比特币的智能合约三年期的利率 比特币的智能合约三年期的收益

❶ 如何理解区块链的智能合约

智能合约”(smart contract)这个术语至少可以追溯到1995年,是由多产的跨领域法律学者尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)提出来的。他在发表在自己的网站的几篇文章中提到了智能合约的理念。他的定义如下:















协议是技术实现(technical implementation),在这个基础上,合约承诺被实现,或者合约承诺实现被记录下来。选择哪个协议取决于许多因素,最重要的因素是在合约履行期间,被交易资产的本质。



链乔教育在线旗下学硕创新区块链技术工作站是中国教育部学校规划建设发展中心开展的“智慧学习工场2020-学硕创新工作站 ”唯一获准的“区块链技术专业”试点工作站。专业站立足为学生提供多样化成长路径,推进专业学位研究生产学研结合培养模式改革,构建应用型、复合型人才培养体系。

❷ 比特币的合约收益是怎么算的


❸ 怎么玩比特币合约


❹ 比特币合约交易是什么



永续合约与传统期货存在一定差异:它 没有到期时间,因而对于持仓时间没有任何限制。为了保证跟踪标的价格指数,永续合约通过 资金费用 的机制来保证其价格紧跟标的资产的价格。

❺ 如何玩转比特币的永续合约呢


❻ 比特币永续合约中的收益率是怎么计算的

就是收益率 = 收益 / 开仓时所需保证金。

❼ 比特币支持智能合约吗

不支持 比特币只能点对点传输目前

❽ 如何理解OKEX的比特币永续合约


❶ How to understand smart contracts on the blockchain

The term “smart contract” dates back to at least 1995 and was coined by the prolific interdisciplinary legal scholar Nick Szabo Proposed by Nick Szabo. He mentioned the concept of smart contracts in several articles published on his website. His definition is as follows:

“A smart contract is a set of digitally defined Promises, including agreements on which contract participants can execute those promises. ”

Let us explore the meaning of his definition in more detail.


A set of promises agreed upon by the parties to a contract (often mutually of) rights and obligations. These commitments define the nature and purpose of the contract. Take a sales contract as a typical example. The seller promises to deliver the goods, and the buyer promises to pay a reasonable price.

Digital form

Digital form means that the contract must be written in computer-readable code. This is necessary because as long as the parties reach an agreement, the rights and obligations established by the smart contract are executed by a computer or computer network.

Further explanation:

(1) Reaching an agreement

When do the participants in a smart contract reach an agreement? The answer depends on the specific smart contract implementation . Generally speaking, a contract is discovered when a participant commits to the execution of the contract by installing the contract on the contract hosting platform.

(2) Contract Execution

" The true meaning of "execution" also depends on implementation. Generally speaking, execution means active implementation through technical means.

(3) Computer-readable code

In addition, the contract requires The specific "digital form" is very dependent on the protocol that the parties agree to use.


A protocol is the technical implementation upon which contractual commitments are fulfilled, or Fulfillment of the contractual promise is recorded. Which agreement is chosen depends on many factors, the most important of which is the nature of the assets being traded during the performance of the contract.

Again, take the sales contract as an example. Assume that the parties agree Payment is made in Bitcoin. The chosen protocol will obviously be the Bitcoin protocol, on which smart contracts are implemented. Therefore, the "digital form" that the contract must use is the Bitcoin Script Language. Bitcoin Script Language It is a non-Turing complete, imperative, stack-based programming language, similar to Forth.

Smart Contract

The Xueshuo Innovation Blockchain Technology Workstation under Lianqiao Education Online is the only "blockchain technology" approved by the "Smart Learning Workshop 2020- Xueshuo Innovation Workstation" carried out by the School Planning and Construction Development Center of the Ministry of Education of China. Professional” pilot workstation. ProfessionalStanding on the basis of providing students with diversified growth paths, promoting the reform of the training model integrating professional degree research, production, and research, and building an applied and compound talent training system.

❷ How is the contract income of Bitcoin calculated?

Twenty times a full contract is equivalent to buying 2,000 yuan of Bitcoin for 100 yuan, which increases your income by ten points. It is 200 yuan (+100). Your account is 300 yuan the next day. If you continue to fill the position 20 times and then increase by ten points, your income will be 600 yuan (+300), and so on.
But if it falls 5 points, your principal is gone, commonly known as liquidation.

❸ How to play Bitcoin contracts

You can complete the contract directly on the Bitcoin trading platform, and add leverage to form a contract. But the trading platform must be chosen well, such as Huobi and Canadian currency sites, etc., which are more suitable. The main reason is that the platform mainly promotes Bitcoin contracts. In this way, many platform activities are about contract users, and if you are on If you do the above, you can enjoy the corresponding benefits.

❹ What is Bitcoin contract trading

1. Definition of contract
A futures contract is an agreement by the buyer to receive an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time, and the seller agrees An agreement to deliver an asset at a specific price after a specified period of time.
The price that both parties agree to use for future transactions is called the futures price. The specified date on which both parties must enter into a transaction in the future is called the settlement date or delivery date. The asset that both parties agree to exchange is called the “subject.”
If an investor takes a position in the market by purchasing a futures contract (i.e. agreeing to buy at a future date), it is called a long position or going long on futures. On the contrary, if the position taken by the investor is to sell a futures contract (that is, to bear the contractual responsibility to sell in the future), it is called a short position or going short on futures.

2. The origin of the contract
Futures contracts refer to standardized contracts formulated by futures exchanges that stipulate the delivery of a certain quantity and quality of commodities at a specific time and place in the future. It is the object of futures trading. Futures trading participants transfer price risks and obtain risk returns by buying and selling futures contracts on futures exchanges.
Futures contracts are developed on the basis of spot contracts and spot forward contracts, but their most essential difference lies in the standardization of futures contract terms. For futures contracts traded in the futures market, terms such as the quantity, quality grade and delivery grade of the subject matter, as well as premium and discount standards for substitutes, delivery location, delivery month and other terms are all standardized, making futures contracts universal.
In futures contracts, only the futures price is the only variable, which is generated through open bidding on the exchange.

3. Classification of Contracts
Digital currency contracts can be divided into: delivery contracts and perpetual contracts.
(1) Delivery contract: Futures delivery refers to the transfer of ownership of the commodities contained in the futures contract between the parties to the transaction when the futures contract expires.The process of closing an expired open position.
(2) Perpetual contract: It is a derivative similar to leveraged spot trading. It is a digital currency contract product settled in BTC, USDT and other currencies. Investors can gain profits from rising digital currency prices by buying long, or gain profits from falling digital currency prices by selling short.
Perpetual contracts are somewhat different from traditional futures: they have no expiration time, so there is no limit on the holding time. In order to ensure tracking of the underlying price index, the perpetual contract uses a funding fee mechanism to ensure that its price closely follows the price of the underlying asset.

❺ How to play with Bitcoin’s perpetual contracts

Okex has it. You just need to register an OKEX account and then open contract trading.

❻ How is the rate of return in Bitcoin perpetual contracts calculated?

It is the rate of return = income / margin required when opening a position.

❼ Does Bitcoin support smart contracts?

Bitcoin is not supported and can only be transferred point-to-point at present

❽ How to understand OKEX’s Bitcoin perpetual contract

I think it is a very good product. OKEX has always been at the forefront of contract trading, and the Bitcoin perpetual contract is the first of its kind, far ahead of Huobi.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

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