光头哥直播是真是假 光头哥网红

① 找脑筋急转弯



3.小王是一名优秀士兵,一天他在站岗值勤时,明明看到有敌人悄悄向他摸过来,为什么他却睁一只眼闭一只眼? (答案:他正在瞄准)

4.一学生把硬币抛向空中:正面朝上就去看电影,背面朝上就去打台球,如果硬币立起来,就他妈去学习。 (答案:去学习)

5.两只狗赛跑,甲狗跑得快,乙狗跑得慢,跑到终点时,哪只狗出汗多? (答案:狗不会出汗)

6.有种动物,大小像只猫,长相又像虎,这是什么动物? (答案:小老虎) 7

7.猴子每分钟能掰一个玉米,在果园里,一只猴子5分钟能掰几个玉米? (答案:没掰到一个)

8.一溜(提示:注意谐音)三棵树,要拴10匹马,只能拴单不能拴双? (答案:请问怎样栓)

9.世上什么东西比天更高? (答案:心比天高)

10.什么贵重的东西最容易不翼而飞? (答案:人造卫星)

11.三个金鑫,三个水叫淼,三个人叫众,那么三个鬼应该叫什么? (答案:叫救命)

12.胖妞生病时,最怕别人来探病时说什么? (答案:多保重身体)

13.什么东西比乌鸦更讨厌? (答案:乌鸦嘴)

14.孔子是我国最伟大的什么家? (答案:老人家)

15.睡美人最怕的是什么? (答案:失眠)

16.小明对小华说:我可以坐在一个你永远也坐不到的地方!他坐在哪里? (答案:小华的身上)


18.世界上除了火车啥车最长? (答案:塞车)

19.有一个人一年才上一天班又不怕被解雇他是谁? (答案:圣诞老人)

20.拿鸡蛋撞石头鸡蛋为何不烂? (答案:拿着鸡蛋撞石头当然不会烂)

21.哪项比赛是往后跑的? (答案:拔河)

22.你的爸爸的妹妹的堂弟的表哥的爸爸与你叔叔的儿子的嫂子是什么关系? (答案:亲戚关系)

23.牙医靠什么吃饭? (答案:嘴巴)

24.明明是个近视眼,也是个出名的馋小子,在他面前放一堆书,书后放一个苹果,你说他会先看什么? (答案:什么都看不见)

25.一个不会游泳的人掉进了水里却没有淹死,为什么? (答案:穿着救生衣)

26.用什么可以解开所有的谜? (答案:迷底)

27.两只狗赛跑,甲狗跑得快,乙狗跑得慢,跑到终点时,哪只狗出汗多? (答案:狗不会出汗)

28.楚楚的生日在三月三十日,请问是哪年的三月三十日? (答案:每年的三月三十日)


30.迄今为止,你所见到的最大的影子是什么? (答案:黑夜,那是地球的影子)

31.有一块天然的黑色的大理石,在九月七号这一天,把它扔到钱塘江里会有什么现象发生? (答案:沉到江底)




35.什么东西在倒立之后会增加一半? (答案:数目字6)

36.为什么人们要到市场上去? (答案:因为市场不能来)

37.为什么青蛙可以跳得比树高? (答案:树不会跳)

38.纸上写着某一份命令。但是,看懂此文字的人,却绝对不能宣读命令。那么,纸上写的是什么呢? (答案:级上写着,不要念出此文)

39.一架空调器从楼掉下来会变成啥器? (答案:凶器)




43.全世界死亡率最高的地方在哪里? (答案:在床上)

44.你能做、我能做、大家都能做,一个人能做、两个人不能一起做。这是做什么? (答案:做梦)




48.地球上什么东西每天要走的距离最远? (答案:地球)


50.铁放到外面要生锈,那金子呢? (答案:会被偷走)

51.在什么时候1+2不等于3? (答案:算错了的时候)



54.地球上什么东西每天要走的距离最远? (答案:地球(地球每天自转一周为四百万公里))




58.什么东西最硬?女孩子最喜欢,特别是结了婚的女人,更是爱死了。 (答案:钻石)

59.阿明给蚊子咬了一大一小的包,请问较大的包,是公蚊子咬的,还是母蚊子咬的? (答案:公蚊是不咬人的)

60.在一间房子里,有油灯,暖炉及壁炉.现在,想要将三个器具点燃,可是你只有一根火柴.请问首先应该点哪一样? (答案:火柴)

61.一间牢房中关了两名犯人,其中一个因偷窃,要关一年,另一个是强盗杀人犯,却只关两个星期,为什么? (答案:因为杀人犯要拉去填命)

62.两个人分五个苹果,怎么分最公平? (答案:榨成果汁)


64.一只凶猛的饿猫,看到老鼠,为何拔腿就跑? (答案:跑去追老鼠)



67.什么动物你打死了它,却流了你的血? (答案:蚊子)


69.小红和小丽是同学,也住在同一条街,她们总是一起上学,可是每天一出家门就一个向左走,一个向右走,这是怎么回事呢? (答案:他们的家门是相对着的)



72.有一种地方专门教坏人,但没有一个警察敢对它采取行动加以扫荡。这是什么地方 (答案:看守所)






78.什么东西人们都不喜欢吃? (答案:吃亏)

79.别人跟阿丹说她的衣服怎么没衣扣,她却不在乎,为什么? (答案:因为他的衣服只有拉链没有扣子)



82.小刘是个很普通的人,为什么竟然能一连十几个小时不眨眼? (答案:睡觉的时候)

83.情人卡、生日卡、大大小小的卡,到底要寄什么卡给女人,最能博得她的欢心呢? (答案:信用卡)

84.小王走路从来脚不沾地,这是为什么? (答案:因为穿着鞋子)

85.什么地方开口说话要付钱? (答案:打电话)

86.冬冬的爸爸牙齿非常好,可是他经常去口腔医院,为什么? (答案:因为他是牙科医生)

87.盖楼要从第几层开始盖? (答案:是从地基开始的)

88.为什么大雁秋天要飞到南方去? (答案:如果走,哪太慢了)



91.女人翻跟头。---打一外国城市名 (答案:巴比伦)

92.有一个人,他是你父母生的,但他却不是你的兄弟姐妹,他是谁? (答案:你自己)

93.有一位老太太上了公车,为什么没人让座? (答案:车上有空位)


95.用椰子和西瓜打头哪一个比较痛? (答案:头比较痛)

96.制造日期与有效日期是同一天的产品是什么? (答案:报纸)



99.胖妞生病了,最怕别人来探病时说什么? (答案:多多保重)



102.狐狸精最擅长迷惑男人,那么什么“精”男女一起迷? (答案:酒精)

103.小张走路从来脚不沾地,这是为什么? (答案:还隔着鞋和袜子)

104.胖胖是个颇有名气的跳水运动员,可是有一天,他站在跳台上,却不敢往下跳。这是为什么? (答案:下面没有水)


106.为什么两只老虎打架,非要拼个你死我活绝不罢休? (答案:没有人敢去劝架)


108.为什么游泳比赛中青蛙输给了狗? (答案:青蛙用蛙泳犯规)










118.一张方桌据掉一个角,还有几个角? (答案:5个角)


120.请仔细想一想,你所见到的最大影子是什么? (答案:地球的影子,即每天的晚上)



123.什么东西愈生气,它便愈大? (答案:脾气)

124.问医生病人的情况,医生只举起5个手指家人就哭了,是什么原因呢? (答案:三长二短)

125.人们甘心情愿买假的东西是什么? (答案:假发,假牙)


127.最不听话的是谁? (答案:聋子)

128.一个人掉到河里,还挣扎了几下,它从河里爬上来,衣服全湿了,头发却没湿,为什么? (答案:因为他是光头)

129.小明新买的袜子就有一个洞,他却不去找售货员换,你知道为什么吗? (答案:袜口)

130.什么事你明明没有做,但却要受罚? (答案:家庭作业)


132.什么英文字母最多人喜欢听呢? (答案:CD)

133.什么东西晚上才生出尾巴呢? (答案:流星)

134.家人问医生病人的情况,医生只举起5个手指,家人就哭了,是什么原因呢? (答案:三长两短)

135.什么东西有五个头,但人不觉的它怪呢? (答案:手,脚)

136.什么水永远用不完? (答案:泪水)

137.大象的左耳朵像什么? (答案:右耳朵)





142.当今社会,个体户大都靠什么吃饭? (答案:嘴)




146.草地上画了一个直径十米的圆圈,内有牛一头,圆圈中心插了一根木桩。牛被一根五米长的绳子栓着,如果不割断绳子,也不解开绳子,那么此牛能否吃到圈外的草? (答案:没有说牛是被栓在木桩上的)




150.什么东西经常会来,但却从没真正来过? (答案:明天)







157.小明发现房间遭窃,却一点也不紧张,为何? (答案:那是别人的房间)

158.一个人从五十米高的大厦上跳楼自杀,重重的摔在了地上,为什么没被摔死? (答案:他在半空中就已经被吓死)


160.一只鸡,一只鹅,放冰箱里,鸡冻死了,鹅却活着,为什么? (答案:是企鹅)


162.比细菌还小的是什么? (答案:细菌的儿子)

当你向别人夸耀你的长处的同时,别人还会知道你的什么? (答案:不是哑巴)

163.IX---这个罗马数字代表9,如何加上一笔,使其变成偶数? (答案:前面加5)

164.文文在洗衣服,但洗了半天,她的衣服还是脏的,为什么? (答案:她在洗别人的衣服)

165.有一个人头戴安全帽,上面绑着一把扇子,左手拿着电风扇,右手拿着水壶,脚穿溜冰鞋,请问他要去哪里? (答案:精神病院)

166.香港生活的人,是不是可以埋葬在广州呢 (答案:活人怎么可以埋呢)


168.小明对小华说:我可以坐在一个你永远也坐不到的地方!他坐在哪里? (答案:小华的身上)

168.什么官不仅不领工资,还要自掏腰包? (答案:新郎管)


170.一个可以大可以小的地方是哪里? (答案:厕所)


172.什么书谁也没见过? (答案:天书)






178.哪种竹子不长在土里?(答案:爆竹 )

179.什么鸡没有翅膀?(答案:田鸡 )

180.有个人说用牙齿可以判断鸡的年龄,为什么?(答案:牙可以嚼出肉的老嫩 )

181.什么贵重的东西最容易不翼而飞? (答案:人造卫星 )

182.离婚的主要起因是什么? (答案:结婚)




186.为什么大部份佛教徒都在北半球? (答案:南无阿弥陀佛)






192.袋鼠与猴子比赛跳高。为什么还没开始跳,袋鼠就输了? (答案:袋鼠双脚起跳)




196.在不,仁,王,O,吾的O位置,应当填写东,南,西,北,中的哪个字? (答案:应该是西!因为前几个字中分别有一、二、三、五)

197.老大和老幺之间隔着三兄弟,虽是同年同月同日生,却一点也不相象,为什么? (答案:他们是手指头 )

198.在茫茫大海上漂泊了大半年的海员,一脚踏上大陆后,他接下来最想做什么事情? (答案:踏上另一只脚)



201.借什么可以不还 (答案:借光)

202.什么时候四减一会等于五? (答案:四个角的东西切去一个角)

203.有一样东西,你只能用左手拿它,右手却拿不到,这是什么东西? (答案:右手)

204.亚当和夏娃结婚后最大的遗憾是什么? (答案:没有人来喝喜酒)

205.一个招牌突然由高处掉落,砸向并排行走的五个人,为什么只有三个人受伤? (答案:因为帮当劳M的招牌)

206.每对夫妻在生活中都有一个绝对的共同点,那是什么? (答案:就是同年同月同日结婚)

207.为什么彤彤与壮壮第一次见面就一口咬定壮壮是喝羊奶长大的? (答案:状状是一只羊)

208.哪里的佛像最少? (答案:南边,南无阿弥陀佛嘛)

209.什么东西一百个男人无法举起,一女子却可单手举起? (答案:比如一个鸡蛋,一百个男人不可能同时举起一个鸡蛋)

210.中国古人曾将兰色外衣,浸于黄河中,会产生何种现象? (答案:衣服湿了)

211.为什么相同的物品买一个交60元,买两个交20元? (答案:用百元大钞买四十块钱的东西的找零)


213.一个人爱喝酒,又怕老婆,老婆规定进门必须脱鞋,他当圣旨一样记的牢。一天又喝的东摇西摆的回来了,刚到楼梯口突然想起老婆说进门必须要脱鞋的话,急忙把鞋脱下拿在手中,光着脚走到五楼。打开门把鞋晃了晃对老婆说:今天我记得脱鞋了吧。 (答案:必须脱鞋)


215.牧师无论如何都不能主持的仪式是什么? (答案:自己的葬礼)

216.大男人在小便....猜一物(答案:花(flower 扶老二))


② 网友偶遇关之琳与光头男爬山,一路上两人热聊不断氛围十分愉悦,你怎么看




③ 机械键盘光头哥是谁


① Find brain teasers

1. What kind of road cannot be taken?...(Answer: I won’t tell you the answer).

2. Little Bobby's every move is inseparable from the rope, why? (Answer: Little Bobby is a puppet, (I don't understand this))

3. Xiao Wang is an excellent soldier. One day he was standing guard While on duty, he clearly saw an enemy approaching him quietly, but why did he turn a blind eye? (Answer: He is aiming)

4. A student throws a coin into the air: if it lands on heads, go to the movies, if it lands on tails, go play billiards, and if the coin stands up, go to hell. study. (Answer: Go study)

5. Two dogs are racing. Dog A runs fast and dog B runs slow. When they reach the finish line, which dog sweats more? (Answer: Dog does not Will sweat)

6. There is an animal that is the size of a cat and looks like a tiger. What animal is it? (Answer: Little tiger) 7

7. A monkey can break one corn per minute. In the orchard, how many corns can a monkey break in 5 minutes? (Answer: not one)

8. A slip (hint: pay attention to the homophony) three trees A tree needs to be tied to 10 horses. Can only one horse be tied but not two? (Answer: How to tie a tree)

9. What is higher than the sky in the world? (Answer: The heart is higher than the sky) < br />
10. What valuable thing is most likely to disappear? (Answer: artificial satellite)

11. Three Jinxin, three water are called Miao, three people are called the public , then what should the three ghosts be called? (Answer: Call for help)

12. When a fat girl is sick, what is she most afraid of when others come to visit her? (Answer: Take care of yourself)
13. What is more annoying than a crow? (Answer: crow’s beak)

14. Who is the greatest scholar in our country? (Answer: an old man)

15. What is Sleeping Beauty most afraid of? (Answer: Insomnia)

16. Xiao Ming said to Xiao Hua: I can sit in a place where you can never sit! Where is he sitting? (Answer: Xiaohua's body)

17. No matter how similar the twins are, someone will always be able to tell them apart. Who is this person? (Answer: themselves)
18. Which train is the longest in the world besides trains? (Answer: Traffic jam)

19. Who is there a person who only works one day a year and is not afraid of being fired? (Answer: traffic jam) : Santa Claus)

20. Why don’t eggs rot when you hit them against a stone? (Answer: Of course they won’t rot when you hit an egg against a stone)

21. Which game is about running backwards? (Answer: Tug of War)

22. What is the relationship between your father’s sister’s cousin’s cousin’s father and your uncle’s son’s sister-in-law? (Answer: Relatives)

23. What does the dentist rely on for a living? (Answer: Mouth)

24. Although he is obviously short-sighted, he is also a famous glutton. Put a pile of books in front of him and an apple behind the book. What do you think he will see first? (Answer: nothing)

25. A person who can’t swim fell into the water but didn’t Drowned, why? (Answer: Wearing a life jacket)

26. What can be used to solve all the mysteries? (Answer: Mystery)

27. Two dogs racing , Dog A runs fast, Dog B runs slowly, which dog sweats more when running to the finish line? (Answer: Dogs don’t sweat)

28. Chu Chu’s birthday is in March On the 30th, in which year is March 30th? (Answer: March 30th every year)

29. Where is the sea that does not produce fish? (Answer: Cihai)
30. What is the largest shadow you have seen so far? (Answer: Dark night, that is the shadow of the earth)

31. There is a natural black marble , what will happen if you throw it into the Qiantang River on September 7th? (Answer: sink to the bottom of the river)

32. What is the fastest way for ice to turn into water? (Answer: remove which two points of the word ice)

33. There is one Personally, he was born to your parents, but he is not your brother or sister. Who is he? (Answer: yourself)

34. What thing climbs higher the hotter the weather? (Answer: Dimension meter)

35. What will increase by half after being inverted? (Answer: Number 6)

36. Why do people go to the market? (Answer: Because the market cannot come)

37. Why can frogs jump higher than trees? (Answer: Trees cannot jump)

38. A certain order is written on the paper. However, those who understand this text must not read the order. So, what is written on the paper? (Answer: It is written above, do not read this article)

39. What will an air conditioner become if it falls from the building? (Answer: murder weapon)

40. Why are modern people increasingly dishonest in their words? (Answer: Of course it is more convenient to make phone calls than to write letters)

41. Two people live together In an alley, only a few steps apart, they work in the same factory, but when they go to work every day, they always go to the same place.Left, one to the right, why? (Answer: They live across the door)

42. When can a net be used to lift water? (Answer: When water turns to ice, of course it can be lifted with a net) < br />
43. Where is the place with the highest death rate in the world? (Answer: In bed)

44. You can do it, I can do it, everyone can do it, alone It can be done, but two people cannot do it together. What is this doing? (Answer: Dreaming)

45. How should you describe a woman who has been divorced fifty times? (Answer: all the hard work she has done is wasted)
A divorced woman How should you describe a woman who has been married fifty times? (Answer: her ex-husband abandoned her)

46. It takes three minutes for three children to eat three cakes, and ninety for ninety children. How long does it take to make the bread? (Answer: Also three minutes, ninety children eat at the same time)

47. What kind of wheel only spins but does not move? (Answer: The wheel of a windmill)

48. What on earth travels the furthest distance every day? (Answer: Earth)

49. What is the earliest surname of Chinese people? (Answer: Shan)
50. Iron will rust if left outside, but what about gold? (Answer: It will be stolen)

51. When does 1+2 not equal 3? (Answer: When you make a miscalculation)

52. When is it better to raise your hands in the air? (Answer: When someone puts a gun to your head)

53. Xiao Ming’s family lives on the fifth floor, but the elevator is broken and he didn’t take the stairs himself. He went up to the fifth floor and returned home. Is this possible? (Answer: His mother carried him upstairs) < br />
54. What on earth has to travel the farthest distance every day? (Answer: The earth (the earth rotates once every day is four million kilometers))

55. One stick and another A black, thick, hard stick is inserted into the hole and feels warm. When it is pulled out, the customer has to pay (an industry) (answer: roasted sugar cane)

56 . It’s hard even if you lick it, or it’s hard even if you don’t lick it. If you want to sleep comfortably, rub it (something on the human body) first (answer: teeth)

57. A thing, short for Easterners, short for Westerners After getting married, women can use men's things. Monks have them but don't use them (answer: human's, surname)

58. What is the hardest thing? Girls love it most, especially married women, they love it to death. (Answer: Diamond)

59. Amin was bitten by a mosquito, one large and one small. Is the larger one bitten by a male mosquito or a female mosquito? (Answer: Male mosquitoes do not bite humans)

60. In a house, there are oil lamps, heaters and fireplaces. Now, you want to light three appliances, but you only have one match. Which one should be lit first? (Answer: Match)

61. There are two prisoners in a cell. One of them is locked up for a year for stealing, and the other is a robber and murderer, but he is only locked up for two weeks. Why? (Answer: Because the murderer will be dragged away to fill his life)

62. Two people share five apples. What is the most fair way to divide them? (Answer: squeeze into juice)

63. Xiao Zhang accidentally hit a telephone pole and had a car accident. When the police arrived, there was a dead person in the car. Xiao Zhang said that it had nothing to do with him, and the police also Believe it, why? (Answer: Xiaokai hearse)

64. Why did a ferocious hungry cat run away when it saw a mouse? (Answer: Run after the mouse)

65. In the zoo, the elephant has the longest trunk, and what is the second longest trunk? (Answer: baby elephant)

66. When a person walks on the beach, why can’t he see his own footprints when he looks back? (Answer: Walking backwards)

67. What animal did you kill and bleed your blood? (Answer: Mosquito)

68. Two pairs of father and son went to buy hats. Why did they only buy three hats? (Answer: three generations)

69. Xiaohong and Xiaoli are classmates and live in the same street. They always go to school together, but as soon as they leave home every day, one walks to the left and the other to the left. Go right, what's going on? (Answer: Their doors are facing each other)

70. In a closely monitored examination, two students handed in exactly the same test paper. After the examiner found out, he didn't think they were cheating. What's the reason? (Answer: Both papers were blank)

71. Aunt Zhang talks non-stop all day long, but there is one month when she talks the least. Which month is that? (Answer: February)

72. There is a kind of place that specializes in teaching bad people, but no police dare to take action against it. Where is this place (Answer: Detention Center)

73. The news published in the newspaper may not be 100% true, but what news can never be false? (Answer: year, month, day in the newspaper)

74. What is the first thing everyone does when they wake up in the morning? (Answer: Open your eyes)

75. If you have a hen that lays golden eggs, what should you do? (Answer: Stop dreaming)

76. A plane full of people fell from an altitude of 10,000 meters and crashed. Why was there no one injured? (Answer: No one was injured, all fell to death)

77. If you want to make the dream aRealistically, what would be the first thing we do? (Answer: wake up)

78. What don’t people like to eat? (Answer: suffer a loss)

79. Others told Adan why she had no clothes But she doesn't care, why? (Answer: Because his clothes only have zippers and no buttons)

80. Putting firecrackers in the crotch-----shoot a military item (Answer: bomb)

81. Condoms----Name a place (answer: Baotou)

82. Xiao Liu is a very ordinary person, why can he not blink for more than ten hours? (Answer: While sleeping)

83. Lover’s card, birthday card, big and small cards, which card should be sent to a woman to win her favor the most? (Answer: credit card)

84. Xiao Wang never walks without his feet touching the ground. Why? (Answer: Because he is wearing shoes)

85. Where do you have to pay to speak? (Answer: make a phone call)
86. Dongdong’s father has very good teeth, but he often goes to the dental hospital. Why? (Answer: Because he is a dentist)

87. From which floor should a building be built? Start building? (Answer: Start from the foundation)

88. Why do wild geese fly to the south in autumn? (Answer: If they do, it will be too slow)

89. What door can never be closed? (Answer: Football goal)

90. What is more annoying than a crow? (Answer: crow’s mouth)

91. The woman does somersaults. ---Name a foreign city (answer: Babylon)

92. There is a person who was born to your parents, but he is not your brother or sister. Who is he? (Answer: yourself)

93. An old lady got on the bus, why didn’t anyone give up her seat? (Answer: There is an empty seat in the car)

94. Xiao Wang whistled leisurely while brushing his teeth. How did he do it? (Answer: Brushing dentures)

95. Which one is more painful to hit the head with coconut or watermelon? (Answer: My head hurts)

96. What product has the manufacturing date and expiration date on the same day? (Answer: newspaper)

97. Why does a hospital never treat people? (Answer: Veterinary Hospital)

98. There is a cow with its head facing north. It turns to the right and makes three circles on the same spot, then turns back and makes three circles on the spot, and then turns right again. This Where is its tail facing at this time? (Answer: Chao Di)

99. FatWhen you are sick, what are you most afraid of when others come to visit you? (Answer: Take care)

100. If the end of the world is tomorrow, why do some people want to commit suicide today? (Answer: Go to heaven to occupy a place)

101. Why would a healthy couple give birth to a baby without eyes? (Answer: Chickens lay eggs)

102. Vixen He is best at bewitching men, so what kind of "spirit" can confuse men and women together? (Answer: alcohol)

103. Xiao Zhang never walks without his feet touching the ground. Why is this? (Answer: Still wearing shoes and socks)

104. Pangpang is a well-known diver, but one day, he stood on the platform but did not dare to jump off. why is that? (Answer: There is no water below)

105. Which tooth will grow last? (Answer: Dentures)

106. Why do two tigers fight to the death and never give up? (Answer: No one dares to break up the fight)

107. Xiaohong and her mother are both in the same class. Why is this? (Answer: One is a student and the other is a teacher)

108. Why did the frog lose to the dog in the swimming competition? (Answer: The frog committed a breaststroke foul)

109. How long does it take to study at Peking University? (Answer: One dollar is enough)

110. Xiao Ming always likes to break the alarm clock at home. Why does his mother always ask his father, who cannot repair clocks, to repair it for him? (Answer: Repair Xiao Ming)

111. What color are the teeth of babies born to black and white people? (Answer: Babies have no teeth)

112. There is a stick and you want to shorten it, but you are not allowed to saw, break or shorten it. What should you do? (Answer: Compare one with its length)

113. How to write zero in Roman numerals? (Answer: There is no zero in Roman numerals)

114. Can you use 3 and chopsticks to make a number that is larger than 3 and smaller than 4? (Answer: pi∏)

115. Shasha claims that he is an expert in identifying the age of hens, and his trick is to use his teeth. Why? (Answer: Eat the chicken by mouth to identify the age of the hen)

116. What number should be added between the numbers 0 and 1 to make the number larger than 0 and smaller than 1? ? (Answer: Add one. Become 0.1)

117. What is said that fathers will never touch each other, but they will touch each other twice when they are called daddy? (Answer: upper lip and lower lip)

118. If one corner of a square table is removed, how many corners are left? (Answer: 5 corners)

119. Mrs. Jin has always been outspoken, but what happened to make her suddenly hesitant? (Answer: Mrs. Jin was hesitating while eating sugar cane)

120. Please think carefully, what is the biggest shadow you have ever seen? (Answer: The shadow of the earth, that is, every night)
How should 24 people be arranged in 5 rows and 6 rows in the city? (Answer: just line up in a regular hexagon)

121. On the bus, two people were having a lively conversation, but the onlookers couldn’t hear a word. Why? (Answer: This is a pair of deaf-mute people)

122. Under what circumstances is a person truly at the mercy of others? (Answer: On the operating table)

123. The more angry something is, the bigger it becomes? (Answer: Temper)

124. Ask the doctor about the patient’s condition, Why did the family cry when the doctor only raised 5 fingers? (Answer: three long and two short)

125. Why are people willing to buy fake things? (Answer: wigs, dentures)

126. What things get dirtier the more they are washed? (Answer: water)

127. Who is the most disobedient? (Answer: Deaf)

128. A man fell into the river and struggled a few times. He climbed up from the river, his clothes were all wet, but his hair was not wet. Why? (Answer: Because he is bald)

129. There is a hole in the new socks Xiao Ming bought, but he didn’t go to the salesperson to change them. Do you know why? (Answer: Socks)

130. What is something you clearly didn’t do, but you were punished for? (Answer: Homework)

131. What is it that no one wants to get? (Answer: disease)

132. Which English letter do people like to hear the most? (Answer: CD)

133. What thing gives birth to a tail at night? (Answer: Meteor)

134. When the family asked the doctor about the patient’s condition, the doctor only raised 5 fingers, and the family cried. What was the reason? (Answer: three long and two short)

135. What has five heads, but people don’t think it’s weird? (Answer: hands, feet)

136. What water can never be used up? (Answer: tears)

137.What does an elephant’s left ear look like? (Answer: right ear)

138. What book cannot be bought in the bookstore? (Answer: suicide note)

139. What kind of hat cannot be worn? (Answer: screw cap)

140. A student lives in school, why is he often late for school? (Answer: The school where his home is located is not the school he attends)

141. Why do the police turn a blind eye to the car driver who ran the red light? (Answer: The car driver did not drive)

142. In today’s society, what do most self-employed people rely on for a living? (Answer: Mouth)

143. The pig’s whole body is full of treasures and is of great use. What other uses does the pig have for humans? (Answer: It can also be used to curse people)

144. There are 10 coins in Ayan’s pocket. 10 coins are missing. What else is in the pocket? (Answer: A hole)

145. Why does it mean that a woman wants to get married when she wears high heels (Answer: Because when she wears high heels, others will run slower when chasing her.)

146. A circle with a diameter of ten meters was drawn on the grass, with a cow inside, and a wooden stake inserted in the center of the circle. A cow is tied to a five-meter-long rope. If the rope is not cut or untied, can the cow eat grass outside the pen? (Answer: It is not said that the cow is tied to the wooden stake)

147. There are two people, one facing south and the other facing north. They are not allowed to look back or move. Not allowed to look in the mirror, ask them if they can see each other's face? (Answer: Standing face to face)

148. When a car turns right, which tire does not rotate? (Answer: Reserve)

149. Xiao Wang and his parents traveled abroad for the first time. Due to the language barrier, his parents seemed at a loss. Xiao Wang did not understand any foreign language, and he was not deaf-mute. Why do people feel no inconvenience at all like they do in their own country? (Answer: Xiao Wang is a baby)

150. What thing often comes but never really comes? (Answer: tomorrow)

151. You will destroy it just by calling its name. What is it? (Answer: Silence)

152. What can you hit without any effort? (Answer: dozing off)

153. There is a word that everyone will mispronounce when they see it. What is this word? (Answer: typo)

154. What is something that a magnifying glass cannot magnify? (Answer: angle)

155. When will the sun rise from the west? (Answer: When swearing)

156. The heart transplant operation failed. The doctor asked the patient who was about to die if he had any last words to say. What do you think he would say? (Answer: In fact, you don’t understand my heart)

157. Xiao Ming found out that his room was burglarized, but he was not nervous at all. Why? (Answer: That was someone else’s room)

158. A man committed suicide by jumping from a fifty-meter-high building. He fell heavily to the ground. Why was he not killed? (Answer: He was already scared to death in mid-air)

159. What is the difference between chess and Go? (Answer: The more you play chess, the less you play, and the more you play Go, the more you play)

160. A chicken and a goose are placed in the refrigerator. The chicken freezes to death, but the goose lives. Why? (Answer: It’s a penguin)

161. Why do doctors wear masks during surgeries? (Answer: Afraid of recognition)

162. What is smaller than bacteria? (Answer: The son of bacteria )

When you show off your strengths to others, what else will others know about you? (Answer: Not mute)

163.IX---This Rome The number represents 9. How to add one stroke to make it an even number? (Answer: Add 5 in front)

164. Wenwen was washing clothes, but after washing for a long time, her clothes were still dirty. , why? (Answer: She is washing other people's clothes)

165. There is a person wearing a safety helmet with a fan tied to it, an electric fan in his left hand, a kettle in his right hand, and a Skates, where is he going? (Answer: Mental Hospital)

166. Can people living in Hong Kong be buried in Guangzhou (Answer: How can a living person be buried)
167. Xiao Ming knows the answers to the test papers, so why does he still look at his classmates’ answers frequently? (Answer: Xiao Ming is a teacher)

168. Xiao Ming said to Xiao Hua: I can sit in a place where you can never sit! Where is he sitting? (Answer: Xiaohua's body)

168. What kind of official not only does not receive a salary, but also pays out of his own pocket? (Answer: The groom is in charge)

169. What is the situation with Yishan? Can it accommodate two tigers? (Answer: one male and one female)

170. Where is a place that can be big or small? (Answer: toilet)

171. How come there is a hole in the newly bought socks? (Answer: Socks)

172. What book has no one seen? (Answer: The Book of Heaven)

173. Under what circumstances do people become smokey? (Answer: Cremation)

174. There is something that the buyers know, the sellers also know, but only the users don’t know. What is it? (Answer: coffin)

175. Why is a bottle of medicine labeled highly toxic but harmless to humans? (Answer: As long as you don’t drink it)

176. What are the benefits of black hair? (Answer: Not afraid of tanning)

177. Frustrated TOM jumped into the river, but he couldn’t swim and didn’t drown. Why? (Answer: Love River)

178. Which kind of bamboo does not grow in the soil? (Answer: Firecrackers)

179. What kind of chicken has no wings? (Answer: Frog)

180. Someone said that the age of a chicken can be judged by its teeth. Why? (Answer: Teeth can chew out the tender parts of meat)

181. What valuable thing is most likely to disappear? (Answer: artificial satellite)

182. What is the main cause of divorce? (Answer: marriage)

183. When does the clock stop running? (Answer: The clock never moves)

184. What is the difference between being bitten by a crocodile and being bitten by a shark? (Answer: No one knows)

185. Some people say that a woman is like a book, so what kind of book does a fat woman look like? (Answer: bound edition)

186. Why are most Buddhists in the Northern Hemisphere? (Answer: Namo Amitabha)

187. Who never sees a doctor when they are sick? (Answer: blind man)

188.Why do black people like to eat white chocolate? (Answer: Afraid of biting your own hand)

189. What do you call a beautiful woman who does not have children after getting married because she is afraid of losing shape? (Answer: A peerless beauty)

190. Is there anything in the world that can carry people at a speed of nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour without refueling or other fuel? (Answer: Earth)

191. What is the first thing Santa Claus puts in his stocking on Christmas Eve this year? (Answer: own feet)

192. Kangaroo and monkey compete in high jump. Why did the kangaroo lose before it even started jumping? (Answer: Kangaroo jumps on both feet)

193. Why is there a sheep among a group of wolves? (Answer: There is a word for sheep in the word group)

194. It only takes a snail one minute to travel from Shanghai to Beijing. Why? (Answer: On the map)

195. If you beat a dog to see its owner, what will you see if you beat a tiger? (Answer: See if you have any seeds)

196. In the O position of Bu, Ren, Wang, O, and Wu, which word among East, South, West, and North should be filled in? (Answer: It should be west! Because the first few characters include one, two, three and five respectively)

197. There are three brothers between the eldest and the youngest. Although they were born in the same year, the same month and the same day, they are Nothing similar at all, why? (Answer: They are fingers)

198. After a sailor who has been wandering on the vast sea for more than half a year sets foot on the mainland, what does he most want to do next? (Answer: step on the other foot)

199.What is the other name of eggplant? (Answer: Vegetables)

200. When did the tongue and tail of the cow meet together? (Answer: In the restaurant)

201. What can you borrow without paying it back (Answer: Borrow all the money)

202. When does four minus one equal five? (Answer: four A corner of something with a corner cut off)

203. There is something that you can only hold with your left hand but not with your right hand. What is it? (Answer: right hand)

204. What was the biggest regret of Adam and Eve after they got married? (Answer: No one came to drink the wedding wine)

205. A sign suddenly fell from a height and hit people walking side by side. Of the five people, why only three were injured? (Answer: Because of the sign of ganglao M)

206. Every couple has one absolute thing in common in life, what is it? ( Answer: They got married in the same year, same month and same day)

207. Why did Tongtong and Zhuang Zhuang insist that Zhuang Zhuang grew up drinking goat’s milk when they first met? (Answer: Xiang Xiang is a sheep )

208. Where has the fewest Buddha statues? (Answer: South, Namo Amitabha)

209. What is something that a hundred men cannot lift, but one woman can? Raise one hand? (Answer: For example, it is impossible for a hundred men to lift an egg at the same time)

210. Ancient Chinese once dipped a blue coat in the Yellow River. What would happen? (Answer : Clothes are wet)

211. Why do you pay 60 yuan for one item and 20 yuan for two of the same items? (Answer: Change for buying something worth 40 yuan with a hundred dollar bill)

212. There are only three people in total, the father, mother, brother and sister. Why is this? (Answer: son, mother and uncle)

213. A man loves to drink, but is also afraid of his wife. His wife stipulates that you must take off your shoes when entering the house, and he remembers it as if it were an imperial edict. One day I came back from drinking again. When I got to the stairs, I suddenly remembered my wife's words about taking off my shoes when entering the house. I hurriedly took off my shoes, held them in my hands, and walked to the fifth floor barefoot. I opened the door, shook my shoes and said to my wife: I remembered to take off my shoes today. (Answer: You must take off your shoes)

214. What word is commonly used around the world? (Answer: Arabic numerals)

215. What is the ceremony that a priest cannot preside over anyway? (Answer: his own funeral)

216. The grown man is urinating....guess an object (answer: flower (flower))

Reference: http://..com/question/ 56476941.html

② Netizens encountered Rosamund Kwan and a bald man climbing a mountain. The two chatted constantly and the atmosphere was very pleasant. What do you think?

Rosamund Kwan is a goddess in the eyes of many viewers and netizens. Especially the two generations born in the 70s and 80s are very familiar with Rosamund Kwan. Her acting skills and appearance can be said to be unique in the entertainment industry. She once starred with Jet Li in the "Once Upon a Time" series of movies. It can be described as a classic and left a deep impression on the audience and movie fans.

The current Rosamund Kwan has long since retired. Her new works will no longer be seen, and it is difficult to see her. This is inevitably a bit regretful for her fans and movie fans, but there are Netizens met Rosamund Kwan by chance. She also climbed a mountain with a mysterious bald man. After the audience and netizens found out, they came to watch one after another.

Guan Zhilin climbed a mountain with a bald man. She kept chatting with Guan Zhilin along the way. The atmosphere was very pleasant. Guan Zhilin is now 57 years old and is still single. Recently, she and the bald man went together Climbing up, it seems that the relationship is not ordinary. Whether they are dating or not, I hope Rosamund Kwan can find her Prince Charming as soon as possible and spend the rest of her life together.

③Who is the bald guy with the mechanical keyboard?

Mechanical keyboards, unlike those crappy keyboards, cannot be determined from subjective feelings such as feel and sound, but must be defined from the structure. In a mechanical keyboard, each key has a separate Switch (switch) to control the closure. This switch is also called a "switch". Because of its good price, it is called a bald keyboard.

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