比特币合约设置止损多少会触发交易 比特币合约设置止损多少会触发交割

㈠ ourbit交易所止盈止损可以同时设置多个吗


㈡ 我做合约交易的时候,设置的止盈止损委托币奇才也会显示吗


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㈠ Can multiple stop-profit and stop-loss settings be set at the same time on ourbit exchange?

Not only can it be preset in advance, but multiple ones can also be set at the same time. To give a simple example, for example, if you are bullish on the current Bitcoin market and buy 1 Bitcoin contract long, and the Bitcoin price is 50,000 USDT, then you can set a stop-profit and stop-loss point, such as 53,000 stop-profit (you think you have earned enough If you want more, close when the market is good), 49,000 stop loss (meaning you can bear a maximum loss of 100 USDT); you can create up to 10 of these settings simultaneously. When the market comes, you will no longer be stuck at a single point to execute. , because if the market fluctuates greatly by then and it is difficult for many exchanges to close transactions at that price, it is very likely that you will end up losing more than 100U, or even 200U or 300U.

㈡ When I do contract trading, will the set stop-profit and stop-loss orders also be displayed?

Yes, when displaying pending orders, it will not only display limit pending orders, but also display stop orders. For profit and stop loss orders, click on the order price to switch to the trigger price.

㈢How to carry out stop-profit and stop-loss closing of gate.io perpetual contract

You can handle such a thing on your trading software. After all, this has been announced Yes

㈣ How to avoid liquidation in BTC contracts

Set the stop loss. Generally, the platform will have corresponding take profit and stop loss settings. The BTC stop loss is set at about 3%, and the ETH stop loss is set at about 3%. Set at 5%. You can set your own acceptable take profit and stop loss.

The example is as follows (this is a picture specially taken during the simulation):

When setting, you need to first check the box corresponding to the stop profit and stop loss. Select, and then set your own take profit and stop loss according to your needs.

㈤ How to play Bitcoin contract trading

Contract trading is actually very simple. There are only two directions: short and long.
After choosing a direction, if the market trend is correct and the appropriate profit point is reached, close the position in time or set a take-profit level.
If the market is wrong, stop the loss in time to avoid greater losses.
Of course, in the long history of financial evolution, there are also some experienced analysts who have searched high and low to develop new methods that can protect capital and make appropriate profits.
For example, in double position hedging, you can establish orders in opposite directions in two positions A and B at the same time. No matter which direction the market goes, one position will be profitable, which can achieve the effect of capital preservation.
This kind of Double position hedging can also be profitable,
but how to generate profits? For specific operation steps, you can ask or leave a private message

㈥ How to use "plan commission" to stop profits and losses in Bitcoin contracts

Okcoin, the world's largest Bitcoin trading platform by trading volume New function launched - stop-profit and stop-loss orders.
This means that okcoin has taken another step towards providing investors with safe, fast and stable Bitcoin transactions.!
Users can go to the "Trading Center", select "Take Profit and Stop Loss Order" in the "Order Type", and perform take profit and stop loss orders at the same time. When one order is triggered, the other order will be automatically canceled.
About the stop-profit and stop-loss orders
The stop-profit and stop-loss orders refer to the pre-set take-profit trigger price and stop-profit order price, stop-loss trigger price and stop-loss order price. When the latest transaction price reaches a certain trigger price, it will be sent to the market at the corresponding order price.
Case 1:
An investor bought 10 BTC at a price of $2,800. The investor believes that $3,000 is an important resistance level, so when the price rises to 3,000, he can sell the 10 BTC to take profit. Moreover, the investor also believes that 2750 is an important support level, so when the price falls below 2750, he needs to sell the 10 BTC to stop loss. Then it can set a stop-profit and stop-loss order in the selling direction:
When the latest market price reaches 2750, the stop-profit and stop-loss order is triggered, and the system will follow the preset order (sell at $2745) 10 btc) are sent to the market.

㈦ What is the meaning of stop-profit and stop-loss often mentioned in Bitcoin contracts?

If the order price set by the user triggers the price limit rule at this time, the system will use the limit price at this time. Place an order at the highest or lowest price.

㈧ Can only one stop-loss and stop-profit be set for Bitcoin leveraged trading?

Both can be set. It depends on which exchange you use. It may be after buying the order and then holding the position. You can set a stop-profit and stop-loss order

㈨ How to set a stop-loss order for Bitcoin

Just set it according to the requirements of the platform. Bitcoin, Ritecoin, and Litecoin trading platforms generally All have this function.
It means that in financial products or financial derivatives transactions, investors preset a stop loss order, and when the market price reaches the trigger price set by the trader, the unsettled position will be automatically liquidated; to put it simply It is an order formed by executing a stop loss order.
In real transactions, investors generally implement psychological stop-loss prices and do not often issue stop-loss orders in the system (on the one hand, there are not many futures trading market software in my country that contain stop-loss orders; on the other hand, The aspect is a matter of operating habits). For example, if you buy a ton of No. 1 soybean contract at 3840, after comprehensive research such as technical analysis and judgment, you think that if the No. 1 soybean contract falls below 3800, then it will fall even lower, or if you feel that it falls to 3800, it will rise. The possibility of coming back is too small. At this time, investors will execute the stop loss order and form a stop loss order.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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