,它由Protocol Lab提出,是一种点对点(P2P)的分布式文件系统。

④ fil币是骗局吗

一.联合挖矿 这是最近刚出的一新鲜词,所谓的联合挖矿,在这可以肯定的是,就目前而言,只要打着联合挖矿的名义售卖矿机的可以都归类为资金盘。挖FIL的同时挖CRU,XCH,BZZ,PHA......还有不少公司宣传只需要用户出质押币和GAS的FIL,然后和公司分成的,这种抽成非常高,远远超过全网的数据,其实你要懂一个道理,FIL的机器相对于质押来说,机器是非常便宜的。算下来你自己肯定是不划算的。
二.云算力挖矿 云算力挖矿说白了就是用户租用公司的机器,有些是自己出质押和GAS,首先你要看清楚公司的资质,只要是交易就必须要有合同,而且要看清楚合约条款,有很多都是霸王条款。更不要听表面的宣传和业务员的死缠烂打。有很多公司挖矿APP都是假的,从哪里来的机器给你挖呢,市面上有部分所谓的云矿机都是打着各种高收益的幌子来忽悠一些非专业者,所谓的云矿机,只要跟你把收益说的和实际不符的都是骗人的。
三.实体矿机 买矿机必须选择有实力的大公司 ,考察清楚 ,了解清楚再参与。 稍微有点实力的公司你可以去看一下他们的经营许可证,IDC批文,数据节点等等。但是有人的地方就有江湖,有一些小规模的矿机后 ,就开始销售算力和矿机 ,但是算力存在超卖和一些不规范的操作 ,参与矿工的利益也不能保障他们的利益 。文中不便提及信誉不好的公司。
四、总而言之,FIL本身是非常好的一个投资项目,只是被一些别有用心的人利用做了坏事。但是你只要认清一点,天上不会掉馅饼,只有投机才会上当受骗 ,不贪小便宜的人不会 被骗 ,并且随着社会的发展 ,欺诈行为 不断得到更新,每一个热点 ,每一个伎俩都可以成为骗子的武器大家必须小心,真正想投资一个项目自己花点时间心思去好好了解,这样才能最大限度降低成为韭菜的风险,最后也祝愿各位能在币圈收获自己想要的!

⑤ FiL币在火币交易所也要逐渐清退吗


⑥ 2021年还可以投fil币吗,是挖矿好还是,买现货好,矿机那家比较好


⑦ fil成垃圾币了


⑧ fil币价的行情怎么样






⑨ fil币国家认可吗


⑩ 国家管控后fil币怎么样了

1、针对目前的国内环境,菲尔官方发表声明。经研究分析中国法律顾问关于预防和处置非法集资活动的规定,对非法、欺诈性集资活动将受到行政处罚和刑事处罚;新法规并未专门针对区块链或加密货币(或 IPF/filecoin);我们始终致力于遵守监管要求,促进 Filecoin 生态的健康发展。
2、Fil挖掘基于IPFs分布式技术,打破了传统的中心化HTTP传输协议。目前,全球正在积极布局IPFs分布式协议。广电总局也将IPF写入白皮书中科院分布式存储联合实验室(IPFs)在东莞成立,中科院云计算中心成立“( IPFs) 联合分布式存储实验室”。 IPFs分布式存储技术得到了众多重量级科研机构的认可和参与。
3、Filecoin 是 IPF 上的一个重要应用。它是一个去中心化的分布式存储。它也是 IPF 上唯一的激励层。 Filecoin 的诞生是为了通过经济激励机制促进 IPF 的发展。使用的 IPF 网络越多,对 Filecoin 的需求就越大。 Filecoin 矿工越多,对 PFS 网络的支持就越大。因此,IPF 和 Filecoin 形成了一种共生关系。
1)Filecoin(以下简称FIL)是IPFs的激励层代币。这是一个真正的区块链项目。我们参与IPFs网络为IPFs提供服务器,fil币是我们的奖励,fil币是我们实现投资回报的方式。它是一个基于区块链的分布式存储网络,将云存储变成一个算法市场。 Filecoin 于 2017 年在 I 轮第一轮推出,每小时筹集了 2.57 亿美元,并获得了美国八家顶级风险投资机构的一致投资。现在是媲美当年以太坊的巨星项目。
2)2017年,协议实验室创建了基于IPFs的去中心化存储网络filecoin,构建去中心化、高效的基础设施网络。这是一个基于索引表的众筹项目,也可以看作是索引表的激励层。许多人对 IPF 和 Filecoin 之间的关系感到困惑。比如区块链和比特币。区块链是一种技术,而比特币就是这种技术的应用。同样,IPFs 是一种技术,filecoin 是该技术的应用。同年,filecoin 在自己的平台上在半小时内筹集了 2.05 亿美元的合规代币融资。Filecoin此前融资5200美元,共融资2.57亿美元,成为当时融资最多的区块链项目。

① Can’t I withdraw coins even during the FIL mining encapsulation period?

You should ask the person who sold you the mining machine this question. FIL’s rule is that 25% of the daily coin production is OK. Withdraw immediately and the remaining 75% will be released linearly at 180 days

② Is fil currency reliable?

It is reliable. FIL is the leader in the distributed storage industry. Currently, most platforms are planning to deploy FIL distributed storage, and FIL is now in the long-term. The reason why FIL is so popular is not only the virtual currency, but also mainly because the IPFS network now has application prospects for solving practical problems and is an application technology that is in line with the new generation of network data.
Extended information:
1. What is fil digital currency?
fil digital currency is a digital currency based on the underlying technology of the blockchain, which is equivalent to a digital asset. fil is a reward token on the IPFS network, mainly used to reward users who provide storage computing power.
There are 2 billion FIL tokens, 70% of which are miners, 15% of the official team, 10% of ICO investors, and 5% of the Filecoin Foundation. The Filecoin project uses PoSt. PoSt uses the size of the data stored on the hard disk as computing power to allow all miners to fairly distribute rewards.
2. What is the Chinese name of FIL Coin?
The Chinese name of FIL Coin is File Coin. It is an open source cryptocurrency and digital payment system open to the public. The Filecoin system aims to create a data storage and retrieval method based on a blockchain system. It was created by the "Protocol Lab" based on the Interstellar File System.
3. What is the future of FIL currency?
Currently, more and more FIL currency-related applications are gradually being implemented around the world. Including Microsoft, Google Chrome, Firefox, German Aerospace Center, US Apollo moon landing program, Canadian government, US Library of Congress, World Wide Web, imToken wallet, EOS, etc. including governments, authoritative institutions, Internet companies, digital currency assets in Within the industry, quite a few fields have already begun to lay out or are applying FIL-related technologies. FIL coin-related technologies are gradually implemented, and its price is based on a wide range of practical applications. In the long run, the future of FIL coin is immeasurable.
4. The value of FIL coins
The value of FIL coins is mainly used for ipfs distributed storage to reward miners who provide storage computing power. Filecoin is a token on IPFS, and Filecoin contributes idle hard disks as space for storing data. fil is a decentralized storage system based on the ipfs protocol and is currently the only token in the ipfs system.

③ Is fil currency legal in China?

It is legal. With more and more IPFS technology being implemented and applied, the country is also focusing on developing new infrastructure, that is, the Internet. The construction of IPFS is also one of them.The FIL coin issued as filecoin, the incentive layer of IPFS, is legal and compliant. From the beginning, Filecoin has followed this guideline. Since its inception, IPFS/Filecoin has set many first records: the first cryptocurrency with the closest ties to the real economy; the first crowdfunding cryptocurrency recognized by traditional financial institutions; and the first in private investment circles. A cryptocurrency favored by top investment institutions.
Extended information:
1. FIL Coin: The Chinese name of FIL Coin is File Coin. It is an open source cryptocurrency and digital payment system open to the public. The Filecoin system aims to create a data storage and retrieval method based on a blockchain system. It was created by the "Protocol Lab" based on the Interstellar File System. The full name of IPFS is Inter Planetary File System, generally translated as "Interplanetary File System". It was proposed by Protocol Lab and is a peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed file system.
2. However, although it is a file system and a technology used to store data, it is more precise to say that IPFS is a transmission protocol. IPFS regards HTTP as its opponent, and its publicity must be based on HTTP, and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is currently the most commonly used transmission protocol. If we want to find the content we want on the Internet, we need to enter the URL. Most URLs start with HTTP. HTTP transfers domain names, IPs and multiple central servers, and then uploads and downloads files. The achievements of HTTP are irreplaceable. Now we all rely on HTTP when surfing the Internet. However, HTTP also has some problems, such as not very high performance efficiency, excessive reliance on central servers and backbone networks, etc.
3. Compared with IPFS, it is a decentralized solution. Content addressing is not through domain names and IPs, but through unique HASH keys for data search. IPFS is a distributed file storage system. File data is not stored in a centralized server, but in all qualified computers on the network. Of course, IPFS is more than just that, it has many other features, and its levels and application scope also go beyond simple P2P downloads. There is an incentive mechanism in IPFS - Filecoin. Participants (miners) can obtain cryptocurrency Filecoin rewards by contributing storage space and bandwidth.

④ Is fil coin a scam?

Yes, it is a scam. The following is a scam:
1. Joint mining This is a new term that has just come out recently, the so-called joint mining. What is certain is that for now, as long as the minerals are sold in the name of joint mining All machines can be classified as capital disks. While mining FIL, mine CRU, More than allAccording to the data on the Internet, you have to understand one thing: FIL machines are very cheap compared to pledges. Calculating it yourself, it’s definitely not worth it.
2. Cloud computing power mining Cloud computing power mining means that users rent the company's machines. Some of them provide pledges and GAS themselves. First of all, you must clearly see the company's qualifications. As long as it is a transaction, there must be a contract. And you need to read the terms of the contract clearly, as many of them are overbearing terms. Don't listen to the superficial propaganda and the salespeople's stalking. There are many companies that have fake mining apps. Where do they get the machines to mine for you? Some of the so-called cloud mining machines on the market use various high-yield guise to fool non-professionals. The so-called cloud mining machines are all fake. Mining machines, as long as they tell you that the income is not consistent with the actual situation, it is a lie.
3. Physical mining machines. When buying mining machines, you must choose a large and powerful company, conduct a thorough investigation, and understand clearly before participating. For companies with some strength, you can check their business licenses, IDC approvals, data nodes, etc. But where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After there are some small-scale mining machines, they start to sell computing power and mining machines. However, the computing power is oversold and some irregular operations, and the interests of participating miners cannot protect their interests. It is inappropriate to mention companies with bad reputations in this article.
4. In short, FIL itself is a very good investment project, but it has been used by some people with ulterior motives to do bad things. But as long as you understand clearly, pie will not fall in the sky, only speculation will be deceived, and people who are not greedy for petty gains will not be deceived. And with the development of society, fraudulent behaviors are constantly being updated, every hot spot, every Tricks can become weapons for scammers. You must be careful. If you really want to invest in a project, take the time to understand it carefully. Only in this way can you minimize the risk of becoming a leek. Finally, I wish you all can gain what you want in the currency circle!

⑤ Will FiL coins be gradually withdrawn from the Huobi exchange?

Summary: FiL coins are virtual currencies and are currently being gradually withdrawn from the Huobi exchange

⑥ Can you still invest in fil coins in 2021? Is it better to mine or buy spot, which mining machine is better

Don’t talk nonsense about cheating life, have money to buy comfort. If you don’t have money, you’re just fooling around. If you have money, you’re screwed. So if you have money, stop looking at these things

⑦ FIL has become a junk currency

1. Affected by the entire market, the price of FIL currency has plummeted to 80 US dollars. It has shrunk by nearly 2 times. At this time, many people began to bet against FIL currency, and even thought that FIL was "junk".
2. The decline in FIL price is in line with the project’s expectations and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the increase in computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market, the price of FIL drops, then the cost of improving computing power will be low, and if you buy more FIL coins, the price will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).
3. For ordinary people, safety and stability are the most important. If you are not sure enough, you should choose the most advantageous method. The biggest advantage of mining is that the coins you hold are constantly increasing. , even if the currency price has corrected, the total assets in the future have not shrunk significantly. Even after experiencing a bear market, what will usher in is the joy of asset explosion. Compared with spot currency hoarding, investment in mining will not cause panic and stop losses when the currency price rebounds, nor will it be exited early when the currency price rebounds, making it difficult to grasp all the profits.
Extended information:
1. The decline in FIL price is in line with the expectations of the project and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the growth of computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market, the price of FIL decreases, so the cost of improving computing power will be low, buy more The price of FIL currency will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).
2. The decline in FIL price is in line with the project’s expectations and the design goals of Filecoin. This stability has a lot to do with Filecoin’s pledge mechanism. To adjust the closed loop from the perspective of the public, FIL miners generally need to increase their computing power, but the growth of computing power requires mortgage, and since the main source of mortgage coins is the secondary market, the price of FIL decreases, so the cost of improving computing power will be low, buy more The price of FIL currency will increase. If the currency price of FIL rises, the cost of increasing computing power will be high, and there will be a demand for scalable growth. IPFS mining machine (Fire Thunder God).

⑧ How is the price of fil currency?

The price has fluctuated greatly since the launch of the FIL currency mainnet, and the currency price is in the early development stage, October 15, 2020 On the day when the FIL coin mainnet was launched, the issuance price was US$26.73. Due to too much attention, the price directly jumped to nearly US$200. Subsequently, the project team smashed the market and the currency price dropped sharply to around US$23.

At present, FIL currency is in the early stages of development. The higher currency price in the early stage will have limited impact on mining income, but the lower currency price can reduce mining costs. The mainnet of FILcoin has been online for only half a year. Bitcoin has developed for more than ten years. The mainnet of FILcoin has only been online for more than half a year. Referring to the early Bitcoin, it was born in 2009. From being ignored to appreciating tens of millions of times, it has gone through ten years. More than a year.

Related information

FIL coin mining requires pledge coins and GAS fees, Bitcoin The currency does not require pledge coins and GAS fees.In order to ensure the security and efficiency of miners' data storage, FIL currency has set up a special economic model. Before mining, miners need to prepare a certain amount of FIL coins in advance as pledge coins to ensure the security of stored data. This part of FIL coins will be returned to the miners after a certain period.

FIL coin has practical application as its foundation, while Bitcoin has no practical application as its foundation. Bitcoin is the first digital currency, which opened the prelude to the blockchain and opened up a high-speed channel for the development of digital currency. It is a well-deserved leader in the currency circle. However, Bitcoin has no practical application value as a basis. The process of mining Bitcoin basically consumes the computing performance of the computer for no reason, and also consumes a huge amount of electricity energy, which is very unenvironmental.

⑨ Is the fil currency recognized by the country?

It is impossible to recognize it, it is the enemy of the digital renminbi

⑩ What happened to the fil currency after the state controlled it

Fil currency has not been affected too much after the national control.
1. In response to the current domestic environment, Phil officially issued a statement. After research and analysis of China’s legal counsel’s regulations on preventing and handling illegal fund-raising activities, illegal and fraudulent fund-raising activities will be subject to administrative penalties and criminal penalties; the new regulations do not specifically target blockchain or cryptocurrency (or IPF/filecoin); We are always committed to complying with regulatory requirements and promoting the healthy development of the Filecoin ecosystem.
2. Fil mining is based on IPFs distributed technology, breaking the traditional centralized HTTP transmission protocol. Currently, the world is actively deploying IPFs distributed protocols. The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television also included IPF in the white paper. The Joint Distributed Storage Laboratory (IPFs) of the Academy of Sciences was established in Dongguan, and the Cloud Computing Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences established the "(IPFs) Joint Distributed Storage Laboratory". IPFs distributed storage technology has been recognized and participated by many heavyweight scientific research institutions.
With the development of 5G, Internet of Things, driverless driving, artificial intelligence, etc., there is an increasing demand for data storage. As a storage project, fil follows current trends. From technology applications to future data markets, fil exists as the underlying technical facility, and its importance is self-evident.
3. Filecoin is an important application on IPF. It is a decentralized distributed storage. It is also the only incentive layer on IPF. Filecoin was created to promote the development of IPF through an economic incentive mechanism. The more the IPF network is used, the greater the demand for Filecoin. The more Filecoin miners there are, the greater the support for the PFS network. Therefore, IPF and Filecoin form a symbiotic relationship.
Extended information:
1) Filecoin (hereinafter referred to as FIL) is the incentive layer token of IPFs. This is a real blockchain project. We participate in the IPFs network to provide services to IPFsTools, fil coins are our rewards, and fil coins are our way to achieve return on investment. It is a distributed storage network based on blockchain that turns cloud storage into an algorithm market. Filecoin launched in 2017 in a Series I round that raised $257 million per hour and received unanimous investment from eight of the top venture capital firms in the United States. Now it is a superstar project comparable to Ethereum back then.
2) In 2017, Protocol Labs created filecoin, a decentralized storage network based on IPFs, to build a decentralized and efficient infrastructure network. This is a crowdfunding project based on the index table, which can also be regarded as the incentive layer of the index table. Many people are confused about the relationship between IPF and Filecoin. Such as blockchain and Bitcoin. Blockchain is a technology, and Bitcoin is an application of this technology. Likewise, IPFs is a technology and filecoin is an application of that technology. That same year, filecoin raised $205 million in compliant token financing on its own platform in half an hour. Filecoin previously raised US$5,200 and raised a total of US$257 million, becoming the most funded blockchain project at the time.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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