币圈系统维护中 币圈交易系统

㈠ 币圈lp是什么意思

加密货币(英文:Cryptocurrency,常常用复数Cryptocurrencies,又译密码货币,密码学货币)是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全及控制交易单位创造的交易媒介。 加密货币是数字货币(或称虚拟货币)的一种 。比特币在2009年成为第一个去中心化的加密货币,这之后加密货币一词多指此类设计。 自此之后数种类似的加密货币被创造,它们通常被称作altcoins。 加密货币基于去中心化的共识机制 ,与依赖中心化监管体系的银行金融系统相对。
区块链(英语:blockchain或block chain)是用分布式数据库识别、传播和记载信息的智能化对等网络, 也称为价值互联网。中本聪在2008年,于《比特币白皮书》中提出“区块链”概念,并在2009年创立了比特币社会网络,开发出第一个区块,即“创世区块”。
区块链共享价值体系首先被众多的加密货币效仿,并在工作量证明上和算法上进行了改进,如采用权益证明和SCrypt算法。随后,区块链生态系统在全球不断进化,出现了首次代币发售ICO;智能合约区块链以太坊;“轻所有权、重使用权”的资产代币化共享经济;和区块链国家。人们正在利用这一共享价值体系,在各行各业开发去中心化电脑程序(Decentralized applications, Dapp),在全球各地构建去中心化自主组织和去中心化自主社区(Decentralized autonomous society, DAS)。

㈡ 最近想进入币圈,有没有好的软件推荐可以快速了解行情的那种软件


支撑软件是支撑各种软件的开发与维护的软件,又称为软件开发环境(SDE)。它主要包括环境数据库、各种接口软件和工具组。著名的软件开发环境有IBM公司的Web Sphere,微软公司的等。



㈢ 币圈四大交易所

3、OKEX是全世界知名的数字货币国际站之一,关键朝向全世界客户给予比特币、以太币、以太坊等数字货币的现货交易和衍生产品买卖服务项目,归属于OKEXTechnologyCompanyLimited。OKEx开创时,得到 了技术领先投资者TimDraper参加开设的创业工场上百万美元的天使投资人,TimDraper老先生与此同时也是Hotmail、网络搜索、特斯拉汽车等技术领先公司的投资者。

㈣ 币圈是什么


㈤ 币圈三大定律


㈥ 币圈交易平台有哪些


㈦ 中国币圈交易所前20排名

1. BNB(币安)OKB(OK)HT(火币)
2. Bkex(币客)BikiMXCA网Q网中币Gate.ioK网
3. 其他各类小交易所

㈧ 怎么进入币圈一级市场


㈠ What does LP mean in the currency circle?

LP is a digital currency or cryptocurrency. It is considered an altcoin in the currency circle and can be bought and sold on digital currency exchanges, but the investment risk is relatively high. big.
[Extended information]
Cryptocurrency (English: Cryptocurrency, often plural Cryptocurrencies, also translated as cryptocurrency, cryptographic currency) is a trading medium that uses cryptographic principles to ensure transaction security and control the creation of transaction units . Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency (or virtual currency). Bitcoin became the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009, and since then the term cryptocurrency has mostly referred to such designs. Since then several similar cryptocurrencies have been created, often called altcoins. Cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized consensus mechanism, as opposed to a banking financial system that relies on a centralized regulatory system.
The decentralized nature comes from the blockchain technology using distributed ledgers.
On May 26, 2021, it is reported that the "Philippine Star" website published an article titled "The "Death of Cryptocurrency" Rumors Are Exaggerated". The article believed that cryptocurrency will definitely not disappear and analyzed the problems faced.
Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin:
Cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, also known as altcoins and altcoins, are partly generated by referring to the ideas, principles, and source code of Bitcoin, and are similar to Bitcoin There are more than 800 cryptocurrencies in circulation that are similar to virtual currencies.
From February to April 2017, the proportion of altcoins in the total cryptocurrency market value increased from 15% to nearly 40%.
Since Bitcoin itself does not have an authoritative issuing agency and national power to maintain its authority and uniqueness, Bitcoin and its imitators can only get along equally. Although it is the earliest virtual currency, it is also the most well-known and It is the cryptocurrency that people are most familiar with, has the largest user network community, has a strong network effect, and is the cryptocurrency with the highest market value most of the time, but it does not have an absolutely exclusive status.
Blockchain (English: blockchain or blockchain) is an intelligent peer-to-peer network that uses a distributed database to identify, disseminate and record information, also known as the Internet of Value. Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of "blockchain" in the "Bitcoin White Paper" in 2008, founded the Bitcoin Social Network in 2009, and developed the first block, the "Genesis Block".
The blockchain shared value system was first imitated by many cryptocurrencies, and improvements were made in proof-of-work and algorithms, such as the use of proof-of-stake and SCrypt algorithms. Subsequently, the blockchain ecosystem continued to evolve around the world, with the emergence of initial coin offerings (ICOs); the smart contract blockchain Ethereum; the asset tokenization sharing economy with “light ownership, heavy use rights”; and blockchain countries. People are taking advantage of this shared valuesystem, develop decentralized computer programs (Decentralized applications, Dapp) in all walks of life, and build decentralized autonomous organizations and decentralized autonomous communities (Decentralized autonomous society, DAS) around the world.

㈡ I want to enter the currency circle recently. Is there any good software you can recommend that can quickly understand the market?

I recommend the OKEx exchange, which is one of the top ten most popular platforms in the world. The options are comprehensive and you can check currency prices at any time, especially the platform’s 24-hour update of price increases and decreases. Newbies can start by viewing the platform’s instructional videos.

Supporting software is software that supports the development and maintenance of various software, also known as software development environment (SDE). It mainly includes environment database, various interface software and tool sets. Famous software development environments include IBM's Web Sphere, Microsoft's, etc.

System software is responsible for managing various independent hardware in the computer system so that they can work in harmony. System software allows computer users and other software to treat the computer as a whole without having to consider how the underlying hardware works.

The operating system is a program that manages computer hardware and software resources. It is also the core and cornerstone of the computer system. The operating system is responsible for basic tasks such as managing and configuring memory, prioritizing the supply and demand of system resources, controlling input and output devices, operating networks, and managing file systems. The operating system also provides an operating interface for users to interact with the system.

㈢ The four major exchanges in the currency circle

Binance, Huobi, OKEX, k.net
Extended information:
1. Binance is a platform focused on blockchain asset trading, founded by a group of digital currency enthusiasts led by former okcoin founder Changpeng Zhao (CZ). Founder Zhao Changpeng’s previous main business was building Internet trading software for trading centers. In 2014, Changpeng Zhao joined OKCoin as the founder and technical director (CTO). In July 2017, Changpeng Zhao established the Huobi platform, launched an ICO, and launched his own blockchain currency, Binance Coin. , the total output is stable at 200 million, and the founding team including Changpeng Zhao owns 40% of the total output of Binance coins. As of June 12, 2018, Huobi.com CEO Changpeng Zhao previously stated that Huobi.com currently has more than 9 million users.
2. Huobi.com is operated by Beijing Huobi.com Tiandi Internet Technology Co., Ltd. and was released in September 2013. It is one of the world's leading Bitcoin platform transactions. At this stage, its transaction volume is slightly lower than Huobi, ranking third. The founders of Huobi.com include Du Jun, Zhu Jiawei, etc. At present, Du Jun has gradually withdrawn from Huobi.com and created a new industry in the industry.News media Golden Finance and its venture capital firm Connect Point Assets. In terms of the customer base of contract trading, BitME, OKEx and Huobi, as the early well-known trading centers, are indistinguishable. The two are ahead of Huobi in many aspects, including complete quantitative analysis institutions, large investors, and general investment These people.
3. OKEX is one of the world's most well-known digital currency international stations. It mainly provides spot trading and derivatives trading services for digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ethereum to global users. It belongs to OKEX Technology Company Limited. When OKEx was founded, it received millions of dollars of angel investors from the entrepreneurial workshop founded by leading technology investor Tim Draper. Mr. Tim Draper was also an investor in leading technology companies such as Hotmail, Internet search, and Tesla Motors.
4. Kraken, whose head office is located in San Francisco, USA, was founded in 2011. It is an international Bitcoin station with a large trading volume in pounds. It can also be bought and sold with Canadian dollars, US dollars, euros and Japanese yen. Kraken has been consistently voted the best and most secure Bitcoin international site by independent mainstream media. Kraken is the first international Bitcoin site to display price and volume on the Bloomberg terminal, the first international reserve financial audit certified through encryption, and the first digital currency financial institution partner.

㈣ What is the currency circle

The currency circle is about the issuance, trading, speculation and all related activities of digital currency (virtual currency), as well as the participating individual users or mechanism. Common digital currencies include Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc. Bitcoin is the most heard of here, and many people usually participate in the buying and selling of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, with a total number of only 21 million. Its issuance does not rely on any institution. As Bitcoin continues to be mined, the difficulty of generating Bitcoin will increase in the future, and the cost of obtaining Bitcoin may be higher than the price of Bitcoin itself. The content of this article comes from: China Law Press "Financial Code of the People's Republic of China: Application Edition"

㈤ Three Laws of the Currency Circle

Law 1:
Do not operate frequently , develop a good habit of a fixed investment strategy. Otherwise, no matter how much you do, it will be in vain. Many people are afraid of running out of money when they have no money. They are afraid of being trapped in a high position when they have the money. Some people hold the money for a long time because After a small incident, you cut off the stock and left the market. As a result, the price went up as soon as you cut it off. This is a typical death before dawn, so you must have a fixed investment strategy--fixing losses and profits.
Law 2:
You should be aware of the risks after hearing good news. Generally, the corresponding currency will start the market a few days before the good news. If you happen to hold the currency, you should consider cashing in the profits. Your attitude must be Determined! There can be no hesitation. Don't expect to profit from the high point.
Law 3:
When you hear bad news, take aimOf course, the prerequisite for a wave of good currency attacks is bad news with a certain deterrent effect, and after it has been fermented for a period of time, you can gradually place your investment after the bad news gradually subsides.
[Extended Information]
The so-called currency circle is the naturally formed circle of digital currency players. The currency circle is not big, but the number of people is not small, and it is basically a niche among the crowd, but it is still a circle. There are not many people making money, and all kinds of money-making methods are quickly copied, such as ICO, speculation coins, mining, etc.
There are many ways to make money in the currency circle, the most important ones are currency speculation, ICO crowdfunding, brick-and-mortar, etc. The legal currency in the currency circle is legal tender, which is issued by the country and the government and is only guaranteed by government credit, such as RMB, US dollars, etc.
1. Coin circle token
token, usually translated as pass. Token is one of the important concepts in the blockchain. It is more commonly known as "token", but in the eyes of professional "chain circle" people, its more accurate translation is "pass", which represents the area. A proof of stake on the blockchain, not a currency.
Three elements of Token:
The first is digital proof of rights and interests. The token must be a certificate of rights and interests in digital form, representing a right and an inherent and intrinsic value;
The second is encryption, The authenticity, tamper resistance, privacy protection and other abilities of the pass are guaranteed by cryptography;
The third is that it can flow in a network and can be verified anytime and anywhere.
2. Opening a position in the currency circle
Building a position in the currency circle is also called opening a position, which means that a trader newly buys or sells a certain amount of digital currency.
3. Coin Circle Stud
Coin Circle Stud means investing all the principal.
4. Coin Circle Airdrop
Airdrop is currently a very popular cryptocurrency marketing method. In order to provide potential investors and people who are passionate about cryptocurrency with information about the token, the token team will conduct frequent airdrops.

㈥ What are the currency trading platforms?

There are many digital currency trading platforms. Currently, the good ones include COINS.LOVE, Huobi.com, oKcoin, Binance.com, etc. platform. You can read more information and pay attention to market conditions.

㈦ Top 20 exchanges in China’s currency circle

In 2017-2019, various exchanges, large and small, sprung up and were established after two years of shuffling. , there are currently three echelons of exchanges;
1. BNB (Binance) OKB (OK) HT (Huobi)
2. Bkex (Binke) BikiMXCA Network Q Network ZhongbiGate.ioK Network
3. Various other small exchanges
Currently, the first echelon of exchanges is booming, the second echelon is following closely on the basis of continuous innovation, and the third echelon is also seeking new development directions.
At present, the basic businesses of exchanges are similar. They mainly focus on services, user experience, and innovation (new gameplay).
Digital currency is the currency development form of digital economy, 202Since the epidemic in 2000, the digital economy with the main characteristics of "new investment, new consumption, new models, and new business formats" has become an important force in promoting the stable development of my country's economy and society. Digital currency has become another money-making outlet after stock futures and has been More and more global investors are optimistic about it and are rushing to get it first. In this issue, Bijie.com has compiled the top 20 most reliable digital currency exchanges by market capitalization for novice players in the currency circle. Beginners must remember to buy and sell on these large platforms to avoid risks and never trade over the counter.
From the perspective of trading volume, currently the largest domestic exchanges include Binance, Huobi, and OkEx, all of which are among the top ten in global trading volume. Here is a brief introduction to these three major exchanges.
1. Binance
Binance was still a little-known online platform before September 2017. Starting from September 4, domestic regulators classified ICO as illegal. The three major exchanges-Huobi, OKCoin and Bitcoin China were asked to stop trading, which gave Binance an opportunity to rise to the top. The founder of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, is a Canadian. After September, Changpeng Zhao moved the platform overseas, one step ahead of other exchanges. Since then, Binance has gradually surpassed the three major exchanges.
Advantages: The largest user funds
Currently Binance trades 290 digital tokens. When checking the data on March 26, 2018, its trading volume in 24 hours exceeded 9.8 billion yuan. On exchanges with handling fees Ranked first among all exchanges, second only to BitMEX. Calculated based on a 0.1% transaction fee, its 24-hour fee income is close to 10 million yuan.
Founder Zhao Changpeng’s main business in his early years was building online trading systems for exchanges. In 2014, Changpeng Zhao joined OKCoin as co-founder and chief technology officer (CTO). In July 2017, Changpeng Zhao created the Binance platform, conducted an ICO, and issued his own blockchain currency, Binance Coin. The total amount is constant at 200 million, and the founding team including Changpeng Zhao holds 40% of the total amount of Binance coins. As of June 12, 2018, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao recently stated that Binance currently has more than 9 million users.
Disadvantages: Domestic user experience is not very good
In September 2017, seven ministries and commissions including the central bank issued the "Announcement on Preventing Token Issuance Financing Risks". While banning ICO, it will provide trading, exchange and pricing for virtual currencies. , information intermediary and other services are also listed as prohibited items. my country has taken a high-pressure stance on virtual currencies, first banning initial coin offerings (ICOs) and then announcing a complete ban on Bitcoin trading channels. On January 26, the Internet Finance Association of China issued the third ICO-related risk warning. In the "Tips on Preventing Overseas ICO and "Virtual Currency" Transaction Risks", it called on investors to be aware of overseas ICO and "virtual currency" trading platforms. Risks, firmly establish risk prevention awareness, and do not participate or organize any activities involving ICO and "virtual currency" transactions.
Although China bans Bitcoin trading, there are many other countries in the world such as the United States, Japan, Singapore, etc. allow Bitcoin transactions. Therefore, in this form, Binance is expanding into overseas markets. As he said in an interview with "Blue Whale TMT" on January 23, 2018: "Binance has moved out of China as a whole, and its users are basically from overseas." Binance’s own data also states that only 3% of the 6 million registered users are roughly consistent with Chinese users.
Currency theft
The IEO in 19 also caused various exchanges to follow suit. It can be said that the good bull market in 2019 has something to do with Binance, but there are some flaws in security. In 2018 and 19, it was banned for two consecutive years. Stealing coins.
2. Huobi
In May 2013, Li Lin founded Huobi.com, which once occupied more than 50% of the global Bitcoin trading market. Currently, its trading volume is slightly lower than Binance, ranking third. The co-founders of Huobi.com include Du Jun, Zhu Jiawei, etc. Du Jun has gradually faded out of Huobi.com and founded the circle media Golden Finance and the investment institution Node Capital.
Advantages: Mature risk control mechanism, good transaction depth
To prevent malicious market manipulation, the Huobi Contract platform limits the opening and closing prices of different types of contracts. Through the combination of dynamic price limit and hard price limit, "pin insertion" can be prevented to the greatest extent while ensuring that the normal deviation between the contract and spot market is not affected. At the same time, the platform also limits the number of single orders placed by each user to prevent some users from using large quantities of orders in a short period of time to affect normal market prices and prevent market manipulation. In addition, the entire platform also has restrictions on user positions. Single users, single contracts, and the entire platform have corresponding position limits. When the limit is reached, users will not be able to continue to open positions, which prevents some "whales" from using their funds to control market. Coupled with Huobi Contract’s transparent big data and real-time abnormal risk monitoring.
Huobi's Bitcoin and mainstream currency trading depth is excellent, the buying and selling point slippage is small, the transaction loss is relatively low, and it can accommodate large funds to open positions in a short time
Disadvantages: Contracts started late
Only contract trading In terms of user scale, BitME, OKEx and Huobi, as early established exchanges, are equally matched. The two are much ahead of Huobi, including mature quantitative institutions, large investors, ordinary investors, etc.
Low protection for users:
Huobi made its fortune through OTC. When Huobi OTC first started, it attracted a variety of teams to arbitrage on it, and there were even some fraud projects. A large part of the reason It is the platform’s ability to solve problems later and the protection of users that is lacking.
3. OKEx
OKEx is one of the world's famous digital asset trading platforms. It mainly provides currency and derivatives trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum to global users. It is affiliated with OKEx Technology Company Limited. When OKEx was founded, it received millions of dollars in angel investment from the startup workshop established by the world's leading investor Tim Draper. Mr. Tim Draper alsoHe is also an investor in world-leading companies such as Hotmail, Internet, and Tesla.
Advantages: Early establishment, good contract trading experience
OKex, formerly known as OKCoin, is one of the earliest Bitcoin trading platforms in China. It was launched in October 2013 and has users from more than 100 countries. In early 2014, OKEx received an investment of US$10 million from Ceyuan Ventures, a well-known Chinese venture capital fund, and Longling, a subsidiary of the founder of Hong Kong-listed company Meitu. OKEx, as an overseas exchange under the domestic OKcoin, makes many Chinese users tend to use this platform. Three months after OKCoin went online, it reached a monthly transaction record of 2.6 billion. In November, the transaction volume was 8 billion. In December, the OKCoin platform set a record of a maximum daily transaction volume of 4 billion.
The OKEx platform has three trading modules: currency trading, legal currency trading and contract trading. Among them, the largest trading volume belongs to contract trading. The contract types launched include BTC, ETH, BCH, EOS, LTC, BTG and XRP. There are three types of contract periods: current week, next week and quarter. In the field of high-leverage contract trading, BitMEX and OKEx have always been competing for supremacy. In the contract trading market, OKEx has taken advantage of its first move in contract trading and has a large number of contract users and extremely high trading volume.

㈧ How to enter the primary market of the currency circle

Currently many people are unable to participate in primary market investment. The reason is very simple, that is, it is difficult for ordinary people to participate in investment at extremely low prices under the monopoly of large-scale transparent institutions. In addition, the primary market information is relatively closed, the quality of projects is uneven, and investors also need to have the ability to identify. Not every project meets investors’ psychological expectations. Screening can be done from the following perspectives:
The first is the background of the project team, whether the creation team has the corresponding technical background and operational experience for blockchain projects. Obtaining information is not limited to official websites, white papers, communities, media, etc.
The second is the investment institution of the project party. Good projects can attract the participation of well-known institutions through their influence. Then there is the plan to go to the primary market project of the exchange currency exchange circle, which itself is a manifestation of strength. There must be a lot of popularity. More traffic and popularity will attract more people to participate
The total amount of money does not reflect the total social demand, but belongs to the problem of currency balance and the balance of total social supply and demand respectively.
When the money demand is greater than the money supply It will cause falling prices, poor sales of goods, increased corporate inventories, declining national income, economic stagnation, etc. Therefore, the government needs to adjust the supply of money through some macro policies such as expansionary monetary policy.
Specific channels such as Said:
Open market business: The central bank can repurchase already issued bonds, especially short-term circulating treasury bonds, or purchase financial bonds issued by banks, or even bonds issued by enterprises and individuals (not realistic in our country), to increase social The monetary flux in the money supply is used to adjust the money supply (not the issuance of government bonds mentioned above, or the adjustment of the discount rate).Section: By adjusting the discount rate, it affects the realization behavior of some undue bills, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the currency flux. As for your question, it is to lower the discount rate, but the disadvantage of the discount rate policy is that if the market investment enthusiasm is relatively high At that time, his adjustment ability is very limited.
Statutory reserves: Commercial banks all have a part of their funds (withdrawn from deposits or free assets) deposited in the central bank to prepare for emergencies. The withdrawal ratio of this part is the reserve. rate, if this ratio decreases, then commercial banks will have more funds available to issue loans, and the money flux in society will increase accordingly.
There are other relatively short-term adjustments to the money supply. For example, some time ago, the People's Bank of China decided to issue 20 billion short-term loans for 90 days to commercial banks to make up for the short-term shortage of monetary funds during the Spring Festival. However, it was withdrawn after 90 days, so it cannot be regarded as a macro monetary policy. Of course, adjustments It’s not just about simply increasing the money supply. You can also expand money demand, and there are also some financial adjustments such as taxes, budgets, financial subsidies or depreciation rates, etc. Since typing is very hard, I won’t go into details here.

本文来源: 网络 文章作者: 网络投稿

A. 比特币冷钱包哪个好用啊冷钱包就是离线钱包,有硬件冷钱包,类似于u盘之类的存储器。还一种就是用一台不联网的电脑或手机,把比特币钱包文件备份后离线安装储存在里面!切记一定要把钱包的密匙和助记词都用纸