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㈠ Ar/ Ar法定年技术与矿床演化历史

40Ar/ 39Ar法是在K-Ar法的基础上发展起来的。该方法是将39K经中子活化转化为39Ar,在一份活化样品上同时分析Ar同位素比值,即可获得样品的年龄,克服了常规稀释法在两份样品上分别测定K和Ar的过程中因样品不均匀性而带来的误差;且质谱计测定Ar同位素比值精度高,因此,40Ar/39Ar法是一种高精度的定年方法。同时,采用其特有的阶段加热分析技术,分阶段释出矿物中的气体,每一个阶段都给出相应的表观年龄,从而构成一个年龄谱,并可根据各个阶段的Ar同位素比值得到一条40Ar/ 39Ar等时线,这样,即使矿物受过一定程度后期地质作用影响,仍然可以采用阶段加热分析技术获得矿物的形成年龄。此外,该方法的测年对象已不像K-Ar法那样只限于含钾矿物,而且能够适应含微量钾的矿物。

近年来发展起来的石英流体包裹体40Ar/ 39Ar定年技术是值得关注的新趋势之一。40Ar/ 39Ar定年的另一个关键技术是利用激光探针技术进行40Ar/ 39Ar同位素微区原位分析。我国激光探针技术应用于40Ar/39Ar定年研究工作起步较晚,至20世纪90年代初,地质矿产部地质研究所、北京大学地质系和中国科学院广州地球化学研究所的K-Ar实验室开始着手建立激光探针熔样装置,并改进质谱测量技术,使之能满足超微量氩同位素的分析。所采用的激光可分为连续激光和脉冲激光两类,其中前者除可以从事单点熔样定年外,还可以逐步加大电流以提高温度,对样品进行阶段加热,获得单颗粒样品的年龄谱和等时线;而后者只能快速熔样,利用多个全熔点计算平均年龄或作等时线。因此利用连续激光进行40Ar/ 39Ar微区升温分析可以获得更多的年龄信息。利用连续激光可测定从太古宙到新生代的40Ar/39Ar等时线年龄,适用范围比较宽。

本次对广东河台金矿等典型矿床进行了较为系统的研究。河台金矿是华南最重要的独立大型金矿之一,位于广东省高要市境内,南东距肇庆市35km。矿区呈北东东-南西西向长条状展布,长10km,宽4.5km。河台金矿包括高村、云西、河海、尚台、大平顶、桃子山、后迳等矿段(也有文献将它们分别作为单独矿床),以高村矿段规模最大,勘探程度也最高。河台金矿为产于糜棱岩中的破碎-蚀变岩型金矿,与变质建造、变形构造及混合(花岗)岩、侵入岩中的复合成矿作用有关。矿床自20世纪80年代发现以来,众多研究者对其进行了大量的研究工作(王鹤年等,1992;何绍勋等,1996;李兆麟等,2001;李建甘,2002),尤其是定年方面的相关报道较多,许多学者用各种方法进行了研究,如39Ar-40Ar法(富云莲等,1991)、热爆裂石英流体包裹体Rb-Sr等时线法(陈好寿等,1991)、Pb-Pb法(张志兰等,1988;符力奋,1989)、石英全溶Rb-Sr等时线法(翟伟等,2004)、单颗粒锆石U-Pb法(翟伟等,2005)、SHRIMP 锆石 U-Pb测年(翟伟等,2006)等。


图1-28 河台金矿云西混合岩中黑云母Ar-Ar坪年龄

图1-29 河台硫化物石英脉中绢云母Ar-Ar坪年龄

表1-18 广东河台金矿成岩成矿年龄

㈡ ar币挖矿是否合规


㈢ Ar-Ar定年





该方法 1959年利用计数技术探测由39 K 中子活化产生的39 Ar (t1/2 =269a)和41 Ar (t1/2=2 小时)首先得到应用。然而,该方法并不允许作大气氩校正,因为36 Ar 不能得到适当测定。

39Ar相当长的半衰期意味着在质谱分析中可将它当做稳定同位素,它首先于1966年应用于40 Ar-39 Ar定年。

在照射过程中由39 K产生的39 Ar表示为


式中:Δt是照射时间;Φe是能量为e的中子通量密度;σe是39K对能量为e的中子捕获截面。产生的39 Ar必须在全部中子能量范围内积分,实际上此计算非常困难。因此,正常程序是利用一已知年龄的样品作为通量监测体。

采用K-Ar衰变方程 (6-26)并且方程两边除以 (6-30),得到:


然而,大括号内的项对样品和标准是相同的。因此,习惯上将它称为单一量,其倒数, J,可作为常数。因此,对于标准:


这里t是已知的。对于未知年龄的样品重排方程 (6-31)得到:


对每一未知样品,为了获得精确的J 值,需要放置几个标样,代表在反应堆中相对于未知样品的已知空间位置。因此,对每个样品处的J 值就可内插出来。

在39 K的照射过程中,由中子反应从钙和其他钾同位素产生干扰Ar同位素 (图6-10)。

这些影响和程度的详细研究表明,对于大于 1Ma的矿物,如果K/Ca比值大于 1 ,不作干扰校正可得到能接受的结果。这时,简单的大气校正是适当的:









图6-10 39 Ar-40 Ar 活化过程中钾区核素的产生反应 (粗线)与主要干扰反应 (实线)




式中:37 Ar/39 Ar是未知的,必须校正从照射到分析时的37 Ar 的衰变 (t1/2=35 天)测定的监测体干扰比值;( 36 A r/37 A r ) Ca、( 39 A r/37 A r ) Ca与( 40 A r/39 A r ) K是下标元素的A r同位素产生比。这些产生比是通过在有关的反应堆中分别照射纯Ca盐和K 盐测定出的,并且反映该反应堆中子通量的特征。不同作者对不同反应堆测定的这些产生比典型的范围分别是2.1~2.7、6.3~30 及0.006~0.031 (Dickin,1995)。


因为样品钾的特征由40 Ar-39 Ar技术被就地转化为氩,有可能分阶段从该样品的不同域中释放出氩并从每一步恢复出全部年龄信息。阶段加热相对常规“全熔”技术的优越性在于逐步释气鉴别样品中的异常系统,理想地从该样品“正常行为”部分的分析中将异常排除成为可能。该方法可应用到单矿物与全岩。最常用的是了解遭受了氩丢失的样品,但也有助于解释含有继承氩的样品。

在部分扰动系统的情形下,最易于扩散丢失氩的样品中的区域 (如晶体边缘)应在相对低的温度下释气,而紧密束缚的氩 (最抗扰动)应在较高的温度下释气。为了了解扰动样品的历史,阶段加热分析的结果一般以两种方式中的一种给出:Ar-Ar 等时线图,类似于常规K-Ar中分析一套样品;或者是年龄谱图,常称为坪年龄。

Bjurbole陨石的阶段加热结果 (Dickin,1995)如图6-11 的等时线所示。直线排列表明此陨石为简单的一阶段封闭系统历史。初始40 Ar/36 Ar 可能仅部分有意义,因为它是初始氩与大气污染的混合物。

在怀疑有继承氩的地方等时线图是有用的,但年龄谱图更有助于评估氩丢失。要构筑年龄谱图,连续较高温度下每次气体释放的大小通过测定所产生的39 Ar 离子束的强度来测量。每次气体释放后可作成棒状图,其长度代表它在样品中释放总39 Ar 中所占的分数,其y 轴上的值是由方程式 (6-35 )校正的40Ar/39Ar比值。后者与年龄成比例,有时作在对数坐标图上,有时表示为线性。从年龄谱图决定可靠年龄,取决于“坪”年龄的鉴别。坪年龄的严格判据是 (Ludwig,1997):

图6-11 以 Ar-Ar 等时线图表示的Bj urbole陨石的阶段加热数据


图中数据点表示每一释气阶段的温度 (×100℃)

1)有三个或三个以上的紧接的释气阶段释放的39 Ar占其总量的 60%以上;

2)这些阶段的加权平均年龄的拟合概率大于 5%;


4)坪两边最外两个阶段不能与加权平均年龄有明显差别 (要求6 个或更多阶段释气);

5)坪两边最外两步不能有具相同符号非0 斜率 (1.8 倍误差条件下)(仅针对 9 个或更多阶段释气)。

图6-12 显示了玻璃陨石中Ar-Ar系统的年龄谱图的理想性质,这种陨石是陆壳物质在飞进大气圈迅速淬火的完全熔融物。然而,40 Ar-39 Ar 法最适用于具后期氩丢失的复杂地质历史的样品。

图6-12 美国得克萨斯玻璃陨石的 40- Ar 39 Ar年龄谱图



美国Eldora岩株围岩中角闪石、黑云母、长石三种矿物,角闪石 (图6-13a、b)表现出热扩散脱气模式。最远的样品 (未表示出)得到 1400Ma 的最优坪年龄。在大约350、290、75 和 10m 处的样品显示了颗粒外边的严重 Ar 丢失,但在最高温部分接近“真实”年龄。然而,这种样式可能反映了向黑云母的蚀变,而不是角闪石的 Ar 扩散丢失。这种解释得到了合成角闪石-黑云母混合物测年实验的支持。另一个现象是离接触带35m的样品显示出高质量的中间“假”坪。最后,离接触带 0.6m 的样品显示出鞍形样式,其低年龄部分接近变质作用年龄。

粗粒黑云母 (图6-13c)其行为稍不同。它在离岩株无限远处的最大年龄 (1250Ma)低于角闪石的年龄。在中等距离处的年龄谱不规则,但表现出随着靠近岩株“坪”年龄一般降低。因此,看起来黑云母能部分但不均一脱气,可能是因为平行于解理扩散增强。最后,钾长石遭受了不规则和灾难性的Ar丢失,像常规K-Ar分析所了解的那样 (图6-13d)。

图6-13 美国科罗拉多 Eldora 岩株离接触带不同距离的矿物 40 Ar-39 Ar年龄谱图




4. 39 Ar反冲

发现Ar-Ar测年技术对于测定月球物质小的全岩样品年龄特别有用,尤其是对细粒的月海玄武岩。图6-14 中的虚线型式表示了典型的释气型式,是因为富K位置上,Ar保持能力低,从而有8%的放射成因 Ar 丢失。然而,其他样品或者表现出在高温部分表面年龄的显著降低或者是特别在细粒岩石中在大部分释气阶段表面年龄的逐渐降低,这可能是在照射过程中有Ar重新分配。

图6-14 由于 39 Ar 照射反冲对 40 Ar-39 Ar年龄谱的影响



在从39 K (n,p)反应中39 Ar 的反冲可引起该核素的小范围重新分布。该效应从含钾矿物表面到平均0.08μm的深度能亏损氩。

后来的研究发现,39 Ar 的反冲问题在试图将40 Ar-39 Ar测年应用到自生沉积矿物海绿石中更加严重。这可能是由于构成球状颗粒的海绿石结晶体非常小的缘故。这个问题可以通过将海绿石颗粒在照射前压紧装于小的玻璃安瓿中加以解决,在加热分析时将玻璃安瓿打开而将反冲产物一起分析。

㈣ 股市里为什么AR与BR指标逐渐接近时,行情会弹升或继续上涨,而考虑做多买进



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㈨ 什么叫做:通常BR比AR高,如BR降至AR下面时,多为行情即将做底的征兆。

1、 BR介于70~150间属于盘整行情,
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4、 AR、BR急速上升,意味距股价高峰已近,可获利了结,
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㈠ Ar/Ar dating technology and deposit evolution history

The 40Ar/39Ar method was developed on the basis of the K-Ar method. This method converts 39K into 39Ar through neutron activation, and simultaneously analyzes the Ar isotope ratio on an activated sample to obtain the age of the sample, overcoming the conventional dilution method in the process of separately measuring K and Ar on two samples. Errors caused by sample inhomogeneity; and the mass spectrometer has high accuracy in measuring the Ar isotope ratio. Therefore, the 40Ar/39Ar method is a high-precision dating method. At the same time, it uses its unique stage heating analysis technology to release the gas in the minerals in stages. Each stage gives a corresponding apparent age, thereby forming an age spectrum, and a 40Ar can be obtained based on the Ar isotope ratio of each stage. / 39Ar isochron, in this way, even if the mineral has been affected by a certain degree of later geological processes, the formation age of the mineral can still be obtained using stage heating analysis technology. In addition, the dating objects of this method are no longer limited to potassium-containing minerals like the K-Ar method, and can be adapted to minerals containing trace amounts of potassium.

The quartz fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar dating technology developed in recent years is one of the new trends worthy of attention. Another key technology for 40Ar/39Ar dating is the use of laser probe technology for in-situ analysis of 40Ar/39Ar isotope micro-areas. The application of laser probe technology to 40Ar/39Ar dating research in my country started relatively late. In the early 1990s, the K-Ar laboratory of the Institute of Geology of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, the Department of Geology of Peking University, and the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences began Set out to establish a laser probe sample melting device and improve mass spectrometry measurement technology to enable the analysis of ultra-trace argon isotopes. The laser used can be divided into continuous laser and pulse laser. In addition to single-point melting sample dating, the former can also gradually increase the current to increase the temperature, heat the sample in stages, and obtain the age spectrum of single particle samples. and isochrones; while the latter can only melt samples quickly and use multiple full melting points to calculate the average age or make isochrones. Therefore, more age information can be obtained by using continuous laser to conduct 40Ar/39Ar micro-area heating analysis. Continuous laser can be used to determine the 40Ar/39Ar isochron age from the Archaean to the Cenozoic, and its applicable range is relatively wide.

This time, a relatively systematic study was conducted on typical mineral deposits such as the Hetai Gold Mine in Guangdong. Hetai Gold Mine is one of the most important independent large-scale gold mines in South China. It is located in Gaoyao City, Guangdong Province, 35km away from Zhaoqing City to the southeast. The mining area is distributed in a long strip shape from north-east to south-west, with a length of 10km and a width of 4.5km. The Hetai gold mine includes Gaocun, Yunxi, Hehai, Shangtai, Dapingding, Taozishan, Houjing and other mining sections (some documents also regard them as separate deposits). The Gaocun mining section is the largest and has the highest degree of exploration. The Hetai gold deposit is a broken-altered rock type gold deposit produced in mylonite, which is closely related to metamorphic structures, deformation structures, mixed (granite) rocks, and intrusive rocks.It is related to the composite mineralization in the rock. Since the discovery of the mineral deposit in the 1980s, many researchers have conducted a large amount of research work on it (Wang Henian et al., 1992; He Shaoxun et al., 1996; Li Zhaolin et al., 2001; Li Jiangan, 2002), especially in terms of dating. , many scholars have used various methods to conduct research, such as 39Ar-40Ar method (Fu Yunlian et al., 1991), thermal explosion quartz fluid inclusion Rb-Sr isochron method (Chen Haoshou et al., 1991), Pb-Pb method (Zhang Zhilan et al., 1988; Fu Lifen, 1989), quartz total solution Rb-Sr isochron method (Zhai Wei et al., 2004), single-particle zircon U-Pb method (Zhai Wei et al., 2005), SHRIMP zircon U- Pb dating (Zhai Wei et al., 2006) and so on.

This study obtained the biotite Ar-Ar plateau age in the migmatite in the Yunxi ore section of the Hetai Gold Mine as 161.8±1.2Ma; The mica Ar-Ar plateau age is 157.1±1.0 Ma, indicating that regional shear-metamorphism was mainly concentrated in the Indosinian to early Yanshanian periods. Given that the Hetai gold deposit is one of the representative large-scale gold deposits in the eastern Guangdong-western Guangdong mineralization belt, its ore-hosting surrounding rock was originally determined to be Sinian mylonite, and the ore body is controlled by the NEE-trending shear zone. Combining the isotope age data obtained by previous researchers (Table 1-18) and the Ar-Ar data obtained this time (Figure 1-28, Figure 1-29), it can be inferred that the Hetai gold mining area has experienced a long tectonic-thermal evolution. History, in which the metallogenic stage leading to gold mineralization may have started as early as the Caledonian cycle. The early thermal events in Yanshan were not only recorded in the biotite of the migmatite, but also in the muscovite of the veins at the same time. However, regardless of metamorphism Neither the biotite nor the hydrothermal muscovite has recorded information from the late Yanshan period. Therefore, the quartz age determined by Chen Haoshou et al. (1991) using the Rb-Sr method in the early years may record relatively low-temperature mineralization events. In this way, from the Caledonian to the early Yanshanian to the late Yanshanian, the evolution of the Hetai gold deposit went through a long process of about 370 Ma.

Figure 1-28 Biotite Ar-Ar plateau age in the Yunxi migmatite of the Hetai Gold Mine

Figure 1-29 Ar-Ar plateau age of sericite in Hetai sulfide quartz veins

Table 1-18 Rock-forming and mineralization age of Hetai gold deposit in Guangdong

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㈢ Ar-Ar dating

1. Principle

39K can be converted into 39Ar through fast neutron irradiation, so that the K-Ar age can be used as argon Part of the isotope analysis determined K:


Where: n is the captured neutron; p is the released proton.

The method 195The use of counting technology to detect 39 Ar (t1/2 =269a) and 41 Ar (t1/2=2 hours) produced by 39 K neutron activation was first applied in 9 years. However, this method does not allow atmospheric argon correction because 36 Ar cannot be measured appropriately.

The long half-life of 39Ar means that it can be used as a stable isotope in mass spectrometry analysis. It was first used in 40 Ar-39 Ar dating in 1966.

39 Ar produced by 39 K during the irradiation process is expressed as


Where: Δt is the irradiation time ;Φe is the neutron flux density with energy e; σe is the neutron capture cross section of 39K with energy e. The generated 39 Ar must be integrated over the entire neutron energy range, and in fact this calculation is very difficult. Therefore, the normal procedure is to use a sample of known age as a flux monitor.

Using the K-Ar decay equation (6-26) and dividing both sides of the equation by (6-30), we get:


However, the terms within the curly brackets are the same for samples and standards. Therefore, it is customary to call it a single quantity, and its reciprocal, J, can be treated as a constant. Therefore, for the standard:


here t is known. For samples of unknown age, rearrange equation (6-31) to obtain:


For each unknown sample, in order to obtain an accurate J value , several standard samples need to be placed, representing known spatial positions in the reactor relative to unknown samples. Therefore, the J value for each sample can be interpolated.

During the irradiation process at 39 K, interfering Ar isotopes are produced from calcium and other potassium isotopes by neutron reactions (Figure 6-10).

Detailed study of these effects and extent shows that for minerals older than 1 Ma, acceptable results can be obtained without interference correction if the K/Ca ratio is greater than 1. At this time, a simple atmospheric correction is appropriate:


Where: meas represents the measured value.

Changing appropriate irradiation parameters can minimize the interference with Ar. The main disturbances that must be considered are:



Earth Chemistry

Other interferences also occur, but can be ignored as unimportant.

The complete correction formula for these interferences is

Figure 6-10 The production reaction of nuclides in the potassium region (thick line) and main interferences during the activation process of 39 Ar-40 Ar Reaction (solid line)

(According to Dickin, 1995)

The dotted line reaction producesGenerating 37Ar interference monitoring body


In the formula: 37 Ar/39 Ar is unknown, and the 37 Ar from irradiation to analysis must be corrected The monitoring body interference ratio measured by the decay (t1/2=35 days); (36 A r/37 A r) Ca, (39 A r/37 A r) Ca and (40 A r/39 A r) K are The Ar isotope production ratio of the subscripted element. These production ratios are measured by irradiating pure Ca salt and K salt respectively in the relevant reactor, and reflect the characteristics of the neutron flux of the reactor. Typical ranges of these production ratios determined by different authors for different reactors are 2.1 to 2.7, 6.3 to 30, and 0.006 to 0.031, respectively (Dickin, 1995).

2. Staged heating

Because the potassium characteristic of the sample is converted into argon in situ by the 40 Ar-39 Ar technology, it is possible to release it from different domains of the sample in stages. Argon and recover the full age information from each step. The advantage of staged heating over conventional "full melting" technology lies in the gradual release of gases to identify abnormal systems in the sample, making it ideally possible to exclude abnormalities from the analysis of the "normal behavior" part of the sample. This method can be applied to single minerals and whole rocks. Most commonly used to understand samples that have suffered argon loss, but can also be helpful in interpreting samples that contain inherited argon.

In the case of a partially perturbed system, regions in the sample most susceptible to diffusional loss of argon (such as crystal edges) should outgas at relatively low temperatures, while tightly bound argon (most resistant to perturbation) Should outgas at higher temperatures. In order to understand the history of a perturbed sample, the results of a stage heating analysis are generally given in one of two ways: an Ar-Ar isochron plot, similar to the analysis of a set of samples in conventional K-Ar; or an age spectrum, Often called ping age.

The staged heating results of the Bjurbole meteorite (Dickin, 1995) are shown in the isochrones in Figure 6-11. The linear arrangement indicates that this meteorite has a simple one-stage closed system history. The initial 40 Ar/36 Ar may be only partially meaningful since it is a mixture of initial argon and atmospheric contamination.

Isochron plots are useful where inherited argon is suspected, but age spectra are more helpful in assessing argon loss. To construct the age spectrum, the size of each gas release at successively higher temperatures is measured by measuring the intensity of the resulting 39 Ar ion beam. A bar graph can be drawn after each gas release. Its length represents its fraction of the total 39 Ar released in the sample. The value on the y-axis is the 40Ar/39Ar ratio corrected by equation (6-35). The latter is proportional to age, sometimes plotted on a logarithmic scale, sometimes expressed linearly. Determining a reliable age from the age spectrum depends on the identification of "ping" age. The strict criterion for age is (Ludwig, 1997):

Figure 6-11 Stage heating data of the Bj urbole meteorite represented by Ar-Ar isochron diagram

(According to Dickin, 1995)

The data points in the figure represent the temperature of each gas release stage (×100°C)

1) There are three or more consecutive gas release stages that account for the total 39 Ar released more than 60% of the amount;

2) The fitting probability of the weighted average age of these stages is greater than 5%;

3) The slope of the error weighted line passing through the plateau age is within 5% The confidence level is equal to 0;

4) The outer two stages on both sides of the plateau cannot be significantly different from the weighted average age (requiring 6 or more stages of gas release);

5) The outer two steps on both sides of the plateau cannot have non-zero slopes with the same sign (under the condition of 1.8 times error) (only for 9 or more stages of gas release).

Figure 6-12 shows the ideal properties of the age spectrum of the Ar-Ar system in tektites, which are complete melts of continental crust materials that are rapidly quenched as they fly into the atmosphere. However, the 40 Ar-39 Ar method is most suitable for samples with complex geological histories of late argon loss.

Figure 6-12 40- Ar 39 Ar age spectrum of Texas tektites in the United States

(According to Dickin, 1995)

3. Argon loss

Amphibole, biotite, and feldspar are three minerals in the surrounding rock of the Eldora rock strain in the United States. Hornblende (Figure 6-13a, b) shows a thermal diffusion degassing mode. . The most distant sample (not shown) gave an optimal plateau age of 1400 Ma. Samples at approximately 350, 290, 75 and 10m show severe Ar loss outside the grain, but are close to "true" age in the highest temperature parts. However, this pattern may reflect alteration to biotite rather than loss of Ar diffusion from hornblende. This interpretation is supported by dating experiments on synthetic amphibole-biotite mixtures. Another phenomenon is that the sample 35m away from the contact zone shows a high quality intermediate "false" plateau. Finally, samples 0.6 m from the contact zone show a saddle pattern with low age portions close to the age of metamorphism.

Coarse-grained biotite (Figure 6-13c) behaves slightly differently. Its maximum age (1250 Ma) at infinite distance from the rock is lower than the age of hornblende. The age spectrum at medium distances is irregular, but shows a general decrease in age as one approaches the rock "flat". Therefore, it appears that biotite can be partially but not uniformly degassed, possibly due to enhanced diffusion parallel to cleavage. Finally, K-feldspar suffers irregular and catastrophic Ar loss, as is known from conventional K-Ar analysis (Figure 6-13d).

Figure 6-13 Eldora rock clusters at different distances from the contact zone in Colorado, USA40 Ar-39 Ar age spectrum

(According to Dickin, 1995)

The numbers in the figure represent the distance between the rock strain and the contact zone, the unit is m


Amphibole can produce high quality but meaningless tiles. This may make it dangerous to rely on amphibole as a basis for geological age interpretation in the absence of independently conclusive evidence. Partially restarted biotite is always identifiable by its irregular pattern, making biotite a reliable basis for age interpretation. The exact significance of biotite and hornblende samples distant from the rock mass is unclear because the country rock is a paragneiss with a long thermal history.

4. 39 Ar recoil

Ar-Ar dating technology was found to be particularly useful for determining the age of small whole-rock samples of lunar material, especially for fine-grained maria basalts. The dotted line pattern in Figure 6-14 represents a typical outgassing pattern, which is due to the low Ar retention capacity at K-rich sites, resulting in 8% radiogenic Ar loss. However, other samples either show a significant decrease in surface age in the high-temperature part or a gradual decrease in surface age during most of the outgassing phase, especially in fine-grained rocks, which may be due to Ar redistribution during irradiation.

Figure 6-14 The impact of 39 Ar irradiation recoil on the 40 Ar-39 Ar age spectrum

(According to Dickin, 1995)

The dotted line is the analyzed lunar basalt fragment; the solid line is the same sample analyzed after fine grinding and activation

The recoil of 39 Ar in the reaction from 39 K (n,p) can cause Small-scale redistribution of the nuclide. This effect can deplete argon from the surface of potassium-containing minerals to an average depth of 0.08 μm.

Later studies found that the 39 Ar recoil problem was more serious when trying to apply 40 Ar-39 Ar dating to the authigenic sedimentary mineral glauconite. This may be due to the very small size of the glauconite crystals that make up the spherical particles. This problem can be solved by packing the glauconite particles tightly into small glass ampoules before irradiation, and opening the glass ampoules during heating analysis to analyze the recoil products together.

㈣ Why in the stock market, when the AR and BR indicators gradually approach each other, the market will rebound or continue to rise, and you should consider long buying

(1) Indicator selection When the value hovers around 100, it means that the general trend is basically balanced between long and short
Generally speaking, when the value is only between 80 and 120, it is a consolidation state, that is, a state with an obvious trend. Usually from a morphological point of view, the current stock market is in the form of continued consolidation. The next step is to pay close attention to the direction in which the stock price breaks
. Then the morphological content can come into play. When applying the AR indicator, investors should modify this number based on different parameters and different stocks
When ARWhen it is doubled to 150, you should have the awareness that "you may have to turn back." The number 150 is not a panacea. It should be revised according to the selected parameters and the stocks purchased.
When the AR value is less than 60, you should think of intervening in the stock market. Similarly, the number 60 also needs to be adjusted according to specific circumstances and cannot be generalized.
From the AR value, we can also see the current general environment of the stock market, whether long or short dominates. The popularity can be seen entirely from the value of AR. The rise and fall of AR values ​​reflect the prosperity and decline of popularity.
(2) Look at the trend from the divergence between AR and stock price. Like most technical indicators, the entry and exit indicator also has the function of leading the stock price to reach peaks and troughs, which is why we use the divergence principle to facilitate it.
Generally speaking, when AR reaches the peak and turns back, if the stock price is still rising, this is a signal to take profits, especially if the value of the stock at this time has reached the time to consider selling. in this way. In the same way, when AR reaches a trough and turns upward, but the stock price continues to fall, it is the time to intervene in the stock market.

The willingness to use indicator should be analyzed together with other technical indicators.
When BR is between 70 and 150, it is in a consolidation state, so there is no need to rush into the market.
When the BR value approaches 300, pay attention to the stock price falling and investors should not chase the rise. When BR is below 50, the stock market is likely to rebound and you can consider buying on dips.
Combined use of AR
Both BR and AR fall sharply, indicating that the stock price has reached a peak, and investors should ship as soon as possible;
BR is lower than AR, and AR is <50, indicating that the stock price has reached a peak. In the end, investors can absorb low stocks;
When BR rises sharply and AR is consolidating or falling slightly, it indicates that the stock price is rising;
When BR>AR, and then turns to BR<AR, it can also Buy;
When BR reaches a peak and then drops by 50%, investors can also purchase at a low price and then sell when the stock price rises.
But all indicators are just references. They are not 100% correct. You must first change your thinking.

㈤ What does the indicator AROO in stocks mean?

1. When DIF breaks through DEA ​​from bottom to top, a golden cross is formed, which is the cross formed by the white DIF crossing the yellow DEA. Or the BAR (green column line) shortens, which is a buy signal.
2. When DIF breaks through DEA ​​from top to bottom, a death cross is formed, that is, the white DIF crosses below the yellow DEA to form a cross. Or the BAR (red bar line) shortens, which is a sell signal.
3. Top divergence: When the stock price index rises wave by wave, DIF and DEA do not rise simultaneously, but fall wave by wave, forming a top divergence with the stock price trend.Leave. It indicates that the stock price is about to fall. If DIF crosses DEA from top to bottom twice at this time, forming two death crosses, the stock price will fall sharply.
4. Bottom divergence: When the stock price index goes down wave by wave, DIF and DEA do not fall simultaneously, but rise wave by wave, forming a bottom divergence from the stock price trend, which indicates that the stock price is about to rise. If DIF crosses DEA from bottom to top twice at this time, forming two golden crosses, the stock price is about to rise significantly.
The MACD indicator is mainly used to judge the mid- to long-term upward or downward trend of the general trend. When the stock price is in a market situation or the index fluctuation is not obvious, the MACD buying and selling signal is less obvious. When the stock price fluctuates greatly in a short period of time, because the MACD moves very slowly, it will not immediately generate a buy or sell signal for the change in the stock price.
MACD mainly uses two long-term and short-term smoothed average lines to calculate the difference between the two as a basis for studying and judging the market buying and selling. The MACD indicator is a trend indicator based on the construction principle of the moving average and smoothes the closing price of the price (calculating the arithmetic mean). It mainly consists of two parts, namely the positive and negative difference (DIF) and the difference and similarity average (DEA). Among them, the positive and negative difference is the core and DEA is the auxiliary. DIF is the difference between the fast smoothed moving average (EMA1) and the slow smoothed moving average (EMA2).
In existing technical analysis software, the commonly used parameters of MACD are 12 for the fast smoothed moving average and 26 for the slow smoothed moving average. In addition, MACD also has an auxiliary indicator-the columnar line (BAR). In most technical analysis software, the columnar lines are colored, green below the 0 axis, and red above the 0 axis. The former represents a weak trend, and the latter represents a strong trend.
Let’s talk about the basic principles that should be followed when using the MACD indicator:
1. When DIF and DEA are above the 0 axis, it is a long market. When the DIF line crosses the DEA line from bottom to top, it is Buy signal. When the DIF line crosses the DEA line from top to bottom, if the values ​​​​of the two lines are still running above the 0 axis, it can only be regarded as a short-term decline, but the trend turning point cannot be determined. At this time, whether to sell requires the help of other indicators. judge.
2. When DIF and DEA are below the 0 axis, it is a short market. When the DIF line crosses the DEA line from top to bottom, it is a sell signal. When the DIF line crosses the DEA line from bottom to top, if the values ​​of the two lines are still running below the 0 axis, it can only be regarded as a short rebound and cannot be determined. When the trend turns, whether to buy at this time requires comprehensive judgment with the help of other indicators.
3. The columnar lines shrink and expand. Generally speaking, the continued contraction of the columnar line indicates that the strength of the trend operation is gradually weakening. When the color of the columnar line changes, the trend has definitely turned. However, in the use of some MACD indicators with short time periods, this view cannot be completely established.
4. Morphology andDeviation situation. The MACD indicator also emphasizes patterns and divergence phenomena. When the DIF line of the MACD indicator and the MACD line form a high bearish pattern, such as a head and shoulders top, double head, etc., you should remain vigilant; and when the DIF line and the MACD line of the MACD indicator form a low bullish pattern, you should consider buying. . When judging the form, the DIF line is the main one and the MACD line is the supplement. When the price continues to rise and the MACD indicator moves lower than the wave after wave, it means that the top divergence appears, indicating that the price may turn downward soon. When the price continues to decrease, the MACD indicator moves out of a downward trend. When a wave is higher than the previous wave, it means the emergence of bottom divergence, indicating that the price will soon end its decline and turn around to rise.
5. The bullish market indicators will be distorted. When the price does not move from top to bottom or bottom to top, but keeps moving in the horizontal direction, we call it a bull market. At this time, false signals will be generated in the MACD indicator. The difference between the indicator DIF line and the MACD line Crossovers will be very frequent, and at the same time, the contraction and expansion of columnar lines will also occur frequently, and the color will often change from green to red or from red to green. At this time, the MACD indicator is in a distorted state, and its use value is correspondingly reduced.
Using the DIF curve shape for analysis mainly uses the principle of indicator divergence. Specifically: If the direction of DIF deviates from the direction of the stock price, it is time to take specific action. However, the accuracy is not satisfactory based on the above principles to guide actual operations. After practice, exploration and summary, the accuracy is greatly improved by comprehensively using the 5-day and 10-day average price lines, the 5-day and 10-day average volume lines and MACD.

㈥How much can the AR of Sausage Party be sold for?

Summary Hello, the mr cards surrounding Sausage Party are drawn based on luck. There are about 90 cards in the official game mall. The price is about 180 yuan. The number of mr cards in it depends on luck, so on average, the mr card can be counted as 2 yuan each.

㈦ How to calculate the computing power of arweave mining

㈧ What does AR mean in stocks and what does AS mean in stocks

1. AR represents the popularity indicator; BR represents the willingness indicator.
2. The popularity index (AR) and the willingness index (BR) are both technical indicators based on the analysis of historical stock prices. The popularity index pays more attention to the opening price, thus reflecting the popularity of market buying and selling; the willingness index pays more attention to the closing price. , which reflects the degree of market willingness to buy and sell. The two indicators analyze stock price fluctuations from different angles to achieve the common purpose of tracking future stock price trends.
3. Stocks are ownership certificates issued by joint-stock companies. They are securities issued by joint-stock companies to shareholders as shareholding certificates to raise funds and to obtain dividends and dividends. Each share of stock represents a shareholder's ownership of a basic unit of the business. Behind every stock is a public company. At the same time, every listed companyStocks will be issued.

㈨ What is it: Usually BR is higher than AR. If BR drops below AR, it is mostly a sign that the market is about to bottom out.

These are two sub-indicators in the ASI indicator. BR is an indicator of buying and selling willingness, AR is an indicator of buying and selling momentum, AR can be used alone, BR must be used together with AR.
BR is a "sentiment indicator" based on the stance of "anti-market psychology". When everyone is rushing to buy stocks, the future seems bright. At this time, you should leave the market decisively. On the contrary, when the public has been disappointed with the market and the market is full of bearish voices, you should enter the market resolutely and silently take over.
AR is a kind of "potential kinetic energy". Since the opening price is a reasonable price agreed by investors after a night of calm thinking, then from the opening price to the highest price of the day, every price exceeded will lose one point of energy. When the AR value rises to a certain limit, it means that the energy has been exhausted, and the stock price, which lacks the power to push up, will soon face a reversal crisis. On the contrary, the stock price has not shot up since the opening, which naturally reduces the loss of energy. In contrast, a lot of accumulated energy is accumulated and saved. This invisible potential may burst out at any time at an appropriate and mature time. .
2. How to use:
1. BR between 70 and 150 is a consolidation market.
2. When BR is higher than 400, please note that the stock price may fall back.
3. When BR is lower than 50 , please note that the stock price may rebound.
4. The rapid rise of AR and BR means that the stock price peak is close and profits can be taken.
5. When the BR value is lower than the AR value, you can buy on dips. ,
6. When BR rises rapidly and AR consolidates or retreats slightly, you should sell on highs.

㈩ arweave mining machine configuration

4 Core/8G RAM/ 512G-1024G

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< p>Download the Arweave plug-in wallet and obtain the Arweave address.

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本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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