比特币合约保证金追加比例是多少 比特币合约保证金追加比例怎么算

1. 请问期货市场的维持保证金比率是多少就是在什么情况下会被要求追加保证金




初始保证金是交易者新开仓时所需交纳的资金。它是根据交易额和保证金比率确定的,即初始保证金=交易金额调保证金比率。我国现行的最低保证金比率为交易金额的5%,国际上一般在3%~8%之间。例如,大连商品交易所的大豆保证金比率为5%,如果某客户以2700元/吨的价格买入5张大豆期货合约(每张10吨),那么,他必须向交易所支付6 750元(即2700x50x5%)的初始保证金。

交易者在持仓过程中,会因市场行情的不断变化而产生浮动盈亏(结算价与成交价之差),因而保证金账户中实际可用来弥补亏损和提供担保的资金就随时发生增减。浮动盈利将增加保证金账户余额,浮动亏损将减少保证金账户余额。保证金账户中必须维持的最低余额叫维持保证金,维持保证金:结算价调持仓量调保证金比率xk(k为常数,称维持保证金比率,在我国通常为0.75)。当保证金账面余额低于维持保证金时,交易者必须在规定时间内补充保证金,使保证金账户的余额)结算价x持仓量x保证金比率,否则在下一交易日,交易所或代理机构有权实施强行平仓。这部分需要新补充的保证金就称追加保证金。仍按上例,假设客户以2700元/吨的价格买入50吨大豆后的第三天,大豆结算价下跌至2600元/吨。由于价格卜跌,客户的浮动亏损为5000元(即<2700-2600)x50),客户保证金账户余额为1750元(即6750-5000),由于这一余额小于维持保证金(=2 700x50X5%x0.75=5 062.5元),客户需将保证金补足至6750元(2 700x50x5%),需补充的保证金5 000元(6 750 - 1 750〕就是追加保证金。

2. 如果商品期货交易所调整保证金比例,那我之前买入个合约是不是要追加保证金,即使是盈利的头寸,



3. 商品期货里的 追加保证金是怎么计算的 能讲一个例子最好


4. 期货的保证金是如何追加的,追加额是多少(详细一点)

当你的资金少于交易所保证金比较时就要追加资金,即在往你 期货账户里面转账,只需要你的可用资金达到你手中单子在交易所保证金的比较即可。如1手铜,按交易所保证金比例算,要30000,按期货公司保证金比例算要35000元的话,当你手中有单子,保证金不少于30000就不用追加,当行情不利或交易所提高保证金就需要你追加资金。

5. 期货合约快到期的时候会追加保证金 快到什么时间会追加保证金 追加多少 什么地方会有提示 谢谢!





6. okex虚拟合约逐仓自动追加保证金的方式和比例是怎样的


7. 股指期货追加保证金如何计算

3937.6*300*10%=118128元 17日合约结算后需缴纳保证金。
盈亏=(3937.6-3960)*300= -6720
3960*300*10%=118800元 初始投入保证金
追加= -(保证金多余)-(盈亏)=-(118800-118128)-(-6720)=-672+6720=6048

8. 比特币永续合约中的保证金率指的是什么


9. 币安合约怎么增加保证金

如选择做多,意味着你期望购买的合约价格会在未来上升。 相反,如选择做空,则代表你将合约卖出,并预测它的价值会在未来下跌。 在币安合约交易平台上,还可以在做多或做空时使用杠杆,以此在不稳定的市场行情中对冲风险或从中获利。
一、BNB-币安币是一个区块链代币,2017年9月国内比特币市场迎来严监管。10月末,币安搬迁至日本。 2018年1月23日,币安方面宣布整体迁出中国,用户基本来自海外。2018年3月,币安在日本遭遇政策风险,币安搬迁至马耳他。2018年10月9日,一名币安用户发Twitter询问,币安是否正在接受支付宝和微信支付,币安CEO赵长鹏(CZ)在Twitter上进行了确认,支付宝“远征”Twitter,在币安创始人赵长鹏对网友确认可以用支付宝进行比特币交易时回复他:不,你不可以。10月11日,币安创始人赵长鹏发微博表示,币安OTC并没有和支付宝、微信支付达成任何官方合作。
三、2021年5月10日晚7点,短短两三个月涨幅超万倍的柴犬币SHIB(俗称屎币)上线币安交易所。结果上线仅10分钟,SHIB大涨超100%之时,币安交易所就表示,暂停所有提款。5月10日晚7点34分,币安更新状态称,所有提款已恢复。 据中国基金报,币安内部人士表示,因流量过载,币安交易平台今日暂停所有提款,技术团队已进行修复,目前,平台已经恢复提现功能。

10. 比特币10倍杠杆保证金为百分之二十五代表什么意思


1. What is the maintenance margin ratio in the futures market and under what circumstances will a margin call be required?

Hello, it can be seen from your question that you are not too concerned about margin. Understood. Let me introduce the system below. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you are satisfied, I will give you extra points

In the futures market, traders only need to pay a small amount of funds according to a certain ratio of the futures contract price as fulfillment. With the financial guarantee of futures contracts, you can participate in the trading of futures contracts. This kind of funds is futures margin.

In our country, futures margins (hereinafter referred to as margins) can be divided into two categories: settlement reserves and trading margins according to their different nature and functions. Settlement reserves are generally provided to traders by member units according to fixed standards. Funds paid and prepared in advance for transaction settlement. Trading margin is the margin actually paid by member units or customers for holding futures contracts in futures trading. It is divided into two categories: initial margin and additional margin.
< br />The initial margin is the funds that traders need to pay when opening a new position. It is determined based on the transaction volume and the margin ratio, that is, the initial margin = the transaction amount adjusted to the margin ratio. The current minimum margin ratio in China is 5% of the transaction amount %, which is generally between 3% and 8% internationally. For example, the soybean margin ratio of Dalian Commodity Exchange is 5%. If a customer buys 5 soybean futures contracts (10 tons each) at a price of 2,700 yuan/ton ), then he must pay an initial margin of 6,750 yuan (i.e. 2700x50x5%) to the exchange.

During the process of holding a position, traders will generate floating profits and losses (settlement) due to the continuous changes in market conditions. (the difference between the price and the transaction price), so the funds that can actually be used to make up for losses and provide guarantees in the margin account will increase or decrease at any time. Floating profits will increase the balance of the margin account, and floating losses will reduce the balance of the margin account. The margin account must be maintained The minimum balance is called the maintenance margin. Maintenance margin: Adjust the settlement price, position, and margin ratio xk (k is a constant, called the maintenance margin ratio, which is usually 0.75 in our country). When the book balance of the margin is lower than the maintenance margin, the trader must Replenish the margin within the specified time so that the balance of the margin account) settlement price x position x margin ratio, otherwise the exchange or agency has the right to forcefully close the position on the next trading day. This part of the margin that needs to be newly supplemented is called a margin call. Still based on the above example, assume that on the third day after the customer buys 50 tons of soybeans at a price of 2,700 yuan/ton, the settlement price of soybeans drops to 2,600 yuan/ton. Due to the price drop, the customer's floating loss is 5,000 yuan (i.e. <2700-2600) x50), and the customer's margin account balance is 1,750 yuan (i.e. 6750-5000). Since this balance is less than the maintenance margin (=2 700x50X5% x0 .75=5 062.5 yuan), the customer needs to top up the margin to 6750 yuan (2 700 yuanx 50 Margin calls, even for profitable positions,

As long as the margin rate is raised, margin calls are required. It is not necessarily related to whether you make a profit or loss.

Whether you need to add funds or not? Your available funds matter. If your available funds are enough for the margin, you don’t need to add more, otherwise you will have to make up the money.

3. How is the margin call calculated in commodity futures? An example is best

Margin call refers to the exchange's regulations that require customers to increase the margin payment in order to maintain the margin amount at the initial margin level when the customer's margin account is short.
In fact, the algorithm for commodity and financial futures insurance is the same. Let me give you an example, and you will know it after reading it:
A certain customer's account originally had a margin of 200,000 yuan. On August 9, he opened a position to buy September Shanghai. There are 15 lots of Shenzhen 300 index futures contracts, the average price is 1200 points (100 yuan per point), the handling fee is 10 yuan per lot per side, the settlement price on the day is 1195 points, and the margin ratio is 8%.
Open and hold positions on the day Profit and loss = (1195-1200) × 15 × 100 = -7,500 yuan Handling fee = 10 × 15 = 150 yuan Equity for the day = 200,000 - 7500 - 150 = 192,350 yuan Margin occupation = 1195 × 15 × 100 × 8% = 143,400 yuan of funds Balance (that is, tradable funds) = 192,350-143,400 = 48,950 yuan
On August 10, the customer had no transactions, but the settlement price of the September CSI 300 Index futures contract fell to 1150 points, and the account situation on that day was :
Historical position profit and loss = (1150-1195) × 15 × 100 = - 67,500 yuan for the day's option
Profit = 192,350 - 67,500 = 124,850 yuan Margin occupation = 1150 × 15 × 100 × 8% = 138,000 yuan Fund balance (i.e. opening trading funds
Funds) = 124,850-138,000=-13,150 yuan
Obviously, to maintain a long position of 15 lots,
the margin is still short of 13,150 yuan, which means A margin call of RMB 13,150 must be added before the market opens on the next trading day. If the customer does not top up the margin before the market opens on the next trading day, the futures brokerage company can implement partial forced liquidation of his position. After calculation, The maximum number of positions that can be retained with an equity of 124,850 yuan is 124,850 yuan/(1150×100×8%)=13.57 lots.
In this way, the brokerage company can at least keep its positionsForced to close 2 hands.

4. How is the margin for futures added, and how much is the additional amount (be more detailed)

When your funds are less than the exchange margin, you must add funds, that is, in To transfer funds to your futures account, you only need to have available funds that match the margin of the order in your hand on the exchange. For example, 1 lot of copper costs 30,000 yuan based on the exchange's margin ratio, and 35,000 yuan based on the futures company's margin ratio. When you have an order in your hand and the margin is no less than 30,000 yuan, you don't need to add more. When the market is unfavorable or the exchange raises the margin, You are required to add additional funds.

5. When the futures contract is about to expire, margin will be called. When will the margin be called? How much will be added? Where will there be a prompt? Thank you!

Different futures contracts have different rules. See announcements for futures contracts.

Generally, additional additions begin one month before delivery.

Different futures contracts have different additional proportions.

Futures trading system If there is a reminder, we will notify you by phone or email.

6. What is the method and proportion of automatic margin call for okex virtual contract on a per-margin basis?

Under the margin call on a per-margin basis, this function is turned off by default, and the user clicks "Automatically add margin" button to turn on/off.
In the open state, when the margin rate of a position in a certain direction of a contract is less than or equal to 10% or 20%, the margin will be automatically added from the virtual contract account "Account Balance" to the contract "Account Balance", and at the same time increase "Fixed Margin". When the position is 10 times leveraged, the additional amount will be up to the position's margin rate of 90%; when the position is 20 times leverage, the additional amount will be up to the position's margin rate of 80%. When the additional amount makes the margin ratio of a 10x leveraged position less than 90% (the margin ratio of a 20x leveraged position is less than 80%), the remaining amount of the virtual contract's "account balance" will be added.
After the addition is successful, when the liquidation conditions are met again, the system will repeat the previously described steps.
In addition, if the additional limit stipulated in the rules will still liquidate the position immediately after the additional increase, this additional increase will not be executed.

7. How to calculate the margin call for stock index futures

3937.6*300*10%=118128 yuan A margin is required after the settlement of the 17-day contract.
Profit and loss = (3937.6-3960)*300= -6720
3960*300*10%=118,800 yuan initial investment margin
Additional = - (excess margin) - (profit and loss) = - ( 118800-118128)-(-6720)=-672+6720=6048
An additional 6048 yuan is required.

8. What does the margin rate in Bitcoin perpetual contracts refer to?

User’s riskMetrics.

9. How to increase margin on Binance Futures

In contract trading, you can participate in the market price fluctuations and profit from them by going long or short on a certain contract. Increase margin.
If you choose to go long, it means that the price of the contract you expect to buy will rise in the future. On the contrary, if you choose to go short, you are selling the contract and predicting that its value will fall in the future. On the Binance Futures trading platform, you can also use leverage when going long or short to hedge risks or profit from unstable market conditions.
1. BNB-Binance Coin is a blockchain token. In September 2017, the domestic Bitcoin market ushered in strict supervision. At the end of October, Binance moved to Japan. On January 23, 2018, Binance announced that it would move out of China as a whole, and its users are basically from overseas. In March 2018, Binance encountered policy risks in Japan and Binance relocated to Malta. On October 9, 2018, a Binance user tweeted to ask whether Binance was accepting Alipay and WeChat payments. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) confirmed on Twitter that Alipay "expedited" Twitter and was founded in Binance When Zhao Changpeng confirmed to a netizen that he could use Alipay for Bitcoin transactions, he replied: No, you can't. On October 11, Binance founder Zhao Changpeng posted on Weibo that Binance OTC has not reached any official cooperation with Alipay and WeChat Pay.
2. Binance, one of the blockchain trading platforms, is founded by Changpeng Zhao. It operates the blockchain asset trading platform Binance. On October 13, 2021, Binance issued the "Notice on Delisting the C2CCNY Trading Area and Inventory of Users in Mainland China", saying that in response to local government regulatory policy requirements, Binance C2C East Eighth District time on December 31, 2021 24 :00 will be removed from the CNY trading area, and platform users will be checked at the same time.
3. At 7 pm on May 10, 2021, Shiba Inu coin SHIB (commonly known as Shit Coin), which has increased more than 10,000 times in just two or three months, was listed on Binance Exchange. As a result, just 10 minutes after it went online, when SHIB surged by more than 100%, Binance Exchange stated that it would suspend all withdrawals. At 7:34 pm on May 10, Binance updated its status and stated that all withdrawals have been restored. According to China Fund News, Binance insiders said that due to traffic overload, the Binance trading platform suspended all withdrawals today. The technical team has made repairs. At present, the platform has restored the withdrawal function.

10. What does it mean when Bitcoin’s 10 times leverage margin is 25%?

Summary Hello, I am very happy to answer your questions, 1. Bitcoin 10x That is, investors use Bitcoin's 10 times leverage. If the investor makes a profit, the investor's income will be 10 times the original basis. On the contrary, if there is a loss, the loss will also be 10 times the original basis.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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