币圈大佬的故事 币圈大佬视频

❶ 微信公众平台中营数字云是不是骗局,有投资价值吗


❷ 月薪4000买20000的包,“负债式消费”如何毁掉年轻一代


❶ Is the WeChat public platform Zhongying Digital Cloud a scam? Is there any investment value?

It is usually an excuse to make money. It is best not to touch areas that you are not familiar with. It was not the case some time ago A big guy in the blockchain industry committed suicide. Think about it, even the big guys can’t hold on, how about you

❷ A monthly salary of 4,000 can buy a bag worth 20,000. How does “debt-based consumption” destroy the young generation?

As a person born in the 90s, I really recommend that you don’t be fooled by some self-media articles. They always talk about what to do while you are young; they always just have a fight and leave. Traveling; and then there is the saying that the toy you wanted most as a child is useless when you grow up and can afford to buy it.
In fact, the purpose of these self-media is to gain traffic. The whole article is full of irresponsible fallacies and makes people read it with relish.
Of course you can do what you want to do while you are young. This is true, but I have seen some people in the self-media media make some people's resignations go out to have sex, and various couples quit their jobs to have a talk. Traveling on the go has become a kind of person that everyone envy. But what's behind this? I have a pair of friends who live in a good family and would like to go on a spontaneous trip, but not everyone can do this. But my senior brother in college has been doing this for many years. What was the result? I'm in my 30s, and I don't have a house or a car, and my job is unstable, not to mention my savings. I went out to have a drink with him before, and he said that he really regretted hanging out like this. On the surface, it looked good. But it’s actually really hard. I can understand what he wanted to express. At first, he just wanted to work and go to other countries to play. But when he faced the real problem later, he realized that he had nothing.
Also, as people in the self-media say, buy what you need to buy while you are young. It will be useless when you grow up and can afford to buy the things you wanted to buy when you were a child. So as soon as the new iPhone comes out, buy it! New bags and cosmetics are also bought! ! Nice clothes, pants, skirts, must buy! ! ! What to do if you have no money? Borrow from Boss Ma and make a white note... Just think about it, have you ever thought about this question? Do you think you don't have to pay back the money? Some people have said that I will pay it back when my salary is higher in the future. But is this the reality? Not really. Because your energy is not well spent on work, can the quality of your work be improved? In other words, how can wages be increased?
In addition, when you owe money, you are thinking every month, I will repay my salary first, and then borrow money. I have been working silently on the credit card, and they are still charging interest. Some people did not hesitate to borrow money at usury, and many families were ruined.
Really, wake up everyone, instead of investing in things that put you under financial stress, it is better to invest in yourself and increase your salary is the most important thing. I speak more straightforwardly, and the same goes for men. If you have no money, who will follow you? If you are a father, do you want your daughter to marry someone who has nothing but ambition? You're almost 30 and you have nothing. Go and talk about it.Motivated? Not to mention you have hundreds of millions in savings, at least you don't owe tens to hundreds of thousands, right? If your family is in good condition, you have your own company, and you are doing well, you can do whatever you want. I won’t talk about some playboys. In fact, there are some people with good family conditions who have paid more than you. My friend's family owns a pretty big company and is doing well. He is very busy taking care of various things in the company every day. His family members are urging him to find a girlfriend, but he has not done so. In addition, he himself does not pursue any brand of clothes or anything, he just buys clothes that are suitable and comfortable to wear when he sees them. Never like to owe money to do things. He bought a BMW X6 before, and I asked him how much the monthly payment would be. He directly replied that it was the full payment, and there was no monthly payment and the interest would not be worth it.
In fact, talking so much nonsense seems a bit much to everyone, but I just remind everyone that when you do anything, please do it according to your ability, don’t push yourself to a desperate situation, and live a good life down-to-earth. It’s not that you can’t buy brands. But do what you can.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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