矿卡挖矿 矿卡挖矿赚钱吗

① 怎么用显卡挖矿,我也想挖


② 什么是挖矿,真的能赚钱吗,我来告诉你




③ 怎么看待现在的挖矿热分享一下


④ 我的电脑配置能挖比特币吗挖币对硬件有伤害没会挖的能详细指导下吗,想体会下,多谢。


⑤ 挖矿都关键是显卡还是cpu


⑥ 为什么说某宝A卡是矿卡,N卡是刷的,什么是矿卡


⑦ 谁知道怎么挖矿,挖虚拟货币


⑧ 什么叫显卡挖矿


⑨ 矿难以后的显卡值得购买吗


① How to mine with a graphics card, I want to mine too

Through specific programs and specific algorithms, calculations are performed using the computing rate of the computer graphics card, and carried out in the selected mining pool. A lot of calculations, generating data packets.

② What is mining and can you really make money? Let me tell you

Mining is to confirm the transactions that occur in the Bitcoin system over a period of time and record them in The process of forming new blocks on the blockchain, and the people who mine are called miners.

Can you make money by mining? Everyone around me who has been exposed to blockchain has asked me this question. The answer is definitely yes, otherwise mining will not be the foundation for the development of blockchain, and countless people will become miners!

How to dig? Novice users expressed confusion. You can use Salmon Miner to mine and experience the mining resistance yourself. The main thing is to download the software and you can mine with one click without any learning costs!

③ Share what you think of the current mining craze

It’s not about money.

④ Can my computer configuration be used to mine Bitcoin? Is mining harmful to the hardware? If I don’t know how to mine, can you provide detailed guidance? I would like to know more about it, thank you.

Your computer cannot mine. The nodes generated by the graphics card must have a computing power of R480 or above to be recognized by the mining pool. Your graphics card cannot generate recognized nodes in a cycle. In addition, even if it is R480, two of them must be able to barely cover the electricity bill. Mining usually requires six A cards, and N cards are rarely used. Card points have poor computing power and low efficiency. The main costs of mining are electricity bills and graphics cards. Too low and you'll just lose money on electricity bills.

⑤ The key to mining is whether it is the graphics card or the CPU

Theoretically, both CPU and GPU operations can be mined.
In the early days of the advent of a virtual currency, mining was relatively easy. Maybe a CPU with sufficient performance could easily mine coins.
As mining becomes more and more difficult, the CPU has long been unable to cope with the huge computing power required for mining. The terrifying performance of the large-scale stream processor parallel computing in the graphics card GPU core is even more suitable for mining. Parallel operations.
Therefore, today’s professional mining machines have long been dominated by GPUs and professional chips, with the CPU playing the most coordinating role. Moreover, as the difficulty of mining increases, the requirements for the video memory capacity of mining cards are getting higher and higher. A few years ago, 2~3GB was enough, but now 6GB may not be enough.

⑥ Why is it said that the A card of a certain treasure is a mining card, and the N card is swiped? What is a mining card?

The mining card is the A card in the special configuration for mining Bitcoin a while ago. , because mining requires 24 hours of continuous work all year round, so even if the parameters of such a card seem to be very high-end, the actual lifespan is basically exhausted, and most of them are useless after less than a year or two.

⑦ Who knows how to mine and mine virtual currency

The following uses Bitcoin mining as an example:
Mining consumes computing resources to process transactions and ensure networkSecurity and the process of keeping everyone’s information on the network in sync. It can be understood as the data center of Bitcoin. The difference is its completely decentralized design. Miners operate in countries around the world and no one has control over the network. This process is called "mining" because it is similar to gold mining, as it is also a temporary mechanism for issuing new Bitcoins. However, unlike gold mining, Bitcoin mining provides rewards for services that ensure the operation of a secure payment network. After the last Bitcoin is issued, mining will still be necessary.
However, the new digital cryptocurrencies after 2016 basically do not require mining. They mostly use POS mechanisms, and some are one-time mining, such as Ruitai currency.

⑧ What is graphics card mining?

"Video card mining" actually means using a graphics card to mine Bitcoin, making the graphics card work at a high load for mining. If it is eliminated, it will become a mining card. Generally, the core PC board on the back of the mining card is severely discolored.
For a mining machine, the most important thing is the graphics card. Generally, for entry-level mining, you can choose the most basic motherboard that supports 6 graphics cards. In the future, you can choose a more complex motherboard that supports 12 or more graphics cards. The specific suggestions are as follows:
1. CPU - For CPU, you can choose the most basic and cheap CPU, as long as it can run the system normally. Generally, you can choose a CPU such as Intel's G3900 with a unit price of about 200 yuan.
2. Memory - if equipped with 6 graphics cards, at least 4g of memory is required. If it is equipped with 12 graphics cards, the windows operating system requires at least 8g of memory, otherwise the system will be very stuck and cannot work properly for mining and linux operations. The system can use 4g of memory.
3. Motherboard - It is recommended that novices directly choose the Biostar series of specialized mining motherboards. The models are tb250-btc with 6 card slots and tb250-btcpro with 12 card slots. There are also ASRock h81 series motherboards, etc. can choose.
4. Hard drive - The hard drive requires an SSD hard drive because the reading speed is fast, and virtual memory needs to be set up. The SSD hard drive can theoretically improve some performance. If you are using a windows system, you need at least 64gb, and if you are using a linux system, it can be 16gb.
5. Operating system - If you are using Windows, it is recommended to use the Win10 system. Graphics cards corresponding to the Nvidia series and AMD series can recognize up to 8 cards respectively. If a 12-card motherboard requires mixed insertion of N and A cards for mining, it can be fully utilized. Motherboard graphics card slot.
6. Graphics card - the mainstream mining graphics card models are AMD series graphics cards RX470, RX570, RX580, Nvidia series graphics cards GTX1060, GTX1070, etc. It is recommended to choose 4G or more memory, preferably 8G.

⑨ Is it worth buying a graphics card after a mining disaster?

It is not recommended to buy a graphics card that will be eliminated after mining.
When the mining graphics card is working, it works at full load 24 hours a day, and the working environment is relatively harsh and the temperature is high. It works at high temperature for a long time at full load, whether it is the GPU core or peripheral circuits of the graphics card. All have considerable impact.
Even if the graphics card has no obvious damage when it is eliminated, its service life has been greatly reduced, and it may stop working at some point, not to mention that some graphics cards have hidden damage.
So if funds are not really tight, I really don’t recommend choosing a mining card.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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