冷钱包 btc bch冷钱包

A. 电脑蓝屏怎么解决***stop:0x000000EA(0x88ECD598,0X8A019130,0XB84F7CBC,0X00000001)


0x000000EA (等同于新式蓝屏表示代码 BCCode: 100000EA)
错误名称0x000000EA:THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (xyz5819 意念时空)
故障分析0x000000EA错误表示显示驱动程序遇到了问题。这个错误一般是因为显卡或显示器的驱动程序存在BUG或安装不正确引起的。 如果遇到0x000000EA错误,建议在Windows中重新安装显卡及显示器驱动程序,看看问题能否解决;如果故障依旧,请使用“替换法”检测计算机的显卡、显示器及主板的PCIE或AGP接口是否工作正常。(xyz5819 意念时空)
解决办法: (xyz5819 意念时空)
1.禁用“停止”消息中标识的驱动程序或所有新近安装的驱动程序(xyz5819 意念时空)
3.禁用“停止”消息中标识的驱动程序或所有新近安装的驱动程序(xyz5819 意念时空)
4.下载安装带微软WHQL认证的显卡驱动, 如果不行, 则需要更换显卡测试故障是否依然发生.
5.打开机箱 检查显卡风扇是否运转 如不运转 则要更换风扇(xyz5819 意念时空)
6.如运转 在检查显卡上的电容是否有爆浆的情况 如爆浆 需更换电容
7.然后拔下显卡 用橡皮擦拭金手指重新插上 再开机试下 (xyz5819 意念时空)
8.如果还是不行 则检查主板上的电容是否有爆浆现象,如爆浆 需更换电容.
9.另外重新拔插内存 更换插槽位置插上 2条内存 拿下一条 再试一下.
用橡皮擦拭金手指再装回去,还不行则需要更换内存条.(xyz5819 意念时空)
0x000000EA:THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (xyz5819 意念时空)
◆错误分析:通常是由显卡或显卡驱动程序引发的.(xyz5819 意念时空)
◇解决方案:先升级最新的显卡驱动, 如果不行, 则需要更换显卡测试故障是否依然发生.
另外,可以下载BlueScreenView,使用它去读取 C:\Windows\minimp\*.dmp文件,看看具体是哪些文件引起的这种蓝屏错误.(xyz5819 意念时空)


☆★☆ 【软硬谦施】 团队(电脑网络)(XYZ5819 意念时空) ☆★☆ 祝顺利,如有帮助,望采纳!

B. stop:0xoooooea(ox8536ebe8;ox8535feooo.oxf78becbc,oxoooooo1)nv4-disp

◇解决方案:先升级最新的显卡驱动, 如果不行, 则需要更换显卡测试故障是否依然发生.

C. 中国神秘事件调查txt全集下载

中国神秘事件调查 txt全集小说附件已上传到网络网盘,点击免费下载:

内容预览:中国神秘事件调查作者:大梦铁马1,休息日更新时间2009-1-9 14:39:51 字数:3498终于结束了,我躺在床上长长地舒了一口气。结束了在沙漠的工作返回都市,第一次感到我的纳米钢质床是这样的可爱,与戴着令人窒息的地底呼吸面具在沙窝里睡觉相比,这个硬梆梆的家伙是那样地柔软舒适;我轻咳了一声,墙壁上的虚拟幕布立刻幻化出一片蓝天和白云,对比鲜明的色彩让我已经习惯沙黄色的眼睛一阵疼痛,但是在这间深埋于地下600多米的单身宿舍里,我从来没有如此惬意。对了,我是一名CBC(中国神秘事件调查组织)成员,四年前,作为国家反恐特勤中队狙击手的我因为战斗技巧的卓著和百步穿杨的枪法被CBC选中,现实撕碎了我可怜的英雄梦想,因为CBC的隐密性和重要的军事战略地位,我和同一战术小队的四名战友成了生活在建筑于地下钢铁囚牢里的土拨鼠。国家为我们这些为人民服务的“幕后英雄”提供了最先进的设备和高科技模拟的地面环境,没有娱乐、没有女人、没有自由,我们就像被政府豢养的猎犬。冰冷的钢铁、发散出枯燥声音的仪器让血液好像凝结了一样,待在CBC总部,感觉自己就像一具不会腐烂的尸体。喜欢每一次出勤的感觉,那让我感到我还活着。我们在沈阳搬运回外星女人焦黑的遗骸;在天池与会喷射闪电的远古亚龙搏斗,在湘西绞杀身中神秘蛊毒的野猪和黑熊……,四个月前,当我在楼兰古城放翻最后一具剧毒古尸的时候,我感到一阵阵的压抑,因为那意味着我将……确认后请采纳

D. 求助,迷上cbc水瓶男怎么破


E. cbc抗凝剂是什么

cbc anticoagulant


应用物理或化学方法,除掉或抑制血液中的某些凝血因子,阻止血液凝固,称为抗凝。能够阻止血液凝固的化学试剂或物质,称为抗凝剂或抗凝物质。 如天然抗凝剂(肝素,水蛭素等) Ca+2鳌合剂(柠檬酸钠,氟化钾)使凝血酶原不能激活,Ca+2是凝血因子IV,其他的是蛋白类》. 离心技术是根据颗粒在匀迷圆周运动时受到一个外向的离心力的行为发展起来的一种分离分析技术。 1.用于工业生产的,如化工、制药、食品等工业大型制备用的离心技术,转速都在每分钟5000转以下。 2.用于生物、医学、化学等实验室分析研究的,转速从每分钟几千到几万转以上,此类技术的使用目的在于分离和纯化样品,以及对纯化样品的有关性能进行研究。 一、基本原理 1.离心力Centrifugal force (F) F=mω2r ω:旋转角速度(弧度/秒) r:旋转体离旋转轴的距离(cm) m:颗粒质量 2.相对离心力 Relative centrifugal force (RCF) RCF 就是实际离心力转化为重力加速度的倍数 RCF=F离心力/F重力 = mω2r/mg= ω2r/g g为重力加速度(980.70g/sec2) 同为转于旋转一周等于2π弧度,因此转子的角速度以每分钟旋转的次数(每分钟转数n或r/min)表示: 一般情况下,低速离心时常以r/min来表示,高速离心时则以g(或数字Xg)表示。 用“X g”表示每分钟转速可以真实反映颗粒在离心管不同位置的离心力。Dole&Cotzias制作了转子速度和半径相对应的离心力列线图(图2—15)。 3.沉降系数 Sedimentation coefficient (S) 当转子内样品绕着旋转轴离心时,样品沉降率是由样品颗粒的大小、形状、密度和溶剂的粘度、密度以及离心加速度决定的,在一般情况下,样品的沉降特征可以用沉降系数来表示: S:是指单位离心场中粒子移动的速度。 S的物理意义是颗粒在离心力作用下从静止状态到达等速运动所经过的时间。 S在实际应用时常在10-13秒左右,故把沉降系数10-13秒称为一个Svedberg单位,简写S,单位为秒,1S二1×10-13秒。对一定的样品,在一定的介质中,样品沉降系数S也常保持不变。文献中常用沉降系数以描述某些生物大分子或亚细胞器大小。 二、离心设备 离心技术所使用的设备是由离心转子、离心管及附件等组成。 (一)离心机 1. 低速离心机 一般最高转速在6000r/min以下。实验室中常用于分离制备。 2.高速离心机 带有能够冷却的离心腔制冷设备,这类离心机的速度控制比上述的低速离心机来得准确,工作时的实际速度和温度可通过仪表显示;配有一定类型及规格的转子,可根据需要选用。此类离心机的最高转速在25000r/min以下,常用于生物大分子的分离制备。 3.超速离心机 由四个部分组成,即驱动和速度控制;温度控制;真空系统以及转于。至今超迷离心机最高转速为85000-/min(可达600,000g左右)。常用于分离亚细胞器、病毒粒于、DNA、RNA和蛋白质分于,在分离时无须加入可能引起被分离物质结构改变的物质,故为观察它们的“天然”结构与功能提供了手段。 (二)转子 主要有三种: 固定角式转子(fixed—angle rotor);水平转子(swing—out rotor);垂直转子(vertical rotor),还有带状转子(zonal rotor)和连续转于(continuous rotor)等。 1.固定角式转子 离心管在离心机中放置的位置与旋转轴心形成一个固定的角度,角度变化在14—40°之间,常见的角度有20°、28°、34°及40°等。 因角式转子的重心低,转速可较高,样品粒子穿过溶剂层的距离略大于离心管的直径;又因为有一定的角度,故在离心过程中撞到离心管外壁的粒子沿着管壁滑到管底形成沉淀,这就是“管壁效应”,此效应使最后在管底聚成的沉淀较紧密。 2.水平转于 此类转于静止时,处在转子中的离心管中心线与旋转轴平行,而在转子旋转加速时,离心管中心线由平行位置逐渐过渡到垂直位置,即与旋转轴成90‘角,粒子的沉淀方向同旋转半径方向基本一致,但也有少量的“管壁效应”。 由于此类转予的重心位置较高,样品粒子沉降穿过溶剂层的距离大于直径。它对于多种成分样品分离特别有效,常用于速率区带离心和等密度离心。 3.垂直转子 离心管垂直插入转于孔内,在离心过程中始终与旋转轴子行,而离心时液层发生90°角的变化,从开始的水平方向改成垂直方向,转子降速时,垂直分布的液层又逐渐趋向水平,待旋转停止后,液面又完全恢复成水平方向。这是因为在进行密度梯度离心前,由于重力的作用,垂直转予的粒子沉淀距离等于离心管的直径,离心分离所徭的离心力最小,适用于速率区带离心和等密度离心,但一般不用于差速离心。 三、离心分离方法 根据离心原理,按照实际工作的需要,目前已有可设计出各种离心方法综合起来大致可分三类 1. 平衡离心法 根据粒子大小、形状不同进行分离,包括差速离心法(differential velocity centrifugation)和速率区带离心法(rate zonal centrifugation)。 2.等密度离心法(isopynic centrifugation)又称等比重离心法,根据粒子密度差进行分离,等密度离心法和上述速率区带离心法合称为密度梯度离心法。 3.经典式沉降平衡离心法 用于对生物大分子分子量的测定、纯度估计、构象变化。 (一)差速离心法 它利用不同的粒子在离心力场中沉降的差别,在同一离心条件下,沉降速度不同,通过不断增加相对离心力,使一个非均匀混合液内的大小、形状不同的粒子分步沉淀。操作过程中一般是在离心后倾倒的办法把上清液与沉淀分开,然后将上清液加高转速离心,分离出第二部分沉淀,如此往复加高转速,逐级分离出所需要的物质。 差速离心的分辨率不高,沉淀系数在同一个数量级内的各种粒子不容易分开,常用于其他分离手段之前的粗制品提取。 2.注意点: ①可用角式、水平式转头 ②可用刹车 ③难以获得高纯度 例:用差速离心法分离已破碎的细胞各组份 (二)速率区带离心法 1.原理 速率区带离心法是离心前在离心管内先装入密度梯度介质(如蔗糖、甘油、KBr、CsCl等),待分离的样品铺在梯度液的顶部、离心管底部或梯度层中间,同梯度液一起离心。离心后在近旋转轴处的介质密度最小,离旋转轴最远处介质的密度最大,但最大介质密度必须小于样品中粒于的最小密度。这种方法是根据分离的粒子其在梯度液中沉降速度的不同,使具有不同沉降速度的粒子处于不同的密度梯度层内分成一系列区带,达到彼此分离的目的。 梯度液在离心过程中以及离心完毕后,取样时起着支持介质和稳定剂的作用,避免因机械振动而引起已分层的粒子再混合。 该离心法的离心时间要严格控制,即有足够的时间使各种粒子在介质梯度中形成区带,又要控制在任意一个粒子达到沉淀前。如果离心时间过长,所有的样品可全部到达离心管底部;离心时间不足,样品还没有分离。由于此法是一种不完全的沉降,沉降受物质本身大小的影响较大,一般是应用在物质大小相异而密度相同的情况。 2.注意点: ①严格控制离心时间 ②粒子密度大于介质密度 ③样品事先配制在较平缓的连续密度的梯度溶液 ④不能用角式转头、只能用水平式转头 ⑤不能用刹车 (三)等密度离心法 1.原理 等密度离心法是在离心前预先配制介质的密度梯度,此种密度梯度液包含了被分离样品中所有粒子的密度,待分离的样品铺在梯度液或和梯度液先混合,离心开始后,当梯度液由于离心力的作用逐渐形成底浓而管顶稀的密度梯度,与此同时原来分布均匀粒子也发生重新分布。当管底介质的密度大于粒子的密度,粒子上浮;在弯顶处粒子密度大于介质密度时,则粒子沉降,最后粒子进入到一个它本身的密度位置即粒子密度等于介质密变,此时dr/dt为零粒子不再移动,粒子形成纯组分的区带,与样品粒子的密度有关,而与粒子的大小和其他参数无关,因此只要转速、温度不变,则延长离心时间也不能改变这些粒子的成带位置。 2.注意点: ①离心时间要长 ②可用角式转头或水平式转头 ③粒子密度相近或相等时不宜用 ④密度梯度溶液中要包含所有粒子密度 ⑤不能用刹车 四、梯度溶液的制备 (一)梯度材料的选择原则: 1.与被分离的生物材料不发生反应,且易与所分离的生物材料分开。 2.可达到要求的密度范围,且在所要求的密度范围内,粘度低,渗透压低,离子强度和pH变化较小。 3.不会对离心设备发生腐蚀作用。 4.容易纯化,价格便宜或容易回收。 5.浓度便于测定,如具有折光率。 6.对于分析超迷离心工作来说,它的物理性质,热力学性质应该是己知的。 (二)梯度材料的应用范围 下面简单介绍几种常用的密度梯度材料的性质及其应用范围。 1.蔗糖:水溶性大,性质稳定,渗透压较高,其最高密度可达1.33g/ml,且由于价格低,容易制备,是现在实验室里常用于细胞器、病毒、RNA分离的梯度材料,但由于有较大的渗透压,不宜用于细胞的分离。 2.聚蔗糖:商品名Ficoll,常采用Ficoll—400也就是相对分子重量为400000,Ficoll渗透压低,但它的粘度却特别高,为此常与泛影葡胺混合使用以降低粘度。主要用于分离各种细胞包括血细胞、成纤维细胞、肿瘤细胞、鼠肝细胞等。 3.氯化铯:是一种离于性介质、水溶性大,最高密度可达1.91g/nd。由于它是重金属盐类,在离心时形成的梯度有较好的分辨率,被广泛地用于DNA、质粒、病毒和脂蛋白的分离,但价格较贵。 4.卤化盐类:KBr和NaCI可用于脂蛋白分离,KI和NaI可用于RNA分离,其分辨率高于铯盐。NaCl梯度也可用于分离脂蛋白,NaI梯度可分离天然或变性的DNA。 5.Percoll: 是商品名,它是一种SiO2胶体外面包了一层聚乙烯吡咯酮(PVP),渗透压低,它对生物材料的影响小,而且颗粒稳定,在冷却和冻融情况下还是稳定的。其粘度高,在酸性pH和高离子强度下不稳定。它可用于细胞、细胞器和病毒的分离。 五、分析性超速离心 与制备性超速离心不同的是:分析性超速离心主要是为了研究生物大分子的沉降特性和结构,而不是专门收集某一特定组分。因此它使用了特殊的转子和检测手段,以便连续地监视物质在一个离心场中的沉降过程。 分析性超速离心的工作原理: 分析性超速离心机主要由一个椭圆形的转子,一套真空系统和一套光学系统所组成。该转子通过一个柔性的轴联接一个高速的驱动装置,这轴可使转于在旋转时形成自己的轴。转子在一个冷冻的真空腔中旋转,其容纳二个小室:分析室和配衡室有上下二个平面的石英窗,离心机中装有的光学系统可保证在整个离心期间都能观察小室中正在沉降的物质,可以通过对紫外光的吸收(如对蛋白质和DNA)或折射率的不同对沉降物进行监视,后一方法的原理是:当光线通过一个具有不同密度区的透明液时,在这些区带的界面上产生光的折射。在分析室中物质沉降时重粒子和轻粒子之间形成的界面就象一个折射的透镜,结果在检测系统的照相底板上产生一“峰”。由于沉降不断进行,界面向前推进,故“峰”也在移动,从峰移动的速度可以得到物质沉降速度的指标.

F. 美国CBC电台关于“迈克尔杰克逊其实没有死”的报道是真还是假








M.J. is the angel

A. How to solve the computer blue screen***stop:0x000000EA(0x88ECD598,0X8A019130,0XB84F7CBC,0X00000001)

Hello friends!

0x000000EA (equivalent to In the new blue screen code BCCode: 100000EA)
Error name 0x000000EA: THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (xyz5819 idea time and space)
Fault analysis 0x000000EA error indicates that the display driver has encountered a problem. This error is usually caused by a bug or incorrect installation of the graphics card or monitor driver. If you encounter the 0x000000EA error, it is recommended to reinstall the graphics card and monitor driver in Windows to see if the problem can be solved; if the fault persists, please use the "replacement method" to check whether the PCIE or AGP interface of the computer's graphics card, monitor, and motherboard is working. normal. (xyz5819 Thought Space and Time)
The 0x000000EA code is that there is a problem with the graphics card driver or the graphics card. The display driver is stuck in an infinite loop. This usually indicates a problem with the video hardware or display driver.
Solution: (xyz5819 Psychic Space-Time)
1. Disable the driver identified in the "Stop" message or all newly installed drivers (xyz5819 Psychic Space-Time)
2. If the computer does not work properly When starting, you should try to start in "Last Known Good Configuration" or "Safe Mode", and then delete or disable newly added programs or drivers.
3. Disable the driver identified in the "Stop" message or all newly installed drivers (xyz5819 idea space and time)
4. Download and install the graphics card driver with Microsoft WHQL certification. If it does not work, you need to replace it. Test the graphics card to see if the fault still occurs.
5. Open the case and check whether the graphics card fan is running. If it is not running, replace the fan (xyz5819 idea of ​​time and space)
6. If it is running, check whether the capacitor on the graphics card is exploded. In case of explosion, the capacitor needs to be replaced
7. Then unplug the graphics card and wipe the gold finger with an eraser, plug it in again and try again (xyz5819 idea of ​​time and space)
8. If it still doesn’t work, check the capacitor on the motherboard. Is there any explosion phenomenon? If the capacitor is exploded, the capacitor needs to be replaced.
9. In addition, re-plug the memory and insert 2 memories into the replacement slot position. Remove one and try again.
Wipe the gold finger with an eraser and try again. Put it back, if it still doesn't work, you need to replace the memory module. (xyz5819 Mind Time and Space)
0x000000EA:THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER (xyz5819 minded space and time)
◆Error analysis: usually caused by the graphics card or graphics card driver. (xyz5819 conceived of time and space)
◇Solution: First upgrade the latest graphics card driver, if not, You need to replace the graphics card to test whether the fault still occurs.
In addition, you can download BlueScreenView and use it to read the C:\Windows\minimp\*.dmp files to see which files are causing this blue screen error. (xyz5819 Mind Time and Space)

The following 6 tips can basically solve the blue screen except for hardware damage:
1. Use DiskGenius> to detect and repair bad sectors on the hard disk,
2. Use an eraser Wipe the golden fingers of the memory module and graphics card, and then put them back
3. Turn on the computer and press F8---Select---"Use "Last Known Good Configuration",
4. Use Driver Wizard (Driver Life) ), will automatically update the appropriate driver for you.
[Note: Be sure to download and install the driver that has passed (WHQL) certification. (xyz5819_Idea Space and Time)]
5. The computer overheats and blue screen, heat dissipation Thoroughly remove dust from the radiator and fan, and then turn on the computer after it has completely cooled down. If it is not possible, replace the radiator + fan.
6. Completely disinfect the system, and then restore the system or restore the system from backup. If this is not possible, you can use the original image installation version to repair the installation or Completely reinstalled.

☆★☆ [Hard and soft] Team (computer network) (XYZ5819 mind time and space) ☆★☆ Good luck, if it helps, I hope you will adopt it!

>◇Solution: Upgrade the latest graphics card driver first. If it doesn’t work, you need to replace the graphics card and test whether the fault still occurs.

C. Download the full txt set of China Mysterious Incident Investigation

China Mystery The complete txt novel attachment of Incident Investigation has been uploaded to the network disk, click to download for free:

Content preview: Investigation of Mysterious Incidents in China Author: Dameng Tiema 1, updated on holidays 2009-1-9 14:39 :51 Word Count: 3498 It was finally over, and I lay on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief. After returning to the city after working in the desert, I felt that for the first timeMy nano-steel bed is so cute. Compared with sleeping in a sand nest wearing a suffocating underground breathing mask, this hard guy is so soft and comfortable; I coughed lightly, and the sound on the wall The virtual curtain immediately transformed into a blue sky and white clouds. The contrasting colors made my eyes, accustomed to sandy yellow, ache. However, I have never been so comfortable in this single dormitory buried more than 600 meters underground. By the way, I am a member of the CBC (Chinese Mysterious Incident Investigation Organization). Four years ago, as a sniper of the National Anti-Terrorism Special Service Squadron, I was selected by the CBC because of my outstanding combat skills and piercing marksmanship. Reality tore my poor Heroic dream, because of the secrecy and important military strategic position of CBC, four comrades in the same tactical team and I became marmots living in an underground steel prison. The state provides us, the "behind-the-scenes heroes" who serve the people, with the most advanced equipment and a high-tech simulated ground environment. Without entertainment, women, and freedom, we are like hounds raised by the government. The cold steel and the instruments that emitted boring sounds made the blood seem to have condensed. Staying at the CBC headquarters, I felt like a corpse that would not rot. I love the feeling of every attendance, it makes me feel alive. We carried back the charred remains of an alien woman in Shenyang; we fought with an ancient dragon that could shoot lightning in Tianchi; we strangled wild boars and black bears with mysterious poison in their bodies in western Hunan... Four months ago, when I was dumped in the ancient city of Loulan When I saw the last poisonous ancient corpse, I felt waves of depression, because it meant that I would... please accept after confirmation

D. Please help, how to break the obsession with CBC Aquarius Man

I think Aquarius men are almost always very enthusiastic when they chase you.
Then, after getting along for a while, they start to become cold. Many girls suffer from this kind of torture ~ I am the same way.
Let’s figure out the development direction of the two of them first. He probably doesn’t want to leave Canada. In the end, if you return to China to develop, you will still be injured

E. What is cbc’s anticoagulant

cbc anticoagulant

cbc anticoagulant

The application of physical or chemical methods to remove or inhibit certain coagulation factors in the blood to prevent blood coagulation is called anticoagulation. Chemical agents or substances that prevent blood from clotting are called anticoagulants or anticoagulants. For example, natural anticoagulants (heparin, hirudin, etc.) Ca+2 chelators (sodium citrate, potassium fluoride) prevent prothrombin from being activated. Ca+2 is coagulation factor IV, and the others are proteins. Centrifugal technology It is a separation analysis technology developed based on the behavior of particles subjected to an outward centrifugal force during uniform circular motion. 1. Centrifugal technology used in industrial production, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industrial large-scale preparations, has a speed of less than 5,000 rpm. 2. For laboratory analysis and research in biology, medicine, chemistry, etc., the rotation speed ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of revolutions per minute.This type of technology is used to separate and purify samples, as well as to study the properties of purified samples. 1. Basic principles 1. Centrifugal force (F) F=mω2r ω: Rotation angular velocity (rad/second) r: Distance between the rotating body and the rotation axis (cm) m: Particle mass 2. Relative centrifugal force (RCF) RCF is the multiple of the actual centrifugal force converted into gravitational acceleration RCF=F centrifugal force/F gravity= mω2r/mg= ω2r/g g is the gravitational acceleration (980.70g/sec2). The same is equal to one rotation. 2π radians, so the angular speed of the rotor is expressed in terms of the number of revolutions per minute (revolutions per minute n or r/min): In general, low-speed centrifugation is often expressed in r/min, and high-speed centrifugation is expressed in g (or the number Xg )express. Using "X g" to express the rotation speed per minute can truly reflect the centrifugal force of particles at different positions in the centrifuge tube. Dole & Cotzias produced a centrifugal force nomogram corresponding to the rotor speed and radius (Figure 2-15). 3. Sedimentation coefficient (S) When the sample in the rotor is centrifuged around the rotation axis, the sample sedimentation rate is determined by the size, shape, density of the sample particles, the viscosity, density of the solvent, and the centrifugal acceleration. In general, the sample The sedimentation characteristics can be expressed by the sedimentation coefficient: S: refers to the speed of particle movement in the unit centrifugal field. The physical meaning of S is the time it takes for particles to move from rest to constant velocity under the action of centrifugal force. S is often around 10-13 seconds in practical applications, so the sedimentation coefficient of 10-13 seconds is called a Svedberg unit, abbreviated as S, and the unit is seconds, 1S=1×10-13 seconds. For a certain sample, in a certain medium, the sample sedimentation coefficient S often remains unchanged. Sedimentation coefficients are commonly used in the literature to describe the size of certain biological macromolecules or subcellular organelles. 2. Centrifugal equipment The equipment used in centrifugal technology is composed of centrifuge rotors, centrifuge tubes and accessories. (1) Centrifuge 1. Low-speed centrifuge generally has a maximum speed below 6000r/min. Commonly used in laboratories for separation and preparation. 2. High-speed centrifuges are equipped with centrifugal cavity refrigeration equipment that can cool the centrifuge. The speed control of this type of centrifuge is more accurate than the above-mentioned low-speed centrifuge. The actual speed and temperature during operation can be displayed through the instrument; it is equipped with a certain type and specification of rotors. Can be selected as needed. The maximum speed of this type of centrifuge is below 25,000 r/min, and it is often used for the separation and preparation of biological macromolecules. 3. Ultracentrifuge consists of four parts, namely drive and speed control; temperature control; vacuum system and rotation. So far, the maximum speed of super centrifuge is 85000-/min (up to about 600,000g). Commonly used to isolate subcellular organelles, virus particles, DNA, and RNAUnlike proteins, there is no need to add substances that may cause structural changes in the separated substances during separation, so it provides a means to observe their "natural" structure and function. (2) There are three main types of rotors: fixed-angle rotor; horizontal rotor (swing-out rotor); vertical rotor, as well as zonal rotor and continuous rotor. rotor) etc. 1. Fixed-angle rotor The position of the centrifuge tube placed in the centrifuge forms a fixed angle with the rotation axis. The angle varies between 14° and 40°. Common angles include 20°, 28°, 34°, and 40°. Because the center of gravity of the angle rotor is low, the rotation speed can be higher. The distance that the sample particles pass through the solvent layer is slightly larger than the diameter of the centrifuge tube; and because of the certain angle, the particles that hit the outer wall of the centrifuge tube during the centrifugation process move along the tube. The wall slides to the bottom of the tube to form a precipitate. This is the "tube wall effect". This effect makes the final precipitate at the bottom of the tube denser. 2. Horizontal rotation When this type of rotation is at rest, the center line of the centrifuge tube in the rotor is parallel to the axis of rotation. When the rotor rotates and accelerates, the center line of the centrifuge tube gradually transitions from a parallel position to a vertical position, that is, at an angle of 90° to the axis of rotation. ' angle, the precipitation direction of particles is basically consistent with the direction of the rotation radius, but there is also a small amount of "tube wall effect". Due to the higher center of gravity of this type of transfer, the sample particles settle through the solvent layer a distance greater than their diameter. It is particularly effective for the separation of multi-component samples and is commonly used in rate zone centrifugation and isopycnic centrifugation. 3. The vertical rotor centrifuge tube is inserted vertically into the hole and is always aligned with the rotating axis during the centrifugation process. During centrifugation, the liquid layer changes at a 90° angle, from the initial horizontal direction to the vertical direction. When the rotor slows down, the vertical direction changes. The distributed liquid layer gradually becomes horizontal. After the rotation stops, the liquid level completely returns to the horizontal direction. This is because before density gradient centrifugation, due to the effect of gravity, the vertically transferred particle sedimentation distance is equal to the diameter of the centrifuge tube, and the centrifugal force required for centrifugal separation is the smallest. It is suitable for rate zone centrifugation and isopycnic centrifugation, but is generally not used. Centrifuge at differential speed. 3. Centrifugal Separation Methods According to the principle of centrifugation and the needs of actual work, various centrifugal methods have been designed and can be roughly divided into three categories: 1. Equilibrium centrifugation method separates particles according to their different sizes and shapes, including differential centrifugation Method (differential velocity centrifugation) and rate zonal centrifugation (rate zonal centrifugation). 2. Isopynic centrifugation, also known as isopycnic centrifugation, separates particles based on density differences. Isopycnic centrifugation and the above-mentioned rate zone centrifugation are collectively called density gradient centrifugation. 3. Classic sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation method is used to determine the molecular weight and purity of biological macromolecules.design and conformational changes. (1) Differential centrifugation method. It uses the difference in the sedimentation of different particles in the centrifugal force field. Under the same centrifugal conditions, the sedimentation speed is different. By continuously increasing the relative centrifugal force, particles of different sizes and shapes in a non-uniform mixture can be made. Stepwise precipitation. During the operation, the supernatant is usually separated from the precipitate by pouring after centrifugation, and then the supernatant is centrifuged at a high speed to separate out the second part of the precipitate. In this way, the speed is increased back and forth to separate out the required substances step by step. The resolution of differential centrifugation is not high, and various particles with sedimentation coefficients within the same order of magnitude are not easy to separate. It is often used to extract crude products before other separation methods. 2. Points to note: ① Angular and horizontal rotors are available ② Brakes are available ③ High purity is difficult to obtain Example: Use differential centrifugation to separate components of broken cells (2) Rate zone centrifugation 1. The principle rate zone centrifugation method is to load the density gradient medium (such as sucrose, glycerol, KBr, CsCl, etc.) into the centrifuge tube before centrifugation, and the sample to be separated is placed on the top of the gradient liquid, the bottom of the centrifuge tube, or in the middle of the gradient layer. Centrifuge the gradient solution together. After centrifugation, the density of the medium near the rotation axis is the smallest, and the density of the medium farthest from the rotation axis is the highest, but the maximum medium density must be less than the minimum density of the particles in the sample. This method is based on the different sedimentation speeds of the separated particles in the gradient liquid, so that the particles with different sedimentation speeds are divided into a series of zones in different density gradient layers to achieve the purpose of separation from each other. The gradient liquid acts as a supporting medium and stabilizer during the centrifugation process and after the centrifugation is completed, to prevent remixing of stratified particles due to mechanical vibration. The centrifugation time of this centrifugation method must be strictly controlled, that is, there is enough time for various particles to form zones in the medium gradient, and it must be controlled before any particle reaches precipitation. If the centrifugation time is too long, all the samples will reach the bottom of the centrifuge tube; if the centrifugation time is not enough, the samples will not be separated. Since this method is an incomplete sedimentation, the sedimentation is greatly affected by the size of the material itself. It is generally applied when the materials are of different sizes but have the same density. 2. Note: ① Strictly control the centrifugation time ② The particle density is greater than the density of the medium ③ The sample is prepared in advance in a relatively gentle continuous density gradient solution ④ Angular rotors cannot be used, only horizontal rotors can be used ⑤ Brakes (3) cannot be used, etc. Density centrifugation method 1. The principle of isopycnic centrifugation is to pre-prepare the density gradient of the medium before centrifugation. This density gradient liquid contains the density of all particles in the sample to be separated. The sample to be separated is spread on the gradient liquid or mixed with the gradient liquid first. After centrifugation starts, , when the gradient liquid gradually forms a density gradient with a concentration at the bottom and a dilution at the top of the tube due to the centrifugal force, at the same time, the originally uniformly distributed particles are also redistributed. When the density of the medium at the bottom of the tube is greater than the density of the particles, the particles float up; when the density of the particles at the top of the bend is greater than the density of the medium, the particles settle. Finally, the particles enter a density position of their own, that is, the particle density is equal to the density change of the medium. At this time, dr /dt is zero and the particles no longer move, and the particles form a zone of pure components.It is related to the density of the sample particles and has nothing to do with the size of the particles and other parameters. Therefore, as long as the rotation speed and temperature remain unchanged, extending the centrifugation time cannot change the banding position of these particles. 2. Note: ① The centrifugation time should be long ② Angular rotor or horizontal rotor can be used ③ It is not suitable to use when the particle density is similar or equal ④ The density gradient solution must contain all particle densities ⑤ Do not use brakes 4. Preparation of gradient solution (1) ) Selection principles of gradient materials: 1. It does not react with the separated biological material and is easily separated from the separated biological material. 2. The required density range can be achieved, and within the required density range, the viscosity is low, the osmotic pressure is low, and the changes in ionic strength and pH are small. 3. Will not corrode centrifugal equipment. 4. Easily purified, cheap or easily recycled. 5. Concentration is easy to measure, such as having a refractive index. 6. For analyzing supercentrifugal work, its physical properties and thermodynamic properties should be known. (2) Application scope of gradient materials The following is a brief introduction to the properties and application scope of several commonly used density gradient materials. 1. Sucrose: has high water solubility, stable properties, and high osmotic pressure. Its maximum density can reach 1.33g/ml. It is low in price and easy to prepare. It is a gradient material commonly used in the laboratory for the separation of organelles, viruses, and RNA. However, due to the large osmotic pressure, it is not suitable for cell separation. 2. Polysucrose: The trade name is Ficoll. Ficoll-400 is often used, which means the relative molecular weight is 400,000. Ficoll has low osmotic pressure, but its viscosity is particularly high. Therefore, it is often mixed with diatrizoate meglumine to reduce the viscosity. Mainly used to separate various cells including blood cells, fibroblasts, tumor cells, mouse liver cells, etc. 3. Cesium chloride: It is an independent medium with high water solubility and the highest density can reach 1.91g/nd. Because it is a heavy metal salt, the gradient formed during centrifugation has better resolution and is widely used for the separation of DNA, plasmids, viruses and lipoproteins, but it is more expensive. 4. Halide salts: KBr and NaCI can be used for lipoprotein separation, KI and NaI can be used for RNA separation, and their resolution is higher than that of cesium salts. NaCl gradients can also be used to separate lipoproteins, and NaI gradients can separate native or denatured DNA. 5. Percoll: is the trade name. It is a SiO2 colloid coated with a layer of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). It has low osmotic pressure and has little impact on biological materials. The particles are stable and are stable under cooling, freezing and thawing. . It has high viscosity and is unstable at acidic pH and high ionic strength. It can be used for the isolation of cells, organelles and viruses. 5. Analytical ultracentrifugation is different from preparative ultracentrifugation in that analytical ultracentrifugation is mainly used to study the sedimentation characteristics and structure of biological macromolecules, rather than specifically collecting a specific component. Therefore it uses special rotors and detection means to continuously monitor the settling process of substances in a centrifugal field. How analytical ultracentrifugation works: Analytical ultracentrifugationThe heart machine is mainly composed of an oval rotor, a vacuum system and an optical system. The rotor is connected to a high-speed drive via a flexible shaft that allows the rotor to form its own axis as it rotates. The rotor rotates in a refrigerated vacuum chamber, which houses two small chambers: the analysis chamber and the taring chamber have quartz windows on the upper and lower planes. The optical system installed in the centrifuge ensures that the chamber can be observed throughout the centrifugation period. Substances that are settling can be monitored through absorption of ultraviolet light (such as proteins and DNA) or differences in refractive index. The principle of the latter method is: when light passes through a transparent liquid with different density areas, Refraction of light occurs at the interface of these zones. The interface formed between heavy and light particles when matter settles in the analysis chamber acts like a refractive lens, resulting in a "peak" on the photographic plate of the detection system. As sedimentation continues and the interface advances, the "peak" is also moving. From the speed of the peak movement, we can get an indicator of the material's sedimentation speed.

F. CBC Radio in the United States on "Michael Jackson is not actually dead" "Are the reports true or false?

Why are they all like this?
I am also a M.J. fan! ! I cried for two days and two nights after hearing the news of his death! !
I also believed that M.J. was not dead!
M.J was already surrounded by scandals even before his death (the quotation marks are added to make people who don’t believe in his death sad)! !
After his death, even us Mai fans began to discuss him! He will be restless in heaven! !
Besides, if it was true that M.J. was not dead, wouldn’t he feel sad seeing this?

Maybe we need to be more mature! ! !

Everyone wants to do a comedy! ! !
But there is no eternal comedy! ! !

What is the purpose of M.J.’s resurrection? Hype? He doesn't need it! ! ! Someone who can beat Disney in record sales would not do this! ! !
In order to clear yourself of the scandal that the media has said about you? The effect is quite remarkable! ! But if he was resurrected, wouldn't the media start talking nonsense again? ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ?
Is it just M.J.’s genius idea? ? ? Although M.J. has a mental age of ten, he is not that naive. With his economic acumen, is he still confused about the above issues?

We all hold the fantasy of M.J being resurrected! ! ! But what are the consequences? How many people have considered it?
M.J. knows that we don’t want to lose a king, so we fantasize like this, but if you really love M.J. and think about it from his perspective... Do you think M.J. will feel better?

M.J. is not such a person. He will not make the fans he loves and love him commit suicide just because he wants to create a miracle of resurrection from the dead! ! ! Don’t ever say that M.J. didn’t think of the above points! ! ! M.J.fans will not believe M.J.What a fool, besides! M.J. is not stupid at all! ! !

[The above is just my personal opinion ~ and it is also to advise you Mai fans who are discussing whether Mai is dead or alive! ! ! If I really loved M.J., I wouldn’t be so naive]

(Actually, when I typed these words, I couldn’t believe myself~~ I didn’t want to believe that M.J. just left like this! Neither did I I can believe that this was once written by a person who was arguing with others to prove that M.J. was not dead! But... we should stop being so naive!!!!)
M.J. is the angel

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