bim币多少钱 bim币挖矿

❶ 一台矿机能产多少币


❷ 一百个派币有多少基础币


❸ 比心下单到黄金一要多少个币


❹ filecoin矿机一天可以挖多少币


❺ 比特币挖矿 现在比特币挖矿数量能够挖多少 币报道


❻ filecoin挖矿需要质押90颗币在官网吗 10T算力需要投资多少钱我这里说需要质押90个fil币


矿机价格我们取96T的。一台96T矿机需要11万八,有效算力为64T 也就是说需要封装64T。
目前质押为9.5FIL/T左右 GAS费2.5FIL/T左右
则质押为9.5*64=608FIL 608*1100=668800元
GAS费2.5*64=160FIL 160*1100=176000元

注:4.09是封装满之后产的币365是一年 5代表的是5年 60是封装时间 200是封装期可以产的币

❼ 比特币现在的挖矿成本大概多少


❽ 抖音升到21级要刷多少抖币






❾ 1000个币,满一百复投一次,90天能有多少币


❶ How many coins can a mining machine produce?

You are talking about Bitcoin, right? Because the remaining quantity is getting smaller and smaller, the coins that can be mined by a mining machine are getting smaller and smaller

❷ How many base coins are there in one hundred pie coins

Summary Hello, about Let me explain to you in detail how to calculate the pi base currency:

❸ Compare how many coins it costs to place an order to gold one

Are you sure about this (⊙o ⊙)! , asking for a lot of coins!

❹ How many coins can a filecoin mining machine mine in a day

The main network is not online yet. No one can guarantee how many coins a mining machine can mine. Most of the guarantees that can be given to you are deceptive. .
But it is definitely right to choose the one that ranks high in several tests. It is technically guaranteed and will not be less efficient than other mining.

❺ Bitcoin mining report on how many coins can be mined by the current number of Bitcoin mining operations


❻ Do you need to pledge 90 fil coins for filecoin mining? How much does it cost to invest in 10T computing power on the official website? I said here that 90 fil coins need to be pledged

As the currency price rises, more and more people are investing. In the mining army. Then as the number of mining machines increases, the computing power will inevitably become less and less. And the higher the currency price, the greater the investment date. So how much money does it take to invest in a mining machine, and how much profit can you get?
Currently, it takes about 9.5 fil coins to encapsulate 1T of computing power, and the GAS fee is 2 to 3 coins. 1T requires about 12 coins (the GAS fee is not fixed, just take the average). According to the current currency price, it is about 1,100. Then packaging 1T requires 12,000.

The price of the mining machine is 96T. A 96T mining machine requires 118,000, and the effective computing power is 64T, which means that 64T ​​needs to be packaged.
The current pledge is about 9.5FIL/T and the gas fee is about 2.5FIL/T
The pledge is 9.5*64=608FIL 608*1100=668800 yuan
GAS fee is 2.5*64=160FIL 160* 1100=176000 yuan
Early investment cost: 668800 (pledge) + 176000 (GAS) + 118000 (mining machine) = 962800 yuan
The pledge will refund GAS after your mining machine stops mining, which is a fuel fee. Directly consumed
So the real cost is the consumption of GAS fees and the cost of the mining machine
Then: 118000 (mining machine) + 176000 (GAS) = 294000 yuan
The minimum capacity of 96T mining machine Digging for 5 years. Encapsulation takes approximately 2 months.
The encapsulation period is the process of converting effective storage power into effective computing power. After the mining machine is put on the shelves, it does not mine coins with the highest computing power immediately, but gradually increases, from 0T to 64T process. Coins can also be produced during the encapsulation period. It is expected that about 200 FIL can be produced. The current mining efficiency is 0.1 FIL/T. With full pledge and full GAS, the encapsulation can be completed in the fastest two months.
The company charges a 20% technical service fee, which is deducted from the daily output

The current average effective computing power is 0.082/T
The daily currency output after the mining machine package is full It is: 64*0.08*0.8=4.09
In those 5 years, it is expected to produce 4.09*(365*5-60)+200=7418FIL
Note: 4.09 is the coin produced after the package is full, 365 is one year 5 represents 5 years, 60 is the encapsulation time, 200 is the coins that can be produced during the encapsulation period
As the effective computing power increases, that is, the number of participating miners increases, the mining efficiency decreases, and we have to include this factor. 7418*0.7=5192FIL
Calculated based on the current currency price of 1100: 5192*1100=5.71 million yuan. In the later period, when IPFS technology is implemented, the currency price will also increase. This depends on personal investment concepts [Answer]

< p>❼ What is the current approximate cost of mining Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer anonymous digital currency based on the network. Peer-to-peer (peer-to-) has become a kind of scarce resource mining. It is a virtual currency that has recently emerged on the Internet. Chinese name: Bitcoin

❽ How many Douyin do you need to earn to reach level 21 on Douyin?

Level 21 requires 3800 coins.

1 coin level 2: 7 coins level 3: 16 coins level 4: 29 coins level 5: 45 coins level 6 : 66 coins, level 7: 90 coins, level 8: 132 coins, level 9: 175 coins, level 10: 243 coins, level 11: 320 coins, level 12: 421 coins, level 13: 573 coins, level 14: 732 Level 15 of coin shaking: 971 coin level 16: 1300 coin level 17: 1700 coin level 18: 2200 coin level 19: 2900 coin level 20: 3800 coin level 21.



Douyin App is a social software. Through Douyin short video App, you can share your life, and at the same time, you can meet more friends here and learn more about it. All kinds of interesting things.

Douyin is essentially a music short video community focused on young people. Users can choose songs and pair them with short videos to form their own works. It is similar to Xiaoka Show, but The difference is that Douyin users can make videos more creative through video shooting speed, video editing, special effects (repeat, flash, slow motion) and other technologies, rather than simple lip-syncing.

❾ 1,000 coins, re-invest once when 100 are reached, how many coins you can get in 90 days

It depends on how many times you invest
If you don’t invest once, 1,000 coins will be distributed in 90 days
Otherwise , more than a daytimes, not one in less than 90 days

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 蚂蚁矿机L3+ 504m,24小时能挖多少其实每天能挖到的币都是不一样的,L3+最早出来的时候,每天能挖1个莱特币。现在全网算力大幅度提升,每天能挖0.54个币左右。主要还是要看你的算力跟全网算力