币圈惨案 币圈案件

Ⅰ 币圈3.12事件是什么








链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

Ⅱ 你听过哪些让人毛骨悚然的真实事件




Ⅲ 币圈安全事件频发 币放在哪里才最安全


Ⅳ 币圈312事件是什么





Ⅳ 夫妻炒比特币亏2000万后自杀,币圈疯狂谁是推手




Ⅵ 揭秘400亿元人民币圈第一大案,这是一起怎样的案件




Ⅶ 币圈312事件是什么意思


Ⅷ 数字货币挖矿从17年“94”事件,到现在经历了哪些政策调整




Ⅸ 三大协会联手“封杀”虚拟货币,币圈一夜崩盘,释放了什么信号



Ⅰ What is the 3.12 incident in the currency circle?

According to data from coinmarketcap.com,

On March 12, 2020, the trading volume of Bitcoin reached 844 10,000 pieces;

On March 13, 2020, the transaction volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 14.91 million pieces;

As of March 20, 2020, in the past 9 Within days, the total transaction volume of Bitcoin on the entire network reached 77.5 million!


Some people may doubt the authenticity of this data, but according to statistics on the encryption network, on March 12th, China time By March 13, with only one company, the 24-hour trading volume on the entire network exceeded 230 billion yuan (over 30 billion U.S. dollars). Based on the average Bitcoin price of 6,000 U.S. dollars per coin, the trading volume also reached 5 million bitcoins. ).

As we all know, the total number of Bitcoins is only 21 million, and 18 million have been mined by miners. Among them, at least about 11 million Bitcoins have never been used for transactions, and 4 million have almost been lost, and the total number of Bitcoins used for transactions is only 4 million...

Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot workstation of the "Smart Learning Factory 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

Ⅱ What horrifying real-life incidents have you heard?

Today we will talk about three murders that I think are more horrific: the murder of a female corpse in a truck in Brighton, The Black Dahlia, the headless murders in Cleveland. The first one: The murder of a female corpse in a truck in Brighton

This happened at the Brighton train station on June 17, 1934. There was a car parked next to the station. There was a smell coming from a truck, which attracted people's attention and called the police. Later, the police found the body of a female like this in the truck. She should be in her 20s. Judging from the clothes she was wearing, it was guessed that the girl was from the upper class and was three months pregnant. The female body was also smeared with olive oil. According to the doctor's judgment, it was to prevent bleeding. The police speculated that the murderer was a person with medical skills.

I was really shocked when I saw these three murder cases, especially the Dahlia case. According to the doctor’s examination, she was tortured inhumanely for at least 36-48 hours. It was really shocking. People dare not imagine.

Ⅲ Frequent security incidents in the currency circle. Where to put the coins?The safest

"Don't put more than $50,000 in coins on exchanges. Cold wallets are the safest way." Many cryptocurrency experts and large holders believe that the safest way to hold them is Stored in a decentralized encrypted digital wallet, such as HiCoin.

IV What is the 312 incident in the currency circle

It refers to the sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin on March 12, 2020.
At that time, it dropped from the opening price of more than 7,900 US dollars. It reached a low of more than 4,100 US dollars and closed at 4,900 US dollars
The maximum drop was 48% and the closing drop was 37%
It caused a lot of panic in the market. Most people were trapped and many people were looking for opportunities to get off the train
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After the sharp drop in March 2020, the market has continued to recover.
It has risen from more than 4,900 US dollars to more than 29,000 US dollars at the end of 2020
Until now in March 2021, Bitcoin The price is already more than 58,000 US dollars

Bitcoin has risen and fallen beyond imagination, with sharp rises and falls, and huge market fluctuations
And it is a 24-hour trading

Bitcoin price in March 2020

Ⅳ A couple committed suicide after losing 20 million by speculating on Bitcoin. Who is the driving force behind the madness in the currency circle

After losing 20 million yuan due to Bitcoin speculation, a couple in Dalian jumped into the sea and committed suicide. They also killed their three-year-old daughter before committing suicide. This incident can be said to have attracted great attention from the majority of netizens. I have also read relevant reports on this matter, and here I will analyze with you how I view this matter.

How do I view this incident?

The reason why this incident is so eye-catching is mainly because the couple killed their three-year-old daughter before committing suicide. After that, the husband attempted suicide because he was rescued. , and was subsequently sued by Dalian City. It was believed that he was suspected of intentional homicide, and the husband must be in great pain. After all, his family was ruined and his wife was separated. I would also like to advise everyone here, if you meet someone in real life who asks you to invest in something that you don’t understand at all, then don’t pay attention to him. It is definitely a trap.

VI Revealing the largest case in the 40 billion yuan circle, what kind of case is this?

On the night of April 8, 2021, my country’s financial channel reported on my country’s public security A 40 billion yuan scam discovered by the police. This event is a virtual wallet established in 2018. The amount involved was as high as 400 billion yuan, and the initiator of such a major crime turned out to be a man with only a junior high school education.

What should you do if you encounter such an incident?

If you have not joined this kind of speculation about virtual currency, you should stop this kind of thinking and behavior in time. rightThere is actually no guarantee for unofficial virtual currencies. Their gains are extremely fast and their losses are also extremely fast. If you have already participated in this kind of virtual currency operation, first of all, we must stop when it is good, and exit this behavior directly after getting a certain amount of income. Don't make mistakes again and again because of the gambler's mentality. If you have already joined and this virtual currency has collapsed and disappeared, you should call the police in time and strive to recover the funds you have lost.

Ⅶ What does the 312 incident in the currency circle mean?

On March 12, Bitcoin plummeted, with a daily drop of more than 40%, setting a new record in recent years and triggering a series of chain reactions. , like OK and Binance went down one after another, and the contract market experienced numerous liquidations. In short, it was equivalent to Black Friday in the currency circle.
I personally haven't been affected much. I don't like high-leverage products like contracts. The exchange I use is AEX, which has better technical strength. Although the currency price has been cut in half, I personally am. Coin-based players currently focus on investing in digital currency wealth management (AEX’s wealth management treasure).

Ⅷ What policy adjustments has digital currency mining experienced from the "94" incident in 2017 to now?

There are many things that have been experienced, but they are all developing in a positive direction, otherwise today Can one Bitcoin reach 120,000 now?

In April 2017, seven ministries and commissions including the central bank characterized ICO as illegal fund-raising, stopped ICO and issued an announcement: ICO refers to the illegal sale and circulation of tokens by financing entities to investors. Raising so-called "virtual currencies" such as Bitcoin and Ethereum is essentially an act of illegal public financing without approval, and is suspected of illegal selling of tokens, tickets, financial fraud, and pyramid schemes.

For a time, major exchange platforms liquidated assets and closed down operations. The currencies on the exchanges plunged one after another, with a drop of 90%. This is the famous "94" incident in the currency circle.

Ⅸ The three major associations joined forces to "ban" virtual currencies. The currency circle collapsed overnight. What signal did it send?

The three major associations joined forces to ban the Virtual Currency Banking Association. . The Internet Society and Finance Association have issued documents jointly requiring financial institutions not to provide payment services for virtual currency payments. This is my country's new requirement for virtual currency, because virtual currency has now appeared in more and more currency circles, money-making pyramid schemes, and speculation. Various fraud incidents such as air coins and virtual currency fraud incidents have an outbreak rate that is more than 12 times higher than before.

For normal investors, the risk of virtual currency is too high. This is not a good investment option because you can only make money. After losing money, you feel that your interests have been greatly affected. Big damage, then you should not touch this thing, and many people do not understand virtual currency at all. They just think this thing is very popular, and I will buy it when I see others buying it. In fact, it is possible on the platform you buy. It is not an official platform, and people have been cheated of money, defrauded, and pyramid schemes have happened more than once.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

⑴ 冷钱包和助记词是哪里生产的产地瑞士。冷钱包则是离线钱包,网络不能访问到你存储私钥的位置,它是非联网的钱包。冷钱包则是依靠“冷”设备确保数字货币私钥的安全,在非联网的情况下,通过电脑、手机、写着私钥