比特币合约估算价格怎么算 比特币合约估算价格是多少

『壹』 比特币合约的限价规则是什么


『贰』 OKEX比特币合约一张是多少钱


『叁』 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


『肆』 比特币合约最低一仓多少钱


『伍』 OKEX的比特币合约多少钱


『陆』 简单预测比特币未来走势



Bleakley咨询集团首席投资官 Peter Boockvar














PayPal董事会成员 塞萨雷斯





福汇集团旗下专业财经媒体 Daily6z





“大宗商品之王”加特曼通讯社创始人,Dennis Gartman




PayPal董事会成员 塞萨雷斯




盛宝银行分析师 Van-Petersen





投资公司Canaccord Genuity分析师 Michael Graham




Fundstrat共同创办人,比特币超级多头,Tom Lee







加密货币投资公司BlockTower Capital首席投资官 阿里•保罗(Ari Paul)



TenX联合创始人兼总裁Julian Hosp



数据分析机构DataTrekResearch分析师Nick Colas




Cryptos R Us联合创始人,加密货币投资老鸟,George·Tung



Autonomous Research金融科技策略全球主管,Lex Sokolin

“2018 年币圈或迎来新一轮“分叉狂潮”,其分叉最高或达50次!”


『柒』 比特币合约交易中对手价格什么意思


『捌』 okex比特币永续合约的资金费用是怎么计算的


『玖』 玩比特币合约你亏了多少钱


『一』What are the price limit rules of Bitcoin contracts?

Why are there still people playing with contracts? How many of them are victorious generals? This thing fluctuates too much, both long and short take advantage of it.
The safest options are fixed investment and Bitoffer options.
Options are the best hedging tool for spot prices. How to hedge? For example, if you open a put option on Bitoffer, if Bitcoin falls from US$8,700 to US$8,000, theoretically your spot will lose US$700, but your put option will make a profit of US$700. In this way, you can completely hedge. The risk of falling out of the market.

『二』How much is an OKEX Bitcoin contract?

It is roughly equivalent to a value of 100 US dollars. Do you understand this calculation?

『三』How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times the full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, and you will get an increase of ten points. Your income is 200 yuan (+100). The next day your account is 300 yuan. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and increase it by ten points, your income is 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But If it falls by 5 points, your principal will be gone, which is commonly known as liquidation.

『四』How much is the minimum price of a Bitcoin contract?

This seems to depend on the platform. Some platforms are not necessarily 300, 500, etc. It mainly depends on the platform.

『五』How much is OKEX’s Bitcoin contract?

Contracts are traded in units, and each unit is $100.

『Lu』 Simple prediction of the future trend of Bitcoin

Predictions from various big guys

1. Bad predictions

Bleakley Consulting Group Chief Investment Officer Peter Boockvar

“The price of Bitcoin may drop by 70% to 90% this year. In the next year, if the price of Bitcoin drops to US$1,000 to US$3,000, I will also Don’t be surprised, as Bitcoin is not really relevant in this $19 trillion economy. Any commodity whose quotes go up parabolically will usually fall back to where it started. (Secure Digital Currency Trading Platform “Coin "Foreign Exchange")

However, I am not sure whether Bitcoin will slowly decline or whether it will plummet suddenly.

Is it true that the Federal Reserve (Fed) and other central banks are implementing loose monetary policies? The main reason for people's enthusiasm for virtual currencies is that as interest rates gradually return to normal, virtual currencies will also collapse. Once cracks appear in the virtual currency market, investors' attitudes towards high-risk assets will also change, and the stock market may be injured. All of this It all depends on market psychology and has nothing to do with the quality of the economic fundamentals."

Emma was so frightened by this first statement that she quickly added a BTC position to calm her shock!


“As a currency, it should have a stable value storage function. Bitcoin’s daily fluctuations can be high.Reaching 25% means that using Bitcoin to pay wages is not feasible.

Bitcoin prices are likely to remain at a flat high compared to a rapid crash. The reason why the outcome of Bitcoin may be different is because there is such a factor. Some people, such as dictators, hope to store wealth overseas through Bitcoin.

Despite this, it cannot change the essence that Bitcoin is a typical bubble. It is based on misunderstandings like tulip mania. ”

It seems that using BTC to pay wages is indeed unreliable. But predators are predators, and they have something to say, but they don’t say it clearly. I have an epiphany, you can realize it yourself.

No. Robert Shiller, winner of the Bell Prize in Economics and professor of economics at Yale University

“Bitcoin reminds me of the tulip mania that occurred in the Netherlands in the 1640s. Basically, Bitcoin has no value unless some market participants I believe it is valuable. In comparison, even if gold is not regarded as an investment commodity, it at least has some uses.

To this day, people still pay for tulips, sometimes at very high prices. In comparison, Bitcoin may completely collapse and be forgotten by everyone, but even so, Bitcoin may still It has existed for a long time, even for 100 years."

I don’t understand, thank you!

PayPal board member Cesares

"Bitcoin and Blockchain attracts people's attention because they think it is an 'interesting experiment.'" If it succeeds, it could change the world more than the Internet did.

However, it is possible to fail, and the probability of failure is at least 20%. It is recommended to control the amount of cryptocurrency held within the range of affordable losses.

The main reason why Bitcoin fails is that people tend to Too much money has been invested in Bitcoin, and we can’t afford to lose.”

Raising so much money from the world just for an interesting experiment? Give me back 0.005 BTC!

Dailyfx, a professional financial media owned by FXCM Group

“As the price of Bitcoin failed to rebound to the historical peak hit in December, the price continued to fall. But objectively speaking, although the price of Bitcoin The fluctuation is huge, but it is still not a 50% drop. Looking at the market, the price has obvious support at the 11750/160 level. The price rebounds above or after touching this support level; if the price falls below this point, it may continue to fall in the future. < /p>

The price of Ethereum may break through the current slope area, but since the price touched 1380 in the short term from the December low of 500, it may indicate that the bullish gains have been exhausted. Therefore, if the price does not fall in the later period, there is a high probability of consolidation. The current first support is at 863. If the price still shows an upward trend, it will be a good long opportunity when it pulls back again.

Ripple may be in a high consolidation or downward correction trend in the later period. Since the price fell yesterday It broke the 2.1577 support level and continued to fall. Given thatAfter the sudden price rise last month, it is still unknown at what point the current price will fall or hit and then stabilize, so we still need to be cautious when trading Ripple. ”

The stock review has been changed to the currency review. Big brother recommends to me a Kweichow Moutai in the currency circle!

“King of Commodities” founder of Gartman News Agency, Dennis Gartman< /p>

“Nothing can change my skepticism about Bitcoin. Bitcoin would spell disaster for everyone involved, and at the same time, if that happens, investors will flock to the gold market. Bitcoin will fall below $5,000, there is no doubt about it. ”

It seems that it is still necessary to collect some gold.

2. Positive predictions

PayPal board member Cesares

“Bitcoin and blockchain experiments have a greater than 50% chance of success. But industry players must be patient, because it will take 5 to 10 years of hard work to achieve solid success.

If the experiment is successful, the world will be very different, and one Bitcoin will be worth one million US dollars. Therefore, most people in the world will wish they could buy Bitcoin in the $14,000 or $20,000 price range. ”

I said before that the chance of failure is at least 20%, and now I say that the chance of success is more than 50%. You have all the good and bad words, so you just owe 1 BTC!

Saxo Bank analyst Van-Petersen

“Bitcoin may reach a price between $50,000 and $100,000 in 2018. Other digital currencies besides Bitcoin will also surge.

First of all, you might think that the price of Bitcoin has corrected appropriately. After all, it has fallen back by fifty percent, which is healthy. But we haven’t seen the full effects of futures contracts yet.

Ethereum may surpass Bitcoin this year. Ethereum emerged later than Bitcoin but has a more unified leadership position than Bitcoin. ”

This guy was right last time. When Bitcoin was trading below $900 in December 2016, he predicted that Bitcoin would reach $2,000 in 2017. As a result, Bitcoin The currency exceeded US$2,000 in May 2017. However, it is predicted that ETH will exceed BTC. Well, it is not impossible for the second brother to seek power and usurp the throne to kill the boss, but it is difficult.

Analysis by investment company Canaccord Genuity Researcher Michael Graham

“One of our themes is that 2018 will see more institutions entering the cryptocurrency market. The number of institutional-grade investment products related to Bitcoin is increasing. Regulators will approve a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund later this year or early 2019.

I do think the public will see some crypto IPOs this year, as well as broader blockchain public offerings.Company conducts IPO. ”

Let me break the news! Cboe (Chicago Board Options Exchange) applied for 6 cryptocurrency ETFs at the end of 2017, which may be launched in 2018. What the hell is this? In other words, increase It provides institutional investors with the opportunity to have close contact with cryptocurrencies and opens up channels for professional speculators.

Fundstrat co-founder, Bitcoin super bull, Tom Lee

“Estimating the bottom of Bitcoin It is around US$9,000. If it falls to this level, we will buy strongly. US$9,000 is the best time to enter the market this year.

It is estimated that Bitcoin will rise to US$25,000 by the end of the year, and will reach US$125,000 in 2022.

Bitcoin has experienced ups and downs many times, but each time it always returns to its previous highs, and the lows become good buying opportunities.

Since the middle of 2016, Bitcoin has surged by more than 75% five times, and plummeted by more than 25% six times. Similar rises and falls in the stock market take several years, but in the virtual currency world, it takes a few months. It can be done.

We are also optimistic about 3 virtual currencies. The first is ETH. Ethereum has smart contract functions and has a promising future. It is expected to rise from the current US$1,000 to US$1,900 by the end of this year. The second is ETC, which is a hybrid virtual currency of Bitcoin and Ethereum. It will rise from the current US$25 to US$60 by the end of the year. The third is NEO, a virtual currency developed in China. The price will rise from US$114 to US$225 by the end of the year. "

Tell me! How much did the project party give you? Please help me make an introduction...

Ari Paul, Chief Investment Officer of BlockTower Capital, a cryptocurrency investment company< /p>

“At some point in 2018, Bitcoin prices could be as low as $4,000 and as high as $30,000. ”

Go away!

TenX co-founder and president Julian Hosp

“Bitcoin may break the $60,000 mark in 2018, but It may also fall to the bottom of $5,000, but I am not sure which one will come first, 'surprise' or 'fright'. ”

Ge Wum roll +1!

Nick Colas, analyst at DataTrekResearch, a data analysis agency

“The volatility of Bitcoin in 2018 will exceed that of 2017, and the volatility It may range from US$6,500 to US$22,000, and they are all reasonable valuations. And $14,035 would be a reasonable median. In addition, the price of Bitcoin will collapse 4 times in 2018, with the magnitude of each collapse being approximately 40% or more. ”

Are there 4 more opportunities to buy at the bottom and add to positions this year...?

A soy saucer

Co-founder of Cryptos R Us, veteran cryptocurrency investor , George·Tung

"Will we see another virtual currency with a market cap larger than Bitcoin? Yes, I believe it is definitely possible within the next three to five years. Or as soon as three years, there will be an opponent that can compete with Bitcoin. ”

A three-thousand-year-old demon wants to kill a seven-thousand-year-old demon? It’s too young!

Autonomous Research global head of financial technology strategy, Lex Sokolin

< p> “In 2018, the currency circle may usher in a new round of “fork frenzy”, with up to 50 forks! ”

Dear, we are here to discuss the price. What does it mean to have a second child?

『撒』What does the counterparty price mean in Bitcoin contract trading

The trading principle of SCCTI CFD is similar to that of virtual currency trading
The difference is that when you trade the CFD of virtual currency
For example, with Bitcoin, you do not actually hold Bitcoin, but trade it. The price trend of Bitcoin
By defining the CFD on the price of Bitcoin with the CFD brokerage SCCTI
In the long financial evolution + under V
There are also some experienced analysts who are searching for it (abao)
Develop a new method of capital preservation and appropriate profit (007-)

『8』How is the capital cost of the okex Bitcoin perpetual contract calculated

Funding fee = position value * funding rate. When the funding rate is positive, the long side pays the short side; when the funding rate is negative, the short side pays the long side. Do you understand?

『玖』 How much did you lose by playing Bitcoin contracts?

I have never played Bitcoin, so I didn’t lose money, but someone here invested 100,000 yuan and lost all.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 比特币挖矿能挣钱吗现在并不是十分赚钱,12年的时候比特币价格约1000+,用个人PC挖,一周能挖一个多币。目前币价20000左右。拓展:1、比特币(Bitcoin:比特金)最早是一种网络虚拟货币