比特币智能合约共识机制是什么 比特币智能合约共识机制有哪些

A. BPC和POC共识机制之间是什么关系呢



在2008年10月31日,Satoshi Nakamoto 第一次发布了比特币的白皮书《比特币:一种点对点网络中的电子现金》,并提出了通过去中心化的比特币网络实现价值转移。在比特币体系中,全网参与者均为交易的监督者,交易双方可以在无需建立信任关系的前提下即可完成交易。区块链技术改变了我们获取和分享信息的方式,创造了一个新的分布式、点对点的生态社会。

在比特币网络出现之前,我们一直无法在不借助于第三方受信机构的情况下,通过互联网进行点对点的价值的转移和传输。比特币网络则是运行于信息高速公路上面的第一个 Value Transfer Protocol(“VTP 协议”)。目前,随着区块链技术的成熟,区块链的应用场景不仅限于比特币和以太坊,BitcoinPc试图将区块链链上和链下相结合,形成第三个区块链的生态环境,进一步使用 VTP 协议实现点对点价值传输。



➢ 第一个时代即以BTC为代表的一种点对点的电子现金系统。

➢ 第二个时代即以ETH为代表的开放的智能合约完整解决方案。

➢ 第三个时代即以解决 ETH 性能不足,容易出现区块拥堵问题,努力实现更好的商用价值的公链集群。



BPC,全名BitcoinPC ,比特容量,是基于 Proof Of Capacity (以下简称:POC)的新型加密货币。

BPC是一个区块链的数字资产及应用平台,它提供了一套全新的 Proof Of Capacity,并在系统底层提供了数字资产 BitcoinPcAsset 与数字身份 BitcoinPcID 等功能,使得人们可以非常方便地开展资产数字化业务,而不仅仅是在区块链上创建原生代币。













部署在 BitcoinPC 上的每一个节点都有一个仅可由该节点本身来存取的私有存储区,BitcoinPC的共识机制确保了每一个节点上的存储状态都是一致的。 对于需要访问链外数据的情况,BitcoinPC没有提供直接的方式,需要通过交易来将链外数据发送到链内,从而转化成以上两种类型的数据源,才能被访问。


6.高性能:BitcoinPC 采用了轻量级的 VM(Virtual Machine)作为其节点的执行环境,它的启动速度非常快,占用资源也很小,适合像节点这样短小的程序。通过 JIT(即时编译器)技术对热点进行静态编译和缓存可以显著提升虚拟机的执行效率。






智能基金:BitcoinPC未来会在智能基金项目上加大投资,它和基于以太坊的 TheDAO 项目非常相似,但试图通过一些方法来提高安全性,避免重蹈 TheDAO 的覆辙(被黑客攻破)。





210万枚(总量的5%):用于激励BitcoinPc 社区建设(随挖矿的每个块产出)







B. 区块链中的公链是什么








C. 区块链是什么








▪ 社交通讯







▪ 区块链1.0——数字货币

▪ 区块链2.0——数字资产与智能合约

▪ 区块链3.0——各种行业分布式应用落地

D. 区块链原理是什么

使看到一些争论区块链定义的回答, 突然意识到自己这篇解释原理的回答其实是一直是对着比特币撸的, 介于区块链的定义业界并没有一个特别明确和唯一的回答, 这里先给出个人根据所读论文而总结出的“区块链”应有特质:

1.用了具有 "哈希链" (下文有解释) 形式的数据结构保存基础数据



介于比特币目前是区块链最典型且最有影响力的应用之一, 理解比特币如何使用区块链后, 再去理解其他形式各样的区块链应用就会容易很多。

E. 区块链的共识机制解决了什么问题


链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

F. 闪电比特币和闪电网络是同一个东西

老实说我一开始也跟题主遇到一样问题,看到新闻有点疑惑就去搜了下,结果不管是搜索闪电比特币还是Lightning bitcoin的时候,不是出来闪电网络就是出来比特币......这名字还蛮有毒的。




G. 区块链+智能合约如何结合


H. 区块链 共识机制 就是要让系统内所有人都知道彼此做过什么

1、区块链的技术是什么?如果我们把数据库假设成一本账本,读写数据库就可以看做一种记账的行为,区块链技术的原理就是在一段时间内找出记账最快最好的人,由这个人来记账,然后将账本的这一页信息发给整个系统里的其他所有人。这也就相当于改变数据库所有的记录,发给全网的其他每个节点,所以区块链技术也称为分布式账本(distributed ledger)。区块链(Blockchain)是指通过去中心化和去信任的方式集体维护一个可靠数据库的技术方案。该技术方案主要让参与系统中的任意多个节点,通过一串使用密码学方法相关联产生的数据块(block),每个数据块中包含了一定时间内的系统全部信息交流数据,并且生成数据指纹用于验证其信息的有效性和链接(chain)下一个数据库块。 区块链是一种类似于NoSQL(非关系型数据库)这样的技术解决方案统称,并不是某种特定技术,能够通过很多编程语言和架构来实现区块链技术。并且实现区块链的方式种类也有很多,目前常见的包括POW(Proof of Work,工作量证明),POS(Proof of Stake,权益证明),DPOS(Delegate Proof of Stake,股份授权证明机制)等。 区块链的概念首次在论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System)》中提出,作者为自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的个人(或团体)。因此可以把比特币看成区块链的首个在金融支付领域中的应用。2、区块链的原理是什么?结合定义区块链的定义,需要有这四个特征我们才能认为:去中心化(Decentralized)、去信任(Trustless)、集体维护(Collectively maintain)、可靠数据库(Reliable Database)。并且由四个特征会引申出另外2个特征:开源(Open Source)、匿名性(Anonymity)。如果一个系统不具备这些特征,将不能视其为基于区块链技术的应用。 去中心化(Decentralized):整个网络没有中心化的硬件或者管理机构,任意节点之间的权利和义务都是均等的,且任一节点的损坏或者失去都会不影响整个系统的运作。因此也可以认为区块链系统具有极好的健壮性。 去信任(Trustless):参与整个系统中的每个节点之间进行数据交换是无需互相信任的,整个系统的运作规则是公开透明的,所有的数据内容也是公开的,因此在系统指定的规则范围和时间范围内,节点之间是不能也无法欺骗其它节点。 集体维护(Collectively maintain):系统中的数据块由整个系统中所有具有维护功能的节点来共同维护的,而这些具有维护功能的节点是任何人都可以参与的。 可靠数据库(Reliable Database):整个系统将通过分数据库的形式,让每个参与节点都能获得一份完整数据库的拷贝。除非能够同时控制整个系统中超过51%的节点,否则单个节点上对数据库的修改是无效的,也无法影响其他节点上的数据内容。因此参与系统中的节点越多和计算能力越强,该系统中的数据安全性越高。 开源(Open Source):由于整个系统的运作规则必须是公开透明的,所以对于程序而言,整个系统必定会是开源的。 匿名性(Anonymity):由于节点和节点之间是无需互相信任的,因此节点和节点之间无需公开身份,在系统中的每个参与的节点都是匿名的。3、区块链金融是什么?2016年,革新者将被革新。新一轮技术革命将一边应对共享经济的陌生人之间信任的挑战,一边破坏此类平台赚钱的基础。传统的中介共享经济虽然有效地挑战了现状,并且带有强烈创新属性,但是,它采用的依然是非常传统的商业模式。最常见的对交易收取佣金的方式已经沿用了数个世纪。今天,技术已经让很多事成为可能,但是仍无法完全取代中介。P2P 平台与其他在线市场刚兴起时,人们纷纷谈论去中介(disintermediation),这种绕过传统中介,通过网络直接将人们连接起来的新方式。事实上,尽管我们已经体会到新型市场便捷得多,并看到与各种供应商进行交易的可能性,但是,我们今天仍然在很大程度上依赖中介。事实是如今最大的新型企业正是巨型中介,其规模超乎想象,像阿里巴巴、Amazon、eBay 和 Uber。有没有一种技术解决方案,能够完全去除各交易方之间的中介?是否存在一个系统,在其中你能够与任何人直接交易,并免于受到欺骗,同时无人拥有该系统,因此没有佣金收取方。区块链技术使之成为可能。区块链是比特币的核心技术,极具创新性,可以用于建成完全透明、无主、分散的系统,能在没有任何形式中介的情况下,保证各种交易方安全进行交易,这些交易方包括人、企业。自然而然地,很多资源流向了区块链,区块链也给金融与法律行业带来了相当的影响,并最终将在这两个行业肆虐横行,或者提供最佳机会,这全在于你怎么看待它。 去中心化金融2015年,可能是出于对另类金融(alternative finance)市场增长的高度敏感,九家投资银行针对区块链技术金融服务联合开发了开放标准。去年,不断有各种活动讨论区块链技术的未来,还推出了Slock.it,这是去中心化共享经济的第一批技术堆栈之一。区块链下的共享经济是什么样的?如果你想在共享经济中继续赚取佣金,那就要创造新的商业模式。当然,区块链市场仍将需要一些投资。开发者可能乐于花费时间,解决困扰系统的代码。但是,我至今还没遇到早该出现的有类似想法或乐于投资的品牌顾问、设计师或商人。单单依靠代码无法帮助区块链市场进入主流。但是区块链将会蓬勃发展,加之摆脱了烦人的中介,几乎可以预测它肯定会比现有的共享经济更加便宜,到那时,巨头们就会被迫着手应对。老牌共享经济将重复历史,因坚信本身坚不可摧而走向没落,被更灵活、有科技助力的竞争对手迅速取代?还是将进行实验,在共享经济 2.0 中找到有利可图的市场,并在游戏中胜出?那么信用呢?信用,是共享经济相关所有讨论中的最高频词,相当复杂棘手。目前的协作平台们表达地非常清晰:我们能提高共享经济中的信任水平;我们能采取最优措施,保证用户信任我们的平台并在上面交易,但是,我们无法保证人与人的交易值得信任。区块链解则解决了上述问题。区块链中交易系统不可改变,并且可以在已分配分类账内跟踪每笔交易,智能合同为所有双方交易充分设定参数与条件,因此区块链不再需要任何的 “可信中介” 或者陌生人之间信用的担保方。到 2017年,监管机构将意识到他们需要彻底反思共享经济领域的规章制度。那时,各交易方将在区块链中达成数亿的独立合同,一种解决方案是向系统中敲进规则代码。2008年 左右共享经济首次出现时,很多人欢呼不已,认为是将带领我们进入一种新的包容、可持续经济的现象,是未来带我们进入后资本范式的一种民主化力量。但是,(到目前为止)事实并非如此。互联网刚出现时也是这样,在最初阶段曾被乌托邦式理想化,所以,对区块链持有同样变革性期待的人很可能会失望。即便如此,区块链将动摇共享经济巨头,这丝毫不会受到影响。4、区块链社区布比区块链专注于区块链技术和产品的创新,已拥有多项核心技术,开发了自有的区块链服务平台。以去中心化信任为核心,致力于打造开放式价值流通网络,让数字资产都自由流动起来。特色与优势已取得多项核心技术创新,开发了自有的区块链基础服务平台,已在股权、供应链、积分、信用等领域开展应用。快速交易验证通过对签名算法、共识机制、账本存储等关键交易环节的优化,布比区块链可以实现秒级的快速交易验证。高效账本存取布比区块链对账本存储结构的调整,可以节省90%的储存空间,降低系统长时间运行,导致账本存取性能下降的风险。多种资产发行布比区块链支持不同用户、多种资产的发行与交易,每种资产可跟踪记录发行商、发行数量、交易流通等详情。联合签名控制允许同一账户下设置多个使用用户,并针对不同的操作设置相应的权限,以满足多方签名控制的使用场景。内置智能合约智能合约是一套以数字形式定义的承诺,区块链变身合约的参与方,负责维护保存合约,并自动执行。链上交易所与传统中心化交易所相比,用区块链构建的交易平台,所有交易都在链上验证、完成和保存,保障用户交易安全性。布比区块链要做的是一项新的技术和产品——实现真正的价值流通,使得互联网到达一个新的高度。如果有了这个技术的应用,在转移资产的时候就可以没有中心机构了,可以实现我们之间资产的直接转移。将来如果网络本身可以结账,我们就可以直接转移了,就不需要通过中间机构。

I. 闪电比特币与BCH的不同之处是什么闪电比特币LBTC与其他分叉币的不同是什么



A. What is the relationship between BPC and POC consensus mechanisms

This is a new blockchain era

Before the birth of Bitcoin, the world Information transmission is achieved through the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) protocol of the Internet to achieve high-speed and low-cost transmission. However, with the development of interconnection technology (Internet, Internet of Things, VR/AR), people and objects , the interaction between people and information becomes more diverse, and more entities are digitized or tokenized. Mere sharing and transmission of information cannot meet the development of the economy and society. Therefore, when entities are digitized or tokenized, people become more and more There is an increasing focus on value transfer and how to transmit these assets and values ​​peer-to-peer.

On October 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto released the first Bitcoin white paper "Bitcoin: Electronic Cash in a Peer-to-Peer Network" and proposed the use of decentralized Bitcoin. The currency network realizes value transfer. In the Bitcoin system, all network participants are the supervisors of transactions, and both parties can complete transactions without establishing a trust relationship. Blockchain technology has changed the way we obtain and share information, creating a new distributed, peer-to-peer ecological society.

Before the emergence of the Bitcoin network, we have been unable to transfer and transmit point-to-point value over the Internet without resorting to a third-party trusted institution. The Bitcoin network is the first Value Transfer Protocol ("VTP Protocol") running on the information highway. At present, with the maturity of blockchain technology, the application scenarios of blockchain are not limited to Bitcoin and Ethereum. BitcoinPc is trying to combine the on-chain and off-chain blockchain to form a third blockchain ecological environment. Further use the VTP protocol to achieve point-to-point value transmission.

Since 2009, as the value of Bitcoin has been accepted by more and more people and its price has continued to increase, the currency market has gradually become an investment mecca for global investors. The reason is that Compared with the continuous improvement of investment thresholds in other industries, the continuous compression of investment profit margins and excessive policy intervention, the symbolic significance of blockchain technology across the ages and the low value of the currency market have become the fundamental reasons for the continuous influx of funds.

The current market divides blockchain technology into three eras:

➢ The first era is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system represented by BTC.

➢ The second era is the complete solution of open smart contracts represented by ETH.

➢ The third era is to solve the insufficient performance of ETH and prone to block congestion problems, and strive to achieve better commercial value of public chain clusters.

It can be inferred that after nearly a decade of crazy speculation in the early stages of the currency market, the next ten years will usher in the golden age of value investment, and at this time how to choose an undervalued and high-quality project has become the first priority The mission is just like Bill Gates investing in Coca-Cola.

What is BPC

BPC, full name BitcoinPC, bit capacity, is a new cryptocurrency based on Proof Of Capacity (hereinafter referred to as: POC).

BPC is a blockchain digital asset and application platform. It provides a new set of Proof Of Capacity, and provides functions such as digital assets BitcoinPcAsset and digital identity BitcoinPcID at the bottom of the system, allowing people to It is very convenient to conduct asset digitization business rather than just creating native tokens on the blockchain.

BPC uses hard disk capacity as the basis for consensus to make its production more decentralized, making it more secure and trustworthy, allowing everyone to participate in the production of cryptocurrency, generated through mathematics Credit, generates value through mathematics.

BPC’s choice of computer hard drive for mining is a disruptive innovation. There are three types of computers that can be used as mining equipment: CPU, GPU and hard drive. CPUs and GPUs will inevitably become AISC mining machines in the end. At the same time, CPUs and GPUs will cause a lot of energy waste. Hard drives are naturally anti-AISC and power-saving. Hard drives can maintain their operation by simply scanning the disk. BPC chooses hard disk mining, which perfectly avoids the shortcomings of CPU and GPU. The maximum mining capacity of a single mining machine is 8T, avoiding some POC currencies. After development to a certain stage, small households cannot enter the market, and only large households are in Play and repeat the mistakes of POW mining. Small-capacity PC mining machines make it easier to lay out the ecology and enter thousands of households to realize Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of everyone mining. The revolution of POC mining has begun, and the next wave of bull market has begun. A leading POC currency will be born, wait and see!

BPC Characteristics

1. Determinism: The behavior of the program is deterministic, a consensus is reached, and non-deterministic factors are eliminated when designing the system.

2. Time: BPC provides system calls based on block timestamps based on the POC mechanism. The entire blockchain can be regarded as a timestamp server and obtain the time when any block is constructed. timestamp.

3. Randomness: There are two ways to obtain random numbers in the operation of BitcoinPC:

(1) When each block is constructed, the consensus node will The random number reaches a consensus and is filled in the fields of the block. The mining program can read the fields of any block

(2) The mining program can useUse the hash value of the block as a means of generating random numbers. Since the hash value of the block has a certain degree of randomness, this method can obtain a weaker random number.

4. Data source: BitcoinPC provides two deterministic data sources:

(1) Blockchain ledger

The program can pass Interoperable services to access all data on the entire blockchain, including complete blocks and transactions, and each of their fields. The data on the block is deterministic and consistent, so it can be accessed safely.

(2) Contract storage space

Each node deployed on BitcoinPC has a private storage area that can only be accessed by the node itself. BitcoinPC’s consensus mechanism This ensures that the storage status on each node is consistent. For the situation where data outside the chain needs to be accessed, BitcoinPC does not provide a direct way. The data outside the chain needs to be sent to the chain through transactions, thereby converting it into the above two types of data sources before it can be accessed.

5. Node calling: BitcoinPC’s nodes have the ability to call each other, but they cannot call recursively.

6. High performance: BitcoinPC uses a lightweight VM (Virtual Machine) as the execution environment of its node. It starts up very quickly and takes up very little resources. It is suitable for short nodes like nodes. program of. Static compilation and caching of hot spots through JIT (just-in-time compiler) technology can significantly improve the execution efficiency of the virtual machine.

7. Extensibility: The calling relationship between BitcoinPC nodes is static, and the calling target cannot be specified at runtime.

8. Low coupling: BitcoinPC’s system adopts a low-coupling design. When the block program is executed, it communicates with the outside through the interoperability service layer.

9. High efficiency and energy saving: POC's mining economic model makes miners a community of ecological interests, and uses coins as new means of production to replace the original power consumption resources, allowing the entire BPC ecology to continuously expand automatically. . As long as hard drives are available in countries around the world, everyone can participate in mining.

BPC application scenarios

Superconducting trading: BitcoinPC will incubate blockchain superconducting trading projects in the future.

Smart Fund: BitcoinPC will increase investment in smart fund projects in the future. It is very similar to the TheDAO project based on Ethereum, but it tries to improve security through some methods and avoid repeating the mistakes of TheDAO (Broken by hackers).

Cross-chain interoperability: BitcoinPC provides support for the implementation of cross-chain interoperability, not only can realize cross-chain asset exchange, but also can run cross-chain distributed transactions on different blockchains and ensure their consistency.

BPC distribution mechanism

Total BPC issuance: 42 million

4.2 million (10% of the total): used to incentivize BitcoinPc developers and BitcoinPc board members (pre-mined)

2.1 million (5% of the total): used to incentivize BitcoinPc community building (produced with each block of mining)< br />
35.7 million (85% of the total): used for mining by miners

Block time: 10 minutes

Initial block size: 100BPC/ Block

Block capacity: 10M

Halving period: 4 years

Initial TPS: 70 transactions/second

B. What is the public chain in the blockchain?

Public chain is also called "public chain", which means that anyone in the world can enter the system at any time to read data, send confirmable transactions, Blockchain for competitive accounting. Public blockchains are generally considered "completely decentralized" because no individual or institution can control or tamper with the reading and writing of data in it. In terms of application, public blockchain chains mainly include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, most altcoins, and smart contracts. The ancestor of the public blockchain chain is the Bitcoin blockchain, which has the following characteristics :

1. The code is open source

The code is uploaded to github, and everyone can download the complete blockchain data and accept the test of the public.

2. Complete decentralization

Anyone can become a node, every node is public, everyone can participate in the calculation of the blockchain, and any node can It is not permanent, but periodic, and no center is mandatory for nodes. Anyone can read and send transactions, and transactions can be effectively confirmed on the blockchain, and anyone can participate in the consensus process. The consensus process determines which block can be added to the blockchain, and its exact current state. Everyone can receive financial rewards, proportional to their contribution in the consensus process. These public chains are often considered to be “completely decentralized.”

3. Develop decentralized applications

Program developers can easily develop decentralized applications through this public chain. Public chains can protect users’ rights and interests from the influence of program developers.

C. What is blockchain

Blockchain is a new type of computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. Application mode.

Blockchainchain) is an important concept of Bitcoin. It is essentially a decentralized database. At the same time, as the underlying technology of Bitcoin, it is a series of data blocks generated using cryptographic methods. Each data block contains The information of a Bitcoin network transaction is used to verify the validity of its information (anti-counterfeiting) and generate the next block.

Some areas where blockchain can be used can be:

▪Smart contracts

▪Securities trading

< p>▪E-commerce

▪Internet of Things

▪Social communication

▪File storage

▪Proof of existence

▪Identity verification

▪Equity crowdfunding

We can compare the development of blockchain to the development of the Internet itself. In the future, there will be an Internet called finance-internet. Something, and this thing is based on blockchain, its precursor is bitcoin, that is, traditional finance starts from private chains and industry chains (local area network), and the bitcoin series starts from public chains (wide area network), all expressing the same concept - Digital assets (DigitalAsset) eventually converge to an intermediate equilibrium point.

The evolution of blockchain is:

▪ Blockchain 1.0 - digital currency

▪ Blockchain 2.0 - digital assets and smart contracts

▪ Blockchain 3.0 - the implementation of distributed applications in various industries

D. What is the principle of blockchain

See some controversial blocks Regarding the answer to the definition of blockchain, I suddenly realized that my answer explaining the principle was actually focused on Bitcoin. Since the industry does not have a particularly clear and unique answer to the definition of blockchain, I will give my personal basis here. The "blockchain" should have the following characteristics based on the papers I read:

1. A data structure in the form of a "hash chain" (explained below) is used to save basic data
< /p>

2. Multiple nodes participate in system operation (distributed)

3. Reach a consensus on the consistency of basic data through a certain protocol or algorithm (consensus protocol/algorithm).

Since Bitcoin is currently one of the most typical and influential applications of blockchain, after understanding how Bitcoin uses blockchain, you can then understand other various forms of blockchain applications. It will be much easier.

E. What problems does the consensus mechanism of the blockchain solve?

The blockchain requires each connection point to conduct distributed accounting of each transaction on a common ledger. Whenever a transaction occurs, information will be notifiedTo all "points", each "point" (i.e., person) independently confirms the transaction according to the preset rules. During the entire process, the information is transparent and unified, and the qualifications and permissions of the participants are completely equal. The result confirmed by the majority of "points" is the final conclusion, and the system will automatically correct your data to a result recognized by everyone. If you want to cheat or insist on a different point of view, unless you can get more than 51% of the "points" to agree with your conclusion at the same time, this is actually impossible when the number of "points" involved reaches a certain level. After a transaction is confirmed, the transaction records and various data are packaged into blocks, added with timestamps, and compiled into the chain. Then the next round of transactions (blocks) is started, and the new and old blocks succeed each other to form a "chain". The transaction records stored in each block can be traced back indefinitely, are available for reference at any time, and cannot be changed. If you want to cheat, lie, or conceal the truth, you have no chance at all. Trust between people is thus established! The second-generation blockchain also introduced a "smart contract" mechanism, adding a contract that can be automatically fulfilled into the program. Once the agreed conditions are met, the system will automatically implement mandatory delivery, and all connection points will witness and confirm this. In this process, there is no room for betrayal.

The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only "Smart Learning Factory 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" launched by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. Approved "Blockchain Technology Professional" pilot workstation. The professional position is based on providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

F. Lightning Bitcoin and Lightning Network are the same thing

To be honest, I encountered the same problem as the questioner at the beginning. I was a little confused when I saw the news and searched it. , the result is that when searching for Lightning Bitcoin or Lightning Bitcoin, either Lightning Network or Bitcoin comes out... This name is quite poisonous.

Let’s get back to the point, let’s talk about the conclusion first, it’s not the same thing at all.

Many people have talked about what Lightning Network is. You can read other people’s answers to learn more about its mechanism, or if you are good at English, go to the official website and read their papers directly http:// lightning.network/. The official website of Lightning Bitcoin is in Chinese, which saves you the trouble of translation https://lbtc.io/. The origins of the two Lightnings are very similar. They both hope to solve the congestion problem of the Bitcoin network, but one uses a protocol-based method, and the other uses a fork to change the consensus. The results of both are good, in terms of transaction speed. The improvement is huge and can be considered real-time. The following is a direct table to express the similarities and differences between the two:

As can be seen from the above, the difference between the two is quite large, so there should be no confusion~

G. How to combine blockchain + smart contracts

With the breakthrough of blockchain technology, smart contractsGiven the opportunity to be reborn, smart contracts based on blockchain technology can not only take advantage of smart contracts in terms of cost efficiency, but also avoid malicious behavior from interfering with the normal execution of the contract. The smart contract is written into the blockchain in a digital form. The characteristics of the blockchain technology ensure that the entire process of storage, reading, and execution is transparent, traceable, and unchangeable. At the same time, the strong security consensus mechanism does not require the intervention of three parties: The consensus algorithm that comes with the blockchain builds a state machine system to enable smart contracts to run efficiently.

H. The blockchain consensus mechanism is to let everyone in the system know what each other has done

1. What is the technology of blockchain? If we assume that the database is This account book, reading and writing the database can be regarded as a kind of accounting behavior. The principle of blockchain technology is to find the person with the fastest and best accounting within a period of time. This person will do the accounting, and then the ledger will be recorded. This page of information is sent to everyone else in the entire system. This is equivalent to changing all the records in the database and sending them to every other node in the entire network, so blockchain technology is also called a distributed ledger. Blockchain refers to a technical solution that collectively maintains a reliable database through decentralization and trustlessness. This technical solution mainly allows any number of nodes participating in the system to associate and generate a series of data blocks (blocks) using cryptographic methods. Each data block contains all the information exchange data of the system within a certain period of time, and generates The data fingerprint is used to verify the validity of its information and chain to the next database block. Blockchain is a general term for technical solutions similar to NoSQL (non-relational database). It is not a specific technology and can be implemented through many programming languages ​​and architectures. There are also many ways to implement blockchain. Common ones currently include POW (Proof of Work), POS (Proof of Stake), DPOS (Delegate Proof of Stake), etc. The concept of blockchain was first proposed in the paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", written by an individual who calls himself Satoshi Nakamoto (or group). Therefore, Bitcoin can be regarded as the first application of blockchain in the field of financial payments. 2. What is the principle of blockchain? Combined with the definition of blockchain, we need these four characteristics to consider: decentralized, trustless, collectively maintained, and reliable database (Reliable Database). And the four characteristics will lead to two other characteristics: open source (Open Source) and anonymity (Anonymity). If a system does not possess these characteristics, it will not be considered an application based on blockchain technology. Decentralized: The entire network has no centralized hardware or management organization. The rights and obligations between any nodes are equal, and the damage or loss of any node will not affect the operation of the entire system. Therefore, the blockchain system can also be considered to have excellent robustness. Trustless: Data exchange between each node in the entire system does not require mutual trust. The operating rules of the entire system are open and transparent, and all data content is also public, so it is within the scope of the rules specified by the system. and within the time range, nodes cannot and cannot deceive other nodes. Collectively maintain: The data blocks in the system are jointly maintained by all nodes with maintenance functions in the entire system, and anyone can participate in these nodes with maintenance functions. Reliable Database: The entire system will be divided into databases so that each participating node can obtain a copy of the complete database. Unless more than 51% of the nodes in the entire system can be controlled at the same time, modifications to the database on a single node are invalid and cannot affect the data content on other nodes. Therefore, the more nodes and stronger computing power participating in the system, the higher the data security in the system. Open Source: Since the operating rules of the entire system must be open and transparent, for the program, the entire system must be open source. Anonymity: Since nodes do not need to trust each other, there is no need to disclose their identities between nodes, and every participating node in the system is anonymous. 3. What is blockchain finance? In 2016, innovators will be innovated. The new round of technological revolution will address the challenge of trust between strangers in the sharing economy while destroying the basis for such platforms to make money. Although the traditional intermediary sharing economy effectively challenges the status quo and has strong innovative attributes, it still adopts a very traditional business model. The most common method of charging commissions on transactions has been used for centuries. Today, technology has made many things possible, but it still cannot completely replace intermediaries. When P2P platforms and other online marketplaces first emerged, there was a lot of talk about disintermediation, a new way of connecting people directly through the Internet, bypassing traditional intermediaries. Indeed, even though we have experienced how much more convenient new markets are and the possibilities of transacting with a variety of suppliers, we still rely heavily on intermediaries today. The truth is that today’s biggest new businesses are giant intermediaries, whose scale is beyond imagination, like Alibaba, Amazon, eBay and Uber. Is there a technological solution that can completely remove the intermediary between transaction parties? Is there a system where you can trade directly with anyone and be safe from being cheated, but no one owns the system so there is no commission taker. Blockchain technology makes this possible. Blockchain is the core technology of Bitcoin. It is extremely innovative and can be used to build a completely transparent, ownerless and decentralized system. It can ensure the safety of various transaction parties without any form of intermediary. These transactions Parties include people and businesses. Naturally, a lot of resources are flowing to blockchain. Blockchain has also brought considerable impact to the financial and legal industries, and will eventually wreak havoc in these two industries, or provide the best opportunities. It all depends on how you look at it. it. Decentralized Finance In 2015, probably out of high sensitivity to the growth of the alternative finance market, nine investment banks jointly developed open standards for blockchain technology financial services. Last year saw constant activity discussing the future of blockchain technology and the launch of Slock.it, one of the first technology stacks for the decentralized sharing economy. What does the sharing economy look like under the blockchain? If you want to continue to earn commissions in the sharing economy, you need to create new business models. Of course, the blockchain market will still require some investment. Developers may be happy to spend time solving code that plagues the system. However, I have yet to meet the overdue branding consultants, designers or businesspeople who have similar ideas or are willing to invest. Code alone cannot help the blockchain market enter the mainstream. But blockchain will flourish, and by getting rid of annoying intermediaries, it will almost certainly become cheaper than the existing sharing economy, and by then the giants will be forced to deal with it. Will the old sharing economy repeat history, decline due to its belief that it is indestructible, and be quickly replaced by competitors that are more flexible and equipped with technology? Or will you experiment, find a profitable market in Sharing Economy 2.0, and beat the game? What about credit? Credit is the most frequent word in all discussions related to the sharing economy, and it is quite complex and tricky. The current collaboration platforms have made it very clear: we can improve the level of trust in the sharing economy; we can take optimal measures to ensure that users trust our platform and transact on it, but we cannot guarantee that transactions between people are trustworthy. The blockchain solution solves the above problems. The transaction system in the blockchain is immutable and each transaction can be tracked within the assigned ledger. Smart contracts fully set parameters and conditions for all transactions between both parties, so the blockchain no longer requires any "trusted intermediary" or A guarantor of credit between strangers. By 2017, regulators will realize they need to radically rethink the rules and regulations governing the sharing economy. At that time, each transaction party will reach hundreds of millions of independent contracts in the blockchain. One solution is to type rule code into the system. 2008 leftWhen the right sharing economy first appeared, many people cheered, believing that it was a phenomenon that would lead us into a new inclusive and sustainable economy, and a democratizing force that would lead us into the post-capital paradigm in the future. However, (so far) this is not the case. The same was true when the Internet first emerged. It was utopian in its initial stages, so people who hold the same transformative expectations for blockchain are likely to be disappointed. Even so, it won’t hurt in the least that blockchain will shake up the giants of the sharing economy. 4. Blockchain community Bubi Blockchain focuses on the innovation of blockchain technology and products. It already possesses a number of core technologies and has developed its own blockchain service platform. With decentralized trust as the core, we are committed to building an open value circulation network to allow digital assets to flow freely. Features and Advantages It has achieved a number of core technological innovations and developed its own basic blockchain service platform, which has been applied in equity, supply chain, points, credit and other fields. Fast transaction verification By optimizing key transaction links such as signature algorithms, consensus mechanisms, and ledger storage, Bubi Blockchain can achieve fast transaction verification in seconds. Efficient Ledger Access Bubi Blockchain’s adjustments to the ledger storage structure can save 90% of storage space and reduce the risk of long-term system operation, resulting in reduced ledger access performance. Multiple asset issuance Bubi blockchain supports the issuance and trading of multiple assets by different users. Each asset can track and record the issuer, issuance quantity, transaction circulation and other details. Joint signature control allows multiple users to be set up under the same account, and corresponding permissions are set for different operations to meet the usage scenarios of multi-party signature control. Built-in smart contract A smart contract is a set of promises defined in digital form. The blockchain becomes a participant in the contract and is responsible for maintaining, saving and automatically executing the contract. Compared with traditional centralized exchanges, on-chain exchanges use blockchain to build a trading platform where all transactions are verified, completed and saved on the chain to ensure user transaction security. What Bubi Blockchain wants to do is to create a new technology and product - to realize real value circulation and bring the Internet to a new level. With the application of this technology, there will be no central organization when transferring assets, and direct transfer of assets between us can be achieved. In the future, if the network itself can checkout, we can transfer directly without going through an intermediary.

I. What is the difference between Lightning Bitcoin and BCH? What is the difference between Lightning Bitcoin LBTC and other forked coins?

Other Bitcoin forked coins are similar to BCH. The PoW consensus mechanism is widely used, and ordinary users still need Asic mining machines for mining. However, these currencies, represented by BSV and BTG, are extremely vulnerable to 51% double-spend attacks, and the network status is unstable. At the same time, the transfer speed is relatively slow and the block capacity is very small, making it difficult to support large-scale commercial applications.

The goal of LBTC is to realize Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of “peer-to-peer electronic cash” and become a value Internet transmission protocol. LBTC will increase user transactions in the futureThe privacy and efficiency are more user-friendly, making it a truly large-scale cryptocurrency. At the same time, LBTC will be committed to improving the operating efficiency of existing centralized exchanges and providing users with more trading possibilities.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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