元宇宙与数字货币 元宇宙数字货币 nftdoge

㈠ NFT与元宇宙有什么关系










㈡ 数字人民币是元宇宙开发吗




㈢ 元宇宙跟NFT有什么关系

在 Metaverse 中,人们拥有数字生活,可以赚钱,在不受物理世界限制的情况下度过闲暇时间。但如果 Metaverse 只存在于 Web 2.0 环境中,Facebook 和 Google 等大型机构就可以控制用户数据并以此盈利。它们可以对用户的内容进行删除以及管控,用户的自由和权利势必会受到侵犯。所以,想要 Metaverse 持续发展,进入主流,并成为人们生活不可或缺的一部分,数字物品的所有权就极其重要。

Web 3 出现后,终端消费者收回了自己数据的所有权。他们能够控制自己的数据——在加密、去中心化的计算机网络中,形成分布式数据中心,无需将数据和隐私权让渡给大型科技公司。

借助 NFT 的力量,用户可以享受到真正的数字所有权。NFT 加密能够证明,用户本人是数字物品和资产的所有者,没有任何第三方夺走它们,也不用受开发平台的控制所谓「数字所有权」,就是资产在数字世界实现了其在现实世界的唯一性、稀缺性和可交易性。


从游戏设置不难看出,Decentraland 的中心内容是艺术作品。Decentraland 还有专门用于展示数字化艺术品的地方。

Decentraland 的特色之一便是博物馆区的设置,旨在成为 Decentraland 的加密艺术热点,也是世界上参观人数最多的艺术场所。博物馆区可能是 Decentraland 上的最令人瞩目的用例,充分体现了用户为中心所有权的核心特色。对于藏品来说,所有权无疑具有极大吸引力,这也是未来加密领域发展的大趋势。

此外,在 Decentraland 中,NFT 商店遍布,有些 NFT 只供展示,而其它 NFT 则可用 MANA 购买。用户可在 Decentraland 市场上购买可穿戴设备,市场也会售卖帽子、鞋、衬衫和地块等。Decentraland 还提供各种迷你游戏,有些会对用户进行奖励,用户继而可以在 OpenSea 交易平台上出售。

链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

㈣ 杭州数字人生科技有限公司与数字礼葬元宇宙是什么关系

元宇宙相关上市公司概念股1、RBLX Roblox Corporation,公司Roblox是世界上最大的多人在线创作游戏,到2019年,已有超过500万的青少年开发者使用Roblox开发3D,VR等数字内容,吸引的月活跃玩家超1亿,2020年8月4日,胡润研究院发布《苏州高新区·2020胡润全球独角兽榜》,Roblox位于第70位。2、丝路视觉(300556),丝路视觉科技股份有限公司在2000年成立,总部位于中国深圳,丝路视觉作为全国性的专业数字视觉综合服务供应商,立足于视觉科技与应用行业,专注于CG应用领域,当前,公司拥有人才近2500人,多数为电脑图形图像及影视之行业精英,公司主要以电脑图形图像(CG)技术为核心,融合多媒体手段,在不同的科技领域进行实践,并最终实现其运用价值。公司CG视觉场景综合服务在构建“元宇宙”当中有望承担基础建造商的核心角色,除此之外,公司还尝试进入VRAR数字内容开发领域。3、完美世界(002624),完美世界股份有限公司在2004年成立,公司业务涵盖完美世界影视、完美世界游戏和完美世界电竞三大板块,是我国最大的影游综合体,2020年8月4日,完美世界名列2020赛迪数字经济领域最具价值企业榜单第61位。公司开发了《我的起源》大型沙盒游戏,这个游戏由腾讯代理,游戏支持万人同服在线,采用全拟真生存体验,能够搭建独特家园,凭借想象力自由创造。元宇宙Metaverse的概念最近火起来了,究竟,什么是元宇宙?为什么这么火爆?未来将会如何发展?什么是元宇宙(Metaverse)?元宇宙(Metaverse)的概念来源于尼尔斯蒂芬森(NealStephenson)的著作《雪崩》(Snow Crash)。Meta意为“元”、“超越”,verse则指宇宙,合起来的元宇宙则指一个通过AR(现实增强)、VR(虚拟现实)等技术支持的、与现实世界平行的虚拟世界。简单来说,就是现实世界中的所有人和事都被数字化投射在了这个云端世界里,你可以在这个世界里做任何你在真实世界中可以做的事情。与此同时,你还可能做你在真实世界里做不到的事情。Metaverse并不是有且只能有一个平行于现实的虚拟世界,它可以是多个虚拟世界同时存在。Metaverse的最终形态是,这些世界要能够互联互通,还要存在一套能够统一运作的社会、经济系统。绝大部分人都赞成:《头号玩家》里的“绿洲”,就是元宇宙的完整形态或愿景。这将是一个包罗万象、无限逼近真实的虚拟世界,在各方面都与真实世界形成替代乃至竞争关系。「绿洲」脱胎于现实世界,又与现实世界平行,并且始终在线。它有完整运行的经济,数据、数字物品、内容以及IP都可以在其间通行,个人用户、机构、公司都可以创作内容、商品,保证元宇宙能持续生长。根据《头号玩家》中的设定,绿洲,是游戏公司利用虚拟实境技术与网络游戏的完美结合,为人们提供了避世的心灵港湾。在这里人们可以逃避现实,进入绿洲这样一个逼真的虚拟世界,成为任何人、做任何事情。但“绿洲”创始人哈利迪的遗嘱,却为这最后的世外桃源带来了一场巨大的风波。遗嘱宣称,如果谁能在"绿洲"中寻获他设置的彩蛋,就能接手"绿洲"成为新的世界首富,这些彩蛋都隐藏在上世纪80年代的流行文化中。现实实现形态在当前主流产品当中,Roblox(3月10日,元宇宙第一股Roblox登陆纽交所,上市首日市值即破400亿美元)确实是最接近元宇宙愿景的。按照Roblox官方的说法,一个真正的元宇宙产品应该具备八大要素:身份:你拥有一个虚拟身份,无论与现实身份有没有相关性。朋友:你在元宇宙当中拥有朋友,可以社交,无论在现实中是否认识。沉浸感:你能够沉浸在元宇宙的体验当中,忽略其他的一切。低延迟:元宇宙中的一切都是同步发生的,没有异步性或延迟性。多元化:元宇宙提供多种丰富内容,包括玩法、道具、美术素材等。随地:你可以使用任何设备登录元宇宙,随时随地沉浸其中。经济系统:与任何复杂的大型游戏一样,元宇宙应该有自己的经济系统。文明:元宇宙应该是一种虚拟的文明。而要实现上述的体验,至少需要VR、AR、AI、区块链、边缘计算等方面的技术支撑。火爆原因几何?其实元宇宙(Metaverse)火爆最直接的原因是技术发展扩展了想象边界。作为元宇宙Metaverse的技术基础,VR、AR、AI、区块链等迎来高速增长期。虚拟现实(英语:virtual reality,缩写VR),简称虚拟技术,也称虚拟环境,是利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界,提供用户关于视觉等感官的模拟,让用户感觉仿佛身历其境,可以即时、没有限制地观察三维空间内的事物。从技术的角度来说,虚拟现实系统具有下面三个基本特征:即三个“I”immersion-interaction-imagination(沉浸—交互—构想),它强调了在虚拟系统中的人的主导作用。从过去人只能从计算机系统的外部去观测处理的结果,到人能够沉浸到计算机系统所创建的环境中。随着专业VR设备的进步、价格的降低,元宇宙与VR的绑定只是一个时间问题。为了支撑身份和经济系统,元宇宙需要借助区块链技术,以建立公信力。区块链近年来的火爆也为元宇宙的实现提供了技术支撑。当然,为了保证元宇宙的多元,需要借助边缘计算技术,以确保所有用户获得类似的、流畅的体验。当然以上技术发展并非一蹴而就,但近年来技术的爆发式发展,确实为元宇宙的实现提供了基础。此外,由于疫情原因,大家开始重视虚拟场景的构造。现实中,也出现了一些可实现的例子,比如:在疫情的推助下,美国著名歌手Travis Scott在游戏《堡垒之夜》中举办虚拟演唱会,全球1230万游戏玩家成为虚拟演唱会观众。疫情期间,加州大学伯克利分校为了不让学生因为疫情错过毕业典礼,在沙盘游戏《我的世界》里重建了校园,学生以虚拟化身齐聚一堂完成了仪式。另外,还有顶级AI学术会议ACAI在任天堂游戏《动物森友会》上举行20年研讨会,演讲者在游戏中播放PPT发表讲话。针对未来的畅想,有观点认为,大约100年以后,元宇宙可能取代现实世界,成为人类生活的主要场景。

㈤ 什么是元宇宙经济



㈥ 元宇宙数字货币合法吗


㈦ 区块链为元宇宙带来了什么


Axie Infinty、My Neighbor Alice、Sandbox、Decentraland等区块链元宇宙概念项目,受到了市场极大的追捧,无论是链上土地竞拍、加密资产价格,还是活跃用户数,都在这个疲软的市场中,创造出了惊人的增长。




㈧ 什么是元宇宙NFT和元宇宙什么关系

元宇宙实现的基础,是我们的区块链技术以及VR、AR等技术的成熟以及相关产业的成熟布局。而元宇宙的组成要素当中,有一个成员至关重要,可以说它的存在决定着元宇宙的经济框架,是否能够形成,以及元宇宙能够是否能够繁荣兴盛。它的名字叫做NFT,它的英文全称是Non-Fungible Token,翻译成汉语的话,叫非同质化代币。关于非同质化代币,我们可以这样理解,它是独一无二的存在,不可被复制,而且非同质化代币的单位,只有1,也就是永远不可拆分,这保证了元宇宙资产的安全。

㈨ 元宇宙和艺术数字藏品平台有什么关系国内哪个靠谱点


㈩ 元宇宙数字货币有哪些

元宇宙数字货币包含Decentraland(数字货币代码:MANA)、Axie Infinity(AXS币)、The Sandbox(SAND币)、Chromia(CHR币)、TLM Alien Worlds项目代币、SLP(Small Love Potion)。


Axie Infinity(AXS币)是一个建立在以太坊区块链上的,受神奇宝贝启发的数字宠物世界。任何人都可以通过参与游戏和对游戏世界做出贡献来获得代币奖励,项目愿景是将工作和娱乐成为一体。Axie Infinity成为一个集收集、训练、饲养、战斗、社交玩法于一体数字宠物社区,每个Axie都有独特的遗传数据存储在以太坊链上,具备独特的价值。

The Sandbox(SAND币)是一个虚拟游戏世界,通过基于以太坊的功能型代币SAND,玩家可以创建和拥有不同的游戏体验,并从中获得收益。游戏玩家可以通过The Sandbox Game Maker,来创建数字资产(非同质化代币,也称NFT),将其上传到商店,并通过简单的拖拉方式来创建游戏体验。The Sandbox是一个社区驱动的平台,其中创造者可以货币化体素资产和游戏经验的块链。沙盒元宇宙由166,464个LANDS组成的地图组成。


TLM是Alien Worlds项目代币,Alien Worlds是NFT DeFi的元宇宙,可以模拟玩家之间的经济竞争与合作。 通过激励玩家获取Trilium(TLM),用户可以控制自治组织(Planet DAO)并获得更多游戏玩法。
在Alien Worlds 的宇宙中,玩家可以获取NFT(数字游戏物品)来挖掘TLM,进行战斗并完成游戏中的任务。 根据他们的策略,玩家可以购买和组装最适合其游戏玩法的NFT。 此外,玩家可以通过选举六个Planet DAO的委员来参与管理,从而影响游戏的方向。

SLP(Small Love Potion)是一种可以在以太坊区块链上使用的ERC-20代币。Axie Infinity是一款在以太坊区块链上运行的游戏(dapp),用户可以在这里收集、饲养、繁殖和战斗名为axies的虚拟生物。Axies和现实生活中的宠物非常相似,每一个都有自己独特的特征和外表。

㈠What is the relationship between NFT and the Metaverse?

What is the relationship between the Metaverse and NFT:

In short, NFT is a basic element in the Metaverse. and indispensable element. Why did you say that? The NFT factory is very close to the real product. The characteristics of NFT determine that it has a unique, irreplaceable, and indivisible form of expression. On the trading platform, people can exchange NFT products such as clothing and mobile phones.

Everything can be an NFT, everything can be an NFT, everything can be an NFT. It can be converted into digital products and traded on NFT platforms.

Let's talk about IPFS/fil and the relationship between them.

As a non-fungible economic certificate, the NFT market is booming due to its advantages in physical digital conversion. However, it should be mentioned that NFT also has problems and bottlenecks.

First of all, in order to solve the value problem, we need a large amount of value and a business environment that the Metaverse can provide.

NFT is unique and indivisible. NFT can "capitalize" the asset chain of digital content and combine physical assets with global digital resources, which is one of the lowest foundations of the meta-global economic system. NFT will have more and more digital assets, and its product is the NFT of the Metaverse.

Secondly, ensure true durability and uniqueness, because when the NFT is stored in a central server, it must be manipulated or deleted. IPFS can perfectly solve the pain of NFT memory.

With the continuous increase of NFT metaverse data, IPFS distributed memory will also be widely used, and large-scale commercialization is just around the corner.

Is digital RMB developed by Yuan Universe?

Digital RMB was developed by Yuan Universe. This is a leading cloud communication service provider in China. The company connects with the central bank and major banks to create digital RMB wallets based on 5G messages. As a digital currency promoted by the country, in the economic system of the Metaverse, its function will be more than just a payment method.

Features of the Metaverse

The Metaverse is not a specific definition of a product, technology or business form, but all people’s expectations for the future based on their actual technological capabilities. Reasonable imagination. The economic system in the metaverse is a very exciting direction to explore. Many people believe that it is an independent economic system with its own currency and an ecological closed loop of the entire commodity trading market. The construction of the monetary system in the metaverse is related to the future development direction of the digital economy and the fundamental economic interests of the country.

What is the relationship between the Metaverse and NFT?

In the Metaverse, people have a digital life, can make money, and spend their leisure time without being restricted by the physical world. But if the Metaverse only exists in Web 2.0 environments, large institutions such as Facebook and Google can control user data and make money from it. They can delete and control users' content, and users' freedom and rights are bound to be violated. Therefore, if you want Metaverse to continue to develop, enter the mainstream, and become an integral part of people's lives, the ownership of digital items is extremely important.

After the advent of Web 3, end consumers took back ownership of their data. They will be able to control their own data - in encrypted, decentralized computer networks, forming distributed data centers - without having to cede their data and privacy rights to big tech companies.

With the power of NFTs, users can enjoy true digital ownership. NFT encryption can prove that the user himself is the owner of the digital items and assets. No third party will take them away, and there is no need to be controlled by the development platform. The so-called "digital ownership" means that the assets in the digital world have realized their uniqueness in the real world. sex, scarcity and tradability.

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital item that can be created (minted), sold, and purchased on the open market and, most importantly, owned and controlled by any individual user , without the permission and support of any agency. It is for this reason that users can make their digital items have lasting, stable and real value.

It is easy to see from the game settings that the central content of Decentraland is artistic works. Decentraland also has a dedicated place for displaying digital artwork.

One of the features of Decentraland is the setting up of the Museum District, which aims to become the crypto art hotspot of Decentraland and the most visited art venue in the world. The Museum District is perhaps the most compelling use case on Decentraland, embodying the core features of user-centered ownership. For collections, ownership is undoubtedly a great attraction, which is also a major trend in the future development of the encryption field.

In addition, in Decentraland, there are NFT stores everywhere, some NFTs are for display only, while other NFTs can be purchased with MANA. Users can purchase wearable devices on the Decentraland Market, which also sells hats, shoes, shirts, and parcels of land. Decentraland also offers a variety of mini-games, some of which reward users, who can then sell on the OpenSea exchange.

The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only "blockchain technology" approved by the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" carried out by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. Professional” pilot workstation. Professional standing provides students with diversified growth paths and promotes professional degree research and productionCombining learning and research with the reform of training models, we build an applied and compound talent training system.

㈣ What is the relationship between Hangzhou Digital Life Technology Co., Ltd. and the Digital Funeral Metaverse?

Concept stocks of listed companies related to the Metaverse 1. RBLX Roblox Corporation, the company Roblox is the largest in the world Multiplayer online game creation. By 2019, more than 5 million young developers have used Roblox to develop 3D, VR and other digital content, attracting more than 100 million monthly active players. On August 4, 2020, Hurun Research Institute released In the "Suzhou High-tech Zone·2020 Hurun Global Unicorn List", Roblox is ranked 70th. 2. Silk Road Vision (300556), Silk Road Vision Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. As a national professional digital vision comprehensive service provider, Silk Road Vision is based on the visual technology and application industry, focusing on In the field of CG application, the company currently has nearly 2,500 talents, most of whom are elites in the computer graphics and film and television industries. The company mainly takes computer graphics (CG) technology as its core, integrates multimedia means, and practices in different technological fields. And finally realize its application value. The company's CG visual scene comprehensive service is expected to play a core role as a basic builder in building the "Metaverse". In addition, the company is also trying to enter the field of VRAR digital content development. 3. Perfect World (002624), Perfect World Co., Ltd. was established in 2004. The company’s business covers the three major sectors of Perfect World Film and Television, Perfect World Games and Perfect World E-Sports. It is the largest film and game complex in my country. In August 2020 On the 4th, Perfect World ranked 61st on the 2020 CCID list of the most valuable companies in the digital economy. The company developed the large-scale sandbox game "My Origin". This game is represented by Tencent. The game supports the online service of tens of thousands of people. It adopts a fully simulated survival experience, allowing you to build a unique home and create freely with your imagination. The concept of the Metaverse has become popular recently. What exactly is the Metaverse? Why is it so popular? How will the future develop? What is the Metaverse? The concept of the Metaverse comes from Neal Stephenson's book "Snow Crash". Meta means "element" and "transcendence", and verse refers to the universe. The combined metaverse refers to a virtual world parallel to the real world supported by AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality) and other technologies. To put it simply, everyone and everything in the real world is digitally projected into this cloud world, and you can do anything in this world that you can do in the real world. At the same time, you may be able to do things that you cannot do in the real world. Metaverse does not have and can only have one virtual world parallel to reality. It can have multiple virtual worlds existing at the same time. MetThe final form of averse is that these worlds must be interconnected and there must be a set of social and economic systems that can operate uniformly. Most people agree: the "Oasis" in "Ready Player One" is the complete form or vision of the Metaverse. This will be an all-encompassing virtual world that is infinitely close to reality and will replace or even compete with the real world in all aspects. "Oasis" is born out of the real world, parallel to the real world, and is always online. It has a fully functioning economy, in which data, digital items, content, and IP can all circulate. Individual users, institutions, and companies can create content and products to ensure the sustainable development of the Metaverse. According to the setting in "Ready Player One", the oasis is a perfect combination of virtual reality technology and online games used by game companies to provide people with a spiritual haven to escape from the world. Here people can escape reality and enter a realistic virtual world like Oasis, where they can become anyone and do anything. But the will of Halliday, the founder of "Oasis", brought a huge storm to this last paradise. The will declares that whoever can find the Easter eggs he set in the "Oasis" can take over the "Oasis" and become the new richest man in the world. These Easter eggs are hidden in the pop culture of the 1980s. Realistic Realization Form Among the current mainstream products, Roblox (on March 10, the first stock of the Metaverse, Roblox, was listed on the New York Stock Exchange, with a market value of more than 40 billion US dollars on the first day of listing) is indeed the closest to the vision of the Metaverse. According to Roblox officials, a true metaverse product should have eight major elements: Identity: You have a virtual identity, whether it is related to the real identity or not. Friends: You have friends in the metaverse and can socialize with them, whether you know them in reality or not. Immersion: You can immerse yourself in the experience of the Metaverse and ignore everything else. Low Latency: Everything in the Metaverse happens synchronously, with no asynchrony or latency. Diversity: Metaverse provides a variety of rich content, including gameplay, props, art materials, etc. Anywhere: You can use any device to log into the Metaverse and immerse yourself in it anytime, anywhere. Economic System: Like any complex large-scale game, the Metaverse should have its own economic system. Civilization: The Metaverse should be a virtual civilization. To realize the above-mentioned experience, at least technical support from VR, AR, AI, blockchain, edge computing and other aspects is required. What’s the reason for the popularity? In fact, the most direct reason for the popularity of the Metaverse is that technological development has expanded the boundaries of imagination. As the technical foundation of the Metaverse, VR, AR, AI, blockchain, etc. are ushering in a period of rapid growth. Virtual reality (English: virtual reality, abbreviated as VR), referred to as virtual technology, also known as virtual environment, uses computer simulation to generate a three-dimensional virtual world, providing users with simulations of vision and other senses, making users feel as if they are immersed in the scene. Things in three-dimensional space can be observed instantly and without restrictions. From technologyFrom a virtual reality perspective, the virtual reality system has the following three basic characteristics: the three "I" immersion-interaction-imagination (immersion-interaction-imagination), which emphasizes the leading role of people in the virtual system. From the past, people could only observe the processing results from the outside of the computer system, but now people can be immersed in the environment created by the computer system. With the advancement and price reduction of professional VR equipment, it is only a matter of time before the Metaverse is bound to VR. In order to support the identity and economic system, the Metaverse needs to rely on blockchain technology to establish credibility. The popularity of blockchain in recent years has also provided technical support for the realization of the Metaverse. Of course, in order to ensure the diversity of the metaverse, edge computing technology is needed to ensure that all users receive a similar and smooth experience. Of course, the above technological development did not happen overnight, but the explosive development of technology in recent years has indeed provided a foundation for the realization of the metaverse. In addition, due to the epidemic, everyone began to pay attention to the construction of virtual scenes. In reality, there are some achievable examples. For example, with the help of the epidemic, the famous American singer Travis Scott held a virtual concert in the game "Fortnite", and 12.3 million game players around the world became virtual concert audiences. During the epidemic, in order to prevent students from missing the graduation ceremony due to the epidemic, the University of California, Berkeley, rebuilt the campus in the sandbox game "Minecraft". Students gathered together in virtual avatars to complete the ceremony. In addition, the top AI academic conference ACAI held a 20-year seminar on the Nintendo game "Animal Crossing: New Horizons", and the speaker delivered a speech while playing PPT in the game. Regarding future imagination, some people believe that in about 100 years, the metaverse may replace the real world and become the main scene of human life.

㈤ What is the Metaverse Economy

The development of the Metaverse can be closely linked to games and social interaction, which makes many companies optimistic about the future of the Metaverse. The development of the metaverse will also bring new business models. During the game, many players spend game currency to purchase skins. Then players can get more virtual items by completing tasks. If some of the items are rare items, they can By conducting transactions in the secondary market, the benefits of this second-hand market are also immeasurable.

The metaverse is a further interpretation of the experience economy. In the dimension of the metaverse, all items may be virtual, and only perception It is close to reality. The premise for people to spend money to buy is the experience, followed by the actual goods or services. In other words, the goods sold by Yuanverse Enterprises are themselves perceptual experiences for different groups of people.

㈥ Is the Metaverse digital currency legal?

Summary is illegal in our country

㈦ What does the blockchain bring to the Metaverse

Now, the concept of "Metaverse" has become a rare bright spot in the blockchain encryption industry.

Blockchain metaverse concept projects such as Axie Infinty, My Neighbor Alice, Sandbox, and Decentraland have been greatly sought after by the market. Whether it is on-chain land bidding, crypto asset prices, or the number of active users, it is all here Stunning growth was achieved in a weak market.

Although many of the above-mentioned Internet applications do not strictly conform to the concept of the Metaverse, the Metaverse is not only popular in the encryption circle, but is also popular in the traditional Internet circle.

In April this year, the Metaverse Google search index soared to the highest point. Domestic and foreign game companies and capital swarmed in, jointly contributing to the explosion of the "Metaverse" market. Therefore, many people also This year is called the "First Year of the Metaverse".

At the upcoming 2021 World Blockchain Conference, there will also be a dialogue between big names about the Metaverse and NFT. At that time, Yao Dajun, deputy dean of the School of Intermedia Art at the China Academy of Art, and Guosheng Several experts, including Song Jiaji, President of the Securities Blockchain Research Institute, Tao Rongqi, founder of Metaverse Capital, will discuss the future development opportunities of Metaverse.

㈧ What is the Metaverse NFT and what is the relationship between it and the Metaverse

About the Metaverse, we must first make it clear that the Metaverse is not a real world, but a Virtual digital world. The creators of the metaverse are us humans. So where did the Metaverse come from? In fact, the concept of the metaverse comes from the 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". "Avalanche" describes a world where humans control their own consciousness to complete various tasks. In this world, humans have such a strong sense of immersion that they cannot even tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world. The metaverse we are talking about now is based on this foundation, our inheritance and reproduction of this classic concept.
The foundation for the realization of the Metaverse is the maturity of our blockchain technology, VR, AR and other technologies, as well as the mature layout of related industries. Among the components of the Metaverse, one member is crucial. It can be said that its existence determines whether the economic framework of the Metaverse can be formed, and whether the Metaverse can prosper. Its name is NFT, and its full English name is Non-Fungible Token. When translated into Chinese, it is called non-fungible token. Regarding non-fungible tokens, we can understand it in this way. It is a unique existence and cannot be copied. Moreover, the unit of non-fungible tokens is only 1, which means it can never be divided. This ensures that the assets of the Metaverse Safety.
The most widespread role of NFT in the Metaverse is to provide a mark of ownership of native digital assets. A photo or painting can be used for NFT. As long as NFT exists, there is basically no need to worry about others. Because no matter what, what is yours is yours, and you can quickly find the owner through NFT.

㈨ What is the relationship between the Metaverse and the art digital collection platform? Which one is more reliable in China?

The Metaverse is a large-scale definition. Digital collections are a form of the Metaverse and have not yet been developed in China. , you can pay attention to Alibaba and Tencent or OneArt

㈩ What are the digital currencies of the Metaverse?

The digital currencies of the Metaverse include Decentraland (digital currency code: MANA), Axie Infinity (AXS currency) ), The Sandbox (SAND coin), Chromia (CHR coin), TLM Alien Worlds project token, SLP (Small Love Potion).

Decentraland (digital currency code: MANA) includes a decentralized territory ownership ledger, a protocol describing the content of each territory, and a peer-to-peer network for user interaction. Decentraland is a distributed shared virtual platform. On this platform, users can browse and discover content and interact with other people and entities. Users can also claim ownership of virtual territories through a blockchain-based land ledger. The territory is demarcated by rectangular coordinates (X, Y), and its owner can decide the content published on the territory, including static 3D scenes to interactive systems such as games. Territories are irreplaceable, transferable and rare digital assets stored in Ethereum smart contracts and can be purchased with an ERC20 token called MANA. MANA tokens can be used to purchase territories, goods and services, and can also be used as incentives to encourage content creation and user adoption, thereby realizing a decentralized virtual world.

Axie Infinity (AXS coin) is a digital pet world inspired by Pokémon built on the Ethereum blockchain. Anyone can receive token rewards by participating in the game and contributing to the game world. The project vision is to integrate work and entertainment. Axie Infinity has become a digital pet community that integrates collection, training, breeding, combat, and social gameplay. Each Axie has unique genetic data stored on the Ethereum chain and has unique value.

The Sandbox (SAND coin) is a virtual game world. Through SAND, a functional token based on Ethereum, players can create and own different game experiences and obtain benefits from them. Gamers can use The Sandbox Game Maker to create digital assets (non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs), upload them to the store, and create gaming experiences with a simple drag and drop method. The Sandbox is a community-driven platform where creators can monetize voxel assets and gaming experiences on the blockchain. The Sandbox Metaverse consists of 166,464 LA map composed of ANDS.

Chromia (CHR coin) is a new blockchain platform mainly used for decentralized applications. Compared with Ethereum, Chromia's biggest advantages are faster speed and more flexible charging strategy. It is designed around the shortcomings of existing platforms and aims to enable a new generation of programs (dapps) to scale beyond what is currently possible. Chromia is both a blockchain and a relational database. This means that decentralized applications (dapps) can be written in a way that is familiar to developers around the world, whether they are large enterprise applications, games or small projects.

TLM is the Alien Worlds project token. Alien Worlds is the metaverse of NFT DeFi, which can simulate economic competition and cooperation between players. By incentivizing players to acquire Trilium (TLM), users can control autonomous organizations (Planet DAOs) and gain access to more gameplay.
In the universe of Alien Worlds, players can obtain NFTs (digital game items) to mine TLM, fight and complete in-game tasks. Depending on their strategy, players can purchase and assemble NFTs that best suit their gameplay. In addition, players can participate in management by electing six Planet DAO committee members to influence the direction of the game.

SLP (Small Love Potion) is an ERC-20 token that can be used on the Ethereum blockchain. Axie Infinity is a game (dapp) running on the Ethereum blockchain where users can collect, raise, breed and battle virtual creatures called axies. Axies are very similar to real-life pets, each with their own unique characteristics and appearance.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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